How to include third-party people in your Wi-Fi network.

Not working

Date of publication: 05.11.2012 We all heard about spillage wi-fi router

oh, and I’m afraid that anyone can guess the password and connect to our Internet.

In this article, I will show you a 100% way to detect and identify malicious users connecting to your router.

Self-defenseist Before we begin to describe the problem, I want to tell you about a little self-protection and prevention. Before installing the router, change your username and password.
Most of the passwords that are given as a reminder are easy to spot.
Standard passwords are either simple or based on a unique algorithm.

You can find libraries on the Internet standard passwords for any kind of router.

Before that, it is necessary to change the name of the measure.

If the owner of the router gives the standard name, it is believed that the owner of the router is a newbie.


Well, you got attracted and launched the program.

You will learn this:

When you start the program, you should immediately scan the map to look for connected devices.
After completing the scan, you will see a list of devices, including your router.
In order with each device, the name, MAC address, manufacturer of the adapter and identification information are indicated.
As you see in the other image, it is shown to the robot by the program on my computer. For this reason, I specially obscured the fields with the MAC address and the name of the device. What are we doing here: – this is the same wi-fi router. The device information field says “Your router”, which means “Your router” - this is the computer on which I ran this program.

The device information field says “Your computer.” – tse unknown device

, what is connected to my router. Vlasna, this is my laptop. If I plug in the laptop, then

this row


It's simple.

If you have unknown devices connected to you, you will need to change the password or encryption type.

This program cannot enable devices; it only shows you statistics and information.

For most routers, you can view connection statistics through the web interface.


I’m surfing the net via Wi-Fi (connecting with my brother), what can you tell me? what sites I follow, with whom I correspond, etc.

The web interface is not on the disk.

Open any browser and enter either or Then the page with the settings of the router will open in the browser, after you change the password.

If your provider installed the router for you, you can call them at tech support.

I have a Wi-Fi network, how can I change the password if I can’t find the disk with the router’s web interface?

The program is working fine, get rid of everyone, now I’m calm

Olga, I checked two tablets: one was recognized, and the other was not.

I don’t know what the reason is, but the program doesn’t recognize the device’s actions.

I think you just need to set up a special program.

As soon as I understand what the problem is, I’ll add to the article...

I launched the program but it doesn’t show the tablet connections why Cool! Simple and brilliant! Artem, thank you, I recently installed my Wi-Fi and I feel like I have been tormented by food for the rest of the time)

Dmitry, the connection history can only be viewed through the web interface of the router, as it transmits.

And there are no programs around it, so it’s not enough to monitor the system continuously, so how to run the program is listed in the statistics.

I'm flying.

What kind of program is this that shows connections that are no longer active (like the fact that no one is connected at the moment, but for example, they connected a while ago) Look back at the history??? Natasha, to unblock him, you need to go to the web interface of your router (you can also change your password there). For whom in the browser in address row enter or If your router was installed by your provider, you can call them and they will instruct you.

and show me how to log in to my wi-fi, and how to change the password, then show me how

Anton, you have a lot of problems with adjusting the measurements.

There may be a problem with the MAC address.

The wisest thing to do is not to call your provider's technical support.

Plus I recommend reading this:

Given the situation in Syria, it’s time to guess how the Americans are fighting: their soldiers use one hand to hold a bag at the base, and with the other they launch radio-coated missiles at some Churkistan.

Without noise, I drank blood.

After the nineties, the world became increasingly aware of computers, the Internet, tablets and smartphones.

Radio-electronic warfare technologies have, of course, evolved to the level of fantastic fighters.

Today, the development of REB complexes in Russia is carried out by the special, great Concern “Radio Electronic Technologies” (KRET), which is part of the Rostec corporation. About the new tricks and gadgets of our RIA Novin days, the intercessor of the concern’s general director, Yuri Mayevsky, spoke about new days. In his words, today's cats REB work not only on earth, but in space.

They disorientate the enemy's radio-electronic systems through the use of “passcodes” and can completely protect them.

Don't worry about space.

Currently, the development of capabilities is underway to help neutralize the space explosion and battle stations that the United States would like to have.

Designers will always have to marvel at the future. Just as today's super-modern technology was designed 10 years ago, the radio-electronic systems of tomorrow may be relevant for the next 25 years. Share the characteristics of the animal

The number, by the yak, are attached to the Makovsky, the clutch of preparation adequately in the nebulas of the American LITAK "GROULER" (LITARY RADIOLECTRON BORS - "EA -18 Growler"), Yaki Vikonnya Rosvyk, the stump of the Suppetor's Suppetor.

Moreover, according to Mayevsky, from low directness we are ahead of competitors.

It is planned to have 70% of the new generation technology in the country by 2020. Nina is close to 35%. The main problem on this road is among the non-statists of the Fahivites.

Today's young people want to be managers and lawyers, but not radio designers.

And if you want to rely on the share of office plankton, then you will need at least 10 years of professional training. Aside from that, Russia has already laid the foundations of the future. In this regard, I will try to respond to a very popular diet, as in most cases it is important to explain.

I often write in the comments about some problem with Wi-Fi, I read the food several times, but I can’t understand anything. And for nutrition, I suggest several foods to understand what the problem is, and to clarify required information

  • . Let's talk today about the unstable operation of the Internet when connected to Wi-Fi.
  • We will try to figure out what the instability of the connection itself is, what the problem may be, and what can be done to resolve the problems of the droneless survey. Outbreaks happen when the Internet doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to. (when connected via cable, the fluidity is always stable).
  • Unstable Wi-Fi connection. Here you can bring a large number of problems with connections. ) .
  • For example, if the device is connected before the second or third time. Otherwise, the singer has no place(For example, for the router, about this problem, I already wrote

If you notice any problems, a.k.a.

  • don't make a mistake . For example, the Internet works fine for many days, and then unexplained problems with Wi-Fi begin again.
  • Or, as I already wrote, the lies are all good, but today the connection is unstable.

This list can be continued, but I think the essence is clear.

I would only like to exclude from this list popular problems that have their own peculiarities, and that have already been written about in addition to the statistics:

Setting “ ” on computers, or if connected to

mobile devices

є, ale.

Reminders on mobile devices: , and “ ”. The most common problem with unstable Wi-Fi What kind of universal solution do I have? And there are also no special adjustments that can help regulate the stability of the robot. It is necessary to try and make decisions.) I will give a lot of pleasure to those who are responsible for helping you in this difficult situation.

Reset your router and laptop (smartphone, tablet, etc.). This is the first thing you need to earn. Just turn on the lifeline from the router and turn it back.

Also, restart the device that you are planning to connect to, otherwise you may experience problems.

It is necessary to understand what the problem is. Everything here is simple. We need to know who is to blame.

This could be your router or the device itself

(Computer, smartphone, etc.). How can you earn money?, then your Internet connection may experience various and unexplained problems that are difficult to explain.

Read about how to change the channel in the statistics.

This is the most important and effective joy.

We are updating the security software on the router.


If nothing comes of it, write about your problem in the comments.

Try to describe the problem as clearly as possible. Let's sort it out together. If you would like to add something to the article, I will only be very interested. All the best!

More on the site: Unstable work Internet via Wi-Fi: it’s good to solve the problem

updated: Kviten 23, 2014 by:


My neighbors (like the neighbors of all other people) are constantly saying: either the drilling of the wall with a hammer drill will wake me up, then the drunken (and maybe even loudly) neighbors scream so that the walls begin to vibrate from the sound or that beat up against the walls of this room, and then some wise guy taps on the radiator, trying to make them shut up, and thereby making more noise throughout the entire alarm system.

Zagalom, the orchestra from our booth is absolutely useless. The axis and I want to take revenge on the neighbors, but also to take revenge so that no one can feel the acoustics, and in order to avoid making noise on the Wi-Fi with the radio noise themselves different frequencies