How to change the VKontakte font on a computer How to increase the “VKontakte” font: a few simple solutions to the problem

You may have noticed that on websites the font and text can vary in both shape and size. This data can be changed by the official or site administrator. As a rule, the font is chosen in such a manner as to influence all the koristuvachs. This, however, does not control, for example, those people who have problems in sight. There is no point in worrying about this drive, as there is a simple way out of this situation.

Kerivnitstvo VKontakte started talking about people who have problems with reading on the site, so in the social media settings you can find a point where you can easily increase the font.

To do this, you need to go to the “My Settings” section, the “Reception” tab.

Move the page down, there is an item called “Adjusting your new look.”

Check the box next to “Select larger fonts”, after which the font will be reduced in size.

Just wait, the difference is visible to the naked eye.

Why bother, since the fonts are still not big enough? There is another way to solve this problem, and in this case it is a matter of any site, and not just VKontakte. Everything you need is this keyboard and Misha. The axis needs to be earned.

Press and hold the CTRL key and then begin turning the wheel on your mouse. Rukh up (up) increases the scale of the story, and collapse (down) changes the scale. Just roll the wheel more carefully, otherwise you can make the scale much larger.

For those of you who have a birthday, it’s not worth worrying about. The same procedure can be carried out using only the keyboard. To do this, press the CTRL key, then press the + (plus) button to increase the scale of the page or the (minus) button to change it. And remember that after re-engaging the page in this case, the font size becomes the same as it was originally.

And the axis for you is the butt side to a larger scale:

And after increasing the scale by 200%:

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Many of the social networks on VKontakte do not have a completely user-friendly interface on their page, so they often need to ask how to change the font on the contact. The creators of the site emphasized the individuality of tastes and expanded the design, establishing how you can change not only the style, but also the font of the contact. The font size can be adjusted to suit your needs. For design themes, you can change the font in two ways.

  1. A folding method that transfers knowledge to HTML hypertext markup. In addition, you must be aware of working with related style sheets.
  2. The simplest way to create a font of the required style and size in Contact, accessible to anyone and lies in the interest and installation of a ready-made set of themes. After installing and unpacking the design, make sure to place all the files that are in the archive in one folder.

How to install a theme in Opera

  1. Open the “Customization” menu item – the “Advanced settings” tab and go to the “Extensions” tab.
  2. In the “Instead” section, press the “Adjust styles” button and go to the “Display modes” tab.
  3. Place a checkmark next to the “My style sheet” row.
  4. We open the VKontakte page and select the item under the title “Customization for the site”, after which we move to the “View” tab.
  5. We press the “Look” button and look for a file with extended css that dad has with his recently unpacked theme. Press the "OK" button.

How to install a theme in Mozilla Firefox

  1. Before you install the theme, you need to go to the steps and install the Stylish addon.
  2. We open the file with extended css, which is located in the archive, and copy it instead.
  3. In the Stylish menu, a new style is created and copied to a new one css file(Insert between ( ) figured arms), press and save.

How to install a theme in Internet Explorer

  1. In the “Service” menu, open the “Browser Power” item.
  2. On the “Design” tab we click on “Design”.
  3. In the window we put a tick - “Design, vikorist style of koristuvach.”
  4. Press the “Look” button, then select the file with extended css and make changes.

Handiness of spilkuvaniya is one of the primary tasks of social measures. What's the point of working if exchanging messages and posting new things becomes uncomfortable, because the font needs to be different? The skin of your computer, tablet or smartphone is ideal. In connection with these social networkers, who often spend a lot of time online, they ask questions about how to increase the font “VKontakte”. To solve this problem, it is even simpler Swedish ways. Hey, let's figure it out together.

We are changing the adjustment of the koristuvach

The font layout for “Contact” is a little smaller than on other sites. It's easy to get help for help standard adjustments. You need to go to your page and select “My settings” in the left column. The remaining part of the “Zagalne” tab will be the row “Vikoristovat bolsheni fonts”. We put a “tick” opposite it and are glad that we have found a way to enlarge the “VKontakte” font quickly and easily.

We can adjust the parameters in the browser

If after the first method of reading you did not find it comfortable and the letters are still in front of your eyes, then let’s try to adjust the settings of your Internet browser. And even if you look at it, it’s the same for changing the font “VKontakte” and on any other site. We will need to go to the main menu of the browser and set the page scale:

  • In Opera, the “Main Menu” button is located in the upper left corner, press it, then from the list select the “Side” (another option) and “Scale” item;
  • V Internet Explorer The required button is placed on the outer panel with the right hand and pressed on it. Next, select the “Scale” item and adjust it to the required size;
  • at Google Chrome smut The menu can already be found in the upper right corner. In the list that appears, the parameters for scale and adjustment are known by pressing the active buttons + and -;
  • To increase the font in the Mozila Firefox browser, open the “View” tab, located in the upper left corner, select the “Scale” item in the menu and then “enlarge” or “change”.

A scale of 120-150% will be very easy to read. Moreover, the text and images will become larger not only for “VKontakte”, but for all related sites. Don’t forget that if the display scale is over 100%, then you will have to use the vertical one horizontal smudge scrolling

Everything is in your hands

Another most advanced and simplest way to increase the size of the “VKontakte” font is literally in our hands. Press the Ctrl (Control) key on the keyboard and turn the mouse upside down. This simple move increases the scale of the page. As soon as the optimal size is set, simply release the pin.

Another option: hold down the Ctrl key and adjust the scale by pressing the buttons on the keyboard with the symbols “+” and “-” (on the right side of the panel with numbers or above the letters). Pressing the “+” key on your skin adds 10% to the scale. If you have Windows 7, you can use a special tool to increase the font size. It's called an electronic magnifying glass. There you will see pressing the Win keys (the black square between Ctrl and Alt) and “+”/“-”. With this help you can decipher any text you find.

For smartphone and tablet

To increase the font size on your gadget, open the page and spread your thumb and small fingers apart diagonally along the device, so as to expand the image. You will increase the scale of the page yourself and you will be able to easily read the desired font. Turn everything around the exit side to help turn the gate.

The site seems to encourage its members to read the text through a different font on the web version of the site. To avoid confusion, you can increase the font size in Contacts.

We are aware of a method that can easily be used by any kind of koristuvach. You will have to worry about any sites on which you would like the readers to be larger.

Changing the browser font

Everything here is simple. I'll show off my butt Google browser Chrome, but it is possible to robiti maizhe in any case. Browsing on the VK page, There is a menu button at the top right corner of the browser There are three vertically placed points. We will emboss it on it and add it to the list “Scale 100%” with a minus and a plus.

By clicking on plus or minus, you can change the size of letters on any site, and the browser will remember it. When you come into contact again, the font will be larger, at the same scale as it was previously installed.

Just don't go to the browser menu, it's enough press the Ctrl key and rotate the mouse with the thumbwheel— the scale can also be changed depending on the size you need.

How can I change the font using additional VK settings?

It was possible to earn money earlier. In settings you will be able to select "Larger fonts".

And after changing the design to the new one, 2016, this item in the menu has been adjusted. Possibly, VKontakte distributors believed that new design Does not cause problems with different fonts.

Different fonts in browsers are a problem for wealthy business owners. I would like to see the sound on monitor screens, which have a small screen diagonal of 15-19 inches and a separate size of 1024×768. On such monitors, icons, fonts, and everything else appear in a better appearance. People can also have problems with their eyes, which makes it difficult for them to see different fonts on today’s wide-format monitors. Spilling at social measures For example, on VKontakte, it is necessary to regularly manage your messages and read the hallways. At this moment, you would like to ensure the most comfortable conditions for your eyes, so there is food for that - how to increase the font in the contact? This can be done in three ways - by adjusting the browser, adjusting the size of the system fonts, or adjusting the screen size separately.

We will look at universal methods and by changing the settings on your computer, other sites will also open in the required version.

Adjusting the scale in browsers

It is important to understand at first that this procedure involves not only the font, but also the design of the web page: pictures, menus, etc... Let's take a look at the 3 most popular browsers and their font adjustments. It’s also your responsibility to know what’s going on universal method To increase the scale in browsers, we will tell you a little more about this below.

U Google Chrome Enlarging the font is very easy. You just need to go to the browser menu and increase (change) the scale in the main row.

In Opera, this procedure is completed in a similar way. The scaling factor is 10%. You can also easily change the scale according to your needs.

Browser Mozilla Firefox does not affect the browsers that we previously discussed with you, and everything works in the same way.

IMPORTANT! It is recommended to change the web display scale itself rather than adjusting the fonts. Changing the scale guarantees results, but changing fonts can disrupt the correct display of the page and does not require an hour.

There are also hotkey combinations in larger fonts that exist in all browsers. To increase it, press the Ctrl key and press + (plus), to change the same way, but with - (minus). Another method is to scroll the bear's wheel while the Ctrl key is pressed. This applies not just to browsers, but to the entire Windows system.

Adjusting the size of system fonts

If this option is not suitable for you, and you want to find out other ways to increase the font size in your contacts, then the following information is for you. Not only that, there is an increase in fonts in the browser, and in the entire system. If you look at the problem in general, then you should try to increase the font in the browser through an uncomfortable experience, which, above all, causes discomfort when working in other programs. To correct this problem, we press right button Click on your desktop and select “Personalization”.

Near the window, at the bottom of the screen, select “Screen”.

Next, you need to select the optimal font size and type “Zastosuvati”. The system will need to exit the streaming session and restart the setup. This process takes just a few seconds and allows the user to increase the size of the font in the system, browsers and any programs that are used for editing. In this case, the individual display of the screen is not changed and the amount of information that is displayed on the screen is no longer good.

Changing separate parts of the screen

With increased screen space, the font size of all windows and programs that are displayed increases. At the same time, the size of the objects that appear throughout operating system Therefore, it is better to carry out this procedure for those who are prosperous, since they are looming problems in sight. It is necessary to correctly select the optimal separation of the screen in order to preserve the proportions of the display of elements. In another case, the stench may be extended horizontally or vertically.

I think these methods have influenced our modern diet, like increasing the font in the contact. In my opinion, myself best option For this purpose, change your browser settings.