How to pick up documents (analyses, etc.) from the doctor’s office. The capital has created a database for recording and collecting test results in an electronic view. Receive tests

To quickly gain the right to receive cost-free medical care in our country, it is necessary to take out a compulsory social insurance policy. About those medical services that can be canceled with a health insurance policy in your hands, we know in our statistics.

What kind of analyzes are we entitled to?

The presence of the policy gives the right to withdraw:

  • uncomplicated medical assistance (if you call for Swedish assistance or an independent animal seeks medical assistance);
  • outpatient treatment (to be ordered and consulted with physicians at a medical facility after the place of registration);
  • inpatient treatment (treatment in a hospital on a day or hospital basis)

In the absence of emergency medical care or hospital care, nutrition is not available. If necessary, physicians take necessary tests at home and prescribe treatment. As far as rejoicing in the clinic, not everything is so simple.

Paid or cost-free: who believes?

Either way, the celebration begins with the creation of analyses. Having a health insurance policy in your hands, most of them can be sold without costs. However, for that you still end up losing a lot of money. Therefore, if the doctor at the clinic writes a referral for analysis, which requires spending money in a private laboratory, then there is no need to rush. To begin with, check with your insurance company about the availability of cost-free tests with compulsory medical insurance, and then make a decision.

Guidingly short list what you can give to the clinic without cost:

  • blood: outdoor indicators, for HIV infection, glucose, hormones, etc.;
  • slaughter: zagalni displays, shodo Nechiporenka shodo;
  • feces: hidden displays, eggworm, coprogram etc.;
  • analysis for the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics, bacteriophages, etc.

The list of leads is far from complete. Check with the insurance company for the remaining list of traces. For this there are two options:

  • especially;
  • telephone hotline.

How can I get a direct referral for analysis under compulsory medical insurance?

To complete the analysis cost-free, you need to go to the medical office at the registration office. For this you need to make an appointment with a specialized doctor. After looking at the assessment of your condition, the doctor writes a direction for their delivery. In this case, the following scheme works:

  • the direction is given for delivery to any medical organization;
  • Since there is no possibility of a cost-free outcome for this organization, the doctor's requests should be directed to another medical institution;
  • If this analysis cannot be performed without cost in your locality, the doctor will provide a referral for the analysis at a private laboratory on a paid basis.

Rules for turning pennies

If the purpose of the payment is bypassing the scheme described above, you were created, and then it was discovered that your rights to the withdrawal of cost-free medical assistance were violated, then you can return the money you spent. Why do you need:

  • mothers have checks in their hands, which confirm the fact of payment for the tests;
  • The mother was referred to a doctor for paid tests.

Next, you should specifically contact your insurance company for clarification on what tests are included before the health insurance policy. Once the analysis you have completed, enter before the transfer of cashless money, you must write a statement about the return of the wasted pennies. Apparently, the designated term will win money.

Taking advantage of the ignorance and lack of understanding of people, unscrupulous medical practitioners It is not uncommon to send tests for a fee, which can be done without cost. Therefore, so as not to become a toy in anyone’s hands, carefully exercise your rights, and if they are violated, get a refund of the pennies you spent. Even cost-free analyzes from the health insurance policy can remove the skin of the Russian population. No one can steal your rights except you!

Video on the topic

Raptom who needs it.

Also, who remembers we were in the hospital the last time, and this time I decided to take ALL the documents and analyzes that we did there. Moreover, print out the copy itself, and not the description of any doctor (who follows up on these test results and follows up) on the doctor’s note. No matter what I said, ALE:

First of all: never again, and far from ever again, will the doctor’s office be provided with all the data and test results. Either they forgot, or for any other reason. - marvel at the writer’s impression of everything being taken away. + for example, not all results are provided by tests such as X-rays, ECG, etc.

Other: These analyzes may then be necessary in case of relapse (recurrence of illness in a short period of time), if you continue to treat the cause of illness or with another doctor. And they may also be needed for the treatment options prescribed to you by another doctor, if necessary.

We have obstructive bronchitis, and if we get to the doctor, we need to immediately order an x-ray, ECG and standard tests for ovarian mucosa, OAM, UAC, etc. During the registration, for the first time, they did not write down some of the analyses, did not describe anything else, did not give an x-ray because they said it was a doctor’s authority, and did not give an ECG for the same reasons. How many times did they not want to give them for another reason “this is the power of the insurance company, as these documents are in front of them!” And we previously had to send all the tests to the exit from the hospital, and they had to order x-rays for the doctor who treated us after. Out of grief, we were then given an x-ray for an hour, and then only after we were exposed to something else. That's when I was determined to take EVERYTHING! and a copy of everything. It’s only possible, that’s more, as I already know - it’s written in the law. Moreover, the doctors themselves are to blame for telling you about this. And every authority of the doctor and the insurance company does not provide documents! They don’t tell you to give them through those who often record in the history and other documents of the application for treatment, which they then write off themselves or take money and hide their sins from you in the treatment. i. This was said especially to me, and I read the stories of the illness more than once, then I looked into it and dealt with the stinks. And I was also told by 3 doctors, another head. to branches.

Let's now move on to removing documents that you think CANNOT be given to you for information!


Article 22 Information about the health camp

4. representative I have the right to have immediate access to medical documentation, maintains the state of health, in accordance with the procedure established by the federal government, and maintains consultations with other officials arising from such documentation.

5. The patient is his legal representativeYou have the right to submit a written application to remove medical documents that reflect your state of health, their copies and extracts from medical documents.Submit, the procedure for issuing medical documents (their copies) and extracts from them is established by the authorized federal body of the crown government.

To make copies necessary documents, Shchob did not buzz the lord of the likarem I Admistraziyu Likarni, Schob you did not get to you, they asked for Kopay document, but they did not give you, Obov'yazkovo, I will have a context to write an application in the cousins. Don’t forget to sign the date and register the application with the secretary of administration ( entrance number, registration date, stamp, signature of the person who registered the application). You will deprive yourself of the registered copy.

To the administration ______name of personal mortgage_____

Addresses: __________ Index, addresses______

Type ______ PIB of a trusted person (or the patient himself)____

Addresses: ____ Index, addresses__________


I, PIB, am the mother and legitimate representative of the minor PIB river people (children).

date.month.year, about the year: my son/daughter of Nadishov/and with the outfit “Swedish Help”/for the directions of the clinic No.xx at the hired children's clinic No.xx, named after Elenya with an advanced diagnosis XXXX.

PLEASE You are on standby st. 22" Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens"

I'm in good health ______PIB of the patient _____ (medical card №___ view __ date of completion_____)

push me,

copies of current documents:

(For example:

1. how the quilting was carried out, all the results of the quilting,

2. results of all analyzes,

3. diagnoses (early and late),

4. medicinal treatment was carried out,

5. results of the celebration

6. ta in.

Transfer of documents that may be required for consultation: you are the one who can advise you).

Date Signed _________ /_______/


For example, they began to tell us that the application was sent to the hospital pediatrician for an X-ray and an ECG, since such documents were not visible. When you read the greater law, everything is SEEN! And no pediatrician or other third person is listed in the law, so only VI! You write an application. So I said that as a pediatrician, I don’t give anything, because according to the law, I myself have the right to take these documents and work with them as needed. I wrote an application for a higher education, after submitting to the law from the manager. The tone changed, and she immediately, in a good-natured manner, asked to transfer it to the doctor, and said that she would do everything herself. After I got my certificate out, I found EVERYTHING I needed there, again a report card, an ECG and an X-ray! For food, if the X-ray is turned, so as not to spoil the copy of the X-ray, I was told that there is no need to turn it. Just sign your application (which already has the signature of the head physician), so that everything has been given to me and I have no claims.

I’ll respect that I’ve worked so hard without a lot of effort in the tone of my voice. I just said that I want it like the law and that’s all. If not, then I have submitted my letter of resignation. And that's all. Voila and all the documents are in hand!.. and 0 nervousness. mayzhe)

Good luck.

Since then, I have become a principle, and I try to give money, but not what I want, and I don’t give pennies to anyone. I don’t rely on doctors, the stink may not be known to everyone, the stink is as loud as they seem. And ours on the right are the nobles of the law!

example of an application from a lawyer for permission to admit the child to the intensive care unit:

In order to quickly get started with a new service, you need to register on the site. The service allows patients to save an hour so that they do not need to leave the doctor’s office again.

It is now possible to view the results of medical tests conducted at the Moscow polyclinic By email. I posted about it on my Twitter page.

The service is available to patients who have subscribed to the delivery service and completed tests after 1 red at clinics affiliated to Moskovsky.

To quickly get started with a new service, it is necessary register on the portalmos. ru. Who do I need the number for? mobile phone to the email address, and upon confirmation regional registration- SNILS. Then you need to make an advance payment from the “Services” section, turning to the “Health” section.

For now, service is expected in test mode, not all results are given electronic view. More accurate information can be obtained from a doctor at the clinic. There is a transfer of analysis results, which means you can overpay if it expands.

“Override the results of your laboratory research It is possible to register on the patient portal for up to 15 years, which is the health insurance policy. In this case, the parents of children under 15 years of age can reject the results of their analyzes, confirming the father’s rights in special office on the portal,” said Olena Shinkaruk, head.

At the middle of the laboratory sheet The results may be sent by electronic mail 24 years. Also, it has been determined that the follow-up indicators of the norm and recovery from it indicate.

In some cases, laboratory follow-up lasts for three or four days. If the buyer does not remove the sheet with the results of analysis of the definitions of the terms, you should inform about this support service of the EMIAS system at the email address: [email protected].

New service allow protect the hour patients, as they will not have the opportunity to leave the doctor’s office again. If consultations are required from a number of doctors, the results of the analyzes will be at hand in the future. Information about the analysis is confidential. No one has access to it except the doctor and the patient himself.

Introduction of service don't show up for pretentiousness Moscow clinics. After the analysis results are transferred to the EMIAS system, the service automatically enhances their access to patients. Muscovites can pay for their food divided copies having gone to the clinic.

The launch of such a service was proposed by the city residents during the crowdsourcing project, and then the idea was supported by the participants of the “Active Citizen”.

“Speaking with the Committee sovereign service and by the Department information technologies We are continuing the digitalization of Moscow medicine. The ability to receive test results by electronic mail is another step toward developing manual services for patients. In the near future we also plan to give city residents access to their electronic medical cards. The IMIAS system already has over nine million of them,” said the Minister of Government of Moscow, a keeper of the Department of Health Protection.

Today's capital city residents may be eliminated whole row services in the sphere of health protection in electronic form. So, from birth 2015 you can go to the site , z chest 2017 roku - . It became easier for him to get an appointment with a dental clinic. The service has already been used 22 thousand Muscovites

For example, the spring of 2018 gave city residents the opportunity to register it. Now users of the portal can make an online appointment with a doctor how many children.

Usyogo is available on the site over 330 electronic services. They will facilitate the interaction of city residents with various installations, registration and submission of documents, payment of fees, and help to recover useful information. Sered popular services- Reception of the display of the form of water, search for and payment of fines of the Department of Road Safety and Health, withdrawal and payment of a single payment document, appointment with the doctor, as well as the receipt of the display of electricians. Last year, the most popular services on the site were: electronic maker This transmission shows the water and electrical technicians.

12.11.17 260 558 18

Advice about those who are lawyers who came to medicine

Briefly: how to do an analysis under compulsory medical insurance

  1. Obtain a health insurance policy from a medical insurance company. Without it, it will not be possible to carry out analyzes and get rid of it without harm - just like that.
  2. Attach yourself to the clinic.
  3. Come to the doctor's appointment and get a referral for analysis.
  4. As it seems that the analyzes are paid, call your insurance company and find out what they can pay for health insurance. If this is the case, then ask the insurers to help you get through the investigation cost-free.
  5. If insurance didn’t help, write a skarga to the head doctor. Send it by mail or bring it to the reception office at two sample offices and register there: one copy with the secretary's badge to pick up.
  6. If the boss didn’t help, send a letter to Roszdravnaglyad, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the insurance company.

Join the clinic

All Russian citizens are insured by the Health Insurance Fund. The skin region has only one territorial division of the health insurance fund, and there are a lot of doctors and patients. Therefore, the fund directly collects funds from insurance medical organizations to pay doctors and clinics for your medical services. For you, the stinks are costless, but after the fact you have to pay for them out of your own pennies.

Sit down to the clinic next to the booth: that’s where you’ll be most at ease. You can change a personal deposit no more than once per river, except during official changes of place of residence.

To register at the clinic, you need to take your passport, health insurance policy, social insurance policy and copies of three documents and fill out an application for the name of the head physician at the registry office. You can also submit an electronic application for attachment through government services - in Moscow they looked at my application for free. If the clinic is thinking about accepting an application, contact Roszdravnaglyad.

Compulsory medical insurance policy on the phone

To get help with your insurance, the clinic must know your number. Physically presenting it is not necessary, just a photo of your phone is enough.

If you do not have the details for your compulsory medical insurance policy, please call the insurance company that issued the policy. If you don’t remember the name of the insurance company, look up on the Internet the number of the territorial health insurance fund from which you received the policy, and check there.

Medical assistance in another region

If a patient from the Moscow health insurance policy goes to a polyclinic in Sochi, he or she will be able to receive assistance beyond the scope of the basic program.

Regions confirm additional transfers of catless services - they are called territorial programs. They can be canceled as soon as your compulsory medical insurance policy shows the region in which you accepted the program.

For example, Muscovite Volodymyr is still alive and working in Chelyabinsk. Yomu needed to take a Mantoux sample. This analysis was transmitted by the territorial program of the Chelyabinsk region, but the base program does not have it. In connection with this, the doctor Volodymyr was encouraged to perform this analysis. It was clearly explained that in 2016, the local hospital was fined by the territorial fund for the fact that Mantoux was killed without harm by patients from a different region. It's legal.

If you are going to the gate or to work in another region, take a health insurance policy with you. If a medical facility is looking to serve you, please call the territorial health insurance fund in your region.

If you plan to travel to another region for a long time, renew your health insurance policy later. You can replace an insurance company once within a calendar year and no later than 1 leaf fall.

Some medical institutions are working hard to work with major insurance organizations. This is illegal: the health insurance policy is uniform throughout the country. If you are in need of service, call your insurance company and ask to speak with the Civil Rights Division. Phone number of the insurance company for instructions on your health insurance policy. The best thing to do is to call your insurance company in any emergency situation with health insurance.

Read the phrase: a patient by law has the right to free medical care throughout the territory of the country. This is written in Part 1 of Art. 16 of the law on medical insurance.

If there is a need for analysis in another region

It turns out that there is no confirmed illness, but an analysis is required. For example, for participation in crime.

Behind the law, you can do it: art. 3 of the law on health insurance informs that the insurance benefit is not about getting sick, but about preventive measures. Analyzes are just necessary to determine what kind of illness you have. Therefore, emphasize the need to obtain objective data, and not a subjective assessment of your health by a doctor or registry worker. Comply with the law.

As for the regional medical facility where you came for tests, there is no technical feasibility conduct an investigation, the doctor is responsible for sending you for treatment in another medical facility that takes part in the health insurance system in your region.

In this case, the patient can have the test done at a private clinic at no cost, rather than participate in the health insurance system. The transfer of commercial medical deposits that provide cost-free medical services can be found at the territorial fund or on the website of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund: Part 1 of Art. 15 of the law on health insurance.

Here is a list of cost-free analyzes

The legislation has no specific impact on cost-free analyses. Sometimes the doctors themselves don’t know whether the analysis is cost-free or paid.

For example, before the start of the basic program, the disease of the endocrine system is included - endocrine diabetes. This means that, following the direction of an endocrinologist, patients are required to undergo a blood test for blood sugar without any harm. Best of all, with this analysis the patient will have no problems.

If a problem is identified based on the results of the analysis, the patient will have to find the cause of illness and order other tests, for example, hormones. No skin medicine has the equipment that allows such an analysis to be performed. The doctor can refer the patient to a private laboratory.

Here is a list of tests that can be safely assigned to PMS without any problems. The doctors themselves are focused on their implementation, so they enter before clinical examination:

  1. External blood test.
  2. External analysis of the section.
  3. Tsukor is bleeding.
  4. Biochemical blood analysis.
  5. Fluorography.
  6. Mamography.

In fact, the algorithm for checking the availability of analysis from the health insurance policy is simple. What to check:

  1. Chi enter illness until the basic program of cost-free medical assistance is confirmed. Basic – means active throughout the entire region. If illness is not listed in the basic program, please check if it is not included in the regional program in your region.
  2. If you have identified illness in the basic or territorial program, check the instructions for the analysis you need from the standard of medical care for this illness.

What is the standard of medical care?

The standard of medical care is the minimum amount required before the medical procedures required for the patient, including tests. If the analysis you need is in the standard treatment of sickness, and the sickness itself is included in the catastrophe-free treatment program (basic and territorial), which analysis you must perform without cost.

Let's take a look at this algorithm specific application. It is possible that Olga is suspected of having cystitis. The doctor informed that the tests are free of charge. The axis that Olzy needs to earn:

  1. Reinstate the basic medical assistance program.
  2. Section 3 says that for diseases of the sechostate system, medical care with compulsory medical insurance is cost-free.

Go to the website of the Ministry of Health, section “Illnesses of the sechostatic system”, and find out there the standard of primary health care for women with acute cystitis.

Health is the most valuable asset

Find out how to unscrew your teeth without harm, spend some pennies on braces and protect yourself from the rudeness of doctors

A single source of laboratory research will also inform doctors that any analysis is important for a possible diagnosis. The capital has created a unified laboratory investigation report (YAKSCHO). This is the result of the transfer of all laboratories to a single method, behind which the analyzes are deciphered. Already in the first quarter of 2017, doctors at polyclinics will begin to be given access to this. electronic agent

. It is important to show doctors what kind of laboratory investigations can be used to identify any symptoms. In addition, I will become the basis for allowing the identification and selection of analysis results in electronic form. This system is now being used in all local clinics for two reasons. The Department of Health Protection and the Department of Information Technologies of the Moscow City Council have taken over a single service up-to-date information

over 2.7 thousand laboratory investigations and 4.6 thousand tests. There are 12 types of investigations: clinical, biochemical, immunological, microbiological, genetic and others. Now all laboratories in the locality are working on a single methodology, security software

“Through two and a half years, the Department of Health Protection together with the Department of Information Technologies completed a great work,” explained the intercessor of the head of the IT department, Volodymyr Makarov. – In order to translate the analyzes into electronic form, it is necessary, however, to correctly understand the entire range of laboratory investigations and tests that are included in the skin type of investigation. It is also necessary, however, to interpret them and translate them into reference values ​​(intervals that show the norm. - Note”

In the first quarter of this year, a pilot project will be launched in several local clinics, under the hour of any doctor through electronic system purpose deny access to To a single witness laboratory research. He has tips for both doctors and patients. Thus, a doctor can enter a diagnosis into the transmission system, and a smart advisor will see lists of recommended follow-ups and tests, as well as obligatory tests, transmitted by the Moscow polyclinic standard for a specific diagnosis. Since many doctors have prescribed the same tests, the system shows that they only need to be carried out once. In this case, you can give the patient a reminder about preparation before the investigation. From her, for example, she learns that it is necessary to go for analysis in good faith.

A nurse is collecting biomaterial and pumping reporting instructions: which test tube is taken, how much biomaterial is needed, sent to which laboratory “This is the essential step in laboratory diagnostics, a total of 70 hundred specimens fall into the pre-analytical stage , “before the biomaterial is sent to the laboratory,” the IMIAS press center said.

Until the end, all outpatient clinic doctors will have access to a single laboratory monitoring provider with prompts.

With the help of two fates, according to the words of Volodymyr Makarov, all the results of analyzes in local clinics should be translated into electronic format. By the end of the day, it is planned to complete the work by transferring the most extensive analyzes - venous blood, urine, feces - into electronic form. After this list, add microbiological, histological and other investigations. The system allows you to significantly speed up the delivery of tracking results. An application for them must be submitted to the doctor of the polyclinic immediately information system The laboratory is centralized, the patient's sample is identified using an individual unique barcode. The result of the online investigation appears on the doctor’s computer, which is significant.

After this, the EMIAS laboratory service provides doctors with prompts for the necessary investigations, including based on the analysis of the early results of a particular patient. Nina's system of electronic appointments is being tested at polyclinic No. 115 and several branches at the outskirts of the capital. 76 types of venous blood tracking were transferred to an electronic form. In 2015, over 700 thousand laboratory studies were already assigned to electronic research.