Installation and basic configuration of Wine for games on Linux: features and recommendations. Installation of the program via wine - WineWizard.

All people love to play games. The data on the right helps you to get out of the real world with your real problems and, if you don’t want to, get out of the virtual world.

An article about games for Windows has just begun. Ale today Rozmova is not entirely about them. Today there are news about games on Linux. Most people don't like this operating system only because it doesn't have any "normal" features, and it doesn't matter what it does well at work.

If you want, you can play the same games on Linux as on Windows. Ask, yak? And it’s really simple. Today we’ll talk about how to establish tweaking Wine.

What is Wine?

Those people who have long been interested in Linux and chose it as the head of the OS, do not demand the importance of this PZ, but to decide, it’s still good to explain.

Wine is a program that provides the ability to run programs Games Windows. In other words, with its help you can play games that are not available for Linux and, so to speak, exclusive to Windows.

It is noticeable that the program is steadily developing. So, for some reason it was impossible to launch the game based on DiretX11, everything changed. Patches are constantly coming out and everything is being quickly repaired if it was broken. If you prioritize stability, you can easily install the standard version of Wine and you won’t be irritated.

The only downside is that Wine’s setup is remarkably complicated. If you read this article, you will understand everything and learn everything on your own.

Installation methods

Before you can understand how the setup of Wine for gambling proceeds, it is necessary to understand how its installation works.

Linux users know that the same task in their operating system can be done in different ways, including

Let's look at the simplest option first, using the Package Manager or, as it is also called, the Program Manager. In principle, everything is the same as it is called, smut, which works however.

You need to open it right now. Dali in prick row You need to write the name of the program - Wine. The search begins. Once completed, a number of options may appear before you. Simply select Wine without any symbols and click “Install”. Keep an eye out until the software is downloaded and installed.

Another method is available at the vikoristan terminal. After opening it, write:

sudo apt-get install wine

One begins to feel intrigued by the upcoming regulations. However, it is more certain that it is not the “fresh” version that is downloaded, which is due to the fact that the program is developing by leaps and bounds. This fits in:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

sudo apt-get update

Now enter:

sudo apt-get install wine1.6

Axis and that's all, it was nice to install the software via the Console. It’s easy to understand how Wine is getting adjusted.

What do you need to know about setting up Wine?

For Wine (Linux), adjustments may not always go smoothly, but don’t worry if you can’t see if you can turn everything back to the cob position. The simplest way would be to remove the program and reinstall it, but only in extreme cases.

Don't rush the firebrand yet. In this regard, it is important to read that you need to work and when. Once you have seen everything, you will remember it for the rest of your life. Now let's get started.

First priority

There are two development options here, the differences in them are small, but still the same. If you have a 64-bit Linux distribution, then you and Wine are installed 64-bit, but this is not required. So we enter this command into the terminal:

WINEARCH=win32 winecfg

After this, you may begin to tune in to Wine. Move them to the background and don't turn around yet. If you have a 32-bit system, you can skip this step.

Now you need to download and install Winetricks. For this, write in the terminal:


If you don’t have these programs, then you should try them. Engage and install. Then launch it.

Winetricks allows you to customize Wine itself. Having launched it from the first window, you must select Select the default wineprefix. We press OK.

Adjusting DLLs and fonts

We will continue to tell you how to adjust Wine. Having pressed OK, we hope that another window will open. No one needs to see Install a font- this is for the purpose of adjusting the font. We press OK.

You will see a window with a variety of possible fonts for Wine. To avoid delaying and wasting an hour, select everything at once and press OK. After this, the installation will start. At all times, do not go far from the computer, as you will likely be prompted to confirm the operation that is being carried out. Enjoy them all.

It is obvious that after selecting all the fonts and pressing the button, you will see a message and everything will disappear. In this case, you won’t be able to install everything right away and will have to work around it. If after selecting an item you are prompted, skip it.

Now let's move on to setting up the DLL. This is a very important point, and you cannot skip it, because without installing the DLL you are unlikely to launch any game.

Click on Install a Windows DLL or component. A window will open in front of you showing what the fonts were. Here you can install not all components, but it is necessary to do so. It’s better to try the same manipulations as with fonts. Afterwards, try to remove the skin from them, ignoring those that appear to be abrasive.

Before speaking, after trying to install DLLs similar to dotnet30, you may be able to get rid of the error and open the Explorer with the browser. In this window on the browser side, you need to select the components' representation and place it in the folder that was opened, after which you will perform the installation procedures again.

Adjusting the registry

Before speaking, following the instructions, it is good to undergo wine training in Linux Mint If you want problems with other distributions, there is also no need to blame them.

Let's move on to improving the registry. For this time, in another window, select Change setting. Here you can no longer allow yourself any freedom, and you won’t be able to install everything right away. The following is the list of necessary settings:


    multisampling - enabled

    orm-f bo



    glsl-enabled- this is for the standard, but whatever you have Nvidia video card, then it’s better to vibrati disabled. This helps to increase productivity in games.

    vsm - hardware

    videomemory size 1024(Select the video card memory size)

    mwo - enabled (force)

The axis is the principle and everything is about Wine. Setting up Mint and other OS versions is no longer a problem for you, even instructions given Great for most distributions.

Remember again, while installing Windows games, you cannot choose to install additional software. Uncheck the boxes. Also, after installation is complete, uncheck the “Run now” option. Launch via a shortcut on the desktop.

Wine - this is a program with vikritim output code, which allows you to run Windows add-ons on Linux and MacOS. We can say that there is a ball of insanity between the operating system and Windows programs. Procedure clicks from Windows libraries are replaced with Linux system clicks and it is possible to convert Windows programs into Linux.

The Wine platform is steadily developing, new versions are constantly being released, with more support Windows function, a lot of bugs have been corrected, and new possibilities are being encouraged. Stable releases of Wine are coming out soon, again. Also, test releases are regular, at least once a month.

For example, the release of Wine 19.12 was 10 cherubs, wine 1.9.13 – 24 cherubs, and 1.9.14 – just recently – 10 cherubs. As you can see, it took no more than a month to develop the remaining version. The main trend of robots is now focused on the advancement of DirectX 11 and the closed news about amendments. Next we will look at the installation of wine Ubuntu 16.04.

What's new in Wine 1.9

  • Implemented WSAPoll API for socket-based work
  • Improved DirectX 11 support
  • Improved integration with X11
  • Support for registries x86-64
  • Mingw support for ARM
  • Support for proxy servers in WebServices
  • Colored for robot with long URLs
  • A lot of news about amends has been closed.

Installing Wine on Ubuntu

As I already said, Wine has two main versions that are being developed, the stable version is 1.8, which includes only minor bug fixes, and the experimental version is 1.9, which contains all the new functionality. The Ubuntu 16.04 repositories still do not have a stable version, so if you want to install it you will need to add ppa distributors. Otherwise, for 64-bit systems it is necessary to add x32 architecture:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

To add the Wine repository to your system, visit:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

Now update the list of packages:

sudo apt-get update

And you can install wine 1.8:

sudo apt-get install wine1.8

Now to check how everything works, you can check out:

Or marvel at the version:

Installing the remaining version of Wine in Ubuntu

If you are not in control of the stable version of Wine and want to discard the new, experimental version in order to run a previously unsupported program, or simply protest, you must vikorize another PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wine/wine-builds

sudo apt-get update

And now let’s install:

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends wine-staging

Please note, the system may only be running one of the two repositories, so if you want to switch to a stable corner, the unstable PPA will need to be deleted with the command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:wine/wine-builds

Or with the graphical utility for customizing the device. The experimental version also needs to be deleted. To the right, with the same command as they installed:

sudo apt-get purge wine-staging

Folding Wine from weekend drinks

If the required version is not in the PPA and you need to install the remaining version of Wine in Ubuntu 16.04 with the application of any patches, or if you want to run two versions of Wine at once, you must select Wine from them dzherel.

The following are the necessary tools to install right now:

sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential

The latest release is, for example, the same version of Wine 1.9 from the official website. You can also quickly use the wget utility:

sudo wget

Let's unpack the outputs and go to the folder containing them:

sudo tar xvjf wine-1.9.14.tar.bz2

Wine is prepared before collection, on 32-bit systems:

sudo ./configure

For 64-bit ones:

sudo ./configure --enable-win64

We compile and run the folded package:

Now installing Wine 1.9 in Ubuntu is neatly done deb package, for additional help from the dpkg utility:

dpkg -i wine.deb

On 64-bit systems, to launch Wine, use the following command:

If you need two versions of Wine on the same system, you do not need to install the program, create a script to run them and ask someone else for help changeable sharpness necessary directories for libraries and the program itself.

For example:

sudo vi /bin/wine19


sudo chmod u+x /bin/wine19


This article covers not only the installation of the remaining version of Wine in Ubuntu, but also the installation of stable version 1.8. on Narazi The current version of Wine Ubuntu is 1.9.14, although a new one may be released in a few days, but our instructions will no longer be relevant for all current versions. If you are out of food, write in the comments!

Wine, for those who don’t know, this is a shell for some help, can be downloaded from the program operating system Windows on Linux. At the moment, Wine supports a large number of programs, of course not all, and there are no longer any new games on the GTA 5 platform, even if properly tuned you can run practically any program, what did you say There's a lot of fate about that.

It's not so easy to use Wine. To install one or another program, you will have to surf a bunch of forums and blogs to understand what packages you need to install and what libraries you need to add. Then follows a long process of solving problems, installing packages through winetricks and manual adjustment registry too. It’s all too difficult to tell for of the confirmed koristuvachs, without seeming to talk about newcomers.

But I decided to tell you about it. There are a number of shells for Wine that try to automate the process of installing programs - you select a program from the list of supported ones, the installer and utility itself will select all the required libraries and packages. There are wrappers for wine such as PlayOnLinux, Crossover and lesser versions of Qt4Wine, etc. But today we cannot ignore them; enough has already been written about them on the Internet. Let's take a look at the new WineWizard.

The official website of the program is WineWizard is a new price wrapper for Wine with a private exit code. With a new idea, we approach to the right, and much more beautifully, lower than those in front. The main feature of WineWizard is the solution for installing programs. In order to install a Windows program, you just need to launch winewizard, select the program installer, and then select the program from the list of supported ones.

This is where the main features of PlayOnLinux and Crossover begin. Supported programs are solutions, and they can be created by a skin rash. All solutions are synchronized on the program server and are available to everyone. To create a solution, you no longer need to enter anything into the console or write scripts; you just need to select packages from the list that are needed to run the program. Then the program itself downloads and installs the necessary packages.

What is clear here is that the solutions you have created will be available to all participants, and the solutions will be available to you. In this way, there will no longer be a need to spend a long time joking around the forums to launch one or another program, let someone else do everything and everyone will be able to figure out these decisions without going into details. A new prefix is ​​created for the skin program and you can select the wine version. It’s also nice that you can choose architecture.

The advantage of programs can be called the support of mirrors for acquiring packages, many packages are taken from playonlinux, support for the choice of prefix architecture, for the purpose of installing programs that, in any case, can help solve the problem . Installing programs via Wine is even quick and easy, as it is already a solution.

Installation of WineWizard

The program is completely new, so packages for it have not yet been compiled, and it is not in the official repositories. To be more precise, the infection is a PPA for Ubuntu and a package in the AUR for ArchLinux, and the versions in these repositories are already outdated.

I think that this is going to be fixed soon, we can still figure out how to install the program from a PPA, or rather, there is still a quick way to do it in another way and install it from the source code.

To add the PPA to the system, use the following command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nightuser/winewizard

Now you can install:

sudo apt install winewizard

The program is ready for work. Well, now let’s take a look at the collection from the weekend. For the development of programs, the necessary libraries and functions for the development of qt5 are installed in the system. Also needed standard utilities for archiving - unzip, cabextract, bzip2, tar, and also for robotic programs.

Installable features of Qt5 development in the system:

sudo apt install qt5-default

Install the necessary utilities:

sudo apt install unzip cabextract bzip2 tar

Let's download the outputs themselves right away:

git clone

Create the necessary directories:

cd WineWizard-version_number
$ mkdir build && cd build

We start the folding:

qmake-qt5 ..
$ make

The remaining stage is installation. You can use the command:

sudo make install

Or you can quickly use the checkinstall utility in Ubuntu:

$ dpkg -i WineWizard*

The axis is all, the program is installed and ready for use, now you will look at installing the program through wine using winewizard.

Install the Wine program for help with WineWizard

In this article we will look at the robot with WineWizard installed on the application popular programs to verify the uniqueness of texts - Advego Plagiatus.

Start the program right away from the main menu of the system, or by typing the command in the terminal:

You will see this minimalist smut in the menu:

The whole point is that the program can hang on the tray and can be launched manually installed programs, will be similar to the system menu.

To install the program, click the Install Application button.

On the upcoming Master's Day, you will need to select the installer from the official website in advance:

Further, what we were talking about is decided. You need to choose a solution for our program. To do this, enter the name of the program in a row. Our vipad will have Advego Plagiatus linux installed:

We are ready to make a decision on the list, but having already created, let’s say for everything, for the program you want to make, there will be no decision. To create a new solution, click the Add button:

The solution will be completed, but now you have lost your editor, so that you can specify which packages need to be installed simultaneously from the program, you can edit both the 64-bit version and the 32-bit version. Click the Edit button for the required version. Now it is divided into three parts, the left column - packages that will be launched without an installer, the middle available packages, and the right packages will be installed before starting the program. Simply drag the required packages from the top column, preferably to the left. From this window you can select the Wine version:

After the changes were completed, OK was no longer pressed, then OK again. Then we select the architecture for the prefix:

Then the Advego Plagiatus Linux installation will start, I won’t describe the installer, everything is elementary:

For example, we can run the program, the installation of the program in wine is completed:

And most importantly, everything is working efficiently:

Once completed, WineWizard powers up and runs the program correctly:

As it turns out, the program will close, if there is no response, you can view the program’s log and notifications about amends. Also at the bottom of the window, you will be glad that you can work so that the installation of the program through wine is completed successfully and everything works.

Let me remind you that for this program you don’t need to create solutions, the solutions are already ready and quite workable. If you need another program, you already know what to do.


As you can see, installing add-ons for wine is not so scary, especially if you use modern tools to simplify and automate a lot of actions like a wrapper for wine - winewizard. Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to the author of this program for developing such a wonderful tool. There is still a lot of work on the program, but a lot has already been completed, and it has been completed correctly.

Wine- An addition that is a ball of madness with Windows API What does Vikory library do? Windows to ensure the effectiveness of add-ons developed for the OS family Microsoft Windows in other environments, for example, in Ubuntu. Vikorist Wine, you can install and run different programs so, you guys are vikorsists Windows.
Wine is actively developing. Not all add-ons can be used consistently yet Wine, however Wine There are already millions of victors around the world.
Program name Wine (waɪn- m_zh " Wayne"ta" vine", grew up. Wine) is a recursive acronym for the phrase " W ine I s N ot an E mulator" - Russian. "Wine is not an emulator."

Wine installed

Installation via PPA

Due to the fact that Wine is actively developing, the Ubuntu repositories should have more space old version. It is recommended that you install the remaining version of the official Wine repository.

For other versions of wine and ubuntu 64 bits

Sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wine/ wine-builds && sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-devel

And it is not recommended to remember and adjust the wine yourself. Practicing with wine is not entirely easy. To install one or another program, you will have to surf a bunch of forums and blogs to understand what packages you need to install and what libraries you need to add. Then follows a long process of fixing problems, installing packages through winetricks and manually adjusting the registry, and so on. It’s all too difficult to tell for experienced backers, not to mention the newcomers. It is recommended that you download the wine star prefix:

Setting up

Before using Wine to run the program, you will need to run the setup program to create a directory in your home directory. ~/.wine with the necessary robot files. For this purpose, select the main menu item Program→Wine→Configure Wine, or enter the command in the terminal:


Association of files with wine programs

To quickly launch the files in an additional wine program, let’s write a small script. Let's say we need to open CAD files with Compass and zwcad.

#!/bin/bash # This means the file extension dd = $1; razr =` echo $(dd:(-3)) ;` ff =` echo $(dd/\"/\"Z:) ` ; ff = `echo" \"Z:"$ff\"`; # After the extension, we launch the required program case $razr in frw) env WINEPREFIX ="/home/" $USER "/.wine" wine start ` echo $ff ` & ; cdw) env WINEPREFIX ="/home/" $USER "/.wine" wine start"C:\Program Files\ASCON\KOMPAS-3D Viewer V9\Bin\kViewer.Exe" `echo $ff` &;; dwg) env WINEPREFIX ="/home/" $USER "/.wine" wine start ` echo $ff ` & ;; # Here you can add more program extensions esac

Don't forget to download our script

chmod +x

It is associated with the file manager and the script.

Launching Windows add-ons

In order to launch the add-on, you need to open the terminal and enter in the following:

wine way/to addendum/program.exe

Your program doesn’t start or it’s running incorrectly On the wine website there is a list of programs with a description, I recommend checking it out first. - There is a search field on the site. If your English is bad, check out the translation

You can also open the folder with the program that you need to run for help file manager, then click right button Click on the program and select the program to launch - Wine.

Programs running via Wine that work with Web pages require Gecko

Gecko– a valuable engine for displaying web pages for the browser during the hour of work on the Internet wine. Because wine does not work with the Internet and you do not run it windows exe browser, then you don't need Gecko. When you launch programs for working with web pages, Wine automatically searches for Gecko in /usr/share/wine/gecko. If Wine doesn’t know the Gecko archives there, it automatically downloads them from the Internet, and other programs don’t like to check until they’re attracted to Gecko and freeze or crash. Gecko can be installed by issuing the command:

sudo apt-get install wine-gecko< версия>

de<версия>You need to replace it with the version of the installed Wine.

Running via discrete video card

To run via a discrete video card, write the following in the terminals on the optional drivers (or write a script)

Vblank_mode=0 DRI_PRIME=1 wine file_name.exe

vblank_mode=0 means vertical synchronization (Vsync). If there is no VSync in the settings, you need to erase vblank_mode=0

Save it. Place it in the game folder. Zrobiti vikonuvanim at the authorities. Place the message for the script on your desktop. Starting the file deletion process. For even greater productivity, it is necessary to install a closed driver.


Winetricks– this is a script for installing various components from Microsoft® and others. To pick up Winetricks from the terminal, enter:

sudo apt-get install winetricks

Winetricks contains dozens of packages of various libraries for wine. For example, to install DirectX™, enter:

Winetricks d3dx9

To view the list of all available packages, enter:


Also, Winetricks has a simple GUI. To start, enter.