Viluchenya Radnik Yandex.Market. Managing a store and cloud record Like Yandex by launching the Radnik service

Yandex.Radnik is a unique addition that allows you to find information about the most popular products that are sold in various online stores. Great shopping recipes are based on videos, as well as on analytical data from the Yandex.Market service.

The service comes in handy when looking at purchased goods on online store sites. In this case, there is no need to link the page to Yandex.Market. The service is enabled in the browser. If it doesn’t work, it means you need to install and configure additional equipment. The assistant successfully works on the platforms Google Chrome,Opera, Mozilla Firefox. Choose whatever handy browser then go to the customer service page.

When valuable products are detected, the radiator panel appears automatically under the search row. To quickly register your recipe, you need to press the mouse on the “I want it that way” icon. Vaughn is in the middle of the assistant.

If you need to see specific prices by region, you can click on the icon at the top of the browser. Click on the link to view the product's status. The service also allows you to update rating indicators and read the video.

The assistant is always in charge of the spitting row, and he immediately shows the Maidans, which demonstrate the great virtuousness.

There is immediately a real difference in the product, as it would seem, for one product. However, most often this difference is due to modifications in the product offering. Products that are identical to the name often differ in their characteristic features.

The functions of the flush panel can be enabled by unchecking the “Show notifications on the sides” option. Mozilla Firefox is subject to availability of these functional features.

If such an option appears when using Firefox, it will be inserted into the code of the site on which you are purchasing the product. Options provided on other sites are not available to users.

Yandex Assistant can be enabled on all sites through customization of the Add-on. For this you need to know more about Radnik Yandex Market from the list. Just install the jumper in the “Vimk” station or press the mouse key on the output button.

Setting up the service allows:

  1. Select location automatically/manually.
  2. Show/not show propositions of other areas.
  3. Open/not open the eye displays when the target is pointed.
  4. Show/not show notifications.

It is also possible to add specific sites to the list, which allows you to include the Radnik of song pages.

Service settings are also available from the icons located at the top of the browser. On the drain panel you can change the additive at your discretion.

With the emergence of more and more online stores, people have become increasingly more flexible in choosing different products, and the choice can vary across a wide range of best option It’s time to unstitch. For which special sites or extensions are created, such as Yandex Market, Hot Line, etc., the main function of which is the visibility of other products in the online store, as well as showing the availability of columns where you can choose the cheapest option. It’s worth mentioning that these extensions are installed without the knowledge of the user, and it’s important to use robots and change the computer’s speed code, so you’ll see the power here: yak vimknuti Radnik Yandex Market.

As a rule, this extension will be implemented in the three most popular browsers: Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser. The appearance of this radar has not yet been marked in Internet Explorer, and keeping an eye on the trends of expansion of products of the company Yandex with various software products, which will appear here in the near future (before speech, some koristuvachs are already fighting for different insertions in Other installation packages, as well as a permanent option to install a company browser and other components that people will need in the future).

The principle of viewing the Yandex Market Radnik in all programs for viewing web pages is similar, but due to the peculiarities of the graphical interface of the skin, these actions can be difficult. So let's look at the permission in the skin browser.

  • open Denmark browser, click on the “Adjustment” icon and go to the “Additional tools” row, where the “Expansion” item will appear (to go to address row nastadne: chrome://extensions/);
  • In the window you see, you need to look through the entire list and find the Yandex.Market Radnik;

  • To enable this, you just need to uncheck the box that says “Enabled”, and if you need to remove the extension, click on the icon next to the right.
  • Open the analysis browser, click on the end of the “Menu”, move the cursor to the “Extensions” row and go to “Current extensions” (for a smooth transition you need to press the button combination Ctrl+Shift+E);

  • in the selected list you can find the Yandex.Market Radnik;
  • To connect, you need to press the “Enable” button;

View in Mozilla Firefox

  • click on the “Customization” icon and go to “Add-ons” (you can enter about: addons in the address row);

  • You can also find the position in the Yandex.Market Radnik;

  • To connect or delete, you must press the corresponding button.

Connecting extensions in Yandex browser

  • click on the pictogram that shows three arms (on the right upper codend) and go to the “Add-ons” menu or type browser://tune in the address bar;

  • Find the Yandex.Market Radnik and move the icon to the “Wimk” position.

One thing, it is immediately necessary to say that in the Yandex browser it is impossible to create a different extension that can be viewed (this possibility is clearly not visible, and on thematic forums, as well as on the retailer’s website, I don’t know about it to be). Most of this is due to the fact that the browser and extension are fragmented by the same company and they did not respect the need to separate the service from the program.

It is important to say that the specialist’s abilities can effectively help you choose the best store to purchase a particular product. Since the buyer doesn’t buy goods via the Internet, expansion is better than picking up.

To open the store immediately, go to the side Settings → Showing propositions on the phone and press the button Don't show propositions.

You can turn on the store and display propositions on this very page by pressing the button Show propositions.

Set up a phone display for a store on Market

To set up where and when to show phone numbers, go to the page Settings → Showing propositions on the phone.

Transfer the store to a different login

Respect! When a store is transferred from one login to another, the statistics are not saved, the rating and results are lost without changes.

  • Є access to login
  • No access to login

Since you have access to your login, to any store connection, and you are an Administrator or Chief Representative:

    Log in to Yandex using your login. You can log in without leaving the Help page - at the top right corner of the window, click Log out (if you are not authorized) or the icon of the cloud account (if you are logged in under a different login).

    Use the form below to send a request using the following format: “Please move the store [ store name / Campaign No.] from a cloud record with a login […] to a cloud record with a login […]".

    Submit your application

Respect! The application will not be accepted if it is sent under a different login.

Additional information:

    If the store is marked on the balance sheet and the money has not been spent, it can be transferred only after the store has been connected and the remaining statistics have been restored.

    You will need to check the remaining statistics at night, or better yet, turn on the store in advance of submitting your application. In this case, the store will be rescheduled on the next business day after the application has been accepted.

    If the current login has lost unspent credits, it is impossible to transfer them to a new login. The excess money turns on the official application platform from the payer.

If you do not have access to the login, to any connection to the store:

    Place your application on the organization's letterhead in the following format: “Please transfer the store [name of the store] to the account with the login [...]”.

    Complete the application with the seal of the organization and the signature of an authorized person.

    Upload a scanned image of your application via the form the call of the bell.

Respect! The details of the organization (name, OGRN, legal address) assigned to the applicant must coincide with the details on the store website.

Submit your application

Change the domain (website address) of the store on Market

The main domain has not changed

Please send a request to the support service, if the store’s website (domain of another region) has not changed. For example, go to “” on “”.

Please send a request

The main domain has changed

Create new store If the store’s website has changed (domain of a different region). For example, go to “” on “”.

    Register with special office new store (for your login, the new one is yours). At the time of registration, enter the new website address.

    Before submitting a new store for verification, submit a request to the support service in the format: “Please turn on the store [ store website] and instead of opening a new store [ store website.

    Submit an application from the login at which the store is registered on the outdated site address.

    Submit your application

Vidality store

It’s impossible to delete a store from the Yandex.Market database, but you can delete a store from your account account. As a result, you will not open a store in a special account, but the domain of the remote store will be lost in the Yandex.Market database, and it will be impossible to register a domain with the same name again.

To find a store, send a request through the contact form. The application format varies depending on whether you have access to your login, what store connection you have, or whatever.

  • Є access to login
  • No access to login

In 2014, Yandex added a program for browsers - Radnik.

Yandex.Market Radnik is a service for traders. For help, traders search on the Internet for the necessary product offers at reasonable prices.

Radnik helps you know and marvel:

  • a store where the goods are cheaper;
  • the best proposals of various stores;
  • comments from buyers about the product;
  • Nearby stores will inquire about delivery terms.

The Radnik service is installed not on your website, but in the user’s browser. Tse security software, as a koristuvach can install, adjust and vikoristuvat at his own discretion.

Nowadays, some companies began to create add-ons and distribute spam with the offer of paid inclusion of Radnik on the site.

More than 200,000 customers in Radnik installation browsers.

On top of your online store, it shows your visitors the offers of other online stores from Yandex.Market.

If you are concerned about correctly communicating your leads to your competitors, please ignore this entire sheet.

If you choose fairness, then your online store will be protected from unauthorized Radnik by installing the AntiPradnik module.

Turnkey operation – 1500 RUR.

It includes: module, installation, adjustment and testing.

Please send your connection request to email ***

Thank you for your respect!

Of course, this program promotes the installation of JavaScript code on the site. As a result of this code, the data that is inserted into the site of the Radnik add-on is verified and the timeout for the appearance of the proposition is specified. These timely decisions that stop working after chergovih updates Radnika. That requires regular service.

We came back for comments to the Yandex.Market support service. And we came up with the following version:

Viknuti yogo can only be done by setting up your browser.

It is not possible to access the Radnik website, which is installed in your browser.

If you are from the support service, you can use any programs to connect to the radar on the website of the online store.

As a result, you can enable Yandex.Market Radnik in the following ways:

  1. The user himself can enable the radar on a specific site.
  2. The Radnik service does not show recommendations if customers go to the store’s website for paid subscriptions from Direct or Market.
  3. A JavaScript script that changes Radnik’s behavior.

Pronounceable cat-free method To enable the server using additional Javascript code:

!function())(var e=function())(var e=window.location.hash||!1,t=(document.currentScript||document.getElementById("ss_script"),function(t)(e&&"# ssdebug"===e&&console.log(t)));if(!window.MutationObserver)return t("MutationObserver no supported!"),!1;if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")!=- 1||navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident")!=-1||navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge")!=-1)return t("IE or Edge"), (), o = ! e)(var n=e.addedNodes;if(n&&"DIV"===n.tagName)for(var a in r)(if(window.getComputedStyle(n).getPropertyValue(a)!==r[ a) ])(t("YandexDesktopFound-"+a+" false"),o=!1;break)t("YandexDesktopFound-"+a+" true"),o=!0)n&&"STYLE"=== n. tagName&&/market_context_headcrab_container_relative/.test(n.innerHTML)&&(document.body.removeChild(n),t("style removed")),o&&(n&&"translate(-100) ) 10000px)"),setTimeout(function())(i.disconnect()),2e4),t("Elements removed!"))))),a=new MutationObserver(function())(var e=document. documentElement .style.marginTop;e&&parseInt(e)>0&&!n.panel&&("")),d=new MutationObserver(function())(var ; e&&parseInt(e)>0&&!n.panel&&("")),s=function())(return document.body?(i&&i.observe(document.body,(childList:!0 ) ,attributes:!0,subtree:!0,attributeFilter:["style"])),a&&a.observe(document.documentElement,(attributes:!0,attributeFilter:["style"])),void(d&&d. observe (document.body,(attributes:!0,attributeFilter:["style"]))):void setTimeout(s,100));e&&"#ssoff"===e||s());e ( ))();

This code should be inserted on all pages of product offerings on the site.

Wrap it up

In our opinion, Radnik’s vikoristanya is deprived of the final right of a koristuvach. It is much more effective to work on price optimization, cost reduction and improved service efficiency. This will bring an additional effect:

First of all, the Market’s owner should add a minimum price on your website, which will be an additional incentive to buy the product.

In other words, the development of additional data services advances rhubarb services allow you to sell goods at a higher price, offering clients a wider range of services.

The owner himself has the right to determine which services he uses. Zreshtoyu, spozhivach vibera nakrastiyu proposition.

The owner of the online store also has the right to determine what services are performed on his site.

With the established online stores, we reach everyone with recommendations sound systems, including the risk of imposing sanctions on the disintegration of projects