What to do by installing two Windows. How to install two (or more) versions of Windows

This article will show you how to install two Windows Seven and Xp operating systems on one computer with a single hard drive.

Installing three systems on one hard disk of a computer, or installing two systems on one Linux system, is not visible here.
I’ll say right now that in order to correctly install two operating systems on one computer, a laptop with one hard drive, we need to create two logical divisions, which we need to think about in advance. We will have to, in order to avoid wasting data (and further updating information in Minsk), copy valuable files and folders to another storage device: a flash drive, an external hard drive, a DVD disc.
Why is it necessary to earn money when Installing two operating systems on one hard drive? The installation process may go wrong, or if you do it wrong, you may have mercy - the information will be irrevocably wasted.

Let's see.
Well, we have an empty hard drive or the first partition is partitioned on a partitioned hard drive with a sufficient amount of free disk space.
Є distribution kits of windows Xp and windows 7.

Install two operating systems on one computer possible in two ways:

The volume is standard: Windows 7. A prepared partition for Windows XP with a size of at least 15 Gb. This can be done either during the installation process, either a hard disk without information, or with information using a special program for creating and editing partitions - Acronis Disk Director.
After which we install it on the creations windows section XP - everything is standard.
After we install Windows XP on our computer, we stop being attracted to Windows 7, but it’s normal. In order for the system to start downloading Windows 7 again, you need to install the MultiBoot program under Windows XP.
MultiBoot - graphical (GUI) shell for robots system files BootSect, BcdEdit and BcdBoot, which allows you to renew Windows 7 backup that was lost during the installation of Windows XP. The purpose of this program is to update Windows 7 (it’s not difficult to get into the program), so to start downloading Windows we can choose to download Windows 7 or XP.
That's all!
With this option (Se7en - first, XP - other system) you may experience song problems. On the right is that Windows 7 creates an additional vantageous section System Reserved for some disk space. This section is due to the nature of the operating system, but this feature can create additional difficulties when working under Windows XP, with a special computer.
The problem may lie in the fact that the System Reserved partition, the size of which does not exceed 150Mb, is not visible when running under Windows 7, and is not affected by us or the system (practically). Ale we just install Windows XP with another system on one hard drive, which is divided into a cob of disk space. visible disk C:\, but that’s still a problem. Why? Because a lot of programs (drivers and others) will be downloaded, or installed on the C:\ drive, or used to save time-consuming files during the installation process, and the remaining size of our “kulga” drive C, even small, we will post ійно otromuvat issues with the installation process. What can be appreciated is that you have correctly prepared partitions on your hard drive for installing Windows 7 without attached to the section System Reserved, or installed Windows XP and 7 as the first option, we will describe more.

Most often, only one operating system is installed on the computer, but in fact, two operating systems can be installed. Windows systems, and when you turn on your computer, you will need to select it. For recommendations, you need to check the web operating system like the older one, and then I update it, for example: you install Windows 7 from the beginning, and then install Windows 10.
What you need to do:

  • Install the first operating system: If you already have Windows installed on your computer - good, let's go! Either way – it is installed by Windows and configured;
  • Please select a place for another operating system: Since all your disks are occupied, you need to squeeze one of them so that there is space and we can create another partition for another operating system;
  • Installed another Windows versions: I am installing another operating system, and at the beginning of the installation you will need to select a custom installation, not an update! At the time of installation, choose not to occupy the space on the disk that was left after pressing the previous point.

Here is a short plan, having selected this when the computer is turned on, you can choose how to use Windows. Moreover, all files will be shared between both operating systems.

Install the latest version of the operating system if it is not already installed:

It is acceptable that we have a clean laptop (or desktop computer), for the first time we install the first operating system there:

2. When you go through the dots and write Press any key – press Enter, the installation begins. We select a language, we accept a license, and we select a choice installation!

3. There is no such thing important information on the disk - you can see old ones and always new ones, or you can select which one and install Windows there;

Since the operating system is already - , and this is the place for the new operating system:

2. When you go through the dots and write Press any key – press Enter, the installation begins. We select a language, accept a license, and Let's select the sampling installation! If you select the update, the new operating system will become on top of the old one!

3. If you are prompted to select a disk for installation, you can select the place where it is pressed, you can simply select it and press it further, or you can see an unoccupied place => press Create => and create the disc required sizes. No need to install Windows already This is the main section! Choose your favorite place!

Select the operating system to use the app and change the preferences:

Regardless of which operating system you installed, the screen looks different, for example, I installed Windows 8.1 with a different system and the selection screen looks like this:

And in other cases, you may be black, or another color, which is clearly not important :)

You can go to the purchase settings and select the operating system for the purchase of purchases, the hour for selecting or automatic attraction etc. For whom - we press on the Computer right key targets => authorities => additional system parameters => in the additional tab the item Vantagement and update, select Parameters => customize the required attachment parameters

If you want to install another operating system, then create another section. If I wouldn’t recommend them too much, if you want to conduct experiments on different operating systems, then hurry up. That's all for today! Good luck to you 🙂

How to install 2 (two) operating systems on one computer? Windows XP + Windows 7

Windows XP + Windows 7 or how to install two systems on one computer

Remaining operating system Microsoft Windows 7 additions are anonymous both to the robbers and to the opponents. Ale practically didn’t deprive anyone of anything. In this case, the skin who is right behind it, the kidney has had to deal with a variety of problems due to the absurdity of the programs, and the rich have turned to the “good old” XP. Ale i z new system Not everyone is in a hurry to separate. And many people understand the need to have two operating systems on one computer, so that they can be used one by one, switching between them as needed. Even if Windows 7 is a new system, there are times when you try to create a multi-functional configuration (you also need to know how to do it correctly). And if you are set to those users who, after installing Windows 7, still require XP, then this article is for you...


Let’s get started right away. If any data is saved on your hard drive, then in the following instructions, in parts that prevent you from repartitioning the disk into sections, you need to make minor adjustments, the remaining parts will be cleared and a hard drive that does not waste your precious information but saves it data that can be deleted. If you need to save sensitive information, we highly recommend that you repartition your hard drive before you begin installing operating systems. І vikoristovat for this purpose, be it stuck in third party programs, for example, Acronis Disk Director Suite (paid program). Or you can quickly create a Live-CD from Linux (for example, Ubuntu) - almost all of them have the GParted program (it’s cost-free, it’s more advanced than the utility in Acronis, but it often works better). For any of these programs, you need to create two empty MAIN partitions, formatted in NTFS. They divided the culprits onto the cob of the disc (left-handed graphic card in the indicated programs), and the section with data that needs to be saved, then destroy the right hand - closer to the end of the disk. There are two partitions and we will install operating systems - they will become, obviously, drives C and D. And then, when they are installed, there is NO REQUIREMENT to clean them - no re-partitioning, no formatting - just install the skin from the operating systems the preparations for her were divided.
Well, now the installation itself.

We are adjusting the inconsistency of checking mechanical devices

Let's go to setting up the BIOS at the divisions Advanced that's a joke point Boot Device Priority. Here you need to install the First Device drive optical discs, and to others - hard drive. This is necessary so that when restarted you can start the computer with grinding disc and go to your menu. We save the configuration under pressure Save & Exit in the main BIOS menu (or using the F10 with step-by-step power supply button Y).

If your BIOS version is slightly different, you will have to look for the required section for an analogy. Focus on the word Boot.


BIOS is absolutely NOT intended for \” crazy hands\". So there’s nothing to be done there without a clear understanding of what you’re working on! This is exactly the kind of thing, if you think about it once and for once.

You can skip the first point, since your computer, when restarted, can itself read a disk that has been forgotten in the drive for a long time. Tse zazvichay can be vyznachiti, yakscho at starting Windows The disc in the drive itself begins to unscrew.

We start the installation of Windows XP

Getting ahead of myself, I will say that we will be installing Windows XP from now on. Chi is not just a pack, but XP itself! So we insert Installation disk With this operating system, we restart the computer. As soon as you write in white letters on the command “Press any key to boot from CD...”, then, without thinking, you immediately press any key on the keyboard. We ourselves are desperately interested in this installation disk. While the text is lit, you will have 5 seconds to press any key. If you don’t get it, the computer will start from the hard drive, and the XP installation will not start. Come and re-introduce yourself again.

The skin system is its own special section

As has already been said above, before installing it on your computer’s hard drive, you need to see two partitions. Prices are getting more expensive dialogue boxes Installer You will be prompted to select a section to install the operating system. You can ignore this and create the sections yourself by first viewing all the old sections by pressing the D key, and then in their place creating a new one by pressing the C key and indicating the required size of the first section ilu (in megabytes). This will be partition C. Then we have lost an unallocated area of ​​​​the disk - select it and press the C key again, and without going into too much detail, immediately press ENTER (since we don’t have time to change the size of another partition wow). So we remove partition D. If you want the size of the hard drive to be large, then it’s important for disk D to see some great volume, and the space that is lost is not marked - you’ll deal with it later, having created a new partition for your our needs.


The description of the procedure is best suited for a blank hard drive that does not contain any necessary data, but if the partitions are deleted, all information is no longer available. Since there is data on the Winchester that must be preserved, it is NOT POSSIBLE to carry out the entire body damage. Turn to the beginning of the article and create, as described there, two pure main sections for help special programs And then proceed to install the operating systems, without re-partitioning or formatting anything, but simply install the skin OS from the preparations for it in the section.

Installation of Windows XP in partition D

After all manipulations with sections hard drive We proceed to the installation itself, specifying partition D as a place for Windows XP. This way, and not the other way, so that the future does not have any problems due to the choice and choice of the required operating system. After this, the installation is carried out until the end.

Regain respect

We installed Windows XP on drive D. If we reinstall there and use the new ones, the files that we run will still be located on drive C. And drive C will be formatted or otherwise corrupted (once om iz tsimi downloaded files), then you will waste the opportunity to download Windows XP. Even if the system itself can be in perfect order, if you start it there will be nothing.

Zavantazhuvalny Windows files XP price:


They are located in the root directory of drive C (reception files, services - close their display). They can be copied in a safe place whenever you need them, and they can be easily recovered from backup copies then turn it with your hands to disk C, thus renewing Windows XP.

On the way Windows installation 7

After that Windows XP installed, the time has come to approach Windows 7. Similar to the previous operating system - insert the installation disk Windows 7, we will reset the computer and immediately write a button under the hour (for everything: \"Press any key to boot from CD...\").

Select a partition for installation

Now select partition C and install Windows 7.


That's it! We have a multi-vanguard configuration ready.

Now, when you turn on or restart your computer, two rows will appear on your screen, first - \” Previous version of Windows“that friend - \” Windows 7" You can select from them using the additional arrow keys on the keyboard and press ENTER- The operating system has been selected to become increasingly fascinated. If after 30 seconds nothing is pressed, then the system behind the changes will start - since you didn’t change anything, then there will be Windows 7.

If you want to change the operating system, or if you want to do your laundry, then go to Windows 7, click here Start => Control Panel => System => Additional parameters systems (left-handed) => \"Parameters\" button in the \"Innovation and upgrade\" section.