HTML text, font size, text formatting. Basic HTML tags for text formatting - text is shown in bold and italics; parameters for size, color and font; paragraph and heading tags New semantics and old doctype

Vitayu, Friends.

After yesterday's long break, I realized that I had not written a row for a long time. Of course, this has its own reasons, and even every reason for realizing self-righteousness will eventually appear, right? In fact, today I’m working on a Video Course, which I’ve already thought about a number of times, but I won’t say anything more about it for now, you’ll soon find out everything.

So, nothing came to mind about what to write about. If you look at the statistics, what can you do with the Runet using HTML, WordPress, DLE, etc. And you know what? What else should I write about? All the nutrition that I know, in fact, will not always be used in a reasonable form. That's how it felt to write like this.

Today we’ll talk about HTML. And let’s talk about how to see text in bold and italic images, and we’ll also talk about seeing color.

Show text in bold images.

To see text in bold images, you don't need to do anything fancy with CSS styles or be aware of any inconsistencies. HTML already has this capability. In this case, we can not just see the text in bold, but also put a new emphasis on it to help us see it. The accent can be timid for sound systems or any special browsers or programs. You can’t go over the accented text in the article or on the page with any information, so it can be dangerously seen as a minimum on the exposed HTML page.

So, just to see the text in bold, we can quickly use the tag . This tag is applied to the elements of physical layout, whereby bold images are inserted into the text, without losing any emphasis. This tag is for the guys to talk about those that are in the air, like the tag that opens and closes. In addition, fragments of the insertion element are to blame for being in the block element, for example

Butt code:

bold text


bold text

In this case, we simply saw the text in bold images and that’s all.

However, we need not just to see the text, but to develop an accent. For whom we can use the logical layout tag . Moreover, the text of visions with this tag is of greater interest to sound systems. Ale and for the idea, we are guilty of dividing ourselves with the tag In modern browsers, for example, intonation. However, I can neither confirm nor lie this information, Chi so tse?

In this case, everything is absolutely the same as in the case, with simple visions in bold, only we have a timid accent, and not just a vision.

Butt code:


It’s easy to finish everything, isn’t it?

The text is shown in italics.

And here everything is more folded than before. And our situation is absolutely the same. We can see the text in two HTML variants. I will again, vikorista, either the tag of physical layout or the tag of logical, for the help of which we again carefully emphasize the visionary text.

To see text in italics and a quick tag . This element is small and small, which tells us about those who are guilty of vikoryism, as the tag that opens and closes. And it’s also our fault to vikorize it in the middle of the block element. And in this case, the most suitable block element is the paragraph tag

Butt code:

text in italics


text in italics

And of course we can speak on the text immediately after seeing it in italics behind the additional tag . This element is the same , In addition, the text appears in italics and not in bold.

Butt code:

the text on which we emphasized


the text on which we emphasized

And the last thing I want to talk about today is the color of the text.

It’s a pity for the tag that we can see the text in color in HTML. But still, there is nothing complicated in this method.

Now, in order to see each part of the text in color, we can wrap the required part of the text with a tag , which is a universal tag, and is placed in the middle of a block element. Our video has a block element with a tag

Ale dodati not enough. It is also necessary to specify the style parameter, which allows you to add CSS power In the necessary text, indicate power itself (color), which will help set the song’s color. And find, indicate the meaning of power color. Ale mozhe viniknuti pitannya: What are you saying? It is necessary to enter the HTML code of the color in which we want to “fabricate” the text. You can find the HTML codes for the colors.

Now let’s take a clearer look at the butt.

Butt code.

text you need to see color

In this case, we are strengthened by one word: color. I also want to indicate what the tag is To the guys, we can close it there when the power may end.


text that needs to be seen in color

In these ways we can manipulate the text on our website. I also want to point out that all the people we were talking about are working on both WordPress and DLE, because whatever engine is used for displaying pages is vikoryst HTML. HTML itself can be called the basis of any website, regardless of whether you have a CMS.

I hope I explained everything clearly.

Good luck, Friends. Coming soon... More news to come...

Tag HTML vikorist shows a fragment of text in italics.

HTML tag relate to physical formatting tags. Change the image to the font behind the tag be stylistic in nature.

You can also create HTML text in italics using an additional tag. In this case, the text will be seen in a logical (by way of) “chairing” manner.

The HTML5 specification recommends giving priority to logical formatting tags: important text fragments - tag, emphasis - tag, subheadings - tags, highlighting text - tag. See text in italics behind the tag Moreover, the nature of the image corresponds to the desired logical formatting tag.

All types of text are described in the article: .


text of visions in italics

Browser view

Vikoristanny butt in HTML code

Italic tag in HTML

A simple text can be modified on any website. And the axis text of visions is in italics (

We'll get to work with you right away before adding the main tags.

Let’s take a look at the tags that form the structure on the page.

Block. The structure of the simplest story The side of the site is the most important text file with expanded.html . In the middle of this file is saved HTML text pages with tags at once. This file is obov'yazkovo guilty of these same tags: tag

, which is guilty of containing the text of the entire site (everything written with this tag will be ignored by the browser), and in the middle of it there are two more tags: tag for service instead of page and tag - for the main text, which is visible on the browser screen. <a href="">For services, what is displayed in the middle of the tag</a>, there are a lot of different speeches, but for now we only need two of them. <meta>Tse tag <b>, which sets</b> name of the page <b>, which will be visible in the browser tab, that tag</b>, which means the coding of the page (will be placed in the attribute</p> <p>charset <html>and call the meaning <b>utf-8</b>, which indicates the HTML version of the movie, where the site is divided.<!DOCTYPE html> .</p> <p>The current version of the movie is number five and the doctype may look like this - <b>with expanded</b> Now, let’s take a look at the main structure of the page (to launch this in your browser, copy it to a text file with extensions</p> <p> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>And open your browser if you have problems with this - watch the video below): Tse title title

This is the main one instead of the side.

What this butt looks like in the browser is amazing at this effort.

I think that once you have read about the basic structure of the page, you will, as before, lose the sense of what it all looks like in practice. Therefore, I have made a special video in which I will show you how to create your first HTML page and run it in the browser (in this I will also talk about the title of the page, about coding, about designing the code). Marvel at it and then move on to further reading: Well, now, having learned to create the simplest stories

, we will move on to the modification of the brown tags, which is the next step in the middle of the tag

. There will be tags for paragraphs, headings, lists, messages and other short speeches. Come on, let's see.

Block. Paragraphs

One of the main elements of the page is

And open your browser if you have problems with this - watch the video below):


. They can be aligned with the paragraphs at the bottom - each paragraph starts from a new row and is also called the hearts row (if the first row of the text of the paragraph is entered by the right hand).

There is no row of reds to be found, but it is easy to earn money (about a few times in a year).

The paragraph is created using the additional tag

In this manner:

This is a paragraph.

Just one more paragraph.

And one more paragraph. This is a paragraph. Just one more paragraph. And one more paragraph. Block. Headings h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6

Cream of paragraphs more important





on the side headers. They can also be divided into headings from the book - each section bears its own heading (name of the section) and is divided into paragraphs, which also bear their headings. Well, the main text of the story is in paragraphs. Headings are being folded for more tags . The stench is different from the world of importance. At the header h1 trace roztashovuvati

names of all HTML pages

And open your browser if you have problems with this - watch the video below):

, V


- name


stories, in

- names of subblocks.

All headers are bold and vary in size (this can be changed via CSS, or later). Marvel at the butt:

Heading h1

Heading h2

, V


- name


stories, in

- names of subblocks.

All headers are bold and vary in size (this can be changed via CSS, or later). Marvel at the butt:

Heading h1

Heading h3

You already know what the headlines are behind fatty. However, you can make the text bold and primary - just take it from the tag .

And open your browser if you have problems with this - watch the video below):

Marvel at the butt: This is the original text, but this is fat

Heading h2

Marvel at the butt: text. fat

text. The vikorist trace should be placed in the middle of any other tag, for example a paragraph. In this case, the paragraphs create a formal structure of the page (paragraphs and headings), and the tag b

to add bold edges to the text.

Block. Italics Oily cream can be made in the same way italics :

And open your browser if you have problems with this - watch the video below):

Marvel at the butt: for further help tag fat

Heading h2


Block. Lists The order of paragraphs and headings reveals another important element of the page - this lists . Such elements are familiar to all Internet users. The stink is a re-examination of what you want (list) point by point. For the skin item on the list, the cost of preparing batches (called
