How to create a page without a phone number. VKontakte: free registration VKontakte registration new page create now

We will walk you through all the VKontakte (VK) registration procedures. Vidkry the main page where registration is located- when you click on this message, the VKontakte site will open in a new window, and you can jump between it and the same side, which will help you.

What is needed?

Registration is free of charge, and everything you need. mobile phone under your hand. It will be your phone itself, so if you need to renew access in the future, the code will be sent to you via SMS. When registering a new site, you must indicate your obligatory number. It is not possible to register two sides to the same number (more precisely, you can, but the first side will lose the link to which number, and you will not be able to log in to it).

If you are already logged into the VKontakte website on your computer, then you immediately need to log out - button "Viti" there at the right upper codend.

First Krok: name and nickname

Now, let’s begin: enter your name and nickname under the heading “Instant registration” or, since there is no such thing, press the button.

Look at the picture below: this is approximately what the place where you need to enter your name and nickname looks like. To start introducing, press the bear onto the white rectangle where it is written "Enter name", and when you enter, press it onto another rectangle, where it is written "Enter nickname":

Enter respectfully, with great honor and without pardons! Then press "Register."

Another croc: your classmates

Now VKontakte will let you register for school when your children start and will help you immediately find your classmates. The country will already be selected automatically, for example Russia, and the place will need to be found from the list (it’s easier to do this by starting to type the name - two or three first letters). Then the site will allow you to select a specific school. Whatever you want, you can skip it right away - there’s a button there "Skip the joke of your classmates."

Third term: your classmates

After all, there will be a similar pattern - a joke from classmates. Everything is similar here - select a region, a place, and then select a university. You can skip school for this entire period. You may not tell me if you’ve read it the way you don’t want to.

Fourth term: mobile phone number

Now polite croc: You need to enter your mobile phone number to remove the confirmation code. This crumb is obligatory.

What about the VKontakte website and my phone number?

The truth is that having a password does not provide sufficient security. Sites that are not linked to a phone number are often hacked, and renewing access is not so easy because there is no link to a number. If you entered your number during registration, you can quickly renew your access by texting an SMS with the code and entering it on the renewal page. It’s clear that it’s harmless. Zhodnykh paid services your number is not connected. VKontakte does not collect numbers for a secret database or for any other purposes. It’s just that every day you forget your password or for other reasons you can’t get to your page, and link to your mobile phone number. effective method stop all these people from being hysterical.

On VKontakte, it seems that the number has recently been vikorized. What is it timid?

If at the time of registration you indicate your mobile phone number, and on VKontakte it seems that this number has recently been vikorized or has already been linked to another page, then the same Swedish decision- Vikoristovat another (or not someone else’s!) number. You can, for example, buy a new cheapest SIM card. Let us now allow you to register. Later you can try linking to your page old number, don't hesitate to separate "Nalastuvannya" far - button "Change your phone number." If you can’t find it, go to VKontakte support and to speed up the process, just enter your number before linking the page.

What is the reason? As you know, telephone numbers, which are not subject to abuse by Vlasniks (for example, more than 3 months) can be found again in sales. If the first user of the number linked it to your VKontakte page, and then after the end of the period of inactivity, the phone became inactive, then this number can be lost to you. Anything could have happened that way.

Important: Each phone number can be linked to the VKontakte page a few times. The site remembers all numbers. In addition, remember that if you lose access to the number for which your account is registered, you will need to link it to a new number (at "Nalastuvannya").

Fifth Krok: confirmation code

Enter the number and press the button "Remove the code" You need to check for SMS with a five-digit code. You need to enter this on the site to confirm that you are a living person who has a mobile phone, so that you can renew access whenever you need it.

Where should I enter the code? The y-axis is as follows:

Just enter the confirmation code and press the button "Send the code."

If a few days have passed and the code has not arrived, click on the message "I didn't remove the code." Please send another SMS.

If you don’t show up, you can ask the robot to call you at the number you provided - it will dictate the code in a voice. For whom do you press? “Okay, let the robot call,” otherwise - “No need, I received an SMS.”

Shosty Krok: password

Now you only have to set a password that will allow you to access the site. Yogo treba vigadati. The password may be secret, and no one needs to know it except you.

Please show up to enter your password. Good, as you see folding password with great and small letters and figures. The strength of the password in the world entered will be shown by the indicator. If the password is good and flexible, it will be marked with a green line and it will be written that it is a strong password. Come on, you're great. And I respect the way you enter the password - Russian or English. Wherever you enter it, you will need to enter it the next time, otherwise the site will tell you the password is incorrect.

Porada: write down the password on a folder and store it in a safe place, without showing it to anyone. Sometimes people simply forget the password.

That's it! Registration is completed and you can press "Login to the site."

Ostannіy krok: login to the site

Manually enter the VK website through the “Login” home page, especially if among your favorite sites will be VKontakte, and others -, My World, Odnoklassniki and others. On the “Login” (site addresses) you can add any sites and go to them in one click, and then directly to home page Bachish, there is new knowledge in you, the leaves are even cleaner than new.

After logging in to VK, yours will open special side, yaku can be re-sealed. For example, for the beginning you can put your photo - press it on an empty space, it’s your fault (there’s a camera icon there) or on the post "Post a photo." Everything is very simple. A window will appear in which you will need to select a photo from your computer. After this, the photo can be cropped (if necessary), then stamped "Save it."

Rich Runet users (and not just RuNet) have long had an account account on the social network VKontakte. There are still a lot of investors who are not yet registered on the project. If you are one of them, then this article is accurate for you - we know how to register in VK. To be fair, it is important to note that registration is extremely simple and will only take you a fraction of an hour.

How to register with VK?

Here you enter the name, nickname and date of birth. Please note that after registration it is possible only after verification by a moderator, and you can change the date of birth yourself or change it. After entering the data, click the “Register” button.

On the next page you will need to enter your phone number. Please remember that the number may be yours, so that registrations are made in your name, so that if you have problems, you will be able to renew access to a new one in the future. Since the registration is for a number, registrations are for another person, this can become a problem in the future, since you will not have access to the VK of that number. Registration without a phone number is impossible today.

Now, enter the number and press the “Remove Code” button.

Now we check for the code that comes to the number indicated. Then enter the code in the “Confirmation code” row and click “Add code”.

If the code is entered correctly, the system prompts you to enter a password, which cannot be less than 6 characters. Bazhano, obviously, more. Before speaking, our site has already been published. Remember the password itself or write it down here, there, there, before anyone else will have access.

Enter your password and click “Login to the site.”

Axis and everything on the site. Now you can remember the information to yourself, joke with your friends, and get drunk, etc.

We also recommend that you work by linking the page to the address by e-mail. To do this, go to “Nalashtuvannya”, select the “Zagalne” tab and write your e-mail address in the “Electronic mail” column, not forgetting to save it.

Axis, zagalom, and that’s it. If you are concerned about nutrition, you can ask them for additional comments.

Registration in VKontakte is simple, prote, many of my colleagues, respectfully, respect that it’s difficult. I’ll show you how to register with VKontakte without any costs right away.

How to register in Contact - instant registration

To register on VKontakte, go to head side official website of this social network: (follow the instructions, or copy and paste into the search row).

Start of registration VKontakte ru

You're right, right-handed, right First on VKontakte?(Instant registration). This is useful and necessary for you! Enter your name, nickname, enter the date of birth and click the green Continue registration button.

The Registration Confirmation window will appear. You need to select your country and enter your mobile phone number, and you will receive a registration confirmation code. It’s our time, you can’t do without extra security! Therefore, you can register only one page in Contact for one phone number. After this you press the button: Review the code.

Enter the withdrawal code in the SMS and press Send code

Show up again at the end - Password. Here you need to guess a good password so that the hacker does not cheat you out! If the comment “Strong password” appears, then everything is fine! Now you are pressing Login to the site, and I have a message for you: You have successfully registered!

If you now press the Continue button, you will be prompted to enter a little more information about yourself, take photos, find and import your friends from other social networks. Or, you can click the Skip button and add everything another time.

Respect! I’ll tell those guides who wanted to register with VK as quickly as possible! If you received notification about successful registration, it means you now have your own page in the VKontakte social network! You can go to this site at any time, using a login (phone number or e-mail) and password. Don't forget to write them down! You can add information about yourself incrementally for each subsequent visit to the site.

Adding information to your VKontakte page

So, you decided to add information to your recently created VKontakte page. To do this, press on the small jersey at the top right corner, next to your names.

A menu will appear in which you can click Edit.

On the page that opened, right-handed, find the section you want to edit. For example, I selected the Osvita section. The window has 2 tabs: 1) Average and additional lighting, 2) Highlights.

Search for classmates

So that your classmates can recognize you, and you can also indicate the school you started at. To begin with, from the list, select the Country where you started, then the place. If there is no space in the list, then enter a name.

A list of schools in your local area will appear. Find your school. Then select Release Rik. If you have a small number of parallel classes, then indicate class (a, b, c).

Search for classmates

So that your classmates can know you, say VNZ where you started.

For this, select the Lighting tab

Select the Country, and then the Place, where they began. The list of VNZ is displayed. Choose your university.

Find a list of faculties at your university - select your Faculty. Then the Department.

Search for friends in other social settings

Here you can add friends from other popular social networks.

When you visit again, you can update the information, change the design of the page, and don’t forget to periodically change the password for your account.

Video: Registering with Contact and filling out the form

The video tutorial shows:

  • registration on VKontakte, filling out the form, bezkoshtovno and shvidko,
  • How to add a photo, selecting all the options for photos that will be posted on a social network,
  • how to edit information about yourself,
  • How to ensure that your profile is not compromised.

Login to your page at Contact

Speeches that are obvious to of the confirmed koristuvachs computer, not ever more obvious to novice people. I will show the entrance to my page in Contact the next day after registration.

To register on VKontakte, first go to the official VK website HTTPS://VK.COM

Social network VKontakte is the most popular site in the Russian segment of the Internet. Here you will find everything that everyday people need: new information, meeting with good people, new acquaintances, interesting videos and everyday music. In order to use the site's functionality, it is absolutely necessary to go through the registration procedure.

To register as a customer, you need to go to the main page of the social network. At the right block, close to the end of the page, there will be a field where you need to enter the customer information. Before obligatory fields:

  • That's my nickname;
  • Date of birth;
  • Mobile phone number.

Of course, after completing the procedure, you will find a number of other fields with special information that are recommended to be filled out.

After entering your mobile phone number, you will receive an SMS with a verification code. Time when the social network has registration available without mobile number, It's gone in the past. This period of time has been spent by the administration in order to reduce the number of “dead” pages and protect investors from shareholders.

When you register, the customer specifies the contact e-mail and password that will be used to gain access to the cloud account. After this, it will be possible to demonstrate the feasibility of social measures.

Alternative method

If you are a member of the Facebook social network, the VKontakte registration process will be much easier. Click the “Continue with Facebook” button and registration will be completed in one short time, as long as you have logged into your account account for your previous contributions. All special information and photos will be integrated into the VK page automatically.

Now, knowing how to register on VKontakte, you can enjoy all the benefits of socializing with other people, and also start exploring the Russian social network that is leading!

You can grasp social networks on your fingers, which can compete for equal popularity with in the border space of RuNet. Proof of this is one of the numerous memes dedicated to this site. Vin say: “Before, they took photos for a riddle, but now they take photos on VKontakte.”

The whole process will tell you how to register in contacts and find old and new friends, like-minded people, and work colleagues.


Respect! Get your mobile phone ready. It is not possible to register with Contact, due to the new rules, via email (without assigning a number).

1. Open the VKontakte website in your browser –

2. In the fields of the “Instant registration” section, enter your name and nickname. Click the “Register” button.

Respect! Without a nickname, you will not be able to proceed to the deadline for completing a special questionnaire. It is also recommended to indicate real specific details (correctly!), so that you can meet friends in social networks.

3. In the “Country” row, click on the mouse to open the drop-down menu and select the country in which you live.

4. Enter your mobile number (without international code; the service system inserts it into the field automatically).

5. Click “Remove code”. By pressing 1-2 clicks on the specified number, you will receive an SMS notification with a 5-digit verification code (the box will be connected without costs). Enter it in the bottom row and click the “Add code” button.

6. Create a new password (12-15 characters) using English letters, numbers and special characters.

Respect! Do not use passwords like your name, nickname, father's name, birth date, phone number. And also trivial character combinations that are easy to transfer: for example, my_parol, 121212, etc.

7. Click on the “Go to the site” button. In fact, a new page has been created and registration with Contact has been completed. Out of order additional information about myself.

Introduction of special data

1. “The Land of the School”, “The Place of the School” - the place of re-establishment of the original foundation in which you began.

2. “School”: you can select a name from the drop-down list (all schools in the location you specified are displayed in this name) or simply enter the school number.

3. Indicate the release and class that started (A, B, C, etc.).

4. On this page you can immediately add friends to your classmates (they will appear automatically in the lower block “You may know these people”). Press the corresponding button, shown next to your friend’s avatar.

5. Press the “Go to the next step” button.

6. So just enter the details about the university where you started: fill in the fields “Country”, “Location”, “VNZ”, “River of graduation”, “Faculty”, “Department”. Please add classmates from friends whom the social security system found during the data entry process.

7. On the next page, VKontakte encourages new members (that is, you) to find friends in other social measures: Facebook, Google (via email) email Gmail and Google+), Odnoklassniki, Twitter. If you don't want to become a vikorist this function, click on the message “Go to my page.”

Page design

1. Click on the message “Select photo”. In the system window, go to the folder where your photos are saved, and then click on your photo (which is best suited for an avatar).

2. Adjust the size of the photo by touching/opening the bear between the portrait. After completing editing, click “Save and Live.”

3. Click “Edit sidebar”.

4. Forms for the Bazhanni can be in the focus of the SVIM SIMENITYA, the date of the people of the people (I was launched ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї), misto, in the residence, izhmens that prizvishchi (Fatherland, dіdusiv ib grannisy, sisters il Brativ).


To retrieve the entered data from the field, click the “View” option (the right-hand side of the row is displayed). 6. To find a friend on social media, click on the “People” section, and then prick row

  • dial his name and nickname. If necessary, in the additional panel, adjust the search filter (by age, place of residence, beginning, etc.).
  • open the "My settings" section;
  • In the “Your email addresses” block, enter your email;
  • click “Save address”;
  • turn to the front page and go to the “Alerts” tab;

Click the “Attach email” option. That's all! Oblikovy record

created. To access your website, you must enter your mobile number and password. Dodatkovo marvel at the axis tsikave video