Unlimited tariff plans for megaphone throughout Russia and to all numbers

At this time, absolutely all airline operators are demonstrating the diversity of unlimited tariffs. The Megafon company was not the culprit. Vaughn allows its subscribers to enjoy the benefits of unlimited subscriptions with an additional large number of tariff plans.

Package "Exclusive"

1. Exclusive S


  • 20 years per month for all Moscow and Moscow region numbers;
  • 40 basic and multimedia notifications for delivery to numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • 2 GB of Internet traffic, which is used in the home region and roaming;

Variety: 27 rubles for daily use or 810 rubles for a month.

2. Exclusive M


  • for the current 66 years of calls to Moscow numbers and to all Russian numbers of Megafon;
  • 50 notifications for 24 years to Moscow and regional numbers;
  • 5 GB of Internet traffic, which is used in the home region and roaming;

Variety: 40 rubles per income or 1200 rubles per month.

3. Exclusive L


  • 100 years per month, which are spent in the region of connection and when in roaming, if the amount of input calls is redeemed from the registered 100 years. It is obvious that entering the home region is catless;
  • 75 sms and mms;
  • 7 GB of Internet traffic, which is spent costlessly in any Russian city;

Variety: 60 rubles per income or 1800 rubles per month.

4. Exclusive VIP


  • 125 years per month, which are spent on calls to any Russian numbers from any region of the country;
  • 100 sms and mms;
  • 15 GB Internet traffic.

Variety: 100 rubles per day or 3000 rubles per month.

Corporate rates

1. Business unlimited

Shchomisyachna subscription fee stores 1000 rubles. Connection - 1250 rubles. All input and output calls are free of charge.

2. Unlimited work

The subscription fee per month is 1000 rubles. During workdays all calls are free. Holidays and weekends are available for weekend calls at a price of 3.30 rubles per day.

3. General

Subscription fee for a month is 2200 rubles. Connection - 750 rubles. All jingles are catless.

All inclusive package

1. All inclusive S


  • subscription fee for a month - 390 rubles;
  • 400 khvilins for calls to the home region;
  • 100 sms and mms;
  • 3 GB Internet traffic.

Connection: 199 rubles.

2. All inclusive M


  • monthly subscription fee - 590 rubles;
  • 600 khvilins for calls to the home region;
  • unlimited to all Russian Megafon numbers;
  • 1500 sms and mms;
  • 5 GB Internet traffic.

Connection: 199 rubles.

3. All inclusive L


  • subscription fee for a month - 1290 rubles;
  • 1800 hvilins for numbers throughout Russia;
  • 1800 sms and mms;
  • 8 GB Internet traffic.

Connection: 199 rubles.

How to connect?

Effective activation of unlimited tariffs in several ways.

1. Sales office

Be a sales office Stilnikov operator It’s easy and quick to connect to an additional tariff. You need to bring your passport with you. Information about the expansion of offices can be found on the Megafon website.

2. Online store

Having selected a premium tariff plan in the online store, you must click on the “Add to the cat” option. You can also select additional options. Payment is required for the preparation of bank cards.

Which tariff is the best?

The most competitive and affordable rates are found in the unlimited All Inclusive package. They are particularly suitable for corporate clients, individuals and legal entities. They are optimal because they include all the options of the mobile operator.

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A month ago, I bought a copy of the Samsung Galaxy S8, and 6 days later I picked it up by mail) and then lost my voice!

Unfortunately, it appeared that there were a lot of added propositions from operators Stilnikovy ligament. As a simple example, there are tariffs for smartphones with unlimited mobile Internet without any fees for bandwidth and traffic. Hello, we have once again been given the opportunity to use unlimited mobile Internet, however, there is a pitfall here. All operators have similar propositions, and it would seem that this topic is not relevant, but the Megafon company does not care so much. In 2016, the “Megafon.Unlimited” tariff became available to subscribers. Do not confuse this tariff with the option. This tariff plan transmits unlimited calls across the border, unlimited internet, as well as packages of hvilin and SMS.

Let's face it, Megafon did not tell us anything new and Beeline, MTS and Tele2 have similar proposals. Below we compare all current tariffs with unlimited Internet, and first of all, it is the “Megafon.Unlimited” tariff. In addition to the information presented on the operator’s website, we will share with you with special testimony testing of this tariff plan.

Description of the tariff “Megafon.Unlimited”

The “Megafon.Unlimited” tariff, as well as similar offers from other operators, is directly related to the unlimited Internet. Of course, unlimited calls in the middle and a package of calls to numbers of other operators are also important, but the main emphasis is on the Internet itself. In addition, for calls there are added propositions. Let's take a look at what Megafon is offering to us as part of the new tariff plan.

Please note that the size of the subscription fee and the size of service packages vary depending on the region.

During the first month, a subscription fee of 10 rubles per call was introduced for all regions. From another month the fee becomes 11 to 20 rubles. For example, in Moscow and the region the welfare fee is 20 rubles, in the St. Petersburg region - 13 rubles, in the Krasnodar Territory - 11 rubles. Current information for your region is presented on the operator’s official website.

  • The "Megafon.Unlimited" tariff includes: Unlimited mobile internet
  • (є obmezhenya, div. lower);
  • Unlimited calls within Megafon limits;
  • 250 bonuses to numbers of other operators in the home region and Megafon of Russia;
  • 200 SMS to all numbers in your home region and Megafon Russia.
  • Uvaga

Depending on the region, packages and subscription fees may vary. We provide more information that is relevant for the Moscow region. You can find information about your region on the Megafon website.

As you see, there is nothing unusual about the tariff. Paying 600 rubles per month for 250 calls to phones of other operators in your home region and without a limit in the middle is unlikely to cause any sense. However, until the end of the SMS, we are provided with unlimited Internet access. On the operator’s website, in the description of the tariff, there is no clear word about the fact that the unlimited Internet on the “Megafon.Unlimited” tariff transmits such exchanges. Unfortunately, the availability of information about the exchange cannot be confirmed. We’ll get back to the specifics of the tariff, but for now let’s take a look at the prices.

Availability of service calls on the “Megafon.Unlimited” tariff

As you already understand, the amount of subscription fees varies depending on the region. For Moscow subscribers, a subscription fee of 20 rubles per call has been transferred (the first month is 10 rubles per call). It’s not enough to worry only about you, but it’s not easy to forget about the additional expenses. In addition to the subscription fee, other expenses may be incurred. Information about prices is provided below.

  • Calls to numbers of other operators outside the home region – 3 rubles per call;
  • Calls to numbers of other operators in your home region after redeeming the package – 1.6 rubles per call;
  • SMS to mobile numbers other regions of Russia - 3.9 rubles;
  • SMS to all mobile numbers in your home region after redeeming the package - 2.9 rubles.

We did not provide information about prices for calls in other countries; here are standard prices, which do not depend on the tariff plan. Varto also add that the tariff is the same at home and when traveling to Russia. We remember that MTS on the Smart Unlimited tariff charges a fee for the subscription tariff outside the home region. It’s difficult to say how to introduce such changes to Megafon, but for now the tariff plan is in effect throughout the entire region on the same minds (except for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol).

Features of tariffs "Megafon.Unlimited"

You won’t be able to subscribe to the “Megafon.Unlimited” tariff plan exclusively for the sake of calling. Apparently, the package of quills is even small, and using SMS, the stench is not so necessary to give them meaning. As was said earlier, the tariff can be increased by the unlimited Internet, otherwise not everything is so smooth here.

We carefully learned the tariff and did not find any riddles about exchange, typical for similar propositions. There is a lot to know about how you can use the “Megafon.Unlimited” tariff on your modem, how you can reduce the speed with your local file-sharing networks, and how you can share the Internet. Unfortunately, this tariff is in no way different from its analogues. Below are the most important and important features of the tariff. The information was collected by us by testing the tariff plan and collecting it from a specialist at the pre-development center of Megafon.

The “Megafon.Unlimited” tariff is characterized by the following features:

  1. The tariff plan is limited to smartphones. It is not possible to use a SIM card with a tariff for a modem or router.
  2. Є exchange for the speed of vikoristan of file-sharing networks (torrents).
  3. It is not possible to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, beyond Bluetooth and USB. Varto note that this exchange This is not the case in all regions (read the article:).
  4. Near Norilsk, Magadan region, Kamchatka region, Sakhalin region, Republic of Sakha, unlimited internet is not available. The cost of 1 MB for these subjects is 9.9 rubles.
  5. The tariff is not relevant when located in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. To save money on these subjects, follow.
  6. When you subscribe to the tariff, the subscription fee is charged for 15 dB. On the 16th day, the general write-off begins.

Of course, the “Megafon.Unlimited” tariff has other features and this list is continually updated. The tariff appeared only recently and little is known about it yet. If you have anything else to add, please leave your comments.

Equalization of tariffs from unlimited Internet

Everyone understands miraculously that the “Megafon.Unlimited” tariff is a worm’s clone of its competitors’ proposals. Similar tariffs are charged by every operator and their duties are minimal.

Competitors to the Megafon.Unlimited tariff:

All these tariffs are the same as “Megafon.Unlimited” and include unlimited calls across the border, unlimited Internet, as well as free and SMS packages. There are small differences, so we prepared a regular table. Name it lowest tariff It’s impossible, so everyone can make a choice on their own.

RateKhviliniSMSInternetAb. pay
"Megafon.Unlimited"250 hvilin200 SMSUnlimited20 rub. on doba
"Smart Unlimited"200 hwilin200 SMSUnlimited19 rub. on dobu
"#everything is possible"250 hvilin250 SMSUnlimited20 rub. on doba
"Infinitely black"300 hwilin300 SMSUnlimitedfrom 290 to 385 rubles per month

What do we have to do with it? As you know, all the information on the tariff table is very similar. It can also be noted that Tele2 is offering its tariff cheaper, and also has not yet introduced any fees for Internet distribution. However, MTS did not have such an exchange.

There are many reasons why you should choose Megafon unlimited corporate tariffs to connect. Corporate tariffs give previously unknown freedom of action and growth, exceptional flexibility, a wide choice of tariff plans, which will ideally suit you!

Corporate tariffs Megafon Moscow

  • Unlimited Megafon tariff in Moscow - 4000 rubles for all mobile and mobile numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region. The subscription fee will be more than 1200 rubles for connecting a federal number. Entrance calls are free. As you can see, a wonderful tariff plan for calls in Moscow and the region.
  • Firm Universal - this is a tariff plan, which operator positions it as a tariff with a low subscription fee and a direct number with code 499 or 495. Yes, the subscription fee for a Moscow number with code 495 becomes less than 590 rubles, and with code 499 - 250 rubles per month.

And the last connection option that is suitable for calls within Moscow and the Moscow region is the Respectable tariff with a reasonable tariff. This is suitable for those subscribers for whom it is important not the triviality of messages, but their versatility, and even the effect of mainly numerous calls. So, from the 5th to the 60th khvilina per day, one khvilina is worth 25 kopecks. Up to 5 hvilins and over 61 - 2.50 rubles per hvilina.

Megafon unlimited tariffs in Russia

For calls within Russia, the Megafon company offers a special unlimited package - Country without cordons. If you have friends and relatives in Russia and you like to actively interact with them, then this tariff is just for you! The subscription fee for using a federal number becomes only 99 rubles per call, and weekend calls in Russia - up to 50 rubles per call, free of charge!

As you can see, Megafon’s unlimited corporate tariffs are equally superior to the heavy commercial prepaid tariffs.

For the rich people unlimited tariffs Megaphones have become even more in demand, because the stink cannot be separated from the customers at the time of tinkling. Other operators have already introduced analogues of these tariffs, except Megafon has not yet presented its unlimited package until the end of the day. Then an option appeared with unlimited access for 7 rubles per meal, in addition to the main fee. With this option, rulers of any kind could quickly package tariff. But this was not quite what the market needed, but for some reason the Megafon Unlimited tariff appeared.

What is included in the Unlimited tariff plan?

If you apply for unlimited numbers to Megafon, then the subscription fee will be charged depending on the cost of the connection. In the first month, 10 rubles are withdrawn per day. Starting from the next month, the won grows to a maximum of 20 rubles and is saved for a period of time.

Read also All about the Megafon online tariff plan 2017 roci: description, vart_st

What is included in the tariff:

  • 250 per day for Megafon calls throughout Russia (all operators in your home region);
  • 200 SMS throughout Russia for Megafon subscribers and to numbers of other operators in their home region;
  • Internet connection is not shared.

Thus, as in competitors’ packages, the main emphasis here is on the Internet. Subscription fees for the Megafon Unlimited tariff will be charged depending on the region. During the first month, by any chance, payment will become 10 rubles per day. From next month it changes from 11 to 20 rubles. For Moscow, the maximum tariff is 20 rubles, while for St. Petersburg the fee becomes 13 rubles, for the Krasnodar Territory - 11. However, it is doubtful whether the tariff plan is beneficial, since the difference between regions can become smaller dvіchі, and services under whom however .

Rates for additional services

In addition to the cost-free package of services, the operator also provides additional capabilities. This should lead to the appearance of other expenses that may be incurred when the phone is turned off.

I will also use the unlimited Internet here. The rates for additional services look like this:

  • SMS between home region - 3.9 rubles;
  • calls to other regions of the Russian Federation – 3 rubles per telephone;
  • calls for a limited limit - 2.9 rubles per piece;
  • SMS over the limit - 1.6 rubles.

Read also Megafon roaming tariffs for trips outside the border in 2017

These tariffs apply throughout Russia, as you know, between your home region. And the culprits, but the stench doesn’t linger in particular.

The same peculiarities do not overlap with the payment peculiarities of a particular location.

Features of the tariff

Persh Nizh go to Denmark package services, it is necessary to recognize the peculiarities of Megafon Unlimited. The main feature of the transition lies in the fact that only for the sake of calls it is not necessary to connect it. Here everything is covered on the Internet, because it has a lot of services that allow you to communicate with any point in the world without harm, without even mentioning the harmless messenger program. In this case, the crampedness of the ridges does not in any way affect the freedom of spitting.

If you look at everything like a package for messages and SMS, then the hole is small and there is clearly a limit, with an active working system, it will be clear sooner or later. Testing of a SIM card with this tariff on an active local Internet via a modem showed few particularities that could be the reason for the transition of new users:

  • The Internet does not work when connected to a router or modem, so it can only be accessed on a tablet or smartphone;
  • As soon as torrents and other file hosting services are used, the speed exchange is automatically turned on, which reduces them;
  • when leaving the border and when staying in the territory of Crimea, the tariff plan does not work and does not support connection until the limit;
  • The Internet cannot be distributed to other devices using additional Bluetooth or USB, otherwise the interconnection is not active in all regions;
  • As soon as the tariff plan is activated, a fee of 15 dB is immediately debited, after which the charge begins;
  • The Sakhalin region, Kamchatka region, Magadan region, Norilsk and the Republic of Sakha do not apply to this tariff cost-free Internet And once you go, the price for 1 megabyte will be 9.9 rubles.

If you get Megafon an unlimited tariff, you will have to call again. This section of the site presents the most popular plans - unlimited with unlimited possibilities for connection and exchange. A detailed description of the skin type of services will help you grow correct choice and save on thousands of payments.

Unlimited tariff plan Megafon - solution for business

Unlimited Megafon is a practical solution for business, as one of the leaders advocates. Russian market stilnikovy link. Before the skin is cleared, singing options are available, with the help of which you can expand the legally available capabilities. Thus, Megafon’s rich unlimited tariff plans have priorities for calls to other regions, as well as international and intercommunal calls. Depending on your specific needs, you can enable the required option.

Unlimited Megafon will provide no less clear mobile connection, and also allows access to the Internet - at any time you can speed up by electronic mail, add social measure, get acquainted with the news Megafon's many unlimited tariffs transmit a lot of traffic for exchanging information; Otherwise, the subscriber is deprived of communication.

Unlimited tariffs from Megafon with direct numbers - special features

Unlimited tariffs with direct numbers to Megafon are gaining well-deserved popularity. Each of the tariff plans has the following features:

  • the possibility of uninterrupted consolidation in the middle of the company;
  • there are a large number of connections for calls in the middle of the border, in Moscow and the region, as well as in some cases, cost-free forwarding and conference calls;
  • Direct numbers are accepted as more reliable and status.

Unlimited Megafon with federal numbers

Unlimited calls from Megafon federal numbers- This is unlimited:

  • with thousands of hvilins seen per month for roses in Moscow and the region;
  • with an uninterrupted hour for the capital and internal border crossings.

The unlimited subscription fee of Megafon has a very low subscription fee - it is suitable for customers whose daily calls are in a 1 or 2-year hour range. If you spend more money per day, then you will completely lose your respect for unlimited tariff plans, who have limited periods of daily life. Unlimited numbers Megafon - calls from high intensity on the territory of all Russia and with one of the most favorable tariff plans on the market of steel fiber.