Periodic table of chemical elements and their classification.

Periodic table is the foundation of our modern knowledge of chemistry.

  • How many elements are there in the periodic table?
  • Classic view of Mendelev's periodic table
  • Periodic table for EDI with chemistry
  • Mendelev's periodic law

How many elements are there in the periodic table?

Subject: 118 and 126 elements are shown in the table view.

Why is there such a difference?

People have discovered 94 elements in nature. Another 24 elements were created in laboratories. Usyogo comes out to 118 pieces. Another 8 elements are just hypothetical options.

Classic view of Mendelev's periodic table

Periodic table for EDI with chemistry

Below is a table showing how you can use EDI with chemistry and enter the package of permitted documents.

Mendelev's periodic law

There are two formulations of the periodic law of chemical elements: classical and contemporary.

Classic, in the report of y Pershovidkrivach D.I. Mendeleveva:

“The powers of simple bodies, as well as the forms and powers of semi-elements, vary periodically with the values ​​of atomic elements.”


“The powers of simple speeches, as well as the powers and forms of semi-elements, are in periodic storage due to the charge of the nucleus of the atoms of the elements ( serial number)».

The periodic table is one of the greatest manifestations of humanity, which made it possible to organize the knowledge about excess light and open it new chemical elements. It is necessary for schoolchildren, as well as for everyone who is interested in chemistry. In addition, a diagram is given It is indispensable in other fields of science.

This is a scheme to take revenge on everything in front of people elements, and the stinks group together indefinitely atomic mass and atomic number. These demonstrators infuse the power of elements. In total, in the short version of the table there are 8 groups, the elements that are included in one group may have even similar powers. The first group contains water, lithium, potassium, copper, Latin and Russian cuprum. And also argentum - silver, cesium, gold - aurum and france. The other group contains beryllium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, followed by strontium, cadmium, barium, and the group ends with mercury and radium.

The warehouse of the third group includes boron, aluminum, scandium, gallium, then comes triumenium, indium, lanthanum, and the group ends with thalium and actinium. The fourth group begins with carbon, silicon, titanium, continues with germanium, zirconium, tin and ends with hafnium, lead and rutherfordium. The fifth group has elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, vanadium, lower-grade ashes, niobium, surma, then tantalum and vanadium, and the final group is dubnium. Shosta starts with sour, followed by sulfur, chromium, selenium, then molybdenum, telurium, then tungsten, polonium and seaborgium.

In this group, the first element is fluorine, then comes chlorine, manganese, bromine, technetium, followed by iodine, then rhenium, astatine and boric. The rest of the group is the largest. It includes gases such as helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon. Also included in this group are iron metals, cobalt, nickel, rhodium, palladium, ruthenium, osmium, iridium, and platinum. Further go Hanny and Meitner. Around the rotted elements that create a series of actinides and a series of lanthanides. The stench is similar to the power of lanthanum and sea anemone.

This scheme includes all types of elements, which are divided into 2 large groups - metal and non-metal, which looms the discord of power. To determine whether an element belongs to this or another group, use a line that must be drawn through the drill to the astat. It is worth remembering that such a line can only be drawn in new versions table. All elements that are found above this line and are distributed in the main subgroups are considered non-metals. And as for the lower ones, in the upper subgroups – metals. Also metals are words that secondary subgroups. There are special pictures and photos where you can learn in detail about the positions of these elements. It should be noted that these elements, which are found on this line, reveal, however, the power of both metals and non-metals.

The following list consists of amphoteric elements that may have subordinate powers and can be created as a result of reactions of two types. In this case, they appear, however, both fundamentally and acid power. The importance of these and other authorities lies in the minds of the reaction and words with which the amphoteric element reacts.

Varto note that the scheme is given for the traditional Viconnian garnish and color. In this case, the orientation is indicated with different colors for clarity main and side subgroups. And also the elements are grouped in order due to the similarity of their powers.
Prote this time with an even wider color scheme periodic table Mendelev's black and white. This is how it looks like for a black and white friend. Despite the complexity, it is easy to work with it as quickly as possible to grasp certain nuances. Thus, it is possible to distinguish the main subgroup from the secondary subgroup in different subdivisions, such as well-known ones. In addition, in the color variant, elements with the presence of electrons are indicated on different balls. in different colors.
Warto note that in a single-color Vikonanny it is not very difficult to follow the scheme. For this purpose, the information provided in the skin and skin element will be sufficient.

Nowadays, the main type of testing is after finishing school, and therefore, preparation before it is necessary to pay special attention. Therefore, when choosing the pouch will be treated with chemotherapy, it is necessary to show respect for materials that can help you in your creation. As a rule, schoolchildren in school are allowed to study various tables, zokrema, and the periodic table good juiciness. In order for it to bring extra bark in the testing, it is necessary to immediately give respect to its future and appreciation of the powers of the elements, as well as their consistency. You have to learn, it’s just like that check out the black and white version of the table So that you don’t get stuck in such difficulties during your sleep.

In addition to the main table, which characterizes the power of elements and their occurrence in the atomic mass, there are other schemes that can help with the development of chemistry. For example, it seems tables of severity and electrical negativity of speeches. First, you can determine the extent to which the water’s performance at different temperatures is different. In which horizontal direction there are anions - negatively charged ions, and along the vertical - cations - positively charged ions. To find out grade level In addition to the other connection, it is necessary to find out the warehouse from the table. And in place of this, the retina will need to be applied.

Since this is the letter “r”, then the speech is completely different in normal minds. For the obviousness of the letter "m" - the speech is of little significance, but for the obviousness of the letter "n" - it is not to be punished. If there is a “+” sign, the connection does not end the siege and reacts without excess to the burglar. There is a “-” sign, which means that such speech does not exist. Sometimes you can add a “?” sign in the table, which means that the level of responsibility is definitely not known. Electronegativity of elements can be changed from 1 to 8; there is a special table for this parameter.

Another interesting table is the low activity of metals. All metals have a higher level of electrochemical potential. A series of tensions of metals begins with summer, which will end in gold. It is important that the left hand takes place in this series of metals, the more active they are in chemical reactions. In such a manner the most active metal Metal of the right type is important. The list of elements is also near the end of water. It is important that metals, like the one after this, are practically inactive. Among them are such elements as copper, mercury, silver, platinum and gold.

Mendelev's table of pictures at high luminosity

This scheme is one of the greatest achievements in the field of chemistry. With this There are many views of this table- A short version, a long one, and also a long one. The most extensive is the short table, and the longer version of the diagram is also often condensed. Warto note that the short version of the nini circuit is not recommended by IUPAC for vikoristan.
Usyogo bulo More than a hundred types of tables have been divided, which are distinguished by manifestations, form and graphic manifestations. The stench of vikorystvoyat the various galuzahs of science, but not at all stagnant. None of the new changes in schemes will continue to dissolve before the successors. As the main option, either a short or a long circuit for the stand-alone cell is chosen.

The table of the classification of salts, acids and bases is the foundation, without which it is impossible to fully master chemical knowledge. The diversity of bases and salts helps both students and professional people. The creation of rich products of life is impossible to absorb this knowledge.

Table of the classification of acids, salts and bases in water

The table of the classification of salts and bases in water is a guide that helps with the mastered chemical bases. Please refer to the table below for the following notes.

  • R - indicates a rogue speech;
  • N - not a different speech;
  • M - the river varies little in the water medium;
  • RK - rechovina is formed because of the infusion of strong organic acids;
  • We say a dash in that there is no such thing in nature;
  • NK - does not disintegrate either in acids or in water;
  • ? - It’s a sign of nutrition to talk about those who today there is no accurate information about the disintegration of speech.

Most often, the table is used by chemists and schoolchildren, students to conduct laboratory research, at such times it is necessary to establish in the minds the flow of song reactions. According to the table, you can see how the river behaves in a salt or acid medium, and a siege can occur. The siege during the investigation and follow-up should confirm the irreversibility of the reaction. This is a vital point that can be applied to the entire laboratory work.