Presentation of promising geoinformation systems in armored forces. Presentation on "geographic information systems"

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Respect! Forward view The slides are reviewed with caution and may not cover all the possibilities of the presentation. I've tsked you given the job, be a caress, show us another version.

Item: Informatics and ICT.

Program section: There will be further investigation of information models.

Lesson type: development of new material; follow-up lesson.

Lesson overview: combinations.

Obladnannya: computer class, projector, digital board, lesson notes, description practical robots, aircraft of the cosmic place of Smolensk, school district, school, cosmic sign of the Smolensk region.

Software security: operation Windows system,Opera, Microsoft program Power Point, Delphi, program “The streets of the city of Smolensk”, presentation before the lesson Geoinformation systems.pps, prepared by the teacher.

Lesson objectives:

  • Lighting – to familiarize students with geoinformation systems, with the methods of searching and navigation of geoinformation systems, with the meaning of space images in established GIS, to formulate the students' work with space images.
  • Rozvivayucha – develop the cognitive interest of students, learn how to remove knowledge in a practical way, and develop the skills of advanced work.
  • Vikhovna – promote the level of information culture and social adaptation of students, promote interest and love in the small Fatherland - Smolensk region.

Lesson plan:

Part I(1 year)

  1. Organizational moment.
  2. Preparing an independent robot .
  3. Updating of support items.
  4. Explanation of new material and primary knowledge .
  5. Vikonannya of practical robots.

Part II(2 years)

  1. Practical robot:

    - Creation of GIS;
    - Reserve GIS.

  2. Zavdannya before home.


1. Organizational moment

Reader. The topic of the lesson is "Geoinformation systems". In the first lesson, you will learn about geographic information systems, search techniques and methods of navigation in geographic information systems, and then create a simple GIS yourself.

Slide 1.

2. Preparing an independent robot

– The skin of your 5 skins is worked on independently.

1 student is preparing for the “Information Models” power supply. Other academic groups and, vikoryst and sound systems, are preparing for the following food supply:

Group 1 - “What are geographic information systems”;
Group 2 – “Types of geographic information systems”;
Group 3 - "GIS structure";
Group 4 - "Zastosuvannya GIS".

3. Updating of supporting knowledge

Slide 2 Having filled out the diagram, learn about information models.

The teaching corresponds to the nutrition of the slide.

Reader. Find applications of information models of the Smolensk region.

Learn(Possible variations). Slide 3 .

  • Graphic:
    • physical map, map of the administrative division of the Smolensk region;
    • graphs of monthly average temperatures, population control, etc.;
    • gas pipeline diagram, electrical lines ta in;
    • tree of the administrative subsection of the region.
  • Table:
    • database of graduates;
    • results of the task EDI and IN.
  • Mathematical:
    • salary department regulations;
    • payment for utility bills and in.
  • Verbal

After the student’s answers, the teacher will read: Smolensk region ( Smolensk region)

  • subject Russian Federation, Enter the warehouse of the Central Federal District.
  • Between the Moscow, Kaluz, Bryansk, Pskov and Tver regions of Russia, as well as the Mogilev and Vitebsk regions of Belarus.
  • Square- 49,778 km?.
  • Population- 0.966 million osib (as of 2010).
  • Regional center- Smolensk town, distance to Moscow - 365 km along the highway.
  • Resolved- June 27, 1937 on the territory of the Western region. Awarded the Order of Lenin (1958), in 1985 the rock was awarded the title of local hero.

4. Explanation of new material

Reader. You and I have already talked about the fact that one of the types of graphical information models is geographic maps. Nina cannot be seen without a computer, which has given cards a new life - the cards have become digital. Geographical information modeling is based on the creation of multi-spherical electronic maps, in which the reference sphere describes the geography of the territory, and the basis is one of the aspects of this territory. Various types of objects can be displayed on a geographic map: places, roads, airports, etc. Geoinformation modeling is related to

Geographical information systems or GIS.

Nadamo word uchnyam groupi, yaka pratsyuvala over the food "Scho so GIS".

Slide 4. What is GIS?

Reader. It’s definitely difficult to complete a short assignment. The children brought more than one thing.

Geographical information system (GIS)- the value of a new look at the superfluous world.

Geoinformation system- This system is designed for collecting, saving, analyzing spatial data and related information.
The term is also used by many senses - GIS as a tool (software product) that allows users to search, analyze and edit digital maps, as well as additional information about objects, for example, height, address, number of residents.

GIS (geographic information system) - This is a modern computer technology for mapping and analyzing objects in the real world, as well as those that exist on our planet, in our life and activities.
This technology combines traditional operations with databases, such as statistical analysis, with the advantages of high-value visualization and geographic (spatial) analysis, such as maps. GIS maps can contain not only geographical, but also statistical, demographic, technical and many other types of data, and various analytical operations can be combined with them.

These capabilities enhance GIS from other information systems and provide unique capabilities for its implementation in a wide range of tasks related to the analysis and prognosis of diseases and the possibility of that with understanding and seeing the main factors and causes, as well as their possible consequences, with plans strategic decisions and ongoing succession of actions. ,
Let’s give the floor to the group’s students who have been working on the topic “Types of geographic information systems.”

The students confirm, the teacher confirms.

Slide 5. Types of geographic information systems.

External geodata are vicorized when created in the robot different types geographic information systems:

  • professional (for state and Galuzian structures);
  • open GIS, which is available on automated workstations of various specialists in the middle of the region and the country;
  • built-in GIS systems installed on cars, water transport, underwater vessels, daily water transport;
  • GPS (Geo Position System) is a navigation system for additional satellite information.
  • Internet GIS – at various online portals that issue electronic cards;
  • CAD-GIS - automatic design systems for everyday life and communication, landscape design;
  • desktop GIS - systems that are installed on work and home computers.

Reader. What are the parts that make up a GIS? The group will give us evidence.

The students confirm, the teacher confirms.

Slide 6. GIS structure

Equipment safety . A computer for working with GIS can range from the simplest PC to the most advanced supercomputers. The computer is the basis for the GIS and retrieves data through a scanner or database. Monitor and analyze GIS data using the monitor. Printers and plotters are the most extensive means for displaying the final results of computer-based work with GIS.

Program. GIS software is dedicated to storing, analyzing and reporting geographic information. The most widely used programs are GIS-MapInfo, ARC/Info, AutoCADMap and others.

Dani The choice of data to be stored due to storage and the possibility of removing information. Data can be retrieved from various sources – databases of organizations, the Internet, commercial databases, etc.

Koristuvachi. People who use GIS can be divided into the following groups: GIS operators, whose work is responsible for placing data on the map, GIS engineers/developers, whose function is in the analysis and further work. with these data and those who need to get rid of the results make a decision. In addition, GIS can be accessed by a wide range of people through ready-made software or the Internet.

Method. There are many ways to create maps in GIS and methods for further work with them. A GIS will be most productive if it follows a well-thought-out plan and operational approach that meets the business manager's specifications.

Reader. The food supply is fast, how does the GIS work?

Slide 7

In the form of a basic paper map, an electronic map created in the GIS, contains the collected information that can be activated as needed. GIS stores information about the real world in a set of thematic areas, combined based on geographic location. The skin ball is made up of data on a song theme. For example, information about the location of the area, linking to geographic coordinates or sending to the address and tabular data. GIS uses cartographic material that is linked to a given coordinate system. In case of any similar requests for automatic selection of the object, a procedure called geocoded. Using this, you can quickly identify and see on the map where you can find the object you want to mark and its characteristics. GIS allows you to easily conduct spatial analysis of data and, on its basis, make effective management decisions.
For example, if you are exploring a specific territory, one map ball can contain information about roads, another - about water reservoirs, a third - about medicine, and so on. You can look at each ball-map side by side, or you can select a number of balls, or select information from different balls and create thematic cards based on the selection.
Graphic information in GIS is saved in vector format. In the vector model, information about points, lines and polylines (booths, roads, rivers, etc.) is encoded and stored in the view of the set X,Y coordinates(Z, T), which allows you to manipulate images. The output image is entered from the scanner in raster format, and then submitted vectorization – establishing formulaic relationships between lines and points.

Reader. In what areas do you think GIS is stagnant?

Scientists (attack group) call the spheres of stagnation of GIS.

Slide 8. Zastosuvannya GIS.

Reader. Currently, GIS is a multi-million dollar industry that employs hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. ICEs are used in schools, colleges and universities. This technology is used practically in all spheres of human activity - whether it is the analysis of such global problems as overpopulation, obstructed territories, deforestation, natural disasters, or the most private problems, such as search what route between points, choosing the optimal layout for a new office, searching booths at your address, laid by a pipeline on the territory, various municipal departments, etc.

Slide 9. Work with GIS.

Learn to work on computers. According to the computer network, the presentation is open on all computers.

Program "The streets of Smolensk"

Reader. What does GIS allow you to earn?

The students confirm, the teacher confirms.

The program contains information about the streets of Smolensk: street map, history and description of the street, photographs; Information about the place Smolensk. The search is carried out on the streets where they may be.

Practical robot. Search the streets for places and information about them.

  1. Find Tvardovsky Street on the map.
  2. What is the toponym and history of the street?
  3. Find a photo of the street (

Reader. In the process of completing practical work, answer the question: “What does this GIS allow you to do?”

Practical robot. Working with the open geoinformation system of the Smolensk city.

  1. Having established the proportions and updated the map, on the main map you will find all the objects of “Osvit”.
  2. Select the “Address Plan” card. If you search for the address, find out where you live.
  3. Select the “Cadastre of the city” card. Please check the cadastral property of the land at the place where your cabin will be built.

The teachings indicate the nutrition set by the teacher before the study of practical work.

Reader. The Google Maps service displays maps and satellite images of the whole world (as well as the Months and Months of Mars). The map has an integrated business advisor and road map with search routes in the USA, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Great Britain, Ireland, regions of Europe, as well as Russian places.

Practical robot. Outskirts of New York.

  1. Read from the hidden map of Early America.
  2. Change the scale so that the icons of American states appear on the map.
  3. Keep away the extra cards. To avoid losing your map, it is recommended to save more to the double clacks on the required geographical area.
  4. Take a look at the photo of the same area, taken from a companion.

Practical robot. Important monuments of the Smolensk region.

  1. In the "Search on the map" row, enter the name of Khmelit's garden.
  2. Add more cards.
  3. Take a look at the space images of that same area, subdivided from the satellite.
  4. Look at the photos of this area.

This is a national historical, cultural and natural museum-reserve. On its territory there are unique memorial, architectural, historical and natural monuments of federal significance, associated with the names of A.S. Griboedova, A.S. Khomyakova, P.S. Nakhimova, S.S. Uvarova, M.A. Bulgakov.

Slide 10. Space explorations.

Reader. As we were able to do during practical work, the electronic map, created in the GIS, is supported by the Internet and fed with space images and information from satellites.

Space adventure– capture of the earth’s surface from space flight vehicles using additional special equipment (photography, scanner capture, thermal capture, etc.).
Previously, exploring the earth, cartographers spent as much as a century creating maps of various geographic objects. Now you can earn a lot of near-earth turns for healing spacecraft. For 10 minutes, a spaceship can photograph up to 1 million square meters. km of the earth's surface, since such an area can be removed from the surface in just a few minutes, and geologists and topographers needed approximately 80 years. With the help of space exploration, it was possible to erase a lot of “white spots” from highly accessible areas of the earth.

Historical background

I. The first photographs from space were fragmented

  • 3 missiles in 1946,
  • from individual satellites of the Earth - in 1960,
  • from piloted spacecraft - 1961 (Yu. A. Gagarin).

The first photograph from space was lost a little more than a century after the end of the Other Light War. On June 24, 1946, a V-2 rocket, launched from the launch pad at the White Sands test site near the state of New Mexico, rose to an altitude of 104.6 km. The camera installed on board began to take pictures of the skin again and again for a second. After a number of whirlwinds in the cosmic expanse, the rocket turned to the ground. The landing was not planned smoothly, and the rocket broke up, and along with it the camera. The steel cassette with the melt was no longer intact, and unique photographic materials were no longer taken. Until 1946, the most important “altitude” photographs of the Earth were photographs taken from the Explorer II windfall (22 km) in 1935.

ІІ. In 1987, while visiting space at the Mir station, cosmonauts Yuri Romanenko, Oleksandr Laveikin and Oleksandr Oleksandrov surveyed a large part of Antarctica. All this contributed to the creation of a report map of the continent on a scale of 1:200,000 (2 km in cm). Such maps, even those of such a scale, simply cannot be produced using other methods.

5. Vikonannya of practical robots

Practical robot. The area where I will start.

  1. Open the resource
  2. In a row, search for Smolensk.
  3. Changing scale, know MBOU ZOSH No. 29.
  4. Find out the geographical coordinates of the school.
  5. Find the street-cordon area of ​​the school, vikoryst markers, sign them.
  6. Find a children's clinic, library, sports school in the school area, children's cage and sign them.

(In paragraphs 3-5, students work through the process and with a digital board, indicating that they have found objects.)

Reader. In what areas are cosmic studies being explored?

Learn (possible variants): in environmental monitoring, forest government, rural government, everyday life, cartography, cadastral activity, tourism activity, insurance. .

Slide 16. Research on space exploration and GIS technologies.

Reader. What do you think about cosmic research in environmental monitoring, forest dominion, agricultural dominion, everyday life, cartography, cadastral activity, tourism activity, insurance? . .

Slide 17-24.


Computer workshop "Creation of a geoinformation system in the Smolensk region"

1. Creation of programs for robots from space images of the Smolensk region. Computer workshop on assigning algorithms and codes.

2. Entering the names of geographical objects on the space image of the Smolensk region.
Vikorist maps of the Smolensk region, Internet resources and put on the space map the places, rivers, lakes of the Smolensk region.

  • Geoinformatics– science, technology and development activities from scientific development, design, creation, operation and development of geographic information systems, from the development of geoinformation technologies, with the addition of GIS for practical and scientific purposes .

Geoinformation system (GIS) -

This is an information system that ensures the collection, storage, processing, access, display and analysis of spatial (spatial-coordinated) data.

Data (space data):

  • positional (geographical): positioning of an object on the earth's surface, its coordinates in the selected coordinate system;
  • non-positional (attributive or metadata) - descriptive texts, electronic documents, Graphic type data, including photographs of objects, three-dimensional images of objects, video materials, etc.

  • entering data from the machine (data input) by importing them from existing sets of digital data or for additional digitization of data;
  • transformation or transformation of data (data transformation), including converting data from one format to another, transformation of map projections, change of coordinate systems;
  • saving, manipulating and managing data from internal and external databases tributes;
  • cartometric operations (div. cartometry), including calculating the distances between objects in the map projection or on the ellipsoid, including curved lines, perimeters and areas of polygonal objects;

  • operations for processing geodetic data (COGO);
  • drilling operations (overlay);
  • operations of "map algebra" (map algebra) for logical-arithmetic processing of the raster ball as a single whole;
  • spatial analysis - a group of functions that provide analysis of the placement of ligaments and other spatial areas of objects, including analysis of visibility/invisibility zones, sti), analysis of measurements, creation and processing of digital relief models , analysis of objects at the boundaries of buffer zones;

  • spatial modeling or geo-modeling (spatial modeling, geo-modeling), including operations similar to those used in mathematical-cartographic modeling and cartographic tracking methods;
  • visualization of output, personal or personal data and processing results, including cartographic visualization, design and creation (generation) of cartographic and other spatial images, including three-dimensional images;
  • data output - graphical, tabular and text documentation, including replication, documentation, and generation of reports (reporting);
  • service to the process of decision making

  • digital image processing (remote sensing data);
  • institutes of expert systems;
  • create customization for vimogi koristuvach (customization);
  • design the expansion functional capabilities GIS:
  • vbudovani macromovi (macros); developer's toolkit.
  • vbudovani macromovi (macros);
  • developer's toolkit.

  • A skin spatial object is represented by a database record with a set of attribute information
  • GIS stores information in a set of thematic balls, grouped based on geographic location

Butt the balls

  • Populations
  • Highways
  • Zaliznytsia
  • Hydraulic engineering structures (locks, canals, pumping stations, rowing)
  • Mosti
  • Gas pipelines
  • Reserved territories (local, national and international significance)
  • Farmland (rills, orchards, vineyards, pastures, rice fields)
  • Lands of water, forest, environmental and agricultural purposes
  • Roslinny Curve (mellows, foxes)
  • Administrative section, sovereign cordon
  • Watercourses (rivers, channels, small rivers)
  • Reservoirs (lakes, fishing grounds)
  • Relief

Vector and raster data models

  • In a vector model, information about points, lines and polygons is encoded and stored as a set of X, Y coordinates (current GIS often provide a third space and a fourth, for example, time-hour coordinates). The vector model is especially useful for describing discrete objects and is less suitable for describing powers that constantly change (for example, population size).

Klasi rozv'yazuvanih zavdan

  • Information and research departments
  • Merezhevi Zavodnya

(Analysis of geographical boundaries: street, river, roads, pipelines, power lines or connections, etc.)

  • Spatial analysis and modeling

Applications of queries that can be used as GIS information

  • Separating information from the process of reorganization
  • Significant demand for information
  • Time-hour analysis of changes in objects on the territory
  • Show the extent of relationships and interconnections between objects on a given territory
  • What, what...? ("what if" analysis)

Spheres of Zastosuvannya GIS

  • Cadastre
  • Operational services (MVS, MNS)
  • Nafta and gas
  • Transport
  • Ecology
  • Lisovo Dominion
  • Water resources
  • Nadrokoristuvannya
  • Silk State
  • Geodesy, cartography, geography
  • Telecommunications
  • Engineering communications
  • Business
  • Trade and services

  • http :// www . geoportal . fr /
  • http :// gki . com . ua

The essence and basic concepts of GIS Geoinformation systems (also GIS) are intended for the collection, storage, analysis and graphical visualization of spatial data and related information about presentation in GIS From the object. GIS is a modern computer technology for mapping and analyzing real-world objects that are being detected and predicting events and phenomena.

The GIS system allows you to: determine which objects are located on a given territory; determine the place of expansion of the object (spatial analysis); date of analysis of the population size of the subdivision of the territory of a particular place (for example, population density); indicate the hourly changes on the singing square); model what will happen when changing objects (for example, adding a new road).

Classification of GIS for territorial settlements: global GIS; subcontinental GIS; national GIS; regional internal combustion engines; subregional GIS; local and local GIS. Management level: federal GIS; regional internal combustion engines; municipal GIS; corporate GIS. For functionality: full functionality; GIS for reviewing data; GIS for data entry and processing; specialized GIS. By subject field: - cartographic; - geological; - Municipal or municipal GIS; -environmental GIS etc.

Areas of stagnation of hot water supply Land management, land cadastre. Inventory, layout, planning of placement of objects of distributed virtualization infrastructure and management of them. Design, engineering research, planning in civil engineering, architecture. Thematic mapping. Management of land, air and water transport. Natural resource management, environmental protection and ecology. Geology, mineral and ore resources, hydronic industry. Supernatural situations. Viyskova on the right. The development of a wide range of specific tasks related to the development of visibility zones, optimal routes for traffic crossing locality with the protection of antidote etc. Silk dominion.

History of GIS Pioneer period (late 1950s and early 1970s) Research on fundamental possibilities, borderline areas of knowledge and technology, development of empirical evidence, first great projects theoretical robots. The appearance of electronic calculating machines(EOM) in the 50s. The appearance of digital cameras, plotters, graphic displays and other peripheral devices in the 60s. Creation of software algorithms and procedures for graphic display of information on displays and using additional plotters. Creation of formal methods of spatial analysis. Creation software features database management. The period of state initiatives (late 1970s to 1980s) Government support for GIS stimulated the development of experimental work in the Galusian GIS, based on local databases on street surveys: Automated navigation systems tsії. Systems for the removal of domestic waste and waste. The collapse of transport facilities in extreme situations is also a problem. bud. systems that support individual sets of data on multiple computers, open to systems that support corporate data divisions of the base geodata. Increased competition among commercial producers of geoinformation technologies services gives advantages to GIS developers, the availability and “openness” of software features allows you to exploit and modify programs , the emergence of koristuvalnik “clubs”, teleconferences, territorially distributed, and also connected koristuvalnik groups, which has grown in demand in geodata, the beginning of the formation of light geoinformation infrastructure.

Prospects for GIS GeoDesign is an evolutionary stage in the development of GIS. It is very important for the process of planning and development of territories, especially in the sphere of land reclamation and protection. too much of a middlebrow, but widely required and practical in all other applied and scientific areas. Maybutne for GIS technologies with elements piece intelligence based on the integration of GIS and expert systems. The advantages of such a symbiosis are completely obvious: the expert system has the ability to know the expert in a particular field and can be considered as a leading or recommending system. The current status of new computer geotechnologies is indicated by great power programs, foreign investments, direct access to aerial photographs and space images, digital maps, and visualization of databases. In the future, it is possible to extract semantic information about objects on the map, and to predict the development of the territory, to allow the management of the place to develop options for policy decisions, the possible development of a new area It's too bad at the place. In this case, GIS, together with a simulation modeling system, can show local workers how to redistribute the importance of local engineering measures, the tightness of traffic flows, how to change the price of objects This is due to the construction of additional highways and the establishment of a new shopping center in one or another area.

Visnovok Danish moment GIS systems are among the fastest growing in terms of commercialization, with their koristuvach interface And the great volume of information that was contained in them made them indispensable in an increasingly sad world. At the moment, in Russia there are about 200 organizations engaged in the development and implementation of GIS systems, with the aim of the land cadastre to allow, based on these maps, there will be other, subject-oriented maps and complement them with additional attribute We need to allow our systems to compete with incoming images. At greater development mobile access in the mean time through Various devices GIS Systems Iz to the shots of Subatnikovikh Znimkiv at the Trivinni Modelovanni to allow the overcoming Coristuvachevi without the bitter problems of orіkiy miStsevosti rymuvati downs required information just supply the power.

Slide 2

  • 1. What is GIS?
  • GIS is a collection of computer hardware, geographic data and software for collecting, processing, saving, modeling, analyzing and displaying all types of spatially related information.
  • GIS is the middle ground that connects geographic information (what it is) with descriptive information (what it is). In addition to basic paper cards (namely, scanned ones), on which “what you take in, you take out,” GIS gives you the ability to easily manage a variety of geographic and thematic information.
  • Slide 3

    How information is saved in GIS

    All output information - the decomposed points, such as the total area of ​​the lake - is stored in separate balls digital view on the computer. And all this geographical data is sorted by balls, with each ball representing its type of object (topic). One of these topics can include all the roads in the singing territory, another - the lakes, and the third - all the places and other settlements of the same territory.

    Slide 4

    GIS can be seen in three types

    • GIS can be viewed in three types:
    • Type of database: GIS is a unique type of database in our world - a geographic database. Tse " Information system for geography". At the heart of the GIS is a structured database that describes the world in geographical terms, in terms of the spatial arrangement of its objects and objects.
    • Map type: GIS - a set of smart maps and other graphical views that show objects and their relationships on the earth's surface. Maps can be formatted and edited as “linked to a database” to support queries, analyze and edit information. These things are called geovisualization.
    • Model view: GIS is a set of tools for processing information. They allow you to form new geographic data sets from existing ones, complemented by special analytical functions - geoprocessing tools. In other words, by combining the data and the existing rules, you can create a model that will help you know the types of power supply.
  • Slide 5

    What you can do for additional GIS

    • Give more space to drink and analyze
    • conduct searches in databases and create open spaces for queries
    • identify areas that are suitable for essential visits; identify interactions between various parameters (for example, soils, climate and humidity of crops); detect the location of electrical breakdowns
  • Slide 6

    De zastosovuyutsya GIS

    • Realtors use GIS to find, for example, all the buildings in the singing territory
    • A company engaged in engineering communications
    • GIS serves for graphical cards and extracting information about the area of ​​the object
    • GIS helps, for example, in most tasks such as providing comprehensive information to inform planning authorities, most territorial conflicts, selecting optimal (from different points of view) subject to different criteria) a place for placing objects etc.
  • Slide 7

    What is GPS?

    GPS - satellite system navigation, which will ensure the alignment of the station, and the initial reinstallation.

    Slide 8

    GPS shows a number of locations on land, by the sea and in the wind. Basically, they can be stuck through, where you can pick up a signal from a satellite, behind a hole in the middle of a beacon, in mines and caves, under the ground and under water.

    Slide 9

    GPS-receiver - a radio receiver for determining the geographic coordinates of the in-line rotation of the receiver antenna, based on data about the time delays in the arrival of radio signals that are transmitted by satellites of the NAVSTAR group. In Russia, with the development of the GLONASS system, serial production of GLONASS receivers began at design bureaus and purchasing organizations.

    Slide 10

    • The visibility of the card really enhances the characteristics of the receiver. Signs with maps show the position of the target itself, and the objects around it.
    • All electronic GPS maps can be divided into two main types - vector and raster.
  • Slide 11

    What is geocache

    Geocaching (geocaching from the Greek γεο- - Earth and English cache - shovanka) is a tourist game based on the use of satellite navigation systems, which is located at famous sites taken over by other participants in the game.

    Slide 12

    • You can earn money from her as a family, a company, or one at a time
    • Geocaching is actively being promoted as a corporate gimmick. The company's training specialists will provide equipment, equipment and GPS navigators.
  • Slide 13

    • A project of the Google company, within the framework of which satellite photographs of the entire earth's surface were posted on the Internet. Photographs of certain regions show an unprecedentedly high level of diversity.
    • In many cases, Russians Google version Earth is called Google Earth, for example, in the main menu or on the official website.
  • Slide 17

    Task 1: For additional tools Catalog (at the top left program corner) look at the catalog of the organization of the city of Saratov. Zavdannya 2: Speed ​​up using the Poshuk system. Enter the address (in your name), district. The program will automatically require each address. on the Search tab.

    Slide 18

    View all slides

    Slide 1

    Slide 2

    Geographic information systems are tools for processing spatial information that is clearly associated with any part of the earth's surface and is used to manage it.

    Slide 3

    GIS contains the following subsystems: Data collection subsystem, which chooses to carry out advanced processing of data from different devices. This data (for example, from an isolated topographic map to a GIS relief model). 2. Data saving and selection subsystem, which organizes data spaces by selecting, updating and editing them. 3. The data manipulation and analysis subsystem, which creates different tasks based on these data, groups them and separates them, sets parameters and interconnections, and defines modeling functions. 4. A display subsystem that displays the entire database or parts of it in tabular, diagrammatic and cartographic form. This value allows you to easily compare current computer GIS with traditional paper maps, especially to look at the stages of the cartographic process

    Slide 4

    Slide 5

    GIS structure 1 Data (spatial data): positional (geographical): location of an object on the earth's surface. non-positional (attributive): descriptive. 2 Hardware security (EOM, tapes, storage devices, scanner, digitizer, etc.). 3 Security software (PP). 4 Technologies (methods, order of actions, etc.).

    Slide 6

    The misconception that lies within the internal combustion engine. GIS zagalnogo significance In addition, you can select five procedures (tasks) with data: introduction, manipulation, control, analysis, visualization.