Project on the topic of strength strumu. Presentation on the topic "direct electric strum"

  • memorize the formula for rozrahunku sili struma;
  • learn how to determine the strength of the strum.

The power of the strum. One sili struma

Displacement of a charge when a charged particle is in electric lancet

The power of the strum. One sili struma

The force of the stream is the charge that passes through the transverse section of the conductor 1c.

The power of the strum. One sili struma

The interaction of two conductors with the strum is the basis for the significant unit of strum power.

1 ampere the force of the stream, when sections of parallel conductors with a length of 1 m in a vacuum interact with a force of 0.0000002 N.

The power of the strum. One sili struma

Andre Marie Ampere (1775-1836) French physicist and mathematician

  • Two concepts separate: flow and tension;
  • I install straight to the struma in a closed lancet;
  • Parallel conductors with struma, which are exactly in one direction, attract each other, and in the opposite direction they move together.

The power of the strum. One sili struma

Repeated and multiple units of strength struma

Milliampere (mA)

1mA = 0.001 A

Microamps (µA)

1uA = 0.000001 A

Kiloampere (ka)

1kA = 1000 A

The power of the strum. One sili struma

Electric charge (electricity quantity)

1 coulomb = 1 ampere × 1 second

1Kl = 1A ∙ 1 s = 1 A∙s

q = I∙t

  • Two charges of 1 C each on a distance of 1 m interact by force

9 ∙ 10 9 N!

  • It takes 1s to go through your apartment charge ≈10 C
  • When you rub the comb, you remove the charge around 10 -8 Cl

The power of the strum. One sili struma

Sealy struma is practical

  • power in the light bulb ≈ 2A
  • in an electric vacuum cleaner ≈ 0.25 A
  • in an electric razor ≈ 0.1 A
  • the electric locomotive engine has ≈ 350 A
  • Blyskavtsi has ≈ 10 6 A

The power of a flow of more than 100 mA causes shock to the body!

Anything less than 1mA is safe.

The power of the strum. One sili struma

How to control the power of the struma?

An attachment for measuring the strength of the strum-AMPER METER.

Included in the lance sequentially

1. Is the ammeter insured for power?

Look at the little ones 137 and give your answer to the question.

1.5 A; 2. 3 A; 3. 0.5 A; 4. 2 A; 5. 4 A.

2. What is the price of the ammeter scale section?

1. 0.2 A; 2. 2 A; 3. 0.5 A ; 4. 4 A; 5. 0.1 A.

3. What is the strength of the strum in lancius?

4. If the ammeter reading changes, How can we include him in another place of this lance, for example, between the dzherel struma and the vimikach?

1. 1.5 A; 2. 2.5 A ; 3. 0.5 A; 4. 2 A; 5. 0.2 A.

5. Yak straightening the strings electric lamp?

1. Don't change. 2. Get big. 3. Change.

1. View A to b. 2. View b to A.

Take a look at the little ones 137 and give feedback on feeding.

  • Calculate the power of the current in an electric lamp, as 5 C of electricity pass through it in 10 seconds.

A. 50 A; Bi. 0.5 A; B. 2A.

  • What kind of charge passes through the vacuum cleaner, which works out at 10 volts, since the power of the stream in the cord, which is carried out, is more than 5 A?

A. 50 Cl; B. 300 Cl; St. 3000 Class.

  • How much electrical power flows through the coil of a galvanometer connected to a 2-volt loop, when the power of the flow in the loop is 12 mA? A. 0.024 Cl; B. 1.44 Cl; Article 24 Class.

4. The strength of the current at the wires of your apartment in the evening is 10 A. How much charge will pass through your apartment in 1 year? How many electrons?


  • What is the power of the strum?
  • Why lay down the power of the strum.
  • Odinitsa sili struma.
  • What is an electric charge?

The power of the strum. One force struma

Home improvement

  • § 37 read the information on the subject orally.
  • To the right 14 (1,2) writing.
  • Topics to share:
  • Lyudina and Bliskavka.

(About the action of bliskavki on people)

  • Htos is guilty, scho robiti.

(About the rules of behavior in the hour of a thunderstorm)

  • Kulova Bliskavka. (Publications from ZMI)

The power of the strum. One force struma

Well done for your respect!

The power of the strum. One force struma

Ammeter. Vimirvannya sil struma

  • establish with the last step that the strength of the struma is the same in all plots of Lanzug
  • get to know the new ammeter
  • develop experimental ideas (visuvati and
  • bring up a hypothesis, plan an experiment with it
  • perevіrtsi)

Goals and mission

  • What we call electric strum
  • Dzherela struma
  • Strumu power
  • Behind any formula is the power of the strum.
  • One force struma
  • Miracles yesterday

Electric strum

Electric strum- ordering (straightening) of the charged particles.

Wash your body:

the presence of strong charges;

Presence of the electronic field.

Directly struma :

Straightforward struma is taken to be an ordered stream of positively charged particles. The string is driven directly by the direct intensity of the electric field, which excites the entire string.

Permanent electric strum

A constant electrical strum is a strum whose strength changes over time.

The permanent strum is widely victorious in electrical diagrams automobiles, as well as microelectronics.

Dzherelo strumu is a device that separates positive and negative charges.

battery, batteries, generator.

Dzherela struma

Strumu power

Strumu's strength Danish moment hour - a scalar physical quantity that is traditional between the waters electrical charge, after passing through the transverse section of the conductor, until the hour of your trek.

I – strum strength, (A)

q – charge, (C)

t - hour, (s)

I = q:t

Miracles yesterday

Ampere Andre Marie. Rocks of life: 1775-1836. French physicist and mathematician. He created the first theory that expressed the connections of electrical and magnetic objects. Ampere came up with a hypothesis about the nature of magnetism, having learned from physicists the concept of “electric current”.

Attachment for vibrating or strumming- Ammeter. The lancets get stuck in consistently.

  • Formulate a meta;
  • Hang and wrap up the hypothesis;
  • Draw up a plan for the experiment;
  • Pick up the need for possession;
  • Conduct an experiment;
  • analyze the results;
  • Zrobiti visnovki.

Science experiment

Meta: calculate the strength of the strum in the different plots of the Lancug.

Hypothesis: how do you care about the ammeter readings in all plots of Lanzug, but it will be the same?

  • Calculate the force of the stream that flows through the transverse section of the lamp spiral
  • Fit: battery, ammeter, conductor, darts, key, lamp.

Practical robot

Robot z group.

Folding of the electric lancet in the following sequence:

1 group - battery, key, ammeter, lamp.

2nd group - battery, ammeter, key, lamp.

Group 3 - battery, lamp, ammeter, key.

Table of research results


  • The strength of the strum in all lantsug plots is, however, the same when connected sequentially.

  • Primarily secured.
  • 1. Matter about results practical robots Any charge passes through the transverse section of the conductor in 2 hours.
  • 2. How many electrons can pass through in 2 hours?

Independent robot

  • 1. Guys, what kind of food do you have before my lesson?
  • 2. What new things did you learn in class today?
  • 3. What was of your special interest during the lesson?
  • 4. Know practical zastosuvannya take away the knowledge?
  • 5. How do you evaluate your activity in class?

Reflection of activity.

  • 38. UPR14(2); exr15(2); No. 1277(L) - for bazhannyam.
  • Additional material on the topic “Making of electrical equipment based on rural technology.

Home improvement

Electric strum. Strumu power

As the charged particles collapse, the conductor experiences the transfer of electrical charge from one place to another. However, if the charging of the particles causes a free thermal flow, such as, for example, free electrons in metal, then the transferred charge is not created. The electric charge moves through the transverse section of the conductor in the same manner as is known from the smooth flow of electronics. In this case, it seems that the conductor is getting an electric current.

Electrical flow is the name given to the ordering (straightening) of the charged particles.
An electric current occurs when high-voltage electrons and ions are moved in an orderly manner. If you move a neutral body, then, when the large number of electrons and atomic nuclei are arranged, the electric current is absent. Full charge, What is transferred through any cross-section of the conductor, will be equal to zero, just as the charges of different signs move with a new average speed.

The electric stream blows straight through the song. The positively charged particles are directly taken as the struma. Since the strum of creations by the roc negatively charges their particles, the struma is directly respected by the proilegs directly by the rox of the particles. (Such a choice of a direct stream is not very far away, since the fragments in most of the fallout streams are a stream of electrons - negatively charged particles. The choice of a direct stream was formed at that time, if nothing was known about free electrons in metals.

The flow of particles from the conductor is not important to us. About visibility electric struma it is possible to judge from these actions and manifestations that accompany him. First, the conductor, like a flowing stream, heats up. Alternatively, the electric current can change the chemical storage of the conductor, for example, see its chemical storage parts (copper from copper sulfate, etc.). Thirdly, the stream exerts a forceful influx on the vessel streams and magnetizes the body. This struma is called magnetic. Thus, the magnetic needle near the conductor and the stream rotates. The magnetic effect of the current on the substitution of chemical and thermal is the main one, as it manifests itself in all conductors without fault. The chemical effect of the current is avoided especially in the case of breakdowns and meltdowns of electrolytes, and heating is avoided in the case of overhead conductors.
Diya struma

When an electric stream is installed in the lance, this means that an electric charge is steadily transferred through the transverse section of the conductor. The charge transferred per hour is the main characteristic of the strum, called the strength of the strum. If a charge ∆q is transferred through the transverse section of the conductor per hour ∆t, then the force of the stream is higher:
Strumu power

Thus, the force of the stream is equal to the charge ∆q, which is transferred through the transverse section of the conductor during the hour interval ∆t, until that hour interval. If the strength of the strum changes over the years, then the strum is called permanent. The force of a stream, like a charge, is a scalar quantity. It can be either positive or negative. The sign of the strength of the struma lies in the fact that the direct conductor's signal is taken as positive. The strength of the struma I > 0, since the struma is directly avoided by mentally applying a positive directive to the conductor. In another way I

Presentation on the topic “The power of the stream” from physics for schoolchildren in powerpoint 2003 format. Compiled by 11th grade student Shabalin Olena. Place 15 neat slides on the blackberry aphid.

Text information from the presentation:

Goals and mission:

In my presentation, I would like to know about the power of the stream, as well as about the constant electric stream, about Ohm's law, about those who have contributed great value to the science that we study.

  • Electric strum
  • Permanent electric strum
  • Dzherela struma
  • Strumu power
  • Ohm's law
  • Miracles yesterday

Electric strum - ordering (straightening) the flow of charging particles.

Wash your body:

  • the presence of strong charges;
  • Presence of the electronic field.

Directly struma

Straightforward struma is taken to be an ordered stream of positively charged particles. The string is driven directly by the direct intensity of the electric field, which excites the entire string.

A constant electric current is a current whose strength changes over time.

Constant flow is widely used in electrical circuits of cars, as well as microelectronics, etc.

Dzherela struma

Dzherelo struma is a device that separates positive and negative charges. For example: battery, batteries, generator...

The strength of the current at a given moment is a scalar physical quantity that corresponds to the current of the electric charge that passes through the transverse section of the conductor, until the hour of its passage.

Ohm's law (for a Lanzug plot)

The strength of the stream in a single conductor is directly proportional to the applied voltage and is proportional to the support of the conductor.

Ohm's law (for all Lanzug)

Ohm's law in a closed lancet - the force of the strum in a closed lancet is directly proportional to the EPC force of the strum and back in proportion to the full support of the lancet: I=E:(R+r)

  • I-force struma(A)
  • E - electrical destructive force (ERS), (B)
  • R-external electrical support (Ohm)
  • r - internal support (Ohm)
Ampere Andre Marie

Rocks of life: 1775-1836. French physicist and mathematician. He created the first theory that expressed the connections of electrical and magnetic objects. Ampere came up with a hypothesis about the nature of magnetism, having learned from physicists the concept of “electric current”.

Attachment for measuring the strength of the strum - Ammeter. The lancets get stuck in consistently.

Volta Alessandro

Rocks of life (1745-1827). The Italian physicist, one of the founders of the theory of the electric current, created the first galvanic element.

Attachment for measuring power: voltmeter; penetrates into the lance in parallel

Pendant Charles Augustin

Rocks of life (1763-1806). French physicist, military engineer. Vinayshov's device for establishing the basic laws of electrical and magnetic interaction. Vivchav different views rubbing and formulating the laws of rubbing and forging.


In my presentation, I learned that the force struma, electric struma, Ohm's law, and the force struma. I also spoke about “miracle teachings.”

List of Wikipedia Literature.

  1. V.A. Kasyanov. Physics.11th grade. Basic rhubarb: navch. For backlighting. installation/M.: Bustard, 2008. - 288 p. : ill., 12 l. count on
  2. Malyarov O.V. Physics in tables and diagrams, 3 types. JV with LLC "Victoria Plus", 2007-128 ftr.
  3. A.V. Perishkin. Physics 8th grade: Beg. For backlighting. Navch. Establishments.-4th type., stereotype.- M.: Bustard, 2002.-192 p.: ill.