How to throw off the password for special tributes.

Tablets What benefits are presented before organizing password protection of information in?

lighting installation Organization technical safety

The process of changing, changing and assigning passwords, as well as monitoring the work with passwords in the lighting installation should be completely entrusted to the system administrator. Specials passwords

  1. It is necessary to generate and distribute centrally.
  2. However, users of information systems can choose them independently with the following benefits:
  3. The password length must be at least 8 characters;
  4. In the middle of the symbols there are letters (in the upper and lower registers) and numbers;

the password is not responsible for easy identification of symbols (names, nicknames, nicknames, slang words, etc.), sequence of symbols and signs, common shorthands, abbreviations, names of your creatures, car numbers, telephone numbers and other associated letters and signs that can be guessed, rely on information about the merchant; The owner of the password has no right to disclose it to anyone. Since the generation of special passwords for customers is centralized, the responsibility for their correctness rests on

system administrator

I will make a light mortgage. Due to the obvious technological necessity of changing the password of the worker for his work, it is recommended to change the password first and transfer it to a special person who is responsible for the information without I bake in a sealed envelope. Sealed envelopes with passwords are stored in a safe. Once employed, the role of a professional worker becomes more important (retirement, transition to another job, etc.).

system administrator

You are responsible for deleting your account record immediately after finishing your remaining session.
It is prohibited to write down passwords on paper, files or other media.

Before entering the password, the koristuvach is not guilty of speaking out loud.
It is prohibited to inform other users of your special password and register them in the system under your own password.

Saving a password on a paper note is only allowed in a safe.

Password owners are responsible for violating passwords that do not comply with the installed capabilities, as well as for disclosing password information.

Official dzherelo How monitoring works information security automated systems that collect personal data in a lighting installation? Monitoring the performance of hardware components of automated systems that process personal data occurs during their administration and during maintenance work. The largest system components (servers, active

Merezheve obladnannya ) must be monitored continuously within the framework of the work of administrators of peripheral systems. Monitoring the password protection transmits: - setting of password strings (no more than 3 months);

periodic (at least once a month) verification of customer passwords for a number of characters and the obvious method of identifying weak passwords that are easy to guess or decrypt using additional specialized passwords software features(password hackers).

  1. Integrity monitoring software security includes offensive actions: verification of checksums;
  2. digital signatures
  3. directories and files of certified software products under the hour of acquisition operating system identification of duplicate customer identifiers; renovation system files

system administrators with

  1. backup copies in case of separation of control sums. Early detection and early detection of unauthorized access attempts depends on various features of the operating system and special software features and transmits:
  2. fixation
  3. tried it nearby

login to the system; system log;

protocol of work and boundary services; audit vibrates around the block in special situations.

Password owners are responsible for violating passwords that do not comply with the installed capabilities, as well as for disclosing password information.

  • This includes conducting safety inspections, testing the system, monitoring changes to system software.
  • Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (as amended on July 25, 2011)
  • Regulations on the security of personal data during the processing of personal data in information systems, approved.

Decree of the Order of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2007 No. 781
Regulations on methods and methods for protecting information in personal data information systems, reg.

by order of FSTEC dated 02/05/2010 No. 58

I thank everyone who is amazed at this video! This is not the first thing, my statue, but in the galusi navchannya of the koristuvachs, do not be afraid of the foolish persha..
In this video and text of the article, I will recognize and show you what to do and what not to do when you enter a password or choose one.
Passwords vary, whether you save them in your head, or write them down on a paper, or...
text documents
Saving passwords in your head means:
passwords will be:

1. the dozhina is small; 2. from different resources, however, And if you register in the mail, and then in the chat, then people after the evil chat deny access to your mail, which is not good... saving passwords on your paper is not an option, even if you don’t better for the first one

, and besides, point out the books on

paper noses
we're going away,

electronic media, then please save passwords in text view. This method also has some advantages. Nedolyk: an attacker who has denied access to a file with passwords will recognize all resources and can deny access under your name.
Positive benefits: deny access to resources (third-party storage) as much as possible folding passwords and don’t be afraid to forget them
Can be painted
Danish method

, having memorized 1 folding 10-digit password or more,

And just use it to decrypt a password-protected archive with passwords.

I'll show you later...

And now I’ll show you how easily you can decrypt a normal password.

Nowadays, a lot of encryption algorithms have been invented.

The most popular in my opinion is MD5 and its modification.
For example, use different passwords and their hashes, and try to decrypt them, and see how long it takes.
And so, now we can decipher and divulge at any hour...
At first, the vikorysts are deprived of numbers, and then the complexity increases...
We didn’t know the password behind the numbers... symbols are included... lowercase...
added 1 character (not a number and that’s how the process did it)
On a weak machine, a password of 8 characters with a combination of upper and lower case letters will be decrypted even more quickly, and without any modifications to MD5.
It’s a pity that you can’t use additional symbols on every site/service/server.

Respect to the screen, as the stench of their vikoristannya would complicate the process of direct search...
The password is practically not affected by these wiki sites, since, of course, they do not need to use supercomputers to decrypt them.

And I promise to show you how you can save passwords to access resources by knowing one password:

It’s very difficult to remember such a password, so it won’t be long before... a little later

If you change such a password, your passwords will be with you.
You can shorten it like I said in up to 10 characters... Well then...
It’s easier to remember, but I don’t think that your passwords will be damaged on purpose
So, in the name of the “Passwords” file, please change the name to something like this...

Axle, master, and that’s it!

U to the current world In the future, more special data is lost to the Internet.

This includes various financial services and benefits. These culprits are under reliable protection. The protection of these powerful data will be ensured by you, the vikoryists

Different passwords

, where to store the security of various cloud records.

So, how can you create your password in such a way that it is easy to remember and accessible to an evil person?

Expanded benefits

  • Many hackers around the world do not pay special attention to choosing a safe password, which is why they become victims of Internet scammers who hack their cloud records after 5-6 attempts.
  • Many fateful koristuvachs vikoryst use the simplest combinations – 1234567, 12345554321, 1q2w3e4r5t6y: thereby setting themselves up for the threat of evil.
  • You should change your passwords periodically – at least once every 3 months.
  • Why set up automatic guessing, so that you don’t forget about such an important procedure?
  • The variety of characters in a password is a barrier to reliability.

Please do not hesitate to replace letters with numbers or symbols, for example, “FOR” with “4”.

Explore the full range of symbols available on your keyboard.

Passwords for special data on Wikoristan: PIB, date of people,

serial numbers

documents too.

Please be sure to create a password with utmost seriousness, so that the remains of what they steal may impair your financial wealth or reputation.

Author of the article

Company Elizaveta, student of MBOU ZOSH No. 28, 11th grade A


What is the history of passwords?

How do passwords steal data on computers and disks?

How do hackers break passwords?

How can I create a password that is strong enough to protect against evil?


The password is the most convenient and the most commonly used method of establishing validity, based on the knowledge of the subjects of access. Zahist danikh for additional computer help Password history Password

(French parole - word) - this is a secret word or a set of symbols, meanings to confirm specialness or more important.

Passwords are often used to protect information from unauthorized access.

Most computing systems. Each individual koristuvach may be allowed access to the singing rooms information resources


In this case, it is possible to register all attempts of unauthorized access. Protect access to a computer. Zakhist nalashtuvan koristuvach є in the operating system Windows (if the system is secured, the customer is required to enter his password), however, such a security is easily overpowered, and some customers may be forced to enter the password.

Login with a password can be set in the program

BIOS Setup , the computer is unable to access the operating system unless the correct password has been entered. It is not easy to secure such a security; moreover, you may face serious problems with access to data if you forget your password. Zachist data on discs. Skin disk, folder and file

local computer

, as well as the computer connected to local measures There may be theft due to unauthorized access. They may have different access rights (repeat, no-read, password), and the rights may be different for different users. Hacking computer passwords

Password hacking is one of the most widespread types of attacks on information systems

, so you can authenticate with a password or the pair “name of the user-password”. The essence of the attack is to obtain the password of a hacker who has the right to enter the system.

The advantage of the attack for the attacker lies in the fact that if the password is successfully snatched, it is guaranteed to take away all the user’s rights, the cloud record of any compromise, as well as the login. The grounds on the assumption that koristuvach vikorystuvav such as the password of a particular account, such as his name or nickname, date of birth, etc.

Vasya Pupkin, born December 31, 1999

Often the password type is “vp31121999” or “vp991231”. To carry out the attack, a number of tools were deployed, such as John the Ripper.

Password strength criteria

Considering the approach before carrying out an attack, it is possible to formulate criteria for password strength before it is carried out. The password is not to blame if it is too short, otherwise it will be easily brute-forced. The minimum requirement for all symbols has been expanded to the greatest extent.

For these reasons, there is no reason why it should not be formed from numbers alone.

The password is not subject to a word in the dictionary, but we’ll forgive the other people, but we’ll ask you to select it for the dictionary.

The password is not to blame only for