Monitor of screen manufacturing technology tft tn. What is the difference between TFT and LCD

I want to understand the rogue. If you try to figure out what monitors and TVs are like by calling TFT and LCD, then you have been deceived. Try to find out the distance between the bus and Ikarus? Between the dog and the neighbor's bug? Between fruit and apple? That's right, being busy, the object is offended at the same time by both. So with screen matrix technologies: LCD is the alias name for the class of displays, which includes TFT.

The color space is brought up to Galouze’s standards in order to try to represent the most reliable color spectrum that can catch the human eye. Instruct this to determine the color depth, which is the number of bits that are used to display the pixel color. Obviously, the more bits, the more beautiful than color, the depth is not less than 8 bits and is indispensable for professional photography and respect for design.

The hour of voicing is another characteristic that provides a wealth of discussions. Basically, it takes an hour to change in milliseconds, which is the required pixel to move from one color to another. When the time is high, the flow of images will show a veil of movement in the objects that are falling, while when you are under the images, the flow will be sharp and the readings will show smoothness.


TFT matrix- The LCD display matrix is ​​active, based on solid-state thin-melt transistors.

LCD- Flat display (and devices on its base) based on rare crystals.


LCD displays are not the product of our century. Ekrani electronic anniversary, calculators, devices, players are also rare-crystal, although they are significantly visible on the screens of smartphones and televisions that are familiar to us. True, initially LCDs were monochrome, but with the development of technology they branched out into RGB colors. TFT is also a type of LCD display, which is based on an active matrix based on thin-fiber transistors. When compared to the older version of the LCD, a passive matrix, it becomes obvious that the color transmission power and color transfer time of TFT are much higher. Like crystals in passive matrices, twisted polymers are formed. Then the energy gain and variety of passive matrices, which were given the name STN, can please anyone. However, monochrome screens look very inviting, and such TVs are unlikely to be rich enough for those who want to watch.

Fortunately, the stinks corrected this little part, and the stinks are also suitable for gambling. A low hour setting allows you to display hand-held images with greater clarity. The refresh rate is measured in Hertz and is adjusted to the monitor's ability to display a new image per second. This means that a 60 Hz monitor can display up to 60 frames per second.

How does the image flow in? Well, the larger your monitor, the more frames you can create every second and, therefore, improve the flatness of the image that collapses. Let's say, for example, that we display video at 30 frames per second, but the monitor refreshes images at 60 Hz. Those whose monitor is more efficient can repeat frames that are translated into fewer images.

The operating principle of TFT lies in the fact that the skin is made of thin-fiber transistors and contains a single pixel. There are three transistors per skin pixel, which represent the main RGB quotients(red, green and blue). The intensity of the light flux is due to polarization, polarization is due to the stagnation of the electric field to rare crystals. TFT conveys improvements in the speed level, contrast and clarity of the captured image.

It is unacceptable that we watch video at a frequency of 120 Hz, but the monitor will only refresh at a frequency of 60 Hz. Those who work in this way are the loss of certain frames, the reason why the images will not be clear, but sharp, with trepidation.

As you can guess, the update frequency is the one that is most important for the game, but not yet. This large stream of films helps to create that atmosphere of the idea, which is part of the magic of cinema. There is a sharpness to the image visible under the different coats. This is a critical point if you plan to view a number of people on the screen at the same time.

This means that the TFT matrix is ​​short, embedded in other technologies. The brightness of the image depends on the ambient light of the screen. Transistors in any pixels can go out of tune, leading to the appearance of “dead spots”, or dead pixels. The type of screen you want cannot be insured. In addition, TFT matrices are significantly energy efficient, so their use as displays for mobile electronics compromises one of the most important aspects - autonomy.

When the screen is in the middle when I look around, the images move around, as if you were looking at the sides or the animal. This degradation is due to the loss of contrast, color and, as a rule, the image becomes blurred, in some cases it becomes unknown.

However, if you look at them well, the contrast and colors are enhanced under any circumstances, just as they look from a centralized position. The fact that you left out this point to the end does not mean that it is less important. So you have to decide what kind of connection your video card can buy a monitor that can be connected to these.

Thin-filament transistors, which formed the basis for the operation of rare-crystalline matrices, have today practically moved into another category: OLED screens use them to be coated with their active matrices. There are not rare crystals here, but organic half-tones.

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  1. LCD is a type of matrix screen based on rare crystals.
  2. TFT is a type of active LCD matrix.
  3. TFT is superior to other LCD technologies for the installation of thin-fiber transistors.
  4. TFT matrices are economical, provide a clear picture, and are energy efficient.

LCD TFT technology transmits the matrix directly from the production of rare-crystal displays using special thin-fiber transistors. The name TFT itself is short for Thin-film transistor, which in translation means thin-film transistor. This type of matrix is ​​found in many high-tech devices, from calculators to smartphone displays.

At this hour there is a decal on the market connect different ones for monitors and televisions. Older video cards and low-end monitors can transfer this port. This is one of the aspects that is not covered by insurance when purchasing a monitor, but may still be very important for wealthy investors.

If you need to continuously move the screen to adjust the display, you will need to buy an ergonomic monitor. Monitors with excellent ergonomics can be wrapped, trimmed or changed the height of the screen. Some models allow you to flip the screen to make it completely vertical, suitable for any type of photo editing or editorial work.

Singingly, everyone feels the difference between TFT and LCD, but few people think about what it is through which uninformed people suffer from nutritional problems, what is the difference between TFT and LCD? The answer is that there are two different speeches that can be compared. To understand the difference between these technologies, consider LCD and TFT.

Sprinyättä rich product often gets caught up in the middle from the outside looking in front panel or graphical interface of the customer: what do you add for the eyes? What is functional? Yogo can vicoristati easily? For the design engineer Technical characteristics are very important, but the screens are always chosen for their own appearance. The aesthetic features of the image on the screen are the result Koristuvalnytskyi evidence It is our responsibility to take this seriously.

The ability to read on the screen The ability to view the image on the screen appears as a readable screen. This involves a number of officials who contribute to the optical performance of the screen. The optical performance of the screen depends on the brightness and contrast of the screen. Brightness is determined by the amount of light produced.

1. What is LCD?

LCD is a technology for the production of TV screens, monitors and other devices that are based on special molecules called rare crystals. These molecules have unique powers, they constantly change their behavior when an electromagnetic field is poured onto them. Moreover, these molecules exhibit optical powers, similar to the powers of crystals, through which these molecules take their name.

Contrast is measured as the difference between the brightness of a bright color and the brightness of a dark color, which is what the screen is creating. In general, a higher contrast ratio makes it easier to see images on the screen. Directly rubbing the violet balls of two pads perpendicularly one to one, which creates a 90-degree wrap in a rare crystal.

This can be applied to the passage of light through the box, which will lead to a change in contrast, brightness and color value at the widest level. Without tension, the molecules of rare crystals become perpendicular to the substrate. When voltage is applied, the rare crystal cores change to a horizontal position, parallel to the lining, allowing light to pass through.

You can have your own LCD screens different types matrix, which depends on the technology of production, there may be different powers and indicators.

2. What is TFT?

As has already been said, TFT is a manufacturing technology LCD displays This is how a vikoristan of thin-fiber transistors transmits. In this way we can say that TFT is a type of LCD monitor. Slide to indicate that everything is daily LCD TVs, Monitors and phone screens should be set to TFT. That's why I eat better than TFT because LCD is not quite correct. The difference between FTF and LCD lies in the fact that LCD is a technology for producing rare crystal screens, and TFT is a type of LCD display that supports all types of active matrices.

Advanced technologies will ensure improved contrast, especially with wider views. The electrodes are installed horizontally on the lower pad. When voltage is applied between the electrodes, the crystals often wrap horizontally and are parallel to the electrodes and the glass lining of the screen. Rarely crystalline molecules are free to move when required. This approach places the crystals almost parallel to the front panel, providing a wide and symmetrical cone to the view.

Programs for medical, radio frequency and professional monitoring include the inclusion of optical performance from the display. These functions will also ensure high brightness without increasing energy consumption. Having become drunk, I look at the wide corner and look at the wide field. Rich programs now support even the latest optical productivity and precise creation picture Contrasting and colorful characteristics are likely to be favored in a wide range of looks and conditions.

The middle TFT matrices are called active. Such matrices have significantly higher speed than passive RC matrices. Also, the LCD TFT screen type is changing by moving equals clarity, contrast of the image and great views. Another important point is that there is less space in active matrices every day, which means that it is easier to work with such monitors, with less eyestrain.

However, in medical diagnostic imaging systems and mobile image systems, visible to a human being, they can be perceived as invisible to the appearance of the image, such as viewing another person in an alternative position of vision.

It is important to zoom in on the visible parts of the eye at a contrast level of 50%. This is called a high-contrast cut, which is a realistic indicator of a wide-cut robot. The maximum contrast ratio is achieved when viewing perpendicular to the screen.

Even effective, efficient and economically effective technology is deprived. Wine, as before, is seen as an immature technology with stable technical problems, which is necessary to trim, for example, the permanent and trivial term of service.

The skin pixel of the TFT matrix is ​​equipped with three adjacent transistors that are controlled, which results in a significantly higher screen refresh rate, in line with passive matrices. Thus, before the skin pixel there are three color centers, which are controlled by a secondary transistor. For example, if a separate screen size is 1920x1080 pixels, then the number of transistors in such a monitor is higher than 5760x3240. The installation of such a large number of transistors became possible due to the ultra-thin and transparent structure - 0.1-0.01 microns.

Their size varies from 15 inches to 25 inches, although today the widest is 17 inches. This dimension is the half diagonal of the front part of the image tube. An analog monitor accepts analog input signals. They do not need to transmit a signal to show it on the screen. Some of these monitors are called digital, and some include digital elements.

A digital monitor receives digital signals from your computer and translates them onto an analog display on your screen. We can know a number of monitor types. Significant parameters for review. The hour of the hour appears in milliseconds. The effect from the shutter is known as a halo or a halo.

3. See the matrix of TFT screens

Today, however, TFT displays are increasingly used in high-tech devices.

All RK TVs, which are on Russian market, equipped with TFT displays. They can vary in their parameters when stored in a vicorized matrix.

on Danish moment The widest matrices of TFT displays are:

Obviously, it's more fun this week, which means that the collapse of objects on the screen - video, games or dialog windows that collapse - will look smooth and smooth, and not lightly laid out. A flat screen with an output frequency greater than 25 ms is not recommended. At 25 ms, ghosting may occur when playing action games or activating vector graphics In Russia, flash memory can be used for any other program. Beautiful models with a running time of 16 ms.

At this time, large screens - larger than 19 inches - will provide an output time greater than 25 ms. Flat screens start displaying best picture with permission for which they were optimized. Unfortunately, the size of the screen, combined with optimal separation, keeps certain elements, such as written texts, too small so that they can be easily seen by some money-makers.

The matrix shows its advantages and disadvantages from the different types of skin.

3.1. RK matrix type TFT TN

TN is the widest type of LCD TFT screen. Such popularity of this type of matrix is ​​due to its unique features. With their low power, they can be compared to high displays, and in some cases such TN screens can be superior to other types of matrices.

However, on to the great screen This allowed the emergence of larger, simpler elements. For better readability, give preference to large flat screens. Operating a flat screen from a separate part, for which there is no optimization at all, is not a good idea. Elements on the screen do not appear clearly.

Virologists allow an “acceptable minimum” of dead pixels per unit. It's hard to find a dead pixel in the middle of the screen. Few manufacturers are introducing “multimedia” versions of their flat screens, which means that the screens have incredible dynamics.

Head peculiarity is a powerful thing. This parameter indicates the hour, and the length of each pixel reacts to the change in the electric field. This is the time to change the color again (from white to black). This is a very important display for any TV or monitor, especially for fans of games and films filled with various special effects.

Although these speakers can be handy if you spend some time on your desk, it’s not even great idea for the majority of clients. The built-in speakers on flat-panel screens produce low brightness. Moreover, the stench reaches all the way to the screen.

The idea is not without good intentions and is good in theory, but in practice it doesn’t work for anyone. And this is the same for those who love clean lines and ample space, but don’t want a flat screen. This type of panel has a significant advantage, depending on the type of material we choose to apply to the panel, and we are likely to spend more or less on the panel depending on this type of material.

Not much of this technology is limited in scope. Today's technologies have made it possible to correct this shortcoming. However, TN+Film matrices offer great results, which is why such screens compete with new IPS matrices.

3.2. IPS matrices

This type of matrix holds the greatest promise. The peculiarity of this technology lies in the fact that such matrices offer the greatest number of views, as well as the greatest natural and intense transfer of colors. Due to the lack of this technology until today it would be a trivial product. Ale zavdyaki current technologies This parameter was shortened to the most pleasant indications. Moreover, low-end monitors with IPS matrices have a refresh rate of 5 ms, which does not compromise the performance of TN+Film matrices.

It seems that most of the monitors and TV sets may lie behind IPS matrices, which is why TN+Film is constantly growing.

Crimea, virobniki mobile phones, smartphone, tablet pc ts of laptopin, all often tffed LCD modules with matrices IPS, relying respect to Vidminnu, the transmission of Koloriv, ​​good Kuti to a glance, and so is the Ekononishly spiral, and briefly for mobile mobility.

3.3. MVA/PVA

This type of matrix is ​​a compromise between TN and IPS matrices. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that in a calm state, the molecules of rare crystals grow perpendicular to the surface of the screen. The plant breeders were able to reach the deepest possible and pure black color. Crimea technology given allows you to reach great sights and views evenly with TN matrices. Reach through special protrusions on the covers. These protrusions indicate directly the molecules of rare crystals. In this case, it is important to note that such matrices require less operating time for lower IPS displays, and longer for those similar to TN matrices.

It’s not surprising, but this technology has not experienced widespread stagnation in the mass production of monitors and televisions.

4. What is better than Super LCD or TFT

First of all, let's talk about Super LCD.

Super LCD is a screen display technology that is widely used among today's smartphones and tablet PCs. In essence, Super LCD is the same IPS matrix, which gave rise to a new advertising name and enhancement steps.

The main advantage of such matrices lies in the fact that they do not damage the gap between the outer layer and the picture(s). Zavdyak whom it was possible to achieve a change in vidbliski. The visual quality of such displays is apparent to those closest to view. What are you talking about touch displays On smartphones and tablet PCs, Super LCD screens are more sensitive to touches and more responsive to touches.

5. TFT / LCD monitor: Video

Another advantage this type The matrix is ​​in a state of reduced energy consumption, which again is very important for a stand-alone device such as a laptop, smartphone or tablet. Such economy is achieved due to the fact that in a quiet state the crystals are rarely arranged in such a way as to allow light to pass through, which reduces the accumulated energy when displaying light images. In this case, it is important to note that the largest is important background pictures on all Internet sites, screensavers in add-ons, and so on, just bright.

The main focus of SL CD displays is the mobile technology itself, due to the low energy consumption, high vigor images, to be sent during direct sleep changes, and to be sent at low speed, for example, on AMOLED screens.

Some LCD TFT displays include the SLCD matrix type. Thus, Super LCD is a type of active matrix TFT display. At the very beginning of this publication, we were already talking about the fact that TFT and LCD do not differ, but in principle they are the same.

6. Display vibration

As has already been said above, each type of skin matrix has its advantages and disadvantages. All the stench has already been discussed. First of all, when choosing a display, be sure to protect your capabilities. Varto ask yourself, - What is most needed in a display, as in which vikorists exist and in what minds?

Depending on your choice, select the display. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no universal screen, on which one could say that it effectively saves all others. Therefore, if the transfer of colors is important to you, and you choose to work with photographs, then your choice is definitely IPS matrices. If you are a lover of action-packed stories and colorful games, then it is still better to give TN+Film.

All daily matrices may achieve high performance, so I'm sorry, I'm sorry The difference may not be noticeable, even though IPS matrices practically do not sacrifice TN for an hour of use, and TN in their own right can be very difficult to look at. Moreover, as a rule, the backsplash is positioned opposite the screen, and not on the side or side of the screen, through which large parts are, in principle, not required. Ale, the choice is still yours.