How to set the image size in Photoshop. How to change the size of an image in Photoshop

The Photoshop editor is often used for image scaling.

The option is so popular that users who are completely unfamiliar with the functionality of the program can easily get into trouble with changing the size of the picture.

The essence of this article is to change the size of the photo in Photoshop CS6, reducing the brightness to a minimum. If any modification to the size of the original appears on the box, it can be adjusted in the future simple rules, which allows you to preserve the clarity of the picture and avoid confusion.

The example was applied in Photoshop CS6; in other versions of CS the algorithm will be similar.

For example, this is a picture from Vikorist:

The original size of the photograph taken with a digital camera was significantly larger than the image presented here. Ale in this application The photo is compressed so that it can be easily placed in the article.

Changing the size of this editor is not to blame for everyday difficulties. For this option, Photoshop has the main menu "Image size" (Image Size).

To know this command, click on the main menu tab “Image - Size of image” (Image - Image Size). You can also use "hot keys" ALT+CTRL+I

The screenshot menu axis is created immediately after opening the image in the editor. The necessary additional rework has not been completed, and the scale has been saved.

This dialog window contains two blocks. Size (Pixel Dimensions) that Size of the drum (Document Size).

The lower block doesn’t bother us, as long as we don’t bother with those lessons. Scroll to the top of the dialog box to indicate the size of the file in pixels. This characteristic itself indicates the actual size of the photograph. In this version, one image is faded into pixels.

Height, Width and their dimensions

Let's get to the menu in detail.

Right per point "Size" (Pixel Dimensions) is indicated in the same meaning as in the numbers. They indicate the size of the stream file. It is clear that the image occupies 60.2 M. Litera M stands for megabyte:

It is important to understand the selected graphic file as it is necessary to compare it with the output images. Let's say that we have certain criteria maximum vag photographs.

However, this is not indicated on the size. To emphasize this characteristic, we will select the width and height indicators. The values ​​of both display parameters pixels.

Height (Height) vikorized by us photographs become 3744 pixels, A Width (Width) — 5616 pixels.
To vacate the plant and place it graphic file on the web page you need to change its size. To work through this by changing the numerical data from the graph "Width"і "Visota".

Enter more values ​​for the width of the photo, for example 800 pixels. If we enter numbers, then it is possible that another characteristic of the image has also changed and now becomes 1200 pixels. To set the change, press the key "OK".

Another option for entering information about the image size is to compare the cell phone number with the output image size.

In the same menu, to the right of the entry field "Width"і "Visota", This is the menu that appears for individual settings. The stench of standing near pixels (pixels), another option is available – hundreds.

To switch to high-speed billing, simply select another option from the menu that appears.

Enter the required number for the field "vіdsotki" and confirms by pressing the key "OK". The program resizes the image according to the entered hundredth value.

The height and width of a photograph can be changed separately - one characteristic in pixels, another in pixels. For whom do we squeeze the key? SHIFT And click in the required field “one size”. Then the required characteristics are indicated in the fields - heights and pixels.

The menu is customized in such a way that when you enter a value for the width or height of a file, another characteristic is selected automatically. This means that changing the numerical value for width will cause a change in height.

A stretched image will appear if you change the width of the image, and remove too much height, or change the numerical data sufficiently. The program shows that the height and width vary and vary proportionally - as we can see, the Lanzug logo is on the right, at the end of the pixels and heights:

The space between height and width is included in the row “Save proportions” (Constrain Proportions). First, there is a checkmark in the checkbox, if you need to change the characteristics independently, then just leave the field empty.

Changing the dimensions of pictures in the Photoshop editor is a trivial task. However, there are nuances that are important to know so as not to waste data on the file that is being compiled.

To better explain this point, let’s use a simple butt.

For example, you need to change the size of the page image - change it twice. So I’ll enter the image at the leaking window Size 50% :

At the hour of confirmation with the key "OK" at the end "Image size" (Image Size), the program closes the window and freezes the update to the file. In this case, I change the picture twice in width and height according to the size of the cob.

The image, as far as can be seen, has changed, but its quality has practically not suffered.

We will now continue to work on these images, once again enlarging them to the final size. The same dialog is opened again at the end of the Image Size. Enter the unit for the number of hundreds, and enter the number in the adjacent fields 200 – to update the output size:

Once again we have photos with a lot of characteristics. However, now the bitterness takes away from the goodness. A lack of detail has been lost, the picture looks “faded” and has lost a lot of sharpness. As you continue to increase your consumption, your consumption will increase, and the more you will lose the acid each time.

Photoshop algorithms for scaling

The loss of energy occurs for one simple reason. If the image size is changed, there is an additional option "Image size" Photoshop simply changes the photo, adding unnecessary pixels.

The algorithm allows the program to evaluate and remove pixels from the image without wasting data. Therefore, changed pictures, as a rule, do not lose sharpness or contrast at all.

The other one on the right is larger, but here difficulties await us. If there is a change, the program does not need to do anything - just delete the application. If you need more enhancement, then you need to know whether Photoshop tools are needed for image pixels? The program is unable to independently make decisions about the inclusion of new pixels, simply generating images in a larger format.

The whole problem is that with a larger photo, the program needs to create new pixels that were not previously present in the document. There is also no information as the end images may look, so Photoshop simply uses its standard algorithms when adding new pixels to the image and nothing else.

Without a doubt, the developers tried their best to bring this algorithm closer to the ideal. Still, there is a great variety of pictures, the method of image enhancement is an average solution, which allows you to enlarge the photo just a little without losing clarity. In most cases, this method will result in large losses in sharpness and contrast.

Remember - change the size of the image in Photoshop without incurring any costs. However, due to the increase in the size of images, we are concerned about preserving the primary content of the image.

The size of the visible fragment of the ball, be it any graphic Photoshop document however, due to the size of the entire document surface. Well, you can change it by simply changing the size of the output document. However, Photoshop has standard tools for editing the size of a fragment. In order to independently start changing the size of a fragment, you will need to open Photoshop file, In which there are a bunch of fragments.


  1. You can change the scale of any object in the file using the Free Transform command, found in the Edit menu, or select Scale, which can be found in the same menu in the Transform list. Having selected one of the above options, pull the edge of the frame where the object that is being changed is located. Since when changing the scale of the ball it is necessary to maintain the proportions to the size of the object, when stretching or squeezing, release the Shift key. To save size, press Enter on your keyboard.
  2. In some cases, the size of the image on one ball may be larger than the size of the main background of the document. In this case, the borders and backgrounds of the images will go beyond the scope of the entire document. To enhance the background, you need to quickly use the Navigator tool and then change the scale of the entire document to the size at which the boundaries of the larger object will be visible.
  3. If you need to set a specific size for the ball, you will need to manually enter the necessary data into the transformation value fields. To independently change the height and width of an object, enter data about the height in column H, and about width in column W. Data is entered in the heights of the cob dimensions. In order for the size to change proportionally to the cob, you need to enable the Maintain aspect ratio option in the adjustment panel.
  4. If the image whose size needs to be changed is located on the head, then unlock the image. For which the function Layer from Background is used. You can find them in the Layer menu, or double-click on the ball. Then the size changes in the same way as in the case described above.
  5. If you need to change the size of some images on different balls to preserve the output proportions. Then you can simply see the necessary duties by pressing the Ctrl key.
  6. Next, use the Image Size and Canvas Size functions and go to the Image menu. Once the first option is selected, the scale of objects on all balls will change. With another option, the size of the shape balls will be changed, as well as the balls to replace the fill. Other balls will be lost without change.

When you change the image scale in Photoshop, the scale of all the balls that make up the document changes. This option can be found in the “Image” section. Finally, if you need to change the size of not an entire document, but a specific one, you will need to use the functions of the “editing” section.

In fact, changing the size of the image in Photoshop is not at all important. To change the size of an image in Photoshop, you can use the same command “Image Size”, which can be opened in the dialog by going to the main menu tab Image --> Image Size, or you can press the appropriate button w Alt+Ctrl+I:

This screenshot of the command dialog box appears immediately after I open it in Photoshop original photo before any changes in size.

The dialogue window is divided into two main parts. Size(Pixel Dimensions) Size of the drum(Document Size).

Use other materials to change/increase the linear dimensions of the image in Photoshop
How to properly save images for the Web in Photoshop
Automatic resizing and impersonality of photographs
New Image Size dialog box in Photoshop CC
How to change image size in Photoshop CC for web

We needn’t bother with the topic of this material top part dialog box where the pixel size is displayed, since this parameter controls the actual and physical size of the photo in pixels.

Let's take a closer look at this section.

The right-hand side of the word “Pixel Dimensions” contains numbers that show the exact size of the image. I would like to tell you that the output file of my photo is 14.5 M in size (“M” means megabyte, or “million bytes”):

You may want to know that the image file may be red if you want to match the original version with the original version, but will not help us change the linear size of the image. For which we need other information - the exact width and height of our image in pixels:

Here we know that my output photo has 2608 pixels Width and 1945 Height.
You will now need to view the modified version of the photo that could be posted on the web page. For this purpose, simply change the values ​​of the numbers in the “Width” and “Height” fields as needed. For example, I will enter a new width for the image, which is higher than 550 pixels, and the height will automatically change to 410 pixels. To complete the command, press the OK button:

You can also change the size of in hundreds from the output image, rather than entering the value into pixels. The right hand in the input fields "Width" and "Height" is an indicator of the unit type, behind which it is set in pixels (pixels), if you click on the word "pixels" or the right hand arrow in the word, a menu will open. Allow to change the viewer type to hundreds. Enter the values ​​in the pixels, click OK, and Photoshop resize the image to the pixels value you entered:

In addition, you can change the units of width and height separately. To do this, press the Shift key and click on one of the views. For example, you can set the width of the image in pixels, and the height in pixels, or like this:

Please note (if you did not change the settings after setup) that if you enter your width or height values, the other values ​​will change automatically. In other words, if you try to change the width of the image, the height will change accordingly. This is due to the fact that Photoshop keeps the final proportions of the image unchanged, even if you change the width of the photo without changing the height, or otherwise, the image will be the same. Photoshop shows us that the image's width and height values ​​are currently linked to each other by displaying a right-handed link icon to the value:

The connection between the width and height is enabled by the “Constrain Proportions” option, when the option is turned on, if you need to change the width and height, just uncheck the checkbox :

Changing the size and brightness of the image

Changing the size of an image in Photoshop is not a difficult task, but it is an important point that must be taken care of if you want to preserve the clarity of the image.

Let's take a look at the butt.
Let's say I need to change the width and height of my photo by 50 cm. For this one, in the Image Size dialog box, I’ll simply change the width and height values ​​to 50 cm:

I press the OK button on the right upper codend Click the Image Size dialog box, at which point Photoshop closes the dialog box and changes the photo. So, having created both the width and the height of 50 meters, the photograph is one quarter of the size of the cob.
Yak mi bachimo, the photo has now changed, but the flamboyant brilliance of the image has lost its vileness:

Let's see what happens if I take this version of the modified image and try to enlarge it to cob size. For this purpose, I open the dialog box for Image Size and enter the width and height values ​​by 200 cm:

Having enlarged the photo, I managed to rotate it to the output size, but the color is now thicker than the original. Having spent a lot of detail on the image, it now looks blurry and blurry. If I made it even bigger, the brightness of the image would become brighter and brighter:

And that’s what happened. If you use the "Image Size" command to make changes, Photoshop will essentially make the pixels smaller. It simply selects actions from the image pixels and displays them from the virtual window. Because Photoshop knows well which pixels can be removed without harming the image, so altering the image is not a problem.

The problem stems from the increase. How does Photoshop change images by adding more pixels and images to make them bigger? Where does Photoshop remove the new pixels it adds to images? Vin generates them independently.

And this is due to the headache. If Photoshop enlarges the image, it is guilty of adding pixels that were not there before, and it has no idea what the enlarged photo actually looks like, it is simply a matter of guessing. Of course, Photoshop is a very complicated program and its ideas are based on the most complex advanced mathematical algorithms, or, in other words, it is still not overstated, and it cannot be perfect.

Based on this, you can create a new idea that changes the images - but this is normal and does not lead to special expenses, but you will have to pay attention to the price of their increase, as you will, of course, suffer from baggy plasticity.

It is necessary to change the size of the image in Photoshop when preparing it before or for publishing it on web documents. To initially edit the image in the program, you can select the “Image Size” dialog box through the Image menu or the associated key CTRL+ALT+I.

Here we have a lot of information about the physical size of the image as it appears, as well as its size in pixels. If you need a different size of your hand pad, you need to make changes in the pop-up menu. Revert to the black frame with the lanyard icon - this icon indicates that the image size is changed based on the saved proportion. You can take it away, but the picture may become deformed.

Photoshop has no problems with changing the size of the image, but problems may arise with larger images. If instead of 1936 pixels of width you set, for example, 3000, the program is forced to “adjust” additional pixels using a special algorithm. Podsumkov's image can be used like this.

So, if we change the picture from 1936 * 1296 to 1000 * 669 from the saving proportion, the size of 7.18 MB becomes 1.92 MB, so we can use it for sending by mail or publishing and in the middle. In this case, the costs are insignificant:

To change the image as quickly as possible, use the interpolation algorithm “Bikubichna, smoother”, and to increase it – “Bikubichna, smoother”; These parameters are located in the lower part of the “Image Size” dialog box.

Best wishes to everyone!

,? These foods often go wrong when they are published on the website or in social networks. I use the simplest methods available to the skin.

The power supply to change the image size comes up even more often, and to quickly resolve this problem, you need a reliable power supply available methods.

The axis of which we will finish with. Let’s look at the option first, .
Here we will look at two options, and then you choose the one that suits you best.
For the first option you will need Photoshop CS5 or CS6 installed on your computer.

There's no need to rant about it. It's actually more functional and flexible security software But we don’t need all of its functionality. For this additional program, we need to simply ask. If you have installed Photoshop, and if you want to know it thoroughly, that’s enough for us. If it is not installed, you can download it freely on the Internet, or I can try the 30-day version from the official website. (You can here:


Let's go to Photoshop. After its activation, simply drag the required image from the desktop into the Photoshop field, and begin to work with it. For this, at the very top of the section, click on the “file” icon (shown below)

A window will open in which we can select “Save for WEB”. Having pressed this section, a large window will open, like the little one below.

The first thing you need to do is to be amazed at the image format. The format of the readings (look at the picture) in the right hand is indicated by the number 2. If the format is PNG, then there is a great need for memory and it is necessary to press it on the jersey there and select JPEG format.

Please allow the image to be changed 5-8 times. You can see on the little one (number 1) at the bottom of the picture that in the PNG format the image “important” is more than 1 megabyte. It's so rich.
If you change the format to JPEG, in the same place, where number 1 is, the size will change to 150 kilobytes, or it may change 8 times without losing the sharpness.

If you need to change the size of the pixels (the right hand is shown below under the number 3 “image size”), then you can manually change the size of the width and height. It is important to understand that if you change the width, the height will change proportionally, and the image will not be distorted.

The same will happen if you change the height of the image. If you have completed all operations and changed the images to the required size, you need to click “save”. Save it to your desktop or to a suitable folder. This is the simplest way, how to change image size in photoshop .
There is another method, which I will describe in less detail.

Go to Photoshop, drag the required images there, as described above. If the image appears in the Photoshop field, go to the “Image” section in the right hand, then select the “Image Size” section and in the window, set the width and height dimensions you need.
After all operations, click “OK” and in the “File” section save deleting the image. Axis and everything is so simple!


To notify the power supply How to change image size online, We go to the website This may be the same Photoshop, only what the service of this online site provides. We don't need to download or install anything.

Everything is available online on this website. Go to this site, when Photoshop opens, you will see a window where you need to select “Images from your computer.”

To change the image size, go to the “Image” section (shown in the image in the middle) and click “Image Size”. We will open a window where you can change the pixel size to whatever you need.
After changing the size, go to the “file” section at the top of the left hand and click “save”. A window will appear in which you can adjust the brightness and size of the image. Here you can change the format if necessary.

After all operations, press “So” and save the images where you need them.
The axis can be easily supplied with power how to change image size in photoshop і How to change images online.

For a more intelligent understanding of the process of resizing an image, take a look at report video lesson:

Good luck to you!

Z povagoyu, Valentin Chepurny.