Original captions for school photographs. A selection of quotes and statuses about graduation and graduates

As you know, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. However, it often happens that the caption on a photograph gives it a special meaning. With a well-chosen caption, the photo becomes twice as interesting. It happens that the caption simply saves the picture - without it it was an unattractive frame, and with the caption a whole story arises.

When ordering a photo book, questions often arise: is it necessary to write something in a photo book, if necessary, what, should there be a lot or a little text? In this article, I'll try to answer these questions and give you some ideas for captioning your photos.

Photobook title

I think this is a mandatory minimum that any photo book should have. After all, this is the "Book". The title can contain dates, the name of the place where and when the photographs were taken, a dedication to the person for whom this book is intended, a phrase that explains the essence of the photobook, etc. In addition, the title will always help you remember which event this photobook was dedicated to. Over time, even interesting moments can be erased from memory.

Writing to the first page

The first page sets the tone for the entire photobook. Write a few phrases that will create the right mood for later viewing. If your photobook is a gift, you can place a congratulation on the first page.

The rest of the pages of the photobook

Regardless of what you decide to write on the pages of your photobook, try to stick to the same style. Here are a few ways to create captions that I think would look good in a photo book, bringing life to the pages without overloading it.

Comments are what you want to say when showing each of these photos. A comment can be a very short answer to the questions: “Who? Where? When? ", Or may contain answers to more serious questions:" With whom? Why? For what?" etc

Reportage - imagine that you are writing a short story, and to make it more interesting, illustrate it with photographs. In about the same way as I write my articles. Do not forget the main rule of a photo book - there should be more photos and fewer words. This is a PHOTO book, not War and Peace.

Funny Captions - Try to look at your photos in a new way. Give your photos a new meaning, make viewers smile. After all, just a photo book is good, but a fun photo book is better!

Lists, menus, toast and recipes - they are more than worthy of a place in your photo book. Just imagine how interesting it will be in a few years to remember who was invited to the holiday, what you ate, what toasts the guests made, what the gifts were. It is just that such information can be lost on pieces of paper, but in a photo book they will always be in place.

Poems, quotes, sayings - looking at some of the photographs, catching expressions or lines from songs come to mind. Why not apply them to our photographs, not everyone knows how to write poetry themselves.

We don't write anything - photographs taken by a professional photographer usually don't need words for a particular event. If you really want to write something, do it on the first and last pages of the photobook. You should not distract the viewer's attention from wonderful photographs.

Write to the last page

Tram-pam-pam! The final chord of the entire photobook. Wish, parting words, gratitude to assistants and fellow travelers. What it will be - you decide. Or maybe the final chord is still a long way off and you just use the last page to post a little more photos.

The inscriptions make the photobook more interesting, it becomes an independent whole work in which the photographs are combined with each other by text comments. Do not write long articles that distract from photographs, but you should not leave a photobook completely without signatures. Indeed, one of the main advantages of a photo book over a photo album is that it can organically combine photographs and textual explanations to them.

One of the important areas of work with students at school is the development of information and communication technologies. After some discussion, we decided to create an electronic newspaper in the classroom. An editorial board was created, and a competition for the best name of the newspaper was held.

School correspondents always have something to tell: about their studies, about classes in circles, in extracurricular activities, about sports achievements. Completing specific assignments for preparing a newspaper gives students the opportunity to gain practical skills in working in a text and graphic editor.

One of the issues of the newspaper was dedicated to the students in the class. Children grow up very quickly. We wanted to capture the unique time of growing up of girls and boys. As a teacher, I wanted to bring children closer to creativity. How children rejoice at the fruits of their labor. They feel like real Creators.

I present a fragment of the school electronic newspaper "Prosto Klass". Students of the 2nd grade worked on the creation of the newspaper under the guidance of teacher Orlova T.A.

School years fly by very quickly. It would seem that even yesterday's first-graders have become graduates today. We offer you a selection of funny prom statuses that will help you get through these exciting moments and cheer you up. We have also selected for you the parting words of great people who have achieved a lot in life. Let them help all graduates with confidence to step into adulthood and make the right decision.

The graduation party opens the way to adulthood. This is the time when one has to choose a future profession, perhaps leave the parental home and start an independent life. Ahead are entrance exams, mastering a profession, new acquaintances and new opportunities.

Every year the school graduates its students, everyone travels to different cities, each of them begins his own life. But, be that as it may, the school doors will always be open for every graduate. The school will forever remain the second home, where everyone gains knowledge, makes friends. In order to once again plunge into the carefree atmosphere of school years and find out how classmates are doing, there are alumni meetings. Some go to them to show off their achievements, others sincerely miss their school friends.

A higher educational institution is another place where a person spends the best years of his life, learns to make decisions on his own and be responsible for his actions. Graduation at a university is no less significant event, because after training, workdays await, besides, again you have to part with people who have already become so close. only after training do you realize that tests, exams and tests are mere trifles compared to the tests that life has prepared.


We are grown up now
We cannot return our childhood.
School opened the door for us
And showed the way. (S. Mikhalkov)

Graduation is the beginning of adulthood.

A completely uneducated person can only rob a freight car, while a university graduate can steal a railway. (Theodore Roosevelt)

Schools graduate everyone, universities graduate the best ...

Thank you teachers
Because the earth is round,
For Troy and Carthage,
For benzochloropropylene,
For ZhI and SHI, for twice two,
For your kind words,
Those that we now keep in ourselves.
For everything we THANK you!

We owe school knowledge only to teachers.

In the morning sky, colored by the sun's rays, a small blue ball flew - their common dream. (E. Gabova.book Prom Tale)

Balloons are a dream that graduates send to heaven.

Graduation is like an Olympics - you wait four years, and three people have fun while the rest cry over broken hopes. (From the movie Graduation)

At university 4, and at school - all 11 ...)

It was a dress rehearsal of the future first ball, which most of them will never have, a false promise of the upcoming continuous celebration of life, which will also not be, parting with school, which for everyone without exception was a joyful event, but on this day it was painted with fake romantic colors. (L. Ulitskaya, book Green Tent)

At the prom, everyone only talks about the bright future, but no one warns of the upcoming difficulties.

It is very difficult to concentrate and not succumb to the internal monologue that constantly sounds in your head. Twenty years after my own graduation, I finally realized that the cliché in the free arts of learning to think is actually deeper and more serious than I expected: learning to think means exercising control over how and what you are. you think. That is, learning to be sane and knowledgeable enough to consciously choose what is worth paying attention to and how to make sense of the experience. Because if you can't learn to make those choices in maturity, then life will seriously twist you. Remember that common phrase that says: The mind is the best servant and the worst master (David Foster Wallace Graduation Speech)

Graduation is a journey into adulthood, only you find your ticket 20 years after it.

Don't be sad that you won't go back to school
Youth is a wonderful time
It only remains for us to wish
Happiness to you, peace and kindness.

Farewell to school is always filled with sadness.

As you get older, you will realize that the understanding of success changes with age. For most of you today, success is about knocking over 20 tequila. For me, the more important thing is the ability to live my life honestly and not be under pressure all the time, not try to do what you don’t want to do. Live as an honest and compassionate person, contribute to a cause. In conclusion, I would like to say: follow your passion, stay true to yourself. Never follow the beaten path by someone, unless you find yourself in a deep forest, you are lost, and this path is your only salvation (Ellen DeGeneres Graduation Speech)

After school, graduates are driven by ambition, after time - by goals.

The beautiful white floor-length dress I wore at prom was in many ways reminiscent of the ones worn here, and yet it could well have seemed strange or vulgar. (A. Akulova, Devil's graduation book)

Wearing a white dress for the prom, the graduates probably want to present themselves as a bride ...

What is graduation for you?
This is the evening of farewell to childhood.
This is a celebration with an open mind
And a little wounded heart.
It's a craving to go back
Where you were only yesterday.
This ball will spin until the morning
So that you don't forget it.

There is one evening between childhood and adulthood - Graduation.

Dear Graduates! Create your own compass and trust it. Take risks, do not be afraid to make mistakes, remember, the one who first cuts a hole in the wall always fills the bumps. (Aaron Sorkin)

The one who does nothing is not mistaken.


The last bell: More than three thousand police officers are on heavy duty and guard Muscovites from drunk school graduates.

Here we live that they are no longer protected from scammers, but from graduates ...)))

Boys are made men by the army, and girls are made women by prom.

Men and women are tested and age.

At the prom, young people, faced with a non-standard bra fastener, kiss until dawn.

You can learn anatomy better at graduation than in biology class ...)

The longest graduation ceremony was recorded in Norilsk - the guys were waiting for dawn for six months.

Well, at least they waited for that?)

Looking at some of the graduates, I involuntarily want to ask: where were they released from?

Imagine from school)

The more you achieve in life, the harder it is to ignore alumni meetings.

The alumni meeting is an occasion to show off your achievements.

Today, graduates from the fountains will be caught, oh, those kids.

They need to somehow put themselves in order, so they climb into the fountains ...)

Why 3rd, there is also 4th - those who do not prepare at all)

In general, many university graduates are fit for the army, but only for a war with a virtual enemy!

They are also suitable for training ... only by correspondence and in distance form ...)

CHEF (as he looked into the water): Are you a university graduate ?? You miscarried him !!

Some students graduate from educational institutions, others are thrown away ...)

Rector at the graduation: “After graduation, go to America. Let their economy collapse there. "

It is immediately obvious that the university prepares real specialists!

If the school is a prison, then we will soon have an amnesty.

When you start living an adult life, you understand that school is not a prison, but a heavenly place. And, if it’s a prison, then you’re ready to take your punishment in it again, but, alas, they won’t take it anymore.

Graduation at school is the only day in life when all parents throw off alcohol for their children!

They throw off themselves, and then they reprimand that they went over ...)

Goodbye school, resident evil. And hello Institute, about the citadel of vice!

Where has virtue gone?)

And only after graduation do you realize how much you fell in love with these idiots in 10 years ...

The friendliest class is after graduation!)

Graduation is a holiday where everyone cries because they have to leave the institution forever, which they dreamed of leaving with tears in their eyes for many years in a row ...

You really start to love school and classmates only when it comes time to part with them.

Security cameras captured the robbery of a liquor store - this is the only video from high school number seven.

At least something will remain in memory ...)

I remember the graduation party at the university, damn it, but once it seemed to me that I should be ashamed of the graduation at school!

Wait, you didn't live before the wedding ...)

Chic outfits, warm words, beautiful bouquets, dawn ... Soon all schools and universities will open the doors to their pupils and students into adulthood. Graduation is tears of joy and sadness, the understanding that childhood and adolescence are leaving, there are a thousand roads ahead, from which you need to choose one. May every graduate make the right choice in life and find his own happiness!