Antenna for long-range wifi reception. DIY Wi-Fi antenna - what could be simpler

Please note that the latest software can be presented in demo versions and in a mentally and cost-free manner.

We'll finally get to the entrance. One of our customers, having become familiar with our device, was very concerned about the possible problems and wrote to us - you have acquired the ability to steal WiFi!

Of course, a malicious person can abuse WiFi Agent for illegal purposes. Ale, with such success you can call the sellers of juice from the one who buys juice from the new “Raskolnikov” and attacks the old pawnbroker. And the sellers of dishes were the henchmen of the evildoers. There are knives, and swings, and a terrible frying pan.

In light of other applicable laws, it is important to note that our device does not contain any cryptographic encryption capabilities and is not a WiFi router. USB WiFi An adapter with a direct antenna WiFi Agent does not interfere with any means for malicious foreign measures and does not interfere with the process of crime, nor is it one iota simpler than a standard laptop WiFi adapter.

We respect that the nutrition of any kind of equipment within the framework of the law is a direct obligation for the living. Therefore, of course, no matter what happens, it is necessary to remember about the legal side of nutrition.

We recommend using WiFi Agent in situations where the standard WiFi adapter of your laptop or PC receives the WiFi signal at a low level, and also in situations where you need to use your WiFi to the edge, standing at a great distance from the router.

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Add a USB adapter dartless lines"Dongle." For any device the size of a finger, the computer will be able to connect up to Wi-Fi connections. You will need to do this if your computer already has a drone adapter.

  • For better beauty, bathe Wi-Fi adapter, which also works with the 802.11b and 802.11g standards.
  • To find out your skill, please enter Google Commerce or Pricewatch. Simple adapters that are effective at close range cost approximately 15-20 dollars.
  • Form has meaning. For optimal savings, choose a small, finger-shaped adapter. Large adapters of the "flattened mouse" shape (50 - 60 dollars) are generally more sensitive and tight. Regardless of the fact that their installation may be difficult, stench is more likely to occur in the weaker minds.

Buymo passive USB podovzhuvach. You need a Type A (tato) - Type A (female) cable. You can get more at a single price store, local computer store or online. For more help, please connect USB WiFi adapter to USB port computer.

  • The antenna is straight, so you need to place it so that it is directly pointed at the drone-free access point. Reconnect to make sure the cable is long enough ( maximum dozhina 5 m) for placing the antenna at the required location.
  • If necessary, you can connect a bunch of cables.
  • Active USB cables (~$10 dollars) allow you to extend cable lengths longer than 5 m, so the antenna can be installed longer to get the best results.
  • Take this particu-lar bastard. It is best to use Asian kitchen utensils of the “scoop” type (like a wok, a.k.a. cauldron), which is used for greasing. Its shape is ideal for our purposes, and is also equipped with a wooden handle!

    • You can also use a sieve, a double boiler, a cauldron lid, a lampshade, a washbasin, so that they form a semi-spherical shape and metal. Let's go with some piece of parabolic-shaped metal - the larger the signal, the stronger the signal, although you can complicate the installation.
    • For larger size options, use old parabolic TV antennas or this is partly the frame of the parasol. If you want to give a stronger signal, you may encounter problems with the installation of an aerodynamic support, so a diameter of 300 mm seems to be the most practical.
    • A little tender like a table lamp allows you to carefully install and direct your antenna.
  • Let's select the system. Attach a Wi-Fi adapter and a USB stick to the plate using a piece of adhesive or hot glue.

    • The adapter is installed at the center of the “hot spot” of the dish - the radio signals are lost at the dish and are pushed into the center with fingers just beyond its surface.
    • The best way to mount the adapter is by simply experimenting. One method is to cover the plate with aluminum foil to determine how much light it has - the point that gets the most light, which is where the focus of the plate is.
    • You may need a small rod to hold the adapter in position.
    • Alternative methods of fastening: twist a skein, tied from the front side of the plate with a cobweb look, scrape out plastic fittings for a garden hose, or string hedgehog sticks!
  • Antenna connection. Connect one end of the USB connector to your computer, and some parameters Set up your Yogo Yak Wi-Fi adapter.

    With the kind permission of Volodymyr (VBM), we redirect his description of the design of the FA-20 panel sector antenna, which, despite its simplicity, has proven itself to be highly productive and reliable.

    1. Enter

    The original description of the author can be found at the address Description of Volodya - You can know a lot about this design positive vibes At the same time, which means that the accuracy of production is even more important, the vibrators and mounting openings in the reflector are especially important. Also of great importance is the alignment between the reflector and vibrators. Be sure to carefully adjust the dimensions in order to achieve maximum antenna efficiency.

    2. Construction

    The antenna consists of four structural elements: a reflector (1), vibrators of two types (2, 3) and a connecting bus (4), which serves to connect the vibrators:

    3. Materials

    To fold the antenna we need:

    1. Single-sided foil textolite (for reflector)
    2. Double-sided foil textolite (for vibrators)
    3. Copper of brass or copper foil (for tire)
    4. Aluminum roll 25×25 mm
    5. Rivets
    6. F-connector

    4. Preparation

    First of all, we need to prepare the “core” of the reflector. For which it is easy to see from the chairs a rectangular frame made of foil textolite 490×222 mm for the bottom, mark it (kernits closest to the side of the foil) and firmly open with a diameter of 2.5 mm under the stand for vibrators, the hall udzhujemo їх. After this, we prepare the sides of the appropriate size using an aluminum roll of 25×25 mm, and secure them with rivets on the return side of the reflector:


    For accurate markings, use a caliper as quickly as possible.

    Attach the folds with rivets, secure the edges of the rolls as well.

    After folding the “corita” of the reflector, you can fix it slightly by gluing the folds on the back side with mounting tape, and gluing the vertical seams with two-component epoxy glue:

    Strengthening the design

    Volodya discovered the original technology for producing vibrators from sklotextolite, foil-coated on both sides. Perevaga this method in that two completely new vibrators come out of one blank.

    From the beginning, straight-cut workpiece is cut required sizes from textolite:

    Blank for the production of vibrators

    1. We cut straight cutters with metal scissors.
    2. Rozsharovuyu sklotekstolite, it is possible to rassarovovat halves of the new product.
    3. Robocut the slits along the rough lines of the rectangular cutters with 2 standard butcher's scissors
    4. We take the blade of a hacksaw for metal and cut it along the green lines of the straight cutters.
    5. Use a fine emery paper to carefully clean the ends of the vibrators.

    Ready vibrators

    As a result, there are two vibrators of identical dimensions. It is necessary to make sure that the non-foil side of the vibrator is smooth, for which you can remove the fiber ball. Then open it firmly and tinned with a diameter of 2.5 mm under the counter.

    After preparing the vibrators, it is necessary to prepare a tire (4) using brass or copper foil, followed by connecting the tails of the vibrators later.

    All elements of the new antenna are ready, you can begin assembly. For this you need to know the spacer under the vibrator. Select the material so that the total thickness of the textolite and gaskets provide a space of 6 mm between the reflector and the foil of the vibrator.

    To install vibrators, it is best to use a high-quality copper material with a diameter of approximately 2 mm. We cut them into small pieces and solder them in the “korita” openings. Then, having placed the spacer in a row with a stand, we solder one edge of the vibrator, then, in the same way, the other, moving the spacer in front. All parts of the racks can be dried. When installing, narrow vibrators should be placed on both sides, wider ones - at the center.

    Folding antenna

    After installing the vibrators, we secure the connector to the “trough” and connect the “tails” of the vibrators to the auxiliary busbar, carefully soldering them, then solder the central core of the connector to the busbar.

    5. Installation

    The easiest way is to attach the antenna to a block, drilling an opening in the “trough” between the central vibrators, and screwing them in using screws or screws. If you plan to mount the antenna on the pipe, it’s better to rivet an aluminum coil about 30 cm deep to the antenna on the side of the reflector, then attach the coil to the bracket with additional clamps or tie ok.

    Thank you to the forum participants for providing information.

    A WiFi antenna is a perfect solution for anyone who is trying to organize drone-free distribution of the Internet at home or on a robot, but is faced with the problem that the router’s signal does not reach, so that they can use it without problems in a remote room. However, it is not your router that is to blame, but the antenna - it was an external one, which was included before the package. One of the best solutions to improve dartless signal- The external wifi antenna has been straightened. There are several types and types of stinks that can be selected depending on your needs. And we are also able to sort out the different aspects of it.

    External passive antenna for WiFi router

    Let us first note that the passive antenna is for wifi router, so that it does not suffer from electrical life, does not amplify the signal, but deprives the direct spectrum for greater reception. The intensity of this “intensity,” which is called the direct action coefficient, varies in decibels (dBi). Small external antennas There are already many models of routers and adapters available, but their intensity does not exceed 3-5 dBi, which does not significantly increase the range of a drone-free signal.

    That's why you need external wifi antennas. There are two types of stench below - for external and internal vikoristan, as well as all-direct and narrow-direct.

    External and internal vicor antennas

    • External antennas are those that are suitable for work on the street. The stench is protected from the influx of litter and sunny light and special fastenings for installation on the wall. You need it if you want to create a special reception area on the underside or for communication between the courthouses.
    • Internal antennas – for the vicinity of the premises. For example, if your router is installed in a remote or closed place, then such an antenna can be connected with a cable to the antenna connector of the router and led to the center of the room.

    Straightened wifi antenna

    This is the most livable type. The antenna that directs the wifi signal from the living room, for example, from the cabin to the garden plot, or to the balcony of the neighbor's cabin, which is directly connected to the outside dartless antenna. The range of its action can be from one to many kilometers. Golovne, so that the bait was in direct line of sight.

    Internal direct wifi antennas for the router will be brown, like, for example, hanging on the wall. To prevent the transfer from going through the wall, you can connect it to the router and send it to your desktop where the laptop is placed. Or, instead, direct the antenna to the partition so that the signal passes through it, ensuring a stable connection in the courtroom. The design of such an antenna has already been made - a panel rectangular antenna, which transmits the radio signal in one direction.

    Please note that the connection to the router is not provided by USB, but instead of the attached antenna that came with the router. Apparently, since she was unknown, there was no way to replace her.

    There are also compact models that are suitable both for a room stand and for mounting a bell.

    An all-directional wifi antenna is designed to gradually distribute the signal around itself. There is little reason that the signal may be interfered with by interference from other electronic devices, which is located near the apartment, or the external radios that are installed on the street. These antennas appear near the vertical line. External poles can be installed on a booth or on a vertical pole dug into the ground. Internal ones - on the table or the police, as close as possible to the center of the receiving area.

    The external wifi antenna for the router is simply mounted in place of the standard socket.

    Another popular type of internal all-directional wifi antennas is for mounting on a wall. You are calling to tell the fortune of the lamp. Its peculiarity is that there is a dead zone right under the antenna, and it is necessary to hang it in the place where the signal is not needed, and the signal reception will only occur over a short distance.

    WiFi antenna installation

    When installing any type of antenna, it is necessary to ensure that the signal is correct. In the minds of the modern world, wines can greatly reduce their effectiveness, both through the thickness of the bottles and through materials that create stench. I’ll create a table where you can understand how much access point robots consume other materials. The most important parameter here will be “ Effective stand"(EP). You need to be protected in this way. For example, the characteristics of the router indicate that it operates at 400 meters. swears in a manner that is out of sight. You are now supported by an interior wall, which has an EP of 15%. Covered: 400 m multiplied by 15% and subtracted 60 meters. Then, through a 15-20 cm wall, the router can be “shot” at least 60 meters. If you add 15-20 decibels to the new antenna, then this loss is neutralized.

    DIY wifi antenna

    You can build a direct-to-air Wi-Fi antenna with your own hands. Watch the video about how to create a self-made structure from an ordinary beer can.

    I can’t say for sure whether this is true or nonsense - I think it’s partly reasonable. By analogy with this popular practice, you can also build a direct antenna from an all-direct one. To do this, it is enough to attach a screen behind it, which reflects, for example, the same sheet of foil. Below I will list a number of options on how to build an antenna with your own hands, which can be taken for sale.

    Option with a tin can as a vibrator

    That's all today. You can read about ways to strengthen the signal to a 3G modem in another article on the blog.

    Principles of distant wi-fi antennas:

    1. Stagnation of reflectors. These beaters are similar to plates for satellite TV station. The stench concentrates the signal to the singer directly and, in such a manner, enhances him;
    2. for strength wi-fi signal long-distance antennas are effective in that, when properly tuned, they direct the signal to the required direction;
    3. There is no need to confirm the designation of the combined reflector and grille. Then you can strengthen the signal with an even larger world. This is the most radical way of strengthening.

    From the list of options it is clear that by strengthening the signal on far away it is necessary to concentrate it in the required direction, and in this case it is possible to select antennas of industrial production that correspond to similar benefits.

    Promislovі antennas

    The developers of equipment for long-distance galusa are also talking about making long-distance wi-fi antennas available to companions. Next, let's look at the applications of devices and their main features.

    The Wi-Fi TL-ANT5830B contains a reflector designed to direct the signal in the required direction, thus strengthening it significantly. Attach the connections yourself for a clear connection at distant destinations.