Audit of drone-free survey. Design and implementation of drone-free Wi-Fi networks

Skin has a new location audit dartless measure begins with these actions themselves:

  • search for open doors
  • search and evil measure with WEP encryption
  • Search with WPS enabled, check for skill before Pixie Dust attack
  • collecting handshakes and running them through dictionaries

These things are trivial, and WiFi-autopwner is aimed directly at this new automation, so as not to waste an hour on them.

After launch:

Sudo bash

The text menu appears:

You don't have one dartless interface, the calls will be made automatically. As for the number of interfaces, go to the appropriate menu item and select the interface you want to use. Then switch this interface to monitor mode - the program has two options: one simply switches to monitor mode, and the other also closes programs that can interfere with your computer.

Now it’s enough to vibrate the ninth point Automatic Wi-Fi audit and take care of your rights. When choosing automatic audit, program:

  • vikonaivaet the search for the closed measures
  • I'm trying to figure out how to use WEP encryption and try to scratch the skin of it
  • will search for a WPS measure and try a skin-to-skin attack Pixie Dust
  • will try to select the hand grip for all areas within the reach radius.

Before each stage, you set your own timeouts, then. The program is not stuck in one stage.

We are planning to add a dictionary and function in the near future automatic start evil passwords from buried handshakes.

Searching through WPS pins

The program has built-in functionality for . To simply enumerate WPS pins (without Pixie Dust attack), select menu number 6 “ Attack on WPS" If your Reaver is constantly showing you Reaver warnings: WARNING: Failed to associate with and WPS transaction failed (code: 0x03), re-trying last pin, then there is a chance that WiFi-autopwner will fail.

The program itself searches for an access point with WPS, you just need to select the AP number you want to attack.

ElcomSoft Wireless Security Auditor Pro 6.04.416.0This is a program that effectively calculates the difficulty of current video cards for updating and auditing passwords in drone-free systems with a speed that is unattainable by special means.

With this technology, the most resource-intensive parts of programs are built on powerful superscalar processors, which are used in modern ATI and NVIDIA video cards. There are one or more cards in the system the rest of the generation, the hardware speed is activated automatically. The program checks the security of the drone-free border, trying to penetrate it either in the middle or in the middle. You can download the program via direct instructions (z hmari) at the bottom of the page.

The main capabilities of the Wireless Security Auditor programs:

  • Safety audit of drone-free monitoring.
  • The hardware is quick.
  • The most important level of safety for a dartless line.
  • The highest level of WPA/WPA2-PSK password protection.
  • Saves time using patented hardware acceleration technology, one or more NVIDIA video cards or ATI.
  • Launching further attacks on a vocabulary with mutations to fine-tune.
  • Launching an attack from the middle and from the middle.

click on the picture and it will get bigger

System benefits:
Operating system: Windows XP,Vista,7,8 (x86,x64)
Processor: 1 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Place on hard drive: 20 MB
Interface language: Russian
Size: 22 MB
pharmacy: included
*archives WITHOUT password

Check out the new window

Today we would like to hear about our approach to the creation of highly productive WLAN (wi-fi) connections in the context of a completed project for one of our deputies.

If we have previously signed an NDA (for the sake of confidentiality of data), we do not have the right to disclose: the name of the replacement company, however, and the development of the object.

The rest of the time, we are often confronted with questions about the growing problems of non-dart measures from representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. It is clear that even a great business, in the name of gravel-cobs, there are financial resources and reasonable prospects for the development of its IT park and, in most cases, to competently approach the organization prices of edge infrastructure. Companies in the SMB (small and medium business) segment often rely on primary SOHO access points, with no particular benefit to corporate wi-fi.

LWCOM's Deputy Chief of Staff with a further description of the problems:

  • “Slow down” wi-fi and files will be enlarged;
  • Bad signal In some parts of the office, and in others, he simply knows.
A short quick look:
  • access to the drone-free network of organizations via the SOHO access point;
  • expansion of the access point - on the basis of office equipment;
  • orientation external antennas- Satisfied;
  • Setting the parameters of the radio module - factory settings, then. none dodatkovykh nalashtuvan I wasn’t timid.
Small Office scheme. Rotating the flow access point is indicated in red.

As a rule, the deputy's description of the problem is the following reasons:

  • The daily planning of a drone-free line before launch;
  • Preservation of factory settings for radio settings;
  • Continuous monitoring of radio parameters and adjustment of changes on the air.
The deputy was ordered to audit the drone-free range, respecting and modernizing the equipment. The following parameters have been selected, configured and confirmed that will be necessary for comfortable work in the office:
  • Minimum signal strength – 67dBm;
  • The maximum transmission power is within the limits permitted by law (not more than 100 mW);
  • Access points to replace the obvious ones are office-mounted with integrated antennas and the ability to be mounted on either a desk or a wall;
  • Availability of centralized monitoring of all devices of drone-free surveillance from one WEB interface;
  • Possibility of adjusting radio parameters in automatic mode without the participation of the administrator;
  • The speed of transmission of drone-free data is no less than 20 Mbit/sec;
  • Vikoristovanyi Frequency range- Only 2.4 GHz.
Within the framework cob stage We conducted a series of demonstrations of the quality of in-line drone-free surveying using the freely available software Speedtest and Network Signal Pro based on a device running Android OS. Indicators of luminosity mean the strength of the signal and the fluidity of interaction with Internet network resources.

Small Office scheme. The numbers indicate the points where the vimirs were carried out: at the adjacent one, the separated access point, at the adjacent one, on the contrary, and at two distant ones.

Vimirs gave such unusual results

Speck vimiru No. 1

Speck vimiru No. 2

Speck vimiru No. 3

Vimiru point No. 4

At the current stage, radio survey was carried out using the specialized software package Ekahau Site Survey, which allows you to create a map of the drone-free area of ​​a specific location, as well as automatically plan the WLAN design based on the transfer material. Their quantity. In our case, the partitions were made from concrete and plasterboard.

Based on the specifications, the experiments were carried out using an additional laptop equipped with an external drone-free USB adapter in the 2.4 GHz range. The inspection is carried out in a Stop-and-Go manner. tobto. die in rock mode Displayed with notches for recording.

Small Scheme of arrangement of route points at which tests were carried out.

Results of the radio survey report

Vessels without drones have been detected and radio channels are being monitored.

(SSID received)

8e:5d:4e:4d:f2:38, Unknown SSID

ac:cf:23:03:c6:10, Unknown SSID

32:cd:a7:36:5c:17, Unknown SSID

02:15:99:e4:01:cf, Unknown SSID

d4:ca:6d:92:b8:f7, Unknown SSID

90:72:40:19:99:82, Unknown SSID

6c:70:9f:eb:a8:ae, Unknown SSID

90:72:40:1d:30:de, Unknown SSID

74:d0:2b:58:b7:ec, Unknown SSID

bc:ee:7b:56:44:9e, Unknown SSID

50:46:5d:6d:de:e8, Unknown SSID

bc:ae:c5:b0:ed:7c, Unknown SSID

90:e6:ba:85:b6:63, Unknown SSID

90:e6:ba:74:2f:04, Unknown SSID

10:bf:48:92:a2:d0, Unknown SSID

54:04:a6:5b:40:a4, Unknown SSID

f4:6d:04:eb:07:4c, Unknown SSID

54:a0:50:e3:29:58, Unknown SSID

ac:f1:df:f2:28:b3, Unknown SSID

78:54:2e:8e:25:45, Unknown SSID

6c:72:20:77:04:b8, Unknown SSID

14:cc:20:5c:b7:41, Unknown SSID

10:7b:ef:61:b0:f0, Unknown SSID

  1. It is not possible to ensure stable coverage of the drone-free line at the closest access point to part of the office. Weekday droneless connection on mobile devices.
  2. Low speed of interaction with Internet resources on mobile devices. It’s not comfortable to work with, and it’s also difficult to watch streaming audio and video content.
  3. The presence of anonymous local access points with a bridge of radio channels, which is how to “jam” the traffic control system. In a current situation without continuous monitoring of radio parameters and changing adjustments “on the fly”, the work may be impaired.
Further on this diagram, a theoretical planning was developed with the specific technical requirements in the interface of the Ekahau Site Survey software.

Cream vimog TZ accepted the following parameters:

  • The measure plans to have up to 30+ clients per hour mobile devices iOS/Android and 10 laptops. These data are necessary for automatic planning of measures with the help of additional software.
  • The power of transmitting points is up to 25 mW. In this case, when leaving one access point to another, increase the transmission intensity to update the coverage area (self-healing network).
  • Wikoristan access points for Ruckus Wireless.
The automatic planner Ekahau now provides 2 access points sufficient to cover the office:

To organize drone-free surveillance, we assigned the Ruckus Wireless wireless access point model R500, which has the following characteristics:

  • BeamFlex adaptive antenna technology – more durable;
  • Small size and size – easy installation and impermeability;
  • A single system without a vicarious controller – which allows you to significantly save on the purchase of a controller and licenses.
Due to the impossibility of installation at the planned points, a decision was made to transfer them to the location indicated in the diagram below.

Small The theoretical strength of the signal that is received, and the newly expanded access point

After completing the theoretical planning, 2 Ruckus R500 access points were added, configured and mounted on the wall at the designated locations.

After installation, a control survey was carried out with the help of Ekahau Site Survey.

Small New scheme Rotating route points for vimiryuvannya.

Updated radio survey results

Also, after the launch of the updated drone-free measurement, the signal and speed of the Internet connection were re-tested using the Speedtest and Network Signal Pro software based on Android OS at the same points .

Speck vimiru No. 1

Speck vimiru No. 2

Speck vimiru No. 3

Vimiru point No. 4

As can be seen from the test results, having replaced SOHO equipment with two Ruckus R500 hardwired access points and selected the optimal locations for their placement, we made decisions that meet all the technical requirements deputy, and himself:

  • Stable signal throughout the entire office area;
  • Guaranteed speed of interaction with Internet resources > 20 Mbit/sec;
  • Automatic adjustment of radio parameters to ensure broadcasting;
  • Management from a single WEB interface;
  • Aesthetic external look dot;
  • Generator's guarantee for the entire system.
Yak visnovok you can say that on Narazi There are no daily shortcuts for being truly productive and safe drone-free operations for small and medium-sized businesses, which do not require large IT budgets.

Basic course (Code BT09), 2 days


The meta of this course is a practical introduction to food safety and particularities of the protection of dart-free measures. The course rationally emphasizes systematization theoretical information and practical hearing work under the care of a qualified instructor. The theoretical part of the course includes a basic overview of the architecture of dartless measures, the standards it has and the protection mechanisms used to enable dartless measures. In addition, it is expressed effective technique Integration of drone-free fencing with explicit fencing infrastructure while maintaining all security aspects. Over 50% of the initial hour is allocated practical robots on specially prepared stands, which illustrate various solutions for the protection of dartless measures.

In the process of learning, listeners become familiar with the programs NetStumbler, Kismet, AirSnort, aircrack and other tools for monitoring drone-free surveillance. Particular respect is given to the use of the most extensive tools for auditing drone-free surveys, both commercial and publicly traded.


Advance preparation

Basic knowledge of edge technologies, basic protocols and services of the TCP/IP stack, skills in working with Windows 2003 and Linux. You can verify your knowledge of the protocols of the TCP/IP stack by running a self-verification test in the Start Center. Knowledge is floating around current technologies and protocols: VPN, PKI, IPSec.

As a preliminary preparation, we recommend taking the following courses:

  • BT05 "TCP/IP Basics"- Intensive course on the adjustment and development of protocols of the TCP/IP stack in various operating systems
  • BT03 "Safety of computer measures" - loss of food supply and computer security

After finishing the beginning

You remove systematized knowledge from:

  • Architectures of dartless fences
  • Explicit protection mechanisms, introduced into equipment for dartless measurements
  • Vikoristannya of additional mechanisms for the protection of dartless measures
  • Peculiarities of attack detection systems and security scanners in dartless borders
  • Security issues associated with Bluetooth devices

You can:

  • Involvement of basic mechanisms for data protection in dartless lines
  • Advance the security of drone-free surveillance, vikoryst and IEEE802.1x VPN technologies
  • Implement monitoring of dartless lines
  • Vikonuvati safety audit of dart-free measures


Navchannya on this course be insured in case of seizure of government documents by the facsimile of information security at the Initial Center "Informzakhist" in accordance with REGULATIONS about the removal of government documents by fakhivs to improve qualifications in the field of information security.

The hearing specialist receives a company certificate, specially allocated for this course chief companion and a CD that contains versions of the main protection features that are covered in the course, additional and additional information on the topics of the course.

Course program

  • Drillless technologies – hidden views.
    Entry 802.11 standard. Possession and architecture of dartless boundaries. Threats, tied with dartless lines. Working with the NetStumbler program. Revealed and connected to a dartless line (practice).
  • Basic mechanisms for the protection of data in dartless lines.
    DSSS technology. Filtering based on MAC address. Unauthorized connections to the access point, as a result of vikorist access demarcation based on MAC addresses (practice). The choice of protection mechanisms installed at the access point. The WEP protocol, its advantages and disadvantages. Kismet and AirSnort programs. WEP wiki, WEP key hacking (practice).
  • Protection of the dart-less line on the merezhny level.
    Vision of a dartless line in the next segment. IPSec wiki for protecting drone-free traffic (practice). Zastosuvannya VPN technology for zakhistu dartless merezh (practice).
  • Standard WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) and 802.11i.
    IEEE802.1x standard. Authentication protocols EAP, PEAP. Implementation of edge infrastructure in accordance with the recommendations of the IEEE802.1x standard (practice). TKIP protocol, Michael method and WPA technology. 802.11 standard.
  • Revealed attacks at dartless lines.
    Collecting information about drone-free driving (war driving). Detection of unauthorized access points and rogue clients. Vidmova at the service room. Access point bypass. Protection of clients of dartless survey (practice). Wikoristannya systems for detecting attacks.
  • Audit of drone-free survey.
    Specifics of the safety analysis of dartless measurements. Security scanners for dartless surveying (demonstration). P_dumkov's recommendations.
  • WPAN Merezhi.
    Bluetooth safety. WPAN standard. Bluetooth architecture. Robot modes of Bluetooth devices. Search for Bluetooth devices using other tools. The vulnerability of Bluetooth devices, tools for their detection.

Meta course - practical development of food safety and special features of protection of dart-free measures. The program rationally combines systematic theoretical assessments and practical hearing aids under the supervision of a qualified instructor. The theoretical part of the course includes a basic overview of the architecture of dartless measures, as well as the standards and protection mechanisms that are in this field, which are used to implement dartless measures. In addition, an effective method for integrating drone-free surveillance with explicit surveillance infrastructure is demonstrated, which covers all aspects of security. More than 50% of the initial hour is devoted to practical robots on specially prepared stands, which illustrate various solutions to protect dartless measures.

In the process of learning, listeners become familiar with the programs NetStumbler, Kismet, AirSnort, aircrack and other tools for monitoring drone-free surveillance. Particular respect is given to the use of the most extensive tools for auditing drone-free surveys, both commercial and publicly traded.


  • System and network administrators responsible for the security of computer networks.
  • Members of the organization plan to develop dartless technologies.
  • Information security administrators.

Advance preparation

Basic knowledge of edge technologies, basic protocols and services of the TCP/IP stack, robotic skills operating systems(OS) Windows 2003 and Linux. There is knowledge of current technologies and security protocols: VPN, PKI, IPSec.

You can verify your knowledge of the protocols of the TCP/IP stack by running a self-verification test in the Start Center.

As a result of the beginning

You take away the knowledge:

  • from the architecture of dartless fences;
  • about the obvious protection mechanisms introduced into the equipment for dartless measures;
  • To eliminate the need for additional mechanisms to protect dartless measures;
  • for the peculiarities of the design of attack detection systems and security scanners at dartless borders;
  • For security issues related to the use of Bluetooth devices.

You can:

  • engaging the basic mechanisms for protecting data from dartless lines;
  • promote the security of drone-free surveillance, VPN and IEEE802.1x technologies;
  • carry out monitoring of dartless lines;
  • vikonuvati safety audit of dart-free measures.

Hearing package

  • The company's chief assistant.
  • Versions of the main features of the defense, which are discussed in the course, are additionally Dovidkova information on the subject of the course in electronic form.


After successful completion of the course, graduates will receive their certificates Navchalny center"Informzahist".

Completion of this course is covered by the hour of obtaining in the Basic Center “Informzahist” the documents of the established document about the training for additional education. professional programs in the field of information security.

Graduates can receive cost-free consultations from specialists at the beginning center of the course completed.

Course program

  • Drill-free technologies: hidden views. Entry Standard 802.11 and “substandard”. Possession and architecture of dartless boundaries. Threats, tied with dartless lines. Working with the NetStumbler program. Revealed and connected to a dartless line (practice).
  • Basic mechanisms for the protection of data in dartless lines. Filtering based on MAC address. Unauthorized connections to the access point, as a result of vikorist access demarcation based on MAC addresses (practice). The choice of protection mechanisms installed at the access point. The WEP protocol, its advantages and disadvantages. Kismet and AirSnort programs. WEP wiki, WEP key hacking (practice).
  • Protection of the dart-less line on the merezhny level. Vision of a dartless line in the next segment. IPSec wiki for protecting drone-free traffic (practice). Zachist of the droneless segment for additional L2TP help. Establishment of VPN technologies for the protection of drone-free surveillance (practice).
  • Standard WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) and 802.11i. IEEE802.1x standard. Authentication protocols EAP, PEAP. Implementation of edge infrastructure in accordance with the recommendations of the IEEE802.1x standard (practice). TKIP protocol, Michael method and WPA technology. 802.11 standard.
  • Revealed attacks at dartless lines. Types of dartless attacks. Collecting information about drone-free driving (war driving). Vidmova at the service room. MAC address spoofing. Attacks on the 802.1x authentication mechanism. Attacks on clients of dartless networks Architecture and features of systems for detecting dartless attacks Detection of unauthorized access points and dartless clients. Protection of clients of dartless survey (practice). Monitoring the safety of drone-free lines
  • Analysis of the safety of dartless lines. Specifics and methodology for assessing the level of depredation of dartless fences. Tools and sequence of actions. Collecting information about the drone-free survey and determining the topology.
  • WPAN Merezhi. Bluetooth safety. WPAN standard. Bluetooth architecture. Robot modes of Bluetooth devices. Search for Bluetooth devices using other tools. The vulnerability of Bluetooth devices, tools for their detection.

Protection of wireless communications (for an IB administrator, an IB specialist, an IB power analyst)