Record an audio file via microphone

Chi can you write down the sound z online radio How about a microphone on a computer? I think that the food of the readers of this site is the least favorable. Why? But that’s why it’s not necessary to start learning how to use a computer. This food is more stressful for people who work professionally in sound recording. But I still believe that this article will be in the future, at least for the sake of development.

Well, It's time to record sound I won’t tell you. I want to love singing songs, but who needs to record, for example, an audio lesson with Rozmov on Skype. U zagalnym purpose masa.

How to record sound from a microphone on a computer?

Miracle sound recording program It's called Free Audio Recorder and you can download it.

This installation is basically standard, but there are a few moments. First, you need to supply power to the drive units of different bars, head sides, etc. etc. It’s my pleasure for you to enable everything and uncheck the boxes, as shown in the little picture below.

And another point, if you put power on one of the remaining jobs, you would like to send data from your computer about the work of the program (the translation is not accurate, I also “English Paul”, but saved the sense). So, finally, select Decline (video), as shown in the picture below.

First of all, we need to figure out the place where our creations will go. Click Output, circled in blue, and then select the folder where your recordings will be saved, circled in red. You can also select the name of the file after recording, highlighted in green.

It is very easy to record with this program using a microphone. Connect it first, then click Files -> Device(s) in the program and select your microphone. If it does not appear, restart the program and it will appear in the list.

In order to start recording, press the button with a red dot, underlined in red, and for a note, press the button with a black square, underlined with green.

In order to pause recording for a certain hour, press the middle button, between the armchairs, in order to continue pressing it.

Axis, power, and that’s it.

Goodbye everyone.

P.S. To begin with, I told you that this program can record some music and from a computer, without a microphone. To be honest, as much as I was not surprised by their training, but there are not so many of them, I don’t know this function. However, everything is the same, I prefer to rely on the standard sound recording program in Windows (Start -> All programs -> Accessories -> Sound recording). And then, “the comrade doesn’t have enough to relish that color.”

P.S.S. For those who don't know how to cheat, you can take a look at this short video lesson

A voice recorder is required to record sounds. You can get by with a standard headset, microphone and computer. All you need is to install a program that allows you to record sound from a microphone and follow our recommendations.

Program for recording

To record sounds, you can use the following programs:

  • UV SoundRecorder;
  • Audacity.

UV SoundRecorder

Today's retailers will offer dozens of products to choose from cost-free programs to record sounds through a microphone. In this case, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the UV SoundRecorder program, which is necessary to record everything.

  1. First of all, download the program from the site and install it on your computer.
  2. To start recording, select a device; ours has a microphone.
  3. Depending on the device you choose, you will get the same amount of sound as possible, including from microphone connections.
  4. The lower left corner has a horizontal slider for setting the record level. The lower the value, the quieter the sound will be recorded. If you set it to maximum, the recording will be louder due to noise and distortions. Therefore, when choosing a value equal to the sound, the trace follows the rule of the golden mean. To determine the optimal sound level, select a number of test recordings. Record voice from a microphone at values ​​as close as 32 Kb/sec, and music at 128 Kb/sec.
  5. To save the file, select a folder from the background image.
  6. After promotion, files are saved in WAV format. It is also recommended to save files in the vikorist and mp3 extensions. So the stench takes up much less space. If you check the box “Convert to mp3”, the conversion process will begin automatically. You can start recording as soon as possible.
  7. Once the recording is completed, the “Play” button will become available, so you can immediately evaluate the result.


Since simply recording the sound from a microphone on a computer is not enough and there is a need to process it, you deserve Audacity program. It's completely Russified. Here's how you can help:

  • record sound from the microphone or line input;
  • record up to 17 recordings simultaneously using a multi-channel sound card;
  • Change the pace of creation, adjust the noise, tone of both your recordings and your favorite files.

In order to record sound for other programs, you need to do the following:

  1. Download the program and install it.
  2. Launch the program in the menu, select “Record sound from a microphone”.
  3. After the recording is completed, listen to the material.

If you need to record sound from a computer without using a microphone, information about this can be found in the statistics.

Often koristuvach Windows 10 Ask how to record sound that is created on the computer itself behind another computer (it is important to record not through a microphone). This situation arises whenever you need to learn a video lesson or look at the programs as a way to resolve the problem. In this situation, you can install a program to record sound on your computer, or you can quickly operating system. Zokrema, on Windows 10 there is the “Sound Recording” function.

Vykoristannya method with a stereo mixer

The standard way to record sound from a computer is to be flexible sound card, or more precisely stereo mixer A. This component is disabled in Windows 10. However, it can be implemented in this way:

  • Onslaught right button Click on the sound icon (which is on the notification panel) and select “Recording devices”.
  • A new window will open. Go to the Sound tab. Press the right mouse button on an empty seat and select “Show connections to device.”

  • Show "Stereo mixer". Click on it with the right mouse button and select “Pull”.

  • Now press “Start” and in prick row enter "Recoder". Select "Microsoft WindowsSoundRecorder".

  • After launching the utility, you need to click on the microphone icon.

  • There will be a note about what the hour tells you about.

  • After recording, a menu will appear where you can listen to, change or delete the material.

In reality this method works like this:

Recording sound without a stereo mixer

You can also record sound in Windows 10 for more help. third party programs. Among them seems to be suitable for those PCs that have a stereo mixer. In this case, it is important to note that to record sound from a computer, this program uses digital Windows interface WASAPI. Moreover, with this choice, the recording is made without converting the analog signal into a digital one, as is expected with a stereo mixer.

In order to start recording sound, you need to enter Windows WASAPI in the program itself, and in the program you need to enter Windows WASAPI. Sound board" or "HDMI".

After this adjustment, you can start recording the sound. For this, all you need to do is click on the “Play” icon.

Vikorist's ability to use NVidia ShadowPlay programs

What is installed on your PC? NVidia video card, then you can install the proprietary utility “NVidia GeForse Enterprience” and record video and sound from the computer in the additional “ShadowPlay” section. To do this, just select the “Sound support” item and select special settings.

After we start recording, we will capture those that are available on the desktop.