SAMSUNG TVs on the KS1A base chassis. Repairing a TV on a KS1A chassis that does not start. Electrical diagram of a Samsung TV on aa41 chassis.

Models: CS-1439C, CS-1448X, CS-14E3WX, CS-14F1S, CS-14H1X, CS-14R1S, CS-14R1X, CS-14Y52X, CS-2039С, CS-2039X, CS-2039X, CS-2085S, CS-2085TX, CS-20C8X, CS-20H1X, CS-20E1C, CS-20E3WX, CS-20F1S, CS-20R1X, CS-2139TX, CS-2139X, CS-2148X, CS-2173S, CS-2185S

TVs SAMSUNG Perhaps a persistent drink in our market is due to the fact that they traditionally occupy the middle price group, at which they save enough high brightness products. Current mid-price TVs with picture tube diagonals from 14 to 21 inches are based primarily on the KS1A chassis. Depending on the region in which the TVs are delivered, their models are designed to receive signals from the latest standards and television broadcast systems. In the table 1 The identification of SAMSUNG TV models (the first two letters of designation) corresponds to the standards and systems that are accepted.

Table 1

Designated model Standard System
C.S. B/G, D/K L, I, M PAL, SECAM, NTSC 4.43 MHz, NTSC 3.58 MHz

Features of the KS1A chassis

The basic chassis KS1A is structurally composed of two other boards - the main one and the kinescope. By modifying the base chassis, TVs based on it can receive and process signals from the main television tower of all analogue standards and systems. The chassis is based on the new microcircuit of the Ultimate One Chip (UOC) TDA935x family from Philips Semiconductors. This microcircuit belongs to the third generation of integrated television microcircuits of the One Chip Television family. The UOC microcircuit contains a combination of BiCMOS and CMOS technologies, which made it possible to combine in one package a new video processor with a video detector and audio demodulator, a teletext decoder that accepts all international standards Yes, it’s a microprocessor based on an 80C51 crystal with an expanded set of functions.

Description of block diagrams of chassis KS1A

Block diagram of the KS1A chassis and oscilloscopes in the main control points shown in Fig. 1. The IF signal (oscillogram TP07) from the output of the channel selector through the RF booster, which compensates for the attenuation of the signal in the PAR filters, goes to the PAR black filters, which are interconnected. The SF101S filter sees the IF signal of the image, which is far away from the video. 23, 24 microcircuits of the IC201S video processor. The demodulation video signal (oscillogram TP10) is taken from the video. 38 video processors per external scheme notch filters that suppress the sound signal that is presented. The video signal, which is formed at the output of the notch filter circuit (oscillogram TP11), is fed to the video. 40 video processor, as well as through the input/output terminal of external devices. Video signal external devices go to viv. 42 IC201S. From the video signal, the video processor forms signals of the main colors, such as video. 51, 52, 53 (oscillograms TP04, TP05, TP06) through connector CN501 are fed to the IC501 microcircuit for boosting RGB signals on the kinescope board. In its own way, the signal for stabilizing the dark stream of the kinescope (oscillogram TP12), which is taken from the kinescope board, goes to Viv. 50 video processors.

The SF102S filter sees the IF sound signal, which is then fed to IC101 - a microcircuit that converts the IF and FR demodulator to sound (Viv. 1, 2 microcircuits). The use of dry filters that interconnect allows the reception of signals of different standards. Demodulation of audio signal. 12 IC101 microcircuits are supplied to the Viv. 32 video processors (TP14 oscillogram). Z viv. 28 of the video processor, the sound signal is sent to the input/output unit for feeding external devices. In its own way, the sound signal from external devices goes through the input/output terminal to the Viv. 35 video processor (oscillogram TP15). On the external ULF IC601 regulation, the sound signal comes from the viv. 44 IC201S. Strengthen the sound signal ULF outputs(oscillogram TP16) through connectors CN601-CN603 go to the TV set.

To control the electronic changes of the kinescope, the video processor generates frame rate signals and startup pulses small rosette. Frame bipolar pulses of a saw-like shape are picked up from the wave. 21, 22 (oscillogram TP17) IC201S microcircuits and go to the end cascade of the frame distribution (CR) - IC301 microcircuit. Before exiting through connector CN603, connect the frame coil of the system, which is healing. Signal the call of the bell(oscillogram TP13) to stabilize the size and shape the kinescope response signal, go to the output stage of the KR on Viv. 49 video processor.

Trigger impulses (oscillogram TP09) of the small flare (SR) from the vicinity. 33 video processors are connected to the driver circuit and the output stage of the CP (oscillograms TP18, TP19, TP20). The output stage of the CP (Q401, Q402, T444S) forms the flow of small coils, the life voltage of the video sensors and the output stage of the CR, as well as the voltage that indicates the operating mode of the kinescope. The return stroke pulses (oscillogram TP08) for synchronization of the SR are fed to the Viv. 34 video processors.

The microcontroller, which is included with the IC201S video processor, handles all the functions of the TV. Control of external nodes and microcircuits is carried out using an additional control bus I 2 C - Viv. 2, 3 video processor microcircuits. These signals are shown on oscillograms TP01 and TP02. Adjustment parameters and operational adjustment values ​​are stored in the non-volatile memory of IC902. Until viv. 6, 7 IC201S connection of the control button, and before vi. 62 photo receiver output is connected. The external lancer of the synchronization generator of the video processor microcircuits is connected to the video. 57, 58, 59. View of the signal on Viv. 59 is shown on the TP03 oscillogram.

The pulse generator of the chassis is implemented on the IC801S microcircuit, which includes a high voltage transistor. Signals at the main control points are represented by oscillograms TP21, TP22. A series of voltages are formed to supply the output stage of the CP and voltage 13, and behind the additional stabilizer on IC802 a series of voltages are formed to supply various components of the chassis.

Description of the electrical circuit diagrams of the KS1A chassis

The peculiarity of the important electrical circuit of the KS1A chassis (Fig. 2) in which all the functions of signal processing and TV control are based on the IC201S microcircuit with the UOC arrangement of the video processor T DA935x.

U block diagram Keruvannya node with TDA935x microcircuits (Fig. 3) The basis of the Keruvannya node is a microcontroller core based on the 80C51 slave processor. In addition to the new warehouse node, the decoding device for teletext signals and non-volatile program memory are turned on. The microcontroller core includes several input/output ports, the configuration of which is determined by the program embedded in the microcircuit (program memory). Traditionally, the microcontroller port has 8 pins, per number of bytes. To change the number of pins on the TDA935x chips, non-ports are used. In this case, the addressing of the devices is saved, like the standard microcontroller core. There are a number of components connected with these actions and the TDA935x microcircuits.

Port 0 views viv. 10 and 11 (P0.5 and P0.6) with an extended location. These pins generate three stable stations, which allows the formation of three-level signals. U tsіy software configuration viv. 10 uses for mixing external devices in the mode of receiving signals with positive or negative modulation, as well as switching to the “monitor” mode, if external signals (VIDEO, AUDIO) that are input to the TV are broadcast to its output (VIDE O, AUDIO). Viv. 11 is intended for mixing external devices (notch filters and PAR filters) when receiving PAL or NTSC signals.

The configuration of the pins for port 1 is determined independently for each of them, either for direct connections to the input/output interface, or for any additional device (timer, interruption detector, I 2 C interface). Reception of microcontroller signals remote therapy Via photo receiver, you can use it via Viv. 62 (P1.0) and detector interrupt 1, forms the proportion of interruption for the presence of the remote control signal. The control of the demagnetization loop is influenced by the signal that is received from the video. 63 (P1.1). When the TV is turned on, a short-hour signal is generated on this output high level. Viv. 64 (P1.2) in this configuration, the vikorist is used to control the voltage of the main nodes of the microcontroller. The signal is received from the video. 1 (P1.3), to turn on and turn on (switch to black mode) the TV. Viv. 2 and 3 (P1.6 and P1.7) are adjusted to form the external control bus I 2 C.

Port 2 representations for the microcircuit in one view. 4 (P2.0), the signal from the output is vicorized to block the sound. Sound blocking is caused by a decrease in the voltage of the reference level (close to 5.6) on the Viv. 6 microcircuits of terminal ULF IC601. Lantsyugi blocking sound is shown in Fig. 4. Reduced voltage on the viv. 6 IC601 is carried out when the transistor Q904 is switched off (the microcontroller sees the sound blocking command), when the 13 V voltage decreases or disappears and in the draft mode (low potential on V. 1 TDA935x).

Until viv. 5 (P3.0) microcircuits that connect to port 3 of the microcontroller, connect transistor Q901, which controls the LED LD901. LED indication indicates operation work program microcontroller. In addition, this version is being developed for technological purposes. To connect the buttons of the organs of the caravan, use vikorist. 6 and 7 (P3.1 and P3.2). The inputs are connected to the inputs of the internal ADCs, and the lances of the buttons are closed (Fig. 5). Recognition of control commands depends on the voltage change at the ADC input. Viv. 8 (P3.3) settings for recognizing an external device connected to the TV via a SCART connector.

Demodulation of the video signal and audio signal occurs at the demodulator node and the audio channel of TDA935x microcircuits. The functional diagram of the node is shown in Fig. 6. The IF signal from the outputs of the SF101 filter is supplied to the video. 23 and 24, IF power supply input. The demodulated new video signal is formed on the video. 38. The demodulated audio signal is visible on the TV. 28. This signal is used as an input for the audio signal from the external audio signal demodulator (microcircuit IC101). The sound signal from external devices can be heard on your Viv. 35 microcircuits. The sound channel of the IC201S microcircuits allows you to select the sound signal, its regulation (gauge adjustment) and automatic level adjustment. Regulations of the sound signal through the video. 44 microcircuits are supplied to the ULF input of the IC601 microcircuit.

Demodulation of color value signals and shaping of color value signals takes place at the color value signal demodulator node of the IC201S microcircuits (Fig. 7). At which node the video is displayed based on the brightness signal of the corresponding video signal. On viv. 40 microcircuits receive the video signal that is received from the output of the notch filter circuits sound signals Z201, Z202, Z203 (div. Fig. 2). Viv. 42 purposes for supplying video signals to external devices.

Formation of the main RGB signals (views 51, 52, 53), regulation of the level of dark streams, and insertion of information signals operate at the RGB signal formation unit of the TDA935x microcircuits. The functional diagram of the node is shown in Fig. 8. Signals from the color intensity signal demodulation unit go to the first YUV signal selector. RGB signals from external devices are sent to the TV. 46, 47 and 48 microcircuits. The voltage of the signal signals is on the Viv. 45. On Viv. 49 find a signal to exchange the level of output signals (the current of the kinescope), as well as a shutdown signal from the output stage of the KR IC301. A signal proportional to the flow of kinescope changes and vikorist regulation of the level of dark streams is supplied to the Viv. 50.

Vuzol rozgortok functional diagrams The ignition node of the TDA935x microcircuits (Fig. 9) generates bipolar signals KR, SR start pulses, SC strobe pulses and a geometric shutter correction signal for kinescopes with a complete changeover of 110° changes (with the data kinescopes will stagnate0. Output cascades of small and personnel developments of any kind There are no circuit design features (div. Fig. 2). It should be noted that the output stage of the KR (IC301) is driven by a bipolar voltage.

The life of the base chassis also does not require the same circuit features. The basis of this is the microcircuit of the redesign of the use a transistor IC801S (KA5Q0765). The lifeline forms two secondary voltages 110 ... 125 V - for the life of the output stage of the CP and 13 V - for the life of other nodes. Stabilization of the output voltage level is achieved with the help of an optocoupler coupling (PC801S). The control of the demagnetization loop operates by additionally switching the RL801S relay with the control system command.

The number of inputs/outputs, depending on the modification of TVs, can be used as a number of options (division small. 2).

Adjustment and adjustment of chassis KS1A

Factory settings that determine the operating modes of the kinescope, as well as the values ​​of adjustment parameters, are stored in the non-volatile memory of IC902. Therefore, whenever you replace or replace a kinescope, you need to re-adjust the parameters and save them. After replacing IC902, the TV will turn on after approximately 10 seconds (the hour of microcircuit initialization). When replacing a kinescope in the service mode, it is necessary, having first adjusted the color purity and mixing of the kinescope, to subsequently adjust the following parameters: white balance, brightness advance, vertical centering, Vertical size, horizontal size.

Switching the TV to service mode is done by issuing the following sequence of commands from the remote control:



When the TV is switched to service mode, the “SERVICE (FACTORY)” message appears on the screen. In this mode the following options are available: ADJUST, OPTION and Reset. The selection of parameters for the ADJUST option is performed using the “VOLUME” buttons (Up or Down) in the following sequence:

SCT>SBT>BLR>BLB>RG>GG>BG>VSL>VS>VA>HS>SC>SDL>STT>SSP>PDL>NDL>PSR>NSR>AGC>VOL>LCO>TXP. set values When exiting the service mode, the parameters are written to a non-volatile memory. To exit the service mode, press the “FACTORY” or “Power OFF” buttons. The range of control functions and their values ​​that are set during initialization are shown in the table. 2.

Table 2

Parameter Function Significance Meanings of initialization
SCT Forward contrast adjustment 0 ~ 23 13
SBT Forward brightness control 0 ~ 23 9
BLR Setting the level of the black channel R 0 ~ 15 9
BLB Establishing the level of black channel B 0 ~ 15 7
RG Strengthen channel R 0 ~ 63 32
GG Strengthen channel G 0 ~ 63 25
B.G. Emphasis on channel B 0 ~ 63 31
VSL Linearity per vertical 0 ~ 63 19
VS Centering from vertical 0 ~ 63 38
V.A. Vertical size 0 ~ 63 40
H.S. Horizontal size 0 ~ 63 30
S.C. S-correction 0 ~ 63 9
C.D.L. Dark Strum Rhubarb 0 ~ 15 9
STT Forward adjustment of color tone 0 ~ 7 3
SSP Forward clarity adjustment 0 ~ 7 0
PDL Adjusting the shade in PAL mode 0 ~ 15 15
NDL Adjusting the dimming for NTSC mode 0 ~ 15 10
PSR Forward saturation adjustment in PAL mode 0 ~ 23 2
NSR Forward saturation control in NTSC mode 0 ~ 23 5
A.G.C. AGC regulation 0 ~ 63 23
VOL Forward adjustment of tension 0 ~ 63 10
LCO SECAM IF 0 ~ 1 0
TXP Teletext position 0 ~ 15 9

The OPTION mode sets the chassis parameters for that particular TV model. The options that are installed and the modes of the options are listed in the table. 3.

Table 3

Position Option Options mode
8 2nd SIF ON

The Reset reinstallation mode allows you to install other functions at a previously set value (Table 4).

Table 4

Position Function Mill
1 Picture More precisely
2 Auto Volume (automatic adjustment of volume level) OFF (wimkneno)
3 Color System (recognition of the color system) AUTO (more automatic)
4 Sound System D/K (store under option)
5 Blue Screen (blue background) OFF (wimkneno)
6 Low Noise AMP (noise reduction circuit) OFF (wimkneno)
7 Volume (volume adjustment) 10
8 CH. Skip (skipped channels) Erased (off)
9 CH. Lock (fence to the channel) OFF (wimkneno)
10 Timer OFF (wimkneno)

Troubleshooting of TVs on KS1A chassis

When repairing TV sets, it is important to use the current element base. Such components are sold by the Dalincom online store, in the sections transistors and other...

Daily images and sound, raster

The absence of image and sound from the raster indicates a malfunction of the high-frequency part of the chassis or the video demodulator assembly. The channel selector prompts us to make changes, which means it is important to do this without a TV signal generator.

To identify a malfunction behind an additional TV signal generator, it is necessary to connect its output to the IF signal to the connection point of capacitors C105 and C106. It is recommended to turn on the channel selector output to suppress this input. If the image, after sending a signal from the generator, appears on the TV screen, there is a problem with the channel selector or the Lancer of your life, as well as with the STEAM filter. The absence of images indicates a malfunction in the video demodulator unit of the IC201S microcircuits.

You can find out about the serviceability of the channel selector without a TV signal generator using its outputs of the inverter voltage, mains voltage and other signals.

To check the video demodulator node of the IC201S microcircuits, it is necessary to check the reference quality of the external components of the microcircuits that are located up to this node, the voltage values ​​​​on the pins and the signal shapes. With special respect, the trace should be taken to detect the presence of signals on Viv. 40, 49 and 50.

No sound, no raster

Malfunctions in this type should begin by checking the output voltages of the 125 and 13 V generator (capacitors C812, C815). The absence of voltage indicates a malfunction of the following elements: FP801, D801…D804, IC801 or Lanzug’s components. For the presence of voltage outputs, monitor the life voltages that are formed by stabilizers on the IC802. Qia voltage 8 on viv. 8 microcircuits, 9 per Viv. 9 and 5 on view 10. The presence of these voltages when a voltage of 13 V is detected indicates a malfunction of the IC802 microcircuits.

If there is voltage at the output of the IC802 microcircuits, it is necessary to monitor the voltage on the Viv. 1 IC201 microcircuits. In the working mode, the voltage at this output is 0 V, in the operating mode (the TV is turned on), the voltage at this output is approximately 3.3 V. The voltage that controls it may indicate a malfunction of IC201. And here it is additionally necessary to check the validity of the external elements of the microcontroller microcircuit assembly.

That's why it depends on the voltage that controls it. 1, it is necessary to monitor the presence of impulses to start the SR on the Viv. 33 IC201. Their absence indicates a malfunction of the microcircuits, and if this is the case, check the output stage of the CP Q402, T401, Q401.

There is no image, no sound

Search for malfunction of the printout trace from the control signal on the phone. 40 IC201 microcircuits. If the signal is present, you need to check the presence of the signal on Viv. 38 and lancet notch filters. Once upon a time, there is a signal on Viv. On the 38th day, it is necessary to check the presence of voltage in the IC201 microcircuits and the integrity of its external elements. Comparison of external elements and the presence of live voltage in the presence of a video signal on Viv. 38 indicate a malfunction of the microcircuits.

Like the video signal on Viv. 40 microcircuits, in addition to the images on the TV screen, it is necessary to monitor the presence of signals on the TV. 51, 52, 53 and the same voltage zakhistu on viv. 49. The presence of signals indicates a malfunction of the microcircuits, and for their presence it is necessary to check the serviceability of the video microcircuits IC501 and external elements. It is also necessary to check the lancets of the kinescope and the contacts of the lancet connectors.

No image, no sound

There is a malfunction when there is no sound when the print image is normal after monitoring the signal on the phone. 44 IC201 microcircuits. This may indicate a malfunction of the microcircuits. For the presence of a signal, it is necessary to monitor the voltages and signals on the circuits of the IC601 microcircuits. First of all, it is necessary to control the voltage blocking on the video. 6 IC601. If the voltage value on this pin is close to 0, you need to check the reference book Q904 and IC201. At the same time, there is a blocking signal on Viv. 6 IC601 is not found, it is necessary to check the voltage of the microcircuits on the Viv. 3 and 13. Voltage level on the Viv. 3 and 13 indicate a malfunction of the lancets (R814, R815). If you notice any voltage, check the contacts of the power supply unit, after which you can make a decision about the need to replace the IC601 microcircuits.

Don’t forget the parameters and adjust and adjust

In this case, it is necessary to monitor the signals and voltage at the pins of the IC902 microcircuits. It is obvious that the microcircuits are faulty. It is recommended that after replacing IC902, set the following parameters: VA-40 (factory setting), SC - according to the diagonal of the kinescope (0 for 14" and 9 for 20" and 21"). These parameters are recommended to be installed when replacing the kinescope .

CB-14Y52T, CS-1439C, CS-1439R, CS-1448R, CS-1448X, CS-14E3WX, CS-14C8R, CS-14C8TR, CS-14F10R, CS-14F1R, CS-14F1S, CB-14F 14H1X, CS -14R1S, CS-14R1X, CS-14V10, CS-14Y52X, CS-15K2Q, CS-15K5S/NWT, CS-15K5WQ, CS-15K8WQ, CS-15M16MJQ

CS-2038R, CS-2039R, CS-2039С, CS-2039X/NWT/VWT/BWT, CS-2073R, CS-2085S, CS-2085TX, CS-20C8X, CS-20E1C, CS-20E3WX, CS-20 CS -20F1S, CZ-20F12ZR, CS-20F2R, CL-20F12ZSR, CS-20F32TSXBWT, CS-20F32ZSXBWT, CS-20H1X, CS-20H4R, CS-20R1R, CS-20R1X

CB-21F12TSXXEC, CI-21F32TSXXEU, CS-2139TR, CS-2139TX, CS-2139X/BWT, CS-2148X/VWT, CS-2173S/BWT, CS-2185R, CS-2185S, CS-21 CS-21F32TSXBWT, CS -21F32ZSXBWT, CS-21F5R, CS-21H4MLR, CS-21S43NSXBWT, CS-2218, CZ-21D83N, CZ-21F12T, CZ-21F32T, SZ-2.

Typical defects

The most common problems with Samsung TVs installed on the KS1A chassis can be seen in the following steps:

1. Channels do not mix.

After a lot of use, problems with channel switching begin.
When mixing, the digit of the channel indication number changes.
Mechanical sprinkling onto the antenna plug helps to restore the normal operation of the TB, in order to prevent the unfortunate situation from reoccurring sooner rather than later.
The defect is progressively progressing. Vlasniks sometimes become violently jealous and tear out the antenna's nest.

The reason for the preparation of the tuner. The contact of one of the connections with the ground wire of the tuner is damaged.
The metal partitions in the middle, which contain a lot of mass, may not be properly maintained and over time they will be subject to oxidation under a ball of solder.
The problem is not new for tuners from the Spanish assembly of Sony and many analogue tuners from LG.

2. The image has been removed.

The image appears to the left, and to the right appears a dark vertical tan with a dark purple tint. In certain situations, the smell of garou appears.

The reason is related to the viscosity of the capacitors in the power supply to the reversible pulse for forming the 2nd PLL loop.
The rotten contact in the middle of the 4700 pF capacitor is residually affected by high-voltage pulses, and the 15k resistor of the following lance under the driven pulse voltage and the struma burns to the point of burning. The zener diode protects the processor at the PLL input.
Through a short circuit in the middle of the 680 pF capacitor of the upper arm of the dilator, the resistor itself can burn out.
After replacing the faulty elements of the lancet, the normal performance of the TV is restored.

This problem will also occur on other Samsung TVs, causing problems. For many TBs of large diagonals, where a tightened resistor is installed to the PLL loops, together with the resistor they can burn out the part of the payout at the same time.

3. No sound.

There is no sound. ULF and dynamics reference. Mixing the BG/DK system does not cause a problem.
It is necessary to go to the service menu (Service Mode) at the option installation mode (OPTION TABLE) and switch the eighth option 2ND SIF (ON-OFF).

4. The TV does not turn on.

The life module does not start. The zener diode in the first place with the life of the PWM breakout controller is short.
The reason is the movement of the ESR electrolytic capacitor 33uF 50V. The breakdown of the zener diode is due to the design features of the organization of the PWM supply and is protected from movement.
After replacing the capacitor and zener diode, the efficiency of the TB is renewed. If a life module is installed without an optocoupler, a 33V zener diode (1N4752) is installed.

Another malfunction, when the TV does not turn on, is a breakdown of the 2SC2499 series transistor. The reasons could be a few.
It is obvious that 2SC2499 transistors or their analogues from the verified batch will be used for replacement. The problems associated with the viciousness of the “left” transistors are not visible.
On TVs with a 15" flat picture tube, a 5100 pF 1600V capacitor is installed in the HOT collector lance, as a resonant one, which is often found to be very dry in such an accident. In any case, it is necessary to check it, if necessary i, replace it with a voltage pulse immediately when turned on from scratch. regime.
If the transistor breaks down when it is turned on with the reference capacitor, the risk of short-circuits is high in small winding coils. On Samsung 15" TVs with KS1A and KS9A chassis, the SIK jamming occurred more than once.
If the transistor quickly heats up when turned on, there is no high voltage, the B+ voltage is low - faulty FBT.

Hello everyone!

This statti is vibrate with you TV repair with your own hands .

As always, we will deal with the problem on a specific application.

Ozhe, having made repairs kinescope ( CRT ) TV , model CS-29Z57HYQ for chassis S66A.

According to the client, the problem was immediate: the device works continuously for an hour (about 30...40 hours), and then suddenly stops working sound . All other functions, moreover, are preserved in the operational state. It was also marked that the sound is clear And when the TV operates from the AV input, and when it operates from the tuner (external antenna).

I will say straight away that the malfunction that was detected during the diagnostic process is a manufacturing defect, which, before speaking, was recognized by the manufacturing company.

Well, let's get back to the repairs.

After “growing” this device, I began to check the usefulness of the low-frequency booster that this model has on the TDA7297SA microcircuit. After checking the necessary parameters, nothing that could influence this behavior of the TV receiver was detected - the hardware was normal, the microcircuit itself functioned properly and, in any event, or electricity for life and in the connection of microcircuits. After the visits, the required result was not achieved.

Then I decided to look for the problem at the input lanyards, and then checked the signal coming from the tuner through the F-BOX board to the low-frequency booster microcircuit.

As a result of this inspection, the cause of the sudden loss of sound was identified.

Also, when the voltage on the F-BOX board was adjusted, it was revealed that the voltage is 3.3V, which goes from the stabilizer IC410 to the input of the stabilizer IC400, after an hour of operation it “falls” to 3V. To stabilize the voltage, a capacitor C410 with a nominal value of 100 uF is transferred to the circuit, which is not actually installed on the board. There is also a 220 uF capacitor C434 on the board, which stabilizes the 5V voltage that is supplied to IC410.

TV circuit on the chassisS66 AYou can enjoy this site.

I was a little wary of such a development and, having rummaged around on the Internet, I found out that this problem was the fault of the manufacturing company.

Zagalom, having installed capacitors C410 (100 μF) and C434 (220 μF) in the transfer space for them on the board, problems with sound arose, which pleased both me and the client.

As it seems: live forever, come soon! Well, that’s enough evidence.

I hope this article was a boon to you.

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All the best to you and easy repairs!