Get an excel table template. Customize your Excel templates to your heart's content

The life of people in the world of technology is a valuable combination of numbers, indicators that periodically force systematization. To do the rest, you need to use special technical tools. Our article will show that these Excel tables are available for dummies.

A bit of theory

The Excel table data (for a teapot) is a different type of register to place a specific part of the data from the device for analysis and is depicted so that it is possible to draw logical connections between them. The basis for this design is a simple list of values.

Print it first to the robot, prepare it for her necessary materials what can be determined before analysis. When shaping the prepared version, stitch so that the data is classified, for example, the numbers do not get confused with the letter designations, and the headings are correct.

Tables in Excel are indispensable for those whose job entails a large number of numbers, and it is periodically necessary to systematize and format the information. Excel program We will help you to recover and analyze a great number of values, saving time.

Advantages of this type of data grouping:

  • At the moment, the work does not require special knowledge in the field of programming, the method is suitable for teapots;
  • the ability to combine information with other resources;
  • You can update the base instance with new information by adjusting the parameters.

Getting started with spreadsheets in Excel doesn't take much time and can be done on video.

An example of creating an Excel spreadsheet - an algorithm for dummies

Having become familiar with the basic theoretical nuances of creating tables in Excel, let’s move on to putting them into action. To start creating a spreadsheet in Excel 2016, 2010 or 2007, you need to install security software. As a rule, if you use programs Microsoft systems Office, Excel are already on your computer.

Having launched it, a wide field will appear in front of you, divided into a large number of middles. For more details on how to work with Excel spreadsheets, see the video tutorial below.

For further assistance with the algorithm, we will look at the butt in detail, how to create an Excel table.
On the panel at the top of the window, go to the “Insert” tab, then left-hand select “Create table”.

The dialog will then open at the end of the screen where you will need to specify additional parameters. At this stage of creating a table in Excel there are a number of important points. If you have placed a cursor icon on the arrow before starting to form the register, the empty rows of the window will be filled automatically. Otherwise, the address of the data range needs to be assigned independently.

Let's take a closer look at the independent completion of items in the dialog box.

The first row should not be left empty, otherwise the program will be washed out. If there is a destination from which you plan to transfer data, select it in the “Select external data destination” section. Under the outer ring, respectful to others Excel workbook or a set of data models from the DBMS.

Title the leather stovpchik behind the scenes

Choose a place where the next frame with middles will be drawn. Although this sheet may be new, it is recommended to use another sheet.

Having secured all the adjustments, we are in possession of the finished base. The area was drawn out and the base of the future frame was placed. The right side has a window with adjustments, which helps to maintain the registry.

Now it is necessary to unravel, as the whole structure will be destroyed. In the window of parameters “Fields in a wide table” you indicate the data that will be present.

The entire structure will be in such a way that the textual data plays the role of elements that are combined, and the numbers show the consolidated values. For example, we summarize all the needs of the departments and find out how much it costs to remove skin products. To do this, let’s put a check mark next to two headings: Added and released the product in the batch.

Return your attention to how this data was updated in the lower area of ​​the adjustment panel.

The input will automatically be added to the row, and the numerical data will be added to the value. Whenever you try to click on any part of the numbers, a stink appears in this galusi. And in the table itself there will be a new entry.

In which case there is a subsumption. We can now find out from our report how many products have reached the skin area and our final product.

You can freely adjust the width of the stackers for optimal placement of data. Just color the width of the columns or the height of the rows as you did before Excel.

If you don’t like this orientation, you can drag the names of the rows into the stops area with the mouse - just point the mouse, press the left button and drag.

As far as the results are concerned, the sum is still far from being a single function. To see what Excel is already doing, type the name in the Value area and choose another command.

In the field parameters, you will find a number of analysis options.

For skin values, you can select a function. For example, we add the “Price” field and find the maximum price for the product in each category. In fact, we know how much the dearest person costs.

Now it’s important that the “Accessories” department has goods worth 267,660 rubles, while its best seller has a price of 2,700 rubles.
The "Filter" area allows you to set criteria for selecting records. You can add the “Entry date” field by simply checking the new box.

Once the table has been created in Excel, it looks cumbersome because it is necessary to carry out an analysis based on the date. So let's move the date from the rows of the filter - just drag it, as it was designated more.

The result of all these actions was the appearance of another burning field. To select a date, press the words “All” on the white arrow.

Now we have the opportunity to select a specific day, to open the list, click on the trikutnik on the right knee.

You can also select a value for the field.

Uncheck those that do not mark you, and you will take away more required information.

During the course of your work, you may encounter similar notifications “Invalid Excel spreadsheet name.” This means that the first row in the range, the signs are able to remove information, leaving out unnecessary spaces. To resolve this problem, it is necessary to refill the empty columns.

Updating data from a given table in Excel

Important information on how to create and update the table in Excel 2010 or later. This is only relevant if you intend to add new data. If the update will only take place for one step, it is necessary to click on any place right button Misha. You need to type “Onovity” on the window.

If such a task needs to be carried out in a series of columns and rows, then see any zone and on the top panel, open the “Analysis” tab and click on the “Update” icon. Next, choose the banana diya.

If you have created a table in Excel, you do not need to do so, just go back and delete it. This is not a stock of great value. View all warehouses manually, or use CTRL+A keys. Then press the DELETE key and the field will be cleared.

How to add a complete table to an Excel table

To add additional content, it is necessary to add it to the output data and expand the range for our registry.

Go to the “Analysis” tab and open the data section.

Excel registers everything.

Refresh and you will see a new list of fields in the adjustment area.

You can add a table only by “gluing” it from the output. You can replace a range with an existing one, but you cannot add another range. You can then create a new table based on the decals of the outputs, which are drawn up on different arches.

How to create a table in Excel with many arkushins

For which we need a master of their tables. Dodamo yogo on the panel Swedish access(the very top of the window is left-handed). Click on the arrow and select “Other commands”.

Select all commands.

Find the Excel spreadsheet master, click on it, then click “Add” and OK.

The pictogram will appear to the beast.

You may have two identical ones behind the table fields on different arches. We have information about paying for herbs and worms. Click on the table of the Master of Information and select consolidation of ranges.

We need a few fields, not just one.

At the next stage, see the first range and click the “Add” button. Then go to another arrow (click on its name below) and click “Add”. You will have two ranges created.

It is not possible to see the entire table in full. We need information about the activities of the widdle, so we have seen the range starting with the article “Widdle”.
Give it to the skin. Click circle 1, then enter “herb” in the field, click circle 2 and enter “worm” in field 2. Don't forget to change the ranges in the area. May be seen by the one who is called.

Click “Far” and create on a new arch.

After clicking on “Done”, the result is cancelled. This is a rich table, it’s hard for anyone to finish it. That's why we chose the smaller range so as not to get lost in the world.

Please note that we no longer have clear field names. They can be pulled out by pressing on the points at the top area.

By checking or checking the boxes, you can adjust the values ​​you need to adjust. It is not easy that the procedures are carried out for everyone, but the meaning is new.

As you see, we have the same meaning for the general rule.

Change of structure of the world

We gradually disassembled the butt, how to create the created Exce table, how to extract data in a different way as easily as possible. For whom we can change the layout of the building. Having placed the cursor on any middle, go to the “Designer” tab, and then “Design Layout”.

You will be able to choose from three types for structuring information:

  • Clenched shape

This type of program starts automatically. Data does not stretch, so there is practically no need to scroll through the images. You can spare space on signatures and leave it out for numbers.

  • Structured form

All displays are presented hierarchically: from small to great.

  • Tabular form

Information is submitted in accordance with the registry. This allows you to easily transfer marks to new sheets.

By selecting the appropriate layout, you will confirm your adjustments.

So, we have developed how to fold the fields of a consolidated table in MS Excel 2016 (2007, 2010, follow the analogy). We hope that this information will help you make a clear analysis of your consolidated data.

Have a wonderful day!

However, when filling in receipts or data documents, you still have to fill in the important ones with your hands.

It is clear to them:

  • document date;
  • quantity of goods;
  • Document number;
  • Other parameters that change frequently.

With the help of the tools included in Excel, you can achieve automatic filling of several columns in the Adviser data sheet. However, it’s unlikely to be easy to set up this functionality on your own without in-depth knowledge of programs.

You can also add elementary formulas, for example, to indicate the total value of a product by multiplying the quantity by the price.

Using the required material, leaves such as “Arrival” and “Vitrata” are formed. It’s more important for the offensive I'll search for you necessary document.

Formation of the turnover sheet

You can get the back view on your own, but you will have to get familiar with some of the functions of the table editor. No programming experience is required here.

On the next page you can provide information about product surplus to understand the need to purchase this or other items in the assortment.

Reinforcement of critical surpluses

The display of products in the Excel store can be adjusted in such a way that information is displayed on the shelves with surplus products about the need for purchasing and other items in the assortment. Will be looked at further the simplest butt How to format it in a spreadsheet editor

The registered product has three months to save the product from any excess on the skin. For additional functions YAKSCHO(ABO...) you can configure automatic verification dotrimannya normi stock behind the skin warehouse. Pidsumkov's formula looks like this:

YAKSCHO(ABO(C3)<3;D3<3;E3<3);«Необходимо пополнение склада»;«Товара достаточно»).

Thus, in the event of a fall in surplus in any place where you can save less than three units, customers should be informed about the need for purchasing or internal movement of goods. This is how you can monitor the turning process - the filling of the song nomenclatural position. The form that is being used is very simple and can be added to a ready-made table.

According to the method of monitoring, the value is stagnated not only until the warehouse surplus. Similarly, you can analyze the following indicators:

  • Observations of the company's operations and sales in the sector of the Russian Federation;
  • increase in gross turnover and profit;
  • identification of declines in trade for major groups of goods and other indicators.

Excel can show enterprises without any analytical tools when purchasing a new product for sale. One of the folding boxes is due to the small amount of professional starting material and the need to independently fold all the formulas.

Advantages of the appearance of goods in a store in Excel

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Please about confidentiality

that processing of personal data

1. Foreign regulations

1.1. This agreement regarding confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as “Use”) is accepted freely and at its own free will, including all information provided by LLC “Insails Rus” and/or its affiliated persons, including all individuals that are included in one group from TOV "Insails Rus" (including LLC "EKAM Service") can be found about Koristuvach under the hour of contacting him from any of the sites, services, services, programs for EOM, products or services of LLC "Insails Rus" (hereinafter referred to as Services) and during the termination of LLC “Insales Rus”, any agreements with Koristuvach. The benefit of Koristuvach and Ugoda, which is expressed between the boundaries of one of the transfers of individuals, expands with all other transfers of individuals.

1.2.Victory of the Services means the cooperation of the Company with this Service and the minds involved in it; In times of trouble with these minds, Koristuvach is guilty of abandoning the vikoristan of Services.

"Insales"- Limited partnership “Insails Rus”, OGRN 1117746506514, IPN 7714843760, checkpoint 771401001, registered at the address: 125319, metro Moscow, Academy Il Lyushina, 1. ), from one side, that

"Koristuvach" -

or a physical person who has legal status and is recognized as a participant in civil legal affairs according to the legislation of the Russian Federation;

or a legal person registered under the laws of the country of which such person is a resident;

or an individual, registration is subject to the laws of the country of which such person is a resident;

yak accepted the mind of this please.

1.4. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Parties understand that confidential information is of any nature (viral, technical, economic, organizational and other), including the result and intellectual activity, as well as information about ways to promote professional activity (including without interfering with: information about products, work and services about technology and scientifically advanced work; what is the issue of intellectual power, as well as plans and technology, which is the issue of all over-reinforced things), as I inform you There is one party to the other in written and/or electronic form , is expressly designated by the Party as confidential information.

1.5. This means the protection of confidential information that the Parties exchange during negotiations, the formation of agreements and negotiations, as well as any other mutual ї (including, but not limited to, consultation, supply of information and other instructions) .

2.Obov'yazki Storin

2.1. The Parties agree to keep in secret all confidential information that is transferred by one Party from the other Party when interacting between the Parties, not to disclose, not to disclose, not to disclose or otherwise In this way, do not provide such information to any third party without the prior written permission of the other Party, without exception issues prescribed by law, if the provision of such information is obligatory on the Parties.

2.2. The skin on the Site uses all necessary steps to protect confidential information, as a minimum of the same steps that the Party uses to protect personal confidentiality. ї information. Access to confidential information is granted to those persons who are required to complete their service obligations for the purpose of completing this Agreement.

2.3. The obligation to ensure that confidential information is kept in secret is valid within the terms of the agreement for the software for EOM dated 12/01/2016. nnya up to the license agreement for software for EOM, agency and other agreements for five years fate after the application of their actions, unless the Parties expressly agree otherwise.

(a) if the information provided has become publicly available without violating the obligations of one of the Parties;

(b) where the information has become known to the Party as a result of official investigations, systematic surveillance or other activities carried out without violating confidential information, from other Parties;

(c) where the information provided has been lawfully transferred to a third party without any obligation to store it in custody before it is provided to one of the Sites;

(d) the information is provided in writing to the body of the sovereign power, another sovereign body, or the body of local self-government according to the method of consecration of their functions and disclosure to these bodies that are obligatory for the Party. In this case, the Party is obliged to inform the other Party about what is best;

(e) where information is provided to a third party for the benefit of that Party, information about how it is transferred.

2.5.Insales does not verify the accuracy of the information as provided by Koristuvach, and is not able to evaluate its validity.

2.6. Information that Koristuvach provides to Insales upon registration with the Services, ceasing to be personal data, as specified in Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006. "About personal data."

2.7.Insales has the right to make changes until the date of delivery. When changes are made to the current edition, the date of the remaining update is indicated. The new edition of Ugoda gains rank from its placement, which is not otherwise conveyed by the new edition of Ugoda.

2.8.Accepting this, Koristuvach acknowledges that Insales can enhance Koristuvach’s personal information and information (including, but not interconnected) to improve the efficiency of the Services, for development of new products, for the creation and distribution of Koristuvach’s personal propositions, for informing changes to Tariff plans and updates, for the direction of Koristuvach’s marketing materials on the topic of Services, for the protection of Services and Koristuvach’s and with a different method.

The customer has the right to be aware of the withdrawal of the information provided by notifying about this by sending a letter to the Insales email address - .

2.9. For your consideration, the Customer acknowledges that Insales Services may use cookies to ensure the effectiveness of the Services as a whole or their related functions. Doctors, other technologies and Koristuvach have no claims to Insales in connection with this.

2.10. The customer acknowledges that the software that is used to operate sites on the Internet can function to block operations with cookies (for any sites or other sites ), as well as information about previously deleted cookies.

Insales has the right to establish that the provision of the Song Service is possible only in exchange for the acceptance and removal of cookies is permitted by Koristuvach.

2.11. The user is independently responsible for the security of the methods he has chosen to access the cloud record, and also independently ensures his confidentiality. Koristuvach is independently responsible for all actions (as well as their inheritance) within the framework of any other Services under Koristuvach’s account, including types of voluntary transfer of data to Koristuvach for access to the area Koristuvach’s record to third parties on whatever minds (including those under contracts pleases). In this case, all activities within the framework of the Vikoristan Services under the cloud record of Koristuvach are respected by Koristuvach himself, subject to culpability, if Koristuvach informed Insales about unauthorized access to the Vik Services oristans of the oblikovy record of Koristuvach and/or about the destruction (suspect about the destruction) Confidentiality of access to cloud recording.

2.12.Koristuvach requests to inform Insails about any kind of unauthorized (not permitted by Koristuvach) access to the Services from the vikoristanny of Koristuvach’s account and/or about any damage (suspect about damage ) confidentiality of your access to cloud recording. In order to ensure safety, Koristuvach must independently ensure the safe completion of work under his/her personal record after the end of the skin session of work with the Services. Insales does not bear any responsibility for the possible loss or sale of these data, as well as other inheritances of any nature that may arise through the destruction of the provisions of this part of the Site.

3.Variety of pages

3.1. The party that has violated the transfer of the Agreement is required to protect the confidential information transferred to the Agreement, and is required to pay the injured Party any real damage resulting from such destruction. m of minds Please comply with the official legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2.Vіdshkoduvannya zbitkіv do not pin the bonds of the Party that has destroyed, from the proper vikonannya goiter's responsibility for the Good.

4. Other provisions

4.1. All notifications, requests and other correspondence within the framework of this Service, including confidential information, must be submitted in writing and delivered specifically either through a courier or Send email to the addresses assigned to the software license agreement EOM dated 12/01/2016, the agreement was signed before the license agreement for the software for EOM and to other addresses that may be assigned by letter to the Party.

4.2. If one or only a few provisions (minds) of this Agreement become ineffective, then we cannot cause the application of other provisions (minds).

4.3.Prior to this date, the agreement between Koristuvach and Insales, which arises from the contract of the Land, is subject to the contract law of the Russian Federation.

4.3.All proposals and nutrition for this purpose Please Koristuvach has the right to contact the Koristuvach Insales Support Service or at the postal address: 107078, metro Moscow, st. Novoryazanska, 18, building 11-12 BC "Stendhal" LLC "Insales Rus".

Publication date: 12/01/2016.

Externally called Russian mine:

Limited partnership "Insales Rus"

Briefly called Russian language:

LLC "Insales Rus"

My English name:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal addresses:

125319, metro Moscow, vul. Academician Illushina, bud. 4, building 1, office 11

Postal addresses:

107078, metro Moscow, vul. Novoryazanska, 18, building 11-12, BC "Stendhal"

IPN: 7714843760 Checkpoint: 771401001

Bank details:

Microsoft Excel is a very powerful tool that can create large tables with a variety of designs and a variety of formulas. Working with information becomes easier on its own through dynamics, just like the Word program does every day.

This article will show you how to create an Excel table. Following the instructions, you can use this to turn on the kettle. The first cob can be folded. But in fact, with continuous work in the Excel program, you will become a professional and will be able to help others.

The plan will be forgiven:

  • Nowadays we can see different methods of creating a table;
  • Then we take care of the formalities so that the information is as accurate and clear as possible.

This method is the simplest. To fight like this.

  1. By opening the empty leaf, you will get a large quantity of new middles.

  1. You can see how many rows and columns there are.

  1. Then go to the “Head” tab. Click on the "Cordoni" icon. Then select “All”.

  1. Immediately after someone appears, an elementary sign appears.

Now you can unpack the deposits.

There is another way to manually paint the table.

  1. Click on the “Cordoni” icon again. Already select the “Paint mesh” item.

  1. Immediately after this, you will change the current appearance of the cursor.

  1. Left click on the mouse and drag the indicator to a different position. As a result, a new mesh will be painted. The upper left corner is the cob position of the cursor. The lower right corner is the end.

Dimensions can be whatever they are. The table will collapse until you release your finger from the mouse button.

Automatic mode

If you don’t want to work with your hands, you can quickly use ready-made functions. Why do you need to earn something like this?

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab. Click the “Tables” button and select the remaining item.

They will tell us about hot keys. Next, for automatic creation, you can use the Ctrl+T buttons.

  1. Immediately after this, a window will appear in which you need to specify the range of the current table.

  1. For this purpose, you can simply see any area - the coordinates are presented automatically.

  1. As soon as you release the cursor, you will see the same output. Click the “OK” button.

  1. As a result, a beautiful table will be created with lines that can be drawn.

  1. To change the name of a column, just click on the new one. Once this has started, editing can be done directly in the middle or row of formulas.

The table has been created

This type of information is intended to serve for identification and further analysis. To create such an element, it is necessary to make the following steps.

  1. Let’s start with the table and remember it with some kind of data. Yak tse zrobiti described vishche.

  1. Now we go to the main menu “Insert”. Next, select the required option.

  1. A new window will appear immediately after this.

  1. Click on the first row (the input field must be made active). Only after this we can see all the middles.

  1. Then we press the “OK” button.

  1. As a result, a new panel will appear, requiring you to adjust the current table.

  1. At this stage it is necessary to transfer the fields of the required category. Our rows will be months, our rows will be worth of money, and our values ​​will be a sum of pennies.

To transfer, you need to click the left mouse button on any field and, without releasing your fingers, drag the cursor over the desired place.

Only after this (the cursor icon changes its appearance) can you release your finger.

  1. As a result of these actions, you will have a new beautiful table, where everything will be taken care of automatically. The most important thing is that new middle ones are appearing - “Zagalny pouch”.

You can specify fields that are useful for data analysis.

Sometimes it is not possible to select fields for columns and rows correctly. And as a result, nothing good will come of it. For such situations, Microsoft developers prepared data analysis options.

It’s very simple to do.

  1. We obviously need information first.

  1. After which we select the final menu item.

  1. As a result, the program itself analyzes instead of the middle ones and selects a number of options.

  1. By clicking on any of the listed options and pressing the “OK” button, everything will be done automatically.

  1. Once upon a time, we were deprived of the sum of the hidden costs without paying for months.

Prepare templates in Excel 2016

For the especially lazy, this program allows you to create a “cool” table using just one click.

When you launch Excel, you will be presented with the following options:

  • open the remaining files you were working with previously;
  • create a new empty book;
  • look at the handbook with detailed information about the feasibility of this PZ;
  • vibrate a ready-made template for preparation;
  • continue your search on the Internet if you are not satisfied with the suggested designs;
  • Log in to your Microsoft account.

Options are ready for us. If you scroll down a little, you will see that there is a lot more. Ale tse templates for zamovchuvannyam. Find out how much you can attract on the Internet.

Click on any option that suits you.

Click on the “Create” button.

As a result, you will select a ready-made version of a very large and folding table.


External appearance is one of the most important parameters. It is very important to place emphasis on these elements. For example, a header, a title, and so on. Everything should be kept in a specific situation.

Let's take a brief look at the basic manipulations with middles.

Header fold

Yak butt vikoristovvatimemo just a table.

  1. Now go to the “Head” tab and click on the menu item “Insert rows on the arch.”

  1. We see the row and click on the menu item “Combine items”.

  1. Let's write whatever the title is.

Changing the height of elements

Our title is the same size as the cap. But it’s not very good. In addition, he looks unostentatious. In order to correct it, you need to move the cursor to the border of rows 1 and 2. Once your appearance changes, left-click on the mouse and drag down.

As a result, the row height will be greater.

Verification of the text

Our header was mixed at the bottom in the middle and stuck to the header. In order to correct it, you need to press the Verify buttons quickly. You can change the position of the text both vertically and horizontally.

Click on the “Middle” button and select the desired result.

Now the title looks much more beautiful.

Change of style

Or choose ready-made styles. For whose head a row is visible. Then, through the menu, select one from the specified design options.

The effect will be even better.

How to insert a new row or stovpets

To change the number of elements in the table, you can quickly click the “Insert” button.

You can add:

  • middles;
  • rows;
  • stovptsi;
  • whole arkush.

Type of elements

Find a business or else you can do it yourself. For whom this is a powerful button.

Filling the center

If you want to see any column or row, for which you need to use the fill tool.

You can always change the color of any of the middles you have seen before.

Element Format

You can earn money at the table for the food. For this, all you need to do is click the “Format” button.

As a result, you will be able to:

  • manually or automatically change the row height;
  • manually or automatically change the width of the corners;
  • welcome or transform the rooms;
  • rename arkush;
  • change label color;
  • steal the arkush;
  • blockuvati element;
  • Enter the format of the middles.

Format instead

If you click on the rest of the described points, then it will appear like this:

With this tool you can:

  • change the format of the data that is displayed;
  • indicate virivnyuvannya;

  • vibrate whatever font;

  • change between tables;

  • “play” with filling;

  • install zahist.

Wikoristannya formulas for tables

It is always possible to use the automatic functions (multiplication, addition), Microsoft Excel and become a powerful tool.

In addition, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the description of all functions.

Let's look at the simplest operation - multiplying middles.

  1. The field for experiments is being prepared for the beginning.

  1. Make the first middle active, in which you need to display the result.

  1. Enter the command.

  1. Now press the Enter key. Then move the cursor over the lower right corner of the book until your current appearance does not change. Then press the left click of the mouse with your finger and pull it down to the remaining row.

  1. As a result of auto-substitution, the formula is reduced to all middles.

The values ​​in the column “Varity” lie under the fields “Kilkist” and “Varity 1 kg”. This is the beauty of dynamics.

In addition, you can use ready-made functions for expansion. Let's try to grab the rest of the money.

  1. The meaning is visible right away. Then we press the “AutoSum” button, which is located on the “Head” tab.

  1. As a result, the hidden sum of all numbers appears.

Vikoristannya graphics

Sometimes, in the middle, instead of text, photographs are substituted. It’s even easier to get started.

Select an empty element. Go to the "Insert" tab. Select the “Illustrations” section. Click on the “Malyunki” item.

  1. Specify the file and click on the “Insert” button.

  1. The result will not disappoint you. It looks really beautiful (like a well-chosen baby).

Export from Word

In order to copy data into a Word document, all you need to do is follow a few simple steps.

  1. View data area.

  1. Press the Ctrl + C key.
  2. Open the document
  3. Now we use the Ctrl+V button.
  4. The pouch will come.

Online services

For those who want to work in real mode and share information with friends or work colleagues, this is an essential tool.

With this service, you can deny access to your documents from any device: computer, laptop, phone or tablet.

Help your friend

Distributing Word documents is usually not easy to do. Everything is different with tables in Excel. The biggest problem lies in the fact that “at first glance” it is important to distinguish between each other. And very often the printer ends up with almost empty sheets of paper, which only contain 1-2 rows of the table.

Such divisions are not easy to handle. It’s much better if all the information is in one corner and doesn’t go beyond the cordons anywhere. In connection with this, Microsoft retailers have added the function of reviewing documents. Let's take a look at how we are doing our best.

  1. We open the document. Vin looks completely out of place.

  1. Next, press Ctrl+P on the hot keys. We know that information does not fit on one shelf. We have a column “Zagalna vartіst”. In addition, below we are told that there will be 2 sides for each other.

In the 2007 version, you had to click on the “Review” button.

  1. To press press the hot Esc key. As a result, a vertical dotted line will appear, showing between the two.

You can increase the space at any time in this way.

  1. We are changing the fields in advance. To do this, go to the “Storinka Layout” tab. Click on the “Fields” button and select the “Light” option.

  1. After this, we change the width of the columns until the dotted line appears between the remaining columns. Yak tse zrobiti, bulo described vysche.

Changes need to be made within reasonable limits so that the readability of the text is not affected.

  1. I press again on Ctrl+P. Now we understand that the information fits into one box.

Variability of Microsoft versions

Varto understand that Excel 2003 has long been morally outdated. There is a great number of daily functions and possibilities there. Moreover, the external appearance of various objects (graphics, diagrams, etc.) is greatly compromised by current benefits.

Example of the Excel 2003 workspace.

In the current 2007, 2010, 2013, and especially 2016 versions, everything is more “cooler”.

There are a lot of menu items available in different sections. Their deeds completely changed their name. For example, we know “Formula”, back in 2003. were called "Functions". And the stench didn’t occupy so much space.

There is now a whole tab for them.

The limits and possibilities of different versions

On the official website of the Microsoft company you can find an online guide that contains all the technical characteristics of the books being created.

Example of the main parameters.

This passage will last for a long time. Therefore, it is important to go beyond the gates and become aware of the sieve.

Please note that the 2003 version is still not visible, as long as its support is attached.

In some budgetary organizations, this office package is still available.


This article looked at different ways of creating the presented table. Particular respect was given to the garish external appearance. It is not good to overdo it in this regard, as the sparkle of color and variety of fonts will spoil the reader who wants to get acquainted with the table instead.

Video instructions

For those who have lost their food, below is a video that provides additional comments to the descriptions and instructions.

It’s good to know that Microsoft is working hard to help us by providing absolutely cost-free access to its office products for mobile devices. Therefore, you can easily use the advanced Excel tools on your tall iPhone, iPad and Android gadgets with a large diagonal.

Don’t forget that the presented templates can be modified to suit your needs, as well as modified if you give the paper an edge. Before you start making adjustments, read about and work in Excel. With such baggage, you know this mighty monster is not terrible!

1. List of tasks

Keep your head clear with a clear mind and a strong memory, as if you give up, you will forget. It’s good if you buy fish food, greet your mother-in-law on Mother’s Day, or water your other half’s violet. The stench gurgles, hisses and croaks, and your conscience becomes clear. Are you sure you won’t pay for the first essential item - the Internet? You will be amazed at yourself in the mirror. On that fateful day you become angry and decide to compile lists of references. In the meantime, you will be tormented by choosing the middle, try starting with something simple.

Assign a task, set a priority for it, set a deadline, choose a special person, track your progress and complete notes without leaving Excel. The template has already been configured on the Swedish platform, sorted by date, importance, status and other parameters.

2. Budget is more expensive

Theoretically, this is unrealistic (and at the same time valuable), but it can be more expensive without any financial investment on your side. For whom it is necessary to get support for, find a catless place for withdrawal and pay a little for. Such successes are accompanied by less frequent luck. Whatever they want, they probably have to put a couple of coins on the bell to let their mother know about their health. Therefore, any movement between places of residence is accompanied by prior plans and ordering of the kostoris. And so that you don’t have to scramble sheets of paper and endlessly twist and twist numbers, please contact us for help.

In addition to the layout itself, the template can display transferred expenses in the form of circular diagrams. The distribution of pennies in the category of a high-hundred-dollar loan will make it clear that the cost of spending is the most cost-effective.

3. Inventory list

What will happen to me, a flood, theft, and the arrival of the day to visit “for a week”? That's right, the likelihood of wasting the integrity of your lane is high.

Such is human nature that a toad will choke not for the very fact of wasting grandma’s scraps, but for the fact that you cannot remember all your accumulated belongings. I will help you out for such unpleasant situations. And in addition to her, we won’t ask you to take a photo of your family and everything together.

Having put in the heat, you can please the template to people who create life. When receiving guests at the time of check-in, do not forget to make sure that they sign the inventory report. We will serve you well during the hanging of the orendars.

4. Contact list

Even if there is technological progress, there is no way to overcome the “dinosaurs”, as they do not know about the existence of manual tools for organizing your contacts. Shchodenniki, notebooks and just paper notebooks - that’s all. In such outbursts, make it seem like you need to straighten the hunchbacked grave (hello, squad!). Let us not give up and find a compromise option - .

An electronic list of your contacts is good for at least two reasons: it is easy to share and easy to sort using Excel. Therefore, we will not tell you that this is a backup option to those who completely trust.

5. Gantt chart

The good Russian tradition of shaking hands, skipping the advance payment, relaxing and quitting work the night before the big day is enough of the risk of business technology that flows into the yakist. Just planning, setting up tasks at stages and firmly completing the schedule will ruin your reputation.

A Gantt chart is a popular type of partial diagram (histogram) that is used to illustrate a plan and a graphic for a particular project.

Of course, Excel's capabilities allow you to create this. Ikh konik - accuracy and accessibility.

And if you don’t have your own knowledge, try to plan apartment renovations, preparation before entry or using the Gantt method. You appreciate the power of the tool.

6. Family tree

The end of the joyful peace - the massacre - will follow the correct scenario, especially in that you clearly divide the opposing sides into “us” and “strangers”. And it’s not just alcohol that can make you resent the situation, but also a simple lack of knowledge of your family.

Of course, the reason for creating meetings is not the shortest, but much greater. If the template seems overwhelming to you, go to the Example sheet, where the Kennedy family tree is presented.

7. Cherguvan schedule

“Failures in memory” have accompanied humanity since the hour when the grapes split the grapes. The disease especially affects children's ages. The little ones themselves often forget to wash the dishes, tidy up the toys, and put in the laundry because of their mothers. The illness can be cured without the use of medicinal preparations: it is enough to disintegrate the disease and write under it the corrective measures.

Enter the names of household members in the template, dividing the work according to weekday to day. And don’t forget to hang the display on the most popular place in the apartment - the refrigerator. Now no one will indulge in their forgetfulness.

8. Maintenance log

It seems that after many years of using the car, you may be disappointed that the car has not lost any of the necessary parts. The door cream, of course, is holy and unfinished. Is it really like that? This statement can only be taken away if you have made it a point to record your maintenance report in a special one. In addition, the template makes it possible to recover the total amount of expenses associated with the repair of a transport unit.

9. Mileage log

The people of Elon Musk in the vast expanse of Radyansk, we would have already ridden electric cars with a low cost of travel costs. If I wanted to deceive anyone, I wouldn’t do something like that. Ilon had smashed his forehead against the wall of bureaucracy and had long since fallen asleep.

Therefore, the vlasniks of the car, in the old way, scroll the dollars in front of their eyes, which flow in, under the flashing numbers of the gas station. Alas, human nature is capable of quickly forgetting all the bad things, protecting you from thoughts about a cute little girl. Of course, I’m exaggerating, but why not find out how many pennies you spend on regular refueling? And it’s easy for you to earn money for help.

Enter in the odometer reading form the number of liters filled and their mileage, and you will estimate the mileage per kilometer. Similar functionality is implemented in mobile programs, for example for Android.

10. Shchodennik

Only members of the partnership who live by the principle of “drinking early is a happy day” will end up in the store. Others have to spin for hours at a time, no more than a squirrel in the wheel, always keeping within the bounds of the hour frame. And so as not to forget your list of plans, people respect it better to fix it in. The template is good because it allows you to divide your workday into 15 sections.

Excel table data is a special type of function that provides instant editing functionality to a document.

With this help, you can easily organize actions of the same type.

In the Excel 2007 program (MS Excel 2010|2013), a table has been created that is used to create a mathematical or economical analysis of the data.

How to create a table in Excel

Analysis of document data ensures greater clarity and correctness of assigned tasks.

The Excel spreadsheet processor can access the largest and most complex documents. It is difficult to use the data for the program.

To create the simplest table-arrangement, hover below the boxes:

  • In addition to the “insert” tab, which is located in the main menu of the program toolbar, select the button to open the recommended table;
  • In the dialog window of the program that has opened, click on the frame of the sign that suits you. In this way, the layout will become accessible to the immediate view of the koristuvach.
    Select the most suitable option that can completely display all the information;

Please! Additional table layouts can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website».

  • Press the OK button, and the program will immediately add the selected table (or an empty layout) to the open box of the document. The program will also automatically determine the order of row rotation, depending on the information that is supplied;
  • To see table elements and arrange them manually, sort together. You can also filter the data. In essence, a tablet has been erected - this is a prototype of a small database.
    Filtration is extremely necessary if there is a need for a quick look at the selected columns and rows. Below is an example of a table with sales after filtering instead.
    In this way, you can quickly look at the sales obligations in the surrounding regions (in our case, the beginning and the end of the day);

It’s best to use already created layouts, but the user can select an empty table and refill it independently.

Before the template is empty, you need to add fields, formulas for layout, and filters.

The empty form is filled with a way of tightening around the area of ​​​​the necessary data elements.

You can also create linked tables on several document sections at the same time.

In this way, you can analyze the data of an entire document or several documents/archives at a time.

You can also analyze external data using the following table.

Formulas for calculations in Microsoft Excel - Formulas

Once you have created a table, you can use a large number of statistical functions and formulas to analyze the values ​​and underlying input data.

In the table you can add, for example, a commission calculation element for payment or another type of breakdown element.

All formulas for columns and rows are added using the additional “Insert” field.

Using this tab, you can create a graph, expand the elements behind the formula, and create a histogram of occurrence.

More useful material on the topic:

Functions for creating tables in Excel - View

Table data in a table processor can be concatenated with the following functions:

  • Otrimannya tributes to drink koristuvacha. The document editor can go to the local table and remove the necessary data from it;
  • Filtering of output information. This ability allows you to quickly look through all the information for several items in the table at the same time;
  • Variation across multiple ranges at a time. The user can select the desired type of creation and create his own customization using macros;
  • Grouping of data with a song. Then the document editor can add information within the group that corresponds to a specific hourly interval (data per month, or otherwise);
  • Creation of full-fledged sounds from the possibility of their destruction. This function allows you to save an hour for composing text messages after the table has been created.