Close-up of the battery charge in mobile phones. How to turn on hundreds of charged batteries on Android

Some Android devices and firmware these days increasingly include support for keeping the battery charged in hundreds of cases, but most Android users are left without this feature. How come after all to a simple koristuvachevi Can you quickly retrieve information about the battery level in mobile phones?

Whatever the reason for this change, and Google, however, does not want this special feature - on the Nexus 5 (and not only) it includes the display option battery charge in mobile phones- It’s not enough to frown and it’s far from ideal.

Kozhen Vlasnik apparatus on new versions The OS can enable this function (without root rights) on Nexus devices using the advanced command of the ADB shell (Android Debug Bridge):

adb shell content insert --uri content://settings/system --bind name:s:status_bar_show_battery_percent --bind value:i:1

adb reboot

After restarting the device, you will see a battery indicator on the 700s, but not on the pictured battery, and the numbers will be lost on the white color. So, this means that you can increase the number, since 100 is even lower - close to 40% or lower. What do you think, what do you need not proper, you need to cancel the following commands:
adb shell content insert --uri content://settings/system --bind name:s:status_bar_show_battery_percent --bind value:i:0

Since this method is absolutely not suitable for you, then a participant in the XDA forum threw off the tip supplement, so you can do the same with a manual add-on without needing root rights.

On one side, it is necessary to turbocharge if you can easily install the program from Google Play and add hundreds to the row. Aren't there too many of them and you don't want to get another permanent badge on your ranks? On XDA koristuvachevi kroegerama got to know the new installation.

To increase the battery charge in the windows in the middle of the icon on the Nexus 5, you need to go to XDA and download Battery Percent. Insert the file when downloading, open the program, check the box and restart your smartphone. So everything is simple.

The hundreds can be inserted through this tool. If you see the program, then the rest of the changes don't waste strength. Battery Percent no longer changes not systematically adjusted no vision flows onto her.

Sorry, change it font color It's impossible. Koristuvach from the forum sings that the number of hard codes in SystemUI.apk. It is necessary to decompile the file, edit one of the rows exit code, and then recompile it. No one wants to climb there yet. Before that, such a change to the code will effectively snatch away those who are farther away.

Press for more

Of course, it’s still wet emergency supplements on Google Play, which allows you to drain the battery charge on mobile phones, but again, this is the topic of other materials. Google is still interfering with the best methods.

Most smartphones and tablets that operate on the basis operating system Android, the battery charge indicator shows that the battery level is full. However, this image is not informative, since a small figure can mean 10% or 15%, but there is a big difference. In order to change the image of this element, you will have to do a lot of awkward things.

How to tweak Android to change the battery icon

All phones and tablets running Android 4.0 also give users the ability to independently select the display of the battery charge icon. However, the battery level is set to the same level on all devices. You can change it like this:

  • Let's lower the curtain. We know the "Gear" icon. We press on and press on until the gear begins to turn.
  • A notification will appear on the screen indicating that the System UI Tuner function has been added to the setup menu.

IMPORTANT! Do not release the gear immediately, otherwise the function will not be completed. After you start to turn around, wait a few seconds.

  • After this, go to “Adjustment” and select “System UI Tuner”. In the new window, you need to tighten the tab in the “Disabled” position in the item “Show battery level in mobile phones”.

  • After this, the battery charge icon will appear with the battery charge and charge levels.

Software method for solving a problem

If you haven’t been able to activate the settings, you can install special program, how to display the battery charge in mobile phones. It is recommended to increase your respect for. This program displays not only the percentage, but also the hour of discharge of the battery.

You can also download Battery Percent Enabler on Google Play. This program makes changes to the configuration of the Android system. For what it's worth, for the sake of it root rights There is no need to install software. It is enough to put a special icon in the settings of the program itself.

The system icon will change and you will be notified that the battery has reached 100% charge.

On older phones, the battery charge often runs out of power. Many koristuvachs called before this decision and during the transition to the current Android smartphone sense incompetence. Even when installed on Android, the amount of battery charge is not displayed.

Are you also stuck with similar problem If you want to enable battery charging on Android, then this article is here to help you. Here we will look at a number of ways in which you can earn money.

Method No. 1. Vikoristovat the top curtain.

The simplest method, which does not require daily adjustments and adjustments additional supplements, lies near the top curtain. On the right, battery charging charts are not effectively displayed in the Android row, if you swipe from the top edge of the screen and open the top curtain, information about battery charging will be displayed in the charts .

The only downside to this method is that in order to view information about charging the battery on hundreds of devices, you need to immediately open the top curtain. On the other hand, if you don’t need this function so often, it can be completely manual.

Method #2 customize Android.

This method is used by Wikoristan attached functions operating room Android systems. To gain access to these functions, you need to open the top curtain, press the button near the gear view (button to open Android setup) and hold this button for about 5 seconds. After this, the button must be released.

If everything was set up correctly, then you are responsible for setting up Android. When this happens, a notification will appear at the bottom of the screen that the System UI Tuner function has been added to the setup menu. If this information appears, you did everything correctly, if not, then try again.

Once this information has appeared, you now need to look at the Android settings at the very end and open the System UI Tuner section, which is responsible for appearing there.

After opening the System UI Tuner section, there is a warning that this is an experimental function and may not work in current versions of Android. We press “OK” to continue living.

I know the “Battery” function. For the rest, function given operates in the “Show hours and hours of charging” mode.

Click on the “Battery” function and change the operating mode to “Show battery charge level.”

After that, in the middle of the battery icon that appears next to the row, a number will appear indicating the number of charged batteries. Not much this method These are those where the number is displayed in even smaller font and may be difficult to read.

Method No. 3. third party programs.

If the descriptions of a better way to increase the battery charge are not suitable for you, since it does not work on your Android smartphone, then you can use third-party programs. In the store Play Market There are a lot of programs that allow you to display hundreds of battery charge in the status bar.

For example, an addendum. This program displays about 100 battery levels on the left upper codend status row. In this case, you can select the size and color of the information that is displayed.

Cream what's the addendum, and others with similar functions. They are easy to find in the store Add-ons Play Market by asking for a sound"About a hundred battery charge."

Not much this method Turning on enough battery power means that third-party programs hang on the Android memory, and at the same time, even if not too much, it will change the hour autonomous robot smartphone.