Navigator special office.

Installation of devices Interactive service Friends

Allows you to display the location of your friends on the map in real time and check their routes when you wake up, share the coordinates of objects with friends and exchange notifications.

This service is only available for devices that provide access to the Internet.

Special office Interactive service

  • For service delivery necessary mother special office
  • (Account) on the website, and in the section My devices (updated) A special account may have at least one device registered with the program.

Navitel Navigator

Data for a special account must be sent when the service is turned on. Interactive service Because the user does not register on the website and does not have a special account, and this device is not added to a special account when the service is turned on the program prompts you to pass Swedish registration

, in the course of which you can create a new special account, or add devices to the current one.

Enablement of the Navitel service. Friends" If you do not have a special account or this device is not assigned to an obvious special account, follow the instructions Registration of a new oblikovy record

or lower. To remove saved password from program memory, select > Menu > Setting up > Interactive service > Online services Forget your password ..

If you do not have a special account or this device is not assigned to an obvious special account, follow the instructions

After selecting this command to use the service, you must re-enter the data

To remove saved password from program memory, select

regional registration Interactive service Adding a new addition to the new special office

Service menu Interactive service, includes offensive points:, Buttonsі Find friends Ask for friendship


They only become active after successful authorization. Interactive service
Setting up the service To remove saved password from program memory, select > Menu > Setting up > To proceed to setting up the service a) choose
Navitel Friends Interactive service , or b) click on the icon Menu.


  1. and select This section contains the following: Please note Navitel.Friends, which allows you to turn on/off the service by installing a remixer
  2. On/Off(On/Off) in the high position. Profile, which contains the profile data of the customer, a list of his registered devices, and also allows you to edit the profile of the customer. To edit press Edit profile , enter your personal data in the provided fields and confirm the changes by pressing the button OK
  3. on the right, which will contain a list of devices registered with your account.
  4. Online services, if you need help, you can remove the password from this regional record From the program memory, previously, when the service was turned on, the option to remember the password was selected.
  5. Once you have deleted your password, you will need to enter it again before the service is activated. Don't show your devices on the map Please note Navitel.Friends, in yakoma for additional help peremikach (Vimk/Vimk) you can add/display all devices on the map.
  6. I'll add it for now Koristuvachs are not in the limit , which allows you to set a filter to display friends who are not in the range on the map:, Welcome everyone, Get rid of the irrelevant ones.
  7. Show everyone Change your position
  8. , in which, using the next button, you can determine the frequency of updating of your stream on the friends card and friends on your card. For new friends/groups , which allows you to set a privacy level for new friends/groupmates: , , Prikhovati roztashuvannya , . When you add new friends, privacy for them will be set automatically on the task list if not selected
  9. Consider confidentiality individually, when at the end of the service, as well as in the friend request field, a numerical indicator is displayed that indicates the number of new friends, for which it is necessary to set the privacy mode. When dismantling the device, it will be necessary to collect the data of these friends and do not set a confidentiality regime for them. The same principle remains stagnant until new groups. Your place is growing, which allows you to select based on which data the program is important to your exact location in the service: GPS data, or manual execution position on the map.

Is it vibrano?

Vkazati roztashuvannya

  1. , then the field Interactive service To be more precise, roztashuvannya , or;
  2. becomes active and you can select it on the map. includes offensive points: Search for more friends To edit press To find out the service provider,
  3. click on the icon

on the top panel of the head screen select from the menu, enter your account login and press To edit press at the upper right corner of the screen; Information about the merchant will appear on the screen. Then, to add your friend to your friends list, press

Submit your request , or, enter the notification text and click Interactive service. Buttons Koristuvach rejects the advice and can take a drink or inspire him. Buttons Notification will be provided Request accepted.

Whose service has rules for extending friendships to friends: you cannot extend friendship to more than 10 clients over a period of 10 years, you cannot repeat friendship with people who have lost their friendship once.

Tim is not the least, as a koristuvach, who, having drunk a drink, himself propagates friendship, then you can propagate friendship again.

List of friends

After the customer accepts your request to add friends, your profile will appear in the list of friends. Interactive service To be more precise, roztashuvannya , or To look through the list of friends, click on the icon Interactive service on the menu, what to show up, choose . This list is presented Interactive service short information

about all friends, such as the name of the contributor in the service , avatar, status (the color of the frame of the avatar indicates those, at least in some cases), the hour of updating the status and location. For

I'll search for you

When you enter your friends list, start typing your name in the input line at the bottom of the screen.

When you click on the field with a friend’s name in the list, his profile will open to contain the reporting information.

  1. Friend's profile A friend's profile includes the following sections: Secret information about a friend: name, avatar and friend status (green avatar frame, if they are friends, gray avatar frame, if they are not friends). There is also a function for editing a friend’s name (button Vipravlenya
  2. ). When pressed onto the field
  3. secret information The friend's profile information is revealed.
  4. on the right Roztashuvannya : when you select this item, the map section on which the position of this friend is assigned is displayed, and the rotation mode is activated (the section moves across the map following the friend’s movements). The zoom mode changes as some users work with the map (pressing on the map, enlarging or changing the scale of the map, etc.). Congratulations: In whose field the other person's recent browsing information is displayed. When you click on this area, a page opens (dialogue) with the other.: whose field is displayed
  5. short list other devices that you can respect your privacy.
  6. Pin your friendship: Allows you to see a friend from your friends list, scroll through them and change the display of both your friend's map and your friend's map.

short list

Service Interactive service transfers the function of setting the privacy mode, which means your profile will be displayed on a friend’s card.

Privacy mode for a friend (friends) must be set on the skin device added to the cloud record. Friends can hurt you again if you are aware Denmark service

, including, if the program itself is not running, the privacy settings have not been changed.

  1. , then the field Interactive service To be more precise, roztashuvannya , or To adjust confidentiality Interactive service;
  2. , then select short list;
  3. in the list of friends that is open, a) click on the check mark with the right hand in the friend's name, or b) click on the field with the friend's name and then on the field
    • In the window, select one of the privacy modes: Reveal more accurately
    • : friend bachit more precisely roztashuvannya I will arrange that yogo status (at the edge/not at the edge). Open up close to roztashuvannya
    • , which allows you to set a privacy level for new friends/groupmates: , ,: friend bach place, where there is a device, and also the status of the device.

The renovation of the structure is located at the center of the nearest great place.

Since there are a number of large places, the position of the device is displayed to the accuracy of several kilometers. Interactive service To be more precise, roztashuvannya , or b) click on the icon Interactive service: Friend, do not show this device on the card, as well as its status. Pin your friendship Vidalennya koristuvacha on the list of friends

To remove a friend from your list of friends, click on the icon

. Interactive service > Menu > I'll add it for now Next, select the friend you want to see from your list of friends, and then select

and confirm your choice.

secret information

View of friends on the map Interactive service On the card of the client, all the devices of friends are displayed, about the remaining location of any information, according to the settings of the display of clients that are not in the range (icon ). Where the number in the arms indicates the number of new requests.


To send a new notification, select the icon Interactive service To be more precise, roztashuvannya , or. Interactive service And then choose a friend. secret information Press on the field , enter text in the input field and click the button Submit


The text of the notification, which is compiled for emphasis, is displayed in an orange color. The message, which failed to be sent, appears in red. After receiving a notification that was not transmitted, the correspondent must send the notification again. secret information In the browsing history (dialogue) with each other, all input and output messages are displayed. The remaining information is at the bottom of the list. The left hand on the white aphid shows the weekend messages, the right hand on the gray one shows the weekend. , enter text in the input field and click the button Messages sent by one correspondent after an interval of less than 10 minutes are grouped. When I watch the dialogue, the program automatically downloads old messages from the server that are added to the hidden browsing history. The list also has the ability to supercharge coordinates various objects.

For whom, pressed onto the field

and then click on the text entry field at the bottom of the screen Interactive service To be more precise, roztashuvannya , or. Find friends.

Attach, select the search option, select an object and tap Interactive service.

When you click on a notification with the coordinates of an object in the browsing history Danish object appears on the map Find friends My route To edit press And this point can be selected during the daily route. Groups of friends To go to this function, select the icon This function gives the opportunity to service providers enter into new relationships, as well as create new relationships, which may include both those who have reached out to friends, and those who have reached out to friends without being..

To search for a group, press the button Know(Account) on the website, and Find friends at the bottom left corner of the screen there is a section , enter the name or part in the entry row and press at the top right corner of the screen. To edit press How do you want to join

To view detailed information about the group you are in, select a group from the list. The group's profile contains the following:, List of participants Chat (zagalne listuvannya, available to all group members), Request friends To edit press(send a friend a request to join the group: after selecting this command, select a friend from the list and press at the top right corner of the screen), Notify about new news short list(information about removing the notification on the top panel of the home page), (select the display mode for the display of this device on the maps of group members) and a) choose Delete group Vidality group

, as you are the creator of the group. U to the current world Programs and programs for supporting people's social activities may seem practically irreplaceable. Odors are especially important for the care of children, who require special care and control. This kind of restraint for some mature children can be extremely necessary..

It’s good that there are plenty of mobile operators to promote to their clients

  • I will do my best to serve
  • , which allows you to follow this, when a necessary person appeared.

To quickly access the option, you need to know the features of the Megafon navigator, login and special account.

Only you will be able to quickly use all the necessary functions

Whose addendum In 2020, there were 2 main options for connecting to the service: for additional special telephone command;

by sending an SMS message.

On the first call, subscribers should dial a simple combination *140# and press the dial key.

  1. The other needs to send an empty notification to the short service number 1400.
  2. If in doubt, clients can contact the support operator by calling the contact center at 88005500500.

The company's specialists will clearly describe all the features of the option and help you activate it.

Then you will need to get rid of the well-dressed person.

It is given to notifications in confirmation with the text SO and the number.

Because the koristuvach doesn’t want to be able to figure out what’s wrong with him, he just doesn’t react to the refusals.

  • You won’t be able to find out which subscriber, as if you didn’t want to.
  • Megafon navigator: know the people
  • Having listened to the search, people need to know how to filter out unnecessary information.
  • To clarify the location, you can quickly select one of the four options proposed by the Stilnikov operator:

official website of the navigator;

mobile version;

USSD is requested;

SMS notifications.

The skin of the descriptions is enhanced by simplicity and simplicity, and the site is especially visible. For this website you need to go through a short registration procedure, log in and simply open the page with the card. Close to the described mobile app.

To quickly access the telephone command, you need to dial *140# and follow the prompts.

If you want to skip the robot notification, you can immediately after the code enter the number of the selected mobile phone and press the buzzer.

Send SMS directly to your home address 1400. The text will be the word DE and the subscriber number that is heard. Setting up programs

The greatest

in a simple way

  1. adjust the service for obvious needs on the official website of the program.
  2. rechecking the medical supplies – 5;
  3. clarification of your medical needs - no cost;
  4. notifications about a subscriber leaving a zone configured in a special account of the Megafon navigator for a period of three years – 5;
  5. over a period of eight years – 10;
  6. over five days – 35 days.

It is important that the leather cleaner now performs 3 cost-free checks.

It is important to note that due to a lack of funds or a negative balance, the program is blocked until the money is deposited into the bank again.

How to use the navigator service on Megafon

Although service is unimportant, it becomes unnecessary. In such situations, it’s best to use this method so as not to waste money, which is considered a subscription fee. For this, it is enough to send a notification with the text VIDKL to 1400.

Since the service is important to subscribers who do not want to be watched over, they may be subject to restrictions by sending a special message END on that very short

service phone


Who has the option to spend the ability to control people and stop rejecting information about their location.

great places can move up to 100 meters; in small places and on the outskirts of great places there is a fire up to a kilometer away;

In small settlements, it can reach several kilometers. To that, connecting qiu service , then be careful that in some cases the accuracy of the results obtained is detrimental. This will allow you to avoid the enchantment of problems.

The Megafon company offers a wide range of options. Subscribers can use the Stilnikov connection, the Internet, digital TV towers

and other additional services.

This includes the Navigator service. He allows you to meet him at any time, your friend and relative. We’ll talk later about how to connect the Megafon Navigator through the power account, and how to quickly access it. . Entrance to a special account and service connection

Persh nizh speedily be it

  • online service
  • operator, you must log out of the special office
  • For this you need your phone number and password.
  • You will receive this at the time of the first call by dialing *105*00#.
  • Connecting to a specific account is easy, thanks to the ability to:
  • Follow your accounts and payment history.

Rebalance. Remove excess service packages. Change tariffs, get information about them.

Vikoristovvati bonus rakhunok.

Enable and select additional options.

  1. Until the last point there are dozens of special services for koristuvachs
  2. Stilnikovy bond

, TV and Internet.

One of them is “Navigator”.

Let's look at the possibilities of the report.

What is “Navigator Megafon”

  • This function allows you to select a local number to call you.
  • There are two minds for everything:

The subscriber is responsible for giving his own information.

You can set up your navigator so that it detects when a subscriber leaves a specific zone. Service connection You can activate the option using an additional command on your phone or in a special account. In the first episode you need:
Enter the command *140# from your number, press the bell and follow the further instructions. 132 RUR/month 240 rub./month 333 RUR/month
  • Select the required option and click on the green “Connect” button.
  • The service status in the “Services and Options” section may change.

Number registration

If the service is connected, you need to go to the website.

  1. There you can log in again and click the “Start registration” button.
  2. The following system instructions are available:
  3. Enter your phone number and you will receive a password.

Appear at the "Croc 2" window.

Here you have to enter the name and send code.

When registration is completed, you will receive an SMS, now you can log in and print the confirmation number.

Service management

After authorizing your account, you will receive a list of subscribers you can recognize.

From now on, your phone number will be indicated there, before speaking, asking about the new catless one.

A few minutes below the “Subscribers” tab, you will press the “Add/View Subscriber” key.

Select the required phone number from the list, you can send the subscriber a free notification or find out its coordinates.

For whom just click “Find”.

The location will appear on the map; between places it will be shown with an accuracy of up to 100 meters.

This service is available for additional subscribers "Megafon"і "MTS".

"Navigator" provides local location for people to get help from the station mobile connection tributes When the phone is moved in the area of ​​the station, it is registered in its visibility zone. Data with new updates can be found at the MMS notification on your phone or at the address specified during registration
by e-mail

  • . This allows you to accurately determine the subscriber’s coordinates. 100 Accuracy of coordinates:;
  • in the center of the place - view meters
  • on the outskirts of the village - close

1 kilometer; in small settlements - up to several kilometers. I'll do some service for korstuvannya

  • There are no restrictions for the daily renewal of Megafon subscribers However, if you need to keep an eye on MTS subscribers, you will have to cope with the onset exchange:
  • One hour can be stitched no more than 10 numbers;

per month you can work no more than 100 requests for number renewals. You can connect a few subscribers to a group and get not just one number, but a whole group, without overpaying. You can also install

value hour

the area in which the building has ventilators . The radius of the release zone can be set manually.

  1. VartistService is expected in
  2. costless 5 test mode for the first seven days after registration.
  3. Then the tariff will apply:Low subscription fee (including 3 subscriptions to the municipality) -
  4. 3 rubles/buy;1 Subscriber's assignment -
  5. rub/zapit;5 test mode for the first seven days after registration.
  6. Vlasnogo roztashuvannyawithout cost;
  7. Overpowering SMS notifications to the Wikoristan site -rub/SMS;

Alerts about entering/exiting the relief zone (3 years) - Alerts about entering/exiting the relief zone (5 years) - 10 RUB/application;

Alerts about entering/exiting the relief zone (5 days) -

35 rub/booking

  1. It is necessary to explain that the basic service of service is what is hoped for subscription fee
  2. , the customer can pay 3 unpaid additional payments for local services. 1400;
  3. After three requests, a higher tariff is presented. However, other options for this service are strictly optional and may not be covered by the buyer..

Appear at the "Croc 2" window.

How to connect or turn on the servant?

  • To connect "Navigator", you can quickly do so in three ways: *140#;
  • Dial a service team
  • *140#[Wikliku button];

Send an empty SMS notification to the number To register on the Navigator website, you must home page

On the website in the upper right corner click “Start registration”.

In the window, enter the phone number.

Then, at the next window, enter the name and password that corresponds to your number, and click “Complete registration.”

  1. You will receive a notification about successful registration, a number and a password to enter the service.
    Here, on the website, you can perform all activities with the service, view the statistics of requests and their payments, lists of subscribers and view all information about available operations. Ask for additional information:
    - via service command *140*2#[Wikliku button]; <номер абонента> via SMS notification with the text " Add<номер абонента> "either" 1400.
  2. Dob" to the number
    Removal of permission to fasten
  3. (the confession that he allowed himself to know):
    - SMS notification with the number of the subscriber who hopes to be called to the number. Fence for the extension, which is already in progress: <номер абонента>" SMS notification with the text " Zaboronity<номер абонента> "either" 1400 .
  4. or "
    End Fence at any time: via SMS notification with the text " - SMS notification with text ""either" 1400.
  5. Zaboronity
    End End all via SMS notification with the text " Group creation:"either" 1400, Name group
  6. Gruppa im'ya
    End where "im" is the name of the created group."either" 1400, Adding subscribers to the group:
  7. ON im'ya1 im'ya2
    End where "name1/name2" - subscriber's name. via SMS notification with the text " View of the group: Udgr im'ya
  8. Delgr im'ya
    to number 1400, where "im'ya" is the name of the group that appears. Significance of the group's distribution:- SMS text notification Zaboronity"Iskgr im'ya"

Locgr of my name

The expanded list of actions that can be performed in the navigator also includes the extension of the subscriber in the song area on the map at the same time. This is very handy, for example, for keeping a child in school.і You can set the interval from 7:00 to 13:00 and the area that surrounds the perimeter of the school. And during this period of time, you will be provided with local services on those days, if you need them. Navitel is one of the most popular car navigators in Russia.

Recently, a new, fifth version was released, which, in the opinion of many people, practically does not differ from the previous one. With important elements that will increase your respect,.

additional functions

robot accelerated

  1. We are looking for a program on the Internet. In addition to the official website, a special account and login are still displayed on the first page. If you are no longer registered, you will need to register and transfer the apk file to your personal computer.
  2. After registering and purchasing a product, you can activate and install it on your PC.

Already new - on a smartphone

operating system

Android. We buy the boxed version of Navitel and drive it straight from the car. Important!

  1. To activate Navitel, you must find out the license key number and the correct version of the program.
  2. To do this, launch the program, select the “Menu” section in the lower left corner, then “My Navitel”, “Vanture cards” and “Navitel Navigator”.
  3. Registration in Navitel
  4. Now a little talk about how to register with the navigator account. There is nothing complicated here, you can work it out as personal computer
  5. , and even with a smartphone.

Golovna - I want there to be enough Internet, otherwise I would like average speed. Well, we can conclude the following: We go to the official website of Navitel. It is not recommended to try to download a program from dubious resources, since this type of device can “catch” a virus. The “Login” field can be specified as either a word or a numeric code.

You can enter your login either in Cyrillic or in Latin.

Then enter the password you created.

At the field “El.

mail" expressly active

In the remaining section, you can deactivate this key.

Then enter the password you created.

This need may arise once you get a new device or replace the flash cards.

You must purchase a license key for both the boxed version of Navitel and the program. Please note that you can buy a key either on the official website, or in other online stores or in stores.:

large POI base;

  • promptly assigning a route, the ability to save completed routes from further notifications;
  • The card has excellent capacity, the image is presented in 3D format, all lines are clearly marked, the main roads are separated by color from the other rows.

The route can be laid in two ways:

through a point on the map; via the address route. In addition to the advantages of this navigator, one can also note the fact that many of its users are completely satisfied with the interface that is displayed. In addition, the icons on the map at a larger scale are constantly superimposed one on top of the other; As a result, we can say that the Navitel program is once again changing its functions and changing