Tyt bu head.

Internet connection

It will be possible to find out first-hand the level of readiness of the national confidential data portal. For now, we know that we can start earning money at the beginning of 2019. In the meantime, we can no longer worry about those data that will be collected there, to whom they will be relevant and how precisely.

For the fact that Belarus is already painfully creating its official portal From these data you can find your advantages.

Colossal evidence has been collected from all over the world in the collection, processing and selection of information.

Recently, the European Commission released a comprehensive document with recommendations for confidential data portals, which, in essence, is a companion to their creation.

Nowadays, dozens of places in Europe, Asia, and America are creating wonderful interactive maps with thousands of parameters - from the stage of congestion across areas to the indications of separate collection of exits.

“This has become one of the main points of the discussion at the current IGF - to understand what kind of data is given to the Belarusian journalists, business and academic strength ahead of us.

In other words, to create connections between open data providers in the state and with their partners. Even the collection, unification, verification and anonymization of data is a very costly process,” continues Alina Rodachinska. — We conducted our research with an emphasis on the business audience, since we ourselves are called early adopters in the development of IT products. So people who can be the first to start using the product will understand what they need. .

Together with the participants of the panel discussion, we developed a questionnaire and sent it out through all the channels available to us.

The results were passed on to the developers of the concept portal and to the Ministry of Information.” The results of online research are based on open data from Belarus (2017). Conducted by the team “Revealed data.

Belarus" together with company

Light Well Organization

When a portal of confidential data appeared in the United States in 2009, it had more than 47 data networks.

Nina is over 200,000, and this number is growing rapidly.

The main drivers of growth are demand, accuracy and simplicity of data collection. The world now has well-prepared “sets” that will live in the dark world of information, like sauerkraut that smolders the half, interacting with each other and forming new data networks. Moreover, the more data is collected from different devices, the stench is cleaner.

Without going far beyond those half-mass: the loud butt of the vikoristan of the critical data that appeared among the New York firemen.

For them, the Firecast tool continuously aggregates over 7,500 risk factors from 17 different sources.

Pouch - Today the local department is removing 15 of the most dangerous objects in the skin area, and the accuracy of previous inspections has increased by 20%.

Ale head meta rasrobniki bachat poratunku hundreds of lives of ordinary townsfolk and pozezhniks in the long-term perspective.

« We will all have a lot of work.”

“In the future, we will definitely have a portal of secret data.

And then everyone, including the state, business, marriage, journalists, academics, will have a lot of work,” Alina Rodachinska suggests.

— Appearing to the portal is not the final point, but rather the beginning of the cob.

Plus, we can marvel at the light evidence, trends, such documents as the Charter of Confidential Data, where the best practices are collected.

For example, just like that, the Charter adopted the main principle of open by default.

Then everything that is not a sovereign, personal or commercial secret place is open.

But now the Charter seems that publication may be on demand, so there is a need to understand the needs in order to reveal to us what is needed.” The organizers of the Belarus IGF ask all those interested to take part in the discussion, which is largely due to the passion for Open Data, the awareness and awareness of the community in the data world, as well as the development of the Internet in the near future. The fate of the forum is costless, but it is necessary

For more than 17 years since the startup TUT.BY, a successful group of companies has been doing business in various directions and with a team of more than 350 professionals.

The company invests in a number of young, promising IT companies, consistently promotes meaningful initiatives and beneficial projects, and is invested in startups.

Whole audience

The target audience of the TUT.BY portal is all the contributors to the Belarusian segment of the Internet (the population of the region, as well as those who live in Belarus). As a human being on the Internet, we respect our target audience. on


There are 5+ million Belarusian citizens who would like to access the Internet once every 3 months.


Our meta - be first in all senses of this word mass media in Belarus.

This means realizing freedom of speech in the extreme and being deprived of an objective (without political or any biased bias) information and educational portal that conveys the current view, publishes different thoughts and views , as well as provide effective and manual solutions for local customers and clients Internet services.


The mission of the TUT.BY portal is to give each person the opportunity to obtain objective information about their interests, expand their horizons and live new lives.


There are no companies, like people, without values.

We have only three of them, but they permeate all our activities and are the measure of the origins of all coronaviruses.

These values ​​are the guideline for forming bonds both at the heart of our company and in relationships with clients, partners, contractors, government agencies, etc.

Liberty Rozumina has independence, that is. freedom to choose, make decisions and decide on specific actions.

Corporate social awareness

In its activity, the Belarusian portal TUT.BY follows the principles of the development of corporate social responsibility.

In 2014, the Belarusian portal TUT.BY joined the voluntary initiative of the UN Global Compact. In your stolen robot We adhere to the ten principles of the Global Compact in the area of ​​human rights, labor rights, and protection dovkilla

and the fight against corruption.

The result of the development of the Belarusian portal TUT.BY (2014-2015) is available per request, for 2016.

However, earlier, from the moment the company fell asleep, we decided to join the formation of the business environment and serve as a positive example of social relevance to business for the Belarusian husbandry.

The respect of journalists to the portal for social problems helps to unite people who are not at all concerned about the problem throughout Belarus, and it increases the respect of the police officers of the regional department and promotes them to the highest level.

Today, the Belarusian portal TUT.BY is destroying an order of magnitude of the day's gatherings with those.

We take our part from various associations and support socially significant approaches on a republican scale, or improve the market, partnership, ecology, etc.

Startup Rukh is also a priority for us.

The Belarusian portal TUT.BY itself establishes and organizes socially significant initiatives; for example, in 2006, the popular Galuzev international conference “Business Internet” became popular.

In 2007, the Help.blog.tut.by project was launched, dedicated to seriously ill children and adults who need help.

This place will house the animals of your fathers and relatives to help you collect money for the treatment of the sick.

In 2010, the artist Gallery TUT.BY opened its doors, where public exhibitions and creative events are held.

The company also works closely with clients, offering internships for students.

Throughout the month, TUT.BY hosts excursions with a professional orientation for students and schoolchildren, as well as children from orphanages and children's villages. Key persons» with specialization in the field of biomedical cybernetics. Having worked in a number of industrial enterprises and in science. Spokesperson for LLC "TUT BY MEDIA" (TUT.BY), LLC "Nadіynі programs" (hoster.by), a number of other Internet companies of various specializations. Working as an associate professor at the Belarusian University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. Back in 2002 at the Fifth Belarusian Internet Forum, people’s fate was declared on the Belarusian Internet.

In 2012, Rotsi lost the title “Mentor of Rock”.

Author of the book “On-Line Marketing”, having published it simultaneously with the co-authors
chief companion

from IT enterprises for universities.

In 2017, we were awarded the title “Leader of Advocacy-2016” by the Assembly of Business Groups for the rich
Effectively not drying

civilized and insightful methods of dialogue between business and power. Having won the title “Patron of Arts in the Sphere of Culture” for 2016 and 2017. Hobbies: traveling, playing the organ. Lyudmila Chekina General Director of LLC "TUT BY MEDIA" (TUT.BY)

In 2008, LLC "Nadіynі programs" began to apply for the appointment of a legal consultant.

In 2011, she became the intercessor of the general director of a legal nutrition company.

From 2012 to 2017, she worked as the General Director of the Nadiyni Programs Unitary Enterprise; from 1 February 2017, she served as the General Director of TOV BY MEDIA LLC.

In 2016, she completed the Executive MBA course at the IPM Business School.

It’s a good time to do yoga and love to read. Alla Lapatko

Chief engineer TUT.BY She graduated from the Minsk State Higher Radio-Technical College with a degree in “mathematician-programmer”, and from the Gomel State University with a degree in “mathematician”. and technologies in economy”, began on the Business MaximuM program in the Mini-MBA format from the consulting group “Tut i Zaraz”.

Advertising from 2006.

Since 2010 commercial director of TUT.BY.

Coordinates the work of all commercial affiliates of the portal, is involved in the development of advertising tools, takes part in the development of the main product and TUT.BY projects, including partner ones. He conducts negotiations masterfully and charges with energy. Kirilo Voloshin

Founder of LLC "TUT BY MEDIA" (TUT.BY)

Having received economic education at the Institute of Current Knowledge.

The author of a low publication, evidence and tales of Internet marketing. Reviewer of the newspaper “Computer News” with extensive experience; Published in the publications "Computerra On-line", "Hard&Soft", "Computer Newspaper" and others. Associate Professor at BDU, course presenter at the Institute of Civil Liaisons and the Academy of Postgraduate Studies. Hobbies: humor in all manifestations, mountain lizhi, hustle/wcs, not very important athletics, extreme water. From 2000 to 2012


operational robot TUT.BY. U 2004 r. at the VI Belarusian Internet Forum, people called the fate of the Belarusian Internet. Business-Yangol, at the current enterprise, received the title “Ment Rock 2019”. Spіvlshnik low Internet companies. Don't forget that son.

How is the company governed, and why do I need people?

Values ​​TUT.BY

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