Reading a file in PHP. Choose the best option

Inserts the HTML code into the row opening before the skin row transfer

  • number_format - Formats a number with subgroups
  • ord - Rotates the ASCII code of a character
  • parse_str - Selects a row from a changer
  • print - Display row
  • printf
  • quoted_printable_decode - Code the row, encoding using the quoted printable method
  • quotemeta - Escapes special characters
  • rtrim - Visible clearings from the end of the row
  • sha1 - Rotates SHA1 hash rows
  • sha1_file - Rotate the SHA1 hash of a file
  • similar_text - calculates the degree of similarity of two rows
  • soundex - Turn the soundex key for the row
  • sprintf
  • sscanf - Parses a row according to a given format
  • strcasecmp - Alignment of rows without register matching, safe for data in double form
  • strcmp - Alignment of rows, safe for data in double form
  • strcoll - Alignment of rows with stream locale arrangements
  • strcspn - Turns the last part of the plot onto the ear of the row, which does not indicate mass
  • stripcslashes - Removes the striping of characters using the addcslashes() function
  • stripos - Rotates the position of the first entry in a row without adjusting the register
  • stripslashes - Removes the striping of characters using the addslashes() function
  • strip_tags - Removes HTML and PHP tags from a row
  • stristr - Analogous to the strstr function, but stored in the register
  • strlen - Turns the half of a row
  • strnatcasecmp - Rotating rows without adjusting the register using a different algorithm
  • strnatcmp - Arrangement of rows using the "natural order" algorithm
  • strncasecmp
  • strncmp - Alignment of the first n characters of rows without case matching, safe for data in double form
  • strpos - Know first how to enter a row in a row
  • strhrchr
  • strrev - Reverses a row
  • strripos - Rotates the position of the remaining entry of a row without adjusting the case
  • strrpos - Find out the remaining number of symbols in a row
  • strspn - Turns the half of the plot onto the ear of the row, which indicates mass
  • strstr - Know first before entering the contract
  • strtok - Splits a row
  • strtolower - Reverses the row to lower case
  • strtoupper - Rearranges the row at the upper case
  • strtr - Reworks given symbols
  • str_ireplace - Registry-independent version of the str_replace() function.
  • str_pad - Adds a row with another row until the specified date
  • str_repeat - Rotates the row that is repeated
  • str_replace - Replaces the search row with the replacement row
  • str_rot13 - Vials over the row of the ROT13 re-creation
  • str_shuffle - Shuffles characters in a row
  • str_split - Converts a row into an array
  • str_word_count - Turns information about words that are included in a row
  • substr - The function rotates part of the row
  • substr_count - The number of times a row is included in a row
  • substr_replace - Replaces part of a row
  • trim - Removes gaps from the cob and end of the row
  • ucfirst - Reverses the first character of a row in upper case
  • ucwords - Converts the first character of a skin word in a row to uppercase
  • vprintf - Output formatted row
  • vsprintf - Rotates the formatted row
  • wordwrap - Converts the transferred row to as many characters as possible from the corresponding symbol to the row break
  • Features of operators when leveling hundreds of rows.

    $one = 1; // Number one. $zero = 0; // We prefer the number zero. if ($one == "") echo 1; // Obviously, there is more than one thing - do not print 1. if ($ zero == "") echo 2; //* Respect! Super cool others 2! if ("" == $zero) echo 3; //* That's no help either - another!.. if ("$zero" == "") echo 4; // That's right. if (strval($zero) == "") echo 5; // This is also correct - do not print 5. if ($zero === "") echo 6; // The shortest method It doesn't work in PHP 3.


    The chop() function rotates the row after removing the final overflows and symbols of the new row. The chop() function syntax is:

    string chop(string row)

    In the current application, the chop() function removes the new symbols of the new row:

    $header = "Table of Contents\n\n"; $header = chop($header); // $header = "Table of Contents"


    The function str_pad() lines up the row until it matches the given characters and rotates the formatted row. Syntax of the str_pad() function:

    string str_pad (string row, int additional_addition [, string additional [, int additional_type]])

    If a required additional parameter is not specified, the row is supplemented with spaces. Otherwise, the row is supplemented with the specified symbols.

    $food = "salad"; print str_pad ($food, 5): // Display the row "salad" The step pad has optional language parameters for the function str_pad(): $header = "Table of Contents"; print str_pad ($header, 5, "=+=+=" , STR_PAD_BOTH); // The browser displays the row =+=+= Table of Contents=+=+="


    The trim() function removes all gaps from both edges of a row and rotates the trim row. Syntax of the trim() function:

    string trim (string edge)

    Before further overflows, special characters \n, \r, \t, \v and \0 are included.


    The lrim() function removes all gaps and special characters from the left edge of the row and rotates the row. Syntax of the ltrim() function:

    string ltrim (string row)

    The function removes the special characters themselves, just like the trim() function.


    Vaznennya dovzhini row

    The length of a row of characters can be calculated using the additional function strlen(). Syntax of the strlen() function:

    int strlen (string row)

    The forward butt is demonstrated by the value of the last row using the strlen() function:

    $string = "hello"; $length = strlen($string); // $length = 5

    Alignment of two rows

    The alignment of the two rows must be carried out before the most important row operations. If you want this, you can choose this place in different ways, PHP has the following row leveling functions:


    The strcmp() function equalizes two rows of character registers. Syntax of the strcmp() function: int strcmp (string row1, string row2)

    Once the adjustment is complete, strcmp() rotates one of three possible values:

    • 0, because row1 and row2 are combined;
    • < 0, если строка1 меньше, чем строка2;
    • > 0, because row2 is smaller, row1 is lower.

    $sthng1 = "butter"; $string2 = "butter"; if ((strcmp($string1. $string2)) == 0) : print "Strings are equivalent!"; endif; // The if command rotates TRUE


    The strcasecmp() function works the same way as strcmp(), with one caveat - the character register is not preserved when updated.

    Syntax of the strcasecmp() function:

    int strcasecmp (string string1, string string2)

    The next fragment will have two new rows:

    $string1 = "butter"; $string2 = "Butter"; if ((strcmp($string1, $string2)) == 0) : print "Strings are equivalent!"; endif; // The if command rotates TRUE


    The strspn() function rotates the first segment of row1 to replace the characters in row2. Syntax of the strspn() function:

    int strspn (string row1, string row2)

    $password = "12345"; if (strspn($password, "1234567890") != strlen($password)) : print "Password cannot consist solely of numbers!"; endif:


    The strcspn() function rotates the first segment of row1 to place the characters in row2. Function syntax strcspn():

    int strcspn (string row1, string row2)

    In this fragment, the strcspn() function is used to verify the password:

    $password = "12345"; if (strcspn($password, "1234567890") == 0) : print "Password cannot consist solely of numbers!"; endif;

    Processing of row data without stagnation of regular expressions

    In the hour of processing great obligations of information, the functions of regular expressions are greatly enhanced by the use of programs. These functions are only limited to the processing of folding rows, for which regular adjustment is essential. Since text analysis follows fairly simple rules, you can speed up the processing using standard PHP functions, which significantly speed up processing. All functions are described below.


    The strtok() function splits a row into tokens by separators specified by another parameter. Syntax of the strtok() function:

    string strtok (string row, string separates)

    The strtok() function takes one day: to completely separate a row, the function must be called several times in succession. When the draw is made, the function sees the next token in a row. When the row parameter is specified only once, the function sets the current position in the row until the row is completely separated into lexemes or there are no tasks new parameter row The forward butt demonstrates the spread of a row behind a number of dividers:

    $info = "WJ Gi1more: [email protected]| Columbus, Ohio"; // Borders - double (:), vertical rice (|) and coma (.) $tokens = ":|,"; $tokenized = strtok($info, $tokens); // Add elements to the array $tokenized while ($tokenized) : echo "Element = $tokenized
    // To restore respect: for new clicks strtok // the first argument is not passed $tokenized = strtok($tokens); endwhile; Result: Element = WJGilmore Element = [email protected] Element = Columbus Element = Ohio


    The parse_str() function displays the pairs in a row and gives the values ​​that change in the current visibility area. Syntax of the parse_str() function:

    void parse_str (string row)

    The parse_str() function is especially useful when parsing a URL to contain HTML form data or other rich information. From which application the information is analyzed is transmitted via URL. A row is a standard way of transferring data between pages, either compiled from hyperpowered or entered from HTML form:

    $url = "fname=wj&lname=gilmore&zip=43210"; parse_str($url); // After the war, parse_str() is available in the same way: // $fname = "wj": // $lname = "gilmore"; // $zip = "43210"

    Since this function was designed to work from URLs, it ignores the ampersand (&) character.


    The explode() function divides a row into elements and rotates these elements into an array. Syntax of the explode() function:

    array explode (string row, string row [, int threshold])

    The dispersion is observed behind the skin of the separator, and the number of fragments that can be removed can be separated by the necessary threshold parameter.

    Separating a row with the explode() function is demonstrated in the following example:

    $info = "wilson | baseball | Indians"; $user = explode("|", $info); // $user = "wilson"; // $user = "baseball"; // $user = "Indians";

    The explode() function is practically identical to the regular function POSIX viruses split(), described above. The main advantage is that the transmission of regular expressions in parameters is only allowed using the split() call.


    Just as the explode() function divides a row into array elements, its counterpart is the implode() function, which combines the array into rows. Implode() function syntax:

    string implode (string rozdіlyuvach, array fragments)

    The formation of a row of massifs is demonstrated in the offensive butt:

    $ohio_cities = array("Columbus", "Youngstown", "Cleveland", "Cincinnati"); $city_string = implode("l", $ohio_cities); // $city_string = "Columbus | Youngstown | Cleveland | Cincinnati";

    implode() has an alias – the join() function.


    The strpos() function finds the first instance of a given row in a row. Syntax of the strpos() function:

    int strpos (string row, string row [, int zsuv])

    The non-linguistic parameter offset specifies the position at which the search is to begin. If the sequence is not found, strpos() returns FALSE (0).

    For the next application, the position of the first entry of the date in the log file is indicated:

    $log = "" // What is the magazine's position since 1999? $pos = strpos($log, "1999"); // $pos = 95. fragments of the first instance "1999" // located in the position of the 95th row, which is placed in the last $log


    The strrpos() function finds the remaining instance of the given symbol in a row. Function syntax strrpos():

    int strpos (string row, character char)

    If possible, this function is passed on to its counterpart - the strpos() function, since it allows you to search only one character, but not the entire row. If a row is passed to another parameter strrpos(), the first character will be searched for.


    The str_replace() function searches a row for all occurrences of a given order and replaces them with a new order. Syntax of the str_replace() function:

    string str_replace (string row, string replacement, string row)

    The substr_replace() function, described below in this section, allows you to replace just one part of a row.

    Below is how the str_replace() function is used to perform global row replacement.

    Since the row does not overlap with the row every time, the outgoing row does not change:

    $favorite_food = "My favorite foods are ice cream and chicken wings"; $favorite_food = str_replace("chicken_wings", "pizza", $favohte_food); // $favorite_food = "My favorite foods are ice cream and pizza"


    The strstr() function rotates the portion of a row that begins with the first entry of a given row. Syntax of the strstr() function:

    string strstr (string row, string sub-row)

    Which application uses the strstr() function to see the domain name from the URL:

    $url = ""; $domain - strstr($url, "."); // $domain = ""


    The substr() function rotates a portion of a row that starts at a given cob position and may be at a given end. Syntax of the substr() function:

    string substr (string row, int cob [, int dozhina])

    • If the required doubling parameter is not specified, it is important that the row begins from the specified cob position and continues until the end of the row. When using this function, it is necessary to ensure the following conditions:
    • If the cob parameter is positive, the rotation of the row starts from the position of the row with the specified number;
    • If the dozhina parameter is positive, the sequence that rotates includes all symbols from the position cob to the position cob + dozhina. Since the remaining value moves to the end of the row, the symbols rotate until the end of the row;
    • Since the spinning parameter is enabled, the substring that is rotated will end at the set point at the end of the row.

    Remember that the cob parameter means the offset from the first character of the row; In this way, the row that rotates actually begins with a symbol with a number (cob + 1).

    The forward butt demonstrates the visible parts of the row using the substr() function:

    $car = "1944 Ford"; Smodel = substr($car, 6); // Smodel = "Ford"

    An example with a positive dovzhin parameter:

    $car = "1944 Ford"; $model = substr($car, 0, 4); // $model = "1944" Buttstock with a negative dovzhin parameter: $ car = "1944 Ford"; $model = substr($car, 2, -5); // $model = "44"


    The substr_count() function rotates the number of row entries in a task row. Syntax of the substr_count() function: int substr_count (string row, string row) For the next example, the substr_count() function covers the number of row entries ain: $tng_twist = "The rain falls mainly on the plains of Spain"; $count = substr_count($tng_twist, "ain"); // $count = 4


    The substr_replace() function replaces the part of the row that starts at a given position. If an optional dozhine parameter is set, a fragment of the specified dozhine is replaced; Otherwise, replacement is carried out throughout the entire row that is being replaced.

    Syntax of the substr_replace() function:

    string substr_replace (string row, string replacement, int cob [, int dovzhina])

    • The parameters of the cob and dovzhin are set according to the singing rules:
    • If the cob parameter is positive, the replacement starts from the specified position;
    • If the cob parameter is negative, the replacement starts from the position (the end of the row-cob);
    • If the dozhin parameter is positive, a fragment of the specified dozhin is replaced;

    If the dozhine parameter is negative, the replacement ends in the position (row dovzhina - dozhina).

    A simple replacement of text using the substr_replace() function is demonstrated in the following application:

    $favs = "s favorite links"; $name = "Alessia"; , 0, 0);


    Alessia's favorite links

    Convert a row or an entire file to a format that is suitable for viewing in a web browser (or just like that), as simple as you might think at first glance. PHP has special functions in this case.

    Converting text to HTML

    Shvidke has converted simple text to the format of a web browser - an even wider area. The functions described in this section will most likely help you.


    The nl2br() function replaces all newline characters (\n) with equivalent HTML constructs.

    Function syntax nl2br():

    string nl2br (string row)

    The symbols of a new row can be visible (for example, explicitly included in the row), or invisible (for example, entered in the editor). In the current application, the text row is converted to HTML format by replacing the symbols with row breaks:

    // Text row that is displayed in the editor. $text_recipe = "Party Sauce recipe: 1 squeeze rajčata 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice Stir together, server cold."; // Rearrange the symbols of the new row to
    $htinl_recipe = nl2br($text_recipe) When displayed, $html_recipe will be sent to the browser offensive text in HTML format: Party Sauce recipe:
    1 can stewed tomatoes
    3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
    Stir together, server cold.


    The htmlentities() function converts characters into equivalent HTML constructs. Syntax of the htmlentities function:

    string htmlentities (string row)

    For the current application, it is necessary to replace the row symbols for display in the browser:

    $user_input = "Cookbook, from Cafe Francaise"

    The htmlentities() function currently only works for ISO-8559-1 (ISO-Latin-1) encoding characters. In addition, it does not transform the clearings into, as the trail would have been exposed.


    The htmlspecialchars() function replaces certain characters that have a special place in the HTML context with equivalent HTML constructs. Syntax of the htmlspecialchars() function:

    string htmlspecialchars (string row)

    The html special chars() function currently converts the following characters: & is converted to &; " " recreated to " ; recreated to >.

    In addition, this function allows you to avoid HTML markup entered by users in interactive web applications (for example, in electronic forums). Variations introduced into HTML formatting can result in the page being formatted incorrectly. However, the most effective solution is to completely remove tags using the strip_tags() function.

    The attack example demonstrates the selection of potentially unsafe characters using the htmlspeclalchars() function:

    $user_input = "I just can"t get of PHP & those fabulous cooking recipes!"; $conv_input = htmlspecialchars($user_input); // $conv_input = "I just can"t<> of PHP & those fabulous cooking recipes!"

    Since the function htmlspecialchars() is combined with nl2br(), then I will leave a trace after htmlspecialchars(). In another type of design
    , generated by the call nl2br(), are converted to visible characters.


    The get_html_translation_table() function provides manual means of converting text into HTML equivalent. The syntax of the get_htrril_translation_table() function is:

    string get_html_translation_table (int table)

    The get_html_translation_table() function rotates one of two translation tables (indicated by the table parameter), which is used in the work of the standard functions htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities(). The values ​​that rotate can be combined with each other standard function, strtr(), for converting text into HTML code.

    The table parameter fills one in two values:


    In the current application, the get_html_translation_table() function is used when converting text into HTML code:

    $string = "La pasta e il piatto piu amato in Italia"; $translate = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); print strtr($string, $translate); // Special characters are rendered in the HTML construct // and displayed correctly in the browser.

    Before speaking, the array_flip() function allows you to reverse-flip text in HTML and update the output text. It is permissible that instead of the output of the strtr() result in the previous example, we gave a new $translated string.

    For which application the output text is updated with the array_flip() function:

    $translate = array_flip($translate); $translated_string - "La pasta é il piatto piu amato in Italia"; $original_string = strtr($translated_string, $translate); // $original_string = "La pasta e il piatto piu amato in Italia";


    The strtr() function translates a row so that it replaces all the characters that appear before the row with similar symbols of the row. Syntax of the strtr() function:

    string strtr (string row, string dzherelo, string primach)

    As the rows of dzherelo and priymach toil the raznu dovzhin, long row shrinks to the size of a short row.

    There is an alternative syntax for the call strtr() with two parameters; In this case, another parameter places an associative array, the keys of which represent the replacement orders, and the values ​​- the replacement orders. In the current application, HTML tags are replaced with XML-like constructs:

    " => "

    ", "" => "

    "); $string = "

    Today In PHP-Powered News

    "; print strtr($string, $source); // Display the row " Today in PHP-Powered News" ?>

    Converting HTML into plain text

    Sometimes there is a need to convert a file in HTML format to simple text. The functions described below will help you complete your task.


    The strip_tags() function strips all HTML and PHP tags in a row, stripping them of any text. Syntax of the strip_tags() function:

    string strip_tags (string row [, string allowed_terri])

    The optional tags allowed parameter allows you to specify tags that are liable to be skipped during the deletion process.

    Below is an example showing the order of all HTML tags using the strip_tags() function:

    $user_input = "I just love PHP and gourment recipes!"; $stripped_input = strip_tags($user_input); // $stripped_input = "I just love PHP and gourmet recipes!";

    Not all, but only a few tags are visible on the foot:

    $input = "I love to eat!!"; $strip_input = strip_tags ($user_input, " // $strip_input = "I love to eat!!";

    The selection of tags from the text is also indicated by the fgetss() function.


    Although the get_meta_tags() function does not have any direct relation to the transformation of the text, it does not corisna function, About how to guess the trace. Syntax of the get_meta_tags() function:

    array get_meta_tags (string file_name/URL [, int included_path])

    The get_meta_tags() function is used to search for files HTML tags META.

    META tags contain information about the site, which is used by the main officials of sound systems. These tags appear in the middle of a pair of tags. The use of META tags is demonstrated in the following fragment (called example.html, some of which will appear in Listing 8.2): PHP Recipes The get_meta_tags() function searches the document head for tags that begin with the word META and saves tag names and their names together. Listing 8.2 shows the implementation of this function in the example.html file. Listing 8.2. Getting META tags from an HTML file with the get_meta_tags() function

    $meta_tags = get_meta_tags("example.html"): // Change $meta_tags to place an array with such information: // $meta_tags["keywords"] = "PHP, code, recipes, web" // $meta_tags["description" ] = "Information about PHP" // $meta_tags["author"] = "KDG";

    Here's the detail: META tag data can be obtained not only from files located on the server, but also from other URLs.

    Reversing the row to the upper and lower register

    PHP has the following functions for changing the row register:


    The strtolower() function converts all alphabetic characters in a row to lowercase. Syntax of the strtolower() function:

    string strtolower(string row)

    Non-alphabetic characters are not changed by the function. Reversing the row to lower case using the strtolower() function is demonstrated in the following example:

    $sentence = "COOKING and PROGRAMMING PHP is my TWO favorite!"; $sentence = strtolower($sentence); // After calling the $sentence function, move the row // "cooking and programming php are my two favorite!"


    The rows can be rearranged not only to the lower register, but also to the upper register. The conversion is completed by the strtoupper() function, which has the following syntax:

    string strtoupper (string row)

    Non-alphabetic characters are not changed by the function. Reversing the row to uppercase using the strtoupper() function is demonstrated in the following example:

    $sentence = "cooking and programming PHP are my two favorites!"; $sentence = strtoupper($sentence); // After calling the $sentence function, move the row // "COOKING AND PROGRAMMING PHP ARE MY TWO FAVORITE!"


    The ucfirst() function converts the first character in a row to upper case - which is essentially an alphabetic character. Syntax of the ucfirst() function:

    string ucfirst (string row)

    Non-alphabetic characters are not changed by the function. The transformation of the first character of a row with the ucfirst() function is demonstrated in the following example:

    &sentence = "cooking and programming PHP are my two favorites!"; $sentence = ucfirst($sentence); // After calling the $sentence function, move the row // "Cooking and programming PHP are my two favorite!"


    The ucwords() function converts the letter of each word in a row to upper case. Syntax of the ucwords() function:

    string ucwords (string row")

    Non-alphabetic characters are not changed by the function. “Word” is defined as a sequence of characters, separated from other elements of the series by spaces. The following example demonstrates the transformation of the first characters using the ucwords() function:

    $sentence = "cooking and programming PHP are my two favorites!"; $sentence = ucwords($sentence); // After calling the $sentence function, move the row // "Cooking And Programming PHP Are My Two Favorite!"


    strrchr("row", "o") - Find out the remaining entries of the row

    If the sequence is not found, turn FALSE.

    In the case of strchr(), if the row consists of more than one character, only the first character is selected.

    Since the other parameter is not in order, it must be entered completely and is interpreted as a code for the symbol.

    // remove the remaining directory $PATH $dir = substr(strrchr($PATH, ":"), 1); // win everything after the remaining reversal of the row $text = "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3"; $last = substr(strrchr($text, 10), 1);


    highlight_string - shows the row syntax.

    mixed highlight_string (string str [, bool return])

    The highlight_string() function displays the branched-syntax version of the str row, the vikorist colors, and the colors assigned to the input PHP syntax.

    Since the other return parameter is set to TRUE, highlight_string() is the reverse version of the minted code as a row, instead of the other one. Since the other parameter does not have the value TRUE, highlight_string() is set to TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.

    Note: 1. the return parameter became available starting with PHP 4.2.0. Doti vin pratsyuvav, as if for the mind, then. FALSE.
    2.The Highlight_String() function breaks down the PHP code behind the tags. show_source()- synonym highlight_file(). To change the color of what you see for your products, use the following PHP directives: #FFFFFF highlight.comment #FF8000 highlight.default #0000BB highlight.html #000000 highlight.keyword #007700 highlight.string #DD0000 in .htaccess: php_flag #FFFFFF in PHP: .bg")==" ") ...


    - Screens special characters in a row

    Rotates a term in which a backslash (\) is added before the special character, for example, to further edit the next row in the query to the database.

    Single foot ("), double foot ("), backslash (\) and NUL (NULL byte) are displayed.

    $str = "Is your name O"reilly?"; // print: Is your name O\"reilly? echo addslashes($str);


    - Removes escape characters using the addslashes() function. Removes escape escapes. (\" is transformed into ", etc.). Double backslashes (\\) are transformed into single ones (\).


    Converts the transfer of a row to a number of characters from the corresponding symbol to the row opening // Vikoristic wordwrap(). function cite($ourText, $maxlen=60, $prefix="> ") ( $st = wordwrap($ourText, $maxlen-strlen($prefix), "\n"); $st = $prefix.str_replace( "\n", "\n$prefix", $st); return $st; For this monumental failure. Inevitability of its doom is apparent to me now as a consequence of imperfection inherent in every human being. ", 20);

    > The first Matrix I > designed was quite > naturally > perfect, it was a > work of art - > flawless, sublime. > A triumph > equaled only by > its monumental > failure. The > inevitability > of its doom is > apparent to me now > as a consequence > of the > imperfection > inherent in every > human being. Therefore, > I > redesigned it > based on your > history to more > accurately reflect > the varying > grotesqueries of > your nature. > However, I was > again > frustrated by > failure.

    Read further:

    Date of publication: 01/03/2018

    I love you, friends! 🙂

    I think that, although not all, certainly most of you have encountered in practice the need to read information from txt files on the level of server scripts. I have known only a handful of such outbursts, and I will tell you about the rest of them today.

    There is nothing complicated about it, except that your eyes are filled with a large number of options, which are generated by the means of server movs. If we’re talking specifically about PHP, which I’m using to program, then its additional function can be used instead of files in rows, in rows, and in arrays, and for the remaining option there are a number of ways... The same is true 🙂

    Unfortunately for only a few, these methods work with with varying degrees of fluidity for files of different structures and about the speed of their work there is no word in the official documentation; This can only be judged in practice, looking through all possible options.

    So, today I will show you the work of various PHP function for reading files, so that if you need to create a PHP parser for a file to perform real tasks, you know what to choose. And I’ll also show you how to make the right choice from the “fighting minds”.

    Let's go! 🙂

    Creating a PHP parser for a file - from the beginning

    Before we finish, a few words about the task for which I created a file parser in PHP, and then selected the optimal one from the implementation options.

    It seems like I had a problem with my work because it was storing customer phone numbers in the database in the wrong format. I, of course, fixed the bug without any problems.

    Why work with incorrect information that was already stored in the database at that time? Of course, it needed to be replaced with the correct one.

    For this purpose, a text file was provided with the identifiers of the accountants and their telephone numbers that needed to be transferred to the database.

    I'm sorry to say that you need to add important: 352 KB and 8223 rows of text, each of which has a user ID and your phone number in the format Koristuvach ID: phone_number.

    In a word, all the knowledge was lost to urgent reading PHP file In ways, you can see the row of ID and phone number with further updates of the phone number from the account manager in the database found behind the ID.

    My project will be implemented in the PHP framework Yii, so in the distant butts of the code you will see elements of this API for working with a database, zokrema, don’t cry :)

    After analyzing the design that is in the article, as well as the information from other researchers, based on the criteria collected on the Internet, I was able to see 4 methods, which I will give and demonstrate to you.

    Well, then I’ll tell you what criteria and how I chose among them best option. And, of course, I’ll share the results :)

    So this article is essentially a training of patience 🙂 The essence of it lies in the reporting of the available material right up to the results, which will be pointed at you in the end. Along the way, before speaking, you can exercise your imagination further, allowing yourself to choose the ideal option.

    Reading a file in PHP in a row for additional help fgets()

    As a result, the PHP file parser that implements this algorithm looks like this:

    find("unique_id IN (:id1, :id2)", array(":id1" => strtolower($params), ":id2" => strtoupper($params)));

    if ($client) ( $client->phone = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $params); $client->save(); ) ) ) if (!feof ($fh)) ( echo "Error: unexpected fgets() fail\n"; ) fclose($fh);

    ) else echo "Check the filename, file doesn't exist!"; ) I’ll soon decipher my writing, if anyone can see the complexities in the common sense. On the very cob, minced $filename It is necessary to assign a value to the name of the file that will be parsed, from the next step to the next. Next, follow the PHP check of the original file and read it for an additional function file_exists()і

    is_readable() obviously. If everything is OK, open the file for additional functions

    fopen() , which calls the PHP error control operator in order to enable the display of errors generated by this function. Vickory your choice to generate your own pardon notice instead of the standard one..

    Once the file has been opened, we go through all the rows in the loop until the file ends, and since the row is not empty, we separate it after the double symbol with the function

    explode() Then we check that the customer's ID and phone number are not empty, we look up the customer's ID in the database and, if it is, we update the phone number by adding the previous symbols from the value of the number and transferring them to the beginning of the new row. It is necessary to assign a value to the name of the file that will be parsed, from the next step to the next. Next, follow the PHP check of the original file and read it for an additional function Well, I also picked up PHP functions strtolower()


    to verify the existing database of the client with identifiers that may have been registered in different registers, because In my opinion, the smells consisted of symbols and numbers. PHP parsing a file into an array using file() This method of reading a file in PHP passes victory functions


    which opens a file and places it in an array. In this case, the elements of the array will be, in other words, the rows of the file, which means that in my situation it is definitely suitable.

    The code for this version of the PHP parser for the attack file: PHP parsing a file into an array using file() find("unique_id IN (:id, :id2)", array(":id" => strtolower($params), ":id2" => strtoupper($params))); if ($client) ( $client->phone = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $params); $client-> As you know, in the first way to read a file in PHP, it is cut only with its cob, where the file is opened and immediately read by the function

    ligament replacement

    fopen() + fgets() as before., for which you can read different fragments of the file of the assigned date. To read a file from PHP, I will tell you the size of the fragment by entering the size of the file, following the additional function filesize():

    find("unique_id IN (:id1, :id2)", array(":id1" => strtolower($params), ":id2" => strtoupper($params)));

    if ($client) ( $client->phone = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $params); $client->save(); ) ) ) ) else echo " Check the filename, file doesn"t exists!";

    This method of reading a PHP file in a way that is actually very similar to the previous one, however, regardless of the fact that with the help of PHP, the data from the file is initially read not into an array, but into a row, but it is still converted into an array, because It’s easier to work with him, below the surface.

    The easiest way to transform a row into an array in PHP is to use the additional function explode(), which was already created today, as a separator to transfer the symbol to the cob of the row.

    Creating a PHP file parser based on file_get_contents() Well, finally, I decided to implement PHP file parsing for an additional function file_get_contents() , As i is intended for reading the file as a whole in a row, then. practical, practical, like.

    fread($fp, filesize($filename))

    Then there is the problem that file_get_contents() independently opens the file and reads it, whereas fread() requires opening the file first via fopen() and selecting its indicator for further editing.

    find("unique_id IN (:id1, :id2)", array(":id1" => strtolower($params), ":id2" => strtoupper($params)));

    The code for a PHP file parser based on file_get_contents() will be as follows:

    That's all. The time has come to evaluate the productivity of all overhauled options and determine which PHP parser for the file appears to be the most optimal for further parsing.

    What is the optimal way to process files in PHP?

    To select the best available options, then... Best seen, I believe that this is due to skin problems. For this purpose I have adopted the method described in the statistics for the purpose.

    The PHP functions for reading files themselves are somewhat controversial, so in order to obtain at least some more specific numbers for the hours of their work, I specifically removed database operations from the fragments that are being tested, which is common for all they were the same.

    I remember, when I started at school and wrote my scientific work in physics (so, there was such evidence 🙂) on my behalf before university publications, I was constantly criticized for the lack of experiments (I worked 3 to information for skin problems). “The luminaries of science” named numbers in 100, well, they would like 10 experiments to equalize different situations, so that it would be possible to work on their arrangement and minimize the uniformity of the episodic effect of one over others.

    So, it turned out to be good for me, but I have learned well from their recommendations that I remember the same thing, even though over 10 years have already passed. More importantly, these recommendations were effectively based on the laws of mathematical statistics and the theory of probability.

    Well, in this regard, I do not pretend to be scientific about my own experiments; I consider the number of 100 experiments to be great, and the process of carrying them out must be tiresome for busy people.

    As a result, I decided to run 10 experiments for the skin version of the PHP parser file, which, as a result, was completely enough to see a clear leader without any manipulation of facts and details for hundreds of thousands and parts of seconds and advantages.

    The results of calculating the hours of work of the PHP parsers I separated into the file are presented in the following table and sorted by PHP functions, based on how they work.

    Experiment fgets() PHP parsing a file into an array using file() as before. Well, finally, I decided to implement PHP file parsing for an additional function
    1 9,147 9,722 10,539 2,008
    2 8,950 9,006 9,495 1,733
    3 8,821 8,845 9,207 1,642
    4 8,717 8,876 8,931 1,758
    5 9,010 9,091 8,703 1,635
    6 9,110 8,640 9,712 1,633
    7 9,074 9,626 9,13 1,645
    8 8,886 9,204 9,048 1,701
    9 8,667 8,918 9,438 1,713
    10 8,852 9,197 9,537 1,567
    Seredne 8,923 9,113 9,374 1,704

    As you know, around the time of testing the script in the skin from 10 experiments, I decided to adjust the average temperature of the medicine :)

    And the arithmetic mean hour of the work of the skin PHP parser file, so that the leader can be identified.

    And it appears, as you see, the remaining option for implementation based on the function Well, finally, I decided to implement PHP file parsing for an additional function, which consists of reading instead of the file in the row, changing with further transformations in the array and processing in the cycle.

    The solutions for PHP parser file options work at approximately the same speed.

    Why I beat my competitors, I honestly don’t have a clear understanding. I can only assume that the operation is reading the file in a row for help Well, finally, I decided to implement PHP file parsing for an additional function requires less resources, lower forming of the finished array of rows requires additional assistance PHP parsing a file into an array using file().

    The advantage over fgets() and fread() can be attributed to the fact that their wikis require opening the file using fopen(), which then takes an hour.

    So, in truth, this is true, because the numbers speak for themselves: always use the functions Well, finally, I decided to implement PHP file parsing for an additional function The PHP parser for a file based on it works 5 times faster than others, which prompted my decision to use it in practice.

    Parsing a file in PHP - outline

    As I already pointed out on the cob, my findings are not completely unfounded and are hidden, including by removing them in the current course, the results are not good, therefore, they do not care about the speed code Well, finally, I decided to implement PHP file parsing for an additional function My situation has problems when it is much more convenient and effective to vikorize the other PHP file parsers I set up.

    On the other hand, remember that PHP itself is synchronous with my programming, then. All server operations are performed sequentially without the possibility of setting up a parallel network, including on different cores of the server processor.

    However, the execution of operations prescribed in PHP code can be influenced by a number of factors, among which the main ones are the importance of the kernel at the time the PHP program is running.

    I especially appreciated the hour of research, if the same PHP parser processed the file in 9, then in 12, and then again in 9 seconds on three consecutive iterations through a banal launch of Windows Explorer, and then again, Naturally, it also requires server resources .

    In particular, I carried out the experiments practically overnight, one by one, with the same set of running programs, so as not to waste the resources of the server space.

    Therefore, when conducting similar experiments with PHP constructs, proceed in the same way, because This is, in fact, the only way to bring experiments to equal minds.

    If you work with asynchronous server-side languages ​​(C#, Java) or technologies (Node.js, for example), then, if possible, for experiments, create the same stream that is running on the selected processor core.

    Well, if you can’t find the completely undeveloped core (which is not surprising given the current level of PZ), then you’ll want to know the weakest value, even if it’s not static, because it doesn’t change over time.

    To be clear, I want to say that the code fragments in this article can be used not only for parsing text files in PHP, but also for other formats, for example, for parsing CSV files.

    Write your comments, both positive and negative, in the comments under the article - I don’t need your thoughts for further development :)

    Until new zustrich! 🙂

    P.S.: If you need a website or need to make changes to the existing one, but for whom there is no time, I can promote my services.

    More than 5 rocks to witness Professional development of websites. Work PHP, OpenCart, WordPress, Laravel, Yii, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, React, Angular and other web development technologies.

    Evidence of the development of projects of different levels: landing pages, corporate websites, Online stores, CRM, portals. This includes encouragement and development HighLoad projects. Upgrade your requests by email [email protected].

    The task of parsing and processing the necessary information from a third-party site is faced by a web developer often and for obvious reasons: in this way you can fill your project with content, dynamically extract any information, etc. o.

    In such situations, the programmer is faced with food: which one to choose from among dozens of libraries? In this article, we tried to look at the most popular options and select the shortest one from them.

    Regular expressions

    It’s unimportant to say that “regular schedules” are the first thing that comes to mind, and it’s not good to use them for relevant projects.

    Thus, it is easier to cope with simple tasks of regular expressions, but it becomes much more difficult if you need to parse a large and complex piece of HTML code, which, in addition, does not always resemble any particular pattern and may even be syntactic. and mercy.

    Instead of “supplementing” your regular expression with every small change to the code, it is recommended to use lower tools - simpler, more convenient, more reliable.

    XPath and DOM


    If you are not a PHP enthusiast, you may want to check out a short list of similar tools for other programming.

    Rows are a very important type of data that you have to constantly work with in the current state of Internet growth. This article describes 10 very useful techniques to make the life of a PHP developer easier.

    Automatically displays HTML tags in a row

    If you change forms, you will need to delete all application tags. This problem can easily be achieved using the additional strip_tags() function:

    $text = strip_tags($input, "");

    Selectable text between $start and $end

    This function can be found in the developer’s arsenal: it selects the original row, beginning and end, and rotates the text that fits between $start and $end.

    Function GetBetween($content,$start,$end)( $r = explode($start, $content); if (isset($r))( $r = explode($end, $r); return $r; ) return "";

    Hyperpowered URL transformation

    When you place a URL on a comment form in a WordPress blog, it will automatically transform into a hyperlink. If you want to implement the same functionality on your website or in a web add-on, you can use the following code:

    $url = "Jean-Baptiste Jung ("; $url = preg_replace("#http://(+)#", " ", $url);

    Divides text into 140 characters for Twitter

    Perhaps you know what Twitter accepts notifications up to three times longer than 140 characters. If you have plans to organize the interaction of your programs with a popular social site, then the function that cuts up to 140 characters will come to your attention.

    Function split_to_chunks($to,$text)( $total_length = (140 - strlen($to)); $text_arr = explode(" ",$text); $i=0; $message=""; foreach ($text_arr as $word)( if (strlen($message[$i] . $word . " ")<= $total_length){ if ($text_arr == $word){ $message[$i] .= $word; } else { $message[$i] .= $word . " "; } } else { $i++; if ($text_arr == $word){ $message[$i] = $word; } else { $message[$i] = $word . " "; } } } return $message; }

    Charging URL is visible

    A lot of people are deprived of blog URLs in order to stop traffic or organize a return link. Such efforts will make the blog difficult and may become the reason for the discord of the ruler among many of them. So the function will be even more intense!

    $string = preg_replace("/\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|$!:,.;]*/ i", "", $string);

    Convertible row at warehouse

    Is it necessary to generate a warehouse (for consistent delivery) that will benefit from SEO tasks? The following function takes a row as a parameter and rotates the total of the preset SEO warehouse. It's just so effective!

    Function slug($str)( $str = strtolower(trim($str)); $str = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9-]/", "-", $str); $str = preg_replace ("/-+/", "-", $str);

    Parsing a CSV file

    CSV (Coma separated values) files are a simple way to save and transfer data, and parsing such files in PHP is extremely simple. Don't believe me? The following code demonstrates the processing of a CSV file:

    $fh = fopen("contacts.csv", "r"); while($line = fgetcsv($fh, 1000, ",")) ( echo "Contact: ($line)"; )

    Search a row in another row

    If a row fits into another row and you need to know it, then the problem is simple:

    Function contains($str, $content, $ignorecase=true)( if ($ignorecase)( $str = strtolower($str); $content = strtolower($content); ) return strpos($content,$str) ? true: false;

    We verify that the row begins with the song pattern

    Many programs, such as Java, have a startWith method/function that allows you to check when a row in a given pattern begins. Unfortunately, PHP does not have such a simple built-in function.
    Tim is no less, we can earn it for ourselves, and it’s even simpler::

    Function String_Begins_With($needle, $haystack) ( return (substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle))==$needle); )

    Visible email for charging

    Have you ever wondered how spammers can steal your email addresses? It's simple. You need to take a web site (for example, from a forum) and parse the html code to see the email address. Below the hover code, the row is selected as a parameter and all other emails that fit in the new one. Be kind, don't vikorize this code for spam!

    Function extract_emails($str)( // Regular expression that dominates all emails in a row: $regexp = "/()+\@(()+\.)+((2,4))+/i"; preg_match_all ($regexp, $str, $m); return isset($m) ? array(); [email protected] We check other formats: [email protected]; foobar Another re-verification: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] test9@!foo!.org foobar"; print_r(extract_emails($test_string));

    Websites can be divided into static and dynamic. After mastering HTML and CSS, which allows you to create a great business card on the Internet, you will be able to create a dynamic website in PHP. In this case, the layout designer is responsible for the fact that now he begins to develop web programming: the principles of working with the site are changing. One of the first problems that plague PHP is the work with rows, their reading and processing.

    It should be noted that in PHP there are a large number of methods, so start using them with the simplest manipulations, such as creating a row, searching, removing or replacing a row, changing the register and reversing and row. There are a lot of functions that work poorly with Cyrillic characters. Therefore, all examples are written in English for accuracy. For Cyrillic, the same functions are used, except with the mb_ prefix (for example, mb_strpos()). Persh nizh vikoristovat analogues, in php.ini it is necessary to uncomment the row; extension = php_mbstring.dll, just tidying up the mess.

    Creation and display of the row

    We will analyze the displayed row on the screen behind the help of the echo structure. The programmer can display the row as follows:

    echo "Tse Novy Ryadok"

    Or make a change first, and then display it on the screen:

    $str = "Tse Novy Ryadok";

    If you need to display a number of rows in one, then go to their concatenation:

    echo "Tse". "Nova". "Row";

    $str1 = "Tse";

    $str2 = "Nova";

    $str3 = "Row";

    echo $str1 . $str2. $str3;

    In the remaining window, the screen will display PriceNoviyRow. A space can be added to the phrase by clicking echo:

    echo $str1 . " ". $str2. " ". $str3;

    In this window you will see on the screen: “This is New Row.” Concatenation is possible not only at the time of derivation, but also at the time of creation of the row:

    $str1 = "Tse";

    $str2 = "Nova";

    $str3 = "Row";

    $string = $str1 . " ". $str2. " ". $str3;

    echo $string;

    Echo display in both Cyrillic and Cyrillic languages. If one of the alternators has entered a number, then when concatenated, that number will be transferred to the next row:

    $sum = $i + $i; //now $sum is the number 4

    echo $i. "+". $i . "=". $sum;

    The screen will display: “2+2=4”.

    Service symbols

    Let's say the row is designated as an additional one ($string = "Axis like this"). Then you can calmly follow the following sequences:

    • \nThe row shift is in progress;
    • turns the carriage;
    • screens the sliding feet:
      • echo "Row with "moving" legs"; //Row with "moving" legs
    • \$ screen dollar;
    • screens the collar braid between.

    There are many more sequences, which can be found in the official PHP documentation.

    How to find out the position of the first entry in a row

    Let’s say we have a simple row:

    We also have two rows with names:

    $name = "Yemelyan";

    $anotherName = "Katherine";

    We need to find out whether the first row belongs to two names. For this purpose the function strpos($str, $search) is used. Vaughn rotates the position of the searched row $search, so that this row is located at the output $str. Otherwise, the function rotates the boolean value false. For example, strpos($string, $anotherName) is false, and strpos($string, $name) is an integer. The code will be like this (we will write option if the position is displayed on the screen):

    $string = "My name is Yemelyan and I am 27 year old";

    $name = "Yemelyan";

    $anotherName = "Katherine";

    echo strpos($string, $anotherName); //vive false

    echo strpos($string, $name); //show the position of the first entry in a row

    Make sure that the numbering of the row starts from zero, so that in our example, the remaining row will display the number 11 (breaks are also guaranteed).

    Search for the position of the remaining contract entry and pitfalls

    Since the function strpos() rotates the position of the first input, the wrapped function strrpos() looks for the remaining input in the row.

    There are several underwater stones here, connected with the beginning of the numbering. Tse varto vrahovuvat: for a PHP robot with rows, the rows can be folded with boundaries. So, it’s better to use the operation of matching the lists: strpos($str, $search)!=false. In any version of PHP, applications with similar equivalence may process incorrectly, even if the numbering of rows starts from zero, and in a logical interpretation, 0 is false. This extends to the strrpos() function.

    How to find out the number of entries in a row

    Often it is necessary to know not the position of the first or last entry of a row in a row, but their hidden number. For this purpose, the substr_count() function is used, which combines at least two changes: substr_count($str, $search). Rotates a whole number. If it is necessary to change the search area in a row, then the function is transferred to two more changes: the beginning and the end of the row. Then the function is called like this: substr_count($str, $search, $start, $end). The function searches the substring $search for the interval from $start to $end of the output row $str. If the row is not found, then the function is returned to zero.

    How to change the row register in PHP: application

    Changing the register is often used to align the rows. It is acceptable that the player is required to enter the name of the supreme god. The program has option “One”, in which case the correspondence of the player is equalized. If the text you enter does not match the actual text (for example, the correspondent writes “one” or “ONE”), then the program replaces the value false with true. To ensure that this is not the case, the function of changing the register will be disabled. This is often criticized because a PHP site contains tags: instead of hundreds of variants of the word “osobiste” (“Osobiste”, “osobiste”, “osobiste” etc.) there is only one tag in the lower case.

    The strtolower() function changes case to lower case. It is acceptable to have the row $catName = "Fluffy". Function strtolower($catName) rotates the row "fluffy". You can change the case to uppercase using strtoupper().

    How to find the bottom of a row in PHP: a robot with functions

    It is often necessary to know the date of a row. For example, a PHP robot with rows of this kind may need a creation loop. To search for a row, the function strlen() is used, which rotates a number - a number of characters. It is important to remember that the remaining character is numbered strlen($str)-1, since the numbering starts from zero.

    Removing and replacing rows in PHP: working with rows

    The substr() function can take two or three arguments: substr($str, $start, $end). Let's say we have a row $string = "Fluffy cat", and we want to remove the row from another to the fourth character. Since the numbering starts from zero, it looks like this: $ newString = substr ($ string, 1, 4). Once we enter $newString = substr($string, 1), we subtract the order from another character from the remaining one (that is, “luffy”). This code is identical to the full row code behind strlen(): substr($string, 1, strlen($string)).

    To replace a sequence, the function str_replace() is used, which takes three changes: str_replace($subStr, $newSub, $str). In addition to its many functions, str_replace() correctly deals with Cyrillic characters and has no analogue with the prefix. Butt:

    $str = "The weather is miserable today!";

    $newStr = str_replace("greedy", "wonderful", $str); //Wonderful weather today!

    Move the row to the number

    For anyone who uses web programming, it is too early to have to translate the row of numbers. For this purpose, two similar functions are used: intval() and floatval(), each of which takes one $string change. One of them depends only on the type of data that is rotated: intval() rotates an integer number, and floatval() rotates a floating point number.

    To use both intval() and floatval(), it is necessary that the row starting with numbers will be converted into a number. If you follow the numbers with any set of letters, the smell will simply be ignored. If the row begins with a letter, the second function is set to zero. Ideally, the row can contain numbers including numbers.

    Putting numbers in a row

    It is often necessary to convert numbers into a series. For example, it is necessary to take half of the number and know it from the square (for example, check that the equation equals: 88 x 88 + 33 x 33 = 8833). In this case, the function strval() is used, which rotates a row of numbers. Then, with the new row, you can perform all other actions: change, change the input row and other functions. If necessary, the row can be converted back into a number in a more described way.

    The statistics only looked at a small part of all the functions in a row. Some of the undescribed functions are performed using symbols, unless they were included in the material through specificity. To become familiar with these functions, you should go ahead and read the official PHP documentation, which provides up-to-date information.