Is your Android battery low? Greenify can help you. How to install Android programs that run in the background How to install programs

The moment has come when smartphones have become unbearable. We vikorystvoekh for calls, SMS, social measures, photos, search, listen to music, watch videos... the list can be continued endlessly. Otherwise, every activity drains the battery, and other programs can run in the background, eating up valuable charge. If your Android battery life is high, then we can help you no-cost supplement Greenify.

How Greenify works

Greenify protects the battery charge, effectively and systematically introduces supplements into the state of deep sleep - a stage that prevents it from working in the background.

It sounds like "victory Task Killer". Greenify follows a similar principle, with different methods. Greenify does not only prevent the priming process, but also prevents the stagnation of restarting. Before you start working with a program, you need to select programs that need to be optimized.

Well, now, if you know the principle of this program, let’s take a closer look. To get started you need to install the program. You can either just find the Greenify program from the Play Store.

There are two versions of this program. Є cost-free і Pro version. The paid version of the program offers a number of additional experimental functions. In this article we will vikoristuvat bis paid version. You can buy the paid version, but if Android battery consumption needs to be reduced, then no cost version Come now.

Also note that there are two ways to install Greenify: on a device with root privileges and without them. There are a lot of differences in how they work, but you won’t notice any difference - because the version for non-rooted devices requires some basic settings.

How to install Greenify on a device without root

After installing and launching Greenify, most customers will need to go through the procedure shvidkogo nalashtuvannya. We guarantee that the program has all the necessary permissions to access the device.

It all seems like a joke and a short explanation of what is needed. Click on the further button.

On the next screen you need to select robot mode: device with or without root rights. This section of the manual describes robots on a non-rooted device, then select “My device without root.”

If you are using a new device that has a fingerprint reader, or you are trying to unlock it “reasonably” without entering a PIN code, then select the appropriate option.

The next step is to get a little lost - Greenify checks the fine-tuning for beautiful robots. Greenify chips begin to work a few seconds after the screen is turned on, and the lockout may be disabled. Press the “Settings” button to go to the security menu.

NOTE: Be careful which device you are using, and Greenify may actually open the wrong menu. For example, on the LG G5, you need to exit the “Security” menu and open the lock screen menu to turn on the lock screen.

It is important to note that on which version of Android you will be using battery power, you will be able to reduce the lock button. in various places. For some versions, click on the gear icon and move the right hand under the Screen lock item. In my drop-down, this item is located in a different place (located in the screenshot below).

When you finish setting things up, turn to Greenify. The next parameter that needs to be checked is blocking. Greenify waits for at least 5 seconds before blocking. Press the “Check” button to go to settings.

As before, the security menu will open, rather than the setup menu (on some models). Turn over the lock in the “Auto-lock” item.

Turn back to Greenify. This time it is necessary to gain access to special services. Click “Options” to open the menu of special options.

Find Greenify in this menu and click on this item. Drain Dana nalashtuvannya. Show up ahead of time – press “Ok”.

After all the settings are completed, go to Greenify and click “Next”. It will be shown how Greenify works and how it works. Read and press “Dali”.

If you require permission for the program, please contact the setup master. After that, click “Finish.”

Reduce Android battery drain on a rooted device

If you have removed root rights on the device, then you are lucky - setting up Greenify is even simpler. At the first step we press “Dali”.

Select "My device is rooted." Click on the further button. If necessary, give root access to the add-on.

After that, the root rights are taken away and pressed further. There is a post about vikoristannya of the intelligent blocker. Check the box if this option suits you and click “Next”.

Finally, the adjustment is complete. Click the “Finish” button.

How to use Greenify for better sleep

Now that we have installed and configured Greenify to reduce Android battery consumption, let’s move on to the latest programs. Press the “+” button in the lower right corner.

The accessory analyzer will start, which will check all installed programs and see which ones can improve the operation of the system. If you want to expand your list of successes installation of additional supplements, then click on the menu on the right upper codend And check the "Show all" box.

First of all, go to the Greenify website, let's talk about what the little blue dots mean in relation to various programs. This means that the program will use Google Cloud Messaging for notifications, and you will not delete notifications from programs that are in sleep mode. Please be careful when choosing programs that will enter sleep mode.

Press on the programs that are required to go into sleep mode if you do not use them. After you see everything necessary programs press the button in the lower right pocket.

: If you have a device with root rights and you are vikorist About the version of the program, be careful before attaching the program, so you can transfer system programs The system is in hibernation mode, after which the system is unstable.

One of the few additives that allows you to achieve the desired effect without Root is right.


Many of you, who have already tried to revoke Root rights, have just been wondering about such a wonderful add-on as Greenify, which allows you to “put to sleep” add-ons that constantly allow you to sit in the background and take away the already valuable RAM. For this universal requirement, Root rights and without them the additions simply do not work, but with the release of the new version of Android, the developers have a little free hands and now you can go without Root rights to achieve the same effect as in popular supplement Greenify. Addition, having removed the name and now become more closely aware of what you can and how well you cope with head-spinners- “Sleep” extras.


The retailer planned to earn an additional income in the simplest possible way, and in principle, this worked out. From now on you just need to go to the section “ Special capabilities And there you will activate the service of the add-on itself, and you will add add-ons. Then you no longer need to select the options that you need to put to sleep, and after that you can safely press one single button. If you do not want any programs to appear on the white list, then simply add them to the white list.


There is no adjustment to the program, and the remaining parts are easy to complete. Here's the thing: it's completely wrong to cope with the main tasks, otherwise the result will not always be 100%, so the availability of Root rights is still deprived of a relevant and important topic. Happy korsting!

The battery is the bane of modern smartphones. Stinks can be super beautiful and incredibly functional, but if the stinks are charged for money, then it’s easy to take note of them. You’ll immediately recognize the hours of push-button dialers, which didn’t charge much, but only allowed them to be charged once a week, or even less. In principle, if you use a dialer with the same intensity as a smartphone, then it is unlikely to be wiped more efficiently. Let's not talk about sumne. Let's talk about a program that can effectively help speed up the operation of your smartphone and extend its life on a single charge. Check out Greenify.

Let's just say: the program requires root access. Totto dodatok vymagatima rights superkoristuvachi. Without it, no way. It's really easy to get rid of yoga. We have already written about other ways to remove root rights. Just don’t forget that when removed full access You have a guarantee and you can transform your smartphone completely. You conclude all these operations at your own risk. Ale especially, I have already put more than once different versions firmware, so it’s not so difficult and scary.

If you already have the rights of a super-accounter and you are not afraid to give them up, you are obligated to try Greenify. Don’t think about what the hell is the program to make your battery last forever. This program, of course, does not blame the most common “task-killers”, but does not blame the worst achievements. The main meta program is to zanuritize activities in the background with programs in the background. So, when launched, the programs will be fully functional, but when idle, they will become sleepy and will not drain the batteries and resources of the phone. This means that the telephone number is correct.

You are free to choose which program to send you to sleep. Just don’t forget that if you’ve slept through social programs and post, you won’t miss the daily notifications. The stench is not noticeable in the background. Only then, if you launch them.

No engineering knowledge is required to access the supplement. You simply manually select the programs you want to sleep. The supplement will show you which programs are constantly draining your phone of resources, and which ones are periodic. Greenify will also show you tips the first time you try.

The program is absolutely cost-free. Anyone can get involved with him. The only downside is that you need to have root rights. Ale Greenify is one of these programs, for which you will be denied access.

What can you get to know about a new smartphone as soon as you buy it? Unfortunately, over the years he has wasted his good fortune and gradually begins to work harder and harder. You have to charge your smartphone more often, and programs are running more and more. If you are a bad person, there are a lot of joys, for the help you can inhale from devices new life and brighten up the situation. In addition, it is necessary to control what programs are running in the background.

Managing background processes

The best option to gain control over processes is to use various monitoring tools in the Android warehouse itself. What the process overview screen looks like, how to deny access to a new one and what it is called, depends on the specific version of Android and the shell from the driver. Sometimes, first of all starting to joke, it is necessary to strengthen the training for the learner.
  • For versions prior to Android Marshmallow you need to open it Settings > About phone and press on the collection number this time. You will receive notifications about those that have been unblocked.
  • On more devices it is necessary to search for the option "Protsesi" or else "Process statistics" for the address Settings > Retailers > Processes. Here you see the flow of infectious processes and discover how much memory the skin loses from them.
  • Of course, it is necessary to reduce the processes that use the most memory. Don't work mindlessly; You need to understand what you are doing wrong. Losing certain programs can cause the operating system to crash.
If you have a current smartphone, please open it Settings > Retailers > Dismissed services And find a list of programs that use RAM. You can also click on the section on the menu Services/Processes for communication between running and cached processes.

Some smartphones, however, do not allow you to deny access until setup for purchasers by clicking on the storage number and using special methods. This is the best time to search on the Internet for an option to unblock devices on your smartphone model. You need to dial in the dialer number ##6961## and marvel at the address Settings > Special Features > For Retailers > Process Statistics.

If you have a clean version or a new one, look for options at the address Settings > Memory >, Here you can perform the process manually.

How to learn programs

If you don’t want the program or smartphone to be shut down in an emergency, you need to be careful. Addendum under the name “ Google Services“Be it different from the word Google, the name is not easy to type manually.

U this application There was no need to use add-ons for Kik, Facebook Pages Manager and other services. In such cases, the functions automatically start back. By clicking the “Add” button, you can increase the amount of memory that is used by cached processes. Here the rules are the same as additions.

For those programs that you don’t want to go to (like killing Kik through the processes tab, it starts again), you need to open Settings > Programs > Program Manager ta vikonati primusovu zupinka or vidaliti program.

  • To manually run a program through the list of processes, open Settings > Retailers > Processes and press the button "Zupiniti".
  • For a primus stove or to delete programs manually through the program list, open Settings > Programs > Program Manager and select I need the program. Do not delete programs that appear when you select an option "Show system programs."
  • For the Primus Supper, use a clean version of Android Marshmallow or open the current one Settings > Memory > Memory used by the program.

How does the battery drain?

As you respectfully looked around as you wrote descriptions of things, you could obtain information without wasting energy in your skin. However, go into the skin program and marvel at how much energy it retains, but not the shortest method roboti.

Open whose place Settings > Battery And wonder what options are available on your smartphone. On some models, the smell disappears, but at a minimum, there is a list of all installed accessories that consumed energy during the remaining charging hour. After which you can find out how to program and download.

The rules of entry and additional additions are clear here, you need to be careful. Each smartphone shares programs Battery on system and non-system, and on hardware and software.

Theoretically, skin is new Android version gives more basic functions robots with a battery, so there are a lot of necessary manual adjustment It's getting fast. In Android Marshmallow, the coolest new option is Doze, which puts your smartphone into deep sleep mode if it doesn't crash. There is a Doze 2.0 function that works with your smartphone without touching the screen.

Samsung and other manufacturers offer a variety of functions based on the battery and RAM, so there is no shortage of joy for all types of life. Actors respect that the Doze mode is harmful autonomous robot But you can check it yourself.

Programs for completing tasks and optimizing RAM

Android devices are gradually being improved, so it is important that optimization programs bring more harm, less cost to the troubles of autonomous robots. There may be a problem with robotic programs running in the background, which wastes resources. Some of these programs operate steadily, optimizers become one of them, focusing on the battery and RAM.

Programs to complete the task gradually interrupt the primus chain of additions in the background, as a result of which, through gradual launches and closure of processes, energy consumption increases. By allowing programs to run in the background, you may waste less energy.

If you oust a device, you will relinquish greater control over it. There are plenty of programs to shut down processes using root. If you want to choose this option, try the Greenify program; tse automatic program for deep sleep, including working on devices without root.

True, without root it will not be possible to automatically transfer add-ons to the stage of deep sleep and other functions, but it will be possible to add a widget to home screen For deep sleep, I’ll press one hand at a time. There are also some useful options to expand the capabilities of the Doze function, and no root is required.

The program has begun to flock to the background mode. There are a lot of such programs for important reasons: synchronization, providing data about the place of origin, or those for which the stinks were created. Don't worry about it. If you want to know how programs can run a lot of background processes or want to keep them running in the background, then read on to find out how.

Process and battery statistics

If you want to know what programs are running in the background and how much energy they consume in terms of battery performance, Android has the following monitoring options:

  • Activate the Retailer Options by going to Settings > About Devices, and tap on the collection number until you see information about those that the Retailer Options are enabled.
  • Go to Settings > Software Options > Process Statistics to see how many hours your key programs are running. Press any program to learn how much RAM she borrows.
  • Go to Settings > Battery, then click on the programs to see how many batteries are used.

Which programs run in the background need to be stopped?

Two major problems are that they take up memory and waste battery power - these are games that you don’t play, and music players, as if you are not vikorist. If you don't see a logical reason for running programs in the background, then you probably should close them.

You are responsible for losing most programs and services, as Google says. Really important services, however, do not allow you to browse them, otherwise such programs should not be closed: Google Search, Google Play services, Google Contacts Sync, Google Keyboard, Google Play Store.

The list of process statistics is designed to give you information about those programs that are prevented from running in the background based on how often you use them. This is a wonderful place, so there is no need for zupinity security software But the servants, who you are, probably don’t bother, for example, Google Play Music.

How to open, download or delete background programs

If you have a program that, as you know, uses a very high processor speed or runs much more in the background, as needed, then you can:

  • Open it through the Program Manager by going to Settings > Programs > Program Manager, select the program, and then press Open.
  • Once Lollipop launched, you can easily close recent programs by pressing the Recent programs navigation button on your phone (on the right side home buttons), both destroying them left-handed and right-handed, and closing them.
  • You can view them on your phone by going to Settings > Programs > Program Manager, selecting the program, and then clicking Visibility.
  • To properly tune them, go to Settings > Programs > Program Manager, right-click and click on the Setup tab, select a program, and then click Zupinity.

Remember, if you don’t understand what kind of add-on or service this is, you don’t have a lot of RAM or batteries, and you don’t want to damage your phone, then, of course, it’s not worth it.


Greenify is an add-on for adding additives, which allows you to add them to your sleep if you don’t use them. In general, the automation option is to close or turn on the accessories, which is useful immediately if you use them, and then turns them back if you need them. Ale robiti tse hand-drat. Therefore Greenify is one thing the greatest additions with program management.

Non-rooted devices, for example, will not be able to automatically install programs, but they can simply press the widget on the Wimikach to make them fall asleep (a lousy option if you don’t want to root the devices). If you are serious about managing background processes, then Greenify is what you need.

Do you follow the processes that come with your programs? What tools do you use as a vikorist?