How to close the bookmark, because it won’t close. How to close the browser or what programs when frozen

Sometimes, while working at the computer, we encounter programs that crash for some reason unknown to us. In the standard way (via the button with a cross on the right upper codend screen) do not close, the program menu does not open, the program “hangs” on the screen of the monitor, respecting robots. Many people can save themselves these problems by renewing their computer.

Ale so call to reproach the misunderstandings of the koristuvach. You will have to find the evidence in a different way, since you know the charming combination of 3 keys on the keyboard.

You can then click on the special dialog box “Task Manager” and then turn on the frozen program with one click by clicking on the “Set task” button. There's just one trick and you can get by without re-engaging.

Now, if you are not yet familiar with this charming combination of keys, I will introduce you to you right away. I will spend my time alone good butt, which from a practical point of view will be richly attractive to you, as if I showed it in the application of some non-intersecting program.

So let's go...

It’s acceptable that you often use the Internet, it can hurt your skin, right?! For whom do we use a browser program, for example, an amateur Google Chrome, and you may be using Yandex Browser, Opera, Firefox or something else.

There are a lot of good and useful sites and a lot of bad sites that can cause our browser program to “freeze” forever. I won’t go far to show you such a butt.

All attempts to close the site, close the tab, click on the buttons in the window, as it appears, do not give the desired results. A nasty site obnoxiously forces you to pay a fine for nothing.

I dare not tell anyone that whose work is not a trace?)) This is a typical failure of a trading site, something like that - trustworthy and unsatisfied correspondents.

Axis now and we will look at all the beauty of the 3 magic keys, for the help of some times and again we will forget about this site without reinstalling the computer.

Since the site side cannot be closed and the browser program does not respond to our activities, you may notice that it has frozen. And if it’s like this, mi robimo like this:

1. Press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Delete (charm combination)

2. Select the command “Launch Task Manager” or “Task Manager”

3. If you are using Windows XP, Vista or 7, in the Programs tab find the browser program, in my drop-down, this Google programs Chrome and Yandex Browser and click on them to see them.

If you work in Windows 8, then for simplicity, in the lower left corner, click on the “Less” command, light up the window and see the browser program by simply clicking on it.

4. Once the program is visible, click on the “Set command” button in the lower right corner. A confirmation window may appear to close the program, so please confirm it. After which the program will be closed by Primus.

That's all! The combination Ctrl+Alt+Delete – the program is visible – the Cancel assignment button.

So, one nuance about the browser.

If you close the browser via Ctrl+Alt+Delete, then when the program is closed, it will prompt you to resume earlier Open tabs(They were closed in an emergency), do not give in to this compulsion, otherwise you will again open a site that is blocking the browser, and then you will again have to close the work of this program. Just watch the update by clicking on the cross on your profile.

This is a completely safe procedure and does not affect the operation of your computer. You can work happily with any programs.

I wish you success in your manual work on the computer.

The same question was put by Ivan to one of the articles on the site. I would like to bring this to the main topic, since the problem is not the same as the mass one, but a large number of prosperous people are facing it.

Ozhe, I am yours Google browser Chrome doesn’t want to close when you press the exit button, so you should try to close it for help. How to punish him, I have already confessed. For example, press the CTRL+SHIFT+ESC keys (works for Windows 7 and 8), and then open the task manager in front of you.

As you may have already noticed, the task manager shows a number of processes in Chrome. We press on any of them, after which we press on the “End process” button.

The system is powering you, how do you really want to complete this process? Wait a moment and click the “End process” button.

After this robot, the browser may end. Unfortunately, as practice shows, this will never happen again. Some people complain about the fact that Google Chrome does not close according to the task manager. Because this means that you get paid for everything in the “operating” system Discount program. You will need to quickly install an antivirus. If your antivirus never responds to such programs, use a malware detection utility. For example, perhaps the Cureit program from Dr.Web. It’s free, you can download it on the official website. All you need to do is run it by clicking on the button and you will find out the wrong files and programs, such as those. Before speaking, there is no problem when the notification “Accessed” appears.

How to close a tab in Google Chrome, why won't it close?

Let’s look at one more meal right away. In certain situations, the side or the tab does not close. Everything is not connected with viruses, so we are afraid of that.

In your browser, press SHIFT+ESC to open the browser command manager. If you don’t want to exit, press the button next to the three boxes, then select “Additional tools” - “Order manager”.

In the manager, select a tab, click on it, and then click on the “End process” button.

What do you need to know about the axis:

The tab, however, will close.

Nowadays the computer is not available. There are a lot of people who are victorious about it for work and spilkuvannya on the Internet. You can also watch films or read useful information. For whom the koristuvach vikorist program – . It’s a pity that people get stuck in this situation if they need to close the program. If there is a lack of information, the customer is unable to escape from his tasks, and he begins to feel the need to make decisions without thinking through them.

How to close the web browser

Having launched a web browser for the first time, Internet users begin to explore the “space” of the Internet. Through value hour, there is a need to close the program. It’s not surprising that newcomers may have a problem. It’s not easy to get embarrassed because closing the browser is not difficult and can be done in different ways.

Standard methods

The web browser can be closed just like that or any other accessory. The trace is pressed onto the cross, spreading out at the upper right corner. In most cases, the browser will close immediately. If you are a victor, a form will appear with the notification “Do you want to close all tabs or I’ll do it right away.” All you have to do is press the “Close all tabs” button and the program will be closed.

For the sake of the village you can’t push on “Khrestik”. It is enough to quickly use the key combination Alt+F4. The form of the closed program will appear. You will need to select an option to click.

Sometimes the situation arises when the program freezes and after clicking on the “cross”, no action is taken. Then you need natural nutrition, as soon as you close any browser window. A similar operation can be performed for a different target. Next, hover the cursor over the browser icon in the Settings panel, and then click right button manipulators.

To the one who showed up context menu, the text is selected: “Close window”. At the next moment, you will be forced to close the program that has frozen. A similar operation can be done with any web browser.

Alternative way to close programs

Sometimes this situation arises if the browser does not want to close in the usual way. This may happen for a number of reasons:

  • Use your web navigator;
  • Virus;
  • Other reasons.

To close any program or browser, you also need to click on “Task Manager”. You can earn money in a number of ways. The easiest way is to press the mouse on the panel with the right button. In the context menu that opens after clicking, click on the row “Task Manager” or “Start Task Manager”, all under the Windows version.

If, for whatever reason, you cannot click “Watch Manager”, you need to quickly use the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Delete. A screen will appear on the screen with the following written on it:

  • Blocking;
  • Change the koristuvach;
  • Vikhid;
  • Change password;
  • Dispatcher

It is necessary to select the remaining item, after which the “Process Manager” will start.

When the dispatcher starts, users like Windows XP/Vista/7 start a new program, in which the “Programs” tab will be opened. Now you need to know the middle running programs Browser frozen. Sometimes, on the contrary, it says “does not confirm.” After selecting a web navigator, you must click on the “Set assignment” button. When the Internet browser closes, you can close the Manager.

That's why there's a lot of concern among those who use Windows 8 and what's more, they want to use a little more “Dispatcher”. The stinks disappear immediately from the “Processes” tab. To make it easier to identify a program that is frozen, it is recommended to click on the arrow with the inscription: “Less” in order to start system processes.

Now you can go straight ahead until the process that is frozen ends. , you need to press the “Set assignment” button, located in the lower left corner of the program. After all, the web browser will complete its work.

Just note one thing: after restarting the browser, you may see a “Renew session” message. When you press the button, updates will appear. close tabs. The first thing you need to do is to find out the reason for the emergency shutdown of your web browser. If the reason was a poor site, it’s best not to be afraid. In other cases, you can reopen the closed session.


It doesn't matter why there is a need to close the browser in an emergency. Koristuvachs, especially newcomers, have no choice but to worry and follow the lead of the shahrays, especially since there was a notice on the website that the transfer of koshts is underway. You no longer need to turn your computer offline, as this could lead to serious consequences. operating system that hard drive.

The kidney needs to calm down, and then, in order, try all the different methods of closing the supplements. One of the ways to definitely solve the problem that has arisen.

Help with a closed browser

If you often spend time on sites and cannot close the side, then the method of choosing the most pages that do not close here

However, situations arise when phishing sites that look like and design like are not closed. It disappears at the end, but “don’t leave the site or a Boeing 747 will crash at the window” is another rubbish that falls on the minds of the Shahrays. So this site (I think for now) cannot be closed. You click on the cross or Ctrl + W, and the notification will appear again.

Well, first of all, what are you to blame for the nobility, this is the legendary dispatcher of the plant. Used keys alt+ctrl+del or ctrl+shift+esc

Once again, you can end the program that is frozen or the process.

Open and close your browser. You can have Firefox or Opera or Google Chrome. Otherwise, you will close all of Google Chrome this way.

So, press alt + ctrl + del - Task Manager - Details - Select from the list Google Chrome or your browser and press Complete the process tree. This method will be used again.

How to close the side, how not to close it in Google Chrome method No. 2

Another way to complete the process directly is in Google Chrome. In fact, Opera and Firefox also use Chromium, but everything is similar for these browsers. To end a process that does not close, press the shift + esc keys or go to Menu - Tools - Job Manager

Find the hovered tab in the list or press the shift key and press complete the process.

Everything is unnecessary ( Phishing sites that cannot be closed) close and we can proceed calmly

These are the ways to complete a process that cannot be closed. It happened so well here that you should also close the Shakhray page. Google Chrome is actively fighting phishing sites. To be honest, the security through linking to the phone number came to new rhubarb But life is a little easier for pirates. Light to all, let go of your pages that cannot be closed, they will be closed in the future and they do not respect you!