Secret news about MATLAB. Additional functions (m - codes) List of standard M commands

The important butt of a closed class is a class of monotonous functions. The fact that monotonic functions create a closed class will be demonstrated later, but for now we can understand that a Boolean function is also monotonic.

On the multiplicity B = 0.1 we introduce a higher order: important, so 0<1. Нам придётся иметь дело с функциями от n переменных, поэтому полезно ввести частичное упорядочение в булевом пространстве В n .

Value 1. Let b = (b 1 b 2 ... b n) і c = (1 v 2 ... v n) - elements з В n. Let's say what is ahead (younger) in, and signify bv, yaqbi k to k for k=1,2,...,n, and if you want one k there may be some confusion.

butt. b = (001100), = (001110); b 1 = c 1, b 2 = c 2, b 3 = c 3, b 4 = c 4, b 5<в 5 , б 6 =в 6 . Значит, бв.

Value 2. Two vectors b i are said to be equal to each other, as bv or bb. Otherwise, vectors are considered unaligned. Partially, this order is called because not all elements are equal. There is no need for him to wander private order on n s let's remember ordering, as it was necessary to assign a Boolean function to a table or a vector of its value.

The axis is a number of butts of vectors that are not aligned with each other.

1. b = (1100), = (0110). Here b 1 > y 1, b 2 = c 2, b 3< 3 , б 4 =в 4 .

2. b = (01), c = (10). There would be 1< в 1 , б 2 >at 2.

From the butts you can see that there are unaligned sets, in which there are components of type (01) in one set and (10) in another set in separate places.

Value 3. The function f(x 1 ,...,x n) is called monotonic (belongs to class M), since for any two equal sets of b, B n from what b passes, next, so f( b) no more than f(), then bv f(b) f(c).

If there is a pair of sets such that f(b) > f(c), then the function f(x1,…,xn) is non-monotonic. would have been called unforgettable. If we won't be able to cope with the functions that won't grow, we can just talk about monotony..

Example 20. The same function f(x) = x is monotonic, since b=(0) (1)=і f(b)=0< 1=f()

Example 21. f(x, y) = xy is a monotonic function.

To be honest, the sets (01) and (10) are not harmless, we will not take them from the departments. For other sets we can:

(00)-- (11) ta f(0,0)=0 1= f(1,1).

(01) (11) ta f(0,1)=1 1= f(1,1).

(10)-- (11) ta f(1,0)=1 1= f(1,1).

We reconnected, so that xy is more than 0 on the dial (00), which transfers the decisions of the dials, because of the mental monotony of the function ends.

Example 22. f (x, y) = x & y is a monotonic function, because more than 1 from the set (11), to whom the other ones are transferred.

Example 23. Constants 0 and 1 are monotonic functions, because for any sets there will be f(b)=f(c).

Example 24. f(x)=x" is a non-monotonic function, so for b=(0) and c=(1) we can have bv, otherwise f(b)=1> 0=f(c).

Example 25. f(x, y) = xy is a non-monotonic function.


(00)---- (01) і f(0,0)=1 1=f(1,1) ,

(10)---- (11) ta f(1,0)=0 1=f(1,1).

Ale for (00)---- (10) omitted

f(0,0)=1 > 0=f(1,0).

The mental monotony of the function does not end!

Example 26. The monotony of the function added to module 2 is significant:

The sets (01) and (10) are unaltered, we will not take them from the distributors.

For other sets we can:

(00) (01) ta f(0,0)=0 1= f(0,1).

(00)-- (10) ta f(0,0)=0 1= f(1,0).

(00) (11) ta f(0,0)=0 0= f(1,1).

(10) (11) ta f(1,0)=1 > 0= f(1,1).

It is important to note that the function x+y is non-monotonic.

When programming the processing of parts on CNC machines according to the DIN 66025 (ISO 6983) standard, previously known as ISO 7bit, the following operators are tested:

  • N – frame number;
  • G – preparation functions;
  • X, Y, Z, A, B, C – information about displacement along the axes;
  • M - additional functions;
  • S – spindle functions;
  • T – functions of the tool;
  • F – feed functions;
  • Н – additional functions (tool correction data blocks in DIN-ISO mode). If the serial number D of the current instrument is available, it is additionally indicated.

For greater accuracy of the structure of the frame, the operators in the frame are to be arranged in the following sequence: N, G, X, Y, Z, A, B, C, F, S, T, D, M, H.

Careful program develops from n- number of frames that are processed continuously or with specified pauses (for high-speed processing of parts made of high-composition aluminum alloys, a short-term pause of the tool between adjacent frames is unacceptable due to overheating or melting of the chipped surface by rubbing). In addition, it is possible to skip certain frames and correct the dimensions by connecting preparation functions. This will ensure the development of programs for standard technological processes.

The frames of the program that it controls are composed of the following components:

  • command (operator) per DIN 66025;
  • elements of high-quality language programming of the ChPK;
  • Identifiers (song names) for:
    • systemic changes;
    • the significance of the famous ones;
    • subprogram;
    • code words;
    • transition mark;
    • macros;
  • operators;
  • logical operators;
  • calculation functions;
  • core structures.

So, since the DIN 66025 command set is not enough for programming complex machining processes on modern multipurpose machines, it must be supplemented with elements of high-quality CNC programming.

In the form of DIN 66025 commands, high-level CNC programming commands consist of several address letters, for example:

  • OVR - for correction of fluidity (percentage);
  • SPOS – for spindle positioning.

The program structure looks like this: “%” (only for programs developed on PEOM), the program title “Pro” or “:” with the next program number, which contains a few more digits. The skin row of the program is a frame.

The skin frame program structure:

  • N- serial number frame (no more than a few characters, numbering is carried out through 5 or 10 for the possibility of introducing additional frames at different times);
  • preparation function G;
  • coordinates X, Y, Z, A, C,;
  • additional function M;
  • spindle function S;
  • function of tool T;
  • feed function F;
  • D – tool correction number;
  • H – blocks of tool correction data in DIN-ISO mode. The commands are either modal or frame-by-frame.

Modally active commands retain their significance in all upcoming frames due to the programmed values ​​of the dot, until after the same address a new value will not be programmed that scales the active command.

Frame-by-frame commands that operate retain their significance only in the frame in which they are programmed.

Each frame ends with the LF symbol; an entry for the LF symbol is not required; it is automatically created when the row is changed. The program will end with teams M2, M30 and M99. A frame can consist of a maximum of 512 characters (including the commentary and frame ending character LF).

The preparation functions G ensure all the workbench functions.

X, Y, Z - linear coordinate axes of the workbench, the Z coordinate is always parallel to the axis of the workbench spindle or perpendicular to the surface of the fastened part for workbenches with a reversible milling head; A, C, B are the contour coordinates of the wrapper in relation to the linear coordinate axes. Since the workbench has more than two spindles, as well as tool heads, there are additional coordinate axes X', Y', Z', A', C', B', etc.

Please note that the preparation functions allow you to go to the coordinate system of the part, which in a number of settings allows you to navigate through the installation of special devices.

Additional functions indicate turning on, turning off the spindle, pumping stations for coolant supply, direct spindle wrapping, and ending the program.

The spindle function S sets the spindle speed.

The tool function T indicates the number of the tool or tool setup.

The feed function F determines the feed value.

Small 1.

The coordinate system of the verstat and direct positive movements are aimed at baby 1.

Key programs can be stored in the coordinate system of the workbench, in which case the workbench equipment that is set must be connected to the coordinate grid of the workbench table. The advantage is that the base plate of the device bears a centering pin and a key. The finger fits into a bushing pressed into the center of the bench table, and the key fits into a key groove. In this manner, the working area of ​​the bench in the area XY connects with the stationary coordinate system. The coordinate system has a shaped base surface, for example, a plane and two fingers (cylindrical and cut). Also, damage to the base may occur both when installing the device and when installing the part.

With intensive use in the minds of a wide variety of products, then with frequent changes, it is necessary to recheck not only the equipment, but also the direct base surfaces of the workbench table, but the bushing itself , which is centered, and the best groove.

Looking at this, it is completely necessary to place the workpiece in the coordinate system of the part. The installation is oriented only along one axis, and the connection to the coordinate system of the part is determined by vibrating sensors. In this case, in addition to turning off the destruction of the base, the possibility of re-checking the equipment is reduced, moreover, it is possible to more easily stabilize the normalization of devices or the adjustment of them without reference to the coordinate system of the verstat.

Preparatory functions G, additional functions M are indicated in tables 1, 2.

So, on milling benchtops, changing the tool is carried out in the following sequence: using the additional command T, the tool is selected, and the change is carried out using the M6 ​​command.

For turret heads of turning benches, the T command is sufficient to change tools.

The spindle function S sets the spindle rotation frequency, the tool function T sets the tool number, and the feed function F sets the feed value.

Table 1.Preparation functions G

Instructions Description
G00Linear interpolation with accelerated displacement
G01Linear interpolation at high feed speed
G02Circular interpolation behind the year arrow
G03Circular interpolation against the year arrow
G04Showcase for an hour
G05Circular interpolation with access to a circular trajectory is sufficient
G06Reduced acceptable level fastening
G07The reduction in the permissible level is accelerated
G0SControlling the fluidity of the feed at the bend points
G09Flatten the keruvanna with a smooth feeding at the peregin points
G10Accelerated displacement in polar coordinates
G11Linear interpolation in polar coordinates
G12Circular interpolation behind the year arrow at polar coordinates
G13Circular interpolation against the year arrow at polar coordinates
G14Programming the value of the fluid boost coefficient for the fluid drive
G15Skasuvannya G14
G16Programming without designated area
G17Vibir of area UX
G1SVibir of area ZX
G19Vibir of area UZ
G20Definition of poles and plane coordinates when programmed in polar coordinates
G21Programming the classification of axes
G22Activation table
G23Programming the mental transition
G24Programming a crazy transition
G32Slicing in linear interpolation mode without compensating chuck
G34Rounded corner for two side straight sections (with permissible connections at address E)
G35Vimknennya zgladzhuvannya kuta
G36The temperature of the programmed rounded cut is equal to the machine parameter
G37Programming the point for mirror image and rotation of coordinates
G38Activation of mirror image, coordinate rotation, scaling
G39Mirror image skew, coordinate rotation, scaling
G40Squeezed equidistant correction
G41Equidistant correction of heat in direct supply
G42Equidistant correction of the right hand at the direct feed
G53Zero offset offset
G54-G59Initiation of zero reduction
G60Program coordinate system displacement
G61Precise positioning under the hour of rotation due to the fluidity of the feed
G62Precise positioning
G63Increase 100% according to the programmed fluidity value
G64Linking the feed speed to the point of contact between the cutter and the workpiece
G65Linking the feed speed to the center of the cutter
G66Activation of the fluidity value set by the potentiometer
G67Configuring the coordinate system of the program
G68Option to connect the sections equidistant by dose
G69Option for obtaining an equidistant shot along the trajectory of an equidistant crossbar
G70Programming in inches
G71Programmed in inches
G73Linear interpolation with precise positioning
G74Exit to the coordinates origin
G75Working with a torcan sensor
G76Moving to a point with absolute coordinates in the verstat coordinate system
G78Activation of the drilling axis
G79Deactivation of one drilling axis or all axis
G80Click on standard cycles
G81, G82Standard drilling cycle
G83Standard cycle for deep drilling
G84Cutting cycle with compensating chuck
G85, G86Standard drilling cycle
G90Programming in absolute coordinates
G91Programming at reference coordinates
G92Setting coordinate values
G93Programming the hour for the frame
G94Feed programming mm/xv
G95Feed programming in mm/pro
G97Programming the speed of the cut
G105Zero setting for linear non-skewed axes
G108Feed control at crossover points with Look Ahead adjustments
G113Activation of viperjuice keruvannya galmuvannyam
G114Activation of high-velocity keruvannya swidkistyu
G115Deactivation of high-velocity keruvannya
G138Increased workpiece position compensation
G139Compensation for workpiece position
G145-845Activation of external correction from the side of the programmed controller
G146Subject to external correction of the instrument
G147, G847Secondary compensation group for instrument correction; correction of alignment with axes
G148Additional compensation for the instrument
G153Squeezing the first additive zero offset
G154-159Indication of the first additive zero offset
G160-360External zero offset
G161Precise positioning under the hour of accelerated movement
G162Precise positioning under rapid motion
G163Accurate positioning with rapid movement and movement with fluid feed
G164First option for precise positioning
G165Another option for precise positioning
G166The third option is precise positioning
G167Skasuvannya zovnіshnya usunennya zero
G168Displacement of the coordinate system of the core program
G169Integration of all elements of the coordinate system
G184Cutting cycle without compensating chuck
G189Programming in absolute coordinates for non-skewed axes
G190Programming in absolute coordinates "word by word"
G191Programming at reference coordinates “word by word”
G192Setting the lower boundary of the wrapping frequency in the curing program
G194Programming of speed (feed rate, rotation frequency) with acceleration adaptation
G200Linear interpolation on accelerated displacement without galvanization up to V= 0
G202Gwent interpolation behind the year hand
G203Gwent interpolation versus year arrow
G206Activation and saving in memory maximum values quick
G228Move from frame to frame without galvanization
G253Skazuvannya of another additive zero
G254-259Initiation of another additive substitution of zero
G268Adaptive implementation of the coordinate system of the core program
G269Constructing an additive coordinate system in a core program
G292Setting the upper boundary of the wrapping frequency in the keruvanny program
G301Turning on the oscillating roc
G350Setting the parameters of the oscillating rotor
G408Forming a smooth acceleration under the hour of the roc from point to point
G500Identification of possible colosions during the period of rapid review of footage
G543Increased concentration of coliseums under the hour of advanced review of frames
G544Viknennya keruvannya koliziami with advanced viewing of frames
G575Intercutting frames with a high-speed external signal
G580Reshaping of coordinate axes
G581Shaping of coordinate axes
G608Forming a smooth accelerated process from point to point for the skin axis

Note. For the skin control system, the importance of preparatory functions can be different meanings in a lien in front of the verstat's vibrator. It should be noted that with the expansion of technological capabilities in the installation of CNC manufacturing systems, there is a tendency to increase the preparation functions.

Table 2.Additional functions M

Instructions Description
MOZupinennya programs
M1Zupinka on vimoga
M2End of program
M3The spindle wraps behind the year arrow
M4Thickened spindle wrap against the anniversary arrow
M5Spindle lug
M2 = 3A tool with a mechanical drive of inclusions behind the year arrow
M2 = 4Tool with mechanical drive, presses against the year arrow
M2 = 5Power driven tool is stuck
M6Automatic tool change
M7Increased airflow
MSTurning on the coolant supply
M9Vimknennya refrigeration
M1OTurning on the air blower
M11Clamping the tool
M12Clamping the tool
M13The spindle wrap is tightened behind the anniversary pointer when the coolant is turned on
M14Tightening the spindle wrap against the anniversary arrow at the same time as the coolant is turned on
M15Turning on coolant for cutting chips
M17End of subprograms
M19Spindle orientation
M21 X
M22Enhancing mirror image using all-axis programs U
M23Visualization of the mirror image program
M29Increasing the regime of harsh cutting
M3OThe end of the program with the possibility of one-hour work on the life of the versat
M52Moving the store to the right-handed position
M53Moving the store to a position to the left
M7OInitialization of the store
M71Lowering the active meat to the store
M72Rotate the manipulator 60°
M73Clamping the tool
M74Rotate the manipulator 120°
M75Clamping the tool
M76Rotate the manipulator 180°
M77Raising active infestation for the store
M98Viklik subprograms
M99Return to main program

Notes. For different ceramic systems and types of workstats, additional functions may have different values, for example, activating the movement of the tailstock, the functions of the grinding device, rest, etc.

When a CNC program is created, the programming itself, i.e., the transfer of several work transitions to a computer CNC, is often only a small part of the work from programming.

Before programming, it is necessary to plan and prepare work transitions. The more accurately the structure and structure of the CNC program is planned, the faster and simpler the programming itself will be, and the more basic and less complicated the CNC program will be ready.

The superiority of existing programs is especially evident when changes need to be made.

Since every program has the same structure, there is no sense of following a standard template. However, for most episodes, the coming sequence must be followed completely.

1. Preparation of the seat part is as follows:

  • a) at the designated zero point of the part;
  • b) at the plotted coordinate system;
  • c) at the calculated possible daily coordinates.

2. Significance of the processing process:

  • a) If they are going to study, what tools are there for cutting what contours?
  • b) In what sequence are they prepared? around the elements details?
  • c) Which elements are repeated (possibly, in a different way) and can save the subprogram?
  • d) What other part processing programs or part contour subprograms can be recreated for the current part?
  • e) What are the essential and necessary zero point shifts, wrapping, imaging, scaling (frame concept)?

3. Creation of a technological map. Mean through all the processes of finishing the layout, for example:

  • a) the rocs will accelerate for positioning;
  • b) change of tool;
  • c) marking the surface of the piece;
  • d) a good move for additional vimir;
  • e) spindle switching on/off, coolant;
  • f) click on the data of the tool;
  • g) tribute;
  • h) trajectory correction;
  • i) brought to the contour;
  • j) introduced into the contour.

4. Transfer of transitions by my programming: recording of the skin transition as a CNC frame (chi CNC frames).

5. Combination of all adjacent transitions to an operation, usually in one program. Sometimes, especially when machining large parts in a program, you may see transitions between roughing, finishing and finishing. This is not the case with limited memory, which is typical for older CNC systems. For current systems Memory management software practically does not interfere with the technological capabilities of machines.

In modern software control systems, standard processing cycles are widely used. This vikoristan significantly reduces the time spent on programming.

The current cycles for heating systems that can be used with the WIN NC SINUMERIK software are listed below:

  • CYCLE81 ​​- drilling, centering;
  • CYCLE82 - drilling, countersinking;
  • CYCLE83 - drilling of deep openings with spiral drills;
  • CYCLE84 - cutting internal threads without compensating chuck;
  • CYCLE840 - internal threading with a compensating chuck for the tap;
  • CYCLE85 - boring 1;
  • CYCLE86 - boring 2;
  • CYCLE87 - boring 3;
  • CYCLE88 - boring 4;
  • CYCLE89 - grinding 5;
  • CYCLE93 – groove;
  • CYCLE94 - internal coil;
  • CYCLE95 - allowance cutting cycle;
  • CYCLE96 - threaded thread;
  • CYCLE97 – cutting cycle.

Please note that software control systems high level It is open, which allows you to expand the library of standard processing cycles for typical surfaces typical for production. this type products and the speed of production preparation.

Small 2.

The stagnation of CAM systems has made it necessary for the skin software control system to develop postprocessors, without any installation of programs without their translation into machine codes (Fig. 2).

The programming of current CNC systems is consistent with the ISO 6983 (DIN 66025) standard, which is already over 50 years old and which, according to the programs, is in no way due to the development of CNC technology. The term “CNC technology”, in the author’s opinion, is not legitimate; the processing of parts on CNC machines is subject to all the laws of machine technology and metal cutting or other forming methods.

Disruption of the laws of technological sciences:

  • before moving the grooves of parts;
  • to a decrease in the accuracy of linear dimensions;
  • until the difficulty of processing parts increases.

The main importance for many types of machines is the concentration of operations, which is not only typical for this type of equipment, but is implemented with a driven tool and special spindle equipment, as well as methods for ensuring accuracy in and koristannym versatnyh vimiruvalnyh systems. The standard supports simple commands for basic movements and logical operations. At this time, for the most complex geometric and logical tasks, software programming systems in addition to machine codes up to DIN 66025 (ISO 7bit) require high-level language programming. Some programs in the ISO 6983 standard contain an insignificant amount of information contained on the level of CAD-CAM systems. However, the biggest drawback, as developers of software control systems note, is the impossibility of two-way exchange of information with these systems, which means that any changes in the control program cannot be Images from the output information flow to CAD-CAM systems. This means that this is perfect for all industry concerns. So, for example, smoothing the smooth formation of theoretical contours with splines is acceptable, and the joining of two surfaces requires the analysis of possible methods of their formation, for a number of structural materials this may require technological interchanges, However, the minimum acceptable radius for obtaining structural elements of parts made of high-quality aluminum alloys. .

In addition to DIN 66025 (ISO 6983), the STEP-NC standard, which is being expanded, ISO 14649 (at this time not all modules are expanded) means a special structure of the CNC program - program structure, which is used to ensure logical them blocks within the framework of the structural programming of the processing . The structure of the relevant program is no longer a list of typical forms (features); This means the operation plan (workplan), which is the sequence of executables. STEP-NC transmits a wide exchange of information between engineering services, including preparation and production planning, and to the shop floor.

The structure of the transmitted information exchange is shown in little 3.

The structure of the planned information exchange calls out:

  • insufficient level of formalization of engineering work complicates the creation of knowledge bases;
  • There are a large number of catalogs of cutting tools, which provide insufficient information for the selection of tools for processing special materials and the mind stagnation that will require a large amount of experimental translation Irki;
  • Ownership catalogs often contain information about the positional accuracy of the ceramic axes of the workbench, the dynamic characteristics of the drives, etc.;
  • outdated technological advances, disaggregated for universal use and systematically revised practically without updating technological information;
  • the availability of systematized information about advanced technological equipment.

Small 3. Planning for the exchange of information between engineering services and shop level

In addition, it should be noted that there are no standard methods for optimizing the programming of machines based on the parameters, which allows you to select the shortest machine or group of machines before selecting any other technological operation or process.

These problems have been pointed out many times by the users of various machines produced before STEP-NC standardization. Vyrobniki possessors and rozrobniki software security We are trying to understand the possibilities of customers and implement actions based on the intended functions of their products. However, their work is often not subject to a single standard, which, in our opinion, may interfere with the updating of industrial systems. It is also impossible not to remember that the equipment that is produced is rarely compromised by all current technologies and, as a result, the production base is not so efficient and complete. After looking at the market, developers of software control systems have chosen a compromise option that allows them to sell both DIN 66025 (ISO 6983) and ISO 14649 (Fig. 4).

Small 4. Mixed CNC system architecture that supports DIN 66025 (ISO 6983) and ISO 14649 (STEP-NC) standards

It’s important to remember that in addition to improving software control systems and programming methods, it is necessary to deal with the preparation of technological information on a systematic basis:

  • a tool that will ensure the intensification of processing modes;
  • recommendations on how to harden various structures of the instrument;
  • beds for unraveling cutting;
  • storage facilities for unpacking warehouses;
  • database of CNC equipment and its technological capabilities, including the possibility of being equipped with various heating systems;
  • algorithms for the development of cutting modes for workbenches, such as the drive of the head drive of a fixed electric spindle;
  • strategy for processing various structural elements of parts on CNC machines;
  • The data base is used to serially produce equipment for CNC machines;
  • vibrating systems for benches, including zero-range and vibrating sensors;
  • Additional instructions for the development of instrumental settings and their balancing;
  • technological regulations from checking the accuracy of CNC machines, re-checking spindle equipment, especially mandrels and bushings of the HSK type and much more.

Russian-English translation of M-FUNCTIONS

Voskoboynikov B.S., Mitrovich V.L. Russian-English dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation of production. Russian-English language about mechanical engineering and manufacturing automation. 2003

  • Russian-English language →
  • Russian-English language of mechanical engineering and manufacturing automation

Another significant word is the translation of M-FUNCTIONS from English to Russian language in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian to English language in Russian-English dictionaries.

More information about this word and English-Russian, Russian-English language about the word “M-FUNCTIONS” in dictionaries.

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  • - Mind. M,m
  • - Mind. M,m
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  • Ice fields are a source of ice, which constantly crumbles along the earth’s surface. In some episodes, the ice becomes crushed and dead ice forms. Lots of ice makers.
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  • Pinnipeds - Pinnipeds Regular seals (homeland of Phocidae) are well suited to life in cold seas: their entire body, including a short tail and legs, ...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • KENIA - Republic of Kenya, a power in the Commonwealth of Africa. In the past, the British colony and protectorate gained independence in 1963. On daily basis it is between...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • CANADA - CANADA Vikonavcha Vlada. The functions of the royal government in Canada are divided between the head of the state and the head of the order. The functions of the first one are of a formal nature, ...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • CHINA - CHINA: NATURE A series of plateaus and pitfalls converges on the Tibet plateau at night, at daytime, and at the same time. These territories are Xinjiang, Internal...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • CETACEANS - CETACEANS Up to a row of toothed whales (Odontoceti) cetaceans can be seen with teeth - either on the front part of the lower slit, or on both ...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • DIFFERENTIAL - Many physical laws that order these and other phenomena are written in the form of a mathematical equation that expresses the relative density between certain quantities. ...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • TREE - a rich growth with a wooden, erect head stem - stovbur. In more detail and more clearly the meaning of the “living form” of the date is important through...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • The high ridge of the Sierra de Perija protects the Andes rainfall, where the cordon of Venezuela and Colombia passes. At the boundaries of this zone there are…
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • LIBRARIES - collection of books, magazines, videos, etc. is organized in a special manner. Although libraries have traditionally been reputed for their treasures of books, library collections have always been based on...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • Baalbek is a small settlement, in ancient times a miraculous place-temple on the territory of Lebanon, between the Lebanon and Anti-Levan ridges. Wide valley...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • BANKING - BANKING SYSTEMS Commercial banks. The most important place in banking systems is occupied by commercial banks, which first appeared in their current form...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • ANTELOPE is a popular name for the rich, even-hoofed species that belong to the family Bovidae, but differ from their other representatives in a more sophisticated form.
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • ARTILLERY - ARTILLERY Field artillery headquarters. Two main tasks of field artillery lie in the offensive: 1) providing fire support to infantry and tank units...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • AUSTRALIA - AUSTRALIA: NATURE There is a cloud of haze stretching along the coast of Australia from York Point to central Victoria and as far as Tasmania.
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • Pivdenno-Afrikanska is a power in the pivdenno-Afrikan region. On May 31, 1910, the African-African Union was created, and the independent English colonies (Kapska, Natal) became the foundation of this union.
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • FUNCTION is a term that is used in mathematics to determine the proportion between two quantities, when one quantity is given, the other can ...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • FUNCTIONS - FUNCTIONS THEORY The richness and diversity of the theory of functions of a complex variable is due to the interaction of geometry and analysis. If I need to talk about complex numbers...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • FUNCTIONS - FUNCTION THEORY Functions that are analyzed in elementary analysis are given by formulas. These graphics can be placed on the paper without touching the paper, so...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • FUNCTIONS - FUNCTIONS THEORY By studying such important methods as series series, contour integral and differentiation, mathematicians in the beginning of the decade began to achieve...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • Suzir'ya
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • RADIO ASTRONOMY is a branch of astronomy that deals with cosmic objects by analyzing radio transmissions to determine them. There are a lot of cosmic bodies that produce radio waves that reach the Earth: here, in ...
    Russian Dictionary Colier

The capabilities of the system significantly exceed the capabilities of the initial version of the Matrix Laboratory. New MATLAB, the brainchild of The MathWorks, Inc., is a highly efficient language for engineering and scientific calculations. Vіn supports mathematical calculations, visualization of scientific graphics and programming with easy-to-learn operational precision. The most important aspects of the MATLAB system:

Mathematics and calculations;

Development of algorithms;

Computational experiment, simulation modeling, layout;

Data analysis, research and visualization of results;

Science and engineering graphics;

Development of programs, including the graphical interface of the correspondent.

MATLAB is an interactive system, the main object of which is an array, for which there is no need to explicitly indicate the dimension. This allows you to create a wide range of calculations associated with vector-matrix formulas.

Version MATLAB 6.1 – no longer available to third party software (the remaining version is MATLAB 6.5).

The MATLAB system is the immediate and operational center of programming. One of the greatest strengths of the system lies in the fact that MATLAB can be used to write programs for large-scale wikis. The user can write specialized functions and programs himself, which are created in the form of M-files. Moreover, application software packages - MATLAB Application Toolboxes, which are part of the MATLAB family of products, allow you to work on par with the latest light technologies.

The operational core of the MATLAB 6.1 system. The operational core of the MATLAB 6.1 system is a complete set of interfaces that support the connections of this system. external light through dialogue with the client through the command line, M-file editor, interaction with external systems Microsoft Word, Excel and etc.

After launching the MATLAB program, a window appears on the computer display that allows you to menu, tool line with buttons and client part of the window zі sign of request. This has always been called command window MATLAB systems (Fig. 1).

Menu File(Fig. 2) the following primary functions: Vipravlenya Responsible for changing the place Vikna commands (select, repeat, revise, copy, paste, select all, delete, etc.) for clearing certain MATLAB windows; menu View- For the design of the work table; Web menu - launches Web pages from the Internet; menu Vikno– works with the editor/editor of M-files (closes all M-files, let’s select one of them); menu Additional help– works with pre-development documentation and demonstrations.

At a special glance, this is a meritorious option Like a bath... (select characteristics), which, when selected, opens a window that includes the left tree of objects (Fig. 3), and the right hand their possible characteristics.

Toolbar The MATLAB command window allows you to provide easy access to operations on M-files: creating a new M-file; to the existing M-file; fragment view; copying a fragment; insertion of a fragment; Updates to this particular operation and others.

U client part In the MATLAB command window, when prompted, you can enter various numbers, variable names, and operation symbols, which together form the expression. Pressing the Enter key causes the MATLAB system to calculate the error or, if it is not calculated, repeat it. I want the sign ";" For example, in a row, extinguish the results (sunday).

Thus, in the client part of the MATLAB command window, the user can immediately write commands that execute calculations or the entire program.

So, we will analyze the structural parts of the MATLAB command window. Besides them, there are a number of MATLAB elements that can help you with your work:

Team- It is possible to place in the order of previously entered commands in the command window (“command history”).

Robocha region– this is the MATLAB memory area where the memory systems are located. Instead, these areas can be viewed from command line for additional commands who(indicate only the names of those who have changed) and whos(display information about the size of the arrays and the type of change) or in the adjacent window under the same name. You can perform the following operations: save the data file, save the work area (commands allow you to open and save the work area in a double MAT file), select changes; Open the selection options (where you can change their values). In addition, in the Edit menu you can clear both the Command Window, the Command History, and the Workspace (or select the command from the Command Window: clear).

To save and start Work areas You can use the commands load and save.


Saving to: matlab.mat

>> save my.mat

>> load my.mat

>> save my2

>> load my2

Stream catalog- It is clear that it is a kind of “guide” for MATLAB catalogs.

Launch Editor– a window that displays a tree of MATLAB structural elements and other installations from it software features, which can be launched with the mouse's left clicks. For example, you can clearly see it as shown in Fig.

Editor/author of M-files– one of the most important structural parts of MATLAB, which can be accessed by selecting an option in the main menu, on the toolbar, or by clicking from the command row with the edit or edit command<имя М-файла>It allows you to create and edit M-files.

The editor/author supports the following operations: creating a new M-file; to the existing M-file; saving M-file on disk; fragment view; copying a fragment; insertion of a fragment; additional help; install/vidality control point; continue viconny and in.

GUIDE is a graphical interface for the user, where completed additions will be created.

Interactive session with M-file robots. Interactive mode – does not involve the user entering commands and expressions from the keyboard, which results in the necessary numerical results that can be easily and quickly visualized using the graphical means of the MATLAB package. However, it is impossible to use this regime to create and save specific programs. Therefore, the creators of MATLAB, in addition to the Command Window, which has an interactive mode, saw special files that were used to insert MATLAB codes, which were called M-files (*.m). To create an M-file, use vikory text editor(Editor/editor of M-files).

Working with the M-file editor. You can't work from the MatLab command line because you need to enter a lot of commands and change them often. Himself manually team wiki and wiki M-files in which you can type commands, concatenate them all at once or in parts, save them from a file, and edit them further. For robots M- assignment files editor M-Files. With the help of an editor, you can create power functions and click them, including from the command row.

Open the File menu of the main MatLab window and select the M-file sub-item from the New item. New file appears in the editor window M-Files (Fig. 10). Let's write a program for calculating the arithmetic mean

change a and b, then save money from fun1.m. Check the methods for solving the problem presented in the table.

  • 3. Main technical characteristics of the mechanical system
  • 4. Temple vise generator
  • 5. Electrical control system. Electrical system of the overhead vise generator
  • 6. Electrical system of mechanical workbench
  • 7. CNC system. Coordinate system
  • 8. Vikonannya CNC program
  • 9. Preparation functions. (Function G)
  • ➔ 13. Other functions (M functions)
  • 14. System operation
  • 15. Select main functions
  • 16. Redaguvannya
  • 17. Renamed, changed
  • 18. Power of CNC programs
  • 19. Manual control of the mechanism
  • 20. Set the robot system mode
  • 21. Installation parameters for the workstat
  • 22. Main function of GRAPH
  • 23. Another way to select the main GRAPH function
  • 24. ADDENDUM 1: Cody Pohibok
  • 25. Zakhistu system
  • 26. Technology and parameters of hydroabrasive cutting
  • 27. Transportation and installation
  • 28. Test run
  • 29. Dual-world and automatic CNC programming system
  • 30. Launch and installation
  • 31. Vibir file
  • 32. Advance preparation of daily schedule
  • 33. Choice of material and possession
  • 34. Creation of CNC programs
  • Other functions (M functions)

    Other functions of water jet cutting are programmed using the additional letter M, followed by 2 digits. Qia system There are a number of such functions:

    M00 Zupinennya program

    M02 Program completion

    M30 Program completion with rotation to the beginning

    M71-79 Incorrect functioning of plus output

    Now let's take a look at the functions of M report

    1. M00 - Zupinennya program

    Butt: When the CNC system of the waterjet cutting machine reads the M00 code from the block, it starts the program. To start the program, you need to press the power button again.

    2. M02 – Program completion

    Application: This code means the completion of the program and the main function of the CNC hydraulic cutting system.

    3. M30 - Completing the program with a turn to the cob

    Butt: This function similar to the M02 function plus the rotation of the CNC system and the installation of hydroabrasive cutting to the first block of the program.

    4. M71-79 Incorrect functioning of plus output

    Format: M71 Butt: The CNC system for waterjet cutting sets this function and the sequence of operations is as follows:

      control of line transmission, connection

      back-up hour 400 m/s

      breakdown No. 1

    M71 - oil pump pin for hydroabrasive cutting machine

    M71 appears before M02, which means the oil pump linkage after cutting. This function is the same as pressing the button.

    M72 - water pump pin

    When M72 is illuminated, the pump motor is driven into operation. This function is combined with the function of the waterjet pump button.

    M73 - starting the water supply system under high pressure

    When M73 is illuminated, the water supply valve is opened under high pressure. This function is avoided by pressing the water supply system button under high pressure.

    M74 - pin of water supply system under high vice

    When M74 lights up, the water supply valve closes under high pressure. This function can be combined with the function of pressing the button on the water supply system

    under a high vice.

    M75 - piston supply valve opening

    The appearance of M75 means the piston supply valve is open. This function is combined with the function of pressing the release button of the sand supply valve for water jet cutting.

    M76 - closing of the piston supply valve

    The appearance of M76 means the piston supply valve is closed. This function is similar to the function of pressing the button to close the sand supply valve.

    F, S, T Functions.

    1. F-function for feed selection.

    The feed selection function is called the F-function. With this additional function, you can directly control the fluidity of the feed on the skin axis. The F function can be indicated by the letter F and numbers that follow the letter, as well as by the feed speed, which is expressed in mm/h.

    The feed speed of this system varies from 9 to 1300 mm/h. The fluidity values ​​of hydroabrasive cutting can be selected depending on the required cutting conditions.

    2. T-function for tool selection.

    The tool selection function is also called the T function. An additional function is followed by tool selection. The tool selection function is indicated by the letter T and numbers that are placed after the T. The system has up to 20 names of tool selection parameters, from T01 to T20. In PARAM mode, press the F2 button and 20 parameters for choosing a tool will appear on the screen. The operator can select the parameter button D on the screen of the hydroabrasive bench, depending on the diameter of the tool.

    If the program requires correction for the radius of the hydraulic cutting tool, the control system can be adjusted to a suitable parameter for correction.