Program for increasing wifi traffic. Monitoring traffic at a local boundary

A program for processing input and output traffic on your computer. It will help you not to exceed your traffic limit and not end up without the Internet.

UVAGA Note: Beginning with version 6, the program became paid, so to be sure, do not update it. There are some people here no cost version 5.5.5.

Anyone who has been using the Internet for five years now, remembers the most important problem of a business owner - to consistently control the volume of traffic. Even then, there were no unlimited packages, and Dial-Up connections cost a pittance per megabyte of information.

As a result, if you don’t control the wastage of traffic, you could “go into the red” :). All the people are very creative and have come up with a lot of programs to regulate and control the flow. Today, the need for such utilities has changed a little, but they are still in use, because within an hour of their sleep they have acquired a few additional essential functions.

Today, such programs can measure Internet connection speed, check all processes that access the Internet, and monitor local traffic corporate measures and a lot of other things.

All the major functions are contained in a small program. NetWorx. Besides, there may be whole row additional possibilities, which will be useful to both the system administrator and to a simple koristuvachevi. We'll forgive you the same way with a pressing instrument can be called I'll pay for the program- DU Meter.

Upgrading of cost-free programs for transferring NetWorx traffic from a paid analogue DU Meter

Moreover, in NetWorx you can set a quota for the amount of traffic, as well as run different programs at a time. The program itself comes in two versions: portable and installation. I think it’s easiest to use the “portable” version, since if you are a fan of installers, you can easily install NetWorx using the standard installation wizard prompts.

Installed NetWorx

It turns out that you are interested in the portable version. To start working, you need to unzip the archives from the program and run the compiled exe file. Before launching NetWorx, you need to do a couple of tweaks. First of all, you will need to order the program, and the other will need to check for new versions. Axis and everything :).

After this, in the tray (I instruct you from the system directory) to appear a program icon for help.

NetWorx management is available through context not menu, which is called to the right clicks of the mouse.

Here, this menu lists all the functions of the program, so you can configure the settings before using the settings. To do this, click on the same section of the menu.

Setting up NetWorx

The setup consists of several tabs. At “Spilnyh” we can set up units of the speed limit, the information that is displayed in the third party, and also (most importantly!), which connections to keep an eye on (all traffic is protected from connections).

The divisions “Graphics” and “Color Graphics” allow us to customize them ourselves external look graphics of input/output information packages. In notifications you can learn and customize service notifications for programs, and in “Additional” you can customize the collection of statistics.

The remaining tab - “Dial-up” - allows you to set up connections and add programs that will be launched simultaneously from NetWorx.

After the adjustment has been completed, press the “Freeze” button first so that the smell settles down, and then “OK” to exit the adjustment.

Traffic monitor

Now let's take a quick look at the NetWorx tools. The first and main one is a traffic monitor. You can see the graph by clicking the “Show graph” button.

The graph can be visually represented by histograms (in my opinion, the most convenient), curved lines or simply numbers. When you do this, there will first be two numbers below. The number with the index “D” (behind the blue color) shows the amount of input traffic (in English download), and “U” (in green) shows the output traffic (in English upload).

The corresponding colors on the graph show the curves of fluidity changes, the numerical values ​​of which can be shown on the liquid scale.

Vibration of fluidity

There is a button - "Freeze Speed" - which, unfortunately, freezes not the slow speed of your Internet connection, but rather the current speed of the background transmission of packets. This may be necessary to equalize (save) the results when you are again attracted to the channel (for example, attracted to a file) and to become calm.

To start the test, all you have to do is press the “Start” button and wait a few hours. Then the result can be saved in text file, and then update with new data, released during the hour of “infatuation” with the channel.


This function is best suited system administrators, the fragments can be conducted as a hidden traffic flow, and report statistics can be displayed at the individual level. The results can be exported in xls format (electronic Excel tables) and save it on your computer.

There are also tools for backing up statistics and further updating (for example, if you need to save all data after reinstalling the system).

Traffic quota

Rushingly, let’s move on to the “Quota” section. This function is most suitable for users with Dial-up connections or metered traffic (for example, mobile Internet). It allows you to set the maximum amount of information that can be removed or sent and then notify the customer about exceeding the specified limit.

For installation, the quota is set to 0.00 KB, so if you want to quickly access this function, you will need to “Customize” first :).

When configured, we specify the type of quota (daily, daily, monthly, remaining 24 years) and the type of traffic (incoming or all). The year can be removed as it is, and then the quota unit itself can be indicated.

To save adjustments, click “Ok”, and in the quota monitoring window, do not forget to check the box “Notify me when the quota has been spent by %” to immediately retrieve information about the over-charge.

Trasuvannya route

We’ve already looked at the “Nashtuvannya” point, so let’s move on to the next step - “Trasuvannya route”. If you already have access to some Internet resource, or you need to know what route you are going through, first go to that other site, try to trace that route. You can work as a full-time employee Windows capabilities Using NetWorx is much simpler and more advanced.

To get started, enter the site name ( from a remote computer) or your IP address. Now you can set the wake-up hour (although the standard value is often more sufficient) and you can press “Start”. We've got a website going through our website They said that to access the new one you need to go through 11 intermediate servers, and the minimum hour for passing this route is set to 31 ms.


The option available is "Ping". The interface of this function window is similar to the interface of the previous one, but it is even more important. Ping, just apparently, is called the speed of the remote computer's connection to what you are asking. When used in NetWorx, ping is limited to the “standard” one (there is no ability to set your own keys to change parameters), but the main tasks are coped with.

The disadvantage of this function is that you cannot directly enter the Internet address of the site - you need to know the exact IP (you can find out from the previous utility). Now specifically about the search engine: enter the address of the remote PC, select the hour of the cleanup and the number of moon-drinks and press “Start”.

Our website is pinging The average hour of the test is not calculated automatically, but it can be calculated in your mind by adding all the values ​​and dividing by three:).

It turned out to be close to 45 ms, which is good in principle (ping up to 50 ms ± 10 ms is considered good). The meaning of TTL is the “hour of life” of the lunar package. The number 64 means that a packet of information can pass through 64 intermediate servers.


The remaining instrument is “Connection”. It allows you to monitor all programs that connect to the Internet.

Please enable the option “Convert addresses to names”. So you can download any other program and try to connect to a suspicious resource. Pay special attention to “ESTABLISHED” connections and LISTENING ports, so that you can listen out, as they themselves may pose a threat.

If a suspicious connection is detected, you can immediately terminate the program that you installed by clicking on it right button Please select the “End program” option.


In this way, you can knock out any bag of everything that has been said. NetWorx is not just a program for monitoring your Internet connection, but also a complex for ensuring security and comprehensive diagnostics of the network.

Because you suspect that this program is irrationally scouring traffic or transmitting confidential information, try to monitor your network with the NetWorx program and you can easily spot the “spy” :).

P.S. It is permitted to freely copy and quote this article for the sake of inclusion of the open active message on the site and conservation of the authorship of Ruslan Tertishny.

Increased traffic will be sent to us before users, in order to reduce the ability to connect to unlimited Internet. Traffic control special programs or Vikorist's capabilities of Windows.

Windows 8 allows you to control traffic without using additional programs. To activate the traffic cleaner, find the icon intermediate connection on the panel zavdan. After clicking on the icon, the “Merezhi” window will open. Select active connection and press the right button on the bear. In the window that appeared, in the first row you will see “Display information about the transfer of the vikoristan”. Activate this item further, when you open the “Meterings” window, you will see the statistics of your current activities. At the forefront Windows products- 7 or XP, the process of re-checking traffic ends a little differently. After connecting to the Internet, also left-click on the connection icon and select I'm active. Using the right button, go to “Stan”. Here you will learn about the input and output traffic, which is displayed in bytes.

You can control traffic with help cost-free programs Networx 5.3.2. The program supports any type of connection - shotgun, cable, mobile internet. Networx shows incoming and outgoing traffic. You can view statistics for the period that you need to know, and also control the speed of your Internet connection. The program allows you to check how much traffic the skin program receives.

The Networx program begins collecting your Internet traffic from the moment it is installed. You can configure the programs so that traffic activity can be seen in the tray at the end. Through settings, open the “Traffic” tab, then select the necessary options, as shown in the photo, and save your actions.

You can also set a quota. For which you select the type of quota, traffic, year and unit of view. After adjusting the quota size, click on “OK”. If the traffic gets closer to the boundary, the program will get ahead of you. Allow the traffic to go unnoticed.

Traffic control on mobile devices to lie in the system I will build. For example, Android system It is necessary to properly protect incoming and outgoing traffic. To do this, you need to set up the “Data transfer” item and contact the operator. You will see a window where data on incoming and outgoing traffic will be displayed. In addition to checking, you can set a limit on your local traffic.

Controlling the flow of traffic will help you avoid wastage. If you use the unlimited Internet, check your activity periodically. Traffic consumption has grown sharply, talking about those that have a virus or Trojan in the system.

DUTrafficbuv rozrobleny yak comfortable and tight monitor remote access. It is possible to record statistics for each session, regardless of which dialer program you use. DUTraffic can automatically
Unscrew the number of attachments as only the connections will be reached. For example, launch your browser and client by e-mail And closes them as soon as you open the ligaments. To top it all off, you can add that DUTraffic has a friendly and non-intrusive interface. The program is very handy.

A cost-free program for collecting Internet traffic and monitoring the speed of the Internet connection on your computer. The program works with any cable or dartless connections, as well as a modem, giving manual statistics, calling and graphs. Simple for robots.

Description of the distributor: "Automatically blocking unwanted connections (external porn sites, p2p programs, generating spam, redirecting illegal traffic, leaking windows, etc.) or redirecting to other sites ku.Oblik boundary traffic by measures, protocols, accounts, categories of sites, domains.Rozpіznavannya over 90 edge protocols. Possibility okremogo nalashtuvannya menu styles and text data.

The database of domain categories has been updated.

Main features: - connection statistics are systematized; voice alert; payments for cards and prepayments; control of the terminology of Internet cards; appearance subscription fee for Internet cards; the appearance of first-time, catless seconds; planning pennies for the Internet; work with whatever currency; surcharge of Christmas tariffs; using Windows hotkeys to ring; reconnection at low connection speed; work with multiple Windows in one view; password access to customization; launching external programs (for example, to create sound files); customizable timer window; Saving statistics from the file, friend; Reportedly, then.

If you ever asked, why do people of attraction occupy so many hours, and why does your postal program froze here in the middle when the post was removed? Why is it hanging or just waiting for the great postal insert? DU Meter will give you evidence of these other nutritional benefits and help you fully maximize the potential of your connection. So why actually stop DU Meter? Vіn shows what part of the potential building capacity Your Internet connection is actively monitored at any time, displaying graphics and numerical values. This allows you to actually transfer data!

Vantage TMeter 7.5.441
The program uses a powerful NAT (network address translation) mechanism, with the help of a specialist local measures deny access to global measure through a computer gateway, which provides a single external IP address. This innovation (at the same time as the obvious functionality of traffic flow and authorization of clients) pushed TMeter into a new segment of the border services market, which demonstrates a completely completed solution for collective access to a global extent Just like office work, so does homework.
At TMeter take revenge gnuchka system Filters traffic based on any characteristics (IP addresses of the host/appointment, port, protocol, etc.), which operates in real time with the collected statistics displayed on the screen in digital or graphical form. Using TMeter, users can set a limit (depending on the speed and/or exchange) of traffic for certain users, as well as control the protocol of their work by recording the URL of their websites. Because of the amount of data that was collected from them.

A useful utility for graphic display and traffic support. Configured filters for specific traffic by ports and IP addresses. And at the same time – a very simple interface. The program automatically distributes traffic to the local and Internet, which is required in 90% of traffic. You can also display graphs based on the skin from the filters. Shows news for the day, week, month and year. Any flexibility can be adjusted using Vicoristan to support skin traffic from multiple computers that are located in the same network, being installed on only one of them (depending on the configuration of the network).

Hello, friends! Write about those how to follow traffic I was getting ready immediately after I had written the article ““, but somehow forgot. Once you know the axis, we will inform you about how much traffic you spend, and we will work with you using additional cost-free programs NetWorx.

You know, if you have an unlimited Internet connection, then you don’t really need to monitor the traffic, at least for the sake of interest. And now all your networks are going to be unlimited, which you can’t say about 3G Internet, the tariffs for which are going to go through the roof.

All summer I have been using CDMA Internet via Intertelecom, and I know all the nuances of traffic and tariffs very well. I have already written about how to set up and improve the Internet via Intertelecom, read that. So, their “unlimited” tariff costs 150 hryvnia per month. As you say, I took the word unlimited from my paw, why? But the fact that there is exchange for the Swiss, though only a day, but there is nothing to be happy about, the Swiss there is simply greedy, it’s better to vikorize GPRS.

The most normal tariff is 5 hryvnia per day after the fact of connection, if you don’t connect, you don’t pay today. It's not unlimited, it's 1000 megabytes per day, up to 12 midnight. I have this tariff now, but in any case the speed is decent, the real average speed is 200 Kbit/sec. Although 1000 MB per day is not much for such a speed, it is simply necessary to control traffic in such a situation. More importantly, after the price of 1000 MB, the value of one megabyte is 10 copies, which is not small.

As soon as I connect to the Internet, I start searching for a program that will control my Internet traffic and can set advances when the limit is used up. I know, it’s definitely not right away, after trying a couple of things I came across the NetWorx program. We speak about yaku mi dali by name.

Watch your traffic with NetWorx

Now I’ll tell you where to take the program and how to set it up.

1. So that you don’t snoop on the program, I’ll add it to my hosting.

2. We launch the downloaded file and install the program; I will not describe the installation process, but I will write about it.

3. If the program does not start itself after installation, then launch it using a shortcut on the desktop or the Start menu.

4. That’s it, the program is already saving your Internet traffic, it’s located in the tray and quietly works there. The working program window looks like this:

As you know, the program displays Internet traffic for the current day and for the entire hour, starting from the hour the program was installed, you can marvel at how much I burned :). In essence, the program will not require any adjustments. I’ll also show you how to set a quota in NetWorx to interchange traffic and how to do it so that the activity of incoming and outgoing Internet traffic is finally displayed in the tray.

5. Let's now set it up so that the third party displays Internet traffic activity.

Press the right button on the program icon in the third and select “Adjustment”

On the “Graph” tab, set it as in the screenshot, click “Ok” and “Stop.” Now the NetWorx program icon has three displaying Internet connection activity.

6. The last point in the adjusted program will be setting a quota. For example, I have only 1000 MB of Intertelecom per day, so in order not to spend more than the norm, I adjusted the program so that if I spend traffic by 80%, it is ahead of me.

Press the right mouse button on the program icon and select the “Quota” item on the third.

Please note, today I have spent my limit by 53%, below is the field where you can specify at what number to be notified when the traffic ends. Let's press the "Adjustment" button and adjust the quota.

Everything is very simple here, first we set what quota you have, for example, I have a quota, then we set the traffic and select all the traffic, both incoming and outgoing. “Godinnik” is displayed "One of the dying", I have megabytes. Well, of course, don’t forget to indicate the size of the quota, I have 1000 megabytes. Pressing Ok and that’s it, our quota has been met.

That's it, the program is fully tuned and ready to take in your traffic. They will be launched simultaneously with the computer, and you will only be deprived of time to look and wonder how much traffic you have already burned. Good luck!

I love you, dear readers! Today I’ll create another great program. It pays for the flow of Internet traffic.

This program will be very interesting to people, as they unlimited Internet- You also need to monitor traffic in order to ensure that you don’t end up without the Internet for at least a month.

I made the joke as simple as possible and manually program, I think I got it wrong! Now I’ll share it with you!

Well, the installation is very simple: first stamp the package, then unpack the archives using any archiver program, such as WinRar. We launch the file in the middle of the archive and then follow the instructions of the installation master, and everything goes well.

Unfortunately, the installed program does not create a shortcut on the desktop unless you access the password panel:

When you hover your mouse cursor over this icon, you will see the current speed. To open the reports, you need to click on this icon with the left mouse button.

You will see this with all the necessary information:

As you know, this program has a lot more tabs, but don’t worry about it. The menu completely displays the “Zagalna” tabs.

If you want, you can read the information in other tabs.

I hope this article was a boon to you. To avoid missing upcoming lessons, receive new articles directly to your inbox! Don't forget to tell your friends about the article social measures for more buttons, moved lower. See you soon!