Punch through modx. SEO optimization MODx - all technical points

The MODX content management system is one of the most powerful in terms of search engine promotion and bringing the site to the top. Web resources created on this CMS do not suffer from ranking problems, since MODX is optimally optimized for search engine algorithms.

Advantages of CMS MODX

On MODX you can create sites of any complexity: from single-sided landing pages and modest business cards to great portals with a foldable internal architecture.

MODX is completely cost-free and expands with confidentiality output code, which allows you to save money on the development of the site and invest more money in your investment.

Shortcomings of CMS MODX

One of the main disadvantages of working with MODX for a beginner is the need to understand the programming and learn new skills for internal site optimization. Without this knowledge, the web master-coach will not be able to optimize the resource for search advertising as correctly as possible.

In WordPress, for example, far from being programmed, it is much easier for a webmaster to expand the functionality of a site by quickly obtaining ready-made solutions in the form of plugins. MODX is now available to WordPress for a number of cost-free add-ons that you can install on your website without requiring the help of specialists.

However, this is not the case in any world and the superiority of the engine, even more popular than CMS, is the greater the number of different systems and spillages in it. MODX is the most reliable for the most cost-free systems keruvannya instead. The security of the site and the stability of its robots play an important role in ranking.

The entire drying process must be divided into several stages and the skin carefully treated from them.

Vibir hosting for a site on MODX

Even though all the popular hosting providers work with CMS without problems, you won’t have any difficulties in choosing a good hosting. We can recommend the best hosting for the price and intensity - Beget, which works wonderfully with any content management systems.

Fig.1. On Beget hosting you can install the required CMS for any number of clicks without the need to install the distribution with the engine files and configure everything manually.

Having decided on hosting, we move on to planning a strategy for providing the resource and improving its internal structure. Yul Group says it like this:

  1. We check the validity of the code and correct errors in the internal structure, such as the site of purchases from third-party vendors.
  2. In addition to competitors, a detailed semantic core is formed, which reveals the full potential of your niche.
  3. All semantics are divided into meaning groups (clusters) and ready-made technical specifications for copywriters.
  4. We create clearly SEO-optimized texts that clearly demonstrate ask the noise koristuvachiv.
  5. We add articles to the site, formatting them according to all the canons of search engine optimization.
  6. We link all materials to the site for relevant internal messages. We adjust the skin side in such a way that it removes the only parts target traffic it attracted potential clients/buyers. This allows you to quickly reduce spending on advertising purchases.

Why not experiment yourself and leave the website development on CMS MODX to professionals? There are a number of reasons:

  • you will save valuable time by not delving into the technical aspects of the search (deeply working on SEO can take more than one month);
  • You will soon lose clients and recoup the costs of sales in the shortest possible time;
  • you can follow the drying process in real time and remove intermediate calls to the first step, as well as adjust expenses to obtain maximum conversion;
  • We are using more than one method of untwisting with a long-lasting effect. Finally, after completing the process with optimizers, you will continue to receive profit from materials published on the site;
  • The pages of your site will not fall out of the search engine index due to incorrect internal optimization or changes in the code, which is why our team has significant evidence of working with CMS MODX.

Of course, you can independently download all the subtleties of MODX and try to insert your site without outside help. For whose guilty mother there is a great supply of spare time (for any business, luxuries are not allowed). We will tell you about the most important nuances of setting up and optimizing CMS MODX.

Setting up the .htaccess file and domain with and without www

For starters, you can see how your site is visible in the address row - with www or without it. The .htaccess file has a code in which you need to add comments to the rows you need (to add a # sign to the top of the skin row).

#Rewrite www.domain.com -> domain.com -- used with SEO Strict URLs plugin
#RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) .
#RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) !^example-domain-please-change\.com
#RewriteRule (.*) http://example-domain-please-change.com/$1
# or for the opposite domain.com -> www.domain.com use the following
#RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) .
#RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) !^www\.example-domain-please-change\.com
#RewriteRule (.*) http://www.example-domain-please-change.com /$1

For your application, you also need to replace example-domain-please-change.com with your domain. This tells search engines that the addresses of the site are the main thing.

Correctly setting up the URL (CNC)

The shorter and clearer the page addresses are, the better the ranking of search engines and the higher the CTR for each type. Not only robots, but also live ones give preference to a non-cumbersome and add-on URL, which makes it clear what content is on the page.

To customize the URL, go to the admin panel in the “System” section, go to the “System Customization” section, select “Friend URLs” from the filter and set the customization as shown in the screenshot below.

Small 2. If your site does not have a catalog and there are few pages (landing page, business card site, etc.), then in the remaining row, enter the value “None”, so as not to vikorize the URL address.

For correct transliteration of Cyrillic characters, it is necessary to additionally enlarge the snippet translit or plugin Transliterate File Names. You can find them in the official CMS MODX repository or GitHub.

Design of meta tags

I will not forget that meta tags play a role in optimizing the pages of a website, as they enhance its SEO structure. Correct setup title, description and keywords will help search engines formulate correct and concise snippets in an organic way, which will not only improve the position of the site, but will also appear on the CTR (click-through rate) index.

Keywords are the most important indicator from this list, but the creation of unique and intelligent title and description must be given special respect. At the title and description of the page obov'yazkovo vikorist mainly keyword. The more interesting and relevant the snippet is in the PS view, the more traffic will come to your site.

Customizing the site map sitemap.xml

A properly configured site map will significantly speed up the crawling of your resource by search robots. The large number of sites and their levels of contribution can cause search engines to not flag any materials on the site and you will waste some of the expensive money. It’s also important to correctly set up sitemap.xml and forgive the scanning procedure for the robots.

To do this, go to the “System” section, then under the “Caravanning in packages” section, click on “Get additional”, type in search row GoogleSiteMap, then download and install this add-on on MODX.

Create after installation new document and name it sitemap. In "Type instead" indicate xml Then select the item “Vikoristovat HTML editor”. In the “Instead of resource” field, insert the following code: . Don't forget to enter your nickname (you can enter your sitemap there). Now your map is set up correctly and the site can be crawled more quickly by search robots and indexed more quickly.

Adjusting robots.txt

No matter what CMS the site is created on, the list of its files will inevitably have robots.txt. You can block or allow indexing of adjacent pages, sections, and directories. If you waste fewer unnecessary pages in searches, you will attract more relevant traffic to your site. The correct robots.txt for MODX looks something like this:

Disallow: /assets/cache/

Disallow: /assets/docs/

Disallow: /assets/export/

Disallow: /assets/import/

Disallow: /assets/modules/

Disallow: /assets/plugins/

Disallow: /assets/snippets/

Disallow: /install/

Disallow: /manager/

Sitemap: http://site.ru/sitemap.xml

Instead of site.ru, enter the main domain of your site, and in the Yandex and Google webmaster panels, enter the exact path to the robots.txt and sitemap.xml files.

Don’t forget to properly set up the page with the 404 code, so as not to waste money that was accidentally wasted on the wrong side of the site.


We learned more about ourselves important nuances which will help you pass the time and reduce the amount of money you spend on drying. In fact, setting up all SEO warehouse sites on a management system instead of MODX looks significantly larger-scale. Each point of such optimization essentially improves the capacity of the entire resource, both in the eyes of sound systems, and in the eyes of primary clients who may become your clients.

If you want to create and put a website on CMS MODX so that your competitors will bother you, contact the Yula Group representatives for help. The wealth of evidence from the development of sites on MODX helps us not only quickly bring pages to the top of search engines, but through the use of competent internal optimization allows us to significantly reduce budgets for external promotion.

Today I would like to give more information with internal optimization of the site using the MODx engine. On many robot engines, with internal optimization, the platform is folded so that you can effectively spend a lot of time and money to achieve the desired result. This is also relevant for commercial CMS. As for the MODx engine, then everything is very simple and the program can get started with it with little knowledge.

Stages of internal website optimization

Code validity

Before you begin internal optimization of the site on MODx and others, register in the webmasters panel of the Yandex and Google search systems, and also install the Yandex.Metrica and Google treatment codes. This will help you check the structure of the site, establish the fact of correct indexing of the site, check the robots.txt, .htaccess, sitemap.xml files. In addition, you can observe the behavior of a customer on the site, which is very important.

First of all, you need to increase respect for the validity of the code. Yakshcho Poshukova system Yandex does not show respect for code changes, so Google could seriously sue the site for revealing errors.

You can check the site for any errors in the code freely on the site http://validator.w3.org. Once the bugs are found, you need to go to the chunk that contains the piece of code with the bug and correct it. There is nothing foldable.

Of course, there will be problems that you cannot correct, for example, the Yandex metrics code on my site is absolutely invalid. But most of it is still recommended to be corrected.

Adjusted indexing

For better indexation, the site needs to create an xml site map. I have already described how to avoid it.

It is also necessary to check robots.txt so that the required sections are closed for indexing. Correct robots.txt

I already posted it earlier. So let’s not get carried away, just note that if you have sections that also need to be taken care of from indexing, then get it from robots.

Adding duplicates

To start, you need to log in to the main mirror of the site (with or without www). Once you have signed up for this, you must specify it in the htaccess file.

In addition, it is necessary to verify that the unknown pages have returned the error 404, there is no need to transfer the client to the stub side and provide a confirmation of 200. THIS IS INCORRECT! You can open the beautiful page 404 and for additional navigation, direct the correspondent to where you need it.

To avoid duplicates that appear during pagination, you can quickly proceed to prepared solutions, as I taught earlier - rel=canonical, or in some other way. If I write instructions in the robots.txt file, I think my method is more optimal in terms of labor costs, but it’s up to you.

In addition, it is necessary to develop options for the appearance of duplicates when vicorizing additional snippets, for example, the Jot snipe, which is victorized for commenting on articles, also duplicates pages. If you are a victor on the site, then write the following instructions to the robots.txt file:

Disallow: /*/*/*?*=*

It is necessary to rework the design and structure of your website.

We optimize content

Content structure

The side is responsible for a clear structure that needs to be achieved. To do this, reverse the order of the headings. Win may be offensive h1-h2-h3-h4-h5-h6. Follow this rule by adding new statistics. I will tell you more about content optimization a little later, but within the framework of this article I would like to express your respect for the technical background of internal optimization of the modx site.


To understand why the stink is needed, let’s take a look at the sound snippet:

The clickability of the snipe is hidden from everyone's eyes.

It’s easy to fill out the page metadata as you want, so that the snippets will appear with the information you need. With this, modx will help us with special resource tags and TV parameters, data from which will be presented in chunks of meta-data.

Since your metadata entry does not have a similar structure, I recommend adding it like this:

< title>[*longtitle*]< /title>
< meta name="description" content="[ *description*]" />
< meta name="keywords" content="[ *keywords*]" />

[ *pagetitle*] - vikoristovvatimetsya as the h1 title;
[ *longtitle*] - inserted in the title of the page;
[ *Description*] - inserted into the page description;
[ *keywords*] - this is a TV parameter, you don’t have to register it, but there are plenty of people who use it to display similar articles or new ones.

People-like URLs are even easier to customize in modx. For this, go to the “Configuration” section, “Friend URLs” tab and set everything as shown:

First you need to rename the file from the root folder of the site ht.access to .htaccess and register necessary instructions, About what I wrote earlier.

Then we go to the plugins section, select the TransAlias ​​plugin, open it for editing and go to the “Configuration” tab and indicate the available information:

This is necessary in order for our engine to generate PP independently. Let's save the adjustments and ask for everything from us.

About what?

Good luck to everyone. This article shows how to increase the productivity of a site on MODX Revoluton. It’s quite possible to work on sites on any other platform, but here I’m focusing on MODX myself.

What's the matter?

There are only advantages to optimizing a website. According to the first high fluidity the site has a positive impact on the SEO (if more advertisers can view MODX with the right amount of interest, then better). In another way, a Swede’s fascination with the site has a positive impact on the loyalty of their agents. Thirdly, you can compare numbers with those you know.


To increase traffic between sites before and after, you can quickly use the PageSpeed ​​Insights service from Google. This service evaluates the site for its ease of interest and ease of use for readers on a scale of 0 to 100. Of course, it is not possible to rely solely on the performance of this service, but for the sake of it it gives a completely adequate i.

Apparently, the popularity of the site is one of the impersonal ranking factors. Therefore, since you and your supervisors do not care about the smoothness of the site, do not ignore the idea of ​​sound systems.


Cashew is one of the strongest elements of MODX. Regardless of those who are not able to properly design sites (not just on MODX), removing large sites, creating a site that is highly attractive is not so easy. Ale you need to be careful not to climb up security software, and on yourself. With the help of a virtual cache, you can significantly reduce the number of queries to the database, since they are used to extract data that changes very rarely.

Also, in order to promote the speed of page generation, you need to enable caching only where it really matters: scripts that process data, etc. As you know, to enable caching, it is enough to set hail sign before the name of the snippet, chunk or placeholder (snippets, clicks programmatically, then $modx->runSnippet("snippetName", ), are not cacheable). It is also important to turn on the cache during the development process and improve the project, so that the cache does not interfere with the development process.

Wikliku butt without cache:

[[!If? &subject=`[[*id]]` &operand=`1` &operator=`==` &then=`Hello, world`]]

Butt wikliku z keshuvannyam:

[]` &operand=`1` &operator=`==` &then=`Hello, world`]]

But be careful: do not mix up snippets that obliterate POST requests (for example, form a gateway).

In order to find out how many queries and hours are required to generate a page, it is enough to use any template or place the chunk at the beginning: 95 0.4602 s. The first tag will have a number of queries to the database, the other will have an hour to open the page.

PHP updates

Ask about the new releases of PHP to write about the improvements in your productivity that you can’t help but be quiet. That's why I use vikorist myself for my projects current version. Unfortunately, not everyone can handle this, and you can often run a site that runs on PHP 5.3 (I run a server with 5.2, launched in 2015). Fortunately, most hosters require clients to choose a PHP version. Therefore, I don’t worry about it, changing the PHP version on one site from 5.3 to 5.6, increasing the speed of the home page by 2 times (from 0.06 sec. to 0.03). Apparently, the updated version of PHP is not just a change in numbers, but an increase in the speed and security of the site.

Minification of CSS and JS

Inputs and rearrangements of rows will improve, first of all, the readability of the code, but only for humans. The browser can provide modified versions of these resources: without any gaps or row shifts. Initially, I compressed CSS and JS for additional online services, but it’s not entirely manual, because Chergove renovation For the originals of these files, I had to re-minify the files and upload them to the site. Then I know the SmartOptimizer script, which modifies CSS and JS at the core. SmartOptimizer cream is MinifyX, which is also used for minimizing and gluing static resources. Such popular frameworks as jQuery, Bootstrap, etc., are released in a modified form, it is recommended to use the same versions. For example, instead of bootstrap.css, it is better to include bootstrap.min.css.

Verification service for CSS modification:

In fact, there is a more effective method: minimization during development. These are the output files - files in an easy-to-read form, and the collection - already modified files that you can include on the site. When developing the site, I used the following: SASS, gulp - for CSS, webpack - for JavaScript.


If Bootstrap is used on the site, you can create your own structure if necessary. For example, the most frequently abused part of this framework is the grid, and it is often necessary to avoid just that. You can create your collection on the official website: .


Don't vicore jQuery. Today's JavaScript allows you to write concise code, and with the help of transpilers you can learn from old people Internet versions Explorer.

Unity could be a problem- some jQuery plugins, but most of them have options that do not rely on jQuery.

HTML Minification

If you open the code of the page that is presented to the browser, you can read those that have a lot of interesting gaps in the code (for example, the formatting of the code is not ignored during development). I remember, however, the browser has a hard time formatting everything, and even in the middle of the elements of the window they will collapse into one, and between the tags they will be ignored. Naturally, it is very easy to remove all the clearings and move the rows in the middle of the chunks. That's why I added a plugin that works with OnWebPagePrerender.

$output = &$modx->resource->_output; $output = preg_replace("|\s+|", " ", $output); $modx->resource->set("content", $output);


The browser, which first attracts the site, also looks for the favicon. If the message sent to the favicon is not included in the meta tags, the browser will try to display it on site.ru/favicon.ico. This is a simple operation that only takes one request, and if you are interested in the front page, the browser will take the favicon from its cache, or you can also turn it off. It’s very easy to do - you just need to encode the favicon in base64 and insert it right to the side. You can encode a favicon in base64, for example, on the website http://xaviesteve.com/pro/base64.php. Then remove the code and paste it into the side title.

For example, previously the favicon was written like this:

This tag can be replaced with the next one:

Game? Dichinu.


No matter how trivial this joy may be, many people completely ignore this moment. It is also necessary to change the size of everything and depict it physically, vikoristically graphic editors and extension (phpThumbOf, for example), and not visually, setting dimensions in the height and width attributes (which does not comply with standards, before speech) or I'll help you with CSS. Before that, if you use phpThumbOf, you can optimize your site by deactivating the phpThumbOfCacheManager plugin, which removes the image cache when the site cache is cleared.

Optimization of cross-sectional images (those found on most pages) must be given special consideration. Logo, sprite background images can be optimized without changing the capacity using online services, for example.

It is shown to the lower Malyuka, the people of the Dazhee Parted to drink the beer from PID'Azdi, they frightened him to the take so, Scho deputy orgіnal, Maja Mayzhe 1 mib, a modest miinatura, Sho, Sho, to estimate the hour of Vidvіdavach. on Narazi The PageSpeed ​​Insights service rates this site at 0/100. No need for Dancing on Ice with generous 5.9 and 6.0.


Please tell us about a great alternative to phpThumbOf - pThumb. As the retailers sing, pThumb works better (I’ll take my word for it, especially without conducting benchmarks). To install pThumb, the phpThumbOf and insert pThumb options are sufficient. There is no need to be afraid for those who, after this replacement, are broken on the site, so that they will be offended by vikoryists in the new expanses of names.

Mobile version of the site

There are two ways to optimize your website for mobile searchers:

  • Adaptive layout
  • Mobile version of the site

Adaptive layout

Tse mensch vitratny for the retailer. Especially, as a vikorist, for example, Bootstrap, which will make the creation easier adaptive layout. There is little difference in the fact that the user of a mobile device actually receives the same things as the user of a desktop computer: the same scripts, the same styles, the same images. What is most important is the opening of the side that the skin may not tolerate. Productivity may also be affected, which negatively affects battery life and the website interface.

Mobile version of the site

gateway mobile version The site must be stored in the system on which the site was created (MODX, CodeIgniter, Phalcon, etc.). The peculiarity of this method is that for the benefit of desktop computers And users of mobile devices are provided with different versions of the site (different layout, CSS and JavaScript scripts). I have already written an article about (and for).

Mobile add-on

Since the site has constant referrals, it means you can get a sense mobile app. At this time, traffic between the site and mobile device will change, so that the content itself will no longer be transmitted, but the code for displaying the interface will already be added. Spending money on developing programs and support is another story.


With the help of these simple changes in the body, you can properly optimize sites that speed them up for certain indicators many times.

1. Description

Did you know that recently the number of characters in the site description increased to 255? So, for our REVO (sorry, evist) in new versions it is no longer necessary to strip files and the database in order to increase the limit. With the latest version 2.6.3, you can safely write more text in this field. Do you have an older version? Why don’t you update;)


The most important thing is that SEOs are trying to prove that this field has survived and there is no place for it. Ha! The largest SEO companies in Belarus make every effort to write clearly what they need in this field. Visnovok - it’s like a lick, it’s like falling with a saw on the balcony, but, melodiously, it’s still needed.

3. Headings

On the side there may be one H1 and on the other side there will be 100% of the drops. Well, that’s all you need to know (I’m sure that’s all). Ale. More other headlines. So the axis, H2 and H3 plays a role only in the text (our content field) and on important phrases. It is not possible to use service phrases that are used as elements of a navigation template as headings.

For example: we have a footer and a new structure with 4 blocks. For everyone: contacts, mailings, logo, social. Measures and in. So from, often this place is subscribed

Contact us

or else

Remove video

And you can’t be so timid. It is clear that layout designers themselves rotate layouts this way. What is it timid? Replace with
Or perhaps you will have to get into css. Or “blow the head of the layout designer” (sometimes it helps).

I began to appreciate that it’s rare to hear H4 in the text. And the axis of the fifth and sixth headings on sites, like in the work of optimizers, simply does not exist - everything is through styles.

4.Last Modified

Renewal of information about those when the document was changed is important. Ale here is as simple as shelling pears, the solution has already been given to us by our Ilya – modx.com/extras/package/modlastmodified.

5. Rel canonical

Don't forget about the canonical address of the page. Well, unforgettable and about those that we will have two canonical addresses, which we call pdoPage without “setMeta” => 0. Moreover, the other one will, apparently, not be comme il faut.

6. Noindex and nofollow

Often our brother does not fool around with this meta tag and write through the chunk head
But here we forget about the main essence of these phrases. Let me remind you that the value no/follow is for managing the indexation fence on the page, and no/index is for managing the indexation of the text on the page.

So the axis, the layout of the pages of the pagination may also be noindex and follow (do not index the text, but avoid the message). For this I have a miniature snippet, which I called index follow (click in the head for the main pages of the site).

$robots = " $norobots = " $meta = $robots; $request_uri = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; if(!empty($_GET["page"])) $meta = $norobots; if(!empty($_GET["sort" ])) $meta = $norobots;

For service pages, create your template (not for simple sites, without special office and something else) and there you can already manually write this meta tag and others.

7. Micro-marking and Open Graph Protocol

Well, well, she is very, very important. І for the product/service page, і for contacts, і for articles, і for bread crumbs. Encourage us to be lazy and marvel at these parameters, but they are still important for the PS. For linear axis copy/past.
("pdoCrumbs" | snippet: [ "limit" => 5, "tpl" => "@INLINE
  • ($menutitle)
  • ", "tplHome" => "@INLINE
  • Golovna
  • ", "tplCurrent" => "@INLINE
  • ($menutitle)
  • ", "tplWrapper" => "@INLINE ", "showHome" => 1, "showAtHome" => 0 ])

    Well, so what if it makes sense:

    I won’t introduce the Open Graph Protocol, but just google it yourself, as it will work :)

    8. Title in Posilan

    Well, he’s crazy about the pictures, but I believe that you remember him forever. And the main point of our beloved pdotools page is a “small sin” on this topic and, if you forget, you can skip the message to the site without any important attribute. You can write the templates right away in a click, or you can write them in a snippet, which is more handy. Ale to increase your respect on tplPage, tplPageActive, tplPagePrev and tplPageNext.

    If you are a victor of pdoNeighbors, it also has no message descriptions for tplNext, tplPrev and tplUp. That's right at pdoMenu, unfortunately, tpl without anything. Zagalom - be respectful here.

    9. Cyclic messages

    When visiting the site, most customers know that by clicking on the logo, they can go to cob side website. The clickable logo has long become a standard. But there is only one mistake - because on the head side the logo is also clickable, so that we can remove the cyclical message, the side clicks on itself. Likuvannya is simple:

    (if $_modx->resource.id != 1) makeUrl(1)" title="Go to main page" > !} !} config.site_name), go to head "> (else) config.site_name), go to head"> (/if)

    [[*id:is=`1`:then=` `:else=` `]]

    10. Sides of favors

    If you land on such a page, it is important not to waste your money. Dates for a comprehensive description of the police and the ability to go to a popular section or turn to head side. 404 and 403 guilty. The responsibilities must be clear, concise and without a hint of “kalamut” in the appearance of bread crumbs, great pictures of the beast, if the text of the pardon and the message on the way out of it is not visible.

    Bonus: two “buns” for MODX REVO

    І to the remains two lifehacks, These are the types of things I’m just “dragging on” for the rest of the month. Perche- This is a systematic adjustment for the koristuvach.

    It’s no secret that the click for the system adjustment is lower, the lower click for the add-on field on the page. I, if we need to put phone numbers, addresses and phrases from the “basement” or “caps” somewhere, then the “best” solutions will be placed in system settings.

    Ale! We can’t let managers’ hands in there. What's timid?

    1. Let's install the cool component settingsWidget from modstore.pro (https://modstore.pro/packages/utilities/settingswidget) from something not yet particularly known to me DocentBF. We are writing in our new creations before adjustments. The author describes the instructions, you can easily figure it out.
    2. How to manage panels and create them new panel. The old one will be erased with the updated MODX. This widget can be created and added to it. We call it after our own. This widget represents the manager's policy. Ale! The police cannot be blocked from accessing system adjustments, otherwise they won’t be helped.
    3. Adjustment can be done in a different way. Let's go to the setup menu and from the top menu, the “Admin” tab goes to the server. So I lost my sight, but I didn’t know from the panel. I am attaching my manager’s work policy to the email. Let’s work on these basic robots. We'll screw you if we change the menu. Really win.

    Life hack two. We can reveal any template, for example, Golovna. In the Icon field (after Name and Inventory) we write icon-home. Saved, updated. Open the Resources tab. Cool, isn't it? :) And this is bootstrap, just called icon. Take care.

    So that's it for now. Maybe there will be a different part, but later. I have two new assignments at work, plus I also need to prepare myself after a period of depression. So for a few months I’ll hardly write an article again. Hello, as before, I love you, the strength of MODX and EVO CMS.

    We promote professional support for sites on CMS MODX and poshukova prosuvannya sites and online stores on MODX. Your online store and website are partitioned into an administration system MODX Evolution or MODX Revolution And if you need a search for the site, then you will go crazy for the address. We have been busy with the development, modification and development of websites and online stores on MODX for a long time. We have accumulated great evidence of optimization and SEO promotion of online stores and sites on MODX.

    MODX is a tougher system, easy to use for SEO

    We chose MODX, as it is reliable, flexible, manual and gives ample opportunities for optimization and implementation of the CMS. We know all the capabilities and advantages of this system. We are aware of the great number of powerful efforts.

    United Vikonaviets - SEO optimizer and web programmer

    All robots perform self-tightening with optimization of code and content. You will not have the chance to joke around with a Wikonian for Vikonian work with optimization or SEO-addition of the site code. We take on external maintenance of the website and work with it, furthering the thorough development of your website and online store.

    Our prices are equal to freelancing

    A month's worth of work on a project will be equal to that of a freelancer. By registering as a freelancer, you get a reliable partner, work under a contract, accounting authority, and a wide range of payment options. A team of specialists is working on your project.