How to lock the keyboard on a laptop How to lock the computer keyboard behind additional keys Locking the keyboard for children

Do you need to come in at any time? computer, and you don’t want it to happen at this hour, having quickly yours per day, marvel confidential information What to save for the new one follows lock your computer.
What b lock your computer for an hour it is enough for you to press shared keys zi Windows icon to whom I wrote earlier.
You can marvel at this statue. Is it possible run blocker with a bear from a label, clicking on the new door. Ale for what is needed create this shortcut. Let's call it: Click right button

Misha on

to the free man

“Desktop”, select “Create” in the menu and then “Shortcut”. A window will open, in which field enter the line “rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation”. Enter respectfully, exactly what is written here, otherwise the label will not appear. After entering, click the “Next” button and give the label a name as you wish, for example, “Blocking”. Click the “Done” button and a shortcut will appear on the desktop.

You can decorate it,

having turned

for new



  • By right-clicking on the shortcut, select the “Powerful” menu item, then click “Change icon”.
  • If you immediately see the icons at the end, everything is fine, just select the appropriate one. Anyway, click "Look" mozhe buti duzhe korisna.
  • I don’t know how you are, but it’s not good for me to hang out all the time.

And to gain some respect, you can walk around with your laptop, and at that moment, if I’m sitting at it.

If you wanted to clean the keyboard with saw or other slag, but you don’t want to turn on your laptop, then just block it.

As you see, this function is very interesting, so let’s move on to this stage. Wild cats I have long made it a rule that whenever I go to the toilet, I always lock the screen. on a lot of work I had such a fever and that’s it. Robiti is even simpler. You need more pressure.


And on the screen that appears, select


. It's much easier to use keyboard shortcuts WIN+L

Third party programs Naturally, the philanderers won’t deprive us of something like this. I’ll show you a couple, and you can decide for yourself which one is the quickest to buy.

Toddler Keys

Let's get started with an easy program called Toodler Keys.

You can take it, then run it and install it in the original way.

It's simple.

Now, if you don’t want to worry, the keyboard won’t work anyway.

If you want to rap then, so that she asks again, then in the same

context menu

How to lock the keyboard behind hotkeys?

If you have a cloud account installed on your computer, you will be prompted for a password to log into the system when you start it. While working with files, browsing web pages, or finishing any other activity, you can always return to this window. To do this, you need to use the key combination Win + L. First, to turn the computer back into work mode, you will have to enter a password, otherwise this method will not only help you lock the keyboard, but also unlock those Available on the monitor as seen by third parties. Of course, you should choose a password following the security rules - at least 6 characters, so that it cannot be selected by typing the keys. In this case, the child will more likely press the keys, but will not deny access to your files.

Locking the keyboard on a laptop during an hour of work on the Internet is possible when you go to

full screen mode


All these programs, as has already been said above, have one significant plus - they are all absolutely harmless.

In addition, their installation is simple and does not require any special skills.

If, when installing the program, you ask to activate a certain code or send a paid SMS for activation, then you will not be able to proceed with the installation. Most likely, this is a program-virus, like a vikorist’s cage for spinning clothes. Vaughn can be the manager of the computer.

There is also a way to turn off the keyboard before the system starts.

And then select a series of actions: [Start menu - "Programs" - "Standards"].

  • There will be a command line where you need to enter the command rundll32 keyboard, disable (enter without pads). After this action, the keyboard will be blocked, otherwise the system will not start again. One of the ways to minimize this problem is to turn off the computer when the skin is in your work area. Such a potential scammer, when faced with theft of files, will have to go through the procedure of logging into the system..

Obviously, such a method is both impractical and unmanageable.

  • I dream more manual way?<Of course, it means that access to the computer is blocked due to the lack of work space.>.
  • If you're in a hurry to get to your computer, you'll have to enter a password to gain access to your Windows desktop.<Locking the computer manually Windows 7 offers three ways to block your computer before it becomes unavailable for work.

Vibir menu Start command

Completion of robots > Blokuvati

There is nothing special about the blocking techniques described in the front section;

The main problem is to remember the necessity of their stagnation. For example, if you are afraid of everyone, who can guess about those who need to block the computer? In such situations, it happens that a person arrives at the appointed place and then realizes that she forgot to block her PC, after which she begins to suffer from thoughts about those who have made her computer unprotected.

  1. To avoid such problems (without the possibility of penetration), it is better to configure the computer so that it is blocked automatically after the end of a period of activity on the side of the user.
  2. U
  3. more versions
  4. Windows requires a screen saver to enable this behavior, and Windows 7 is not to blame for this.
  5. Bring it lower, move it lower.
  6. Right-click on the desktop and select Personalization in the context menu to open the Personalization window.

Click on the icon Screen saver.

If you need a screen saver to appear after your PC has been turned on and idle for an hour, select it from the Screen Saver list. At the hospital, select the downtime interval (in hvilina), after which Windows 7 must automatically block the PC. Install the instruction icon from the Start from the login screen option. Click the OK button. Computer locking keys

Protecting your account account with a password in Windows 7, although it’s a miracle idea, still doesn’t provide a hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-dollar guarantee. Hackers are a very vulnerable group, and some of the smartest among them have already figured out how to hack the password system of cloud accounts. Their trick lies in the approach: they install a virus or program like “in the system.” .

Trojan horse

  1. Click on the Start button, enter Command Row, in the list of search results, right-click on the Command Row option and select Run as administrator in the context menu.
  2. Open the dialog box Control cloud records of clients. Enter in the Control cloud records window for those who own their cloud data. At the window command line enter command control userpasswords2.
  3. Appear in the dialogue box
  4. Cloud records
  5. Right-click on the desktop and select Personalization in the context menu to open the Personalization window.

koristuvachiv. Go to the Addatkovo tab. Designate the ensign Vimagati onslaught CTRL+ALT+DELETE.

There are a number of ways to display the keypad in order. Let's take a look at their actions. Himself

forgive method Locking the keyboard will change different key combinations. For example, using the Win + L buttons does not work.

You can simply remove the ban by entering the user's password or pressing the NumLock + Fn keys. This is how it should be stored under the brand of the plant. Some models have installed programs that support different combinations of buttons. Fn+F6, as well as Fn+F11, may be useful. The most advanced setting is enabled after an additional combination of the digital panel, which blocks the entry of characters.

Therefore, you need to be careful. After installing the program, you must uncheck the boxes in the menu with the Disable Power Button and Lock Driver Doors items. If you ignore the settings, not only the keyboard is deactivated, but also the back button optical drive

and the darkening of the computer.

Another surprise during the hour of working with this program. When you click on the icon in the tray, you will see the keyboard, or the screen and mouse. To unlock the track, enter the password on the monitor.

When there are small children in the house

Do you often work on

home computer

, but you have a little one that can help you write text in the asc, delete a number of files or open a number of windows, power issues, how to lock the keyboard from children. If the child is still small, the laptop can be placed on the table or in the closet. Soon the baby will learn to put his foot down and get everything he needs. So you need to know how to lock the keyboard on your laptop as a child. Block program: protection from children's empty hands

Entertain the Block program.

It is very easy to operate, with a Russian interface, quick and easy locks for children, as well as simple settings.