Bitrix how to install the compression module. Bitrix compression module

As you know, Bitrix Framework consists of modules. Vlasna, the Bitrix core is the same module, so called the “Head Module”, supplemented by the SiteUpdate installation system. There are a total of 40 standard modules; different editions come with a variety of configurations.

For example, the minimal edition of “Start” includes 4 modules: “Head module”, “Structure management”, “Information blocks” and “Compression”. And the minimal edition for online trading, called “Small Business,” consists of a total of 28 modules, including Head. And to yourself:

1. Head module
2. Trade catalog
3. Photo gallery 2.0
4. Structure management
5. Online store
6. Social services
7. Information blocks
8. Currencies
9. Opituvannya
10. Highload blocks
11. Productivity monitor
12. Forum
13. SEO module
14. Khmarni monastery
15. Gloomy gatherings
16. Blogs
17. Poshuk
18. Dark service
19. Advance payment, payment
20. Proactive defender
21. Scaling
22. Email marketing
23. Compression
24. Translation
25. Mobile platform
26. Web form
27. Mobile add-on
28. Push technology& Pull

The installation of modules can be done in the administrative section at the address Settings > Product settings > Modules. Please be aware that installing the module will require hosting resources, first of all disk space. Therefore, after adding an edition, you should carefully read the list of installed modules, clarify which modules to install, and modules that are not being modified, delete (uninstall).

Cost-free installation of the Bitrix module from Marketplace

Once you have navigated to the admin panel, go to the Marketplace tab. Find the required module by searching for the name. By clicking on the end, go to the module page. Click the “Enter” button, and then the “Install” button. After installation, configure the module in the Modules section of the administration panel. To do this, go to Settings > Product Settings > Modules, select the name of the installed module and go to setup by clicking on it.

Cost-free installation of the cost-free module "Bitrix" from the archive

Seize the module archives (only from a trusted device! Otherwise, you will open the gates to hackers with your own hands!). Upload the archives to your hosting in the /bitrix/modules/MODULE IM folder. Then unzip the archive on your hosting and delete the archive file. Go to the admin panel and go to Settings > Product Settings > Modules. Find the new module in the list of available modules and start the installation by clicking the “Install” button. Once completed, you will find the module in the list of installed modules and you can configure it.

Paid installation of the Bitrix module from Marketplace

Bitrix Marketplace has tens of thousands of modules available that, for little money, can help speed up your website, simplify routine maintenance procedures, greatly increase the speed of your work with a trade catalog, and help you with by sound optimization. Cataloza Marketplace has 245 ready-made online stores, 373 ready-made websites, 127 Galuzev solutions and 45 SEO solutions.

To install the paid Bitrix module from the Marketplace, find its card in the catalogue, click the Buy button and pay for the module. You will immediately pick up the retailer sheet with the activation coupon and installation instructions. After that, go to the Currency panel, go to the Marketplace tab and in the Update section, go to the Coupon Activation tab. Enter coupon code. After this, the name of the purchased module will appear in the list of available modules. Click the “Install” button and then proceed as you would before installing the costless module.

The 1C-Bitrix system is considered one of the most popular not only in Russian market, and among foreign retailers. This is due to the ease of running websites and the ease of setup.

On the 1C-Bitrix system, there are differences in the complexity of websites: news resources, business cards, social networks, online stores, etc. However, this year, website pages are becoming increasingly popular.

The problem in optimizing the image of Bitrix, which is not affected by the CMS, is through third parties. In order for images to take up less space and be more popular, you need to install the image optimization plugin in Bitrix. This plugin is a solution from OptiPic.

Optimizing the image of a site on Bitrix via OptiPic allows you to speed up the site’s engagement by 2-3 times. Practice has already shown that resources are increasingly being coveted, as well as by wealthy people. This is especially critical for online stores and catalogues, as buyers may not be able to see the site’s interest and access to competitors’ resources.

Embossed image from Bitrix

OptiPic is a plugin for compressing Bitrix image prompts on an algorithm that identifies technical data on the image file and deletes them. This does not affect the color and appearance of the picture, but rather its size. In some cases, technical data takes up up to 90% of the file size.

Therefore, to compress images, Bitrix uses OptiPic. The average change in the size of pictures becomes 70%. In addition, it is enough to set up the plugin once and start processing both the images that are already uploaded to the server and the images that are added to the site.

Pressure to display the site on Bitrix to pass through background mode and it involves great straining. For users of the resource, there is nothing to be expected except for the rapid acquisition of pages. Administrators can benefit from the fact that over time the plugin takes up space on the server's hard drive to reduce the size of images.

Optimizing images in Bitrix no longer requires manual input from the administrator. Set up OptiPic and all necessary operations will be carried out automatically.

What is the squeeze to depict?

Optimization of images with special processing graphic file This method is used to minimize its size without losing visual clarity.

To carry out this procedure, there are a large number of complex algorithms. However, all of them are based on the same basis - from the graphic file you need to delete all the service data that is located there (for example, the names of programs that save Denmark file ta ін), and also for help special programs combine/smooth similar colors.

As a result, we are removing the same images that have not changed visually at all. However, the information about this file in bytes will be much smaller than the original. How to carry out I'll give you a sample That's right, the image file can be changed up to 98% without losing the image quality.

This means that the images on the side pages of the site will become more popular after their optimization.

How to optimize images for your website

  • Save disk space.
  • Fast-tracking of pages.
  • Increased conversion.
  • The ranking of the site is more clear when searched.

It has been confirmed that the site needs to be painted soon behavioral factors, and also increase website conversion (increase sales). The more attractive the side of the site is, the fewer buyers will be able to do anything there. If your website on the Internet does not work well, you have every chance of wasting your potential income. Accelerating the work of the Internet resource will allow you to increase conversion and thus significantly increase revenue and gain more clients.

Advantages of the OptiPic service

  • Daily and monthly payments.
  • Complete automation.
  • Provided cost-free assistance within the hour of connection.
  • The Internet addresses (URL) of these pictures do not change; they will no longer be saved on your website.
  • To connect to this service, you do not need any special skills from the programmer or administrator.
  • The system has daily changes in image size.
  • Russian technical guide.

How can image optimization speed up your website?

The side of any website most often consists of:

  • depict;
  • html code (text layout, layout, layout);
  • video;
  • javascript scripts with logic that is installed on the side of the browser;
  • css files with page styles.

This item, such as images, takes up most of the work on the site’s pages and the “most important” part of the pages.

The change (optimization) will certainly allow you to effectively develop your interest in any Internet resource.

Apparently, as soon as you change the image (at a lower volume), all pages of the site will begin to work much faster.

By compressing images on the site, you can change them up to 75-98% without sacrificing your visual brilliance.

How to connect OptiPic to 1C-Bitrix for image compression?

Register and add your website to a special account After completing the registration, you will receive an email with instructions for activating your account. Follow these instructions. Then go to our website special office

Profile > My sites, click the Add site button, enter the URL of your site and click the Connect site button.

Please feel free to install the module on your website

After adding the site to the system, go to the Add module tab. There you need to download the archives from the module. Unzip this archive and upload it to your website (at site). As a result, your site may have a site folder in the root of the site with the following structure:

  • website
    • config.php
    • help.php
    • index.php

And on the website after this the following page is available: http://your-domain..php.

Select tariff and renew order

After you upload the module to your site, you will need to activate site indexing in the site settings and ensure that the site is first indexed by the OptiPic system - this will take 24 years. If you want to speed up the process, manually submit your site for indexing.

After the first indexing is completed, the system will show what kind of image (how many gigabytes?) was found on your site. You can earn money by investing in Index and statistics.

Now, if you know how to display an image on your site, add the package you need and remove the pressure on setting up the site.

Nowadays, work on the site requires a dynamic management system. As soon as the site is created on 1C-Bitrix, it will be possible to convey your ideas to the reviewer using an additional wide range of tools.

The main feature of this CMS is its modularity, so that, although there is one administrative base for site management, all editions of 1C-Bitrix are divided into one type of modules.
For example, the simplest edition of “First Site” is divided into sections for small companies and includes 4 main modules:

  • Head module.
  • Structure management.
  • Information blocks.
  • Module.
The editors of "Start" offer additional modules gloomy services, SEO module and search. "Standard" has a blog, a forum, mobile distribution capabilities and a mobile platform. "Small business" allows with minimal expenses earn money Vlasny online store ta keruvati content to the site.
Under the "Expert", which is the basis for developing an information portal on its own social border In the meantime, it is possible to work on the site.

Bitrix composite site

The "Composite Site" technology aims to accelerate the delivery of content from the server to the user, thereby reducing the burden on the server.
The hour for removing the side of the page will soon pass
reduces demand on the server
adds dynamic areas on the page that you want.

The Bitrix Composite Site technology expands the functionality of auto-cache pages. Nowadays, this technology has created dynamic areas on the cache page, in which the results of a merchant’s behavior on the site can be displayed: for example, products added to a box or a block of products looked at by a merchant.

In the dynamic area of ​​the page, with the help of asynchronous ajax requests, the results of the user's activity on the page are displayed.

The "Composite Site" technology is a combination of html-caching and ajax-advanced information.

The result has obvious advantages of speeding up the website:
Customers are satisfied with the work of the site, and they know the reasons for this
best ranking in search terms
By replacing the point-to-point location on the server, the site can be operated without compromising on the large number of suppliers.

The CMS Bitrix capacity monitor module includes verification of website capacity, and its main purpose is to provide the manager with technical modifications and verification by an expert in 1C- Bitrix project.
In CMS Bitrix, in order to complete a project on the Yakom Monitor, it is necessary to pass tests of various significance - verification of the yakness, adjustment of the product and additional recommendations specific to the 1C-Bitrix platform.

The module consists of a set of tests that must be completed manually automatic mode, divided into obov'yazkovi from passage and necessity. Obvious tests check critically important points, so they may be passed.
The testing includes 66 tests, of which 26 are oblique, and verification is carried out in the following order:

  1. Integration of design and development
  2. Safety
  3. Productivity
  4. Hosting
  5. Project goal

After passing all 26 physical tests, the project site can be compiled, after which the results from the test are archived. The more tests are successfully passed, the better for the money manager.

What will happen if you want to decorate a truck and an old wardrobe weighing 1 ton? That's right: the first one will go at maximum speed, and the other one cannot be destroyed from the spot. So are websites: each of them has their own resources for hosting, configuration, and adjustment of the 1C-Bitrix platform.

The goal is for our support to come from scroungers at a low level of attraction. In 99.9% of cases, it turns out that the problem lies in weak hosting and incorrect settings. We know how to work, how a website or an online store works, and how to correctly diagnose and independently increase productivity - so that you can fly.

1. Assess productivity

The “Productivity Monitor” module of 1C-Bitrix allows you to monitor the productivity of the site and compare the results with the standard indicators. There are also weak points: website, CMS, configuration, unclear technology or hosting. You can launch your site or a clean 1C-Bitrix on different platforms and equalize the numbers.

What you need to know about productivity indicators:

  • less than 30 points - forget about productivity and the popularity of pages. You don’t like the “Duzhe shvidko” show. Galmuvati will be everything!
  • from 30 to 60 – suitable for small projects (corporate websites and online stores with a small number of products, a small number of SKUs and parameters for a reasonable filter)
  • from 60 to 100 - the server configuration is acceptable, but not optimal. More projects coming. The site is working, but not on the surface.
  • 100 – you guys are great: you didn’t hesitate to choose normal hosting! The admin is flying, a lot of data from 1C is being downloaded with a bang, the pages are being sold quickly. You sleep peacefully and don’t even think about writing technical support for problems with your favorite site, and you have never run the Request timeout or 502 Bad Gateway.
  • 200 and above – perfect!

Yak protest site

Go to the productivity panel: Settings → Productivity → Productivity panel. Click the “Productivity Test” button and check the number of items.

2. Switch to PHP7

The latest version of PHP was released on January 3, 2015. Vaughn was divided with an emphasis on increased productivity and changes in memory retention. The test will be shown again (example 1 but 2) - the increase in productivity after switching to a new kernel becomes 40%!

Sit on old people PHP versions- make your life easier and work better on the Internet. If your hosting does not support PHP7, change it (for example, without cost transfers). If your site does not support PHP7, please correct yourself. And even better, try solutions with the support of PHP7 - for example, from Aspro.

3. Improve your cachet

Vikoristovuvati composite and autocomposite are good and correct. Or just turn them on - fix it. To avoid a significant increase in speed, you need to correctly set the cache life time depending on the frequency of data updates on the site and the availability.

Yak is not required:

As required, it depends on the frequency of updating the data and the availability of the site:

  1. Prices on the site are updated manually or several times a week.
    Recommendations for keshuvannya hour: not less than 172800 seconds (2 dobi).
  2. Prices on the site are updated once a day, prices from 1C or other warehouse systems are updated at night.
    86400 seconds (1 dobu).
  3. Infrequently, but it happens: prices are updated through real-time exchange from 1C and it happens that many times throughout the day.
    Recommendations for keshuvannya hour:
    7200 seconds (2 years).

4. Create faceted indexes for a smart filter

Faceted indexes speed up the operation of the intelligent filter. When a smart filter needs to go through all the products in the catalog and equalize their power based on the specified parameters. If there are a lot of products, this process can take value hour. The facet then processes and stores the options for queries, saves them in the system and displays them after the queries.

In words everything is miraculous, in reality it’s not so much: facets rarely create and vikorist. Try it and improve the fluidity of the filtration results.

5. Analyze and create indexes in the database

Indexes are analyzed and created here: Adjustment → Productivity → Indexes → Index Analysis.

Click the button “Visit analysis of collected data” SQL queries" As long as the indicators are green, everything is in order: the creation indices. Since the indicators are ready, you can create them yourself. Instructions in the 1C-Bitrix manuals

6. Turn off the modules so that they do not become corrupted.

When initializing the 1C-Bitrix kernel, a large number of modules are connected. The stinks take away resources, otherwise they are not needed full-time robots website. By enabling application modules, there is a noticeable increase in productivity. Before that, how to work, how to work hard backup copy website.

Some modules are rarely used and can be enabled without any problems for the site to work:

  • AD/LDAP integration (ldap)
  • Push and Pull (pull)
  • Wiki (wiki)
  • A/B testing (abtest)
  • Web analytics (statistic)
  • Web cluster
  • Web messenger (im)
  • Web services (webservice)
  • Business process designer (bizprocdesigner)
  • Document management (workflow)
  • Calendar
  • Constructor of calls (report)
  • Idea manager
  • Mobile platform (mobileapp) – not connected mobile app
  • Mobile add-on for an online store (eshopapp) - if the mobile add-on is not connected
  • Navchannya (learning)
  • Translate
  • Post (mail)
  • Technical advice (support)
  • Universal lists (lists)
  • Scale management.
How to do it: go to setup modules Work table → Settings → Product settings → Modules and open the application.

7. Set up a CDN

Another ambiguous speech, as you can decipher the site, so it’s very clear. What's this?


The Site Acceleration Module (CDN), which allows you to capture all static content on your site (pictures, files css styles, js scripts) through a content distribution network (Content Delivery Network or Content Distribution Network, CDN). Tim himself is interested in a significant portion of the site's resources from the closest server. This allows you to increase the speed of viewing pages up to several times.

Also, CDN connections reduce the traffic on the main server of the site. Sucking all the static content of the plowing of your site is not an unprocessor -in -laws, but with the university of CDN, yaki vm and the dazh cashuvati content, he is Kilkiy to the beasts of the Bezpo -Serdeno ”(stars)

You can set up a CDN here: Setup → Khmara 1C-Bitrix → Speed ​​up the site (CDN).


Not everything is so simple: for some, CDN inclusions provide a real increase in productivity, and for others, it actually reduces the level of engagement with the site. There is only one way out: test and measure the results.

8. Increase compression of CSS and JS files

The website's head module has a special block that allows you to color the website's performance indicators. It's called "CSS Optimization". Check all the boxes, save changes and test the fluidity of your pages.

It’s all in the details, read. And good old Google PageSpeed ​​Insights will help you evaluate both the “before” and “after” characteristics.