Elementary, Watson: what is a virtual PBX and what is the future for business? Virtual PBX Powerful communication space.

Virtual PBX technology allows us to completely replace the need to install physical devices (PBX) in company offices. The telephone or Internet provider provides access to remote facilities that are part of the activities of that company.
Many people ask that this is a virtual PBX. This is a service that is required to connect several telephones of companies from the savings of a single number, and from a different number of lines. Similar technologies are relevant for the improvement of communication networks in call centers, in customer service departments, and throughout the office of organizations of varying sizes. A virtual PBX allows you to connect remotely from a few to tens of IP phones.

What is the principle behind the ATS?

To find out how the virtual PBX operates, remember that mini-PBX is installed in offices to connect IP phones at a single point. This is relevant for online stores, call centers, service companies and third-party representatives. When performing the service of a virtual telephone exchange, all data will be on the provider’s server, and the exchange of information will be carried out using SIP and VoIP protocols. You can transmit both video and audio. Payment for services is monthly, so the company does not need to buy expensive mini-PBXs to own offices and contact centers.

Functions and capabilities of a dark telephone exchange

In order to understand in more detail how a bad ATS works and what its advantages are, it is necessary to analyze the structure of the device itself. Key function Virtual automatic telephone exchange - this is the extraction of a multichannel number for all telephones of the organization. When a subscriber calls the company's number, it is directed to an authorized operator. As soon as all the boxes are occupied, the subscriber checks the cards until he is automatically connected to the call center that has dialed in. Also, PBXs are suitable for connecting the voice menu function if the subscriber selects other items when dialing numbers on his phone. This is relevant for large contact centers with many branches of operators. To organize your website, integration with the “Callback” services is possible. All applications are processed automatically.
Other possibilities:

  • creation of conferences between participants from different parts of the world;
  • Connecting to a service for recording telephone calls;
  • Connection to the "black list";
  • Golosova Posta;
  • Electronic fact and video calls.

In addition to connecting IP devices, synchronization of a remote PBX with mobile devices and use computers. The provider assigns a number to select from the list. Importantly, Moscow numbers with capital and great city codes are available to everyone.

Savings on tariffs and other benefits of connecting to a virtual PBX

Many people have questions about what is required to switch to a virtual PBX. For this purpose it is necessary to contact the operator who provides such service. If you install a physical mini-PBX in the office, if you have secure connections, you do not need to run wires from all phones, as long as synchronization is carried out via a secure channel. The server operates smoothly without any risk of failure or damage. Therefore, subscribers can access the company number by dialing at any time.
Response to the question: “What is the need for a virtual PBX?” seeks financial gain. Savings for the company when connecting to a virtual automatic telephone exchange are achieved not only on call tariffs, but also on installation, maintenance and purchase of telephone equipment. Activating the service takes only a few years. Further adjustments can be made in the office via web interfaces.

For construction and modernization corporate measures The connection can be obtained via Virtual PBX. This will help you easily optimize all communication processes for business.

Based on the Virtual or Mini-PBX, it is possible to combine all communication channels into one: from emergency calls and notification of clients and partners to instant messengers to the creation of automatic tasks in the integrated th CRM or ERP systems.

Benefits that IP telephony provides for the office:

    availability of the line for receiving and making calls;

    feasibility cost-free connection the number of internal numbers for mobile phone numbers is not available;

    the ability to use both dial-up and IP-based connections to connect subscribers;

    high viscosity and stability of the bond without breakage of connections, noise, transfer and other defects that may affect the production of comfortable splicing;

    expansion functional capabilities virtual IP-PBX, especially with the rapid integration of virtual telephony with customer relationship management systems (CRM and ERP), without even mentioning traditional tasks (receiving and faxing, saving click forwarding);

    the number of days of contact before the office is reassigned;

    the ability to connect dynamic call tracking to improve the effectiveness of advertising.

* - uninterrupted operation of communication is guaranteed when routing calls only through the networks of our company (without transfers from/to partners) and in case of force majeure.

Khmarna ATS - reliability and innovation

Cold telephony is a current platform for companies with any staff, including those with remote employees (working in office positions). Experienced great business success in Moscow and other places in Russia.

Virtual PBX is a full-functional telephone service, the technical base of which is based on duplicated all infrastructure elements, which guarantees uninterrupted operation and data saving, including login records c. Optimal flexibility, the ability to integrate with other business tools and expanded functionality give the opportunity to use an innovative product every day.

You can use a private PBX in the office without phones - all you need is a computer or laptop connected to the Internet: all resources are actually available from the provider. The number will be virtual, so there will be no connection to the office. You can connect and configure the Virtual PBX completely remotely.

Connection within 3 years

The selected number will become available for receiving calls immediately after the agreement is concluded

Number of days of binding to the address

Good farewells, good relocations, or discovering new points of presence

Special tariffs

Number connection costs 0 RUR, room fee costs 250 RUR/month, service fee costs 0.42 RUR.

High reliability

The UIS connection infrastructure guarantees a stable robot – no more than 15 days of downtime per month*

Easily connect options

It’s easy to enable and disable functionality and pay for additional tools and capabilities

Technical support 24/7

І personal manager for manual work with telephone, Virtual PBX and other tools

Possibilities of a virtual PBX for business

Online stores

Automation of transaction processing

Call center

Control of operators and division of clicks

Service companies

Understanding all stages of interaction with clients

Financial organizations

This is an important solution for companies that value mobility. IP telephony can be used anywhere in the world and does not require changing your phone number. Dark telephony allows you to select any kind of adjustment right up to the script, selecting a singing operator when deciding on the tasks of the minds To a special office What to do with a Virtual PBX is a very powerful tool that adapts to any needs.

Connecting a smart phone to the UIS allows you to use various tools: call from the site (site phone), ice generator and online consultant. With our help company, we can provide clients with additional communication channels. Virtual PBX connections - polite croc for business growth.

What is a virtual PBX?

PBX is a company's telephone system that ensures the connection of internal numbers to external telephone lines and mobile networks (in general, all work phones of your satellites). A virtual PBX is a service that replaces a physical office telephone exchange. The client removes the IP-PBX program from the client.

In the case of a traditional PBX, the “zaliznytsia” is on the client’s side, and in the case of a virtual station, everything is owned security software connected to the operator, the client connects to the PBX via the Internet.

So, why does business need a PBX?

Create an image of a reliable company

Find out what you want to make your kitchen furniture. You search for “Buy a kitchen set” and search for online shopping sites. On some websites you can find the local phone number and the numbers of all departments, and on the other websites you can find your phone number. Who would you call us before?

Most often, start-ups and young businesses simply may not have an office; healthcare workers work from home and become victorious Stilnikov's telephones, and on the websites young entrepreneurs indicate special features mobile numbers. In such a situation, bad telephony can help brighten up the image - create the image of a great company that you can trust. You can select local numbers, and you can also create other numbers for your departments (if you don’t have any). Such a function may be needed with large corporate clients.

Clients cannot catch up with competitors

Find out what you wanted to change the brushing. For this you need to sign up for a beauty salon. You have chosen a restaurant, there are three numbers listed on their website. You call the first - busy, the second - busy, the third - no one answers. You close the site and go to another beauty salon.

Home telephony allows you to receive calls from one number on as many devices as you want. One spy worker couldn’t tell – another one couldn’t tell.

I started a business at the literal meaning of “home”. There was no money for a full-fledged IT system, and I just bought a SIM card with a direct phone and worked like that for an hour. The business grew and began to hire managers. There was a need for rich channels. Publishing a dozen issues on a website is stupid. The client calls one or two phones at a time, it will be busy - and will not reach competitors. Exit - organization of IP telephony and PBX.


Previously, to connect to Russian numbers, you had to connect to the office telephone line or purchase Stilnikov operators corporate SIM cards. Now all you need is a laptop and an Internet connection.

It was unreasonable to place the PBX on its own installation in the office (expensive maintenance, possible interruptions in electricity and communications), so we placed it at the hmara. Renting a house costs us less than 1,000 rubles per month, including saving records of payments for the rest of the river. Another 2000 rubles - subscription fee for multi-channel direct phone number(495), that is the reserve channel. Unlimited calls to Russian numbers are already included in the Vartist, calls to Stilnikov numbers are about 1.5 rubles per phone.

on cob stage The official telephone server may not be visible (the total cost starts at 100 thousand rubles). An IP-PBX can come to the rescue: for the beginning of the robot there is no need to purchase additional equipment, and also carry out additional equipment telephone line in the office. The price varies depending on the number of customers, but on average starts at 700 rubles per ATS at Khmara. Also, to operate a PBX in the cold, it is sufficient to have a stable Internet connection and a softphone (softphone), including both paid and no-cost options or IP telephony.

Control your employees and optimize business processes

The current virtual PBX is a security program with a unique function: statistics of skin calls with possible analysis, recording and saving of volumes, voice mode for input calls, distribution of calls in All managers and staff, virtual fax and voice mail. In fact, any PBX can be integrated with CRM, such integration opens up a lot of possibilities: you get a client card from entrance call, the call is automatically routed to a dedicated manager, and you can make telephone notifications about new services.

I began to listen to managers’ interactions with clients and partners, analyze, identify weaknesses in the relationship and consider managers, how to avoid compromises, and follow the script. The volume of roses has significantly increased, and as a result, the conversion from input calls among clients has increased. An adequate analysis of the number of input/exit calls, their trivalities, and the number of telephone contacts with a client in the middle has turned out to be adequate.

Now you have a record of all your roses

Several times, the Rosmov records have provided hundreds of thousands of rubles for business. For example, a partner fined us for replacing a tourist, arguing for this fine with the minds of a hotel in Bulgaria. We phoned the hotel in Bulgaria without any hassle, and they told us that there were no fines. A note was sent to the partner and a fine was collected. We managed to resolve a lot of conflict situations with tourists by simply relying on those that we have recorded.

Increase the price and lose money on the call

With a virtual PBX, you can receive outgoing calls (the number is designated as an office number) and receive incoming calls from any point in the world where there is an Internet connection. And your phone numbers can answer your office call from home.

If you plan to move to Thailand immediately, your clients are advised not to mention this. Where the Internet is, there is your telephone.

An additional advantage is a cost-free phone for an hour of travel outside the border.

You don't need to be a programmer or engineer to set up a PBX

Previously, to install a telephone line, a company went through several stages: an application, laying a cable, setting up a telephone and integrating a business process. And if there was a need for adjustments, it was necessary to call in specialists and spend an hour. It was impossible to uniformly distribute the emphasis on call center operators and organize a “recovery” process. From the front terrible technologies The process takes up to three minutes: registration with the service, payment and setup, which takes no more than 10 minutes.

Adjust everything “below”

A virtual PBX is a security program that you can integrate with other services, which means adding all the functions and features you need.

The butt axis is as follows: “Individual settings”:

You run the agency of indestructibility. You have a lot of real estate agents, each with their own characteristics:

  • - The smells are constantly collapsing and they need to be controlled, otherwise it is very difficult to organize a number of views of objects per day.
  • - If an unscrupulous agent denies access to a base of assets or clients, then he can serve his own special purposes - to develop interests “on the side”, taking the profits for himself.

One of these agents became a client of the bad PBX AltegroCloud - a virtual office, integration with CRM, corporate mobile connection and geolocation. The solution axis was created by AltegroCloud for real estate agents:

  • - Realtors who operate locally and are constantly present at outlets, do not dial direct numbers of the authorities when they receive calls on their mobile phones. Instead of the telephone number, the digital code of the client is displayed, which you can use to call.
  • - The call of the gentleman of the apartment and the young family is possible only from a working SIM card and only for the mind of the obligatory record of Rosmov. There is no other possibility, please refer to the reference number of the claims. In such a scenario, the chances of carrying out a “sir” are reduced to a minimum.
  • - Once a property has been acquired, the agency’s official can read in detail all the details of the property, including the records of transactions.
  • - If the client's agent has changed attachments, there is no need to remember his contacts. A call with a single number will automatically be sent to your new phone number.

Currently, the AltegroCloud team is testing new services - geolocation service, mobile satellite connection service, full history tinkles and labels on the card. Soon, AltegroCloud clients will be able to log in online to find someone else’s phone and call their office by clicking on the end of the map.

If you have your own stories about the virtual PBX, please leave them in the comments.

Rely on the primary communication method - the telephone - to coordinate the work of the specialists and work with the clients of the companies. However, given the limited number of employees and the need to generate/receive a large number of calls, one machine for the entire office is clearly not enough. In this case, there is a need for more serious and immediate communication skills.

To ensure uninterrupted communications, you can install an automatic telephone exchange and develop telephone lines at work locations. However Danish method There may be shortcomings - there is a constant increase in the cost of connections, ongoing organizational problems, and technical resource sharing. The simplest, most practical and economical way out of the situation is to contact a VOIP telephony provider and organize a private PBX office. To evaluate the benefits of such a communication solution, you need to know how a virtual PBX works and what capabilities it offers.

Why is ATS so bad?

Speaking about the functions of a PBX in general, the station is the company's telephone system, in addition to which internal numbers of the organization are connected to external telephone lines and mobile measures. In conjunction with an analogue PBX, the “trap” is actually located at the client’s disposal and a folding system of devices.

A virtual PBX is not a machine or a device. This service is provided by IP telephony operators and replaces a physical office telephone exchange. In this case, the provider’s technical equipment and software are used, and the client purchases an IP-PBX program, connected to the Internet. Vikoristannya IP-PBX is possible via VoIP-telephony or programs IP telephony. Ceremony Allows you, without spending a fortune, to install telephones in your office and give each person a personal work phone.

How does a bad ATS work?

In accordance with the principle of operation of a private PBX, the foundation of IP telephony is VoIP technology - it itself determines the order of transmission of audio data on the Internet. The direct transmission of information is carried out using cross-border or Internet protocols. The SIP signaling protocol will be used commercially. All data is stored on the servers of the provider who provides the service. In this case, the functionality of the PBX can be customized to suit the needs of a specific business.

The server that ensures the operation of the virtual PBX is engaged in the algorithmic distribution of input clicks on personal computers, smartphones, laptops, etc. The number of types of tying for division is practically unlimited. From the start, absolutely all calls are sent to single number company that is registered on the server. When a call is made, the complex system algorithm used by the virtual PBX sends a call to the required address.

In other words, the mechanism of the virtual PBX is in a state of flux: all incoming calls (either one-time or at a different hour) go to the virtual “khmara”, after which the call redirection by the server is carried out, with a script specified by the administrator, to the recipient’s SIP phone or a group of satellites . If a call is connected to a physical number, the logic for processing input calls can be configured:

  • Created privacy, sound file or activation of the voice menu;
  • Redirection is due at the hour of the day;
  • Vikonannya action depends on the occupancy of all channels or the availability of the feed;
  • Receive a notification via voice mail and e-mail.

Advantages of a virtual PBX

Depending on the specificity of the service, connecting a telephone requires the installation of wires, expensive equipment and further maintenance. It’s enough for the mother’s stand and, bazhano, high-speed connection to the limit. Thus, for minimal one-time expenses, the company removes all the capabilities of the office PBX, and regular expenses on the communication line are reduced to a minimum.

Cream high vigor telephone call and a rich number of channels, for effective work daily offices need additional functions, which are also included, can be connected within the framework of a private PBX. Enter here:

  • Possibility of integration with the site;
  • Provides detailed information;
  • Recording telephone calls;
  • Video calls, voice mail and conference calls;
  • Electronic fax;

As practice shows, using a virtual PBX can significantly simplify business processes and optimize expenses, and also provides endless opportunities to expand the number of employees. It is no less important that, regardless of the physical connection, the office can change its place of business, and the computers can be disrupted, but in no way show up on the virtual PBX. and uninterrupted communication.