Additional buttons are added to the start screen and panel. How to use the Windows button? Create button windows 8

Vimikati and perezavantazhuvati computer chi laptop can in different ways. And if in Windows 7 and XP it is enough to press Start – Shutdown, then in Windows 8 this procedure is completed. Here you need to move the mouse cursor to the right corner, tick for 1 second, select the Parameters - Operations item, and then there will be “Complete work”. It’s hard to finish, right?

Well, in Windows you can create a button to turn on your PC and place it on the desktop, pin it to the task panel or place it on the main screen. And then just one click - and your PC or laptop will turn on right away.

Vimknennya button for work Windows table you can turn around for various reasons: for dads, unaccounted for koristuvachs, or for yourself (manually). This will also help in this situation, since the PC does not freeze in the standard way (problem in drivers, etc.).

This is the most important label. All you have to do is create it, write a second command and save it. For completeness, we’ll take a look below at the butt, how to open the button, restart and put the PC to sleep.

The instructions described are universal and suitable for Windows 10, 8, 7 and XP. Moreover, you can record these shortcuts on a flash drive, and then display them on your computer, give them as gifts to friends, etc.

How to create a shortcut for your computer?

That's all. The shortcut has been created successfully.

The fragments of the wine no longer appear, you can change the icon. For whom:

Now the PC shortcut looks much nicer, right? For your convenience, you can see it, press RMB and pin it on the Start panel or on the Task panel. In Windows 8 and 10 you can also pin it to the original screen.

How to create a label re-engineered?

If you need to frequently restart your PC or laptop, you can create a restart button on your desktop, desktop or main screen. The principle of action is the same, only the team is a little different.

So, let’s create a new label:

It won't be possible to write two commands at once. If you need to create a button to turn on and restart instantly, you will have to create two shortcuts.

Deep sleep button on the desktop

If you need a short sleep label, then:

Done - a shortcut for deep sleep creations.

If you have Windows 8 Developer Preview installed, you will notice that the method of installing the system is not obvious. This is a much simpler way to wake up, re-invigorate, hibernate and put your computer to deep sleep. You can add buttons to the Metro start screen in Windows 8 that allow you to save and save in one click.

  • To get started, press the "Desktop" button on the start screen to go to the desktop.
  • Click right button on the desktop and select “Create” – “Shortcut” from the menu.
  • In the "Specify object retouching" field, enter the following command:
    shutdown.exe -s -t 00
    After that, press “Far”.
  • Enter a name for the shortcut in the “Enter shortcut name” field and click “Done”.
  • The standard icon does not clearly indicate that you need a shortcut, so you can change it. To do this, press the right button on the label and select “Power.”
  • The “Shortcut” tab will open in the “Power” window. Click “Change icon...”.
  • The fragments with the shutdown.exe program that you selected do not have any icon associated with them, so you will be notified. Click the OK button.
  • For promotional items, icons from the shell32.dll file appear. You can click the “Browse” button to select another .exe, .dll, or .ico file, or the shell32.dll file has no icons. We chose the icon with the food symbol. Click the OK button once you have selected your icon.
  • Select the icon to appear in the “Power” window. Click the OK button on your window to close it.
  • The shortcut needs to be copied to another folder so that it becomes available on the start screen, so copy the shortcut to your desktop.
  • Insert a shortcut to the next directory:
    C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
    You can copy the path above and paste it into the address bar of Explorer, or navigate to the directory manually. If you don't see the ProgramData directory, be surprised.

    Respect: The ProgramData directory is a dedicated directory. To deny access to it, click on the item “Grooved elements” in the “Show or grab” group in the “View” tab
  • Insert a shortcut to the designated directory. For everything, you will see a dialog box when you try to insert a file. Click “Continue” to allow you to paste the file into the folder.
  • You must press the "Window" button on the start screen. Click on this button to go to your computer.
  • If you don’t see the “Tick” buttons on the start screen, you can search for them and attach them to the start screen. To find the shortcut, point your mouse at the “Start” icon at the bottom left corner of the desktop to display the “Start” menu. Select "Search".
    Respect: How are you a vikorist? touch screen, you can swipe left on the screen with your right hand to access the Start menu.

    Respect: You can easily access the Start menu from the Metro start screen.
  • The “Search” panel will appear on the right side of the screen. Scroll down and select "Programs" from the list. Enter “Tick” (or the name you gave to your shortcut) in the “Search” field. Click Enter or click on the magnifying glass icon.
  • The "Vimknenny" shortcut appears on the left side of the screen. Right-click on the shortcut. The shortcut options appear in the lower right corner of the Desktop (instead of the drop-down menu, like in Windows 7 and earlier). Click on the hairpin icon. Now you have to press the “Window” button on the start screen.
    To exit the joke and turn to your desk, press Escape.

Please add buttons for re-anxiety, blocking, deep sleep and hibernation mode, create new shortcuts and enter the new commands on the first screen of the created shortcut:

  • Lock: rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
  • Hibernation: rundll32.exe powrProf.dll,SetSuspendState
  • Sleep: rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0
  • Hints and advance advice:

    • The file rundll32.exe has an icon; However, you may want to change it. Click the “Browse” button to open the file from a large number of icons. The shell32.dll file is located in C:\Windows\System32.
    • For deep sleep and hibernation mode, switch now to see if your device supports this option and switches it on.

    So, let’s look at two options for simplifying computer usage:

    1) Access the computer via the context menu

    A very sophisticated option, nothing fancy, just press it on your desktop right key Select the required option from the list:

    In order to create such a menu, you can simply select ready-made files for adding and viewing context menu having pressed one side lower:
    , . If you don’t know what the files are, then it’s up to your services. In the middle of the archives there is a file for adding the required values ​​to the registry (file Add Power Menu), as well as their data (file Remove Power Menu), as it turns out that you are not worthy of this type of menu.

    If you do not trust files from the Internet, you can create this option text file and register it with yoma expanded.reg, open it Denmark file notepad and copy next time:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "MUIVerb"="Vimknuti" SubCommands"="lock;logoff;switch;sleep;hibernate;restart;safemode;shutdown;hybridshutdown" "Icon"="shell32.dll,215" "Position"=" bottom" @="Block" @="Rundll32 User32.dll,LockWorkStation" @="Exit" @="Shutdown -l" @="Change account" @="tsdiscon.exe" @="Sleep" @=" rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep" @="Gibernation" @="Shutdown -h" @="Perezavantazhennya" @="Shutdown -r -f -t 00" @="Perezavantazhennya (wiklik menu zavantazhennya)" @ ="Shutdown -r -o -f -t 00" @="Vimknuti" @="Shutdown -s -f -t 00" @="Hybridne vimknennya" @="Shutdown -s -f -t 00 -hybrid"

    2) Access the computer through shortcuts on the desktop

    If you don’t like to click with your bear for a long time, and you don’t care about the shortcuts on your desktop, then you should alternative option, and the axis looks like this:

    To create such shortcuts, you need to:

    1) Press the right key on to the free place on the screen and select “Create” → “Shortcut”:

    2) It is necessary to write down what you need to enter in the “Roztashuvannya Object”:

    — Vimknennya computer:

    Shutdown -s -t 0

    Whenever you need to turn off the computer, you can set a timer to turn off the computer. An hour is expressed in seconds.

    - Restarting the computer:

    Shutdown -r -t 0

    - Sleep mode:

    Rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep

    - "Hibernation" mode:

    Rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState

    - Blocking the computer.

    Adding buttons to the start screen, panel manager Windows 8.1 Create them on the toolbar. I want the main Windows settings 8.1 - turn on, restart and sleep mode, click on the magic button “ Parameters", they can be added to the desktop and panel in advance.

    • Right-click on the empty space on the desktop and press the button in the parameters Create ➤ Yarlik.
    • In the window, enter " shutdown.exe -s-t 00 » and press the button « Dali».

    Porada. To create a shortcut "", enter the code " shutdown-r-t 00 " To create a shortcut to sleep mode, enter “ rundll32.exe powrProf.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0 " To create a shortcut " Hibernation", enter " rundll32.exe powrProf.dll,SetSuspendState " To create a shortcut to your computer, enter “ rundll32.exe powrProf.dll,LockWorkStation ».

    In order to turn off sleep mode using the rundll32 command, you first need to turn on deep sleep mode. To do this, open the command row window (Admin) and select (enter) “ Powercfg.exe /hibernate off " You can re-hook the deep banner with the command “ Powercfg.exe /hibernate on " Please note that putting your laptop or tablet into deep sleep mode can completely drain the battery, which can result in wasted work.

    • Give the shortcut a specific name and press the button " Ready».
    • Right-click on the created shortcut and select from the options " Powerful».
    • In the dialog box " Powerful completion of work", on the tab " Yarlik", press the button " Change button icon" You will notice that there are no icons for this shortcut. It’s okay – just press on someone.
    • In the dialog box " Changing icons» Select the required option and press the “OK” button.

    Note. Once you add an icon for sleep, deep sleep or blocking, to display the icons, click on the “shell32.dll” file on the currently presented device.

    • Right-click on the new life icon in the file browser. Select from options " Virizati».
    • In the explorer, in the address row, click on the left-handed icon. Go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.

    Note. You can choose your icons.ico. Another option is to use icons that are created on websites special for your purpose.

    • Insert the labels into the folder.
    • On the start screen, open the view. All programs».
    • From whom can you find the created labels. Right-click on them and open the program settings for each of them. Here you can pin shortcuts on the start screen (if they are not already pinned) and on the task panel.

    Note. Sometimes these shortcuts are not processed, Windows 8.1 hijacking the PC takes action, in our opinion, Discount programs. If this happens, open the program folder “C:\programdata\Microsoft\Windows\start Menu\” and right-click on the skin tag, selecting its authority. At the skin tag, insert the command into the field again (for example, shutdown.exe -s-t 00) and click OK. Now the label can be used.

    Creating life buttons on the toolbar.

    If you pin the life buttons on the command panel, you obviously don't want to place them among the soft buttons, lest you put too much pressure on them. It’s much smarter to create a default toolbar on the panel and select the life buttons on the right side of the screen from the system tray.

    • Click the right mouse button on the empty space on the task panel and select the ensign in the options " Lock the panel».
    • Right-click on the task panel again and select the toolbar ➤ new panel tools.
    • Create new folder for the toolbar. Copy the life shortcut files. Once you have created a folder, select it and click the “ Vibrate the folder».
    • The toolbar is now displayed on the task panel. To change the size of the panel, drag the vertical stripes of light from it.
    • To select other parameters, right-click on the new toolbar. Here you can enable the text names of shortcuts in the toolbar, as well as change the parameters for their display.

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