Personal computer.


Slide 1

Slide 2 Personal computer - computer ( calculating machine ), purposes for special vikoristanny

, the price, the size and the possibility of satisfying the drinking of a great number of people.

The current personal computer can be sold in different variants – desktop, portable (notebook), handheld and others.


Slide 4 Mobile PCs Laptops Compact computers that can help you necessary components(including a monitor) in one small case, as a rule, it looks like a book.

To achieve small sizes, they use special technologies: specially divided microcircuits, RAM and hard disks of smaller dimensions, compact keyboard,

external blocks

food, at least expanded nests.

Slide 5

Slide 6

Kishenkov PC (PDA) Portable devices that fit in Kishen.

Using them, as a rule, requires the help of a small and separate screen, a sensitive finger or a special pen (stylus), and the keyboard and mouse are daily.

The screen size is small, usually 320x400. Such devices use low-cost processors and small flash drives.

Slide 7 The main warehouses of a personal computer Monitor System board Processor RAM Expansion card Life unit Optical drive Hard disk Keyboard Slide 8

System (motherboard) board

Slide 7

Motherboard - the board is assembled, the chipset and other components of the computer system are removed., Chipset is a set of microcircuits on a motherboard. and other roses.

All the main electronic circuits of the computer and the necessary additional devices are included before the motherboard, or are connected to it behind additional expansion slots.

Slide 10

Slide 11

central processor Central processor (CPU) or central processing unit (CPU) is a machine instruction processor, a part of the computer hardware that is responsible for the main part of the operation of information processing. Most current processors are implemented

cyclical process

sequential processing of information, discovered by John von Neumann

Slide 12

Slide 13


Random access memory (RAM - random access device) - memory designed for time-to-hour storage of data and commands necessary for the processor to carry out operations.

RAM transmits commands and data to the processor directly or through cache memory.

Each part of the operative memory has its own individual address.

Slide 14

Current RAM is dynamic random access memory (DRAM).

The concept of memory with sufficient access transfers that the process of data mining does not guarantee the order in which it is distributed.

Memory middle - a part of the memory EOM for saving 1 machine word (number) or another part (for example, 1 byte).

The total amount of memory in all devices means the capacity of the EOM memory.

In 1973, IBM released the hard drive model 3340, which for the first time combined the disk platters and the heads for reading in one integral housing.

During its development, engineers used a short internal name “30-30”, which meant two modules (for the maximum configuration) of 30 MB each.

Kenneth Houghton, the head of the project, based on the designation of the popular Myslyovsky towel Winchester 30-30, called this disk a Winchester.

Slide 18 Life block Computer block for the purpose of installing computer nodes electrical energy. At this place there is a re-creation edge stress

up to the specified values, their stabilization and protection from minor voltage imbalances.

Main parameter computer block vitality is the maximum tension that can be experienced during the period.

Slide 19

The computer power supply unit for the current PC platform will provide an output voltage of ±5, ±12, +3.3 V. The following standards of power supply units are available: AT – the power supply unit is located in the power supply and is therefore displayed on the front panel of the case.

Like a legacy, automatically switched on And the computer's shutdown is no longer possible. ATX – power is continuously supplied to the motherboard. Supports the service of living creatures by a signal from the payment, which is the software interface.

Slide 20

optical drive

An optical drive is an electrical device for reading and possibly writing information from optical media (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM).

Today's big part

optical drives

Available with IDE/ATAPI interface.


drive CD-ROM

Choose to use the USB interface.

Slide 21

Slide 22

Slide 23

Monitor, display – interface of the “people – equipment – ​​people” system.

The keyboard has a number of key groups: Alphanumeric and character keys;

Special buttons;

Functional buttons;

Keys for moving the cursor;

Service buttons for changing registers and modifying codes of other buttons (Ctrl, Alt, Shift);

Service buttons for fixing registers;

Additional buttons.

The nominal number of keys on the keyboard is 104, but the number of different signals from the keyboard significantly exceeds this number.

Slide 28

Computer Misha

The “Misha” manipulator is one of the pointing devices that provide the user’s interface with the computer.

Misha senses his movements at the working surface (that is, the division of the table surface) and transmits this information to the computer.

The program that runs on the computer, in response to the movement of the mouse, displays an action on the screen that directly indicates the direction of this movement.


Slide 1

Slide 29
Slide 30
Motion sensors for the mouse
The ball drive of the mouse is transmitted to a steel ball protruding from the body of the gum. Two rollers pressed to the ball pick up the contacts on the skin and transmit them to sensors, which convert the disturbances into electrical signals.
Slide 31

Optical targets Optical targets are designed with integrated microcircuits to accommodate the photosensor and image processing processor.

The photosensor periodically scans the area of ​​the working surface under the target.
When changing the baby, the processor determines which side and which position the mouse has moved to.
The scanned area is illuminated with a light-emitting diode (red color) under an oblique cut.
Slide 32
Future prospects
In the next 10-20 years, more than likely, the material part of processors will change, depending on those that the technological process is within the reach of physical processes.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

The current personal computer can be sold in different variants – desktop, portable (notebook), handheld and others.

Installation facilities
System unit
Exit devices
Devices to remember
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.
Slide 3
System unit

To achieve small sizes, they use special technologies: specially divided microcircuits, RAM and hard disks of smaller dimensions, compact keyboard,

The system (motherboard) board is the main component of the computer hardware. The system board contains the information exchange highway, it has connectors for installing a processor and RAM, as well as slots for installing controllers for external devices (video card,, sound card merzheva map and others). The processor will be based on a large integrated circuit, which includes a large number of elements - diodes, transistors, capacitors, resistors, etc.
This complex system is the brain of a computer.
The processor processes information that is sent to a dual view and is displayed on the motherboard.
Slide 3

The most important characteristic of the processor, which means its speed, is the clock frequency.

Clock frequency
Addresses are transmitted via the address bus, and signals are transmitted through them in one direction - from the processor to the RAM and other devices.
Slide 3

Slide 5

Slide 29
Therefore, the address bus is single-directional.
The width of the address bus means the amount of addressable memory - the address space, which is the number of single-byte spaces in the RAM that can have unique addresses.
The number of addressed memory centers can be analyzed using the following formula: N = 2I, where I is the capacity of the address bus.
The address bus capacity for current personal computers is set to 36 bits.
Motion sensors for the mouse
In this way, the maximum number of addressable memory locations is possible: N = 236 = 68719476736. Control bus.
The control bus transmits signals that indicate the nature of the exchange of information on the highway.
Control signals indicate which operation - reading and writing information from memory - requires operation, synchronization of the exchange of information between devices, etc.
Merezhevi buildings
Data bus 8, 16, 32, 64 bits
Slide 3

Using them, as a rule, requires the help of a small and separate screen, a sensitive finger or a special pen (stylus), and the keyboard and mouse are daily.

Keruvanya tire
Merezhevi buildings
Lasting memory
Backbone-modular principle of robot computer
Address bus 16, 20, 24, 32, 36 bits
Time memory
Logical system board diagram
PS/2 Keyboard
Sound card Merezheva card
Digital cameras
Control signals indicate which operation - reading and writing information from memory - requires operation, synchronization of the exchange of information between devices, etc.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

System (motherboard) board

Misha External modem Printer Display Pivnichny place Pivdenny place
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

All the main electronic circuits of the computer and the necessary additional devices are included before the motherboard, or are connected to it behind additional expansion slots.

Backbone-modular principle of robot computer
PCI local bus
The life block serves for re-creation
Slide 29
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.
alternating voltage
220v brightening area

Slide 10

constant voltage 5v and 12v. A constant voltage of 5V is necessary for the life of the electronic components of the computer.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

cyclical process

The manipulator uses the optical-mechanical principle of action.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

sequential processing of information, discovered by John von Neumann

Its working element is a massive metal bag covered with gum.
When the body of the mouse is moved, the horizontal surface of the ball wraps around. The wrapping of the coolie is transferred to two rollers, moved perpendicularly one to one. The rollers record information about the movement of the body by the coordinate plane using photosensitive elements and transmit this information to the computer.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.
In this way, the wrapping of the mouse’s hand is transformed into a cursor moving across the monitor screen.


Misha uses two or three buttons. At this time of great expansion, an optical lens has appeared, which has no mechanical parts. The light-colored object, placed in the middle of the bowl, illuminates the surface of the bowl.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

RAM transmits commands and data to the processor directly or through cache memory.

A digital camera allows you to capture photographs directly in digital (computer) format. Such a camera can save hundreds of images in memory. high vigor
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

Current RAM is dynamic random access memory (DRAM).

After connecting to the computer, take an hour to capture the image and rewrite any permanent media (floppy disk, hard drive, laser disk). Photographs can be transferred to a paper using a printer. A digital video camera is designed to record images that are corrupted in digital format, both in standalone mode and when connected to a computer during video recording.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

Memory middle - a part of the memory EOM for saving 1 machine word (number) or another part (for example, 1 byte).

In another version, permanent recording of video on a hard drive or its broadcast via computer networks will be ensured.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

During its development, engineers used a short internal name “30-30”, which meant two modules (for the maximum configuration) of 30 MB each.

The microphone allows analog input
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.
Motion sensors for the mouse
to the computer.
Then the sound information from analogue form is converted to digital (computer) format.

up to the specified values, their stabilization and protection from minor voltage imbalances.

The microphone is connected to the input of the sound card, which will provide 16-bit dual audio encoding.
In this case, the sound card is a device for entering information into the computer.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.
One of the important characteristics of a monitor is the frequency at which one image is displayed on the screen.

Slide 19

The screen refresh rate can be set to 60, 75, 85, 100, 120, 140, 150, 160 Hz, etc. In order for the image to remain stable enough, the screen change frequency is 85 Hz. flow of electrons.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

Slide 20

There are evenly distributed phosphor dots of three colors on the screen. The phosphor color reacts to electronic fluidity. The color image is formed by mixing three basic colors.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

optical drive

Let's take a look at the image formation in the graphics mode with a separate area of ​​800 x 600 pixels and 8-bit color.
The video memory stores a bit map of the image - a two-dimensional code of the skin point, which indicates its color.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

An optical drive is an electrical device for reading and possibly writing information from optical media (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM).

In this case, the number of possible colors can be set to 28 = 256. Three changes (red, blue, green) synchronously scroll through the screen line by line.
The intensity of the skin change changes over time, depending on the double code of this point.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

optical drives

Speakers and headphones are used to transmit sound from the computer and are connected to the output of the sound card.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

drive CD-ROM

Their presence is a burden for a multimedia computer. The sound card is installed in one of the expansion slots on the system (motherboard) board. Your sound card also has the additional ability to synthesize sound (the sound card’s memory stores the sounds of 128 different musical instruments) and play 32 or more instruments at the same time.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

Slide 21

Slide 31
Data bus 8, 16, 32, 64 bits
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.
The address bus capacity for current personal computers is set to 36 bits.
Therefore, the sound card can also be called a music card.
The projector allows you to display
great screen
instead of the monitor screen.
Vikorist for work programs, presentations, slides, videos for a large audience.
The diagonal size of the image can be 300 inches (7.62 meters) or larger.

Monitor, display – interface of the “people – equipment – ​​people” system.

Today, a projector becomes indispensable in the beginning process.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

Special buttons;

When the laser disc (CD - compact disc) is corrupted, the optical principle of reading information becomes stuck. Information is recorded on one track, which takes the form of a spiral. The track consists of plots with different textures, which stand out - a smooth mirror surface or a faded surface, laser-scorched during recording. When reading, the laser beam falls on the surface of the disk, which wraps around. It stands out well against a mirror surface, which indicates “1” and stands out against a dark shadow – “0”.
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

Then the reflected light pulses are converted into electrical ones, which are transmitted to the computer.

CD-ROM and DVD-ROM discs store information that was recorded when they were produced by the stamping company (DVD - digital video disc). These discs wear out white color and cannot be overwritten (ROM is unreadable). Information capacity
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

Service buttons for fixing registers;

Flash memory allows you to write and save data in microcircuits. Such a memory does not keep any loose parts in its storage, which ensures high security of the data. Another important advantage of Flash memory is its compactness. To record or read information, a memory card is inserted into universal USB port
It is possible that there will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is quite likely that we will soon have to change the information part of the processors in order to move from double processors on double triggers to triple processors processors on triple triggers and, most likely, to e-processors with a numerical system the bases of natural logarithms, so that the number e = 2.71 ... as if, in Napier's hours, in logarithmic tables they went down to the base of the equal number e.

Slide 28

The information capacity of the Flash card can be 128, 256, 512 MB, today the storage capacity is GB.

This type of memory is visible

traditional hoarders

Information such as a floppy disk, CD, and possibly a hard drive.

Flash cards are also successfully used in digital cameras to store video and sound information.

- RAM is installed in the middle of the system unit on the motherboard.Some types of memory are called internal or temporal.

- Structurally, it looks like small boards with memory chips, which contain almost no memory.The volume of one middle is 1 byte = 23 bits = 8 bits.

- This is a smaller piece of information - you can enter the values ​​“0” and “1”.All triggers are required to trigger one memory, so the current trigger saves one bit of information.

The skin memory compartment has its own unique dual address.

1) systematization of scientific knowledge about the main devices of a personal computer;

2) review of the main clear and complex characteristics of personal computer devices (for the current period);

3) development of a statement about the computer as a tool for accessing the Internet;

forming hidden glances on computer measurements, understanding the speed of transmission.

Basic concepts learned in class:

Personal computer;

System unit: motherboard; central processor;;


hard drive;

External devices: keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer,

acoustic speakers

Computer network;

Client server.

Create ICT that you can use in class:

Teacher's personal computer (PC), multimedia projector, screen; PC student:

Electronic lighting resources

Presentation "Personal Computer";

Federal resources

lighting portals

1) animation “PEOM system unit”;

2) animation "System unit (back view)";

3) animation “System unit warehouse”;

4) animation “Misha is mechanical”;

5) animation “Misha optical-mechanical”;

6) animation “Misha Optical”;

7) animation “Misha is such a dreamer”;

8) animation “Display types”;

9) animation “EOM architecture”;

10) simulator "Computer Appliances".

Features of the contribution to the lesson

1. Organizational moment (1 hvilina)

Greetings to students, information about those and the purposes of the lesson.

2. Repetition (6 steps)

1) visual verification of the home decoration No. 13, 14, page 62 of the handbook;


3) power supply:

Why is today's computer called a universal electronic software-based device?

What is the essence of the software principle of a robot computer?

What is this double tribute?What is a computer program?

What is the difference between data and programs?

Why are you sleeping?

Will you reorganize the main types of devices that go into your computer storage? Name the types of computers.

Which one is the most extensive?(

Personal computer) 3. Vychennya new material (25 hvilin)

- Today we will talk about a personal computer.

Let's take a look at the building that goes into the warehouse. 1 slide

- Lesson topic How do you care what kind of computer is called personal?

( Attaching the system unit

Animation “PEOM system unit”,

Animation “System unit (back view)”,

Animation “System unit warehouse”.

External buildings;

All computer devices that are not included in the system unit are called external.

Slide 14 - Keyboard;

The keyboard is a device for entering information into a computer.

A standard keyboard has 104 keys, which can be intelligently divided into several groups.

Function keys F1-F12, located at the top of the keyboard, are used for issuing a number of commands during operation with various programs.

Symbols(Alphanumeric) keys - keys with numbers, Russian and Latin letters and other symbols, as well as the “spacebar” key;

Use the website to enter information on your computer.Keys with cursor

— a little dot that shows on the monitor screen the place where the drawing symbol has been entered.There are four arrow keys to move the cursor one position in a given direction, as well as Home, End, PageUp, PageDown keys to move the cursor to the beginning of the row, to the end of the row, to the side up the mountain and down the side.

Additional buttons ( , Rotated right-handed keyboards, can operate in two modes, interconnected with the NumLock key., Special keys, Enter, Esc, Shift, DeleteBackspace

Insert ta ін) - these are the keys for special actions;

there is a stench of rose all over the keyboard.

15 slide

- Misha;

The “Misha” manipulator is one of the main visual input devices that ensures the interaction between the user and the computer.

Review of the discussed animation:

Animation “Misha is mechanical”,

Animation "Misha optical-mechanical", Animation “Misha Optical”,

Animation “Misha is such a dreamer”.

16 slide

- Monitor; A monitor is the main device of a personal computer, intended for storing information.

Review and discussion of the animation “Displays of different types”.

Slide 17 - A printer;

Printers are used to display information on a paper. 18 slide

— To enter various graphic images and texts into the computer directly from the paper original, a scanner is used. 19 slide -

The input of sound information to the computer occurs through a microphone connected to the sound card. 20 slide

— To display sound information, speakers or headphones are used, which are connected to the sound card. 21 slides

— The system unit, keyboard, mouse and monitor provide a minimum set of devices to ensure the work — Computers connected to the limit can be mentally divided into two categories: servers and clients.

24 slide - speed of data transmission;

The main characteristic of connecting a computer to the Internet is the speed of transmission via a direct communication channel.

It is expressed in bits per second (bit/s), as well as Kbit/s (1 Kbit = 1024 bits), Mbit/s and Gbit/s. 25 slide


The transmission speed over the current connection channel is 1,024,000 bit/s.

The transmission of data through the connection took 5 seconds.

Enter the file size in kilobytes.


This information is known as the addition of transmission speed per transmission hour:

1024000 bits/s x 5 s = 5120000 bits. Let's convert the result from bytes to kilobytes:

5120000 bits = 640000 bytes = 625 KB.


625 KB

4. Practical part (10 hvilins)

To secure the deleted information, you must connect to the corresponding programs of the “Computer Devices” simulator.

As soon as possible, it is time to vacate the job of worker sewing No. 86, 87, 88, 89. 5. Submitting bags for the lesson.

(3 hvilini)

Home care information.


26 slide

- Homework.

§2.2, food service 1-4 to paragraph,

RT: No. 77, 79, 82, 90.

Additional task: prepare information on the topic “The History of the Mouse” or “The principle of the keyboard” with various animations;

Principles of John von Neumann: The principle of software control (a program consists of a set of commands that are executed by the processor one by one in succession);

The principle of memory uniformity (programs and data are saved in the same memory); The principle of addressing (the main memory consists of numbered sequences, and the processor can access each sequence at any time). 7

The computer is designed according to the principle of open architecture: Description of the principle of the PC and its configuration, which allows you to select a PC from several nodes and parts;

Availability of internal expansion sockets in the PC that can be inserted

Various devices , we are satisfied with the tasks standard. 8

MAIN PC CHARACTERISTICS Productivity (speed) of the PC.

Productivity (speed) of the processor.

Processor clock frequency (sync frequency).

Vlashtuvannya computer.

Well, hello, my dear teapot.

So, practically all the teapots will go to waste for you.

I'll tell you about the warehouse computer in more detail. If you look at those in the middle, you’ll gasp. A disk, or more precisely, a floppy disk, is called a “3.5A disk” or a floppy disk.

In the middle of the plastic box is the disk itself.

The axis and the entire monitor.

Now I’ll tell you about the keyboard or kindly Klavi.

And now I’ll tell you about the remaining main warehouse computer.

So, well done, having guessed that Misha is a tailed and rude creature.

Well, let me begin, perhaps from the most important speech. Next comes the processor. The processor is the insides of the computer. - Comp.ppt Computer systems Slides: 46 Words: 1759 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0 A look at PC software.

Calculator (lat. calculator “medicine”).

Consulting computer.

What is a computer?

Lyudina is so pleased.

The computer is to the right of the data.

Today, the computer is an indispensable assistant for people. What “professions” are there in Volodya? Obchislyuvach.

Drukarska machine.


Special Secretary. Accountant. Dovidkov Bureau. Librarian. Vidavets. Translator Leafworm. Artist. Animator.

Constructor. Fashion designer.


Designer. Composer and musician.



Igroteka. Visnovok..

Image recognition.

Image analysis.

Processing image. Directly II. Evolutionary calculations.

Genetic algorithms.

More genetically programmed.

Computer graphics. Computer animation. Robotics.

Directions to robotics.

Pobutova robotics.

Types of military robots. Robotics.- Computer science. Computer literacy Slides: 18 Words: 994 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Monitoring system.

Computer literacy.

Robot practice on a computer.

Types of information.

Text information and graphic information.

Sound information.

What is the text?


The administration of pardons.

Rhyming buttons.

Methods for moving text.

Memorize a bunch of rules. Copy fragment to text. Virizanne to the text. - Practice on a computer. Computer Specifications

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Basic characteristics of a personal computer.

Characteristics of external memory devices. Type of wear. Characteristics of internal memory. Computer processor. The characteristics of the two types of memory are equal.


Characteristics of the microprocessor.

Keruvannya with a computer. Program and documents. Operating systems.

applied programs

Work table.

Using the computer to help Misha. Vkazivnik Misha. Golovne menu.

Vikno program.

List of commands.

Dialogue window.

Security software.

Basic elements of a work table.


Increase your time with programs.

Find out the writing arrows.

Glossary of computer terms. Start looking again. Avatar.



Device. Complete with a computer. Sound. Information.

Pressing the mouse button.

Local measure.


Pseudonym for Merezha.

Operating system.

CD drive. Windows Registry.

Purpose of the computer

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Vlashtuvannya computer.

Computer (secondary).

Purpose of the computer.

System unit. Install a saving device. Installation of introduction. Installation of ventilation. Computer at maybutnyom. Each part of the operative memory has its own individual address. Computer.

Purpose of the computer.

System unit.

The system unit is a case that contains the main functional components of a personal computer.

The system unit has a motherboard installed with a processor installed on it, etc.

The system unit has built-in storage compartments for hard drives, CD-ROM drives, etc. bud. The system block has a life block.

Control bus (regulates the entire transmission process).




Installation of introduction.

I was trying to remember.

Installation of ventilation. The most popular processors today are from Intel and AMD. Computer diagram Productivity - the number of operations per second.

The processor performs arithmetic and logical operations.

Productivity depends on the clock frequency and capacity.

History of computer development.

The word “computer” means “to calculate”, that is.

device for calculation.

Electronic tubes. However, electromechanical relays operate only completely and not reliably. JOHNNIAC will be a great successor to his predecessors, MANIACa and ILLIACa. Transistor. EOM 2nd generation.

In the 40s and 50s, computers were built on the basis of electronic tubes.

The first generation of EOM, which operated on lamps, lived until the end of the 50s.

In 1959, another generation was born that runs on transistors. Integrated circuits. EOM 3rd generation.

Marchian Edward Hoff from Intel designed an integrated circuit for the central processor.

- Computer.


- Your friend.

Look around, friend, dovkola!

The COMP'YUTER axis is a faithful friend.

Guess the riddles.

Display. The mountains of the car are all located... - What a brave captain!

And the screen is on. systemic. Drive. Floppy disk.


A printer. Bear. The zoo has a bunny.

And in the computer there is... Modem. Rich, not everyone is home! It’s called... Having connected to the phone - Having disconnected the message. Joystick. And now, friends, a riddle!.

Just an hour;

Topic 7. Blog (2 years).

Creation of a cloud record. Work on blogs. See the food;

Topic 8. Preparation before the bag lesson (2:00).

- Course on the computer.

Computer science and computer

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Classroom "Informatics".

Informatics Day 4th birthday 1948 r. – Day of the People of Russian Informatics. See computers. Multimedia.

Laptop computer.

Kishenkovy computer.

Server Purpose of application: Typical structure of the interface. The rule of frontal orientation is in the middle. PC. The PC configuration can be changed according to your needs.

Central processing unit (CPU).

The central processor is the main computing device of the PC.

And lastly, the overall productivity of a PC is important to the speed of the processor. RAM. The PC's RAM contains the operating system, device drivers, and programs to be installed.

Video adapter.

Accumulation on magnetic disks (FDD).

With the help of floppy disks, you can easily transfer information from one computer to another. - The computer is of great importance. Types of personal computers

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What types of computers are divided into productivity and the nature of research?

Programs for a remote device.

Vikonala: student of group 23 Reshetnikova T.Yu.

Anyplace Control 3.3.

Anyplace Control 3.3 allows you to work in two modes: look at the camera. Access Remote PC 4.12.2. LanHelper 1.61.

The LanHelper utility can generate a set of commands that can be executed on remote PCs.

You can also arrange the schedule for launching programs on remote PCs.

DameWare NT Utilities The DameWare NT Utilities software package is a powerful system for remote administration of local networks. Omniquad Instant Remote Control 2.2.9. The DameWare NT Utilities software package is a powerful system for remote administration of local networks.- Viddalene keruvannya PC.

Commands for computer

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Virtual machines.

Summary: the knowledge of the language is equal to the knowledge

virtual machine And by chance. iPad. Business cards, calculator. Passport, wallet, airline tickets.