Online font recognition program. How to identify Russian font on a website

Most often, when looking at images on the Internet, a web surfer gets stuck with with original signatures before them. The font is still created in an original way, after which the whole thing has been divided. It is now possible to select the required font using the WhatTheFont Internet service.

You will need

  • A computer with an Internet connection.


  • The Internet explains a great number of different things korisnyh services, one of WhatTheFont. With this help you will find out the name of the font in a few clicks. In essence, this service is unique and it is not the first river, so to speak about the steady development of the service. Now you don’t need to sit for hours in front of the monitor screen, looking at a bunch of pages and fonts.
  • In search of the font and its designation on the website of the service, a student who wants to work a little on a computer can figure it out. You need to take a screenshot from the image, which contains the symbol of the chosen font. To do this, use the PrintScreen key, which is located in the middle of the block of navigation keys (three more buttons with arrows). Please note that on laptops and netbooks the cost of keys is different.
  • Open up whatever it is graphics editor Then paste the images from the clipboard. As the simplest editor, you can use MS Paint, which is launched from the “Start” menu and the “section” Standard programs" In the open editor window, press Ctrl + V to paste the clipboard product. Save images with your dad, for example, on your desktop - for easy access.
  • Once you know the exact address of the image, preparing screenshots is not a problem. To recognize and copy it, you need to right-click on the picture and select the item “Copy image address” (for each browser, this item is called differently).
  • On the service side, click the Upload a file button to upload images hard drive, you have this image on your desktop. And the copied image address must be pasted into the empty field or URL. Then click the Continue button.
  • In the coming days, you will see a number of fascinating images in which you will see different types of literature. There is an empty field under the skin images, in which you need to insert the letter seen in the picture. Click the Continue button.
  • In the pop-up window you will see a list of similar fonts from which you can select a font that you can search for yourself.
  • Porada added on April 29, 2012 Porada 2: How to select a font on a website. Accurately selecting a building font will enhance the style of the site, give it uniqueness, beautifully separate paragraphs, body text, quotes and other information. And also make the site memorable and give positive emotions to your guests.


  • The most accurate way to define a website's font is to exploit the power of CSS. Current browsers Special tools are used, which makes the task much easier.
  • Let's marvel at the font in Firefox browsers, click on your block of text with the right mouse button and click “Trace element”. Click the “Style” button located in the lower right corner of the window and in the window that appears, click “Power”. Enter in the row the joke about the authorities - "font". The browser displays all parameters to the text of the specified element. Among them will be “font-family”, which indicates the name of the required font. Also in other authorities you can distinguish between style and text.
  • A similar function in Chrome is called “Element Code Review”. By clicking on it, open the Computed Style list on the right side of the Elements tab. Find out the "font-family" property to find out the name of the font.
  • U Opera browsers This function is called "Inspect Element". Select it, go to the “Documents” tab and click on the “Styles” tab, which is located on the right side of the window. Enter “font” in the “Filter” field. Open the list of “Reinsurance style”, among the overinsurances of the authorities will be named in the font.
  • You can also select the font on the website for help. Microsoft Word. You can copy text from a document using a saved format, almost without any hassle.
  • Please select the font for help Word programs, paste into the new clipboard for help right button bears or the key combination Ctrl+V, selecting Save output formatting when inserting. You can also customize the key combination Ctrl+Alt+V by entering HTML Format in the menu.
  • Look at the “Head” tab to see the font that is displayed. This method is easy, no way authorities CSS In some cases, Word displays the font incorrectly. Be respectful.
  • How to identify a font on a website - version for your friend

    Here we have collected the most handy services and programs for identifying fonts. Save this article to your bookmarks and you can easily recognize the name of any font!

    Designers often struggle with the need to know what type of text is written in what font. Going through all the obvious collection of fonts in search of an escape is far from the most manual way. In addition, the required font may simply not appear. Of course, you can ask for help on thematic forums, where other designers can suggest a name for the font. Only the axis will have to be checked for confirmation. Why bother checking? What then should we do?

    In fact, everything is simple. Use these resources quickly and you will be able to find out the name of the font in just a couple of minutes, and maybe even faster!

    Online services


    WhatTheFont - objectively The best service to identify fonts in pictures. Simply place the picture with the butt in the font, indicate that you have correctly recognized the letter service, and press the big green button. You see a number of fonts that are most similar to the images, among which you can find a 100% reduction. If you still haven’t been able to identify the font, then you should submit a request on a special forum on your website. The service is also user-friendly because you can buy the font you find right away.

    For those who search for fonts constantly and in whatever minds, mobile app for iPhone and Android. You can simply take a photo of the font and immediately recognize its name. Very handy!


    On this service you can search for a font if you don’t have an image, but you remember what it looks like, and you can specify its characteristics that indicate low power. Needless to say, what is the most manual method, but that there is no other option - you can completely find out what you need! Authors of the service promote Various options search for fonts: behind the name (partial), behind the font families, behind the symbols and the story of the designers who created them.


    What Font is - an online service for identifying fonts on pictures. Much like WhatTheFont, ale varto add to bookmarks, about all sorts of quirks.

    Programs and extensions for browsers

    In addition to the overhauled online services, there are their analogues in the form of browser extensions. It's a plus because you don't need to open it right away new tab, in order to recognize which font is used in the same writing on the site. It’s enough to just activate the extension.


    Absolute leader on Narazi. FontFaceNinja gives you the opportunity not only to find out the name of any font on the site (not pictures), but also to try its writing right there on the site, and also (respect) download the font you like! Of course, the authors are ahead of the curve so that they can get involved in the first place for the sake of awareness.

    The beauty and simplicity of this expansion is another welcome point. FontFaceNinja has a charming button (mask) that attracts all advertising on this page, allowing you to customize it including fonts. You can expand the expansion without any costs. Works with Chrome and Safari.

    Whatfont tool

    Extension for Chrome and Safari, which will help you recognize the names of fonts in the browser. Shows to finish the report up-to-date information by font, what to type, including font family, size and row height.


    A standalone plugin for identifying fonts on websites. To get everything done, you need to add the site to bookmarks and click on it. The cursor will be shaped like a cross and when pressed on the font it will appear at the end with its name, pixel size, style and style. To squeeze, we press again. Works with Safari, Chrome, Firefox and IE8+ browsers.

    Upgrade of special font recognition skills

    Everyone wants to be a cool designer who knows not only all the fonts that go behind the names and families, but also can overtake the distributors and reveal the history of the creator. Of course, such beginners are an incomparable talent. Just a little bit of coloring of your knowledge is completely possible. There are a number of tools and tools that can help you with this.

    Font Trainer

    Online gra-test: set the parameters and guess what font you want. You can set both the Latin alphabet and the Cyrillic alphabet.

    The Font Game HD

    This program will literally help you read the names of font images. There are different modes of play, and the statistics of your reach. The downside is that the program is paid and only available in the AppStore.

    Have you trained? Time to check your knowledge!

    Sorry, that beautiful test that we wrote about in the blog. Can you name the 10 most popular fonts? Try it for yourself. The results may be unexpected!

    Write to us if you know any manual services or programs for identifying fonts. We will be happy to hear your comments! And share messages on this article with your friends. Let her life become a little simpler 🙂

    From various Internet resources you can admire their barvy designs, an important part of which is occupied by bright and colorful fonts. Of course, we can appreciate this design and personality, but how can we know how the author went about making it? We can get help from specialized services that allow us to search for any type of font behind a digital image online. Below we will analyze the most popular propositions of this plan, as well as understand how to deal with them.

    Peculiarities of the work of edge services based on the search for fonts and digital images

    The network has a sufficient number of resources to look for fonts that appear in images. It’s a pity, but for the chemist shopper, practically all fonts are rendered in the Anglophone segment of the border, and Latin-based fonts are most effectively recognized. Cyrillic fonts on such online resources are difficult to recognize.

    Working with such sites will follow standard patterns:

    1. You need to get a picture with text written in a similar font if you want to link it to one of these resources.
    2. Then, if necessary, you can help the service recognize the same letter by entering the correct option in the appropriate username and instruct the graphic displays.
    3. After which you will see a list of known similar fonts, which can be downloaded from the adjacent file (for commercial headsets with proper copyrights, you will have to pay extra).
    • The letters in the image are in font It’s not your fault to hang around alone(to complicate recognition);
    • the text should be as horizontal as possible;
    • bazhana height letter – more than 100 pixels;
    • Since there are no characters in the picture in different fonts, then delete all entries depriving you of the writing you need.

    Let's take a look at the most popular online resources that allow you to recognize text typefaces on pictures.

    WhatTheFont - Swedish recognition of the font on the image

    The WhatTheFont service is the most popular tool for searching fonts. To work with this editor, try to ensure that the maximum number of characters in the image that is recognized does not exceed 50, the images themselves must be in PNG, GIF and JPEG formats. If you are viewing a scanned image, you must ensure that the image is not lower than 300 dpi.


    1. Go to WhatTheFont, click "Look".
    2. Place an image with the text required for recognition on the resource, then click on “Continue”.
    3. If necessary, assist the service by entering letters under the images that are recognized and checking the recognized characters.
    4. After clicking Continue below, the service will display the results found. – help you find a text typeface from a photo

    The service has a large database of commercial and free fonts, and we’ll also push it through piecemeal intelligence(AI), which allows you to find the most optimal solutions to the desired option. The resource allows you to find the necessary font, and allows you to buy it for a small fee (for a commercial version). Registration on the resource allows you to speed up the process of automatic letter recognition.

    Working with the service does not differ from what is described above: WhatTheFont:

    1. You need to go to and, if necessary, click on “Options” with your right hand, selecting one of three options:
      • Background color is darker… – the color of the image is darker;
      • The text is only one line…- Only one line of text is required for recognition and image optimization;
      • The image is complex... – folding the image, launching the image editor.
    2. Since there is no need to use these options, simply click on “Upload image containing the font” to insert the path before the image with the font (or “Specify url instead” to insert the font sent to the file).
    3. Then click “FIND A FONT”. Verify that the letters are recognized correctly, and then click “Continue” at the bottom. You will see a list of known failures. – service for decoding text on images

    The best resource for searching for typefaces on pictures is This resource has a large database of different fonts that can be used by anyone (registration on the resource and insertion are required if you want to use the font for special purposes). There is a specialized tool present on this site that allows you to recognize the text on an image online.


    1. Launch and click “Upload image” to upload an image with a font to the resource.
    2. You can either immediately start the recognition process using the Matcherate It button or immediately rotate the image by the required number of degrees using the Rotate buttons (it is necessary to achieve horizontal rotation of the letters).
    3. After recognizing the font, the site appears to have found bugs that invite them to purchase them for a fee. – search for missing fonts on images

    The site is another site - a “matcher”, which allows you to find a similar filter for the text behind the images.

    The work with the site is similar to its previous counterparts:

    1. Go to the online resource.
    2. Click on “Upload image” to download the image.
    3. For help with the bear, find images for recognition.
    4. Then click on “Matcherate It”.
    5. If you have found that the number of gains is too large, click on “Manually adjust”, enter the correct letters in the options that are recognized, and then click on “Matcherate It!” again. to display the results. – dialogue recognition of text in English

    The work of the site will be based on textual experience, where you will be provided with nutritional notices that allow you to find the required font from from the outside looking in(appearance), name (name), similarity (similarity to other fonts), picture (image), designet/publisher (name of the designer who gave the font). To work with this site, you need to speak basic English, so this resource is not suitable for everyone.


    This material had very few resources to allow you to search for any type of font behind a digital image online. They recognize Latin-based typefaces well, but with Cyrillic fonts they can avoid singing problems. If you want to know the Cyrillic version, then try the site - perhaps the human factor is what will be most effective for you.

    When developing the site (or implementing other digital projects) We can see on the Internet a font that, due to its visual features, is distinguished from other analogues. Bazhanna vikoristuvat this font may be very large, but in this case we may not know what kind of font it is, and what its name is. With this material, I will be able to help such freelancers and help them recognize a font from a picture online, and identify what kind of marking services we can help with.

    Recognize a font from a picture online - implementation features

    To implement this task, you can quickly use a number of marginal resources (most importantly English ones), which I will outline below. The work with them is quite formulaic: you go to such an online resource, click on a new picture with the font you need (or indicate on such an image the message sent in between), if necessary, enter the text required for recognition. Also, certain resources can request the selection of many more parameters (for example, text enhancement), after which the required font is recognized.

    After completing the font recognition procedure, the site prompts you to visually determine whether the numbers and letters are correctly recognized (if necessary, you will need to make your own adjustment by entering the correct character). After this site you will see a number of names of visually similar fonts, and you will be able to download the font you are looking for on your PC.

    The best services for assigning fonts to images online

    Let's take a look at some of the services that allow you to perform font recognition online. In this case, if you present these services with a picture with a large number of different symbols and even without clear ones between the others, then the service may be subject to recognition.

    The "WhatTheFont" service will help you identify front fonts

    The “WhatTheFont” service is one of the most popular English-language font identification services. Working with the service is simple and does not require any special skills (including the registration procedure).

    1. To use the service, go to
    2. Click the "Choose File" button and select a picture with the background you need from your hard drive.
    3. Then click the "Continue" button.

    Working time for the “WhatTheFont” service

    The service will carry out the recognition procedure and will open a screen on which you will have to verify that you have correctly recognized the letter service (or enter the necessary adjustments).

    Then click on “Continue” and you will see the result from the actual name of the font you need. Fonts called blue-colored fonts can be downloaded to your PC (some of these fonts may be paid for).

    The "FontSquirrel" service recognizes alphabet letters online

    The "Font Squirrel" service is another English-language resource for searching for fonts online. By using “WhatTheFont” you can not only recognize the alphabet we need, but also immediately acquire it from the basis of this resource (both without cost and for pennies).

    1. Go to the website, click the “Upload image” button and upload an image with the font you need to the resource.
    2. Now place the text required for font recognition in a special frame (the size of the frame is adjusted, just as the size of the text is adjusted).
    3. And then press the “Matcherate It!” button.

    Working with the “FontSquirrel” service

    The service displays a list of identical fonts, on the right hand side of which a button will be placed for its possible download (at the same price if it is paid).

    "IdentiFont" service for searching fonts

    A special feature of the “IdentiFont” service is the ability to determine the font from the power supply to indicate which service you need to specify. At the same time, the website of the Wikorist has an English-language interface, which essentially limits the capabilities of the Russian Koristuvach.

    This site has five unique tools:

    • “Fonts by Appearance” (identification of the font by appearance);
    • "Fonts by Name"
    • "Fonts by Similarity" (for similarity);
    • "Fonts by Picture" (search for handwriting based on a picture);
    • "Fonts by Designer/Publisher" (in the name of the creator or the publisher).

    By selecting one of the five designated tools, you can find the required font online.

    Working time for the "IdentiFont" service

    Service "FONTSPRING"

    This service is similar in its functionality to the “WhatTheFont” I have already guessed, allowing you to select the font. In this case, there are few specific features, however, the site has a photo editor that allows you to edit the text for easy recognition of the font online. In addition, you can add characteristics to the image you have chosen for better identification of the font.

    1. To use the resource, go to
    2. І press the “Upload Image” button to upload an image with the required font to the resource.
    3. Place the text you need from the image in the center of the frame and click on the “Matcherate It!” button. below (the procedure is de facto identical to the described resource "FontSquirrel").
    4. You see the result with a list of detected wins.

    Working time for the FONTSPRING service

    Service "Fontmassive"

    The service encourages you to be as wild as possible " human factor", then ask other developers to help you identify the font online. To work with it you need to go to Denmark resource, in a special window, write the text from the request, click on the “Insert Image” button to add an image with the required font to the resource, and then click on the “Upload” button.

    WhatFont extension

    Expansion for Google browser Chrome (and also for other browsers on the Chromium core) under the name "WhatFont" allows you to easily select font recognition online. After installing and activating the program in the browser, it will be enough to move the cursor over the required font to identify the rest (both Latin and Cyrillic fonts are recognized).

    In this case, according to the words of the koristuvachs, the accuracy of the font is not always at its best.

    Extension of “WhatFont” in the Chrome Store


    Which materials have I looked at that will help you significantly? garni font according to the picture. There’s a lot of noise in the English-language interface and working behind a similar algorithm. In this case, the recognition of a font on different online resources may vary, and as a result, you can end up submitting dozens of fonts with a similar visual design.

    The need to determine the font from the picture online arises, first of all, from choosing the appropriate set of characters and image.

    However, it is not always easy to decide on this task - especially since there are so many similar options.


    Special services

    To find a suitable font, the easiest way is to quickly use one of the sites that can help primary designers and font creators.

    These services allow you, with great confidence, to find the required set or want to be as similar as possible to a new option.

    These sites help mainly with searches for the most popular fonts.

    What font is

    The What font is resource allows you to learn fonts from pictures without any hassle and easily, and also works only with the Latin alphabet.

    Try to recognize the Cyrillic alphabet, which is used for everything, if you are not far away.

    The order of actions for the offensive resource resource:

    • Vidkriti head side service.
    • Upload an image to the site by clicking on the form with the text Upload image containing the font or by inserting the message into the picture in Merezhi.
    • Click on "Find a font" .
    • Select whether the images will be recognized without changes, or at the hour of recognition, reverse colors will be selected, and also set the designated area.

    • Vibrati additional adjustment image(brightness, contrast and rotation), for additional services it will be easier to recognize the type of font and click on “Use image”.

    • Place letters in similar forms that increase the chance of recognition, and click Continue.

    • U select the appropriate option from the list that appears on the screen.

    The result of the search may be a great overflow of paid or free fonts that can be used for further research.

    However, since such options are among the standard sets of the program, which is known as the best one, the downloaded version has no sense.

    If you get positive results, you can try posting a picture on a forum site (an English-language one, which will probably be in English) and ask its participants for help.

    Important: To work with images, the size must be no larger than 1.8 MB and the format is either PNG. It is also recommended to recognize only one row at a time - as many fonts are visible, part of the picture is visible.


    Another way to recognize fonts is to go to the WhatTheFont service website and get help quickly.

    Thanks to all our efforts, My Fonts is a resource that has created a large database and one of the most powerful resources in the world.

    The ability to correctly select the font for your choice is the best feature among such services.

    The actions of the koristuvachs may be as follows:

    • Open the page and view images and text.

    • Select the field in which the text appears, and click on the arrow.

    • Sorting out the results of the search, among which it is easy to identify the necessary information - so, whose application is significant Arial Black font, which is not listed on the What font is website.

    Important: To recognize, you need to select the following: image dimensions are within 360 x 275 pixels, format – PNG or JPG. It is also recommended that the height of the skin symbol be no less than 100 pixels.


    The Identifont service allows you to achieve the desired result, based on whole row food

    In the process of such verification, the operator is obliged to compare the characteristics of the recognized one with the options that appear.

    Advantages of the method- The number of minds is up to the size and size of the image, not much is the amount of time spent. However, if you look for a non-standard font, the reliability of the appearance will still be small.

    Bowfin Printworks

    On the Bowfin Printworks website you can find the meaning of a variety of different fonts and identify the one in the image.

    It’s easier to use the service than with Identifont, otherwise you’ll end up spending more money with WhatTheFont.

    On the site you can find a guide to the most popular font options for design – such as Serif, Sans Serif and Script.

    In addition, it is possible to assign a value to the website for an unspecified set of characters.

    However, if we talk about the Cyrillic alphabet, the results of the search are unlikely to be positive.


    The TypeNavigator resource demonstrates its approach to font search.

    You can select this option based on various characteristics of the symbols - type, width, contrast, cut.

    For this additional service, the customer is constantly presented with a number of options and, after a few searches, achieves a positive result.

    The advantages of the service lie with majestic base data and the ability to recognize characters and point them at the baby with minimal contrast.

    It can be said that the value of the payment is low - sometimes the search for the required option is spent until the end of the day.

    Despite the fact that there is no hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-dollar guarantee of obtaining a positive result, as with other resources, there is also no guarantee here.

    Programs for smartphones

    A list of ways to find your preferred font online includes an add-on released by MyFonts for smartphones or .

    You can purchase it free of charge from the online store for your specific operating system.

    Found fonts can be purchased online on retailer websites.

    The program provides such an advantage as the selection of fonts in offline mode.

    If you want, the reliability of recognition will be greater when connected to the Internet.

    Browser extensions

    In addition to services that allow you to find font names by going to song sites, you can quickly use extensions installed in the browser.

    For example, the popular Naptha plugin makes it possible to recognize character sets from images.

    Information on the site shows that fonts appear not only on original images, but also on animated ones with extended GIFs.

    Why bother going to the following forums:

    You can also find information about fonts on popular resources - for example, Typeface Identification or Fonts in Use.

    The first group is dedicated to the recognition of character sets.

    Another forum will list the most popular font options, wanting to choose them yourself.


    Regardless of the chosen method of naming the font, there is no risk of getting out of business quickly.

    And although the use of certain services makes it possible to find out the set of characters for several minutes, other resources can be taken from the user for more than an hour.

    And in these episodes, if I have to spend time on the forum until I can sleep, the recovery can last for several days.