Instructions for creating a minecraft server. How to create your own server

First, let’s start talking about technical details, I want to clarify the situation regarding the creation of a “live and remote” server. These steps are divided into three parts:

  1. server creation;
  2. Setting up and installing plugins;
  3. Trapping of gravts.

The first point requires 30 dollars, the second one can cost you a whole day (for one round of plugins, you can earn your own unique “light” for Minecraft), and the third one can take an hour to complete.

Create your own server, ask for new friends, spend a couple of evenings - it’s not important on the right, but for your server to become visible and visible - you will need to apply a lot, and you will be far from playing - purchasing the seen IP, website server creation, yogo advertising , promotion, purchase of the desired server for the game, etc.

In this article, I will only mention the first, simplest point - creating your own server on a special computer, without a visible IP.

Types of servers

There are a number of “packages” of servers - original ones, so you can use them “cleanly”, and simultaneously with the current package of mods. Instructions are included in the installation application official version. If you figure it out, you’ll figure it out with others.


1. Go to the website

I love Minecraft_Server.exe. The current version of the server will always be available on the official website.

Note: as of today (the 5th of November 2011), the official server has server version 1.8.1, which is what most people already have. entice server part for 1.9.5: (zavantazhen: 32767)

2. The file Minecraft_Server.exe (or minecraft_server.jar) can be transferred to the folder where your server will be located (do not run it on your desktop).

3. If you have an open port 25565, you will now see:

Check until the process is completed. After what close the window.

If the port is closed, or the robot Minecraft_Server.exe or Java is blocked, you will be informed:

Why bother if nothing comes out?

I myself suffered when I started the server for the first time (especially with this port 25565), and tried to write all the details in this instruction. If you still don’t want to go out, then go to our forum in the minecraft section (don’t complain that it’s still empty - only the section has been opened), and create a topic where write for details: your operating system, the antivirus/firewall that is installed on the computer you are using, and what programs are running, including screenshots.

І mi z dermal rasbiratimemosya okremo(Figure out the reason for the error and how to correct it), and then supplement this instruction with new instructions. It’s wrong to write in the comments about pardons - because There are a lot of people to comment on, but it is necessary to deal with each individual individually.

In the comments before this instruction, it is better to write not about problems, but about how you solved each problem. Which way the comments will be brown.

Proposals go to Skype or connect via TeamViewer and see everything there - I’m dying, because. Firstly, I can go/have classes, and other participants can help you on the forum, and in another way - that’s my job - to write instructions so that you can start the server yourself.

  • Tutorial

Minecraft today is up to the most popular Merezhevikh igor. Over the next three years (the first official release was in the spring of 2011), millions of people appeared all over the world.

Game developers obviously focus on the most recent images of twenty years ago, since many games were in today’s world, primitive in terms of graphics, but incomplete in terms of usability, but at the same time the one on the right began to snort.

Like all sandbox games, Minecraft provides great opportunities for creativity - which is the main secret of its popularity.

The organization of servers for games in a richly protected regime is handled by the graves themselves and their expertise. Today, tens of thousands of game servers operate on the Internet (for example, the list is here).

There are a lot of gamblers among our clients who rent equipment for gaming projects from our data centers. This article lets us know about those who technical points It is necessary to show respect when choosing a server

Choose a platform

To the warehouse Minecraft games includes the following architectural elements:
  1. server - a program that allows each other to interact one with another;
  2. client - a program for connecting to the server, which is installed on the printer’s computer;
  3. plugins - extensions to the server that add new functions or old ones that are expanded;
  4. modi - additional information to the gaming world(New blocks, objects, possibilities).

There are a lot of ideas for Minecraft server platforms. The most widespread and popular are Vanilla and Bukkit.

We will immediately inform you that in this section we will focus on optimizing the game server. Powered fine tuning and optimization of the server on which Minecraft is installed is a related topic that goes beyond the scope of this article; Tagged readers can easily find out required information on the Internet.

One of the most widespread problems that arise when playing Minecraft is the so-called lag - a situation when the program sometimes does not respond to the input of the user. This may be due to problems on both the client and server sides. Below are recommendations that will help reduce the incidence of problems on the server side.

Regularly monitor the memory consumption of the server and plugins

Memory retention can be achieved using additional specialized administrative plugins, such as LagMeter.

Follow the latest plugins

As a rule, distributors of new plugins with skin new version pragnut zniziti navantazhennya.

Be careful not to use anonymous plugins with similar functionality

Great plugins (eg Essentials, AdminCMD, CommandBook) often include the functionality of many other plugins. For example, the same Essential contains the functions of the iConomy, uHome, OpenInv, VanishNoPacket, Kit plugins. Other plugins, the functionality of which is completely covered by the functionality of one great one, can be deleted in most cases so as not to overpower the server.

Circle the card and venerate it yourself

If you do not demarcate the map, the demand on the server will increase significantly. You can border the map using the WorldBorder plugin. To do this, you need to run this plugin and enter the command /wb 200, and then paint the map using the additional command /wb fill.

The malfunction, obviously, took about an hour, but it’s better to do it once, closing the server to technical robots. Yakscho map promalovuvatime kozhen gravec - server pratsyuvatime polno.

Replace large plugins with more power and less resource consumption

Not all plugins for Minecraft can be called remote: they often contain a lot of useful and unnecessary functions, and others also provide a lot of memory. In the near future, it’s easier to replace plugins with alternative ones (there are a lot of them). For example, the LWC plugin can be replaced with Wgfix + MachineGuard, and the DynMap plugin with Minecraft Overviewer.

Clear the drop first or install a plugin for automatic removal of the drop

In games, drops are items that drop when a mob dies or blocks collapse. Saving and processing drops takes up a lot of system resources.

Shchob server pratsyuvav shvidshe, drop bazhano vidalati. It’s better to use special plugins, for example, NoLagg or McClean.

Don't vicorize anti-cheat

On game servers, so-called anti-cheats are often installed - programs that block attempts to join the game in dishonest ways.

Find anti-cheats for Minecraft. No matter what kind of anti-cheat, you will always add additional information to the server. It is important to install security for the launcher (which, however, does not provide an absolute guarantee of security and is easily broken - which is also a topic for further discussion) and for the client.


Any instructions and recommendations appear to be very effective as they are supported specific butts. Following the installation instructions provided above, we created our own Minecraft server and placed it on the map here.

The axis that emerged in us:

  • Bukkit server – stable version 1.6.4 recommended;
  • Statistics plugin – to collect statistics about gravels;
  • WorldBorder plugin – to paint and border the map;
  • p align="justify"> WorldGuard plugin (+WorldEdit as a deposit) - to protect areas of activity.

We ask everyone to play on the new one: to connect, add a new server and enter the address

Cool news: As a result, the installation fee for a server with a fixed configuration has been reduced by 50%. Now the one-time initial payment will be no more than 3,000 rubles.

Readers who cannot stop commenting here, please contact us on the blog.


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How to create your own server in Minecraft?

Early and late, many Gravians are thinking about how to create their own server in Minecraft. There may be a number of reasons: the ability to install any mods and plugins, access to administrator rights, the opportunity to earn money by donating or to create a good project. Whatever method you choose, this article will teach you how to create your own server in Minecraft.

Server creation

  1. Before installing the server, please install I'll keep the version Java.
  2. Vantage the Minecraft server. The best place to start is on Check out the build recommendations (marked in green).
  3. Create a server folder and place the desired file there.
  4. To make it easier, give the bakkit file a short name (don't forget to include extension.jar).
  5. Next, create a “batnik”. To do this, in Windows 7, at the top panel of the folder, click the “Arrange” button, then select “Folder Options and Search” from the list. In the window, select the “View” tab and at the very end of the list, uncheck the box next to “Get extensions for registering file types.” Next create text document, give your name and give the extension.bat.
  6. Open the file using any text editor.
  7. Enter "java Xmx1G". For additional commands you enter a number RAM, which will be spent on supporting the server. U this application 1 gigabyte. If you want to add one gigabyte, two and a half or some other integer number, you need to enter the values ​​in megabytes (512M, 1536M, etc.). For normal operation of a server with a number of servers, more than twenty, you need close to 2G of RAM.
  8. Write in that row - Xincgc. This function designed to capture the operative memory of “chunks”, which is considered respectable. If you do not register this option, the attraction will not be activated, and the server will crash.
  9. Write -jar there. This option specifies the file to which the files will be compiled first.
  10. Start the server behind an additional file with extended jar extensions.
  11. A window will appear where you can monitor the startup progress. It's time for dad to show up with the server Additional files that folders.

Setting up the server

To customize the configuration, open the file in the server folder using Notepad++ or another code editor. You need to change the following settings:

  1. Online-mod change to false - so that pirates can enter your server, like pirate clients.
  2. The server-IP values ​​are not set carefully, since the server itself matches your IP address, and if you write it in the configuration, you can change the port with amends.
  3. The server-port value should only be changed because you have not one, but many servers.
  4. Max-players – a large number of players who can be on the server at the same time.
  5. Spawn npcs has two values ​​- true and false. This includes the possibility of the emergence of forces and rural burghers.
  6. In the white-list row, through whom you can write down your names, who may have the right to enter the server. Please note that after changing the value of this option, you can leave the server including the items listed in the list and no one else.
  7. Change the Hardcore value to true to change the Hardcore mode.
  8. The ops.txt file contains server operators.


Let's take a look at some of the most useful plugins:

  1. HomeSpawnWarp. The best feature of this plugin is the ability to teleport to any location (for example, home).
  2. ServerSave is a necessary auto-saving service for the world.
  3. WorldEdit is necessary for territory management on a massive scale.
  4. WorldGuard serves for the privacy of the territory and lane. And the miraculous protection from the griffins.

There are a lot of plugins for Minecraft. We said the biggest ones. Others can be installed behind your tub.

Creation of a powerful local server in a normal manner personal computer- It’s a lot of fun to finish the work and the money. Here it is necessary to understand the following points:

  1. 1. And you need your own server. This is one of the key elements that requires clear and unambiguous evidence from the upcoming administrator.
  2. 2. What technical resources are at your disposal and which will be necessary for the operation of a full-fledged server. Minimal technical benefits It costs a lot to create a “good” server: additional installation will cost 70 - 80 thousand. rubles

Also note that for normal operation of the resource (for which you plan to create your own server), it is necessary that the computer server be constantly powered up and run without interruption. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a reliable power supply.

3. How much money are you ready to spend to create and maintain the efficiency of the server. In order to create a full-fledged server on your computer, you need to see (statistical) IP addresses and high fluidity reception and transmission of data (minimum value is 10 Mbit/sec). Obviously, for this you will have to pay extra to the provider and enter into an additional agreement for the provision of such services.

Before you start creating a server from your computer, you need to clearly understand all the nuances.

How to create a server from your home computer?

To create your own server, you first need to install a richly supported intermediate operating system.

Great choice: "Debian", "FreeBSD", "CentOS", "OpenSUSE", "Ubuntu", "Windows" and many others.

You can find out how many applications have been tested on robotic operating systems and their ratings are based on the test results. For example, the “SOS” rating for 2016:

1st place: “Debian” and “ Ubuntu Server»;

3rd place: “FreeBSD” and “ Windows Server»;

4th place: Red Hat Enterprise;

5th month: Fedora.

Apparently, the left side of the edge software market is becoming the operating systems that come first in the ratings. In order to first create a server on your computer, we recommend that you select one of them.

At the frame of the butt it is being installed operating system"Ubuntu Server".

How to set up a local server from scratch on Ubuntu?

1. Download and upload the operating system image to I'll get a flash drive. From the flash drive, use your computer: at the first stage you will be prompted to select a language.

3. On the next screen, select “Region” and “Customize keyboard layout”;

4. Enter the account name, computer account and password,

Then press “Continue”;

set up “Disk Size”

Then select which disk the system will be installed on;

6. Check that the system has been installed and updated.

7. Select security software, which you need for work.

8. Confirm that the installation is complete by clicking the “Continue” button;

9. After restarting the computer to log in oblikovy record You need to enter your login and password, click on the button “4”;

10. At this point, the installation of the server operating system and the initial creation of the server is completed.

How can I become an administrator on my server?

  1. 1. To revoke administrative rights, enter the command sudo su;
  2. 2. Getting dressed merezhevy adjustment The server must rely on DHCP, but for the server to work, you need to change the “iface eth0 inet static” value in the “/etc/network/interfaces” file to a “static IP address”. The text might look something like this:

iface eth0 inet static

After saving, restart the network with the command “/etc/init.d/networking restart”.

As if we weren’t using Minecraft’s single-player mode, multiplayer, where you can play with friends, is a lot more useful. There are a number of ways to play Minecraft in multiplayer. One of them is to create a Minecraft server so that you and your friends can connect. Of course, for this purpose you can use servers that are already running.

Here we will show you how to create a Minecraft server for yourself and your friends on your home PC.

To get started you will need to download the .jar version of the server

Place the downloaded jar file in the folder. It doesn’t matter, as it turns out. Next, you need to prepare a file that will launch your server.

Create a batch file

Create a new text document and add to the next row:

@echo off
title run-minecraft
java -Xms1024M -Xmx2048M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

This means that we want java to run our server minecraft_server.jar with 1024 megabytes (1 gigabyte) of RAM. As it turns out, changing the RAM value to 512 MB helped the server start!

To start the server with a lot of memory, simply change the values ​​-xms and -xmx. In this case, the stench is due to the numbers 64, 128, 256, 512 and so on.

To save the file in .bat format, click the File button on the left upper codend screen, select Save as, then under the “File name” field, select All files. This is very important. Name the file start or start server and click “Save”. Then change the file extension from .txt to .bat

Or you can download my bat file here: (to change it, click on the file right button Click and select the "Change" item).

Please koristuvacha and launch the server

After completing the first stage, launch your server. For now, it’s time to close the meeting, as long as you need to accept the mercenary’s favor. To get started, open the text document so that when you appear in the folder, change the row eula=false to eula=true, save it and start the server again.

Your server must start normally and begin generating light and creating other important files, such as, whitelist, banned-players, etc.

Connection to the server

To connect to the server that we have created, you, as a lord, just need to go into multiplayer and add a server, entering “localhost” as the IP address.

What about your friends, you can give them your current IP address to recognize them, go to the site In addition, your router is responsible for port forwarding from 25565 to 25566. An excellent video on the topic of port forwarding can be found below.

I hope so short guide Let me help you create a Minecraft 1.8 server for yourself and your friends, and then enjoy spending an hour together! If you are running out of food, ask them in the comments below!