What you need is a sitemap xml gz file. XML Sitemap: new source from Wikoristanny

The rest of the time, you can often get information about food related to sitemap files. The surge of interest in this far from the most important aspect of website optimization is explained by the output new versions Yandex.Webmaster, which means the presence of the site map as a bonus.

In the section " Possible problems» The following message is displayed:

There are no files that can be searched by the Sitemap robot
The robot does not use the same sitemap file. This may negatively affect the indexing speed of new pages on the site. If the correct Sitemap files have already been submitted for processing, notifications will automatically inform you of the beginning of their corruption.
Return to the "Sitemap Files" section.

Is it so scary that you're in trouble? Why is it easy to create a sitemap and what happens? Let's put it in order.

What is a sitemap and what is its purpose?

The most commonly used format is xml, which allows you to specify, in addition to the URL itself, other characteristics (frequency of updates and changes, the importance of the page). However, you can choose everything simple structure. Tse txt file, What to replace the list of URLs (from a new row) - and nothing else.

The purpose of the list is to provide search engines with information about the documents on the site. This helps the robot to know all the pages of the resource and add them to the search results. Additional data from xml – this is a recommendation for sound spiders to publish these and other pages more often. Before speaking, I didn’t feel anything about how these recommendations would end. It is entirely possible that the stink will not be insured in the sun, or it is much more weak signal against other officials.

Myths about the site map

1. Complete the creation of sitemap.xml - and you don’t have to worry about indexing

This is the greatest mercy, I wash it regularly. In fact, for large sites (hundreds of thousands of pages), index completeness is one of the most important problems, and simply placing a site map does not solve the problem. The card gives the robot possibility to know all pages, but this does not mean that a) indexing is not affected otherwise, for example, by technical problems and b) the search system recognizes the side of the “good” item by search.

2. Sitemap mandatory for all sites

Small projects (up to a thousand pages) with a more or less adequate structure, if you can go to any page in a couple of clicks, feel wonderful even without it. This is clear both from underground merchandising (the main mechanism for finding materials for indexing is not following internal messages), and from practice. Having studied dozens of sites without maps, they were completely picked up correctly by the robot.

Let’s talk about those same things to Google from your daughter-in-law:

If the pages of a file are correctly linked one by one, search robots can identify most of the materials. Tim no less, with the help of the Sitemap file you can optimize the crawling of the site, especially in such situations:

  • The size of the site is very large. Google search robots may miss recently created or changed pages.
  • The site contains a great archive of stories that are not related one after another. Once they have been successfully scanned, they can be retrieved from the Sitemap file.
  • Your site of creations recently and indicates little effort. Googlebot and other search robots crawl the Internet, following messages from one side to another. If your site shows little effort, it will be easy to know.
  • The site contains multimedia content that appears in Google News and other annotations combined with Sitemap files. Sitemap files can be removed additional information to display search results.

3. If you remove the page from the sitemap, it will appear in the index

Similarly – myth. Having come across a great number of sites, sitemap is valued through technical problems or having given in to robots with a very truncated appearance. This could be mischievous in the search for new stories, but with the old ones everything was different.

By the way, the technique of “removing all indexed items from the map in order to concentrate the robot’s respect on new pages” is often used. It gives a great effect for optimizing website crawling. However, for most situations, I do not recommend this kind of vikoryst about the causes of miracles. lower.

4. It is necessary to fine-tune all the add-ons. parameters (priority, update frequency)

No. As I thought, you can easily rank the original txt file with a list of urls. Obviously, the card will not be assigned the maximum amount of information. However:

  1. There is no reliable data about the fact that sound systems work effectively according to the instructions. However, Yandex often ignores a stronger recommendation - the server header Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since (div.).
  2. If the signals follow strictly the requirements of the sound systems - as a recommendation - the gain in scanning efficiency will most often be quite insignificant. Blame - to put it bluntly, the completeness of the index is critical.
  3. The inclusion of all data is based on SEO analytics of the additional robot with the selection of their values.
  4. Similarly, customizing the generation of a file with parameters of the cost of additional expenses for development.
  5. Points 3 and 4 are even more serious and are not addressed below. Even if the site changes, the data may be changed and expanded, otherwise the recommendations may become irrelevant.

I think there’s no need to talk about myths, let’s move on to the relevant recommendations.

How to properly use the sitemap?

Most of the necessary information about the creation of files and giving robots access to them is located at the top of the sound systems. Additional help from Google and Yandex. I’ll tell you about a number of non-obvious moments.

First of all, a file with a list of URLs to a site that is easy to deny access to may not benefit search robots at all. It’s even handy for low-level SEO analytics.

A couple of butts.

Assessment of the recurrence and brilliance index

Since we know exactly how many pages are available for sound systems (it’s difficult to figure out how many requests there are on a map), we can quickly estimate how many indexings there are. Let’s give a rough estimate through the “site:” operator (pretty much with some tricks, amazing).

Since the number of pages is smaller, the bottom of the map is those that have been licked by robots and we are pushing them into searches - editing the structure, Twitter () etc.

If anything, then the randomly generated, “Smith” pages could be wasted in search. It is necessary to know them and either bring them into harmony, or close robots.txt, canonical, meta tags for help. I know again, for a fun search you need a list of what you need, which is a sitemap.

Search for pages that don't bring traffic

If the page is on the site, if you don’t want to bring us a good time, there’s nothing wrong with it. You need to know such URLs and understand the reasons - this often helps to greatly increase traffic.

How can you earn money? I want it like this:

In the future, Metrics will announce the search for pages per quarter:

Filtered behind the dzherel - behind one of the sound systems, as a result of which:

I visualize the list of pages (table data) in Excel.

Now we have lost:

a) convert the xml map into excel (for which there is a sea of ​​online converters).

b) vikorists excel functions We know the url, which is in the map section, but not in the Metrics section.

The algorithm seems to be cumbersome, but there is nothing complicated about it. And for the lazy ones who value their time (like me), there is automation of the process. One of the comments from our website analysis service is just like this. For example, it turned out yesterday that, based on sitemap, they are searching for potentially unsafe sites that are getting into the index with heavy spam from competitors that are likely to harm the site.

There are many more similar butts that can be found. The point is not in them, but in the fact that having an up-to-date list of pages on the site is very interesting. Until now, you can quickly deny access to additional help. various services that software (on extreme decline- Vikorist Excel) and vikorist in the process of website optimization.

So what can they say, it’s easier to conduct a standard technical audit due to the stagnation of work, since the input submission is not a URL head page, as before, and in the sitemap. The process will be more thorough: you can later select part of the pages for analysis (for example, behind the problematic section) and check until others are processed.

That was the first not so obvious moment.

What's the best way to give robots access to your map?

In such situations, it is better not to specify the message on stiemap in robots.txt, but to send it manually via Google Search Console and Yandex.Webmaster. On the right is what anyone can do in robots.txt. For example, what a dashing, what kind of sparsity content. Do not varto go easy on the manager.

As SEO paranoia grows even stronger, the idea is not to use the standard name (sitemap.xml), but to name the file differently, so that they don’t know, introducing a traditional name.

I won’t say that this is a particularly critical point, but why not lay out the straws, since it’s awkward?


  1. The sitemap file helps the site in terms of indexing, but is not a panacea. If there are problems with index replenishment, they need to be addressed comprehensively.
  2. Vikoristovat is not necessary, but it is necessary for great sites and certain specific tasks (a wonderful quote from Google).
  3. The first point is just to make life easier for the crazy robots. However, to assign an analysis to the site and make a decision on the optimization process, having a map in hand is handy and practical for all sites (except very small ones).
  4. The most important benefit for a sitemap (in addition to compliance with standards) is completeness and relevance. To set up SEO analytics, the map acts as a standard against which to compare other lists of URLs (those in the index; what is sent, what is clicked from search, and so on). Therefore, when created, it is necessary to ensure regular updates.
  5. Since there is a need for indexing to remove already indexed pages from the sitemap, you can have two different files - one for the robots, and the other for the purposes of analysis.

Phew, a simple subject, but the article is worth 1500 rubles. I treasure your writings and your readings. We have never been offended to sit down for!

About what I have learned about on my butt. And its location also does not respond to power, so it can be in the root directory of your site './'. The only thing connected with it is that it is necessary for the operation of the site and how to create this file. What's next?

Now you need the sitemap.xml file

Zagalom yak tsebachu I:

Screenshot of my file sitemap.xml:

This file creates a map for a blog or site with all its pages, which you can create for a list of your articles. Just one moment, this file is needed not for users who have visited your site, but for search engines. Moreover, popular search engines themselves recommend creating and implementing this sitemap.xml as much as possible. And all you need to do is to inform search engines about Web pages that are available for scanning on your site. Once again, administrate robots.txt, which protects all sections and pages – sitemap.xml creates a list of pages (send URL) that can easily be used before indexation.

The file itself is an XML document, containing messages, addresses for your Web site, and other required data for sound systems. So, for example, like: date the rest of the change pages, change frequency, priority. Again, all this is required for PS for more competent scanning of your site. The file itself can, in principle, be seen on other blogs by entering their address, and then /sitemap.xml or like mine.

By the way, this file is intended to help pranksters to improve the content of pages on your site or for more reasonable indexing. Just remember that there is no additional hint for sound systems. And just because this file will not be on your server, this does not mean that search engines will not index your pages, and they will not be wasted by search engines. Everything will be more beautiful if the file type is used.

Create the sitemap.xml file

As I understand it, you can sing in different ways at the food file. The first step is to create this file yourself manually, vikoryst recommendations and applications from the official site sitemaps.org, vikoryst and XML tags. Save the file from XML extensions at the code. After that, copy your content to the server in the root directory of your Web site. Before speech, this file can be divided into different sizes - no more than 10 MB and 50000 URL. I would like to solve this problem because I need to create a file from a large list of URLs.

There is another option that will speed up the automatic creation of sitemap maps. For this reason, there are a lot of websites on the Internet that provide such a service. For example, the site htmlweb.ru - which has a sitemap generator, where you only have to enter the address of your site and click on the Enter XML map button. After that, save the finished file on your computer and send it to the website in the root directory.

So, before you upload this file to the server, you also need to register it in the robots.txt file, for example - sending it to the sitemap.xml file, for example, as I have 'Sitemap: https://www..xml' . This is necessary in order to notify the sound system of the file being processed.

The answer is obvious - this file is a boot.

The sitemap.xml file is a tool that allows webmasters to inform search engines about site pages that are available for indexing. Also, XML maps can have additional page parameters: date stay updated, update frequency and priority over other pages. Information in sitemap.xml can influence the behavior of the search crawler and, in general, the process of indexing new documents. Sitemap contains directives for enabling pages by bypassing and adds robots.txt to place directives for disabling pages.

From whom you will find tips for all nutrition using sitemap.xml.

What you need sitemap.xml

Search engines use sitemap to search for new documents on the site (this can be HTML documents or media content) that are not accessible through navigation, but otherwise require crawling. The presence of a document sent to sitemap.xml does not guarantee its scanning or indexing, but most often the file helps larger sites be indexed more quickly. In addition, data from XML maps are used to identify canonical pages, which is not specifically stated in the rel=canonical thesis.

Sitemap.xml is important for websites, such as:

  • Some sections are not available through the navigation menu.
  • There are no isolated sides or poorly connected parts.
  • Technologies that are poorly supported by search engines (for example, Ajax, Flash or Silverlight) are being reviewed.
  • There are a lot of pages and it is easy to see if the search crawler can skip new content.

If this is not your problem, then, despite everything, you don’t need sitemap.xml. For sites that are important for indexing, the page is available within 2 clicks, where JavaScript or Flash technologies are not used for displaying content, where canonical and regional tags are used if necessary, and fresh This content appears no more often than you visit the site robot, there is no need for the sitemap.xml file.

For small projects, problems beyond the large number of documents involved are obvious and can be easily resolved I'll help you HTML map the site, without going into the vikoristan of the XML map. If you thought that you still need sitemap.xml, then read this manual in full.

Technical information

  • Sitemap.xml є text file XML format. However, sound systems also support text format(Div. offensive division).
  • Skin sitemap can be used at maximum 50 000 address and no more important 50MB(10MB for Yandex).
  • You can use a gzip compress to change the size of the sitemap.xml file and increase the speed of its transfer. In this case, use the gz extension (sitemap.xml.gz). In this case, the exchange for the vaga will be lost for squeezing sites.
  • Updating the Sitemap file means typing a URL that you can include in your Sitemap. The map, which contains the addresses of the pages of the entire site, must be completely rebuilt. If a sitemap is located in a folder, then all URLs in that sitemap must be located in this folder or more generally ().
  • Addresses in sitemap.xml may be absolute.
  • The maximum URL length is 2048 characters (1024 characters for Yandex).
  • Special characters in the URL (such as the ampersand "&" or pads) are to blame for being masked in the HTML essence.
  • It is indicated in the card of the guilty page to give a 200 http code to the status.
  • The addresses listed in the map are not at fault and will be closed in the robots.txt or meta-robots file.
  • The sitemap is not to blame if we close it at robots.txt, otherwise the search engine will not scan it. The file itself may be in the index, but that’s fine.

XML map formats

Search engines support a simple text format for the site map, which is simply a list of reorganized URLs and pages without additional parameters. In this case, the file is due to UTF-8 encoding and extension .txt.

Sound systems also support the standard XML protocol. Google additionally supports sites for images, videos and news.

Butt of the Sitemap file, so as to place more than one address.

https://сайт/ 2018-06-14 daily 0.9

XML tags
url(obov'yazkovy) - father's tag for the skin URL.
loc(obov'yazkova) - URLs of the document, which may be absolute.
lastmod- Date of last change of the document in Datetime format.
changefreq- Frequency of page changes (always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never). The meaning of this tag is a recommendation of sound systems, and not a command.
priority- the priority of the URL over other addresses (from 0 to 1) for scanning. If it is not indicated, then the price for the promotional items is 0.5.

XML map for images

The optimization steps should be inserted into the sitemap.xml in the same way as in the html document. This way you can work, or better yet, for Google to expand the standard protocol and at the same time add additional information about the images to the URLs. Creating XML maps is difficult to display, since the images must be scanned and indexed, and in this case they are not accessible to the bot (for example, JavaScript is curated).

Example of a map to the site to place one side and the images that go with it

http://example.com/primer.html http://example.com/kartinka.jpg http://example.com/photo.jpg Вид на Балаклаву Севастополь, Крым http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/legalcode

XML tags
image:image(obov'yazkovo) - information about one image. The maximum you can vikorize is 1000 images.
image:loc(obov'yazkovo) – the way to the image file. If you are using a CDN, you can apply to another domain, as long as it is not confirmed in the webmasters panel.
image:caption- caption before the image (can be long text).
image:title- Name of the image (read short text).
image:geo_location- place of marriage.
image:license- Image license URL. Vikorist with an expanded search for pictures.

XML map for video

Similar to the image map, Google is also extending the sitemap protocol for video to provide reporting information about video content that feeds into video searches. A video sitemap is necessary if the site contains vicorized videos that are hosted locally, and if the indexing of these videos is difficult due to the technologies that are vicorized. If you sell YouTube videos on your website, then a videositemap is not needed.

Sitemap for new products

If there is new content on the site and participation in Google News, it is worthwhile to use the Sitemap for news, so Google will quickly find your latest materials and index all news articles. In this case, Sitemap must only remove the addresses of pages published in the last 2 days and remove no more than 1000 URLs.

Vikoristannya number of cards

If necessary, you can edit a number of sitemaps, combining them into one index site. Dekilka sitemap.xml is vikorivoyutsya in the form, if:

  • There are a number of engines (CMS) on the website.
  • There are over 50,000 pages on the site.
  • It is necessary to manually adjust the distribution of cuts in the sections.

As of now, a large section of the site has its own sitemap.xml and all of them are added to the panel for webmasters, so it’s easy to keep track of which section has the most damage (the div. section to search for damage in the site map).

If you have 2 or more sites, they need to be combined into an index site, which also looks like the secondary one (due to the presence of sitemapindex and sitemap tags instead of urlset and url), there may be a similar exchange You can only use the original XML map (not the index) .

Butt Sitemap Index:

http://www.example.com/sitemap-blog.xml.gz 2004-10-01T18:23:17+00:00 http://www.example.com/sitemap-webinars.xml.gz 2005-01-01

sitemapindex(obov'yakovy) – specifies the standard of the flow protocol.
sitemap(obov'yakovy) - place information about the local network.
loc(language) - sitemap development (in xml, txt or rss format for Google).
lastmod- It’s time to change the sitemap. Allows pranksters to quickly discover new URLs on sites of great size.

How to create sitemap.xml

Methods creation XML Sitemap:

  • Internal features of CMS. Many CMSs already support the creation of site cards. To be clear, read the documentation for the CMS, view the menu items in the admin panel, or go to the engine's technical support. Place the file https://yoursite.com/sitemap.xml on your site, it may already be active and being dynamically formed.
  • External plugins. Since the CMS does not have the functionality of generating a sitemap, and it supports plugins, Google which plugins will feed the sitemap.xml for your engine and install it. In some cases, you need to contact the programmers to write a similar plugin for you.
  • Here's a great script on the site. If you know the XML map protocol and technical interchanges, you can create sitemap.xml yourself by adding a generation script from CRON. If you are not a programmer, check out the other items on this list.
  • Sitemap generators. There are no sitemap.xml generators that scan your site and provide you with a ready-made map. The problem here is that when updating a website, you need to manually generate a sitemap.
  • Parsery. Desktop programs used for technical analysis of the site allow you to download sitemap.xml, generated based on crawled pages. It works in the same way as sitemap generators, only it is launched locally on your machine.

Popular online sitemap generators


Allows you to remove sitemap.xml from multiple clicks. Supports XML format, HTML, TXT and GZ. It is easy to create vikorist for small websites (up to 500 pages).

A similar generator, but with a little more tweaking, allows you to create a map of up to 2000 pages without costs.

There is a hands-free setup that allows you to import URLs from a CSV file. Scans up to 500 URLs cost-free.

There is no limit on the number of pages for scanning. But for large sites, the generation process can take several dozen steps.

Local programs for creating XML Sitemap

G-Mapper Sitemap Generator

Free desktop version of the website card generator for Windows.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider

A powerful tool for creating a site map with no personal adjustments. Of course, if you are already using the frog screen for other SEO tasks. After scanning the site, select the menu item Sitemaps -> Create XML Sitemap.

Netpeak Spider

Mensh gnuchke, but also a more convenient solution for the quick generation of sitemap.xml. After scanning the site, you need to select the menu item Tools -> Sitemap Generation.

The use of the Sitemap protocol does not guarantee re-indexing of the site, but allows robots to perform additional crawling. Its version 1.0 is supported by Google, Yandex, Yahoo!, Bing and Ask.com.

The Sitemap file is created for the effective development of the site, as a resource:

  • place pages with images or multimedia AJAX content that cannot be detected by search robots during scanning, a dynamic warehouse or large archives of documents that are not linked to each other;
  • creations are recent and there is no sufficient external mass sent.

The Sitemap file is located in the root directory of the server (for example, http://site.ru/sitemap.xml). All enumerated messages are due to the same domain name, which is a file, indicate on the pages that are located in the same section or subsections, and follow the same protocol, beyond the availability of Sitemap.


The Sitemap file must be modified to include UTF-8 encoding and character masking ‘ “ >< и &. Формат протокола состоит из XML-тегов.

Obov'yazkovi tags:

  • urlset specifies the protocol standard and encapsulates the file. It is necessary to open the document that is closed - for example,
  • url - Father's tag for skin URL,
  • loc - web site URLs that begin with a prefix and end with a / character. This dovzhin is limited by 2048 characters.

Neobov'yakovі tags:

  • lastmod - date of last change in the W3C Datetime format, which allows you to omit the hour segment for the need to change the YYYY-MM-DD type.
  • changefreq - the update frequency for this page has been changed. Valid values ​​are always (for describing documents that change with skin access), hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and never (for archived addresses).
  • priority - the priority of the URL value over others on the resource. Allows you to see pages with queries that are most important for search optimization of the site. The standard value range is 0 to 1 (with a customization of 0.5).

The number of addresses in the Sitemap file is not required to exceed 50,000, maximum size– 10 MB. You can compress the file with the gzip archiver for modifications up to throughput capacity channel. For a description of over 50,000, the address will create a number of Sitemap files.

What is the site map?

Instead of any web resource, sooner rather than later it will be indexed by search engines. How can you earn money so that this process works faster?

One of the greatest effective ways- Wikipedia for the so-called map of the site ( Sitemap).

Site map ( Sitemap) – tse xml- a file with information for search engines about the pages of a web resource that support indexing. Sitemap helps pranksters determine the location of objects of a web resource, the hour of last update, update frequency, and priority.

Protocol format Sitemap develops from XML-tags.

The file needs to be coded correctly UTF-8.

Attributes XML- tags Sitemap

- Language attribute.

– обязательный атрибут. Родительский тег для каждой записи URL . Остальные теги являются дочерними для этого тега;

https://virtuapc.ru/en/ – обязательный атрибут. URL страницы; должен начинаться с префикса (например, http:// ) и заканчиваться косой чертой, если ваш веб-сервер требует этого. Длина этого значения не должна превышать 2048 символов;

– необязательный атрибут. Дата последнего изменения файла; должна быть в формате W3C Datetime . Этот формат позволяет при необходимости опустить сегмент времени и использовать формат ГГГГ-ММ-ДД;

– необязательный атрибут. Вероятная частота изменения этой страницы. Это значение предоставляет общую информацию для поисковых систем и может не соответствовать частоте сканирования этой страницы. Допустимые значения: always , hourly , daily , weekly , monthly , yearly , never ;

– необязательный атрибут. Приоритетность URL относительно других URL на вашем сайте. Допустимый диапазон значений – от 0,0 до 1,0. Это значение не влияет на процедуру сравнения ваших страниц со страницами на других сайтах – оно только позволяет указать поисковым системам, какие страницы, по вашему мнению, более важны для сканеров (приоритет, который вы назначили странице, не влияет на положение ваших URL на страницах результатов той или иной поисковой системы). Приоритет страницы по умолчанию – 0,5.

Пример XML -файла Sitemap

(необязательные теги выделены ):











This file encapsulates and specifies the streaming protocol standard; Sitemap):




If the site contains a lot of web pages, you can omit the non-binding attributes (meaning you can change the size of the file Sitemap

Submission of files to the index Sitemap File guilty of revenge no more than 50,000 URL , in which case its size is not to blame for oversizing 10.

MB Sitemap If necessary, file you can get help from the archiver gzip

, to change the options up to the throughput capacity of the channel guilty of revenge no more than 50,000 If you need to over-insure more than 50,000 Sitemap, then create a bunch of files Sitemap. In this case, it is necessary to restore the contents of these files from the index file Sitemap. At the file index Sitemap no more than 50,000 files can be overwritten , in which case its size is not to blame for oversizing 10.

. The size of this file is not to be oversized 10

How to create a site map Sitemap To create a map for the site, you can quickly use so-called generators

, Or you can earn everything yourself: - Open it;

Notebook Sitemap– following the rules of the protocol Sitemap ;

, save the file sitemap.xml);

– enter the file name in the provided text field (for example, – in the list of what is missing File type Select;

– enter the file name in the provided text field (for example, All files (*.*) File type UTF-8 Koduvannya , press;

Save Sitemap - Upload

at the root directory of your site. Sitemap

Information for scanners of sound systems about the presence and location of the file Sitemap After that, as a file

created and hosted on a web server, it is necessary to inform the sound systems that support this protocol about its location. You can earn money in the following ways:

Transferring the Sitemap file to the additional web interface of the search engine Sitemap To upload a file right in the middle poshukova system

, which makes it possible to retrieve information about the status and processing of the processing, go to the advanced system of the sound system.