How to increase the throughput of the pipe.

Tablets Internet channel bandwidth or, simpler than it seems, Internet speed

, is the maximum number of data received by a personal computer or transmitted within one hour.

Most often, it is possible to measure transmission speed in kilobits/second (Kbps; Kbps) or megabits (Mbps; Mbps).

The file size is usually specified in bytes, KB, MB and GB.

Shards of 1 byte are 8 bits, in practice it means that if the speed of your Internet connection is more than 100 Mbps, then the computer can receive or transmit no more than 12.5 Mb of information in a second ii (100/8=12.5) .

  1. You can explain that if you want to download a video with a volume of 1.5 Gb, then you have only 2 units left. Naturally over-processed products are produced in ideal laboratory minds. For example, the action may be completely different: There are three numbers here: Ping – this number means the hour for which the transmission is transmitted.
  2. Merezhevi packages
  3. . Anything less than the significant number, tim beautifulness

Internet connection (the value should be less than 100ms).

  • Next comes the ability to extract information (input).
  • You will have to pay this number for your Internet service provider (for this number of “Megabits” you will have to pay your hard-earned dollars/hryvnias/rubles etc.).
  • The third number is lost, which means the transmission speed (output).

Officials who also worry about Internet speed:

  • When you change the speed of the server, until you change.
  • Adjustment and fluidity Wi-Fi router If you are connected through a local network.
  • At the time of verification, all programs and programs running on the computer.
  • Firewalls and antiviruses that operate in the background.
  • Adjusting your operating system is the same as your computer.

How to increase internet speed

If your computer has a problem or poor software, you may experience reduced Internet connection speed. Trojan programs, viruses, viruses, etc.

Those who use the computer can take part of the channel's bandwidth for their needs.

To protect them, it is necessary to use anti-virus programs. If you use Wi-Fi, which does not require password theft, then you will definitely be welcomed by other users who do not mind using free traffic. It's easy to set a password to connect to Wi-Fi.

Reduce fluidity and run programs in parallel. For example, suddenly managers of attractions, Internet messengers,

automatic update

The operating system increases the demand on the processor and therefore the speed of the Internet connection decreases. The axis of this action, in these situations, to help increase internet speed:

If you have a high Internet connection, and the bandwidth is too low, then increase the bandwidth of the port.

It’s easy to earn money..

As you know, the transmission modes are considered to be the transfer of information.

Information is a special entity and is expressed in specific units.

The transmission network is used to transfer information directly between computers, which is a method that is oriented directly towards the computer.

In information science, the basic concept is that there is a minimal commitment to information and there can be two sides: so - no, truth - lies, one - zero, and so on.

p align="justify"> The computer works not with single bits, but with their groups.

A group that contains 8 bits is called a byte.

8 bits = 1 byte.

Therefore, the amount of information is likely to be contained in several bytes.

To avoid confusion with short-term naming, check with most browsers and software vendors - a small Russian letter "b" or a small Latin "b" means "bit", and a large letter "B" or "B" means "byte". Popular meals under the hour of fluidity analysis.

Even with a wide range of speeds, there is an incorrect interpretation of the data itself, which is extracted from the seller’s programs, and even if the value is 450 KBs, check that the speed is 10 times less than the stated tariff 4 096 kbs.

Even in the first case, the speed is measured in bytes, and if you multiply them by 8, you get 3600 kbit/s (with the exception of service traffic, there is a completely pleasant result).

Another extended benefit for your connection speed is those who look at the bottom right corner of the monitor at the icon in the view of two monitors, and read the message - Connection speed 100 MB.

Then you will know about those who have a tariff plan, for example 512 Kbps, and 512 more, less than 100, be aware of those who are deceiving you, and you start calling the service

technical support

Let's figure out what's going on!

Also called speed of information transmission, the amount of information expressed in bits or bytes is transmitted in one hour.

Transfer speed can be expressed in bits per second – b/s, Kilobits per second – Kb/s and Megabits per second – Mb/s.

Or in bytes per second - B/s, Kilobytes per second - KB/s, etc.

Another, even similar concept, is how people often get confused with the speed of transmission - the throughput of the channel.

It appears at the same time that the speed of information transfer shows how quickly information is transferred from the device to the user without any information through any channels. If the information is transmitted, then the throughput of the channel shows how much information can be transmitted over a specific transmission channel per hour.


capacity – this is the maximum possible transmission speed for a particular channel.

When transmitting data over one channel, information can be transmitted simultaneously from many devices to many devices and, depending on a number of factors, the speed of information transfer for each specific device pair The size may be different, and the axis of throughput for the skin canal is a value such as as a rule, it became. The sum of all the speeds of information transmission over a specific channel cannot be more than the bandwidth of that channel! However, the provider cannot guarantee the client the specified speed of information transfer to/from any source of information. The provider can only guarantee the client the CHANNEL BANDWIDTH. Although in the contracts and price lists of most providers it is stated that the client is entitled to such speedy access to the network, but in reality, it’s not the speed, but the bandwidth of the channel.

Which channel?

From a client in Krasnoyarsk to a server in Uryupinsk or to the site No! And the hour of this “pumping” was detected.

Then they poured the liquid into the file at a certain hour and removed the liquid.

Only axis singly You remove the speed less than your declared speed of access (in other words, the capacity of the building).

І Your provider may be absolutely not to blame.

I'll try to explain why.

There can be three main reasons behind the great rakhunko:

1) Revantage of any channel connection between you and the Novosibirsk server. And there may be a lot of channels there: from you to your provider, from the provider to your UpLink ("higher" provider), from your provider's UpLink to your provider's UpLink, to any connection to this Novosibirsk server (and in this You can access a long range of channels that belong to different providers, including foreign ones), as well as between the server and the provider for each connection. Moreover, the throughput of the skin of these channels may be different, and the “total” throughput of the entire channel will not be greater than the throughput of the “overall” of all “subchannels”.

2) The importance of the server itself is great (it simply completely “gives” you information), and the exchange rate of “giving” data installed by the server’s owner.

3) Low productivity of your hemstone ownership because your computer will be more interested in other tasks if you have been dying.

In addition, in this way you achieved “pure” speed of information transfer, without any overhead costs.

And there are also quite a few of them: service information in the header of each IP packet, commands to connect and install the information transfer process, resending lost packets, etc.

Not so.

Any serious provider strives to ensure the guaranteed throughput as accurately as possible, and not only that any client can accurately measure and submit a claim to the provider.

How can I control the bandwidth of the channel in connection with the provider?

It is now fashionable among clients to measure “access speed” using other sites like

However, with these other sites, you can limit the speed of data transfer from you to that site, rather than the bandwidth of your channel. As I have already written, first of all, “two great differences”, in another way, the accuracy of such a vimir “deprives much of the beauty” (for reasons stated in the previous section), and thirdly, only people can move “lower” cordon” building capacity, then. that the throughput is “no less” than what you intended.

The greatest

the most reliable way The reduction of the true bandwidth of your channel is in the future. First of all, you need to use a program to handle the information that is transmitted/obtained directly on the interface of your computer - such as TMeter, DUMeter, etc.

After launching such programs, you will need some way to “engage” your channel as much as possible, for example, start “uploading” immediately as many times as you need

great files from different FTP servers (and the more, the better). Or another way is to launch today’s popular add-on – Torrent, which has gained the most attention from you, and then evaluate the speed of downloading. In this case, you can accurately determine the throughput of your channel to the provider; moreover, no matter what your provider allows you, information simply does not pass through to your computer. A little about ADSL There are also situations when the provider cannot provide bandwidth to the channel between you and another network, depending on the tariff plan you have chosen. This is most often the case with ADSL connections. Yakshcho vyvchali robota DSL technology

Internet bandwidth is primarily important for business owners, since it means the speed of data transfer and comfortable work on the Internet.

The ability to transmit information to one receiving device is assessed on the basis of analysis. Ensure the speed of data transmission by selecting the optimal device, encoder and decoder for a given channel.

Understand the concepts of nominal and effective fluidity.

Nominal indicates the throughput when operating system and customer add-ons, and is effective only when monitored by customer programs. To ensure the speed of your Internet connection, carry out special measurement tests. The stinks allow the channel to fade, which means

real fluidity

  • , which, before speaking, often does not correspond to the statements of the tariff plan.
  • What does the fluidity test mean:
  • login – displays the operation of importing data to your PC via the Internet;
  • output – characteristics of the upload of information from your PC to the broadcast;

ping (ping) – the one-year interval required to send a data packet from the PC to the provider’s server and back (meaning the hour the Internet site is opened);

hour of testing - once the test has been carried out, the indicators of the result can be compared with the actual ones to verify the changes.

The bandwidth of the router depends on the type of cable (standard, fiber optic, etc.), the provider that is currently available.

As a result of the test, you will not always receive objective data that is rarely compatible with the statements of the tariff plan, and in any case the throughput indicator should not be reduced by more than 10%. How to determine building capacity The throughput test is an elementary set of tests to test the understanding of the agreement. You should also carry out this procedure if you respect that the Internet speed is lower and lower. Conducted using special online servers.

Before you start the test, you must turn on all the download programs (torrent, mediaget, flashget, etc.).

Internet radio, email clients, Skype, ICQ and

similar programs

    , They can also be completed through the task manager.

    It is also recommended to close

    antivirus programs

The capacity of an Internet channel is limited to the amount of data that can be received or transmitted in one hour. The basic unit of throughput is bits per second. For larger values, use larger units – kilobits per second / megabits per second / gigabits per second etc.

The bandwidth to each subscriber is determined by the technology of your wired connection, which can be: ADSL or ADSL2+ up to 24 megabits per second, Fast Ethernet up to 100 megabits per second or Gigabit Ethernet up to 1000 megabits per second, depending on the tariff plan.

As it was written in the article about the peculiarities of the local unlimited tariff plans, all these exchanges can be based on a variety of factors, including connections for Ethernet technologies Since the throughput capacity is 100 megabits for both uploading and streaming, it is not at all necessary that the server from which you will download will provide the same throughput to the channel.

The remoteness of the server also matters.

    For example, you are playing online games The online game server is located in Europe.

    The Infolink company does not have its power channels behind the cordon, obviously if there are delays in the game, in most cases there will be calls from a distant server, and expenses on the channel, permissible between Gels Information about Amsterdam, please do not contact Infolink in any way.

    Conducting data transfers to the external server Find a point on a map of the world Noginsk and press on it.

Wait for the verification to be completed. Smoothness the current throughput of the channel will be input.

Transmission speed
the current throughput of the channel will be available.
The results, please, are 5-10% less than the real ones, because... do not insure service traffic, necessary robots and barriers. All recommendations have been entered, and the results shown do not reflect your connection technology.
tariff plan
- Make sure that there are no proxy server settings in your browser settings, because
Otherwise, you will be tested through someone else and the results may not be as effective.

Let's figure out what's going on!- and the rest is to connect directly to the provider’s cable without connecting to your home router.

- Represents the obsessiveness of data transmitted intermittently or partly in one hour.

Disaggregate the average, meeting and maximum throughput of the building.

The average throughput capacity is calculated by the way of the subdivision of the legal obligation of transmitting data at the time of transmission, and it is chosen to complete the required interval of an hour - a year, a day and a week.

The average throughput of a given data varies from the average throughput of a given data, so that for averaging a very small interval of an hour is chosen - say, 10 ms or 1 s.

The maximum throughput of the building is the highest throughput of the building, fixed during the expansion period. The main task is to ensure the transfer of information between computers. Also, the criteria related to the throughput capacity of the network or part of the network will help to determine the viability of the network and its functions.

There are no options for determining criteria of this type, just as there are criteria for the “reaction hour” class. These options can be of one type: by the number of transmitted information, by the nature of the data - either private or service-based, by the number of data transfer points of the transmitted traffic, by the method average pouches on the border in total.

Rozberomo different methods work on the switching of packets (or frames), then the number of transmitted information in packets can be sensed, the greater the capacity of the communication equipment that operates on the channel level and above, More often than the skin, it appears in bags for a second.

However, due to the variable packet size (for all ATM protocols, the fixed packet size is 53 bytes), the variation in packet throughput per second is due to some insignificance - packets of each protocol are transferred to the vazi? Most often, packets are sent to the Ethernet protocol, as it is the widest protocol, which is the smallest size for the protocol - 64 bytes. Minimum packages are collected in the core of the standard ones through those that they create for communication possession of the most important mode of operation - computational operations that are carried out with any package that arrives in a weak state and lie within the same size, then packet processing information is transferred to one unit The minimum dozhin package requires a significant amount of operations, which is less than for the maximum dozhin package.

Variation of bandwidth in bits per second (for local measures

more characteristic speeds, which are measured in millions of bits per second - Mb/s) gives a more accurate assessment of the speed of information that is transmitted, less when the packets are stuck.

Since the type of protocol does not change when the measurement is adjusted, then it is possible to set criteria that do not see the data from the correspondent flow.

When testing the throughput capacity of the network on the applied level, it is simpler to match the throughput itself with the data of the customer. To do this, it is enough to measure the hour of transfer of a file of the same size between the server and the client and divide the file size by the required hour., To surrogate behind-the-scenes bandwidth, you need special surrogate tools - protocol analyzers or SNMP or RMON agents built into Operating systems

hem adapters and communication installation.

The criteria are varied by number and scaled points in the world. The throughput, obviously, varies between any two nodes or dividing points, say, between client computer 1 and server 3 from the example shown in Fig. 2.2.

When maintaining the value of the throughput of the building will change in the same minds, the work of the boundaries depends on the difference between two points. Due to the fact that a large number of computers and servers operate at any one time, new data on the throughput of the network provides a set of throughput capacities available for different connections of interconnected computers - so called traffic matrix of network nodes. There are special data processing methods that fix the traffic matrix for each node of the network. In connection with the fact that in the boundaries of data on the route to the node it is traditional to pass through a number of transit intermediate stages of processing, then the performance criterion can be considered the throughput of the adjacent intermediate element of the boundary - near the channel

, segment of the communication device.

It is not possible to know all the throughput between two nodes

Each of these elements has a minimum throughput of the elements of the route, and the delay in the transmission of one packet (one of options depending on the time of reaction) and the amount of adjustments to be made every element.

To increase the throughput of a warehouse route, it is necessary to first focus on the most important elements - in which case the router will be such an element.

It is necessary to calculate the total throughput of the network as the average amount of information transmitted between nodes of the network per hour. The overall throughput of a network can vary between packets per second and bits per second. When dividing the network into sections or sub-measures, the capacity of the network is equal to the sum of the throughput capabilities of the sub-merger plus the capacity of intersegment and inter-margin connections.