What kind of screen technology is better for IPS or TFT. Types of mobile phone screens. Perspective matrix type

The strength of the image on the screen of a mobile device depends on the technology behind the display. on Narazi The most popular types of displays are: TFT, OLED, AMOLED (including varieties Super AMOLED both Ultra AMOLED), IPS (Super IPS) and Super LCD.

TFT(Thin Film Transistor) – this is the technology of thin-film transistors, which is used in active matrix displays. Each pixel of the image contains three transistors (each pixel represents one of the three main colors - red, green or blue), as well as a capacitor that supports the required voltage. The main disadvantage of TFT screens is their high energy consumption.

Television black truth is hostile, in many cases you will realize that this is not absolute. The display does not change brightness after 5 seconds, unless the shutter release is delayed by 10 seconds. The maximum manual brightness is not much lower, reaching 500 nits, while the automatic brightness rises above 700 nits. Evening on the sofa, it’s not important to turn on the light. It’s not difficult, it’s not rare.

We haven’t talked about prices at all, so let’s not talk about them right now. We evaluate technologies with a view to obtaining the best results. Why does the display decrease brightness after 5-10 seconds and dim after 30 minutes more? As the maximum brightness of the koristuvach, which is chosen by the koristuvach, is richly lower, lower in the system automatic servicing? How do micro-roaches work on static interface elements? The truth is that degradation is an important and pressing problem.

OLED(Organic Light Emitting Diode) – these are organic electro-luminescent displays. Such displays have high brightness and contrast, but do not require additional backlighting and use less energy. The main shortcoming is the cost of production technology.

AMOLED(Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode) – this is an advanced version of OLED technology. AMOLED displays contain an active matrix with organic light-emitting diodes. This allows the screen to bend slightly without the risk of rusting, and also gives the screen even a little wear and tear. The main advantages of screens this type There is high brightness and contrast, reduced energy consumption, and the color transfer of the image is intensified.

It has been documented why stinks cause carnage across the world. After a month of being there, did you encounter any changes in the problem? But we can’t say anything about the global problems that can cause everything. For example, the problem with the adhesive and the display is resolved, as long as it is already successful.

Among other things, there are 4 calibration modes, of which one is adaptive, so why are there 4 tables? And if you throw off the discount, will it be new? I'm sure that if you open the door, you will automatically fall under the drowsy light. Because your “skin situation” is a situation in the middle of a completely dark room.

Some devices have upgraded versions of Vikorist AMOLED technology– Super AMOLED and Ultra AMOLED. According to manufacturers' claims, such displays are more economical, may have shorter color transfer and are less likely to “stick together” in the light.

IPSі Super IPS- various types of TFT displays. Such screens are characterized by great looks, perfect black color and wonderful color rendition.

In addition, there is no fluffiness at the top of the range, which, of course, does not show brightness, which is to blame for the shooting. Read the patent, first paragraph. Degradation is not hypothetical, it is inevitable. In fact, there were not enough reserves in the game, and there was also the fact that the three colors were mixed differently from the point of view of the victorian.

As it is a natural contrast, it is effectively striking and without the need for constant light-LED backlighting, which is rich in value. It’s important to keep in mind that as light as it is, you may be using your phone in the full sun, and even those who are using it as a side effect will see the absolute black in your skin situation, so your mother K-display, which is suitable for this level of black , but no one can reach them? The amount of beaten light and the removed light is always the same, just beat the light.

Super LCD- this reduces the option of LCD screens. Such screens are more expensive and have lower energy consumption.

Nowadays, there are clear abbreviations for different types of displays mobile devices However, it is often difficult to choose the type of display when purchasing a mobile phone. In this article, we will try to describe what types of screens there are for mobile devices to help you choose a phone screen.

Expanded display technology

You will see that the first thing for everything is the lower black dark brown, which causes television coverage with high brightness, clearly looks gray. Like and be like another black detail in the middle of the image. And let's talk about the details of the screen, regardless of those that are more illuminated than any zone control. Look at the screen of your smartphone, which doesn’t give you much insight into what to get out of it.

In normal working minds, the frequency of updating is the same, but the hour of the panel is different, and one does not flow one on one. And why do low- and mid-range products have the entire interface move around the frame? Don't you remember what we're talking about?

Nowadays, with the greatest expansion of technology, you can see everything on two screens based on LCD(LCD displays) OLED(Display on organic browsers). The main feature of the LCD is that there are no backlight lamps; in OLED displays, the surface elements glow directly.

Now, let’s take a look at the skin technology displays.

Perspective matrix type

But really, the correction works for the average price, although it doesn’t matter at all computational system Integrate the amount of brightness into the past hour, just like the car’s on-board computer calculates fuel consumption. For the one who cannot write, but for the relay-coach, this is a problem.

What should you change if the module is damaged?

It’s a wonderful thing, called anti-reflexion, more simply, the lower RK display, where it’s light to come out from behind the screen. The brighter the light, the lighter the wine filters through the closed crystals that create black on the front panel and you mark less, otherwise you mark and grow to increase the brightness there is.

LCD (liquid crystal display), then displays are based on rare crystals (RC). Rare crystals, like solids, form a strictly distinct structure of the crystal lattice and openings for light. However, in addition to other crystals, they can rarely change the structure under external infusion ( electric struma or temperature), swirling, flocking in the dark. Using a brush, you can create writing or images on the screen. Ale varto znachiti LCD displays Do not use it as a broken light, so the rear light bulb is their obligatory attribute. Due to its short dimensions, the lamp must be located on the side, and opposite it there is a mirror, so the larger LCD matrix in the center can be seen brighter than at the edges.

Of course, this is not a necessary function. So there is only one nutrition, doctors, that is just one sign of nutrition. Then why did you start with “food:” from the multitude? Who wrote this nearly eight years ago? Absolute black is possible if there is no backlighting.

The most beautiful panels are used on smartphones, modern technologies. Of course, you can, this is a good time to get started. Those that cannot be corrected are the disomity of survival. Vikorist is a pensioner for two reasons. The matrix labels of the transmitters are important to recognize, and for many computers, the type of display is a mystery, which becomes a topic for many discussions on the forum. Knowing both models is still difficult for us – people who often test and select professional monitors.

LCD displays are also divided into two types: activeі passive. To passive matrices appear STN (Super Twisted Nematic) This is the technology of twisted crystals. This type of matrix is ​​called passive, since it is not possible to quickly display information through a large electrical capacity middles, you can easily change them to get enough juice, then the picture will be completely updated. As a rule, STN displays have fewer different types of displays and display fewer colors. Also, from these shortcomings, the matrix can be seen to be small when viewed from the screen and poor visibility in bright sunlight. And this type of display can be characterized by low energy consumption and low performance, which is why it is actively used in inexpensive phones.

Some models that open to the service menu may also display a panel ID, which allows you to easily identify the display type. It is not possible to open the display before purchasing from a store, and you are unlikely to be able to access the service menu. It is best to rely on your efforts to carefully recognize the type of matrix that we recognize in this article.

From the frontal point of view of two types of matrices, it is important to see one view of the other, and the minimum volume can be adjusted to different adjustments of brightness and contrast. Tim is no less, after careful examination, the filth and stench are visible. Correct choice monitor, as well as other parts computer system, without any connection with the health of the buyer, then think, consult, read before purchasing on the display and do not make daily emotional choices.

CSTN (Color Super Twist Nematic)- STN technology is more important. The first CSTN displays are short of a great hour. Nowadays, displays with CSTN matrices offer shorter viewing hours, a wide range of visibility and high-quality colors that are not comparable to TFT screens.

FSTN (Film Super Twisted Nematic)- the STN technology is also more advanced, which means that the FSTN matrix has a special layer on the outer side, which makes it possible to compensate for color damage, then. This is a matrix with spitting compensation, which allows you to paint the view from the outside, and then the view is still just as great.

We only choose best monitors from a great technical and visual standpoint, which you can gain from admiring. There are a lot of laptops on the market, and only a few of them have a screen that can be considered good. Of course, the selected models are not ideal, they may have a bad keyboard or full disk However, only these models have the same choice.

The culprit may be pure gambling machines, but we don’t work with anything other than gambling. If you care that you are missing, you may be stuck in the comments. A ball of rare crystals is introduced from the cob into any cob mill, and then a strong stream is required for change.

DSTN (Dual Super Twisted Nematic)- STN technology has been improved. In such a matrix, one double-spherical center consists of 2 STN centers, the molecules of which rotate in opposite directions during operation. Light passing through such a structure in a “closed” state expends much of its energy. The contrast and separation properties of the DSTN matrix are high.

Transistors saved the electrical power of the pixel, so much could be updated. Equally with passive displays, there will be great progress in all aspects: color, response, sharpness and contrast. The phenomenon is called the image of an off-central image, because you have little visibility from the perpendicular image, and you are still looking at black embossing.

The least serious defects or changes in surface area

The crystals are oriented horizontally and electric charge Apply on both ends.

Cool displays - the most beautiful

We praised him while looking around. The keyboard is a numeric block. The first lady's eyes began to sound. Minor paint defect - glossy panel. Table of laptops the smallest display. Axis and everything on flow market You won't get any more laptops with high-quality displays.

Also, the matrix must be placed on the passive matrix Samsung technology UFB (Ultra Fine and Bright). The displays created by this technology have increased brightness and contrast (currently displaying 262 thousand colors), which results in reduced brightness on par with traditional LCDs, and and their productivity is not great.

Cool displays - dosit goodness

Such cars are supposed to be very cheap, lower in the first class, but they don’t cost less than twenty thousand. The vibration is heard until the models are overreacted, and it is good to choose between them. Don’t let others get bogged down in history, that’s good. Even cheap laptops for laptops costing thousands can still be tolerated. Yak Trabant vin serves on the cob for vibuhu.

Evidence given by the publishers, and even more so from them. the best thing is on the panel. From the panel, which has a value that is more than 8 ms, you immediately start the panel with a working time of 48 ms, and this is one day before payment. And why is it more than an hour, if the pixel is guilty of “keruvati” with a short way Bazhanogo color? This is due to the fact that rarely crystals are already in the electric field, both at the beginning and at the end of the cycle, and the voltage difference is much less. Laiki could say that the crystal does not have so much “juice” to change its orientation.

To active matrices appear TFT (Thin Film Transistors)- type of LCD display, in the active matrix of which, thin-fiber transistors are visible. Then, under the surface of the screen, a ball of thin-fiber transistors spreads out, each covering one point on the screen. Thus, the number of color displays on a phone can reach several tens, or even hundreds of thousands.

To speed up the operation of the crystal, the electronics release a higher voltage without leaving any residual voltage for a short hour. Then I see the voltage drop to the required value, and the pixel either stays in the correct position, or rotates to the desired value in a worse way. What does this evidence look like in practice? The left side, seen in the red color, corresponds to “rising”, and the green side corresponds to “fall”. Pay attention to the overregulation reaction, because the electronics in the pixel supply voltage too long, and the crystal rewinds to the required values.

The principle of operation of the TFT matrix is ​​based on the intensity of the light flux with additional polarization. The change in the polarization vector occurs in rare crystals independently of the electric field applied to them. There are three transistors per skin pixel, each of which corresponds to one of three RGB colors and a capacitor that supports the necessary voltage.

Then you need to turn the crystal back. Nizhnya horizontal line indicates the darkest pixel values, and the top one - the lighter ones. If there is over-adjustment, at some point there is actually a lighter color, and the shadow collapses behind the object that collapses, and the fragments of the image require a barviste and the skin pixel recognizes other changes, It is clear that only a few pixels recognize such changes, so they are expected over-regulation, not too many pixels. It’s not like the bright shadow, it’s more like a bunch of bright spots, and it’s nothing like the noise in the picture.

TFT matrices have speeded up the operation of the display, but have eliminated problems such as color transfer, as well as bits pixels- if the transistor goes out of tune. To combat color conflicts when changing the vertical view, two methods have been developed: MVA(Multi Domain Alignment) – that’s it. V this method The work area was divided into two zones that can be controlled simultaneously, and the LCDs in each of them are oriented differently. However, the problem still persisted not entirely, the method was to rotate the LCD in one plane. IPS(In-Plane Switching) appeared most distantly in terms of color transfer and especially in dark tones. In this method, the ceramic electrodes are placed on one surface in such a way that the electric field lines take a horizontal shape. When the control voltage is applied, the DCs flare up in one plane. The lower middle of the IPS panel transmits significantly less light, lower middle MVA, and the external transmission characteristic looks more smooth and without dips. Further development of this technology gave rise to the family of S-IPS, SFT, A-SFT and SA-SFT.

The submerged reaction depends on how much it can be done. This creates a slightly different color on one image, and on the next image – for 16.7 ms, the electronics “understand” that they can set the color differently and adjust the crystal to the desired position. However, this procedure can be repeated 2 times, which will result in more convergences.

A typical version of the gatherings is shown on the next little one. Most “hardcore” gaming computers seem to be practical for this function, while others are less turbocharged. This trend has often passed on to all known buyers, and sellers are still pushing this pressure. On one side, that way, and not on the other. Well, how do you know what time is enough for the testimonial? First of all, we need to understand that today’s panels are not ideal for more than 20 ms. An hour of 20 ms is already short, which is enough for vikoristan in the office.

TFD (Thin Film Diode)- technology for the generation of RC displays using high-quality thin-melt diodes. Vaughn is similar TFT technology But here the transistors are replaced with thin-fiber ceramic diodes. The main feature of such displays is reduced energy consumption.

LTPS (Low Temperature Poly Silicon)- technology for manufacturing LCD TFT displays from low-temperature polycrystalline silicon. Tobto. This technology allows you to place it on the display surface great number transistors made from silicon crystals, which are subject to high temperatures (laser burnt). This technology This will ensure increased image brightness and reduced energy consumption.

LCD screens have become progressively embossed new technology OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) tobto. displays on organic light-transmitting conductors The main feature of LCD screens is that they do not require backlight lamps; in the new displays, the surface elements of the new displays glow. And glow dozens of times brighter on the lower RK screen, which results in much less electricity, and also ensures good color transfer, high contrast and great viewing angle (up to 180 degrees). The short supply can mean a very short lifespan, although there is enough for the phone.

The OLED display is an entire device that consists of several very thin organic layers placed between two conductors. Applying a low voltage to these conductors (about 2-8 volts) will make the display dim and turn off the light. The basis of the OLED matrix is ​​made of polymer materials. Currently, two technologies are mainly being developed, which have shown the greatest efficiency and are based on organic materials that can be processed, namely polymers (PLED) and micromolecules (sm-OLED).

Organic display technology eliminates most of the shortcomings characteristic of PK displays and provides rich best characteristics image The advantages include high brightness and contrast, compactness and lightness, the thickness of the display does not exceed 1 mm, mechanical strength and softness, as well as the ability to replace original TFT And STN displays, OLED displays use significantly less energy. Due to the short supply of OLED displays, the compatibility is high.

The main models, such as those in connection with RKI, are divided into a ceramic matrix base. OLEDs are made from passive and those from active matrices (TFT). The principle of the matrix is ​​the same, but instead of a ball of rare crystals, a ball of organic carriers is replaced. TFT OLED is one of the best, providing a simply stunning picture, and also displays well in dim lighting.

Now, after looking at the main types and technologies of displays mobile phones, I'll ask you to choose a phone number and say goodbye. So, if you need a phone just for business calls, then you might want to look at cheaper models using STN technology, such a phone will also consume less energy and therefore need to be charged more often. If you need a phone that is not too expensive, but without any essential functions hot sauce, then you’ll be amazed at phones with LCD TFT screen. Well, how can you afford even expensive phone models with very high image quality for viewing photos and videos in high vigor, then you will be amazed at OLED TFT displays, although you can also look at LCD IPS screen etc.