Dial dial online hour. Anniversary note on the desk

Are you not looking out for the anniversary? Vitayu, you are a happy person. I radium for you. Although you might want to, you don’t want to celebrate your birthday, because you don’t have anniversary at work desk?

In front of you, most people are very important to follow the hour. How do you know when the workday is over and it’s time to go home?

Raju will install miracles, animations for you anniversary at work desk. The clouds are pouring out, the speckles are dripping down the screen, the numbers are being covered with snow... isn’t it a miracle? And the yearbook comes complete with a weather informer, a photo gallery widget and news. Converted?

Virologists of these wonders on the desktop are threatening to spite us on the day of their river new version program True, only Beta 3.0 is testing. It will be the 20th quarter - exactly 15.00 outside Moscow. And the evidence tells us that beta versions will not forever be stable and bug-free. Moreover, this version has been in use for several months - it is absolutely useful and beautiful.

And the stench still looks like this for me.

The size of the anniversary can be adjusted in settings.

Download anniversary book for desktop

The article was written 4 times! back i installation file buv clean, ale v remaining version TotalVirus know 11 viruses - it’s important to think about it before making changes.

Robotic programs require a physical component of the system. If you send it from the official website, you will have to press the “Enter” button there.

And they took away what needs to be done there, so you won’t scratch and move it any more. Raju on the disk with data to save, for example - D. Let's go to it.

The anniversary icon on the desktop is undoubtedly one of the most important elements of the main screen of the Windows 7 system.

Using these you can find out the hour, day of the year, month, date, weather mind in a specific place, in certain cases, other relevant information.

You can also set an alarm clock or timer. The cream of a standard year installed in the skin operating system can be used third party programs (they are called gadgets) that allow you to cheat with additional possibilities

and enjoy the original design.

Vidi The desktop tray for Windows 7 comes in different types. So yak zagalny principle

As a rule, users choose to use a gadget that is designed to interface with the interface of their desktop, and also allows manual access for up to an hour.


Known from childhood - show the hour behind the other arrows. Their advantages can be easily recognized by the rusty and natural appearance. On a computer, they can simply display the hour, and there are also hour indicators stylized under the additional dial. central processor and operational memory.

Several varieties can display the date in the style of a classic analog wrist calendar. Such gadgets are good for conservative devotees, as well as lovers of minimalism.


The most popular and expanded version of the Windows 7 operating system, which, in addition to the exact time, can display many other things basic information. Most often, you can adjust or turn off the display of unnecessary information, deleting the most important, so as not to get overwhelmed.

Such gadgets have a color of numbers that can be changed, the size and other parameters can be changed, which allows you to customize them to suit your needs.

You can see the great diversity in the design of digital anniversary cards, which will create harmony with the exquisite designs of your desktop. You just need to joke!

Setting the year anniversary in the “Gadgets” menu item

In order to install a one-year-old gadget, it doesn’t take much time.

This action is completed in just a few minutes:

After the end of the day, a gadget will appear on your desktop. By hovering over the mouse cursor, you can open the parameters window to adjust the functionality for the sweet taste. Also, when hovered over, the resize and drag panel is displayed.

Right now, in the “Gadgets” menu there is only one gadget that is one year old. For some hobbyists, a pre-installed program is sufficient, but many people want to try different options.

In order to expand the available assortment, you need to download the option you have from the Internet, and then install it. After installation, the new gadget will be available on the website.

Video: Widgets on desktop

One-year old gadget PricedownClock

Complete the useful and richly functional gadget of the year called PricedownClock.

  1. Adjustment options, with which you can also adjust the current appearance, or turn on the display of seconds, as well as change the size, hour format, and style of writing the date;
  2. a dozen design styles available to choose from and more than a hundred different colors;
  3. lighting to create a 3D effect with adjustable intensity and color.

In addition to the significant benefits, this electronic text yearbook contains a small amount and apparently several fonts that are included in the kit. With this help, you can give the gadget a crazy look.

During operation, the program practically does not interfere with the operating system, allowing you to comfortably use your computer and spend hours at a time.


The advantages of gadgets for Windows 7 are numerous and undeniable.

Axle only steps from the advantages, through which way to try them:

  1. low capacity and low utilization of system resources;
  2. an incredibly wide assortment of different colors, designs and styles, whichever way you can satisfy your needs;
  3. handiness of the vikoristan - the gadget can be configured in such a way that it appears on top of the windows;
  4. Installation is simple, you just need to press the mouse button a few times and cool down for a couple of seconds.

Many users of the Windows 7 operating system have already installed great analog or electronic anniversary book, And the nitrokhs didn’t spoil it!

They realized that with the help of an old calendar for Windows 7 you can find out not only the hour and date, but also the weather in any part of the world, and tell you the latest news. Cool, why not? Think right now about redesigning your interface and creating more rich and informative content. stylish gadgets

. Stop now!

Anniversary gadgets for Windows 7 - a wide selection of gadgets, depending on the hour. Be sure that among the available assortment, you will immediately find those that you yourself will relish. One-year-old gadgets on the desktop beautiful programs

For those who value time, they are asked to be punctual and have a clear view of their authority, as they live under a strict regime and are afraid of missing important steps, we present more functional and comfortable gadgets for Windows 7, without You can download it directly from our website.

With these mini-add-ons you can control the hour while standing in front of the computer monitor screen or while using other electronic devices. The yearly assortment of diverse utilities allows you to select the year according to your needs and needs.

In the catalog of accessories for the desktop you will find pointer switches (as an analogue of mechanical ones) and digital ones electronic gadgets Yearbook for Windows 7, which shows the hour in the format “12” and “24”, Yearbook with a stopwatch, timer and alarm clock, with a square, round or rectangular dial, with one-hour display of the date, month, day of the year, initial and animated, of different sizes and variations, stylized in different directions.

So, for example, turn your browser back Mozilla Firefox You can decorate your work desk with the original symbol. To do this, you just need to download the gadget, designed in the “Mozilovsky” style, and install it on your desktop. Football fans will not be deprived of any additional benefits with an anniversary card decorated with the logos of football clubs. And fans of original solutions will memorably add the ability to attract a gadget for Windows 7, which will always show both arrows and different colors. Also, from our catalogue, you can choose a solid and presentable wristwatch with a bracelet made of metal or skins, only to show the hour the stench will not be on your wrist, but on the screen computer annex.

The position is rich in multifunctional functions, including the transfer of various capabilities: review of new products, monitoring of computer operation and verification edge parameters, current weather and the presence of traffic jams on the route your car travels, information about natural disasters, just play games and much more. The most important thing is that any idea that has arisen can be carried out over time and the following steps can be developed.

Gadgets for robotics Windows desktop 7: what a year old it is to marvel at

In addition to practicality, a little respect is added to aesthetics. Original design of interfaces for Windows add-ons, receiving options and settings, great numbers and clear arrows - all this is not only to ensure the vikoristan’s handiness, but also to transform the ancient gadget for the desktop into its harmonious decoration, demonstrating the creative imagination of the retailers.

There are plenty of programs to give homeowners the ability to choose a color and from the outside looking in time at your own discretion, and this also increases the comfort in using the utility. In addition, all the gadgets we have presented in our virtual catalog for the Windows 7 desktop are easy to use and stored, do not take up a lot of space on the screen or in the resources of the computer device, are installed quickly and correctly thank you for a large number of basic processes .

How to get a gadget for Windows 8?

It's really difficult. All programs that our site offers to clients can be used securely on the eighth version of Windows OS. The only one for whom it is possible to earn additional money. – download and install the 8Gadgets Pack or Desktop Gadgets Reviver patch. It is very easy to use control programs to change the functions and components associated with gadgets to a new operating system, after which their installation and operation become possible.

These programs (including other, non-cost ones) allow you to easily install the anniversary widget for Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. From now on, there is no need to interfere with the installation of the anniversary in the “Simce”.

We ask everyone who wants important speeches to always be at hand, as well as those who just like to decorate their work desk with cool and cute features, to choose original and interesting ones in our rich catalog , like, creative and outrageous gadget for Windows 7, you were able to download the bonus without any costs and spend time with your loved one.

In the same year, we have collected for you on our pages those other news and reception programs: having looked at each other Different sides From the subcatalogues, you can choose from radio, games, various operating system monitors, computers and devices, Christmas gadgets and much more. Don’t pretend to be satisfied with the catless!


If you didn’t recognize the barrel panel icon in the lower left compartment, it means it’s closed. To open them, click “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Windows Toolbar”. The anniversary panel appeared.

If the main panel is open, but there is no date stamp on it, most likely, this mini-add-on is closed. Click right button Click on the home panel and select “Add additional items”. Find the anniversary icon and simply drag it onto the main panel. You can also click on the bear or click on the icon right key click and select “Add”. A year of publications on the desktop.

If the icon of the date of birth is not present on the setup page of the boot panel, the mini-program is deleted. You can always update your mini-programs when you use Windows for promotions. To do this, right-click on the sidebar and select “Power.” In the Settings window, click “Update with mini-programs” Windows installed" The mini-program window appears, with a new icon showing the anniversary. To display the date on the main panel, simply drag them there or double-click on the icon in the menu-programs.

You can insert another, unidentified date that is not included in the package Windows installations. Right-click on the home panel and select “Add mini-program”. In the window, click on the message “Find mini-add-ons on the Internet.” The page with the gallery of Windows gadgets opens.
At the top of the page, in the search row, type “Year” and press “Poshuk”. Show side s different types year They can be digital, analog, digital, etc. Choose from them those that suit you best. Press “Zavantage” – “Install” – “Save”. In Explorer, once opened, select a folder to save your favorite mini-programs and click “Save” again.

Now go to this folder, double-click on the mini-programs icon and click “Install”. The mini-program is installed and added to the home panel, and the new anniversary is displayed on the desktop. You can close this mini-add-on and install another one from now on.

Richly koristuvachiv personal computers are concerned about displaying the anniversary date on the work table, because It’s at least difficult to marvel at the small size anniversary that is in the system tray. In addition, if you walk by the computer and look at the monitor, you can see how many hours it is at a time.

You will need


If you use Windows Vista or Windows Seven, you can quickly check out the one in the gadget library. To click on this panel, press the right button on to the free man desktop, at the window, select gadget " Godinnik" To place the anniversary date on the desktop, press the right mouse button on the anniversary date dial and select the “Add” item. You can also simply drag this year card onto the desktop by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

As soon as a long-term anniversary appears on the desktop, it can be adjusted. This stock gadget has 8 options for displaying the date, you can select the date with the second hand. Change the watch face display settings to your preferred setting. You can place a number of dates on your desktop with different names, such as London, Paris and New York. You can get an anniversary image from your desktop in the same way: open your gadget library and move it back.

How do you perform surgery? Windows system XP or other systems that are available before Windows XP, try to create a creative anniversary using the additional program “Desktop Chronometer”. This utility has the same operating principle: instead of the analog date, you select a non-standard display of the analog date on the desktop (the shortcuts on the desktop are grouped into arrows). In this manner, you take out the year anniversary, which is made up of labels.

After starting the program, the header window will open, go to the Chronometer tab and press the Press button. On the work table, ask for a year-old note, which is available sound walkers. Of course, the distribution of labels will be broken, which is where the creativity of this program lies.

When setting up the program, you can change the values, because in one account the number of labels will be smaller, and in another account there may be twice as many.

Video on the topic

Apparently, the desktop interface in OS Windows contains a large open folder. Koristuvach calls until now and never respects this furnishings. However, memory is still necessary. Especially if, after turning on the computer, you replace the original desktop with a trellis, then all the shortcuts and the panel with the “Start” button disappear.

Monitor side trellises looks bad in itself, but for practical robots Hardly an addendum. To update the original little table, try restarting your computer. There is hope that this is a temporary problem and after re-engaging everything will fall into place. However, as practice shows, a reboot rarely helps in such a situation.

Since the desktop is a large folder, it is logical to assume that its functionality and design is inspired by Explorer, or more precisely the Explorer.exe file. It is also important to bring the file itself up to the level of primary shortcuts and panels. But the problem is that Explorer.exe itself rarely allows itself freedom, because only it doesn’t virus infections, which, having been used on a computer, penetrates the system registry. Such a virus either infects Explorer.exe or deletes it from the registry entries. On this principle, for example, most so-called SMS blockers, viruses, work as they extract payments via SMS for unlocking a computer. Of course, no information will help, and the amount of pennies on your bank account will be much smaller.

To prevent virus activity on your computer and update your desktop, you need to deny access to the Windows Registry Editor. Press Alt+Ctrl+Del. Launch the system manager, where you need to find the “file” item. In the submenu that has opened, select the “New Landscape” row, then click on the regedid entry.

In the OS Windows registry editor, open, find and delete the keys that were placed here in the corrupted software. Let it go up to the Image file execution options parameter and it looks something like this:
Hkey_Local_Machine/Software…. Image File Execution Options/explorer.exe
Hkey_Local_Machine/Software…. Image File Execution Options/iexplorer.exe

Change the value to the "shell" parameter, to Shell. Here the virus could also lose its traces. This registry setting is responsible for updating only the values ​​of explorer.exe. Any other values ​​will need to be deleted. Now restart your computer and enjoy the original view of the icons and panels that you returned to the desktop.

Labels, printed on a working day table, intended for lifting Swedish access to the required folders and add-ons. If a koristuvach often enters before the limit, it is simpler to enter icon

Icons for entering the browser interface can also be displayed on the panel Swedish launch(To the right of the “Start” button). To do this, move the cursor to the required icon, pressing the left mouse button, drag it onto the panel and place it in the Quick Launch panel area. If there is no place on the panel, click on it with the right mouse button and remove the marker from the “Lock task panel” item. Adjust the size and re-lock the panel as desired.
