The operation is left behind and does not open the disk.

Golovna Recently moved to Wikoristannya Windows 8 and in no way about it I’m not harming you.і Official updates affordable prices I was not convinced about this product, but in principle it’s not about it. I recently came across a new sweet treat just before I opened the package message. Microsoft Office 2010. The yak appeared,

pardon given became legendary and is still being watched since the 2003 version of the Office. In my case, when I open the message in Word documents, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and others, I started to remove this note: “The operation is related to the same procedure that works on a computer. Return to system administrator

" Another option for the “Politics of the organization protects” automatically viconnanny

tsієї ії. To cancel additional information, go to the support service.” Persha Google page gave me an average result, which means that for 10 years now this problem cannot be solved and there are a large number of very different options, which are of no use to anyone. Here, everyone copied one to one information about those who needed to be dropped. Internet setup .

Explorer is in default and has been licked several times for the sake of making changes before

Windows registry

. You should copy the registry entries from your work PC to yourself. Whose should not be worked at the same time,


I don't even like this word

Major problems with Windows 8:

I have Windows 8 and the problem resolved itself in two minutes:

1. I have inserted such data into the registry - .

Pre-packaged, unpacked and installed

double click

behind the file. When asked about malfunctioning with the registry, respond with “TAK” 2. We re-check and re-check the work office. It is your responsibility to ignore the ongoing dialogue when you press a message in the documents (watch the screenshot): Also for Windows 8, this utility from Microsoft itself can help.

This article shows how you can restrict access to the Internet and Programs panel. Windows Settings» in the Windows 10 operating system

If necessary, you can block access to the Windows Settings panel and the Windows Settings program, the local group policy editor (gpedit.msc) or the additional system registry editor.

How to restrict access to the Windows Settings and Programs panel in the Local Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc)

This method is suitable for koristuvachiv Windows professional and corporate editorial staff.

The local editor window has opened. group policy sequentially illuminate the following elements of the list:

Server configuration ➯ Administrative templates ➯ Server panel
  Next, on the right side of the window, click with the left mouse button on the policy parameter with the name

At the window Restrict access to the settings panel and computer settings, set the switch from position Not set at the position Pressed and press the button OK

To change things up, restart your computer.

To avoid re-locking your computer, enter the following command from your private administrator account:

Now, when you try, launch the classic control panel and see the notification window:

When you try to open the Windows Settings program, it simply won’t launch and you won’t get any notifications.

Hovering is a better way to block access to the Windows panel and Windows Settings programs for streaming cloud recording.

If you want to restrict access to the Windows Settings panel and programs for other users, denying access to your cloud account without leaving it, then after reading the article you will learn how to do it. How to restrict access to the Windows Settings panel and programs in the Registry Editor (regedit.exe) This method is suitable for all operational editions

Windows systems .

Before you make any changes to the registry, it is recommended to either export the section of the registry in which the changes will be made.

Open the registry editor by pressing the keys + R in the window, entering the regedit command and pressing the key
  If you want to restrict access to the Windows Settings panel and programs for all your computers, go to the next step:
  Press right button mice are separated Explorer and in what appeared context menu Select

Create > DWORD parameter (32 bits).

Give the created parameter the name NoControlPanel

Change the settings immediately, and now, when you try, launch the classic control panel, and also open the notification window:

The operation is carried out through the exchange that operates on your computer.

Go back to the system administrator.

Also, when you try to open the Windows Settings program, it simply won’t start and you won’t get any notifications. The operation is carried out through the exchange that operates on your computer Win 10 – what does it mean, what are the options for cancellation? 7 8 10.

Similar notifications can be displayed for various situations - launching the Server panel, command line console, regedit utility.

Let’s look at the factors that lead to such negative consequences in the operating room

Windows system

Before the speech, the text in the window may have a different formulation - the administrator has blocked editing the registry, the operation is linked to the connection that works for the PC.

But the essence is the same. In fact, in case of a similar skin attack, it is recommended to contact the administrator, who is responsible for all problems. In fact, the attachment appears when it is handed from the side of the installed PZ. Here you can make adjustments to critically important system parameters. Think about how a defect could begin to appear after installing singing software or optimizers?

There is no way you can make a settlement.

If you are unable to find out the reason, you should familiarize yourself with the instructions.

  • “The operation was performed through an exchange on the computer” - how to correct it?
  • The first and most important action, without any implementation of further steps is impossible, you need to log into the system under

  • cloud record "Administrator". You can get the maximum amount of access using additional insurance here with a list of folders.

  • Open “Corristuvacher Configuration”, then “Admin Templates”, and in the middle find “All parameters” and click on the item with the left mouse button:

  • We turn our gaze to the right side, where a great variety of elements appears. The names are listed in alphabetical order. Or you may have to spend an hour searching for the required objects – “Restrict access to the control panel...”, etc.

(marvel at the horror below):

  • Win 10
  • The operation is associated with the following procedure, which is effective for the computer - deleting the settings in the registry

  • Raptom anterior approach is not relevant for your

  • Windows versions

, which means that you will end up more lost in the road.

Click on the “Viconty” window using the Win + R combination;

Enter the command: Click here to view the list of catalogues, follow the path: Right-handed, we know the NoControlPanel key, we need to replace the key value from “1” (enabled) to “0” (disabled):

If you have a folder “Explorer” with subfolders, for example, DisallowRun, then look at the obvious keys on the right.

They can prevent the sending of exe-files of add-ons, which provoke the warning “the operation is connected through the exchange that operates on your computer.” Just delete unnecessary entries and restart your computer. There are a lot of doubts - better put it in the comments, ask in Google/Yandex.

Today, practically all “operations” of the Windows family, if you try to access, say, the system registry, the group policy reactor, or go to

Primary Panel

Effectively, offensively, the options seem to be in the wrong place. The first episode is forgiven. How to access all functions or components

operating system

In fact, both the administrator of the terminal and the system administrator blocked the network, everything is clear here.

If you were to brutalize them, then the exchange would be cleared.

There is nothing terrible in this.

If you log in to the wireless terminal, you are yourself an administrator, and no one else in the system is registering anymore, or you are not receiving notifications about those who have tried access before and are inherited exchange, what to do for the computer, m'yako seemingly, the wonder screams. How did it happen? And this turned out to be through the introduction of virus systems into the robot, which today have become richer in choice, as can be said, earlier. Because of the great explosion, it is not the entire system that is being attacked, but just a few of its components, and as a result, we are faced with the frequent loss of administrative rights. It is possible to fight against this.

Getting started is, of course, not easy, but let’s look at how to get your computer back to normal.

Correction method: checking for a virus

However, this is the same situation if any operation accessing other services or system components is related to the interface that operates on the computer. Most often it is worthwhile, as mentioned, to launch the system registry and other services. It is necessary for us to fight against any kind of

Ideally, once the process is complete, the results will show that typically five major services are blocked.

This is the system registry, Explorer, the “My Computer” section behind the administrator menu, the Task Manager and the command row.

Naturally, depending on the stage of infection of the virus, the list can include other services, for example, the Control Panel itself.

Now you need to see all the items that have appeared and click on the Fix selected issues button. Views of registry components Even though the message “The operation is related to the connection that is required for the computer...” did not appear again, on whose “rejoicing”

computer system It’s impossible not to finish. There is no need to perform another operation. on Narazi

Access to previously blocked services has been updated. The system registry will be created from them. We go to the editor for the additional command regedit, which can be entered in the “Viconati” menu or in

command row

, after which we go to the HOTKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section and in the Software section we proceed down the tree until the Explorer row appears.

The right-handed window will have a stupid entry NoViewOnDrive. You need to clearly delete it (see it and press the Del key). The system appears to be advanced safety, highlighted by the heavy trikutnik

I'm familiar with the hail

Before speaking, the templates of registration files obtained from the Internet are also not suitable for each specific situation.

In addition, they may become aware of the virus entering the computer terminal.

When you are about to launch the Windows 10, 8.1 or Windows 7 panel, you are greeted with the notification “The operation is carried out through the network that is running on your computer.

Go back to the system administrator" (The same option is "The operation is linked to the connection that works for the computer"), perhaps because of the policy for access to the designated elements: it is not necessary to work minister, the reason may be PZ.

This instruction describes in detail how to fix the problem in Windows, you will be able to see the message “The operation is connected through the system that works on your computer” and unlock the launch of programs, the Windows panel, the registry editor and other elements .

First of all, please note this important point; without any description, you will not be able to withdraw: you are responsible for the administrator's rights on the computer to make the necessary changes to the system parameters.

Depending on the system edition, for this purpose you can use the Local Group Policy Editor (available only in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate) or the Registry Editor (present in the Home edition).

For its obvious potential, I recommend using the first method.

Please select the option to launch from the local group policy editor

Using the local group policy editor, you can find out what works on your computer faster and easier than using the registry editor.

In most cases, it is enough to vikorize the offensive way: If you change your policy, your duties will be restored without restarting your computer or logging out of the system, otherwise you may need it for other activities. Contact the registry editor

The registry editor has a number of sections (folders on the left side of the editor) in which restrictions can be set (as indicated by the parameters on the right side), after which you can remove the checkbox “Operation touched by What to do on your computer":

Similarly, all the exchanges can be expanded in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\ and other sections.

As usual, in Windows there are no subsections, and the parameters are either daily or there is a single item “NoDriveTypeAutoRun”.

Let’s not forget which parameter indicates that after clearing all the values, adding the policies to become as in the screenshot (or in full), the maximum that will be (in your mind, at home, not corporate computer) - skasuvannya some training that you have previously worked on for additional tweeters or materials on this and other sites. I hope the instructions helped you understand the issues involved. If you are unable to enable the launch of any component, write in the comments about what you need to know and how you will be informed (verbatim) upon launch.