How to open a php file in Open Server. Local Open Server server - installation and configuration, work with WordPress

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The installation of OpenServer is short and easy. Here we correctly set up the database and install WordPress on the local Open Server.

This local server is cost-free, for which many thanks to the distributors. These humble guys, it’s true, it’s not so intrusive to try to make a donation of any amount for the development of the project. I respect this very nobly before us, and I think the sacrifice is necessary.

We are interested in the Open Server program

You can activate Open Server using the address. The fascination of archives that are self-revealing. At the start time, you will be prompted to select a location for unpacking. You can choose either place, or look like a flash drive or portable hard drive.

Also, during installation there will be no shortcut on the desktop in the start menu. The program is portable.

Choose one of the three distributions, I have described them.
Fill out the captcha and enjoy it.

After installing the folder it will be like this

Raju put a label on the panel. Manually launch the program.

Don't joke about the program Program Files, You won’t find it there. It, as I already said, is portable, and only runs from the same folder where you installed it. That's why the label is varto shukati there.

We stamp the date on the label in the Panel and check the current hour. The program does not give the necessary signs of its work when interested in its necessary files. For Khvilina, the yellow ensign quietly appears at the third (the right-hand man is at the bottom, at the same time).

If you don’t show up, press the arrow in order, find the ensign, then start the server, and now having pressed the third green ensign, launch Open Server.

A small, rather obov'ykovy croc. If you are using Skype, you need to log in and go to Settings, Tools - Additions - Connection, then check the checkbox as on the screen

This is to allow the Open Server to run without any problems and take advantage of its ports.

I still. Create a server for yourself virtual disk, so don’t be surprised that you show up at the conductor additional disk. You will know if you log out of the local server.

Creating a website in Open Server

Now you need to go to the folder where you designated the location for Open Server. Go to the domians folder, you will have one localhost folder there.
It’s permissible to create something new .

І now we can install the engine on this domain wopdpress.

First of all, we download WordPress from the official website.

The archives you unpack from the same dad will be enchanted Zavantazhennya And open the unzipped folder.
You see all folders and files and copy them to the clipboard. Then open the folder for the new site And insert all these folders there.

Then open the file from this folder under the name wp-config-sample.php text editor Notepad++ Or just use notepad and edit the code.

Now, in order, what is correct.
Let's create a database right away. For which we will turn to editing, and then we will return to this point. It is important to create the Base so that we can enter the Base's names into the next batch file.

Database installation

Go to the Open Server menu by clicking on the right side of the tray and in the server menu itself, open PhpMyAdmin.

Open the login window where you can enter the Koristuvach login root, the password is forfeited, OK.
We have progressed to the program and are creating a database for our still virtual website

We welcome our base, in our opinion mywordpress, then we set the format of the database utf8_general_ci. Create.

We created a database for our website.

Now we turn to edit the file, the stars have been added to the database creation.

Remember the way you see the red squares. For the blame of the great.
We have a unique and satisfying code. This can be done by following the instructions indicated by the arrow. Just copy the URL and open it in a new window, you will be contacted unique code, which one you copy and replace with the one you have standing behind your clothes. All.

Save changes and close notepad or another editor in which you are copying the code.
Now change the name of the file with wp-config-sample.php on wp-config.php.

Axis and everything.

Go to tray, restart (zhovty ensign) server CE OBOV'YAZKOVO!
Then log in to the server again, still in the same tray, and go to My Sites. There you will find your
Emboss it on the website. The WordPress engine installation will start. Give the site a name, it's acceptable My blog . Come up with a login, just admin5. I password. We are not afraid to build a simple test site and we are not afraid of evil.

After what we can dial, enter our login and password

I go to the admin panel

Let’s type in the address row then we’ll go to the site

Our local server with a new test site is ready. Let's get started with further work.

And all the delicious stuff!

Praise! The world will not be a paradise for those who want to live like a lazy person. Sachs Hans

2. Files for the project.

I'll name the domain "myshop" (You can choose your name for the sake of it). We unpack the archived archives with the project from the folder C:\OpenServer\domains\myshop\

Guiltyly, you will come out like this: (turn your respect on the path to the folder)

3. Add a local domain to Open Server.

Let's go to the setup:

Then go to the "Domains" tab. Select the menu item "Manual control" from the list:

The program requires a server restart, confirming:

4. Let's check the robot site.

Hooray! The site works, even if it shows a bonus. The text of the notice states that the site cannot be connected to the database. Nina mi її we are listening.

5. Setting up the data base.

For the beginning of the lesson, we took advantage of the archive. Unpack the Yogo. The db_export.sql file is a “copy” of the database, keep it handy.

The Open Server package comes with the phpMyAdmin tool. Let's quickly work through the database:

Login to the panel using the login "root", leave the password empty

Go to the Import tab, Choose File, select the db_export.sql file, and click Open.

If the database will be imported, you can look at the table instead:

6. Adjusting the parameters for connecting to the database.

The last step is to adjust the parameters. For this you need to add the db_params.php file to our project. For whom we need to open this notepad:

І send the required data. The database name is deleted without changes – “phpshop”. Our vipadka (with standard installation Open Server) login "root", password - empty row.

Beginning with the creation of sites - on the right is a coin, a labor-intensive one that generates a lot of money. Navіt for umovy vikoristannya usability CMS. Otherwise, no matter how much trial and error, it is impossible to master this right away. In the meantime, let’s try and have mercy, don’t obligatory pay for hosting services and put it into the Internet space "immature" material. Mature your topic, see the format of the project, encourage domain name, the strategy of drying and other subtleties of the process can be carried out at a measured pace, preferably taking into account the functionality of the obtained CMS.

For this you need to create a website on your computer – on a local server. How to organize this in the Windows environment and introduce it into a new popular CMS for blogging - everything will be looked at below in detail. And what about the server platform Viberemo? .

1. OpenServer: about the platform

Open Server– This is a software platform for web servers that ensures the smooth functioning of a full-fledged server on Windows. This is the sum of all necessary components, with any help you can create websites on your computer, no matter how complicated CMS. The sites were created in this manner and removed (the world is ready) transferred to paid hosting.

Key advantages of OpenServer:

No cattery;
Portability, complete independence Windows middleware flow computer and the ability to work with a server on foreign hoarders from any other device;
Functionality, functionality, support for two HTTP modules - Apache and Nginx;
A number of utilities for manual work with compilation components (MySQL, PHP);
Current versions of components that are included in the warehouse;
Zruchne keruvannya server.

2. Download and install OpenServer

You can purchase OpenServer from the retailer's website:

We are presented with 3 distribution packages to choose from: basic , premium і maximum . How to go only about the creation and testing of the site on , you can get by with basic folding, it contains necessary components - Apache , PHPі MySQL. For the prospect of introducing new capabilities and new software, it is best to immediately add one of the most functional assemblies.

Descriptions of collections can be made immediately, on the page below. When you see the donation is complete, you will have to check for a long time, more than a year for sure. So, on the right, it’s better to organize every other hour of computer downtime.

All archives can be unpacked at any location on a non-system partition of the disk. Or on a flash drive, since the site can be used on several computers.

After unpacking, we go through the indicated path and start for further help EXE-file for a wide range of Windows. A small window will appear to select your platform.

Then we will be ordered to install the middle Microsoft Visual C++ . In official distributions current versions Windows, as a matter of fact, may be installed. But in any case, you can wait for the installation, it won’t be any worse.

3. Starting the server

After installation Microsoft Visual C++ The computer will re-engage. We launch the new OpenServer. Access to the platform functionality will become available from the menu that appears on its icon in the system tray. Starting the server is activated by the green ensign option "Run".

4. Possible problems when starting the server

Unfortunately, the successful launch of the server is not due to skin problems. On the right is that behind the minds in OpenServer, a vikoristan of current versions of components, zocrem, HTTP-module Apache 2.4і PHP 5.5. The rest are absurd Windows versions, starting from Vista she's older. Among the typical problems with starting a server is busy ports 80 і 443 .

About these and other reasons for the inability to start OpenServer, please inform the system tray. In this case, we can turn to the section to adjust the platform and then correct it. In the deposit you can experiment with other versions Apache, PHPі MySQL.

Because the server does not start through the assigned port HTTP 80 You need to close Skype. Alternatively, you can do it the other way - set the input to assign a different port to the platform. These same things need to be done because of the software using the port. HTTPS 443 .

Another advantage of any local server is: blocked by firewall and antivirus. If the firewall notification appears on your screen, you must enable OpenServer. You can download the antivirus by entering the platform unpacking folder and turning off the working process. For example, Windows 10 Creators Update As a full-time Zakhisnik, try this method.

5. Install WordPress

Well, the server is running. Its usefulness, before speaking, can be verified by typing into the address bar of your browser:


If everything is fine, please check the vital test "Open Server Panel is working ;-)".

Further in the OpenServer installation folder "OSPanel" Open the subfolder. I'm creating here new folder And we call it. If you have a domain name, enter it as the name of the folder. As the process of creating a site in its infancy, you can choose a technical name for the type "site1" . Before speaking, the OpenServer menu has been implemented quick access to the folder from server sites.

There is no need to unpack the archives from the distribution kit. You can simply copy it instead. Windows is among the regular arsenal to take revenge ZIP -archiver, then the archives with the CMS distribution package can be opened via the explorer. You need to copy not the folder, but only those contained in it.

The copy is pasted into the middle of the created folder on the site.

Note: In the middle of the folder, the site does not need to have an intermediate “Wordpress” folder, otherwise its names will appear on the website page addresses.

6. MySQL database

The offensive stage - the creation of the base MySQL website. The OpenServer menu is under pressure "Dodatkovo", select . The web program interface opens in the browser window behind the actions. In the authorization form, you must enter the client's name:


The password field is left blank. Tisnemo "Forward".

In the form that appeared:

Fill in the column with the name of the owner (identical folder names to the site) ;
Remembering the password and confirmation fields (lower you can speed up with the button "Generuvati" for generating secure password) ;
The checkboxes of the associated database options are indicated;
Indicated by a tick "Mean everything" global privileges.

Your username and password are saved here TXT-file or password manager. Tisnemo "Forward".

Base MySQL created. Their names are identical to their names regional registration. We can close the browser tab of the web program.

7. Editing the WordPress configuration file

Now you need to edit the WordPress configuration file. It's in the folder on the site and there's a file there:


We are renaming it and taking it from the name "-sample". Behind the pouch you must enter the file:

We can open this file using any other program such as notepad, for example, Notepad++. In three columns, as shown in the screenshot below, the default values ​​are visible. And instead of them we present our own values ​​- data created at the front end of the base MySQL :

'DB_NAME'- Im'ya basis;
'DB_USER'- Name of the cloud record (Identical to the front value) ;
'DB_PASSWORD'- password.

Next we move down to change the value of the WordPress keys. We go through the instructions for their generation, copy the values ​​​​from the browser window and paste them into the main notepad column, as shown in the screenshot below.

We save and close the file.

8. Launching the WordPress admin panel

You can open your browser window for promotions at the stage of initial setup of the site. Here you can enter your name, you can guess your name and password admin-WordPress panels This is indicated by the checkbox indicating that the site is indexed by search engines. Tisnemo.

For assistance in carefully entering your personal name and password, log in to admin-WordPress panel. That’s it – the site has been created on the local server. Next comes the specifics of the work itself. blogging platform.

For a skin irritant on a website or blog, it’s early and early that it’s not too much of a chore to “finish it” or “tighten it up.” Having read a lot of articles in the style “Hatemeel - it’s even simpler”, they, without thinking for a long time, begin to straighten the lower code with the help of a sledgehammer, like a mother’s chisel. The result, most often, is tangled hair on the butt of the hair and panicked text messages: “Help, my site is dead!”

Those who are wiser and more careful will understand that first, rather than climb with unmoving paws into a living organism, it is necessary to practice some kind of imitator. Professional website developers have been profiting from them for a long time and successfully. Add to the long-time most popular Denver, a full-featured simulator remote server V to your computer. Although the project has not been renewed for nearly three years, the Internet is far ahead, daily computers And the system of old Denver is becoming crooked, or not at all.

The new favorite has become the OpenServer package, which is very popular everywhere. Type this word into Google and go to the side of the project, where you can download the output archive. Place it on a disk of at least 1 gigabyte Have a good time, then unzip it. Go to the OpenServer folder and run the file with the same name.

It is up to you to open access to the Internet. If you don't use Skype, you won't have any more problems. If you are interested, then first go to your settings and uncheck the box “Select ports 80 and 443 as alternative”. After this, restart Skype. Turn over your Skype settings - the stink may look like this.

After starting the program command line the red ensign will appear. Click on New and view the server menu. Click on the green sign that says “Start the server.” The program itself creates a virtual disk W:. I believe you have in your hands a full-fledged server with all the capabilities that provide reliable hosting.

Those that I write below may be in response to the pressure of professional webmasters. If I dare to describe the simplest way before publishing the instructions for following the code, we will leave the more complex options for later. Following the rules, work with the site begins with the creation of a data base. It became clear that since we are urgently working on the project, we need to fix it. For us, experimenters with empty hands, OpenServer has already created a system with mysql names, a database with mysql names and a mysql password. We will be deprived of creating new domain. To do this, click on the “Customization” menu and select the “Domain” tab. In the “Domain Name” field, enter whatever the name is (it is not necessary to repeat the name of your site), in the “Domain Folder” field, write “localhost/www” and click on “Add”.

The following are standard. In the OpenServer\domains\localhost\www folder, open WordPress, open the wp-config file and enter the usernames, passwords and databases there.

We save it, then type the name in the browser that we entered as a new domain and put it on the home page WordPress installations. Don't forget to write the address correctly here. by e-mail but do not allow indexing. After this, your new site is in full order. With him you can do anything you want at any time. For example, I’m testing new ones with new ones. It’s even better to install on a new theme of your working website and test plugins, widgets and scripts. First of all, install it on your working site, you can delete unnecessary messages from the template code. You can use OpenServer as a testing ground for HTML, CSS and PHP. You can practice with the transferred sites, figure out new pages, and so on. You can test these powerful versions, and download them in any browser. And the smut - the risk of ruining the already functioning site is absolutely nothing.

Indeed, OpenServer is immeasurably rich in capabilities. There is also documentation in the menu, where everything is explained in detail. I would like to show you the simple path to self-refinement and the acquisition of practical skills in work. Aje filth of the one who doesn’t dream of becoming a webmaster!

Hello everyone, today we will look at how to install and configure one of the popular local servers, Open Server. We will look at the basic capabilities of the local Open Server server and test it against the robot. Open Server is not portable server platform This is a software program created specifically for web readers. With the help of a local server, programs can create their own programs with server languages.

We are obsessed with Open Server.

Here you go to the “Enchant” page, where you are given 3 versions to choose from. These versions are divided into a set of additional programs. I'm obsessed with the best version, there's a lot there brown programs, how to make the robot easier (pipetka, Sublime Text, typing programs for robots from a DBMS and much more).

Open Server is cost-free. Regardless of its version, you can enjoy it without harm, but you will understand that it is important to maintain and periodically update such a great project.
I would like to inform you that if I have acquired Open Server, I will donate 100 rubles to them. It’s not a lot, but it’s just from those who, having attracted attention, will transfer 50-100 rubles, which will help the distributors.

There are no torrents on the official website, so you have to download them through a browser.

After you have downloaded the installer, install the program itself. I installed Open Server on drive D, which is the drive that has the most space.

After installing the program, you will see a folder containing the upcoming files:

In order to open Open Server, we click on one of the startup shortcuts. Be sure to follow your system and choose a suitable shortcut for yourself.

For the example, I create a file called index.php in the folder. After creating a new project, we update Open Server and launch the site through the my sites tab.

Open Server is simple to master and reliable to use. Everything here is laid out for people, you just need to practice.

Now I'm looking for Open Server. In other records, we recognize more moments in the work from Open Server. At this stage you do not need this.

That's all!

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