How to launch an operation from an external hard drive. How to create a valuable external USB HDD (hard drive) using standard Windows methods? Installing Windows on an external hard drive

As if installing the OS is not very difficult, and my thought is that it’s best to be friends with the computer and have two hands around your head - one right and the other left. To install the OS on your computer, you must either.

But what to do, because there is neither one nor the other, does not work optical drive, why do you have a netbook? After thinking for a while, I realized that I have an external USB drive for the HDD and a nice old HDD 2.5. Zagalom, as it is hard drive- kishen, obviously it can be acquired by vandalism.

For this purpose, there are utilities that can be developed using the following methods, otherwise I will use the standard ones quickly. by Windows.

There are already a lot of descriptions and videos, but, unfortunately, there is one problematic point that the authors are reluctant to omit. Well, okay, I’ll start in order.

Preparing the new HDD

Before working with the disk, you must transfer and save the necessary information from this disk to another device.

All setup is carried out using standard Windows 8.1 methods. Possibly, there are some activities Windows previous issues, if not, then it doesn’t matter.

First of all, I want to respect us so that we can earn money external HDD more attractive, richer. I divided the disk into two sections, one containing the Windows distribution, the other section for my needs.

1. We connect the USB box and go to Disk management.

Respect! All data on the disk will be deleted!

If you have Windows 8 installed on your PC, click right button Misha: Start / Disk Management;

What Windows is more earlier versions, open the Keruvanya console with your computer: Start / Control Panel / Administration / Computer Management / Open Memory / Left Click Disk Management.


2. Choose an external one HDD drive. Be careful, if you select another disk, all information will be lost.

My selection is Disk 1. As you can see in the screenshot, the disk is split into two volumes (partitions):

3. Delete disk partitions:

4. Create new disk partitions. One is a distribution kit, the other will suit your needs:

Right click with the mouse on the left field of the disk, context menu vibrate the command Create a simple volume:

5. At the Vikna Maister's Creation simple matter, press the button Dali:

Specify the volume size as 4404 megabytes and click Next. Please note, the size is indicated in megabytes. If 1 gigabyte is equal to 1024 megabytes, then 1024×4.3=4403.2 megabytes are taken under the distribution section (vaga 4.18 GB, for example);

In this case, you need to format a new partition (FAT 32), this Dali then Ready:

6. After this, it is necessary to make the creations of the sections active (don’t forget that in this section you want a computer), for whom:

Right-click the bear and select the command from the context menu Get active.

Confirmation is confirmed upon request SO.

The external HDD looks like this:

7. In this order, another partition on the disk is formatted, most likely in NTFS, but it is not active.

Copying Windows to the active partition of the external HDD

Copying a Windows distribution to an existing, expensive HDD is simple and easy.

3 awesome DVD:

Open the DVD Installation Explorer, see all folders and files, and copy to the active partition of the external HDD;

Z ISO image A:

Behind the great rack, ISO is a sample of its kind of archives. You can also ask any archiver for help. You can also open the ISO image through Total Commander or Daemon Tools. Well, if you have Windows 8 or 8.1 installed on your PC, then open it with Explorer. View all folders and files and copy them to the active partition of the external HDD;

That's it, your external HDD can act like this fancy nose. It is enough to reset the settings in the BIOS so that the priority is to install a USB HDD (depends on BIOS type).

  • When you turn on the laptop, press F2, shob;
  • Go to the tab Boot;
  • U Boot Priority order installable USB HDD;
  • Tisnemo F10, and then OK.

If it didn’t work out, marvel at the article.

Save change and proceed before.

As stated in the text, preparing an external HDD for installing Windows is simple. And my description will not be complete because I do not know about one problem that I rarely write about at any time.

Robimo partitioned hard drive active

If I divided the hard disk into two volumes, then for some unknown reason the same partition of the disk could not become active. This function was not available in the context menu.

The section from which the computer is connected is called active.

You can become an active section in two ways:

  1. At the additional console Keruvannya computer. We have already looked at these methods, but, unfortunately, for some reason the command to Get Active is inaccessible. The reality of this problem is also not more complex. Guess how to prepare I'll get a flash drive from the Team Row.
  2. For additional help from the Command Row through the utility diskpart. Another method is a little more complicated, but also more effective. You only need to perform all operations with respect and care.

Establishment of an active section for additional command line

1. Connect External USB HDD;

2. Press Start/All Programs/Standards/ Command line . Press right key you choose Run as administrator.

3. In the window, write the command diskpart and press the button Enter. Show the request line before working with the utility – DISKPART>;

4. Enter command list disk and press the button Enter. You will download all disks installed on your computer;

5. Select the disk according to your needs. For whom enter the command select disk 0, "0" is the disk number in the list, then. for my external disk there will be a team select disk 1. Press button Enter, show notification Vibrated disk 1;

6. Next you need to know all the partitions on the selected disk. Enter command list partition and press the button Enter.

7. Select the section according to your specifications. Enter the command select partition 1, where 1 is the number of the section in the list, then. for a section that is very active. Press Enter come forward Selected section 1.

8. Indicates the selection of the section as active, for which enter the command active. Press button Enter come forward DiskPart: partition of values ​​as active.

That's all. I wish you good luck.

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How to create a valuable external USB HDD (hard drive) using standard Windows methods? updated: Lyuty 6, 2018 by: admin

Sometimes it is necessary to have an additional copy of the OS on a portable device. Standard installation If you can’t work through the interchange of the system, you will have to make additional manipulations with various sources third party software. Today we will take a quick look at the whole process, starting with preparation of the world's cruelty disk and complete the installation of Windows.

Mentally, all activities can be divided into three parts. For robots you need three different programs, which are found everywhere on the Internet without harm, we’ll talk about them below. Let's get started with the instructions.

Lesson 1: Preparing an external HDD

Create a separate HDD where you save all the necessary files, if you need to separate the OS and other files to create an additional logical disk where the installation will be created This is Windows, please familiarize yourself with the instructions:

For whatever reason AOMEI Partition Assistant does not control you, we recommend that you get acquainted with other representatives of similar software in other respects as stated below. For similar software, you will need to log in to these same actions.

Now we're excited Windows function robots with logical disks. We will need this to create a new partition from the beautifully landscaped open space.

  1. Open up "Start" and go to "Control panel".
  2. Click section "Administration".
  3. Select from the window "Keruvannya computer".
  4. Go to section "Keruvannaya with disks".
  5. Find the required volume, right-click on the free space of the main disk and select the item "Create a simple volume".
  6. The master will appear, where you need to click on "Dali", to go to the offensive line.
  7. In another window, do not change anything and quit immediately.
  8. You can tell the author what you want, and then press on "Dali".
  9. The remaining task is to format the partition. Make sure your file system is NTFS, do not change any more settings, and complete the process by clicking on "Dali".

That's all. Now you can start the next algorithm of action.

Lesson 2: Preparing Windows for installation

As it turns out, the initial installation process should not be completed before the computer is started, so you will have to run the WinNT Setup program and cancel the manipulation steps. Let's look at this in more detail:

  1. Get a copy of your chosen Windows versions V ISO format So that you can mount the image further.
  2. Vikorist be-yaku manually program creation of the disk image. Find out more about the best representatives of such software in our other materials below. Just install this security program and open the program a copy of Windows ISO for additional software.
  3. In the section " Devices with significant noses" V "My computer" you may show up new disk From the operating system.
  4. Run WinNT Setup and section “Walk to the instructions Windows files» press on "Vibrati".
  5. Go to the disk with the OS mount, open root folder and select a file or else install.esd depending on the version of Windows.
  6. Now, if another partition automatically has a drive letter where it will be installed (changing it is not recommended), the partition below "The disk on which the OS will be installed" Click on "Vibrati" and indicate the partition of the hard disk that was created for the first time.
  7. Click on "Installed".
  8. After which a new window will open, in order with the item "Vikoristuvati BootSect for zavantazhuvach" zamіst "ALL" Slide show "BIOS", since the computer uses the classic BIOS. For UEFI users, from the menu that drops down, you need to select the option, then press "OK".

After rebooting your computer, you will be prompted to select the OS to boot up, select the required option and continue standard procedure adjusting the new platform.

Croc 3: Install Windows

The remaining part is the installation process itself. You don't need to reset your computer or install the settings from the external hard drive, since everything is installed through the WinNT Setup program. You will no longer have to follow the standard instructions. On our website there are detailed descriptions for the skin version of Windows. Skip all the preparation steps and go straight to the installation description.

More details: Pokrokova kerivnitstvo according to installed

After the installation is complete, you can connect the external HDD and use the OS installed on the new one. So that there are no problems with your interests significant noses, need to change setting up the BIOS. The article describes how to set all the necessary parameters on the flash drive. At the end of the day famous disk This process will not change in any way, just remember its name.

I love you, readers of the blog.

Today I would like to know how things are going to be Windows installation on externally harsh disk. This may be necessary if users want to evaluate the new version of the operating system. Otherwise, it requires a shell in which to run these other programs. The method changes depending on the needs. Next we will look at the main points of this topic.

Placing Windows 10 on an external hard drive transfers Windows 10 to a lot of problems. We first need to prepare the device itself. So, in order to get rid of the famous hard drive from the OS, let’s do the following:

Now we have a large unallocated area of ​​60 GB, which is needed to install Windows 8 or more new versions. Now you need to change the space to one that is “normally” accepted by the system:

As a result, the formatted sections will appear on the USB drive, file system NTFS. Here we install the OS, either Windows XP or the latest versions.

WinNT Setup3 program( )

After we have prepared everything, we can proceed immediately before placing the operating system on a separate device:

It is immediately clear that such an operation cannot be performed from the drive to the current hard drive. USB disk. There are so many aspects. So for now, just prepare a virtual image.

Installing Win on an external HDD for Mac( )

Sometimes situations arise when users, for whatever reason, need to install a Microsoft operating system on a USB drive that connects to Mac computer. There may be a variety of options for highly specialized PZ. Or just simple interest. At any chance, there is a way:

    Let's launch our Mac. We scan the system against the AVG AntiVirus Free virus. We are looking for drivers for Boot Camp(The program allows you to carry out the entire operation). Why go to “Programs”, and then to “Utilities” or “Service Programs” - keep track of the OS X version.

    We launch the program and indicate that we need to install everything to support Win.

    After which we will work through this, which means the program will need to be downloaded and installed.

    Let's launch. Select " Auto"ta "Create". Please show up as a master of new equipment virtual machines" Onslaught " Continue».

    Enter the name of the required operating system, for example, Windows 7. The type will install on its own. We continue until we reach the required mark. For example, we select “ Create».

    We misspell it with “”. We press the instruction iz “on the disk Quote: Second...».

    We indicate an image from our OS.

    We confirm the action and start.

    The Win installation screen will appear.

    If you enter "", go to " Extensions", and then to "".

    After completing the procedure, the computer is restarted.

    Virus in " Start», « Computer" On the side panel you can see “ Merezha" We allow access to documents. Merezha may show up " VBOXSVR" Let's go and copy the directory to "".

    Then we'll go to " Control panel"ta" Program" It is necessary to know and see Oracle VM VirtualBox…" We restart the machine.

    Virus to catalog WindowsSupport" Let's launch " Setup.exe" When finished we will click " virtual machine».

    We need " Macintosh HD" Then at " Koristuvachi» and to the catalog « Client_name" Dali in "" and in " Windows 7».

    We launch the main file from the extensions *.vdi. The image is being mounted.

    Two new disks will appear in the middle of the devices. All of them are copied into a new catalogue.

    USB-HDD can be connected and cleaned. And you can’t do without formatting.

    Virus in " Start"ta" Computer" Then at " Home on psf"ta" Let's go to the previously created directory and transfer all the elements to our portable device.

Let me tell you why I won’t write such a need, the firebrand that I wrote there was successfully installed, although not immediately. Merezha had two articles, thoughtful reading of which helped to improve nutrition, while one complements the singing world of the other.

Well, we need:

→Robocha(!) kishen for HDD;
→Hard drive aka Winchester aka Hard Disk Drive(HDD);
→Windows 7 image;
→EOM z USB ports, de mi momomo pratsyuvati;
→ It is important that I set the BIOS on which USB HDD is planned to be installed, in order to support the USB devices. In fact, of all the problems that we can eliminate, it will be the most uncritical, since you can boost the USB bus with help optical disk Chi diskettes. Ale pro tse zgodom.

However, if we try to install the OS in the first place, we will be sent away, Windows is ahead of us, because it does not accept such arrangements, and does not want to install on a USB device. If you install the system on the HDD with an additional connection directly to SATA/IDE, and then stick it in the gut and try to get started, you will get a BSOD. If you don’t have a working machine at hand, you won’t be able to earn anything (I didn’t manage to hire one).

It doesn’t matter, we know from friends/colleagues/we know a work computer, but it’s connected to the limit. Download the small and manual program PWboot. The process of koristuvannya program good descriptions from the statistics, so I can’t describe the senses. It is important that the system starts up on the active physical partition of the hard drive (I have not asked for it otherwise). There was absolutely no need to work with the VHD; the system was simply installed on a physical disk. The process is quick, please Wikoristannya USB 2.0. The principle has everything.

I wish I could end the post here, because when you connect the HDD via USB, we install the system, install the drivers, everything will be good and wonderful. . After the system promptly re-enables itself in order to get fresh firewood and good luck with it, the BSOD is removed immediately after the “Windows Start” screen.
And there is only one answer: “- Features Windows“I don’t particularly know, but in short the essence is approximately this: the reader reads the kernel and the most important drivers (no USB connections) and transfers control to the kernel, so that it can read everything else, otherwise in our case you won’t find anything.” Therefore, to ensure that this does not happen, before completing the work/restarting, you need to do the following: “In the registry for addresses, set the value of the Start key to 0." There is a need for work every time after installing the drivers.
U statі na khabrі є
@echo off
if "%1"=="fix" goto:fix

rem - install task
copy /y "%~f0" "%SystemRoot%\system32\ t"
SCHTASKS /Create /UA SYSTEM /SC ONEVENT /MO "* and EventID=20003]]" /EC System /TN USBBootFix /TR ""%SystemRoot%\system32\usbbootfix.b at" fix" /F
rem --apply other settings
fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 1
fsutil behavior set disable8dot3 1
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\S ession Manager\Memory Management" /v DisablePagingExecutive /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\p ciide /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0 /f
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\m sahci /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0 /f
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\i ntelide /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0 /f
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\v iaide /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0 /f
rem -- run:fix once after install

call:fixservice usbehci "Boot Bus Extender"
call:fixservice usbohci "Boot Bus Extender"
call:fixservice usbuhci "Boot Bus Extender"
call:fixservice usbhub "System Bus Extender"
call:fixservice usbstor "SCSI miniport"

set Start=
set Group=
for /f "skip=2 tokens=1,2,*" %%I in ("reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\% ~1") do (
if "%%I"=="Start" set Start=%%K
if "%%I"=="Group" set Group=%%K
if not "%Start%"=="0x0" reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\% ~1 /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0 /f
if not "%Group%"=="%~2" reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\% ~1 /v Group /t REG_SZ /d "%~2" /f
to automate this process.

If we forgot to click the batch file after installing the drivers, there are two outputs:
- connect USB HDD, connect to the working machine, select PWboot (option "Patch existing system").
--edit the registry manually, first using the “reanimator” flash drive/disk or for an additional method of installing Windows 7, by pressing shift+F10 in the Windows window and typing in the command line regedit row. Or, under the additional item “Update Windiows”, by pressing “Skashuvati”, if you start looking for problems (as if so, I’m writing from memory), we will have to show additional possibilities, click and select from the assigned list of “Command Row” tools, and everything is the same. Sorry, if you don't work for the help built into the OS "updating the system" - you won't be able to help!
I'll quote,

  • We launch the registry editor using the Regedit command. Varto note that this is the registry of the renewal system.
  • We connect the required registry (more precisely, a register). Click "" and it is saved in the file %WINDIR% System32 Config System. To do this, focus on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, select File -> Load Hive -> in the menu required file-> Key name: “nn” (if installed on a VHD, you must enable it in the console).
  • The desired vulik may have a ControlSet* that requires records from Select/Current. Go to “ControlSet*/services”. U divided a little more It is described what you need to do. Just note that if you do not start from USB, you can attach keys to the keyboard “atapi”, “pciide”, “intelide”, “msahci” and similar ones.

That's it, the system is being re-enchanted.

One more nuance with the swap file (since the machine only has our USB HDD. In principle, since the HDD is stationary, then all this frenzy is due to additional twists). The caveat is that after a quick restart of Windows, the “Swedge Code Settings” window becomes available with the ability to specify a framer swap. If you simply enter the size, the system will prompt you to re-enable it and... if you set the parameters, the parameters will not be saved, and you will see the “Swedcode Parameters” window again. It’s not critical at all, but you can write it like this:

  • download diskmod of the remaining version;
  • We can download files from the archive;
  • Right-click on diskmod.inf and select “Install” from the context menu.
  • P After this, you can set the size of the swap file in the “Swidcode Settings” window. We are re-imagining, re-creating.
P .S. What is written does not pretend to be encyclopedic or textbook. This is not the only correct solution, simply by writing how I decided on the task.

Sometimes problems may occur if you need to install Windows on an external HDD.

It is possible that the internal hard drive has been punished to live for a long time, or installed on the new Windows, it is no longer possible to “raise” it, or maybe it’s just a required portable hard drive Windows installed XP so that you can run it on any computer without Windows installed or not working.

You can earn money in three most popular ways, which radically differ from one type to another. For various outsiders, operating systems and the configuration of the hatch is suitable different ways installations - that in various ways Installation is much more than three, but the solution is no longer easy.

The simplest and most common:

Plug in the internal hard drive from the connection point (extend the cable from the hard drive to motherboard and the plug is in the power supply).

Connect the external drive to a USB 2.0 port (USB 1.1 is much larger, but USB 3.0 may cause problems during installation).

If you reboot, go to the BIOS setup (Del key and F2) and select the tab containing the BOOT parameters.

Set HDD priority to external connections, set first boot from CD/DVD (1st boot: DVD). Press F10 (Save&Exit).

Download any LiveDVD and run a program like AcronisDiskDirector. For additional programs, you need to create a partition on the connected HDD, format it and make it active. Save/preserve the spoils of change.

Re-install and run the installation of Windows XP from the installation disk.

Install the system on the primary hard drive in the active partition before preparations.

Alternatively, the internal hard drive can be left unplugged, or installed on a new one. Windows version You can pin it on zavantazhennya.

Everything works as in the first method, only from LiveDVD the BOOTICE utility is launched and a private MBR area is created on the external hard drive (the program is set to MBR-WinNT-5x).

One more the simplest option— download a special build of Windows XP, which is prepared and optimized for installation on the current one USB storage. It’s easy to find such a collection on the Internet; as a rule, it will have the presence of “USB” in its name (details for installing such a collection will be in the distribution).

The collections are burned into an image that is transferred to the prepared partition of the external disk using AcronisTrueImage.

Other options related to the extensive use of GRUB, with copying folders and files from the distribution, at the current glance, other options are complicated and require a basic knowledge of computer operations other systems.