How does a Wi-Fi outlet work and what are its advantages? A smart socket with remote connections: see, device, how to choose a good one. How a smart socket works via wifi.

So So So. One more. I'm sorry, everyone's fed up. I really wanted to earn my own money, my “smart” outlet, with lotto and student students. Vbudovana (into the budinka - Prihovane held). Connectivity via WiFi (locally) and the Internet (globally). W otrimanyam flow status(For the future - with information about living). With connections to many sockets in one block (up to four). With temperature, light and presence sensors. With a video camera, closed!

The first part is simply to verify the futile practicality of the schemes. In essence, it is an analogue of the WeMo Switch, which only fits into a standard power socket and is not tied to any particular design (to fit into any existing interior).

Geez, what do you want? I would like to connect the skin directly with four sockets (in my house, in one of the rooms, the sockets are arranged in blocks of two socket modules, one to one, in two standard plastic socket boxes. Up to one of these blocks all units (lighting, filter pump, heater, compressor) of the aquarium with brocade juice are connected, their axis will be keruvated. The catfish is like this (picture to show respect):

Geez, what do we need?
1. Receive commands via WiFi and see external signals for closed contacts. Tobto. Required controller module with WiFi. I have fragments of our hustka on AR9331 (the piano is in the bushes, so: better, at first, and I wanted to try it in real life), that will be such a controller.

2. Relay for 16A 220V. Don't worry - you'll find a ready-made Ampere module. At the same time, there is also a LED to indicate the operating mode of the socket.

3. Live with two modules with a voltage of 5V. Unplug the compact life unit with a USB port.

4. Plug-in socket 60mm.

5. Vlasne socket (for now, for experiments, take the pepper-lipsha from the local government store):

6. LED to indicate the socket mode (On/Off). Knowshov has greens and reds in his bedside table. We would like to pick out some greens (the color is more appropriate), but if it turns out to be insufficiently brightened, we end up taking red ones.

Having estimated the scheme (primitive, so):

Rozklav components:

Having cut the darts, soldered:

Having cut the strips of heat-free tubes and insulated the modules:

Having smelled the electrical outlet, connect the cable and connect it to the outlet. It’s still too early to go to the wall, you need to enjoy yourself on the table.

After cutting off the LED, use a thin soldering iron tip to make a small hole in the socket.

Test stand ready.

Software for the first simple verification taking from the post. Ariman"a.

Well, well... It’s not surprising, but everything is working out. The relay clicks, the LED blinks, the electricity is supplied to the socket. The first crumb is crushed. The hour has passed, ten years ago, repeat. Groschen:
1. Controller on AR9331 - I don’t know how to evaluate it. Let it be 750 rubles - we are going to sell it at that price, once the batch has been produced.
2. Relay module – 290 rub.
3. Living block - well, at least it will be 200 rubles (having bought at the underground passage for such a price, I’ve already had a couple of rocks lying around).
4. Electrical outlet – 45 rubles.
5. Socket – 120 rub.

Together: 1405 rub.

Now we need to update the software (peredusim – firmware). About this - in the offensive part, because the people will be happy. And then we connect sensors and three more relay modules to cover several sockets, and not just one.

P.S. Having connected the video camera, I wonder where to go? If you need to write something into the Internet, without having yet thought of it - like... And if you use software - you need to learn how to translate streams on the Internet, and not just into the local area.

The purpose of a smart Wi-Fi socket (or as smart sockets are also called) lies in the ability to operate electrical appliances via the Internet, even if there is a problem. Access to this outlet is granted via Wi-Fi connection, connection and name. The idea of ​​launching unique gadgets with smart plugs, which can be connected remotely, came to the mind of German engineers from M. Fraugofer.

Now you don’t have to worry about fitting the measures into the booth

The simplest thing is a Wi-Fi socket and a very cute, contemporary-style, single-socket adapter.

Basic elements of a smart socket:

  • LED indicator;
  • physical power up/down button;
  • spare power supply when the power is turned off;
  • grounded

Additional elements for all folding models:

  • USB port;
  • ruhu sensor;
  • thermometer;
  • moisture sensor;
  • light sensor;
  • dim sensor;
  • video camera;
  • timers and in.

There are also options on the market, depending on the appearance of the edge filter, and the connectors for connecting electrical devices can be pinned, number up to 4. Use standard connectors and do not require additional adapters.

As a material for the production of panels of smart sockets, plastic and glass are actively used.

Vikoristannya smart sockets, functions

Automated sockets are ideal for use in private buildings, apartments and offices. These small devices become indispensable aids in organizing a comfortable and safe life (or work).

The new sensors can immediately alert you to gas leaks or other important steps, to save your speeches and to keep you alert literally with warmth and fiery illumination!

It’s very easy to install smart sockets for heating, air conditioning, ventilation, air conditioning, various pumps, security cameras, lighting, etc.

It’s also a good idea to add “unsafe” tools to them, for example, sand, and not be tormented by the doubts you’ve had while walking out of the house.

With the help of a smart socket you can use music center like an alarm clock, turn off your child’s bedtime, don’t worry your baby, save yourself the hassle of getting to bed in the dark, turn on the kettle before you arrive, easily plug in sockets when you are in inaccessible places, ensure timely watering roslin without your presence, zagalom, know the impersonality of the tsikavih that brown zastosuvan.

Basic functions of a smart socket:

  • in the distance there is a bath with various pottery implements;
  • funeral and fire safety;
  • saving electricity;
  • refurbishment of servers, routers and other office equipment;
  • information about power outages, with the possibility of emergency breakdown of equipment to prevent the operation of important and expensive equipment.

The principle of work, control and capability

When connected to the router, your skin reasonable socket It denies its unique IP address, which allows you to establish access to it and transmit commands in encrypted form over the Internet (encryption does not allow anyone to steal your electronics). Naturally, the more stable the connection, the simpler and more correct the management.

Settings can be saved both on the server and on the device itself. In the end, the situation may come to an end if, after using the measures, all adjustments have to be reinstalled. If the server is carefully tuned, then information, data and statistics can be saved. Depending on the model, you may have access to different graphics based on the results of the information recorded by the sensors.

To access the remote control reporting interface, all you need to do is install a special security program on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer. The necessary software is available from someone authorized to obtain and establish access. Obviously, if you know the basics of programming and you are not controlled by the interface of the programs you are implementing, you can write the instructions yourself.

The program allows you to not only remotely adjust and adjust timers, but also adjust timers to set value hour(Obviously, for work behind the Wi-Fi switch it can also be done). With this function you can greatly protect electricity and also avoid the risk of unsafe situations.

Possibility of timers:

  • vipadkovy hour of inclusion and vimknennya (even more corisna function to create the effect of the presence of someone in the booth);
  • gate switch (turning on and off the electronics after the end of the hour);
  • planning a specific hour (including and vimikannya adjustments at strictly tasks hour, once, every day, every day, etc.).

Some smart sockets can be remotely blocked, so that when you press a physical button, you can neither plug in nor turn on the appliance, blocking the operation of switchboards and timers. It is also possible to set the “I’m at home” mode, which allows you to turn on all smart sockets at once.

Once the power is turned on, a smart gadget will be activated reserve dzherelo tavern to inform you unfaithfully. It is advisable to allow the connected security system and fire alarm to function for a full hour.

Smart sockets can be combined at a minimum (the number of sockets can reach 50), considering the main and controlled sockets as the principle hard disks(Master and Slave), in a word, support and automate almost all the equipment in the cubicle and office.


As a rule, it is important that most models of smart outlets operate with an input voltage of 100–240 V (this can be used at high electrical levels).

The output voltage values ​​may vary in the range of 2 to 4 kW, which is sufficient to connect heavy-duty appliances (for example, oil heaters).

The Wi-Fi network standard is 802.11 b/g/n, which is tested at a frequency of 2.4 Hz.

Safety under the hour of vikoristannya

Increase your respect! Before connecting any electrical appliance to a suitable socket, it is necessary to reconnect it so that the pressure does not outweigh what is indicated in the technical documentation to the socket itself.

How can you make a smart socket with your own hands?

If you really need the necessary skills, tools and materials, you can, of course, install a Wi-Fi socket with your own hands.

To prepare a budget smart socket you will need:

  • Wi-Fi module;
  • solid state relay;
  • small-sized life block (optimally, with a voltage stabilizer at 3.3);
  • external socket (to make the firmware more convenient, you can use the external socket or filter from the USB port).

True, if you are not a busy electrician and programmer, if you have never touched a soldering iron in your hands, then you better not risk it, and if something goes wrong, you can get rid of the blow with a jet and burn down the apartment. Chi varte over there?

It’s much calmer to get such a cute gadget from the store and without any hassle, the risk and frustration of making your life more comfortable, the more the prices on reasonable sockets are completely more pleasant, it’s unlikely You can decently protect yourself by picking up the device with your own hands.

If you still firmly decided to design a smart socket using a single hand, then depending on the characteristics, design and functionality of a self-powered gadget, the necessary tools, materials and materials are taken into account.

Not luxury, but need

Regardless of whether you bought a Wi-Fi outlet or successfully built it with your own hands, remote control will come to your soul and very soon you will no longer be able to understand how you can live without such an amazing, manual winemaking.

Do you want to control the operation of everyday devices that you have in your home? For this purpose it is necessary to install a road system. Smart booth" In such a situation, a reasonable GSM socket can be plugged in. After reading this article, you will find out what advantages it provides, learn how to correctly select the required model and adjust it accordingly to the specifications.

How does this device work?

Let us know the basic functions and operating principles of this type of sockets. Initially, the stench has been released for the cottages with the Pribudinka territory, which will require constant supervision.

The need for remote launch of an automatic irrigation system, supplementary lighting, and various electrical installations became the reason for the search for new effective solutions.

Today's devices are already being used everywhere, so they help:

  • program the socket to turn it off or turn it on if needed;
  • monitor the temperature, temperature and other parameters of the resident;
  • reduce the amount of consumed electricity;
  • re-enchant computer technology in case of emergency;
  • to inform the gentleman's office that there is a loss of tension or an imbalance of control.

The design of the virobu is the same. In the middle there is an electronic board with a GSM module, a connector for inserting a SIM card and a slot for the battery. The remaining necessary notification to the owner is provided whenever the electrical connection is turned off. The body is retouched Light indicators and function buttons. Their number and significance are assigned to a specific model.

The first GSM sockets were installed without additional SMS commands. The number of the installed phone was entered into the phone and notification templates were created to save time.

Many current models allow you to power commands over the Internet via special supplement. The download instructions and installation method are indicated in the instructions. Mozhlive also keruvannya for an additional tablet.

What kinds of species exist?

Virobniks will introduce two types of GSM sockets:

With one exit. It can be additionally secured with a gas flow indicator, a fire safety sensor or an alarm system subordinate doors. Once again, you can use it as a full-fledged security system.

Merezhevy podovzhuvach. for from the outside looking in guesses the original hemlock filter. It appears that there is a new connector for connecting a SIM card and a mobile phone system for those living through it.

The method of establishing the stench is divided into:

Invoices. With an adapter that is inserted into the main socket. Most often requested through easy connection and operation. The main advantage is the ability to quickly transfer the device from one room to another at any time.

Vbudovani. They are installed during the hour of performing obligatory work at the wall. Before purchasing, you need to think carefully about where and for what purposes you will be using it, as well as what kind of value you should consider.

Look at the photos of gsm sockets to see their differences.

Virobnik. Get a better quality than any other brand that I have proven myself. The most popular are Sapsan, Siberian Arsenal, Tantos, ORCAM and Proline.

Evident functionality. There is no sense in using a screwed-on model to connect forgotten powder and boiling water to prepare kava.

If you rely on a separate socket to control scorching, it is better to choose a device with a backup battery. To adjust the robot schedule, you need reliable power-free memory, which allows you to avoid failures when the power supply is connected.

Number of roses. It is wise to choose a model with a large number of sockets. They can be used as much as possible, as needed.

Tension. This criterion is one of the most important, especially in the case of a device where some electrical equipment is connected. The margin of permissible tension may become less than 30% of the maximum tension.

Whatever additional possibilities can significantly increase the performance of the virus, so be sure to accurately assess the need for visibility of this and other functions.

Yak koristuvatisya

The instructions for operating the GSM socket will tell you how to properly set it up and operate it. First of all, make sure that you ask all sorts of metal objects to disable the signal.

Turn it over so that it is placed near the receiving area. Please remember that it is not recommended to connect to a voltage above 3500 W.

Installation of the SIM card will only take place once you have selected it. Then the socket can be connected to the power supply. Once it is turned on, the initialization process starts, the nuances of which are different for each skin model. For taking off additional information turn up to a companion from a virobnik. Once initialization is completed, you can proceed to use.

Let's take a look at how to control a GSM socket. You can connect up to 5 numbers to it, and you will not respond to commands of the type you decide. This is divided, protected, for safety, so as not to allow evildoers to penetrate from behind.

The number can be added via SMS or through the device interface. It is also necessary to change the password, which by default consists of several zeros.

The most advanced commands: change the status of the socket, turn it off and turn it off. On the skin it has its own, transferred to the distributor, combination. All the stench is described by the friend.

You can take a keruvannya with an additional drink. Just dial the number and I’ll get it. You will be informed about the impossibility of responding to a call, after which the GSM socket will change its position: if it was turned off, then turn off, and then again.

This is how the robot is created via the web interface. An important point - the SIM card does not need to store numbers, otherwise stable operation is not guaranteed. SIM cards that do not comply with the GSM standard are supported. 3G and CDMA cards will not be sold.

Photos of gsm sockets

And so, if you want to make a “smart” outlet with solitaire and professional games, check out this guide! Features of this virus: the socket will be installed, it will be available both via Wi-Fi and via the Internet. You can also view the status of the socket. And if you are not lazy, then with temperature sensors, lightness, video camera and everything else you need!

It is necessary to verify the feasibility of the scheme itself. In essence, it is a WeMo Switch emulator, the main feature is that ours will fit into any outlet and fit seamlessly into the internet.

What will we need to complete our plans:
1. In order to connect sockets via Wi-Fi, we will need a controller module with WiFi.
2. Relay 16A 220V.
3. Life block for two modules with a voltage of 5 V
4. Well, it’s primarily an electrical outlet, where would we be without it.
5. And we can no longer do without the outlet itself!
6. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to create a light-emitting diode for indexing on.
Axis components:

We solder the parts to the structure:

Please contact us:

Then everything is placed in the electrical outlet and connected to the outlet.

As far as software is concerned, programming skills are required. If you live like this, it is recommended to use a lightweight web server, the simplest bash scripts, although you can install a minimal Python collection for our purposes.
Otherwise, you should look for the most common problems on the forums or copy the security software official version these sockets. You can find them either on websites dedicated to software or simply as part of online stores.
Let's check for practicality. And so the relay, LED and socket voltage are normal. Well, the first crumb has already formed on the way to the ideal socket. The cost of all components can be estimated at approximately 1500 rubles.

And don’t be afraid to experiment, there’s nothing complicated here, take a soldering iron with a thin tip and go ahead!

Perhaps your hands will shake, but only the first five weeks, as soon as you get used to it from the beginning, you will be as strong and resistant as granite.

The socket should be located closer to the bottom (from physics lessons and remember that it’s hotter when you go uphill, and when it’s colder, it’s more important to go downhill), so the thermostat readings will not be entirely correct - it’s not correct, as you orient are available on them to regulate scorching.

Do you still need a Wi-Fi outlet? Its main purpose is the use of electrical appliances located in the cabin, on the stand. Pay the device for the rakhunok connection yogo through bezdrotova Wi-Fi network with a tablet or mobile smartphone. Smart electrical accessories are increasingly conquering the market of electrical devices, and in this regard we have received information about the operating principle, devices and functions of Wi-Fi sockets.

Various characteristics

Principle robot wi-fi The sockets of any type are absolutely the same. Depending on the design, it can be divided into two types: the invoice and the built-in one. The invoice looks like an adapter, as it has one rose. The design of the device consists of the following elements: the body itself, the indicator, the button, which can be used to turn on or off the device wi-fi module. Another option is a module that will be created. Its purpose is to replace the primary electrical point. The photo below shows the offensive options:

The principle of both types is that the microprocessor, which is located in the middle of the device, is connected to the mechanism that regulates the inclusion or switching off. Alternatively, folding models can also be distorted, as they vibrate in the form of a border filter, which resembles a ring of roses.

In addition, there are models that are equipped with additional sensors, which can also be used to detect gas flow, the presence of smoke or water leakage, as well as temperature and temperature sensors.

The skin wi-fi socket is located in the same position as the device and this model is special technical characteristics. Virus companies are steadily trying to improve their development and regularly introduce their own additions and innovations. The main functions are:

  • originality of design and packaging;
  • the brilliance of the vicorized material;
  • elements, including vibration.

A Wi-Fi socket of any model is assembled from a housing made of heat-resistant plastic and various elements that make up the entire housing. The use of non-flammable materials allows people to be protected from the presence of harmful halogens. The heat content of the material becomes 748 degrees Celsius. Therefore, the company's Wi-Fi manufacturers guarantee the safety of Wi-Fi equipment.

Basic functions

The purpose of the Wi-Fi socket is described in the following functions:

  • inclusion and suppression of household appliances at the station;
  • The temperature sensor will protect the alarm system;
  • - the ability to control and recognize the electrical energy readings supplied by the electrical appliances that operate with this device;
  • If there is a need, the equipment can be re-engineered;
  • To help control children, there is a timer that turns on the TV and the light turns off after an hour.

Wikoristan rules

A Wi-Fi socket, as a rule, operates in the operating voltage range of 100 - 240 V (this is due to standard conditions in home or office settings). The output voltage varies between 2 and 4 kW. This is why you can connect with great short-term attractions. For example, a heater, an electric kettle or a food processor.

Regardless of the fact that all printers create their own individual instructions for using the tool, the principle of operation and purpose are practically the same. Relevance lies only in dodatkove nalashtuvannya basic parameters and functions such as wi-fi socket.

To get started, you need to install a special program on your smartphone or tablet. Then check if you are connected to your home to the droneless Internet. There is a QR code on the box or in the device instructions, which allows you to gain access to software security, if you need to be captivating.

After this, you need to know the option in the program to find a new Wi-Fi connection. In spite of the necessity dartless lines Show up at the end and then enter the password to connect. After confirming the password, the wi-fi socket is connected to a level of 220V and is switched on by pressing the on/off button. LED indicator including those that have a Wi-Fi socket ready until further work.

After all the Wikonian settings have been configured and the necessary functions have been installed, you can connect any consumer device to the connectors and create individual settings for it. How to do it correctly is indicated in the instructions. If there is no need to reset all settings to factory settings, just press the on/off button of the device for six seconds and the socket will rotate to the original position in which it was released from manufacture.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage is that such a smart device can always be connected to electrical devices on the riser. Below you can see the following:

  1. If the electrical system fails, all settings are reset and must be reinstalled.
  2. Models that are incompatible with a router. To correct this, it is necessary to call the master, the fragments of only his evidence and knowledge will help to correct the situation.
  3. The Wi-Fi outlet has its own time zone, which may not match the real one. This means that the device is set to the same time zone as that of the manufacturing company. This leads to independent adjustment of the system.
  4. Yakshcho in electrical lines If an emergency occurs, the devices will automatically shut down.
  5. It is only possible to change the functions of the robot and the device due to the fact that there is no drone. Because the smell will be different, it will lead to negative results.
  6. If there is no connection to the Internet, the device will not connect to the settings in the settings. This is explained by the fact that all adjustments and changes are saved on servers that do not operate without the Internet. And there is no special microchip that is used to turn on the memory unit.