Router from a Windows 7 laptop. Upgrading wifi on the laptop and setting up distribution

The more mobile gadgets you have, such as smartphones, tablet computers and game consoles, then you start to feed them more often about those .

Everything is simple: you just need to connect your device to your laptop and distribute Wi-Fi. Fortunately, the operating specialists Windows systems

7 and 8 cheerfully added this point to the adjustment.

  1. There are two ways to distribute the Internet from a laptop via wifi: "Ridnimi";
  2. by Windows The way of manipulation in.

command row

Method 1: distributing wi-fi using Windows

To make a connection, you will need a connection card that supports MS Virtual Wi-Fi technology.

Whatever the current mobile adapter. To get started, you will need to open the customization menu “Career management center…” by single-clicking the right button and selecting another item. Let’s go to the last field and find a section called “Setting up a new connection...”

We can see the element, the vision in the screenshot of the beast.

Select the option and press the “Next” button.

You're welcome Information free, instead of what you can read for a day.

Then we click on Next again and go to the next step. Now you need to enter the parameters of the main virtual dimension in the above column.…».

The Network Name (SSID) field is the name of your connection.

The type of security is preferable to WPA2-Personal, as it is the most reliable against external penetration.

  • The key to safety is behind the scenes
  • folding password

to log in to a personal access point.

Dovzhina may become close to 8-10 characters, but no less. Bazhano, so that it consists of numbers and letters. Save the settings and delete them further.

Now everything is ready.

Method 2: distribute wi-fi for additional command row

If you intend to work with the same set of actions, only with the help of the command row, probably.

For starters, we create a document in TXT format.

What is this notebook for?

Copy to new axis:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="My_virtual_measure" key="password_with_8_characters" keyUsage=persistent

You can see this on the script:

“Im'ya Merezhi” and “password” are written individually. Golovne, so you don’t forget it yourself. We save the document and change its extension to BAT. You can also change the name so as not to waste the document..

For example, don't forget Wi-Fi. We launch the file under administrator rights by clicking right button and selecting the required item context menu How do you run the file? to the double clacks

, a new connection through the gap is activated.

I lost my access to the global pavutinnya.

Use the right mouse button to connect, following which we are in


apparently in

global measure

And we joke about “powerfulness”. We need the "access" tab.

You will no longer be able to launch the Wi-Fi network. For this we need to open the command row. Click the "Start" button and enter CMD in the search field.

Find out one point that we need.

We are pressing on new – tse i e.

Run this command: netsh wlan start hostednetwork (without a dot at the end). If you want to slow down the flow of traffic, then write the same row, and instead of “Start” write “Stop”..

This time you have to rely more on your friends.

How to distribute WiFi from a laptop using Windows The easiest way

2 simplest way distribute the Internet from a laptop via wifi: create a network using additional Windows and the command line

The World Wide Web - the Internet has already intertwined the entire world, and practically in every civilization the majority of the population has access to this area. Maximum comfort is important when connecting at a distance, which is most often achieved using a Wi-Fi connection. However, never again will the koristuvachi toil required technologies To distribute the Internet remotely, a router will be installed for these purposes; If you are on a daily basis, you can distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop using one of the methods described in this article. There are options available that vary from the standard functionality to the installed one.

software security


  1. different versions
  2. OS.
  3. Distribute Wi-Fi from a Windows 7 laptop

You can quickly choose one of three options.

Set up standard connections between two computers, the role of the device that distributes and installs the laptop.

Vikorist the command row to create a distribution point.

Install special software for Windows.

Standard setup Get ready for the upcoming order. Assuming everything has been completed correctly, the Wi-Fi hotspot will be available on the computer's desktop, as was entered at the setup stage.

  • This method is a clear positive result for everyone who relies on power supply, and can distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop to other devices.
  • Command line for setting up distribution

This is an easy way to work on all laptops, but you need to know about the brain power of your work: the availability of the Virtual Router function

Wi-Fi adapter


Distributing the Internet in this way is a little more complicated, since you will end up losing actions that work with the Windows command line.

To open it, launch the Vikonati service by pressing “Win” + “R” and enter “cmd” in the row.

Programs for distributing Wi-Fi

You can use any software that works with Windows 7 (also for new versions of this OS), since the operating principle of such programs is new.

To successfully distribute Wi-Fi from your computer, you need to set the following parameters:

  • connection name;
  • a bad key for accessing Wi-Fi;
  • the method by which the Internet is accessed on the device;
  • type of fence.

For example, the best option there will be a mHotSpot or Maryfi program.

It’s true, there won’t be much in the way of the methods described above. laptop computer Access is limited until devices nearby can easily connect to the new one.

Obviously, Wi-Fi can be distributed more like a router.

Wi-Fi distribution from a Windows 8 laptop The eldest Windows versions

8 adjustment is identical.

The system functionality allows you to change the command line, but you need to enter all the same as for the 7th version.

It is enough to look at the screenshots to understand that adjustments can be made without any changes, except for those that have been developed in the new OS and certain features of the interface.

Let's take a look at the points:

After entering the device, you need to re-enable it and, if everything was installed correctly, information about connecting a new device will appear, just like in Windows 7. Once again, after setting up the wiki, you will need to upgrade/access you will need the following commands:

If we are talking about virtual software that allows you to distribute the Internet remotely, then the following programs are ideal: Conectify Hotspot, Virtual Router Plus.

Wi-Fi distribution from a Windows 10 laptop

All of these programs are cost-free, and for additional costs you can expand their functionality, which is already required, to implement remote distribution to the Internet. Today they are optimized to work with heavily updated versions of Windows, and it will also be possible to speed up Switch Virtual Router and Marify. The software follows this very principle: we launch it, enter the necessary parameters, and begin distributing Wi-Fi.

Also, you can distribute Wi-Fi if you select the following settings:

and can be created/changed advancing rows at the file:

For an analogy:

I will find in the file:

it is necessary to delete or comment out the advancing row:

After that remaining file has been edited, you will need to restart the NM service.

To do this, enter the command:

Then two scripts are created to easily start and finish distributing Wi-Fi.

Run scripts through the terminal using the sudo or gksu commands. All descriptions can be sold without the user who feels comfortable in the Linux/Ubuntu operating system, for the sake of uninformed buyers given the system

edge foldable. If you need to distribute Wi-Fi to an uninitiated user, it is best to use one version of OS Windows so as not to experience difficulties with setup. Statti has a detailed description of how to earn money by distributing Wi-Fi to a laptop

in different ways with the most popular operating systems. As soon as the time of adjustment was made, errors were made that caused problems with the robot’s connections on the laptop itself, and the device had to be transferred to the masters service center, how to create prosperity, and also give report recommendations about those who

specific outbuilding distribute the Internet remotely. Rozvitok mobile internet It’s gotten so bad that a lot of business owners are no longer using their home networks, computers, or USB modems. Its disadvantage is obvious - the inability to connect to for distribution to the Internet.

Few people know that almost any computer or laptop or Wi-Fi adapter can act as a router.

Within the framework of this article, we will look at how to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop on Windows 10, and also Danish method Suitable for a desktop computer. As a matter of fact, you can distribute Wi-Fi to your laptop or computer. It was generally understood that the method of distributing the Internet through a laptop is most often used in situations where a USB modem is connected to the computer.

In this case, it also applies when distributing emergency

wired internet

After this, information about the Wi-Fi adapter that works on your computer or laptop will appear in the command line. With this information, you need to know the row “Support of the placed border” and watch the result that is displayed. If it is written “So”, it means

this computer If Wi-Fi is available, if “No” is displayed, then this capability is not transferred.

Uvaga: In certain situations, if the command line indicates the impossibility of distributing Wi-Fi to the Internet from a laptop, it is possible to correct the situation. For this you need to update the drivers for the Wi-Fi adapter on your computer by installing them from the official website of the manufacturer.

It’s easy to create a laptop or computer as a Wi-Fi access point for other devices through the command line.

  1. Є masa
third party programs

Otherwise, their installation is incorrect, doctors say that the process of enhancing and turning on Wi-Fi distribution through the command line can be reduced to a couple of clicks on the target, which is below.

To turn off Wi-Fi distribution through a device on Windows 10, you need to do the following: Launch the command line as administrator, and enter the command in it: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=okeygeek key=1234567890 Note:

Ssid- Setting the name of the created item

Wi-Fi limits

  1. .
In the application, the name of our site is set to “Okeygeek”, but when created, you can specify any other name.


– setting a password for the created Wi-Fi network. The password for the application is “1234567890”.

  1. Please note that the password must be at least 8 characters.
Once the command is written, press the Enter key.

Next to the command line you need to enter another command: netsh wlan start hostednetwork This command activates the Wi-Fi network, and after it appears in the list of other devices available for connection.

How you can distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop on Windows 10 is not so easy, but it’s difficult to remember the commands that are required, but it’s not difficult to work with.

If you need to enable Wi-Fi distribution from your computer, you can do this in the command line running as administrator using the following command:

Netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

This process can also be automated by analogy with Wi-Fi turned on distributions that created an additional file from the extensions.bat.

Problems activating a laptop on Windows 10 as an access point

Setting up Wi-Fi distribution on a laptop or computer keruvannyam Windows 10, koristuvach can shut up with low problems.

The axis of these options is their highest.

Hello shanovny reader.

What could be worse, without snacking, connect to the Internet.

How about constantly kicking the cable? Probably nothing! The worst of these inconsistencies is simple - a drone-free transmission system, which will require additional costs. There are two ways to distribute Wi-Fi from a Windows 7 laptop. Let's get to know each of them.

Distribution methods

How to properly organize a drone-free Internet connection using a laptop.

You will say it in a melodious, complex manner and will require special skills and assistance from the side.

No, everything is easy to finish.

The first of the methods is the infusion

virtual boundaries

through the command row. Here, of course, it will be necessary to practice, otherwise our tips will not be difficult to follow. continues a series of articles about setting up and connecting Wi-Fi. This statistic is similar to how to distribute WiFi from a laptop. How can you distribute Wi-Fi to a laptop without a router, and how can you earn a laptop by distributing Wi-Fi?

Be it a laptop, equipped with a Wi-Fi module, a good job, period. wifi access. Let’s just say right away that we are working hard to get the help of a router. If you just want to combine two

I'll add Wi-Fi For example, a laptop with a smartphone, or a laptop with a tablet, or maybe two laptops (wi-fi between laptops), then distributing WiFi from the laptop is a completely logical step. Connecting a laptop as an access point can be protected on the router. The downside may be that such a barrier is preserved, the remaining power of Wi-Fi transmission to the laptop may not be available. If you want to get out of this situation, buy wi-fi support laptop module.

So, how to distribute wifi from a laptop?

First of all, let me recommend you other information about how to distribute wifi from a laptop. Singing stench will help you created Wi-Fi connections and connections to a laptop, smartphone or any other device. Our first publication in this series reveals that the computer is equipped with a Wi-Fi module. Looked at the adjustment in detail, dartless connection, Windows 7 and Windows XP, as well as the parameters for setting up the router., Another article shows that Windows 7 has a little more performance, as well as on the iPhone., We also stuck with those, Wi-Fi connection, on the PSP console., The third article reveals..., It will be beautiful for those who want to buy this charming box in the near future and paint around the edges of the house or in the office without limitation., Don’t forget about security; there’s a reminder at the router., And for those users of our site who may have difficulties connecting, we have compiled an article that explains., then in principle you can distribute WiFi. But one thing, your laptop's card may support Virtual WiFi technology. As a result of the first method of creating an access point, we will use this technology.

Before speaking, please update the driver for your border map From the official website of the laptop manufacturer Varto respect that the first method of creating a WiFi access point is the statistical method perhaps do not allow you to connect a gadget to Android, fragments technology given VirtualWiFi view Microsoft

The connection is made with the AES encryption type, and Android devices can connect with the TKIP encryption type. However, even old gadgets with old version

Android.<ИМЯ ВАШЕЙ НОВОЙ WIFI СЕТИ>Moreover, Windows “Starter” and “Pochatkova” do not have the ability to distribute Wi-Fi using this additional technology, as the OS version is greatly limited in functionality.<ПАРОЛЬ К СЕТИ>So, in order to tighten our limit, let’s do the same.

Everything written below is relevant for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 (we haven’t tried it on XP, but nothing streams you).

Let's go to the command room Windows row -> . For this, in the Explorer row or through “Start” (you need to search for the command row and type “CMD”, the black window will appear with the command row) we type:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid= key= keyUsage=persistent

Everything is visible in the picture, so as not to be embarrassed, you can type this row in a notepad, and then copy it into Explorer.

Don't forget to enter your account name and access password.

After pressing the “Enter” button, the laptop will think for a moment and create a new device.

After strengthening our Wi-Fi connection, you can connect any device to the laptop by specifying this measure. So what if it becomes possible to distribute wifi from a laptop? In order to access the Internet via

laptop wifi

, you need to do the following: right-click on the main connection through which the laptop denies Internet access: I check the boxes on the “Access” tab, as shown in the image. That's it, you decided to start working on your laptop.

wi-fi access , and also distribute wifi from a laptop! We believe this method will help.

Finally, it’s a good idea to get acquainted with the list of commands that you will need when setting up:

For those who did not dare to marry this man

forgive method

WiFi distribution, we present a very simple and intelligent video about how to set up the network in the following way:

How to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop using Windows

As the instructions are presented, it seems difficult to you, try distributing Wi-Fi differently.

There is another way to distribute wifi from a laptop using Windows methods, without going to the command line.

To do this, we need to go to the Security and Access Control Center.

You need to put dots opposite two points - “Enable edge detection” and “Increase shared access to files and printers”, and then save the changes.

Now you know how to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop using Windows. You can connect any gadget to the created network, be it tablet computer , smartphone, smart set-top box, TV, media player, etc. How difficult were the creations?

droneless connection

, then we can see a simple video on how to distribute Wi-Fi from a computer. List of programs for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop All messages are given on the official websites of the programs.

We will allow you to use a program for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop. remaining version

So that the utility is up-to-date at the exact moment.

  • It is a great misfortune, since it was sent in time to appear beaten, kindly, let us know about it in the comments. Come on, let's see.
  • mHotspot( - a program for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop, easy to use and has a simple interface.
  • To configure mHotSpot, you need to set three parameters: Hotspot Name

- These are the limits, like sleepwalking.

Password- password for the border that you want to distribute.

Internet Source

  • - Dzherelo, as a vikorist, is available for sharing the Internet. After entering these parameters, just click the “Start Hotspot” button and you can connect to the route you created.
  • MyPublicWiFi( - a program for distributing wifi from a computer is now available, which has also gained popularity among self-employed people.
  • Setting up this utility is as simple as that: Network name (SSID)

- These are the limits to which you connect.

Network key (at least 8 characters)— a password of at least eight characters. Network key (at least 8 characters) Enable Internet Sharing We will allow you to use a program for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop.і Password.

— a parameter that indicates the choice of an Internet connection to serve as an access point. Network key (at least 8 characters):

  • It is a great misfortune, since it was sent in time to appear beaten, kindly, let us know about it in the comments. After specifying these characteristics, the border will be automatically created, and you can connect the gadget to it.
  • mHotspot For example, a smartphone or tablet computer. Connectify( - download a program for distributing wifi from a laptop
  • We can help you make arrangements. Its interface is as simple and intuitive as in previous programs
  • Axis comments from adjustment— settings are included, in which you can specify which Wi-Fi adapter is available, the type of encryption network, firewall, etc.

Virtual Router ( - last program to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop in our view.

Just like the previous utilities, it is simple for animals.

  • As you can see from the screenshot, the program has three characteristics that need to be specified in order to create a HotSpot access point: NetWork Name (SSID) - I'm WiFi boundaries
  • mHotspot, if it is necessary to supply English writers.
  • - password for Wi-Fi network that is being created. Shared Connection

— Internet connection, which will serve as a source for the drone-free line that is being created. Please read the program for you. I won't be able to create it