Free analogues of Microsoft Visio. Microsoft Visio Alternatives Command Line Key

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Welche Systemanforderungen gibt es für Visio?

Systemanforderungen für Microsoft Visio:

Komponente Mindestanforderungen

Prozessor1-GHz-Prozessor mit SSE2-Unterstützung

Arbeitsspeicher2 GB RAM

Festplatte3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz

Bildschirm Auslösung von 1280 x 800 Pixeln

GrafikkarteFür Grafikhardwarebeschleunigung wird eine DirectX 10-fähige Grafikkarte benötigt.

BetriebssystemWindows 7 SP1 bis Windows 10, nur 32-Bit- oder 64-Bit-Betriebssystem

Sonstigeseinen Internetzugang. Es können Gebühren anfallen.

Für einige Funktionen können weitere Hardware oder Dienste erforderlich sein. Beispiel:

  • Für die gemeinsame Dokumenterstellung ist Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, SharePoint Server 2013, Microsoft SharePoint Online oder Microsoft OneDrive for Business erforderlich.

Für welchen Visio Online-Plan soll ich mich entscheiden?

Mit Visio Online Plan 1 erhalten Sie Visio Online und 2 GB OneDrive-Cloudspeicher und können Diagramme in Ihrem bevorzugten Browser gestalten und teilen - die beste Lösung für Standardanforderungen.

Visio Online Plan 2 umfasst die Visio-Desktopanwendung, Visio Online und 2 GB OneDrive-Cloudspeicher. So profitieren Sie von einer leistungsfähigen Komplettlösung für das Diagrammdesign - die beste Lösung für professionelle Diagrammdesigner. Neben einer umfangreichen Bibliothek mit Vorlagen und Shapes (integriert und von Drittanbietern) bietet die Visio-Desktopanwendung Tools für die Zusammenarbeit. Außerdem verfügen Sie über stets aktuelle Funktionen und können Ihre Diagramme mit Livedaten verknüpfen. Speichern und teilen Sie Ihre Diagramme ganz einfach online, um sie in Visio Online in Ihrem bevorzugten Browser anzuzeigen und zu bearbeiten. Sowohl Visio als auch Visio Online bieten eine Kommentarfunktion für einfache Zusammenarbeit.

Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen Visio Professional und Visio Online Plan 2?

Visio Online Plan 2 ist als Abonnement verfügbar und bietet dieselben Funktionen wie Visio Professional 2016. Ergänzt wird der Plan durch reine Cloudfunktionen wie Visio Visual in Power BI, Datenschnellansicht in Excel und Database Reverse Engineering (DBRE). Erweiterte Unterstützung für AutoCAD-Zeichnungen sowie zusätzliche Vorlagen und Shapes sind exklusiv in Plan 2 enthalten. Mit Plan 2 kann jeder Nutzer Visio auf bis zu fünf PCs unter Windows 10, Windows 8 oder Windows 7 installieren. Die neuesten Funktions- und Sicherheitsupdates werden während der Laufzeit des Abonnements automatisch installiert. Visio Online Plan 1 mit 2 GB OneDrive-Cloudspeicher ist ebenfalls enthalten.

Kann ich Microsoft Teams in Visio nutzen?

Ja. Die meisten Office 365-Kunden können ihre Visio-Diagramme in Teams anzeigen. Und mit einem Visio Online-Abonnementplan lassen sich Diagramme direkt in Teams bearbeiten. Weitere Informationen zu Visio in Teams. Teams muss separat von Visio erworben werden.

Wie erhalte ich das neue Visio Visual für Power BI?

Power BI-Nutzer können Visio Visual herunterladen. Alle Nutzer können Visio Visual-Berichte in Power BI anzeigen und Dateilinks einbetten. Zur Bearbeitung einer Visualisierung benötigen Sie jedoch eine Visio Online-Lizenz. Lesen Sie den Blogbeitrag unserer Tech Community, um mehr über Visio Visual für Power BI zu erfahren.

Mit welchen Datenquellen kann ich meine Diagramme verbinden?

Visio unterstützt aktuell zahlreiche Datenquellen wie Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Excel Services, Active Directory, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Azure, Microsoft SharePoint-Listen and Business Connectivity Services.

Zum Verknüpfen von Daten benötigen Sie die Visio-Desktopanwendung. Über Visio Online kann jedoch jeder datengebundene Diagramme anzeigen.

Wie schützt Microsoft meine Diagramme in Visio und Visio Online?

Visio verfügt über viele der Sicherheitsfunktionen, die in Microsoft Office-Anwendungen enthalten sind. Dazu gehören Information Rights Management (IRM) für den sicheren Dateizugriff, die Verhinderung von Datenverlust (DLP) und Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) zur Vermeidung von Datenlecks. Außerdem bietet Visio Online Sicherheits-, Datenschutz- und Compliancefunktionen der Businessklasse, die über die Microsoft Cloud bereitgestellt werden.

Kann ich meine Diagramme aus Visio und Visio Online auf Mobilgeräten öffnen?

Ja. Sie können Visio Online-Diagramme auf Ihrem bevorzugten Mobilgerät im Browser erstellen, öffnen, bearbeiten und teilen. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine native für iOS-Geräte. Die App kann zur Anzeige von Diagrammen verwendet werden, enthält aber keine Bearbeitungsfunktionen.

Funktioniert Visio auf dem Mac?

Für den Mac gibt es keine Visio-Clientversion. Stattdessen können Sie Diagramme mit Visio Online in Ihrem Browser anzeigen.

Warum kann ich Dateien, die mit Visio Professional 2016, Visio Standard 2016 oder Visio Online erstellt wurden, nicht mit älteren Versionen von Visio öffnen?

Visio Professional 2016, Visio Standard 2016 und Visio Online basieren auf dem 2013 eingeführten, XML-basierten Dateiformat, das von älteren Visio-Versionen unter Umständen nicht erkannt wird. Sie können Dateien, die in Visio 2016 oder in Visio Online erstellt wurden, im Format "Visio 2003-2010-Zeichnung (VSD)" speichern, das mit älteren Versionen von Visio kompatibel ist. Klicken Sie hierzu im Menü Datei auf Speichern unter... Nachdem ein Speicherort ausgewählt wurde, ändern Sie Dateityp in Visio 2003-2010-Zeichnung.

Ich arbeite in Visio Professional 2016 oder Visio Standard 2016 mit einer Datei, die in Visio 2010 oder einer älteren Version erstellt wurde, und kann auf einige Funktionen im neuen Visio nicht zugreifen. Woran liegt das?

Einige Funktionen aus früheren Visio-Versionen wurden aus Gründen der Kompatibilität in Visio 2016 deaktiviert. Aber mit dem Konvertieren der Datei vom alten in das neue Dateiformat werden alle Funktionen aktiviert. Um eine Visio 2003–2010-Zeichnung zu konvertieren, klicken Sie im Menü Datei aufInfo und dann auf Konvertieren.

Wo erhalte ich Antworten auf eine Frage, die hier nicht gestellt wurde, oder wie kann ich Feedback zu Visio senden?

The popular Visio diagram and flowchart editor costs a lot of money. But does it make sense to pay for them if there are free analogues, which are in no way inferior in capabilities to the original product?

The popular editor for diagrams and flowcharts Microsoft Visio needs no introduction. Many IT professionals, technicians, software developers, engineers, business analysts and project managers use this tool everywhere in their work to visualize and present complex information in the form of visual diagrams, diagrams, graphs and drawings. Visio provides invaluable assistance to students and graduate students of technical universities, however, not all of them can afford to purchase the application, because the cost of the standard edition of the product varies between 9-10 thousand rubles. Of course, you can be smart and try to take advantage of the discounts offered by Microsoft partners for the student fraternity, or you can not waste money in vain and adopt free counterparts that are almost in no way inferior to the original Visio.

Microsoft Visio is a software package for creating diagrams. The program uses vector graphics.


Windows, Linux, Mac OS X official site 04 February 2016 GNU General Public License Creating charts 8

Nice program for making diagrams. Has many standard diagrams: diagrams for building a network, maps, processes, diagrams, and also UML. A good free replacement for paid Visio. The program supports many formats. Distribution site for Windows:


Windows official site 17 February 2018 Freeware - license for personal and commercial use Creating charts 8

CADE is a good free diagram editor focused on building network diagrams. In addition, it supports UML, terrain mapping. Supports the following formats: dxf, dtc, dwg, dgn, dbr, shp, pdf, jpeg.


Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X official site April 17, 2016 Free software - license for personal and commercial use Creating charts 3

yEd is a free graph editor for diagrams. The program supports a large number of different diagrams: UML, network diagrams, flowcharts, process diagrams. yEd has a clear interface: work area, toolbar, object properties, toolbar. It is worth noting several features of this program. For example, yEd can analyze the graph and calculate some of their properties, or place the elements of your diagram according to a given algorithm. This feature can come in handy when your diagram is unstructured. The application supports the following formats for saving diagrams: GraphML, Compressed GraphML, ygf, gml, xgml, and tgf.

Microsoft Visio is powerful software that enables IT professionals, business people, engineers, and others in high-tech fields to display complex information in the form of flowcharts, site plans, floor plans, diagrams, and more.

Useful though all of this far outweighs the user spending $ 300 for the “Standard” version and $ 590 for the Pro version. (There is a potentially cheaper option where you can get Visio Pro for Office 365 for $ 13 a month if you get an annual subscription, or $ 15 a month for a monthly commitment.)

But why pay at all when completely free and viable Visio alternatives are available? Here are 9 of the best free alternatives to Microsoft Visio

1. LucidChart

If you're looking for a web-based alternative to Microsoft Visio, LucidChart is the perfect choice. It provides a drag-and-drop web interface for drawing any chart. LucidChart gives you the ability to create charts in collaboration with your team. Multiple people will be able to work with the same diagram, making it ideal for small teams.

One of the great things about LucidChart is that it can easily export or import Microsoft Visio vdx files. One thing missing in LucidChart is the built-in categorization of different shapes for different areas like networking, design, etc. You don't need to sign up for an account with LucidChart; just open the site and start drawing.

2. ASCIIFlow Infinity

Platforms: Browser

Starting with simple things, if you're looking for a fast, simple, and instantly accessible diagramming tool without bells and whistles anchors, ASCIIFlow is a good option.

You can forget about having a wide range of shapes at your disposal or use it to compose complex engineering designs, but for quickly presenting ideas in a diagrammatic form, this is about as effective as you can get. The ASCII format is easy to understand and you can use the familiar Windows shortcuts (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + Z, etc.) to quickly shred and modify charts.

You can change the format of the boxes from ASCII to Lines to make things a little clearer, and keep the whole thing in sync with Google Drive too (although currently the level of access it asks for in your Google Drive might turn off more users, hopefully that's what what they can fix).

3. Gliffy

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Browser

Coming in both free and paid options, Gliffy is a robust charting app that fully embraces the cloud. It integrates with services like Google Drive, Confluence, and JIRA so you can collaborate seamlessly with your UML, flowcharts, and other diagrams. Gliffy is free for students, while others get access to the "basic" version of the software (after a 14-day trial with a paid version), which has fewer templates, images, and more than the paid version.

With a simple drag-and-drop interface, a wide variety of export formats, and a completely free browser version that is completely free, Gliffy is a great choice for those comfortable with diagramming and flowcharting. However, more advanced users can find the free version a little more desirable in features and choose one of the other, more functional options on this list.

4.yEd Graph Editor

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

Quite possibly the most user-friendly diagramming software, yED you've covered everything from flowcharts to family trees to more technical diagrams like network infrastructures and process models.

You can customize your chart automatically for yourself to fit any type of data you enter. It has a decent repository of images for various types of charts, and also gives you the ability to import images from other sources. When you're done, you can save your chart as JPEG, XML, or HTML, among other formats, making it easier to upload to websites or send to clients.

5. Graphviz

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

For something a bit of an alternative, you can try Graphviz, a nearly thirty year old tool in which you create graphs, hierarchies, and more, using a command line utility and the robust DOT language. It takes some getting used to, but once you get it, you will see that it can save you time in the long run.

It has a large number of formats that you can export your chart to, and a range of layouts such as hierarchical, radial, multi-line, and more. This is especially useful if you're not too fussy about pretty colors, but more concerned with entering huge amounts of data that can be instantly organized and generated. (This colossal graph at the top of this article was made using Graphviz.)

6. LibreOffice Draw

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

LibreOffice Draw is the closest and largest open source competitor to Microsoft Visio. Draw is a versatile drawing, charting and diagramming tool. The feature I love about Draw is the grouping feature.

You can easily group different objects together and then perform various actions in the group, such as moving the group, connecting to other groups, etc. In addition to other formats (XML is the default), you can also export your diagrams to as Flash SWF files.As an added treat, here's a pack of Draw shapes that are similar to the ones you'll find in Visio.

7. Dia

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

Dia is an open source program very similar to Microsoft Visio, with the same feature set. With Dia, you can easily create UML diagrams, flowcharts, network processes and architectures, entity relationship diagrams, etc. The default file format for any file created with Dia is .dia, but there are many file formats for which you can export your diagram including Microsoft Visio .vdx format.


Platforms: Browser has a very responsive and accessible interface, with tools in the column on the left and drawing in the column on the right. You don't need to sign up for an account to use, and from the moment you're on the site, you are given the option to save your work to cloud services such as Google Drive and OneDrive or your hard drive.

If you connect to your Google account, it has very functional real-time collaboration, allowing you to work on projects at the same time as others. It is not a complex tool, so while available, it does not offer the depth of functionality of other diagramming software.

9. Pencil Project

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

Pencil Project is an open source alternative to Microsoft Visio that is actively supported by the developer community. Their goal for the Pencil project is to make diagrams as simple and convenient as possible for everyone, from beginner to specialist. You can also install it as a Firefox extension so that you can easily create your diagrams while browsing the Internet. (Note that when we last check, this extension is not compatible with Firefox Quantum - we hope they update it here.)

It is regularly updated with new templates, templates and other features, allows you to export your work in multiple formats, and integrates with, allowing you to instantly search the web for images to create your projects.

I hope you find these free Microsoft Visio alternatives useful. Or, after testing, do they still believe that the paid tools offer something that they don't? Let us know in the comments!

Either you’ve never heard of Microsoft Visio, or you use it all the time. For those not in the know, Visio is a structured drawing application, originally acquired by Microsoft in 2000, that subsequently became part of the Office family of products. It's a very powerful and flexible app, usable for many different purposes, but its main function is to help users draw flowcharts, control diagrams, layouts, and other structured graphical ways of presenting information. Visio is terrific for creating organization charts, workflow charts, and many other kinds of graphics. The app lets users quickly create complex and professional-looking flowcharts, and integrates smoothly into PowerPoint or other Office documents for easy sharing. If you need a diagram made quickly, chances are you’ll be using Visio to make your chart.

However, because Visio is part of the Office suite, it’s an expensive program if you don’t already have access to it. You either have to buy Office 2019, or sign up for Microsoft’s Office 365 subscription service to use the product, or subscribe to a standalone Visio Online subscription for $ 5 / user / month, or to the offline version for $ 15 / user / month. In addition, there is no version of Visio for Mac OS X, so Mac users are locked out of the platform. Visio is a great application, and if you have access to it, you probably don’t need any alternatives. However, if you don’t have access to it, or if you just want to try something different, there are a number of alternatives to try out on your PC. Visio alternatives are a dime a dozen online, but not every application is created equally. Here’s our picks for the best Visio alternatives in 2020.

Like most free alternatives, lives in your web browser, instead of as a downloadable program for Mac or Windows. For some, this gives it an edge over other programs, particularly because it supports web-only platforms like Chrome OS, a popular choice for some business users. doesn’t feature the same amount of complexity or depth as a dedicated application like Visio, but it does feature full cloud support, with the option to sync into Google Drive, Dropbox, and even Github. Once you’ve logged into your cloud account to allow a place to save your files, you gain access to a number of templates you can use to control the basic design of your diagram. You can also start with a blank diagram if you so wish.

Once you've selected your template, using is surprisingly simple. The user interface looks nearly identical to Google Drive (as long as you select Drive as your storage utility), and remapping your flowchart or diagram with the built-in tools is super easy. You can easily delete or add additional modules into your flowchart, and you can edit existing flowcharts with a couple of button clicks. Every box can be moved around on the graph-outlined page, and your arrows will automatically extend and shrink as you adjust your chart to match your needs. When you’ve finished your diagram, it can be saved directly to the cloud service of your choice, and you can export the file as a PDF, SVG, PNG, or XML file. Overall, might not be the most powerful Visio alternative out there, but for quick and dirty diagrams, it's a totally free service that integrates well into Google Drive and other cloud-based services.

LucidChart is another web-based alternative to Visio, in the spirit of, but with a bit more of an enterprise-focused feel to the web app. Instead of operating with your favorite cloud storage client, LucidChart features its own dedicated user interface, with a slick appearance that feels both professional and functional. Upon creating an account with LucidChart — or by logging into your Google or Office 365 account — you’ll be greeted with a quick questionnaire for tailoring your experience with LucidChart to the appropriate level of expertise. Students, teachers, IT professionals, even marketing and sales member — all of these categories are available as options within LucidChart, making it easy to get acclimated to the app rather quickly.

Once you’re in the LucidChart interface, it’s easy to feel at home rather quickly. You can import Visio documents if you were once a user, or choose from a number of good-looking templates to start your diagram off on the right foot. Sharing LucidChart documents with other users is easy, and you can control whether those users can edit or view the document. There are some limitations to being a free user, including a limit of three active documents at once. You can delete documents as you finish and export your final projects, or simply wait a full month, where LucidChart will add another document onto your account for free.

It's also worth noting the limits on the number of items displayed on a single flowchart, and premium members gain access to a presentation mode built into LucidChart. Overall, even with the limitations in place for free users, LucidChart is an excellent web-based alternative for Visio users, though the paid options get pricey rather quickly when compared to a standard Office 365 membership.

OpenOffice has been a popular alternative to Microsoft Office since debuting in 2002, first released by Sun Microsystems. Though the original closed its doors in 2011, the app was sold to Apache, where it has since remained free and open-source to the public, allowing users around the world to continue using and developing for the application. And even though the platform has had difficulty attracting developers to the software, OpenOffice remains undoubtedly popular under Apache, averaging over 100,000 downloads per day. The OpenOffice platform contains a free replacement for Visio. Called Draw, any ex-Visio user will find themselves right at home with Apache's software.

Draw is a tool that allows you to create and sketch plans, diagrams, and flowcharts to display internally or within a presentation. The app uses a combination of shapes, text, color, and lines to create decent-looking, professional flowcharts. Though the app doesn’t have the slickness of newer Visio versions, it’s still possible to create some clean diagrams using Draw. The app features a user interface nearly identical to Microsoft Visio, helping any Office converts feel right at home within the platform, and best of all, you’ll never have to pay for the ability to use Draw.

As with the rest of OpenOffice, the app is free for life, without advertisements or trial limitations. One major drawback: the app isn’t web-based, meaning you’ll have to download the OpenOffice suite to your computer to use the app. Though this leaves Chrome OS users in the cold, Apache has clients for Mac, Windows, and Linux, making it easy for most users to find their favorite version online.

LibreOffice has a similar history to Apache OpenOffice, in that both applications spawned from the original Like OpenOffice, LibreOffice is a free and open-source Office alternative that runs on multiple platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. LibreOffice has had over a hundred million unique downloads since it was first launched in 2010, and it's easy to see why. The app is another great Office alternative for users looking for a powerful, free suite of applications, and anyone looking for a Video replacement won’t be disappointed. LibreOffice Draw is an excellent choice for users looking to create charts and diagrams without signing up for an Office 365 membership.

Draw, not to be confused with the OpenOffice app of the same name, is a vector graphics editor that allows for connectors to form between shapes and other objects, allowing anyone to create diagrams and other images for tracking productivity. The app looks nearly identical to both Visio and OpenOffice Draw, meaning anyone can jump in and, within a few minutes, be working away inside Draw. The app has smart connectors as well, allowing users to set their own “glue points” for lines, and makes it easy to track points and objects. Draw can also be used as a PDF editor. If there’s one major drawback to LibreOffice Draw, it’s that the app looks a bit dated, even compared to OpenOffice Draw. Still, it's a good free alternative to Visio, and considering the lack of progress on any new OpenOffice updates, it might just be the better of the two.

Silly name aside, Gliffy is a solid little diagramming tool. Unlike OpenOffice and LibreOffice, the app works fully in your browser, using HTML5 to render and create a beautiful, functional diagram suitable for both mobile and desktop platforms. The web app is lightning fast, with the ability to drag and drop objects around the work area, track and revert all changes within the app itself, and even set custom themes and colors within the app. Gliffy does a really great job at making your work look both clean, professional, and fun, without ever appearing overly boring or ugly. And since the app supports Google Drive integration, you can save your work on the go and present it anyway.

As mentioned, Gliffy is a fully operating HTML5 web app, which means nothing to download and no annoying updates. Unfortunately, Gliffy isn’t free forever; there is a 14-day free trial, but after that the app costs $ 7.99 per month, a costly app considering the price of Office 365 per month is a full dollar less and gives you access to the whole Microsoft Office Suite. Professionals or teams might want to consider using the more expensive premium tiers, but otherwise, consider Gliffy is one of the best alternatives to Visio on the web, especially in general appearance.

Creately, like Gliffy, is another web app focused directly at Visio's utility, designed to create a fun-looking, clean flowchart or diagram for businesses and classrooms alike. Unlike some of the other programs on this list, Creately does its best to keep things easy and simple while making good-looking diagrams and charts to present at your next conference. The app features a one-click function that promises to make your diagram creation “five times faster” than what we’ve seen from other platforms, and also includes dozens of pre-made shapes, lines, and color palettes available for use. Creately also features a wide variety of smart connectors, and collaboration tools that make it easy to work with others on projects and charts.

Like other web-based Visio alternatives, Creately isn’t entirely free. While it does offer a free tier, it's fairly limited in terms of documents and other features. If you’re just looking for a Visio alternative, Creately isn’t too expensive: at just $ 5 per month or $ 49 per year, it’s one of the cheaper options on this list for creative and productive individuals to jump in here. Users looking for a dedicated app can also grab Creately’s desktop app for a one-time fee of $ 75 for personal use, which includes a full year of free upgrades. The service also features team plans, if you’re looking to use the app with more than one individual. With clients for Mac, Windows, and Linux, nearly everyone can find what they’re looking for in Creately.

We won’t lie — Dia looks and feels incredibly dated in many ways, as is common for free alternatives to popular paid applications. The app appears even older than tools like OpenOffice and LibreOffice, which makes sense, as Dia shares those apps open-sourced nature. The software was originally released in 1998, and technically still hasn’t hit a full version 1.0 release; its last update, v0.97.3, appeared in September of 2014. Despite Dia’s dated appearance, the app is still a competent replacement for Visio, especially if you’re looking for a completely free download instead of a tiered web application.

Dia is fairly easy to navigate, and its focus on diagramming and diagramming alone make it a powerful tool in your productivity arsenal. The app comes with a full selection of shape packages depending on what you need in an application, including defaults for flowcharts, network diagrams, circuit diagrams, and more, making this just as much a technical tool as a creative one. Your files are saved and loaded into a custom XML file format, and all Dia projects can be exported to a multitude of file formats, including .SVG, .JPEG, and .VDX, the file format Microsoft Visio uses to save and open files. Overall, Dia represents a great alternative to Visio for anyone looking for a free download, with clients available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It’s not a perfect tool, but for the creative on a budget, it might be all you need to get your work organized.

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: Pencil Project is a free, open-source alternative to Microsoft Visio that allows you to map and create diagrams and charts. Yes, Pencil Project isn't reinventing the wheel here, but we will say this: of all four open-source projects we've listed here, Pencil Project has the best user interface for creating charts and diagrams, making it easy to map out your work without struggling through a program last updated in 2001. With a wide collection of shape varieties, lines, and other tools, mapping out your diagrams has never been easier than with Pencil Project. You can wire shapes and create flowcharts using the multitude of tools at your disposal.

But that's not all: Pencil Project also helps you map out the user interface for your products and applications, complete with a full library of iOS and Android stencils, shapes, and status bars, allowing you to design your interface in an environment that feels non -committal. While this feature won’t be one for everyone to use, it’s a really interesting concept and addition to the typical diagramming tool options we’ve seen so many times before. Pencil Project still sees semi-regular updates, its most recent having occurred in October of 2019, and there’s a huge crowd of support and documentation behind the tool. Anyone looking for a downloadable application for your diagrams and design will want to check this one out.

Google seems to have an answer for most of Microsoft's Office suite of applications, and Visio is no exception. Drawings is Google's free web-based diagramming tool that is included in the same Google Drive suite as Docs, Sheets, and Slides, and allows its users to create flowcharts, wireframes, concept maps, and any other diagram needed for your work. Like all of Google's other productivity apps, Drawings is available as both a web application and as an offline Chrome app in the Web Store, making it easy to work on the go no matter where you are. Their app might not be as powerful as Visio, but with a collection of templates, shapes, arrows, and scribbles, it’s easy to create your charts right within Google’s familiar Docs-like interface.

And of course, Drawings comes with all the typical Google benefits, including your files automatically hosting and saving within Google Drive, and most importantly, the collaboration aspect of Drawings. Sharing a document with another user is as easy as it is in any other Google-support document: simply share a link with another Google user through their email, and they'll be able to view, comment, and edit the post as you see fit. This collaborative workflow is what helped skyrocket Google Docs to the popularity it sees today, and it's easy to see Google Drawings having a similar effect on professional consumers looking for a Visio alternative. And with the ability to automatically export your drawing or diagram into any other Google-based application, any existing Google user will find themselves right at home.

yEd might have a strange name, but as a Visio alternative, it's one of the best on the market. yWorks ’app offers a solid user interface that makes it easy to change and customize your diagrams automatically. With a wide variety of diagram elements included in the platform, including shape nodes, edge types, and flowchart symbols, it's shockingly easy to build flowcharts, diagrams, mind maps, and so much more. The app even supports importing your own content, including shape stencils from Visio files, to create custom element types. yEd offers an automatic layout too, so if your flowchart contains a massive amount of data, you can control the branch directions automatically from within your settings panel.

Once you’ve used the automatic layout options from yWorks, yEd also contains a huge number of export options, including the ability to save your content as a PDF, JPEG, GIF, or HTML image map with full support for embedded URLS. The app can also save in Adobe Flash SWF files, which supports the ability to view your graphs within the built-in Adobe Flash Player viewer. These are even accessible within your own website, allowing users to zoom, move, and click on your embedded links and files for viewing. Whether you’re looking to build diagrams, flowcharts, or even family tries, yEd has a supported diagram for you. Every feature is included for free, with support for Windows and web-based clients — even mobile devices. yEd also has a new online version for those who would prefer to do their work on the cloud.