How to find out how much to import a file. Sizes of files and folders or KB, MB, GB

Let me take a look at what kind of animals they are - format photos JPG that RAW, on what stinks pour in and if you want to kill respect on them. What is the size of the photo and the size of the file, how it is measured and what it is stored in.

Also, all cameras can save photos in JPG format (including phones and tablet cameras). All DSLR and non-DSLR cameras, as well as inserted CDs in addition to JPG, have, at a minimum, RAW and RAW+, and TIFF.

To get to grips with formats, you first need to understand the concepts of “size” of a photograph and “volume” of a file (photo). I suggest you look at this concept on more distinct objects... for example, on relish.

1 | What is a pixel:

The size of objects is measured in meters, the size of a photograph is measured in pixels (px).

If you measure the size of a bowl of berries, then there will be 10 centimeters of curl and 13 centimeters of closure... approximately. That’s when we began to vibrate objects in centimeters (meters, kilometers, etc.). If we are talking about a photo of the same vase, then the overall size of the photograph is 7360 pixels (px) with a width of 4912 pixels (px) in height. This is the maximum photo size that my Nikon camera has. To place this photo on the site, the photo size was changed to 1200px by 798px (we will tell you a little later).

What is a pixel? Photographs taken with digital cameras or digitized on a scanner are a combination of tiny colored squares. pixels. If you greatly enlarge a photograph, increase its pixels. The more such pixels a photo has, the more detailed the picture.

A thousand times more fragments of the photo show squares of pixels.

2 | You can convert pixels to centimeters:

This is the only thing you need to know if you need to print photos on paper. Here you need one more indicator - the density of pixels (allowed), which can be used to power the printer (or another machine for taking other photos). The printing standard for photographs is 300 dpi (dpi - dots per inch). For example, for example, in beautiful glossy magazines, photos are taken separately at 300 dpi.

So that you don’t rack your brains over dividing the size of a photo into a separate building and converting inches into centimeters, any photo editing program (for example, Photoshop) has a function to change the image size of a photo in centimeters. You will need this to understand what maximum size The photograph at a high volume (with a separate edition of 300 dpi) can be printed on paper or other material.

For example, this photo with tropical fruits of Frangispaña can be stretched with a size of 61 cm by 32 cm.

Photo size in pixels and centimeters Photoshop programs

To find out the size of the photo in pixels and centimeters In Photoshop you need to press the key combination Alt+Ctrl+I or go to the Image menu Image size.

Let's return to the reality of digital photos - to the pixels and dimensions of the photo in pixels. What happens if you change the number of pixels in a photo? The answer is to enhance the brilliance of photography. For example, I took a photo of the same bowl of berries, which is on the top of the article, and changed the size of the photo to 150 pixels of the edge. For such a change, the program loses some pixels. The photograph became miniature:

Now let’s try to “stretch” the photo to the entire side:

The stretched picture looks shaky and unclear

As you can see, the detail is no longer the same, because some of the pixels (and along with them the details) are gone.

It is important to use a different image, a small icon or a small image in the presentation Power Point, then it will look completely normal, but it’s obviously not suitable for a friend in a magazine on the side.

3 | What is the optimal photo size (how many pixels):

If you are planning to take other photos, then save photos as much as possible, as your camera allows (it is important to follow the instructions supplied with your camera to correctly adjust the photo size).

In some situations it is necessary to change the size of photographs. As I wrote earlier, for the site I changed the size of the photo to 1200 pixels on the long side. If you enchant the photo in full size, the pages of the site will be enchanted for a long time, and this may not be possible for many experts (not to mention the search engines of Google and Yandex).

The size of photographs is measured in pixels (px). Depending on the number of pixels, you can determine the size of the photo on your monitor screens, and you can add a photo to any size.

4 | File size for "photos":

Now let’s look at “your photography”. It has already happened historically that the richness of the content and the size of the file are often called “your photographs”, which is more obvious than correct. File sizes vary in megabytes (MB) or kilobytes (KB). And here you can remember that per kilogram, 1 kg = 1000 g, 1 megabyte = 1024 kilobytes.

This is what it looks like in practice: it’s obvious that your camera has a memory card that says 64GB (gigabyte). If you marvel at how many bytes there are (on the computer, right-click to select “power”), you will see that there are 63567953920 bytes on this memory card, which is about 59.2 GB. Moreover, as far as large files Create your camera, store it so that there are enough photos to fit on this memory card. For example, I can accommodate 830 photo files in RAW format (read about formats below).

What is the file size:

  • Persher, vid rosemir photo (Togo, pikslymi rush): the file of the Pershoy photographer Yagіdok (Rosemir photo 7360x4912 PX) - TS 5.2 MB, and Vaughnu, up to 150 px "Vazhitima" 75.7 sq. ).
  • In another way, according to the format (JPG, TIFF, RAW), read about it below.
  • Thirdly, the size of the file (or “your photo”) depends on the number of details: the larger, the more “important” the photo is (which is most relevant for the JPG format).

Lots of details - more photos

For example, this photo of the maws of Sri Lanka has no other clear (in the words of my photographers, “sharp”) details and the file size of this photo is 19.7MB, which is much larger than ki in a vase on a white aphid (5.2MB).

If you ask what size photo I can upload from a photo, I need 2MB. We can’t tell you anything, until the number of pixels is unknown. Or better yet, it’s important to marvel at the photo, because clever people like to retrieve photos from the depths of the Internet, increase the number of pixels programmatically, and then want to put them on the cover of the magazine. Appear on the butt with a stretched photo of a vase 150 px wide.

The size of a file (often called “your photo”) is measured in megabytes (MB) or kilobytes (KB) and depends on the format, size in pixels and details of the photo.

5 | Photo format:

We have decided that we have come to the choice of image formats and file compression types, which also determine the file size of the photo.

Almost all cameras can save photos in JPG format(look at the cameras of phones and tablets). This is the widest image format and allows you to “understand” all your computers and image viewing programs. In JPG format, photos can be engraved in social networks, add to the blog, add to Word files, Power Point and so on. JPG can be obtained from Photoshop, Lightroom and other image editing programs.

From my practice: if I want to take a photo for a social network and attract someone, I either take a photo on my phone or set my camera to a jpg file format.

What do you remember about jpg format- this is a compact format and has a compression level. The higher the degree of compression, the smaller the file size, the greater the detail and clarity of the photo. Therefore, it is not recommended to extensively edit or over-save (re-compress) one or more photographs in jpg format.

When saving a file in jpg format, the compression level is selected (using Photoshop).

All DSLR and non-DSLR cameras, as well as compact compacts with an additional JPG, have at least RAW, and often TIFF.

A little bit of theory:

  • TIFF(eng. Tagged Image File Format) - The format for saving raster graphic images (including photographs). TIFF has become a popular format for saving images with a great depth of color. It is popular in printing and is widely supported by graphics programs.
  • RAW(English raw - Syrian, unobstructed) - format digital photography, in order to remove uncollected data, taken from the photomatrix (that thing that is in digital cameras replaced the spilt).

I don’t particularly take photographs in TIFF format. I can’t guess, because it’s less necessary because it’s RAW. I can use TIFF without compression to save the photo, as I still plan to use Photoshop.

6 | Advantages and disadvantages of the RAW format:

I may have a RAW format in my camera from now on, so I’m going to edit the photos in Lightroom and Photoshop. RAW has a number of significant shortcomings:

  • It is not possible to view files without first converting them. To view photos in RAW format you need special program, which supports this image format.
  • Larger number of files than when saving in JPEG (on my Nikon D800 camera, the file size of a photo in RAW format is 74-77 MB). This means that fewer photos can fit on a flash drive.
  • RAW cannot be viewed on social networks, blogs, or otherwise sent by mail. The original RAW needs to be converted to a RAW converter (for example, Adobe Camera Raw), which matches the file type depending on the camera model.

Why do professional photographers often prefer RAW over JPG? Because RAW:

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  • gives more options for image correction: white balance, contrast, saturation, brightness and noise level,
  • Allows for greater manipulation of photographs without the appearance of defects,
  • Allows fine correction of lens imperfections (vignetting, chromatic aberration).

So, if you plan to carefully edit your photos in Photoshop or Lightroom, subtly detect “artifacts” and defects, “overexpose” and “dips” in the shadows, then shoot in RAW. Just remember that to get good results you will need to get familiar with the settings and operation of RAW converters. Think, why do you need this headache? Maybe you can take it to JPG and give it more than an hour to fix it instead of the computer?

If we talk about information in general, then it is measured in BYTES. The eradication of these few began back in 1956. That's the whole amount lost. To make it clearer about the value, I’ll tell you that 1 byte = 1 character. With the development of technology, the volume of information has increased, and it has become difficult to capture the great volume of information in BYTES. Then the prefixes KILO-BYTE (KB), MEGA-BYTE (MB), GIGA-BYTE (GB), TERA-BYTE (TB) appeared.

To understand how big or small the values ​​are, I’ll make the following comparison:
- 1KB (one kilobyte) = 1024 bytes, which means that the information is approximately one-handed A4 sheet;

- 1MB (one megabyte) = 1024 kilobytes, and this includes information on an already decent volume of 600-700 pages!

- 1GB (one gigabyte) = 1024 megabytes, and that already has a whole library of 1024 books with 600 pages!

— 1TB (one terabyte) = 1024 gigabytes, this amount of information can be equal to that of the average European library, which can accommodate approximately 8 million books. For example, the Russian State Library has nearly 43 million items.

Now it is clear that the type of information is available on the media on which this information can be recorded.

- Floppy disk capacity 1.44 MB. If the floppy disk was the main available media digital information, because It was really possible to write down a lot of things on it. Now floppy disks are more important for an accountant to save money. electronic keys and signatures. The reason is trivial - there is little space on a floppy disk for saving daily information. You can record one or two photographs on a floppy disk. mobile phone with a 3 megapixel camera; five, ten Word, Excel documents.

- Flash drive with a capacity of 1GB. The most important source of information at the moment. The capacity of the flash drive is 1GB, I took a rack for multiplicity, but at the time of writing this article we have a 64GB flash drive!
What can you write on a flash drive with a capacity of 1GB: one movie, just bad enough; close to 200 music files in format.mp3; close to 200 photos good juiciness; Without personal documents and small programs.

- CD disk capacity 700MB. You can record on a CD: one movie in the .avi format, with very good quality; nearly 150 music files in .mp3 format; about 150 photographs of garnished yakost; Without personal documents and small programs.

- DVD disc capacity 4.7 GB. You can record onto a DVD disc: one movie in DVD or HDTV format; 4-5 films in the .avi format; nearly 1200 music files in .mp3 format; close to 1000 photographs of garnished yakost; There are a lot of documents and programs.

- Hard drive capacity 120GB. Here, so as not to write down the documents, I’ll check the number of films that can be recorded on such a hard drive. So, on a 120 GB hard drive you can record 25 movies from DVD and HDTV!

Now let's figure out how to determine the size of the disk, file or folder.
In Windows, you can determine the size of a file, folder or disk in Explorer. You can launch “Explorer” by double-clicking with the left mouse button on the “My Computer” shortcut on the desktop or using the additional “Win ​​+ E” key combination.

For example, you want to know how much Have a good time lost on the disk, on the flash drive, then click the RIGHT button of the mouse from the image of the significant disk, name the signatures as “Remember disk (F:)” or “Name of the flash drive (F:)”, as in the little one:

So, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the image of a small disk - a flash drive and select the “Power” item in the menu, at the very bottom. After which the window opens:

Here you can see how much is occupied (shown in blue), how much is free (shown in pink) and how much space is on the disk.

In this way, you can find out the surplus of free space not only on a flash drive, but on any significant or logical hard drive.

The scheme for determining the size of a file or folder is the same as with a disk. Tobto. you know on disk required file or folder, click on the new one with the RIGHT mouse button and see “Power”.

All the necessary information will be there.

If you want to know the size of a group of files or folders, you need to see and perform the same operations. RIGHT-click on one of the files or folders you see, select “Power” and look at the size.

So, another part of the lesson doesn’t quite go as far as the “Computer Science” section, prote. If you have a nutrition problem, you can ask them in the comments again.

Let's just say first that we're talking about files here. FAT systems and NTFS, which is the widest, and nothing will be said about the file systems that are used in non-Windows systems Fragments of such systems lie within the author’s sphere of interests. And now - down to business.

It would seem that ambiguity is possible when talking about the size of the file. How many data have been recorded, such is the size (or dovzhna). How many bytes are there from the beginning to the end (this number is written in file system what is the size of the file), what is the size, or what is wrong? As Shelmenko the orderly said, it’s like this, and just a little bit wrong.

Conduct an experiment. Take any file and save its copy using the command
copy schos.exe schos-inshe.exe

If you have used this before, you already know that the resulting file will be much shorter than the output one and will not be a copy. The reason is simple: the copy program, launched without the /b parameter, copies the file to the last byte with code 27h, this symbol is called “end of file”.

However, we already have two different signs of the end of the file - behind the number recorded in the file system, and behind a special byte in the file body. True, it means that the other sign was lost from these hours, since the files were primarily text files and practically do not get stuck at all.

In file systems that support clusters, and FAT and NTFS themselves are transferred to such file systems, there is also a third size - the size of the file on the disk, which is the total size of the clusters allocated to the file. For FAT file systems, this size is larger than the size of the current file or the older one. The difference between the sizes, as it is, - this is the name of the file - is a total loss of disk space, the cost of placing files in clusters, and not installing one by one, although file systems with such file placements are still in existence.

However, at the same time there is a viciousness. In fact, within hours floppy disks were created with programs that allowed data to be written at the tail of files in order to secretly transfer information on such floppy disks. Adje in standard ways It is not possible to deny access to the tails of files.

If you enable NTFS before viewing, the picture will be supplemented with new touches.
First of all, the size of the file on the disk may appear smaller than the size of the file.
Since the body of the file is placed in the free MFT file write area, the file does not occupy the disk of the cluster.

The maximum size of such a file is equal to the recording size and is approximately 600 bytes for a small recording (1 KB) and 3600 bytes for a large recording (4 KB). Note that until recently Windows showed the size of such a file on the disk as equal to one cluster, although in fact the same cluster was not visible to the file.

If the file is compressed, its size on disk may be significantly smaller than the size of the file (as many data as you have).

It will be possible to further complicate the picture of the name of the sparse files. The smell of brown data is no longer present in the singing sections of the file, and the solution to the file is not affected at all. Take, for example, the change log file \$Extend\$UsnJrnl, which is located on your computer (do not try to get it from Explorer or other file managers, you will not find it).

You can save up to a few gigabytes, but for other significant data you can store up to 32 megabytes in your account. And you decide not to store the necessary data, it does not take up space on the disk, and when you try to read the data from this part, the system displays a set of zeros, and does not return to the disk.
If the Vinik reader is interested in experimenting with sparse files, such a file can be created using the fsutil sparse command. And if you allow, you can deduce that this is a valid addition to the file, since the system wrote the number 4 GB in the corresponding column, but the actual data in the file is less than 32 MB and takes up only 32 MB on the disk.

And, let’s say, let’s talk about another dowzhin: the dowzhine of valid data. This benefit and the functions that they install may be of interest to programmers, and primary clients may sometimes encounter problems with it.

FAT file systems do not have such a concept, and the function of calculating this value is to write zeros in the file body at all places. NTFS has this feature as a characteristic of the file.

Let’s try to explain what’s going on with an example. Take a flash drive (the flash drive is corrosive for accuracy, otherwise there will be more hard drive Works with great commitments of data) about a gigabyte in size, formatted in FAT32, and create on it great file team
fsutil file createnew k:\probny.txt 900000000

If the letter assigned to the flash drive appears as K, enter the command as follows.
You will learn that the procedure for creating a file will appear as soon as the prompt appears command line happen to check). This is not at all surprising, even though the description of the command () says that the file is composed of zeros. And our file is 858 megabytes, so this recording should take a not-so-short hour.

Now format the flash drive to NTFS; for the purity of the experiment, it’s better to take the same one and repeat the creation of the file. This time the operation will go smoothly. There is no longer a need to write zeros to the body of the file; it is enough to allocate space for the file and insert for the new half of the active data that is equal to zero. Otherwise, the file will lose the “smatter” that was recorded in these sectors, but when reading the data, it will not be possible to read these data - having discovered that half of the active data is equal to zero, everything that is further than zero, the system will not read - even this The data is not valid. They can be made active by changing the values ​​of some of the active data.

Let's look at the butt. Create new file one of the working disks, formatted in NTFS. Hundreds of megabytes are not at all difficult, a dozen or two kilobytes will be completely sufficient:
fsutil file createnew C:\probny.txt 10000

Now open it for help looking through files, such as FAR.

As a matter of fact, the file actually has zeros. If you look at this file using any disk editor that extends directly to sectors, such as dmde, then the picture will be different.

If we open the volume as a logical device and look at it instead of the file, we will be sure to have the same zeros.

If you open the disk as a physical device, then in the same sector (return to the LBA numbers - the difference is 63 vinyls through those that the beginning of the partition is destroyed before the beginning of the disk) we will collect the data that was previously recorded in any data Please delete the file.

And in order to obtain more active data, we also add data to the file. Let's install this dovzhin, which is equal to 300 bytes:

fsutil file setvaliddata C:\probny.txt 300

Please note that the parameter of this command cannot be specified sufficiently, otherwise it must be no less than the current value of the active data and no more than the file size. It is not possible to change half of the active data using this command.

Now take a look at the file again. Respect that we haven’t written down these tributes before!

It turned out purely by chance that in this file there should be a richly interpreted text in order to give the picture a complete picture. 300 tenth bytes - that's 12 hexadecimal bytes, and at which byte the text is cut off and zeros begin. As soon as the cordon of active data is destroyed, then offensive lines will “appear.”

Let's summarize the pouches

Two physical additions to the file - the size of the file, records in the file system and the space occupied by the disk. There are also two logical additions to the file – this marks the end of the file (EOF byte – 27h) and the addition of active data. As a storage part of a logical life, you can also see empty areas in sparse files - guess \$Extend\$UsnJrnl, where a large array of daily data ends with thirty megabytes of active ones.

So, when we talk about updating a file, we need to respect the number that is saved by the file system. Hello, as you know, there are possible options!

Every file and every folder with files takes up the most important place on your computer. All files and folders have the same volume, either the size or the size.

We called to such an understanding as grams and kilograms, meters and kilometers. The computer also has its own unit of vimir. We will be able to display files and folders. Otherwise, seemingly, we are significant in how much “importance” one file or folder is. This amount is calculated in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes.

Now let’s move on to practice. Marvel at this size chart:

Tse duzhe simple diagram. It deciphers like this:

1 KB = 1024 bytes; 1 MB = 1024 KB; 1 GB = 1024 MB

And now the report:

  • One KB (kilobytes) contains 1024 bytes
  • One MB (megabytes) contains 1024 KB (kilobytes)
  • One GB (gigabytes) contains 1024 MB (megabytes)

Do we need more dimensions?! For example, to be clear, we can write a file/folder to a disk or flash drive.

In order for us to be able to calculate this, we need to know how much information fits onto a disk or flash drive. The following is a quick scheme:

Flash drive - 1 GB

CD disk - 700 MB

DVD disc - 4 GB

The standard volume of a DVD disc is still 4.7 GB. There are still double-sided DVDs. This means that the recording can be from two sides - one and the other. These disks have a capacity of 9.4 GB. There are also double-spherical disks, but less wide. Such disks have the following capacities: 1-sided 2-ball – 8.5 GB; 2-sided 2-ball – 17.1 GB.

How to find out the size of a file or folder

To find out the size of a file or folder with files, move the cursor (arrow) and hold for a few seconds. Show a little information about the file or folder at the end. As can be seen in the picture, this characteristic of the meaning of size:

If nothing appears when you hover over a file or folder, then click right button click on this file or dad. From the list, select the item “Power”. It will appear at the end where the size of the file or folder will be indicated.

And now let’s try to calculate the size:


We have a file size of 30 MB. Is it possible to burn it to disk? Flash drive 1 GB in size?


The CD disk holds 700 MB. Our file takes up 30 MB. 700 MB more, lower 30 MB. Abstract: the file will fit on a CD.

The DVD disc holds 4.7 GB. One gigabyte is equivalent to 1024 megabytes. Then one DVD disc holds approximately 5000 MB. And 5000 MB is more than 30 MB. Note: our file will fit on a DVD disc.

We were given a flash drive with a size of 1 GB. One GB contains 1024 MB. 1024 more, lower 30. Version: the file will fit on a 1 GB flash drive.

In this article I would like to give my readers an understanding of size of file, folder, or enter programs (the doctor will use the program and a set of folders and files).

Be it a file or a folder with files that occupies local disks singing service to memory. All files and folders have the same volume, either the size or the size.

In our schools we know such concepts as grams and kilograms, meters and kilometers. The computer world also has its own units of the world. Files and folders are being vitiated. Relying on the “slang” of protruding koristuvachs, it is significant how much “important” this file or folder is. The main units of data are: bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and possibly terabytes.

1 KB = 1024 bytes

1 MB = 1024 KB

1 GB = 1024 MB


One KB (kilobytes) contains 1024 bytes.
One MB (megabytes) contains 1024 KB (kilobytes).
One GB (gigabytes) contains 1024 MB (megabytes).

How to find out size of file and folder?

To find out the size of a file or folder with files, place the cursor on the file or folder and hold for a few seconds. Finally, there is a little information about the characteristics of the file or folder, one of the parameters is size.

If nothing appears when you hover over a file or folder, press the right mouse button on that file or folder. From the open context menu Select “Vlastivosti”.

It will appear at the end where the size of the file or folder will be indicated.

Why do we need to know the dimensions?! For example, to determine whether we can write a file or folder to a disk (floppy disk, flash drive) or how much space is lost on local drives.

In order for us to be able to calculate this, we need to know how much information is placed on a disk (floppy disk, flash drive):

  • Floppy disk – 1.44 MB (suitable for writing text files)
  • CD disk – 700 MB (suitable for recording music, small videos and programs)
  • DVD disc – 4 GB (suitable for recording anything at any time). The standard volume of a DVD disc is still 4.7 GB. There are also double-sided DVDs available. This means that the recording can be from two sides - one and the other. These disks have a capacity of 9.4 GB. There are also double-spherical disks, but less wide. Such disks have the following capacities: 1-sided 2-ball – 8.5 GB; 2-sided 2-ball – 17.1 GB.
  • Flash drives - 1GB (suitable for recording anything)

That's all I want to tell you about in this article.