Viruses eat memory on a hard drive. The Rombertik virus mercilessly destroys the disks of computer users

Food: Virus that lives on drive C

I'm flying! Please help me please. I am constantly obsessed with the space on the C drive. I haven’t acquired anything for a long time and I can’t figure out what’s wrong.

Subject: If you cannot understand, there are viruses and dangers. be kind to him

Nutrition: The virus is located on drive C

in real time, disk space is being lost AntiMalware does not support...

Nutrition: Viruses are coming

Help us get rid of the infection! The Opera browser was running for the first time, now I’m surprised that Mozilla is installed (I’m wondering what the virus is)

Power: It is not possible to reinstall the OS using a DVD created using Media Creation Tool

I'm flying! Є laptop MSI GE 70 2PL Apache. Windows 10 SL x64. After Vikonannya is pure Windows installations 10 (just updated with Win 8.1) by installing the drivers from the driver disk in the specified order. nvidia drivers The screen went blank and didn’t register at all. I had a chance to virubati laptop hard reset. And after that, they stopped being attracted to Windows. With normal engagement, the MSI logo appears with a circle that wraps around the bottom in 2-3 seconds! The lock screen appears. Now, after the enchantment of the bios, an enormous amount of infatuated with Windows. Renewal didn't help. I reset the bios settings to default. Having reinstalled Windows from a DVD created using the Media Creation Tool, we first formatted the C drive. Now, after the emblem, the image was simply lost, and after a trivial hour a black screen appeared and then a lock screen. Thinking that the backup files were also corrupted, I downloaded them from the disk again, looking at the system partition, the MSR partition, and the update partition.
Disk partitions BEFORE manipulation Now, when you try to install windows on the right place - drive C, a notification appears. If you manually create remote sections, they are assigned the “main” type. Laptop BIOS supports UEFI.


Off topic:

If you need a 300 GB partition for Windows, then in disk management, compress the 565 GB partition for Windows to 300 GB, then create a 265 GB partition and transfer 170 GB there them from your 353 GB partition. Then delete the 353 GB partition, and expand the 265 GB partition in the place where the right-hander is turned on. The axis will be Windows on 300 GB and partitioned with data on 608 GB. The only thing that can be noticed is the division of the megabytes by 500, which can only appear after installing 10, otherwise it can be removed through the disk.

Quote: The virus creates virtual disks

Hello, having caught the infection that creates virtual drives, pieces of 50 for skin lesions (1 fig.), remove the folded disks through "Caravan Panel > Administration > Computer Management > Disk Management", It happens in such a way that only the drive letter is erased, and when it is damaged, everything is created anew, and old drives without a letter are lost, so I have created 256 virtual CD-ROMs at once (2 fig.)
What Kaspersky was doing at the time of infection, I still can’t figure out.
The task manager will not open until the virus destroys all disks, and whose activity will not be logged.
Having tried CCleaner to enable all suspicious elements in the auto-enabled system, it did not help.
Having scanned with Kaspersky - nothing was found, when scanned in safe mode I know of 22 infected files, which I found to be safe there, but not solved the problem.
Can you kindly tell me what you want me to do?

Subject: Good.
To close the spills in your system, create a beam.
Copy and paste the log that appears, you don’t need to paste the file itself, then download and install all updates as instructed.

Power: The virus creates virtual disks of up to 100 pieces, which improves the performance of the PC

I'm flying!
Since today, virtual disks of nearly 100 have begun to be created with every installation of Win7. When working with Explorer, you may freeze for 10-30 seconds.
Vidalav DAEMON - z'avlyayutsya.
Having acquired AutoLogger from YOU.
I'm trying to force the logs.
I rely on your help!


Congratulations mkc

How and what?

It would be better to tell you about this.

The logs are in order.

Nutrition: Virus without a file on an old hard drive

Є old hard drive at 809 MB. From an old 486 computer (I'm obsessed with retro technology). On New MS-DOS 5.0, file system FAT16. I was planning to install Windows 95 on my new one. I need to copy it to my new one. Installation files I'm connecting you up today's computer through USB adapter. Kaspersky barked at the virus. Virus.DOS.Onehalf. A number of files are infected, for example, Fdisk.exe, Vilikuwa. So Kasper continues to detect this virus, but does not show the name of the infected file. Write:
Likuvati (keruetsya).
I press “Likuvati”, to ask for re-invitation, saying, rejoicing with re-invitation – the same effective method rejoicing.
Or it presents the option without re-introducing it. In short, it’s so, so you write, it’s impossible to rejoice, it’s obvious that you should skip it. And when the disk is connected to the skin, the virus is detected again without showing the file. I have already formatted the disk, there are no files on it, but there’s a virus! Vandalized virus? Why bother? External formatting does not help. Kaspersky cannot remove the virus. Where is the sowing?

Added in 2 hvilini
Acronis has seen from this section. The virus is still gone!

Subject: Damn, it helped!

Added in 8 weeks
Unfortunately, Kaspersky could not remove the infected virus, since the drive was connected via USB. You can remove this virus (make changes to the MBR) only if the system is infected. However, the USB disk driver is not yet available. You need to connect Gwent directly to the motherboard, but on current motherboards there is no IDE.

Submission: [read] A new addition is coming to the place

Having noted that... calm, only calm... having become aware of the free space in the system section. Single meals: Who is guilty and what should we do? Blame the knowledge - Microsoft.BingNews, the folder is C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Packages. The size is 3.26 GB. With the addition of new products, I often use the new ones and every visit, according to my precautions, “make do” with a gwent of 30-60 MB. I assume that there is no need for cleaning before the first launches. How did you get started? What is it like?


Quote gorill:

What is the way to move this folder to another Gwent?

You are also responsible for understanding that installed programs Do not belong to the Microsoft company and do not wash it until Windows release, so the regular cleaner cannot know about them.
Vikorist CClean, adding more to your folders for cleaning.

Also, as an add-on for VKontakte, you can create a bunch of messages in your program folder (in your folder) where you save watched videos, pictures and most importantly audio files. 150 MB in my possession

  • C:\Users\konstantin\AppData\Local\Packages\C6965DD5.VK_v422avzh127ra\AC\Microsoft\CLR_v4.0\NativeIma ges\
  • C:\Users\konstantin\AppData\Local\Packages\C6965DD5.VK_v422avzh127ra\LocalCache\
  • C:\Users\konstantin\AppData\Local\Packages\C6965DD5.VK_v422avzh127ra\LocalState\audios\
Remember, this is a folder C6965DD5.VK_v422avzh127ra that Users\ constantin we can have fun with you.

Power supply: Disc numbers change places

Є 3 divided. C, D, E. After installing another Windows 7 on partition E, the next installation will be deleted new Windows 7 to partition C, Windows re-recognizes drive E in place of drive D, so when you run programs from the Paragon Partition disk partition, it also swaps drives E and D. The first C and the other D are less than the first, the third E is logical. How to behave?

Subject: Andrey1224
This situation is partly true: for example, installation in a vhd file - I don’t remember how the letters are assigned there.
Ale I wrote about initial settings And my words are also not spoken off the nose.
XP has a different principle for recognizing the letters i and it is inappropriate to equate them, especially when it comes to the topic of 7.

Feeding: Virus brontok.a 10

The situation is this: the nephew sat at the laptop and accumulated viruses. In the browser, on the green screen, it’s nonsense and says Brontok.a 10. Having ruined dr.web curelt many times, it appears, after re-installation, there are 20 other viruses in place. Avira and Kaspersky when you start scanning, the windows will crash (we write about the registry dll) and will be re-installed. Show, help. OS Win XP.

What is it virus Rombertik And how can you get excited about something new?

Virus Rombertik under heavy cover

Rombertik belongs to the family of mischief-makers who have the function of self-deprecation. In other words, the worm is programmed in such a way that the data stored on hard drives can be recovered.

Like most of the current, useless software, Rombertik leaks onto the computers of its victims through email. This method is called “target phishing” and involves targeted attacks on a specific person. At this point, vikorystsya social engineering.

The Rombertik virus is found in sheets that look like a bad PDF file, which is actually being compiled Windows file from extensions.scr. To confuse the possessor, the scammers change the icon of the file to a PDF file or name the file<имя.pdf.scr>. For getting ready and getting ready Windows systems The display of the extension of the displayed files is disabled, so the .scr prefix may be invisible to the user.

Once Rombertik installs itself on its victim’s computer, it begins to collect login data and other potentially valuable information, including confidential data. It also penetrates the web browser Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer.

Once in the browser, the worm can copy data entered into forms on websites using the secure HTTPS protocol, for example, on banking websites. However, first of all, the lower data will be encrypted through this protocol. The collected information is transferred to the hackers’ server, which is then sold on the black market.

Computer virus Rombertik equipped with a chemical mechanism that complicates its detection and analysis by food safety experts. Zazvichay, computer viruses you see for yourself at the moment of discovery, Rombertik is far away. If you find out that you have been scammed by anti-virus software, I will try to overwrite the main awesome post, so the title of Master Boot Record on the hard drive of the computer

The MBR replaces the system's partition table, and if it is changed, the system cannot start and requires repeated restarts. If for some reason the virus cannot change the MBR instead of the MBR (this happens, however, rarely), all files located in the root directory of the computer are encrypted (C:\Documents and Settings\<имя пользователя>).

How to fight the Rombertik virus

As we have stated, Rombertik does not destroy the entire system, but rather destroys the consistency of attraction hard disks. This means that the data update tools are stagnant. There are some programs that can help you update or delete the MBR. Some of them are known on installation disk Windows.

Please be aware that if it is not possible to update the MBR, users will be hesitant to perform a reinstallation operating system.

The expansion of unusable programs in the form of new .scr files is as old as the Internet itself. Zlochyntsi can also vikorize files with the extensions .vbs, .bat, .com, as well as .pif.

As long as there is no obvious need, we recommend blocking all such investments or simply not engaging or opening them. In addition, you need to turn off file extension options in Windows.

Trojan Ni Have a good time on disk

I respect you, dear readers. Today’s article is on the topic “Where does the non-human energy go and harm the system”, and now I will present you with an article about how to create a false virus that spreads throughout the entire hard drive. Well... how hot it is, obviously... From this article you will see how Trojans are created and launched.

you can spend up to a victim with such a look

The essence of the virus is that, having started completely system disk, it creates a rapidly expanding file (depending on the computer – up to 1 Gb/sec), which fills up all the available disk space and brings the system into a completely working state. However, not every antivirus software will show up. Once tested, you can turn off the antivirus to remove errors. However, as described above, this wastefulness will end, and you will no longer bring any harm to the wine system.

The trick is to fill up the disk space or flash drives can be rotated faster. This is located in the Windows warehouse itself. If you need access to the victim's computer.

Moreover, you can try it on your system, saving everything in advance important documents. A full-fledged virus Devours space in this form, not for many reasons (since a lot of actions have already been lived in - although the stench can be easily corrected):

  • depicts an intended launch from the side of the koristuvach (although it is disguised under antivirus program)
  • daily bag
  • under the hour, the file is uploaded to the Russian language, which describes the actions, the inheritance and the possibility of a Trojan
  • the file to be stored on the disk space does not have attributes Prikhovany available for viewing
  • There is an interface and this activity is not captured from the eyes of the user (the work of the Trojan can be easily monitored through the Task Manager)
  • code for one-time submissions per volume

If you are not familiar with the topic of the Trojans, you can become more familiar with these articles in the articles:

The Trojan has no free space on the disk. Let's get started.

I’m not bothering you because your body is prepared for the virus. I will also say that this is a modified version of the Trojan of one great person, written in C++ and compiled in the language of statistics. There you will receive a copy of the Trojan and whatever you want, you can take it for your needs. The Trojan is already visible in the file you can download in the archives for instructions. It’s interesting that it can be converted to a very hard way and all the shortcomings, because I won’t call it a Trojan, can be easily corrected: I have everything for that on my website. Read. In the meantime...

Before launching at dad's C:\Windows\System32 create file junk.dll- It will be the cause of misfortune.

After launching the Trojan, the disk will be filled to 0. It’s easy to correct the situation: in the folder C:\Windows\System32 you will find the creations of your file with them junk.dll and remove him. Knowing him again will not be important - he will be of great dimensions. If something goes wrong, and the file will be lost, you can easily find out with the help of a utility SpaceSniffer:

The hard drive is one of the main components computer system, the system simply cannot process the fragments without it. You can save a great deal of data that you can deny access to in an hour. However, sometimes you run the risk of wasting important data, for example, if your hard drive could become damaged. Winchester can get out of trouble after accumulation bad sectors during the three-year period and the rapt slaughter. Postupova Vidmova hard drive It is important to identify whether some of these symptoms are related to other computer problems, such as viruses and bad software. These symptoms are caused by corrupted files and decreased performance of the PC.

Hard drive failures tend to occur through an increasing number of bad sectors that accumulate over time. Hard disk failures can be rapid, persistent, progressive or frequent due to their nature, and in most cases they are updated with the same solutions. However, updating these data cannot be guaranteed to be accurate. This article has information about power supply: possible repairs wrongful zhortkogo disk and to what extent in different situations? So, what kind of problems can repair a Winchester?

Electronic board malfunction

Zazvichay problem given Blames through power outages, power cuts, etc. In 99% of cases it is possible to diagnose this is a problem constant supply of food. The HDD is not to blame for unscrewing the spindle, if you see any sign of success, it’s just like that short circuit Some of the board elements may become very hot.

HDD repair is possible in this situation. This is perhaps elemental, then. change around the elements on the electronics board, and the board can also be replaced with a similar one. However, another repair option involves updating the disk's usefulness rather than updating the data. The whole point is that the process of updating the data differs from the process of repairing the fact that when the data is received, a similar electronics board is adjusted with adapters to a “patient bank”, and at the same time repair of a hard However, the “jar” is fitted to the board, which means that new service information and customer data will no longer be available.

The presence of a small number of unreadable sectors in the waste area of ​​the hard drive.

Repairing a hard drive is only possible if the damage is small and can be found in the factory defect lists, because sectors that cannot be read have appeared in the song area and it is possible to cut out part of the zone, to avoid the appearance of even more problems zones However, such repairs are highly permissible in our opinion, unless the accumulators are going to use them to save important data. On the other hand, when bad blocks appear, they become avalanche-like in nature, and it is extremely difficult to turn around the life of a “broken” disk!

Hard disk service area damaged

This problem has begun to resolve itself rarely in recent years, and not least, it is disappearing as soon as a new service area is created (translator, defect-arcouches, etc., leading to a complete turnaround in the efficiency of the accumulation). Sometimes this requires the launch of a new revision and creation of a new “service”, sometimes even minor manipulations on the SMART purification system, reorganization of the translator and storage of service zones by small amounts. At mechanical problems renew the brilliance of the zhorstky The disk is already impossible for the same conditions. However, with the growth of the Winchester hermetic zone in special minds, it is almost impossible to obtain normal work in the near future. Therefore, if your disk has detected any kind of physical leakage, even though repairs are very common, the disk can no longer be repaired, because it is absolutely ineffective, so we cannot guarantee any amount of normal operation.

Poor files

Poshkodzhennya system files This can happen if the system goes into rapto, which makes it difficult to access your hard drive and, therefore, your system. Some reasons for corrupted files to appear include power cuts, faulty programs, running programs accidentally closing, and the PC not being turned on properly. The solution, or rather the prevention of this problem, lies in closing everything running programs, first proceed to the computer. In addition, it is best to work with the computer itself in the standard way, and not press the start button or start turning strand cable s sockets (I don’t want to bother with our hour anymore). In addition to this, you should avoid installing bad programs in general and regularly check and clean the HDD to avoid any nebazhani programs didn’t stay there forever.

Viruses and harmless software

Computer viruses Free programs This is an important factor that can have an extremely negative impact on the performance of the hard drive. They infect the system and destroy system files that are stored elsewhere. The stinks start to disappear from the system zodiac dzherel, for example, on the Internet or foreign hoarder. The attacks of these viruses and bad software are primarily directed to the hard drive itself, and can then spread to other computers, as the smell is associated with the infected machine local measures. Updating your computer's operating system is one of the solutions similar problems. Moreover, one more possible decisionsє installation update frequently clear anti-virus programs. This antivirus will protect your system and your hard drive and protect it so that you are safe from their threats. Since the data stored on your hard drive is of great value to you, it is not worth saving on antivirus.

Virobnichi marriage

Surprisingly, this point also cannot be forgotten if you want the HDD to serve you as long and efficiently as possible. Hard drives that have not previously been tested may fail after several months of failure. This problem is especially noticeable with new hard drives. The most common reason for this is that it causes hard disk failure. The shortest method To avoid this problem - approach the purchase of a new hard drive as carefully as possible and, if necessary, seek qualified assistance. It is very important to check noviy zhorstky disk before it is installed on your computer system, since such a possibility is, of course, e. And yet, it’s impossible to say one hundred hundred thousand times that this won’t happen with your purchase. So, in this case, the only way out of the situation would be to reverse the replacement.


Overheating is also one of the greatest some problems, which can cause hard drives to malfunction If the system is re-engineered, the cooler can begin to turn up more, as a result of which the system begins to heat up immediately after re-installation. Moreover, there is a great possibility of almost third-party clicking noises to indicate that the hard drive is overheating. The reason for this is the lack of proper ventilation or a faulty processor cooler, which overheats the desktop system and the hard drive begins to collapse. Viral problems are often installed correctly The cooler provides sufficient cooling for the hard drive. In addition, you can install special program, how will we inform you about hot temperature disk. If you need to exceed the maximum limit, turn off the computer for an hour and let it cool down, first restore the work, and then, in the future, carry out proper diagnostics.

The computer cannot display the hard drive or BIOS

The failure of the computer to reveal the BIOS or the hard drive will result in a disruption of the power supply, which will be ensured by the DBZ. This leads to the fact that the hard drive is not properly installed, which prevents the computer from detecting either the BIOS or the hard drive. The best way to resolve this problem is to ensure that your PC's hardware components, especially the hard drive, are functioning properly. You can get the job done by simply replacing the cable that connects the DBZ to the computer, and also replace the uninterruptible power supply itself with a model from a more reliable and trusted company.

Problems with your computer

When the hard drive becomes too old, it begins to reveal all sorts of problems that can lead to permanent computer failures. The reason for this lies in the accumulation of bad sectors over a long period of time. In addition, as bad sectors accumulate, the motor and the Winchester read/write head become jammed. As it happens, you will begin to squeak a little, and files and folders will begin to become familiar. You can get rid of this by carrying out massacres periodically twists of the bitter The disk also (again) installs anti-virus programs that protect your hard drive from the threat of viruses that can lead to the creation of bad sectors. Moreover, replacement of the hard one Applying the skin 3-4 times is also a good way to solve the problem.

Human factor

Damages received by the customer also result from hard drive failures. For example, incorrectly installing the operating system, making changes before adjusting the system registry and changing the installation of system files - all this is a wide range of problems that can cause permanent damage to the hard drive. Avoid making any unnecessary changes to system registry settings or changing system files. In addition, make sure you install the operating system correctly.

Hard disks are vitally important for correct work computer systems, however, there are a lot of problems that can lead to the loss of data that was saved on them. However, if you do not make any necessary appearances, you may end up lost possible malfunctions hard disk. Below are some things you need to remember if you don’t want to waste your valuable money:

  • Install a good antivirus program on your computer and update it regularly.
  • Create it first backup copies their tributes to the hidden place.
  • Never shake your computer while running any program.

For assistance in preparing the material, we are grateful to the experts at the AIKEN laboratory.

The best programs for diagnosing a hard drive

If you don’t know anything about the capacity of your hard drive, you may simply not be able to save your money when the critical moment comes. You must understand that any possible problems with your hard drive can catch you up, and you will also need to know when the time comes. backup your data. To follow the Winchester camp, especially if visible reasons Don’t be afraid of any problems, it’s best to fix it clearly security software for periodic diagnostics I will become the most active popular programs you can find out more about it.


Tse is handy no-cost program, how you can control S.M.A.R.T. attributes and display basic information about the disk and its temperature. It comes in several versions, which include more themes and support for several languages. The installer may install another software, so be careful because you don’t want to install a couple of things at the same time unnecessary programs. The program provides a simple interface that displays information about the S.M.A.R.T. attributes of your hard drive, hardware characteristics and temperature. If you have any problems, you can easily find them in the list of attributes.


HDDScan There are several creations to support all types of hard drives, regardless of who spins them. Qia program It is portable, and once installed, you can run it directly without installing it. You can check the status of the S.M.A.R.T. attributes of your hard drive, and you can also deny access to a wider range of tests and functions. It also supports working with RAID arrays, allowing you to run tests on them. These tests include writing, reading and erasing information on the HDD. All completed tests will be added to the Test Manager section, and will automatically be available to run after completion.

PassMark DiskCheckup

This software is safe for testing hard disks special vikoristanny. To get started, you will need to download a small file of 2 MB in size, and then simply install the program. The main contribution is S.M.A.R.T. Info in the program you will receive a current status of the values ​​of attributes, such as the hour of unwinding of a package of disks, the frequency of errors when reading data from the disk, errors that could not be updated, and other methods of removing data from hardware and other parameters. M.A.R.T. This program records the history of characteristics that you should be careful about DickCheckup, which can be used to equalize their outputs under control or failure. DiskCheckup can also run two types of disk tests: short (5 times) and extended (up to 45 times).

HDD Regenerator

HDD Regenerator
You can help reverse the negative effects caused by bad sectors on your hard drive. In some cases, you may find problem areas, so you will be able to continue your regular work at the computer. In other cases, HDD Regenerator provides the ability to dissipate important information, first you will need to completely replace the hard drive. This program is very interesting, the fragments of it support the innocent different types Hard disks. Retailers claim that they can renew approximately 60% of hard drives. And although there is not the greatest chance of success, such a result is still better than nothing. One subjective shortcoming is that the HDD Regenerator can be a little foldable for use on the cob.