The designated location on the hard disk.

Printers Suchasni Hard disks they are about to finish the great ceremony. Since you have hundreds of gigabytes, are you still thinking about cleaning? It’s amazing how so many photos, videos, music and other files start to become viral vilne misce There are no failures on the hard drive, if unnecessary files cause serious failures in the operating system, and then incorrectly corrupted hard disk
lead to breakdown and further repair of the HDD, it is necessary to regularly carry out repairs and optimization of the hard drive. For example, if there are too many time-consuming files in the catalog, the system may operate unstable and corrupted, causing problems due to the large number of programs embedded in it. How to get things right?

How can you figure out what occupies the most space? Windows has a powerful disk verification utility. It can be launched from a graphical interface or

command line . There are also alternative programs.

We have collected information about 10 cost-free tools How can we help you earn money? SpaceSniffer is a portable, cost-free program that will help you understand the structure of folders and files on your hard drive. The SpaceSniffer visualization diagram will clearly show you where large folders and files are located on your devices. The area of ​​the cutaneous rectum is proportional to the size of the file. files.

The file map is located at the bottom of the WinDirStat window.

Kozhen kolorovy recutcutaneous є file or catalogue.

The area of ​​the cutaneous rectum is proportional to the size of the files. The program will have to be installed, but there will be a Russian interface.. Disktective is a cost-free, portable utility that shows the real size of directories and the division of subdirectories and files in them. A folder is selected or the disk is analyzed, and the result is displayed in a tree view and diagrams. The interface is English, the information collected is English. English interface, installation required.

The robot has a powerful and lightweight disk space analyzer that monitors disk space on hard drives, edge drives and NAS servers. The header displays hundreds of disk space allocated by each directory and file. You can also easily view the pie charts that show the results in a graphical format. It takes a lot to adjust. DiskSavvy is available in the free version, as well as the Pro version, which provides additional capabilities technical support Cost-free version

allows you to scan a maximum number of files - 500,000, with maximum capacity, intermediate disks or around directories, displaying results in the form of a tree and histograms in hundreds.

You can save scanned results in multiple formats (.TXT, .CSV, .HTML or .XML). Files can be opened and deleted directly in RidNacs. Before installation, you can add the option to launch programs in the Windows Explorer context menu.

When you scan a folder, you will be taken to the list of selected drives. You can also change the appearance of histograms by installing special skins. The program also contains settings and two language interfaces – English and German.

The portable Scanner program displays a pie chart with concentric rings to display the available space on your hard drive, your external hard drive, hedging disc.

Thus, the urgency of the problem with the shortage of free space on the system disk came at the time of the massive transition of computer users from Windows XP to 7. These versions of the system radically varied in the size of disk space, which is used for their needs. So for a full-fledged Roboti Windows

XP completely had a system partition of 25-30 GB, a computer with the same disk space on which the then new Windows 7 was installed, after installing a couple of programs and accumulating time-consuming files, it was left without any free disk space. Koristuvachi Windows versions up to 8.1 inclusive, having encountered the problem of lack of space on the system disk, use the standard “Disk Cleanup” utility or third-party cleaning programs, and avoid going to a special type of software - so-called analyzers in disk space. Tse


hand tools , which allows you to quickly find important files and quickly get rid of them, either by deleting them or transferring them to another place. Such analyzers scan on the computer and provide data about the disk space occupied by different categories of files.

Tabular data in such utilities is often accompanied by diagrams for a visual assessment of disk space. In Windows 10, the disk space analyzer is installed in the “Skhovishche” section of the system setup. Vin is a synthesis of simplified variants of many


system utilities

, which have been used in many different programs or modules of complex software packages.


In addition to the fact that the tool for analyzing disk space, the utility built into Windows 10 is equipped with various functions for cleaning the system and a simple uninstaller for installed software.


One of the items in the system partition of the disk is “System and reserved”.


While the utility is insured for its residents, there is also information about how much space is occupied by system files.


Naturally, Windows 10 does not transfer any tools to delete these files. The only thing that stands out to us is the “Manage system updates” option, which opens a window of system authorities configured to bring it up to the point of update..


The “Programs and Games” item is, apparently, a more simple uninstaller of installed programs, which does not transfer previously installed universal programs. The other categories include documents, images, multimedia files, but the standard utility does not provide a table of them with the ability to sort by size. When you press the button for detailed viewing of these files, the system transfers the selected folder to the profile in the middle of the explorer for manual deletion unnecessary files Unfortunately, the item “Time clock files” does not provide enough information


detailed information All files themselves will be deleted. Acknowledged values It is unlikely that they will experiment with such uncertainty, and the newbies-pre-students, who have done everything, will save space on the disk, without realizing what has been seen..


Read the report about the article. The smartest item in the Windows 10 disk space analyzer might be to select “More”. Here, in order of reduced size, folders with files are displayed that are not categorized as music, video, documents, and images.

Files of these categories are usually saved in folders of the user’s profile or specially created directories on non-system disk partitions, and they can be viewed instead in Explorer or a file manager without the usual disk space analyzers.

It would be much more useful for us to tell the correspondents, for example, about saving important files, perhaps no longer needed distributions 15% operating systems or else could function fully - without hanging or hanging. Newly hard drives rarely keep up with less wear and tear 500 GB

Therefore, when dividing a hard drive into sections, it is not possible to separate the system. System partition You can kindly put things in order 100 GB . There is no need to download it for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10, in which case you will not need to constantly clean out the folders


and demarcate the system with space to create points of renewal. You can kindly put things in order How can you find out which files take up a lot of space on your computer? . And if you save your computer files on the system disk - large music collections, HD videos, large distribution software - or install current resource-intensive games on the system disk, you can download them

maybe not vistachiti. As Windows sees a notification about the lack of space on the system disk, it takes an hour (for cleaning folders), firstly) conduct an analysis of the disk space of the computer. You can restore order to your computer by clearing the disk of unnecessary files using Windows Explorer or file manager . Ale tse live method At the same time, it is clear where and what important files can consume the space of the system disk. In other situations, it’s better to get help, special programs, - Disk space analyzers. This type of program scans computer disks and provides basic data about all existing files in a manual visual and tabular display. Among the popular disk space analyzers, you can include the following programs: WinDirStat

Scanner TreeSize Pro. Recently, you can find out about the files on your computer that are irrationally taking up disk space, and you can get help popular programs for cleaning the system - . Most people know the software CCleaner as an effective tool for cleaning timely files, Internet cache, system registry, etc.

system mittya

The functionality of disk analysis in CCleaner, for the most part, does not sacrifice anything similar to the capabilities that are implemented in other programs, video, and other things.

With CCleaner, you can graphically display information about the different partitions of your computer’s disk, both system and non-system. Files located on the computer, CCleaner presents them into one category - video, music, pictures, documents, archives, email, other files. In the program window, select a section "Service" then go to the tab "Disk Analysis". Afterwards, only the main categories of files will be selected for analysis. , If necessary, you can add archive files and , by e-mail . Select the computer disk –.




etc. - I embossed"Analysis" CCleaner allows you to sort all categories of files, or each category can also be sorted by size. It will be clear which files take up the most space on one or another partition of the disk. By pressing the appropriate sorting criterion in the table, the results of the analysis can also be sorted by file names, their type (format), and placement paths..

In the meantime, you can create a pie chart with visual information to analyze the space occupied by certain categories of files.

Important files can be deleted from

system disk Files located on the computer, CCleaner presents them into one category - video, music, pictures, documents, archives, email, other files. Or transfer them to a non-system one. From the results of the disk space analysis, select required file

, click the context menu and emboss "Unlock folder". The System Explorer window will open, where you can get the file from the system disk or delete it again. Find duplicate files using CCleaner CCleaner can now detect duplicate files. To start searching for duplicate files in a section open the tab. "Search for duplicates" There will be no significant loss of disk space if you delete a small file.

It is easier to avoid duplicates when operating system distributions, videos and other important files. Visibility found CCleaner program

Duplicating files is possible in the same way as in the results of disk space analysis.

Click on the context menu for the selected file and select the option to open it with your dad. Food “What takes up so much space on my hard drive?” Sometimes the building should be placed in a remote area.

I would like to give away all the important folders with documents, music, films, and also installed programs we know, but... If we click on the “Power” of the hard drive and the apparent result of a constant and busy activity, then it is understandable that there is an obvious inconsistency - where did the money go (and maybe a dozen or so gigabys) t of our expensive disk space. In such situations, you can conduct an audit of user profiles, check the accessed system files and folders, the size of the swap file (Pagefile.sys), the sleep file (hiberfil.sys), the System Volume Information folder, which is stored control points

update the system, start the regular

Windows utility

– “Disk cleanup” then.

WinDirStat collects information from the selected disk and displays it in three types.

A list of directories, which resembles the tree-like structure of Windows Explorer, is displayed in the upper left corner and sorts files and folders by their size.

The expanded list, which appears in the upper right corner, shows statistics for various file types.

The file map is located at the bottom of the WinDirStat window. Kozhen kolorovy recutcutaneous є file or catalogue. The area of ​​the cutaneous rectum is proportional to the size of the files and subtrees. The program is not portable, but has a Russian interface. I didn’t get too carried away with my setup, but I immediately noticed one nuance - the System Volume Information folder, which I thought was a program, was empty.

The file map is located at the bottom of the WinDirStat window.

In reality, this is not the case, the system update is enabled and currently only a little more than 3 GB is being downloaded.

So the program arrived.

For each selected folder or drive, GetFoldersize displays the total size of all files in that folder or drive, as well as the number of files and attachments they have.

You can use GetFoldersize to scan an unlimited number of files and folders on internal and external hard drives, DVDs, and media drives. This program supports long file and folder names and Unicode characters and can display file sizes in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes. GetFoldersize allows you to grow a folder tree and save information in a text file. Versions of GetFoldersize are available in both the portable version and in installations, so you can carry it with you on a flash drive or external USB drive


However, if you install GetFoldersize, you will be given the option to launch from the context menu in Windows Explorer, which allows you to print the scanned volume of a folder or disk by right-clicking on them.

Free Disk Analyzer deserved more than any other program.

During the installation process, you will be prompted to select from 5 languages, Russian presence.

The free disk analyzer displays disks on the left side of the window in the Windows Explorer icon, which allows you to quickly navigate to the required folder or file. On the right side of the window, all folders and files are displayed on the selected folder or disk, the size of that part of the disk space, which folder or file is selected. Tabs at the bottom of the window allow you to quickly select and view large files or folders. You can manage your files directly within the program just like in Windows Explorer. With additional options, you can launch a special program, as well as a customization menu, which allows you to filter song files:

If you have previously had problems with the “waste” of disk space, tell us how you used any programs (or actions) to install them. Size of today's hard disks

is calculated in terabytes, but there is more room for them, as before, where one knows. And since you are a Swedish hairdresser, but a lot less solid state accumulator

, then the situation could become even more catastrophic.

For further help three programs You can clearly evaluate how much space it takes up on the disk, and praise the decision to clean it up. The most popular cleaner for Windows has in its arsenal a special tool for searching great files

. You can find it in the “Service” section and it’s called “Disk Analysis”. It can show a map of the disk's fullness in the same way as the previous utility. However, here you can easily adjust the depth of view and the number of details that are displayed. This makes it possible to get the largest catalogs right away, and then dig deeper into the depths